2005年第29  創刊第326 11/22/2005


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

v      Wednesday Lunch Talk -- From Enmity to Rapprochement: Grand Strategy, Power Politics, and U.S.- China Relations, 1961-1974 (11/30, Los Angeles)

v      Lecture Series: Cantonese Opera and the Chinese Disapora in England (12/2, Los Angeles)

v      Heroic Grace: The Chinese Martial Arts Film, Part II (12/11, Los Angeles)

v      中国共青团中央、全国青联、欧美同学会 联合邀请函 (12/21-22北京﹔12/5報名截止)


v     美国华裔医学科学家协会 (NSMS-CAA) - Job Opportunities

v      San José State University Announcement of Position Availability

News and Announcements

v      2006 國際人才交流大會及高新技術展在沈陽舉辦

v      江苏首次将正厅级高官纳入公选

v      2010年的上海节约计划已定  万元生产总值能耗降低18%左右

v      广东同乡联会组团赴港参加第三届世粤大会

v      Chinese graduates are expected to exceed 4.1 million in 2006

v      中国中医研究院正式更名为中国中医科学院

v      U.S. students studying in mainland China shockingly rose 90%

v      Net Forum - 是谁“害”了我们的经济学家  (秦晓鹰)

v      Chinese students in US rebounded to 62,523

v      周济: 中国50%初中生需经中职教育进入劳动力市场

v      中国教育部强调给予民办职校与公办职校同等地位

v      Middle-income Chinese to grow rapidly by 2020

v      薄熙来:中国将保持外商投资政策稳定

v      萧万长:大陆与港澳台整合 中华经济圈正在成型

v      Singapore to set up institute of Chinese language

v      吴敬琏痛斥旧型工业化道路对中国经济带来的七种不良影响

v      Numerous HK and Taiwan people live in mainland

v      美國掀起學漢語的熱潮

v      美国最新民意调查显示中国威胁论在美国人心中渐趋淡化

v      China, Europe reach deal on space co-op

v      中国财政部部长金人庆:预计今年中国财政收入要突破三万亿元人民币

v      大学排名:高校要为社会而非名次服务

v      溫鐵軍: 中國經濟從依靠外向型的經濟轉為依靠內需型的經濟

v      台湾儿童福利联盟上周公布2005年台湾地区儿童人权维护调查报告

v      China's 2005 GDP to exceed 15 trillion RMB

v      刘明康:外资银行进驻中西部和东北可获优惠

v      China - France Joint Doctorate Fellowship

v      教育部长周济: 2020年实现高等教育毛入学率40%

v      香港八月至十月的失业率为5.3%  是四年来最低

v      China granted 649 foreigners "green cards"

v      中国超重人群已经达到两亿人

v      中国教育部:因入学适龄青年将在2008年至2009年达到峰值 近两年大学仍将继续扩招

v      Chinese intellectuals risk death from overwork

v      为什么中央政令有时出不了中南海 (谭雄伟)

v      China utilized US$605 billion foreign capital (Zhao Shengyu)

v      中国人为何勤劳却不富有 邓聿文)

v      High Performance Anti - bacteria Materials in China (MOST)

v      加强人员互访和学术交流 康奈尔大学将与华联合办学建长期合作关系


中国共青团中央、全国青联、欧美同学会 联合邀请函

2005海外学人创业论坛”、“部长形势报告会”、“聚焦大型民营企业”专题活动(参加人员均在北京报到,上海、广东不再设报名点,详情请看(http://cyc90.cycnet.com/ocss2004/2005cyz/hdfa.jsp )。北京的集中活动结束后,还将组织海外学人分六条路线分赴北京、天津、上海、江苏、山东、辽宁、河南、江西、重庆、福建、广东11个省、市开展经贸考察、项目合作和人才交流活动。




2006 國際人才交流大會及高新技術展在沈陽舉辦


遼寧省人事廳代表團於上周在聖瑪連諾市舉行新聞發佈會.團長林國軍先生介紹在2006年九月十九月至廾五日在沈陽召開中國國際人才交流大會暨高新技術展,並邀請各界人仕踴躍參加.大會主題是融全球智,共同發展.詳情可參閱 http://liaoning.calep.org 或徐玉珍女士聯系   yushen_china@hotmail.com


代表團員王吉平及賈雲艷是丹東市人事和外國專家局長介紹當地邊境旅游及投資草莓,造紙,柞蚕絲,熒光分析儀等項目.有興趣者可与 ddsyzb1@mail.ddptt.ln.cn   聯絡. Back



Wednesday Lunch Talk -- From Enmity to Rapprochement: Grand Strategy, Power Politics, and U.S.- China Relations, 1961-1974 (11/30, Los Angeles)

Presentation by Dong Wang

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Bunche 11377
Los Angeles, CA 90095

For more information please contact: Tel: (310) 825-8683 gunde@ucla.edu

Sponsor(s): Center for Chinese Studies









Lecture Series: Cantonese Opera and the Chinese Disapora in England (12/2, Los Angeles)

Tong Soon Lee presents a lecture in the series New Approaches to Chinese Studies

Friday, December 02, 2005
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
10383 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095

For more information please contact: Richard Gunde
Tel: 310 825-8683 gunde@ucla.edu




2010年的上海节约计划已定  万元生产总值能耗降低18%左右









  建筑节能,要求到2010年居民建筑节能水平达到65%,公共建筑节能水平达到50%。 在交运节能上将构筑高效、低耗、清洁的城市交通系统,控制油品等交运用能的过快增长。上海外环线以内670平方公里城区内,人口已达到911万,是人口密度大的资源能源严重短缺城市。目前,申城万元GDP能耗为1.03吨标准煤,比全国低三分之一。万元GDP用水量为150立方米,是全国的三分之一。但与国际先进水平相比,上海还存在一定差距,必须突破土地利用、能源消耗、水资源、原材料供应和环保等5大资源环境瓶颈。Back


Heroic Grace: The Chinese Martial Arts Film, Part II

UCLA Film and Television Archive will showcase from Nov. 17 to Dec. 11 a selection of Hong Kong Martial Arts, Kung Fu films, and Wuxia films from studios like Cathay, Shaw Brothers, and Golden Harvest.

Sunday, December 11, 2005, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
James Bridges Theatre, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Ave. LA, CA 90095

For the complete program -- titles, times, and dates -- visit www.cinema.ucla.edu

 For more information please contact:

UCLA Film & Television Archive         Tel: 310 206-8013

Sponsor(s): Film and Television Archive,

Panasonic, Cathay Pacific Airways, and W Los Angeles Westwood  Back






Chinese graduates are expected to exceed 4.1 million in 2006


China's Ministry of Education:   Chinese graduates are expected to exceed 4.1 million in 2006, more than 700,000 higher than that of 2005. Relevant authorities indicated that this year China will further carry out all employment policies for graduates, encouraging them to start and accomplish their careers at the primary levels and the neediest regions. Meanwhile the Ministry of Education will strengthen guidance for graduates' employment, endeavoring to keep the employment ratio above 70% during the eleventh "Five-year Plan" period (2006-2010).  Back



国家卫生部副部长佘靖在北京人民大会堂举行的中国中医研究院五十周年庆典大会上宣布中国中医研究院正式更名为中国中医科学院  。目前,该院拥有十三个研究所、六家医院和一个研究生院,十三个国家中医药管理局重点学科、十四个国家三级实验室,先后培养博、硕士研究生一千二百五十人和近百位老中医药专家学术经验继承人,累计推出九百多项科研成果。国务院副总理吴仪,全国人大常委会副委员长许嘉璐、韩启德,全国政协副主席周铁农以及世界卫生组织驻华代表贝汉卫等人出席了庆典大会。Back


U.S. students studying in mainland China shockingly rose 90%


China Institute of International Education (IIE): in 2003-2004, the number of U.S. students studying in mainland China shockingly rose 90%, making mainland China the largest destination country of US students in Asia.  Statistics show that during the 2003-2004, 4,737 US students came to study in mainland China, a rapid growth of 90% over a year earlier. Education experts said such rapid increase is encouraging. According to their analysis, besides the recovery after SARS, China's greater influence around the globe also served as a vital cause for the US to pay more attention to this nation. The number of US students studying in India also grew 65% to 1,157.


During the same period, the U.S. has sent over 191,300 students to study abroad, rising 9.6% year on year. US students still favored Europe the most, where the U.K., Italy, Spain and France were the top four destinations for them. In the U.K. there were more than 32,200 US students.


Asia attracted over 13,200 US students. Mainland China became the top choice in Asia and the ninth destination nation for U.S. students. More than 3,700 Americans chose to study in Japan, 487 in Hong Kong and 195 in Taiwan. Most US students prefer short-term courses overseas during their vacations. Only 6% among them stay for longer than an academic year overseas and 38% stay for longer than one semester.






Net Forum - 是谁“害”了我们的经济学家  (秦晓鹰)












鸟的翅膀捆上了金子,它就无法飞翔。中国的经济学家应谨防流感! Back


Chinese students in US rebounded to 62,523  

Institute of International Education (IIE):  The number of students from Mainland China in the United States is rebounded slightly by a margin of 1% to 62,523 in the 2004/2005 school year. China remains the States' second largest source country of overseas students. In the meantime, the number of visiting scholars from China to the US has increased rapidly by a margin of 15% to more than 17,000. During the 2004/2005 year, the number of overseas students in universities and research institutions in the US continued to fall slightly by a margin of 1% year on year to 565,000. The decline mainly attributes to difficulties in getting a visa, higher tuition fees, competition of other English-speaking countries, improved quality of education in overseas student source countries, and students' idea of difficulties to go study in the US.


India, the States' largest overseas student source country, sent more than 80,000 students to the States. Mainland China reversed the 5% decline a year earlier in the number of new students studying in the US and ranked second, followed by South Korea, Japan, Canada and Taiwan (nearly 26,000). The number of students from the Middle East continued to fall and students from Saudi Arabia dropping visibly by a margin of 14%.  According to IIE statistics, overseas students brought the States USD13.3 billion revenue last year. Two-third students depend on their families or themselves for their spending in the US and 72% of the money came from outside of the US. In the 2004/2005 year, the US received 89,600-odd visiting scholars from other countries and regions, among whom 20% were from China, followed by South Korea, India, Japan and Germany.  Back


周济: 中国50%初中生需经中职教育进入劳动力市场 


教育部部长周济日前在”贯彻落实全国职教会议精神座谈会”上提出了近年职业教育目标:中国50%的初中毕业生需经中等职业教育进入劳动力市场,50%以上的高中毕业生需经高等职业教育走上经济社会发展的第一线。 2005年,中国中等职业学校还要继续扩大招生规模100万人,力争总体招生规模达到750万人以上。到2010年,职业教育的目标是普通高中和中等职业学校在招生和在校生人数基本平衡。届时初中毕业生大概是2000万人左右,普通高中和中等职业学校各招800万人,高中阶段教育毛入学率达到80%,基本普及高中阶段教育。Back




教育部:民办职业学校与公办职业学校在招生、学校评估、学生待遇、师资队伍建设、国家职业教育扶持项目安排等方面享受平等待遇。 民办职业教育已成为中国职业教育的重要组成部分。2004年,全国有民办中等职业学校1657所,招生52万人,在校学生数达110多万人。全国民办中等职业学校的机构数、招生数和在校生数分别占中等职业教育总数的10.9%9.2%7.9%。民办高等职业学校有217所,招生29.7万人,在校学生数达63.4万人,分别占全国高职高专总数的20.7%12.5%10.6%。《国务院关于大力发展职业教育的决定》要求大力发展民办职业教育。这位负责人表示,教育部强调给予民办职业教育与公办职业教育同等地位,同时也表示,要把民办职业学校建设纳入当地经济社会发展、教育改革和城乡建设规划。在民办职业学校建设用地、资金筹集、招生等方面进一步优化环境,为民办职业学校牵线搭桥引资办学。对民办学校的建设要按照公益事业用地及建设的有关规定给予优惠。优先审批一批具备条件的民办职业学校,帮助民办职业学校解决好招生困难的问题,特别是要帮助解决好民办职业学校跨省招生的困难,把民办职业学校的招生纳入招生计划,克服通过中介招生的弊病。同时,帮助解决好民办职业学校学生到企业实习的问题。Back




Middle-income Chinese to grow rapidly by 2020


China National Development and Reform Commission's economic institute: from 2000 to 2020, the proportion of middle-income Chinese will witness rapid growth. Based on the annual income of between some 34,000 (ca US$4,200) to 100,000 Yuan, in 2002 around 7% Chinese people belonged to the middle-income group. By 2005 the proportion will not exceed 10%. The middle-income proportion in an entirely well-off society should be higher than 50%; therefore China should realize at least an average annual increase of 2.6 percentage points from now on.


Chen pointed out that should the urbanization ratio be 60%, there will be 840 million urban residents by 2020 based on a population of 1.4 billion, or 280 million urban households based on three members in a family. 50% of Chinese becoming middle-income means that a majority of urban families and a small portion of rural households reach the middle-income level. Back




商务部长薄熙来日前在商务部举办的跨国公司西部投资座谈会上表示,中国将继续保持外商投资政策的稳定。中国将毫不动摇地继续推进对外开放的政策,以开放促改革、促发展,继续积极地、合理地利用外资,这是我能带给各位的最积极、最重要的信息。对外开放是中国的基本国策。在国内市场和国际市场联系日益紧密的情况下,中国将会以宽广的世界眼光,着力提高对外开放水平,实施互利共赢的开放战略。 十一五期间,中国将继续制定政策措施引导外资投向中西部地区,以实现中国区域经济的和谐平衡发展,希望跨国公司将中国东西部的经济要素进行分析和研究,积极到西部地区投资发展。





萧万长:大陆与港澳台整合 中华经济圈正在成型 




萧万长认为,在这种形势下,一个中华民族的经济圈正在成型。进行经济整合,肯定可以达到经济效益倍增的效果,一加一肯定大于二。 萧万长提出,两岸之间应建立协商沟通的平台,比如在民间开展学术论坛,或由官方开展规划制度聚会,然后既可以地区为单位进行经济整合,也可以行业为类别进行经济整合。Back


Singapore to set up institute of Chinese language


Professor Lv Bisong, founder of the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), would join hands with his Singaporean partners to establish an international institute of Chinese language in Singapore.  By the end of 2004, HSK has set up 151 exam centers in 34 countries throughout the world to test the Chinese proficiency of foreign learners. Originated in 1990, the examination has had more than 200,000 examinees, and the number has kept rising year by year. In 2004 alone, 90,000 people around the world took the exam and this year the number is expected to be even larger.  Back





第一,扬短避长,降低效率。 中国资源禀赋的特点是:人力资源丰富、自然资源短缺、资本资源紧俏、生态环境脆弱。在这样的条件下集中力量发展重化工业,显然是扬短避长,妨碍效率提高。





第六,抑制服务业发展。由于高附加值的服务业和制造业中的服务性业务发展不足,我们只能给外国企业卖硬苦力。结果是,我们消耗了大量不可再生资源,承受着环境污染,背负着"倾销"的恶名,可是利润的大头却不在自己手里。 吴敬琏举例说,瑞士-美国合资的罗技(Logitech)公司,每年在美国销售二千万个在苏州制造的鼠标,鼠标单价四十美元,其中,罗技得八美元,分销商和零售商得十五美元,零配件供应商得十四美元,包括工人工资、电力和其它经常开支苏州仅得三美元。《华尔街日报》说,罗技公司的苏州货仓是当前世界经济的缩影。




Numerous HK and Taiwan people live in mainland


The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government released a survey, showing that among the 6.8 million HK residents, some 480,000 have already moved to mainland China to settle down or stay for a long period of time, of whom 42% moved since 2002. Main reasons for their migration lie in Mainland China's preferable living environment, relatively low living cost, broader living space, fresher air and few difficulties in adapting to a new life. These factors are quite attractive for the elderly, middle-aged and youngsters, and offer great opportunities for the middle-aged and youths to study, start business and develop.


The mainland is also attractive to Taiwanese. According to a survey on the investment environment and risks in Mainland China organized by Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association, Shanghai has received more than 45,000 Taiwanese migrants, among whom 60% are content and quite satisfied with their residence. Numbers of Taiwanese who have migrated to Shenzhen, Xiamen or other cities are even larger.


In the past, especially before Hong Kong's return to China, many HK people and Taiwanese did not know the true situations and have misunderstanding and prejudice against the mainland. In view of China's great achievement that sparked the world, as well as improving conditions and business opportunities in the mainland, more and more HK and Taiwanese decided to move to the mainland. It is prominently a world-shaking change and a reflection of the new age that HK and Taiwan people are willing to settle down in the mainland. The implementation of "One Country, Two Systems" policy has greatly enhanced HK people's understanding of and confidence in China and shattered the wall between HK and mainland people.  Back

 ======== ========================



在美國太平洋沿岸的舊金山、洛杉磯等沿海城市,學漢語的人雖還沒有學西班牙語等傳統外語的人多,但已掀起學漢語的熱潮。芝加哥、費城和休士頓等城市,以及內陸肯塔基州、堪薩斯州等州對學漢語的熱情也大增。隨著中國經濟的蓬勃發展和國際地位的日益提高,為瞭解中國並在與中國做生意時更為方便,美國人掀起學漢語的熱潮,漢語熱使漢語教師需求大增。 目前在美國只有五萬學生在公立學校學漢語,另有五萬學生通過別的途徑學漢語。如果美國學生學漢語的人數增長5%,那麼就需要2.5萬名合格的漢語教師,而目前只有一千名漢語教師。為了解決漢語教師短缺問題,美國的一些慈善基金會和企業的基金會開始資助有關漢語教師的項目。 美國大學對漢語教師的需求也在增加。在大學生中,漢語的重要性位列第七位,排在西班牙語、法語、德語、義大利語等外語的後面,但排在俄語和阿拉伯語的前面。統計數字顯示,2002年學漢語的大學生有3.4萬名,比1998年增加了20%。今年,耶魯大學報名學漢語的人與去年相比猛增了68%。  Back







  此次调查还发现,多数美国人将恐怖主义和伊拉克问题作为美国对外政策的最大问题,将经贸列为最大问题的受访者仅占6%  Back


China, Europe reach deal on space co-op


The Chinese government and the European Space Agency have signed an agreement to cooperate on space programs for peaceful purposes. The deal covers seven areas, including space exploration, non-gravity and space observation. Since the 1980s, China and the European Space Agency have carried out quite a number of cooperative space programs for peaceful purposes. The agreement will provide legal framework for the two sides to expand cooperation on space technology, space science and space travel.  Back










美国哥伦比亚大学教授、中国教育研究中心主任曾满超指出,大学领导者应该对排行榜有清醒和冷静的认识,要通过提高教育质量来提升学校的综合实力。 西安交通大学党委副书记、副校长丘进也认为,大学排名只能是对大学发展的现状予以追认,并不意味着它们的未来。大学是否知名、是否一流,仅靠采取种种立竿见影的举措是难以实现的,就像那些被公认为名牌的日用产品,是厂家经过长年累月的、无声无息的艰苦努力,不断改进性能,提高质量,才逐渐为用户所接受,其“名牌”和“一流”,实际上是消费者心中对此种产品的认可程度,绝非任何纯粹的宣传或评比可以达到的。Back


美国华裔医学科学家协会 (NSMS-CAA) - Job Opportunities

(1) Research/Sr. Research Scientist
Location:    Frederick, MD
Required Experience:     3-5 years
Required Education:     Doctorate Degree or Equivalent

    We are seeking a highly motivated research scientist with preclinical expertise in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics to join a unique opportunity within YalePharma. As part of this team, you will be responsible for the contribution, assignments, and implementation of day-to-day preclinical activities in a product development environment. This position will have hands on and management responsibility for the design, execution and analysis of Antiviro® transdermal drug delivery studies (in vivo and in vitro). You will be responsible for the development of preclinical study protocols and approval and conducting studies under good animal care and handling guidelines. You will interact in a matrix organization with formulation, analytical, and engineering to evaluate Antiviro® drug delivery systems in appropriate preclinical models. Activities will focus on delivery kinetics, effect of formulation, effect on skin tolerability, and drug specific delivery performance. Strong background in preclinical drug delivery studies is needed, as well a solid background in analytical assays/methods. Serves as the technical expert for the organization in the application of advanced theories, concepts, principles, and processes for an assigned area of responsibility. The problems must be approached through a series of complete and conceptually related studies, are difficult to define, require unconventional or novel approaches, and require sophisticated research techniques. You will be responsible for full data reporting, and analysis, including oral presentations and written technical reports.

    A PhD in pharmacology or biology, an emphasis in pharmacokinetics with 3-5 years industry experience or an MS/MA in the same field of study, with 6 plus years of industry experience. Advanced understanding of preclinical research in a pharmaceutical drug development environment, including cross-functional R&D project development activities is highly desirable. Expertise in PK/PD systems with various types of preclinical/clinical pharmacology data and use of software. Hands on pre-clinical experience for PK/PD studies is essential. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are essential. Leadership, supervisory skills, creativity, and knowledge of drug delivery are a plus. Excellent interpersonal, organizational, negotiation and communication skills. Ability to work both independently and in a team environment. Proven ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously.

Online Application: Ms. Maria Johnson personnel@yalepharmaceuticals.com

(2) Pharmacologist, Lead Identification and Product Planning
Human Genome Sciences
Human Genome Sciences Homepage
Location:     Rockville, MD
Required Experience:     2-5 years
Required Education:     Doctorate Degree or Equivalent

CoGenesys, a new division of Human Genome Sciences, is seeking an experienced pharmacologist who wants to maintain a start-up mentally with regard to pace, passion, and potential and is interested in assuming primary responsibility for design, interpretation and contracting of large and small animal pharmacology studies to support IND-enabling characterization of proteins and antibodies. The candidate will be expected to participate actively as a member of a fast-paced team charged with the responsibility for providing rapid go-no-go assessment of the in vivo efficacy of novel candidates in a wide array of disease areas including cardiovascular disease, oncology, immunology, infectious disease and metabolic disease. Hands-on experience is required, and many studies will be contracted with a CRO or academic collaborator and, as a result, experience in this regard is preferred. Candidates should have a working knowledge of existing animal models used to assess the efficacy of biologics in at least one of the above areas and should have the ability and willingness to develop a working knowledge of appropriate animal models for multiple areas of investigation. The successful scientist will share the responsibility for reviewing the potential development opportunities, prioritizing lead protein candidates, and determining the overall strategy used to assess the efficacy of lead protein candidates. You must be able to present plans, timelines, and data as well as write study reports for FDA submission. You will be joining a group which has successfully filed more than 10 INDs over the past ten years and who maintain a start-up mentally with regard to pace, passion, and potential. If you are looking for an opportunity to be part of a close-knit team bent on translating science into medicine and you possess the aforementioned skills and experience, please apply.

PhD or equivalent experience in Pharmacology or Biology. 5-10 years of research experience with an emphasis on in vivo animal work, extensive knowledge of animal models, ability to design and conduct animal studies and interpret the data, willingness to learn new techniques. Strong oral and written communication skills, well organized. Ability to work well with others in a team environment.

Online Application: Human Genome Sciences



溫鐵軍: 中國經濟從依靠外向型的經濟轉為依靠內需型的經濟


溫鐵軍長期從事中國農村經濟的研究,現在擔任中國人民大學農業與農村發展學院院長。他最近指出,中國經濟現在正面臨農村勞動力過剩、生產過剩和資本過剩的問題,如果能在未來的15年的經濟發展戰略進行調整,將可以推動中國經濟從依靠外向型的經濟轉為依靠內需型的經濟。經過20多年經濟高速成長的發展,中國從一個計劃經濟的機制正在迅速轉變為市場經濟的機制。但是世界上沒有一個國家可以長期始終處於高速經濟發展的過程中。很多高速發展帶來社會和經濟問題需要有關一個喘息和調整時期。現在中國正在制定新的五年發展規劃,其目標就是重新調整戰略,建立科學發展的目標,建設中國的和諧社會。 儘管中國經濟發展迅速,原來中國社會中存在的城鄉差別、貧富差別、沿海地區與內陸地區差別繼續存在而沒有有所消弭,在某些方面正在擴大。胡錦濤提出建設中國的和諧社會的目的在於要逐步消除這些基本差別的現象。






溫鐵軍說,從勞動力過剩引發產品過剩,產品過剩引發資本過剩,其結果中國經濟的發展只能依靠世界經濟,只能依靠世界經濟的繁榮,相反如果世界經濟發生危機,也將極大地衝擊中國經濟本身。最近中國的經濟決策高層把科學發展作為制定下一個五年計劃的基準,其中一個最重要的條件就是需要增加中國農村的投資,增加農業設施的投資,增加教育和社會福利的投入,減少農村人口壓力,使得城市勞動力的收入增加,進而帶動中國國內的市場需求,使得中國經濟的發展真正立足於本國需求的經濟結構。  Back


 San José State University Announcement of Position Availability


San José, California 95192


Announcement of Position Availability

Subject to Budgetary Approval

Job Requisition Number (JRN):                               Sport Management Specialist


 Rank:  Assistant or Associate Professor; rank/salary commensurate with experience and degree



1.             Doctorate strongly preferred, ABD considered.  Must be a specialist in sport management.

2.                    Demonstrated ability to teach courses in sport management at the undergraduate and graduate level, serve on thesis committees, supervise theses, supervise internships, and advise in the specialization.

3.                    Demonstrated ability to conduct research, develop grants, and publish.  Must have a theoretical background that includes sport sub-specialties such as sport economics, sport municipalities, sport law, sport marketing, sport ethics, sport facilities, sport arena management, sport and public relations.

4.                    Experience and background working in a metropolitan university setting as related to sport management.

5.                    Ability to work with colleagues to continue the development of a contemporary sport management program at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

6.                    Membership in the appropriate professional associations.

7.                    Required: awareness of and sensitivity to the educational goals of a multicultural population as might have been gained in cross-cultural study, training, teaching and other comparable experience.


1.                    Primary responsibility to teach sport management at the undergraduate and graduate levels, supervise interns, supervise theses, serve on thesis committees, and advise students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.  May also be expected to teach core courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, teach in the general education program, and/or teaching in the physical activity program.  Ability to teach upper division writing to major students is particularly desirable.

2.                    Actively engage in a community outreach to develop the sport management program, and generate community involvement.

3.                    Conduct research, develop grants, present professional papers, and publish in sport management professional journals.

4.                    Serve on department and university committees as appropriate.

5.                    Candidate must address the needs of a student population of great diversity – in age, cultural background, ethnicity, primary language and academic preparation – through course materials, teaching strategies and advisement.


Salary Range: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Starting Date: Fall 2006

Eligibility: Employment is contingent upon proof of eligibility to work in the United States.

Application Procedures: For full consideration send a letter of application, vita, statement of teaching interest/philosophy and research plans, and contact information for at least three references by February 1, 2006 to:   (Please include the Job Requisition Number on all correspondence.)

Mailing Address/Information Contact:        

                Chair, Sport Management Search Committee          E-mail:  vgpayne@kin.sjsu.edu

                Department of Kinesiology                                     Phone (408) 924-3012

                                San José State University        Fax (408)924-3053

                                San José, CA 95192-0054      For more information see:  www.sjsu.edu/depts/casa/hup






China's 2005 GDP to exceed 15 trillion RMB


Finance Minister Jin Renqing said at the US Business Week ninth annual CEO conference that in the first three quarters of this year, China's GDP growth reached 9.4%. He predicted that the country's GDP would exceed 15 trillion RMB (US$1.8 trillion) this year.  Jin indicated that China's GDP growth was 9.5% in 2003 and 2004. In the first three quarters of 2005, the GDP growth reached 9.4% and GDP in 2005 is predicted to be higher than 15 trillion RMB. Based on sustainable economic development, China's fiscal revenue has also maintained exciting growth. In 2004, its fiscal revenue reached 2.6396 trillion RMB; in the first three quarters of 2005, the revenue rose 16.7% compared with the same period last year. According to preliminary estimate, China's fiscal revenue will break the 3 trillion RMB mark this year.


This most senior official of the Ministry of Finance pointed out that in the future China would continue to boost reform on fiscal and taxation systems, actively support reform on state-owned enterprises and financial system, and promote perfection of income allocation, social security, education, public health and other systems.  Back




中国银监会主席刘明康日前表示: 外资银行目前已成为我国银行体系中不可或缺的重要力量。银监会支持外资银行在中西部和东北地区设立机构、开展业务,鼓励和支持外资金融机构参与这些地区的中小金融机构重组改造,促进区域金融协调发展。 对外资银行在这些地区设立机构和开办业务的申请实行优惠政策,比如,在审批过程中设立绿色通道,在同等条件下优先审批外资银行到这些地区设立机构和开办业务的申请;积极研究对地区的外资银行经营人民币业务实行更加优惠的准入政策,等等。 截至20059月末,共有20个国家和地区的69家外国银行在中国设立了232家营业性机构。外资银行在华资产总额为6606.6亿元,占我国银行业金融机构资产总额的2%左右,外资银行在华机构外汇贷款额占我国金融市场外汇贷款总额的20%左右。Back


China - France Joint Doctorate Fellowship


The Chinese and French governments have recently launched a joint fellowship program for doctorate students , in a move to forge a close and long lasting relationship between the two nations in the field of science and technology. The initiative makes the cooperation disciplines that have been defined by the two governments as the priorities fields to be financed. They include biology and biotechnology, medical science, environment, material science, mathematics, information science, agronomy, telecommunication, electronics, aeronautics and space, chemistry, energy, earth science, and cosmology. The fellowship recipient can pursue a study either for a Chinese doctorate, or a French doctorate, or a dual doctorate jointly issued by both Chinese and French authorities. Under the initiative, the fellowship recipient will be trained in both China and France on a rotational basis, with a joint tutorship for their doctorate thesis. One can consult the following websites for more information on qualification requirements, application procedures, financing, and actions needed: http://www.ambafrance-en.org/(Chinese), http://www.ambafrance-en.org/fr/(French) .


教育部长周济: 2020年实现高等教育毛入学率40% 


教育部长周济在2005年亚洲教育北京论坛上发表主题演讲时表示,2004年,中国936%的人口地区基本普及九年义务教育,青壮年文盲率下降到4%以下。高等教育已进入大众化的发展阶段。1998年到2004年,全国普通高校全日制招生数从108万人增长到447万人,目前中国高等教育的总规模已经达到了2000万人,毛入学率已经达到了19%,进入了国际公认的大众化发展阶段。我国现已建立了一个基本适应中国现代化建设需要的世界上最大规模的教育体系,目前,全国各级各类在校学生人数达到了25亿人,教师达到了1300万人。 中国将在全面普及九年义务教育的基础上,实现基本普及高中阶段教育的目标。即每年大概有2000万左右的学生能够普及九年义务教育,并且每年使850万左右的初中毕业生进入普通高中,还有850万左右的毕业生接受中等职业教育。另外,继续推进高等教育大众化的进程,到2020年实现高等教育毛入学率达到40%的目标。  Back


香港八月至十月的失业率为5.3%  是四年来最低

香港政府统计处十七日发表最新劳动人口统计数字,经季节性调整的失业率由二零零五年七月至九月的5.5%下降至二零零五年八月至十月的5.3%(临时数字)为四年来的新低。统计数字显示,失业人数(不经季节性调整)由二零零五年七月至九月的205 700人,下降至二零零五年八月至十月的193 000(临时数字),是四年来首次跌穿二十万人的水平。与二零零五年七月至九月比较,二零零五年八月至十月期间失业率(不经季节性调整)的下跌见于饮食业、酒店业、制造业、装修及保养工程业和运输业。失业情况进一步改善,主要是由于就业人口的增长持续超越劳动人口的增长。新增职位不但出现于服务业,例如进出口贸易业、运输业及其它个人服务业,还出现于本地的制造业及建造业。Back


 China granted 649 foreigners "green cards"


Ministry of Public Securityby September 30 this year, China has granted "green cards" (permanent resident status) to 649 foreigners from 33 countries including the US, Canada, Singapore, Japan and Australia.


The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly released the Administrative Regulations on Examining and Approving Permanent Residence in China for Foreigners ("green card" system) in August 2004 and started to grant "green cards" to foreigners who meet all relevant requirements. Issuance of those 600-odd "green cards" actively contributed to absorption of high quality human resources and capital from other countries and promotion of national economic development. Back






中国教育部:因入学适龄青年将在2008年至2009年达到峰值 近两年大学仍将继续扩招






Chinese intellectuals risk death from overwork


On the sub-forum Public Health and Building of a Harmonious Society during the Beijing Forum 2005, Minister of Health Yin Dakui revealed that Chinese intellectuals are seriously threatened by "death from overwork". Average life span of intellectuals is merely 58 years, ten years shorter than that of common people.


Yin delivered a theme speech entitled "chronic disease prevention and control in developing countries" at the sub-forum, indicating that at present, more and more Chinese people are suffering from chronic diseases caused by unhealthy life styles. For instance, the prevalence of lung cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer is almost several times that of ten years ago. In the past five years, the 135 deceased Peking University and the Chinese Academy of Science experts and professors enjoyed an average life of only 53.3 years.


Also on this sub-forum, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention's researcher Yang Xiaoguang mentioned that among Chinese adults of the ages between 18 and 44, 83% do not take exercises. Yang said should such unhealthy lifestyle keep prevailing, 400 million Chinese people will become overweight and 210 million will suffer from hypertension in the future.  Back



为什么“中央政令有时出不了中南海” (谭雄伟)










  在法治国家,无论是国家的法律法规,还是上级政府的决定命令,其本质都反映了法治的精神和力量。如果容忍上级政府的各种命令和政策决定在执行过程中被扭曲,被消解,那么,受到挑战的就不仅是中央的权威,更是法治的权威。因此,仅仅以三令五申的表达方式来宣传中央政府的政策主张是不够的,仅仅针对个案实施强有力的定点惩治也非首选之策。要杜绝中南海制定的东西出不了中南海的现象,最根本的是加强法治建设,树立中央权威首先要树立法治的权威,以法治维护中央权威是最佳路径。  Back


 China utilized US$605 billion foreign capital (Zhao Shengyu)


 Ye Zhang, deputy director of the Ministry of Commerce's (MOFCOM) Department of Foreign Investment Administration, revealed at the ongoing China Mining 2005 in Beijing that by the end of September, China's actually utilized foreign capital had reached USD605.3 billion.


With 26 years of unremitting efforts, China's investment environment has been improving continuously, and the foreign investment structure and quality has also been optimized. By the end of September this year, investors from nearly 200 countries and regions have set up 540,000 foreign-funded enterprises, with their investment covering almost all sectors, such as manufacturing, service trade, agriculture, mining and infrastructure construction. The actually utilized foreign capital reached USD605.3 billion. More than 450 out of the world's top 500 companies have made investment in China, and some have set up investment institutions in the country.


At present, new and high technology industry and service trade are becoming new hot spots of foreign investment. Active, rational and effective absorption of foreign capital have stimulated formation of open economy and the leaps-and-bounds economic development in China. In recent years in particular, foreign investment as the main force of China's open economy has been playing an increasingly significant role in China's economic development. In 2004, foreign-funded companies' investment in fixed assets accounted for nearly 20% of the country's total volume, their industrial added value amounted to 28%, their export volume took up 57%, and their employees constituted over 10% of China's non-agricultural labor force.  Back


中国人为何勤劳却不富有 邓聿文)




  日前,央行发布了《中国金融稳定报告》。报告称,10年来,国家用巨大的财力和人力化解金融风险,保持了金融体系的稳定。有记者在采访央行及业内多位权威人士后,计算所得表明,从1998年至今,中国为了保持金融稳定,大体上投入了324万亿元的成本。 请注意,2004年中国的财政收入仅为263万亿元。




  至于国企改制成本,据国资委副主任邵宁透露,仅职工身份置换,至少还需要8000亿元到1万亿元。由此推算可知,已经改制的国企,国家为其埋单也绝非小数额。 还有投资决策失误造成的浪费。世界银行估计,七五九五期间,投资决策失误率在30%左右,资金浪费及经济损失大约在4000亿~5000亿元。此外,每年公款吃喝要花去2000亿元,公车支出3000亿元。 种种损耗加起来绝不是一个小数目。13亿中国人辛辛苦苦积累起来的财富被各种损耗浪费所抵消,中国人焉能富有?






  问题在于,如果这笔昂贵的损耗,能换来企业和银行的机制改善,减少腐败发生的几率,也还好。怕就怕成本支付了,现状并没得到改善———从一些已经改制的企业、银行和行政部门来看,这种担心并非多余。如果我们依然为改革支付高昂成本,如果企业制度、银行治理以及行政体制,依然沿袭旧路不能脱胎换骨,那么,中国人还将继续要为无效的损耗埋单,勤劳而不富有。  Back


High Performance Anti - bacteria Materials in China (MOST)


High performance composite inorganic anti-bacteria materials, a project financed by the new materials component under the National 863 Program, has achieved the following major accomplishments:


1) Successfully developed a range of composite inorganic anti — bacteria materials with high temperature endurance, and found solutions to addressing poor high temperature endurance and easy color change that frequently found in the ceramic products made of inorganic anti — bacteria materials. The products present a line of indicators better than the best international level in silver ion volume, bacteria resistance, high temperature endurance, and safety. The novel material can be used to make anti — bacteria ceramic products for construction, daily, and sanitation applications.


2) Worked out a stable transparent TiO2 sol made of titanium, with a grain diameter less than 20 nm and Ag + < 0.5%. Capable to destroy 99.9% of the Escherichia coli, the sol can be widely used on plastic, wooden, ceramic, and glass surfaces, with anti — bacteria and optical catalyzing functions for decomposing organic pollutants and hazardous gases.


3) Rolled out visible light composite anti – bacteria materials with optical catalyzing functions. The TiO2 composite optical catalyzing powder has a spectrum absorbing value of 520nm, showing a fine capability to decompose formaldehyde, benzene, and toluene under visible lights. The product also produces a fine anti - bacteria effect in darkness. By overcoming the serious shortcoming only allowing ultraviolet catalyzing, the new product can be extensively used to ecompose, purify, and kill bacteria indoor or in the places where there is no ultraviolet ray. Back


加强人员互访和学术交流 康奈尔大学将与华联合办学建长期合作关系 



  罗林斯说,康奈尔大学与中国教育交流的历史悠久,像胡适这样的中国新文化运动的重要人物都曾是该校的毕业生。他说,增进与中方的合作是该校的一项长期政策。罗林斯此次访华期间还将出席全球三百多位学者参加的北京论坛,并在会上作题为《现代研究型大学:智力创新者与文化的桥梁》的主旨发言。  Back