2006年第4  創刊第332             02/07/2006


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

v     2006CSA新春联欢团拜 (2/25)

v     Invitation to Seminar on China’s Economy- 西來大學專題研討會 (2/15)

v     The Modern Woodcut Movement in China (2/10)

v     A letter to Chinese Academy of Engineering - Yu Chi Ho of Harvard (2/1)


v     规模空前、各路英才齐聚天河、喜迎伯乐相马 - 广东省中高级人才招聘会邀请函

News and Announcements

v     2006年国侨办将举办系列大型涉侨经济科技洽谈活动

v     Net Forum - 中国应有重大国际科学计划(叶笃正 符淙斌)

v     中国科技大会《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》确定科技发展五个战略重点

v     创造宽松的科研环境(王选)

v     Beijing to Start Recruiting Olympic Volunteers

v     美国亚裔族群 位居第四

v     上海国际化人才比例偏低

v     Announcement of FuDanAASC Gathering (2/12)

v     中组部强化县官治理: 优化待遇 重视选拔 破解腐败“重灾区”

v     China regulates domain name registrations

v     农业科技创新需要跨越式发展(卢良恕)

v     年轻“海归”科学家渐成领军人物(闻哲)

v     February 2006 issue of monthly tax news

v     港外汇储备1243亿美元

v     台湾地区人口逾2277

v     女博士为何海外愁嫁 (木曰)

v     Message from COCAO – the State Council of PRC



2006CSA新春联欢团拜 (2/25)


Dear friend 亲爱的朋友:


Welcome to our Chinese New Year Gathering on 2/25.


欢迎您参加我们2006CSA新春联欢团拜 (2/25)


All CSA members & Net Scholars, your families & friends are cordially invited to attend our Spring Gathering at Dr. David Hsu’s beautiful home at 10022 Foxrun, Santa Ana, CA 92705.


Saturday, February, 25, 2005, at 4pm


Admission:           $10/person

All CSA & CAFA lifetime members: FREE

                   All new CSA members of 2006: FREE

                   All members who renew the 2006 CSA memberships: FREE


RSVP is required - please contact:

Dr. Jiang Zhenying        镇英 教授zjiang@barstow.edu

Dr. Li, Yong-Gang                   郦永刚教授         ygli@terra.usc.edu

Dr. Huang, Shenghe       黄胜和教授         Shhuang@hsc.usc.edu

Dr. Chan, K. Ming                   陈钧铭教授         Kwan.chan3@verizon.net

Dr. Shen, Binghui                    沈炳辉教授         BShen@coh.org 

Dr. Kern Kwong            邝国强教授         kkwong2@calstatela.edu

Dr. Lisa Wang               王云霞教授         ylwang@csupomona.edu


***Important note:  Admission is by a pre-registered guest list at a guard house of Dr. David Hsu’s home. Everyone has to be registered before midnight of February 21, 2006 (Tuesday).  We do not encourage last minute drop by.

  * The fees or payment will be collected at the door (checks are preferred).  We will also have CSA membership forms available at the door and we sincerely welcome you to join CSA. 


Program (活动安排)

(3:30-4:30PM: Committee meetings – Attention: each committee member comes earlier)

4:00-4:30PM Registration

4:30-5:00PM Social networking

5:00-5:45PM Introduction

       President’s welcome speech (Dr. Zhenying Jiang)

                 Greeting from Education Consul

       New Year Greetings from all CSA Board Directors

                 Introduce hosts Dr. David Hsu & May Hsu-by Dr. K. Ming Chan

                 Introduce Special Guests and new board members


                 A brief report from the past President 

                 Committee Chairs report

5:45-7:00PM Dinner and Entertainment 晚餐和娱乐


Shaoxing Opera  (越剧)

                   Music performance (古筝,芦笙,歌曲)

                    Singing and dancing 好歌大家唱 闻歌起舞


备注: 1. 欢迎捐献奖品, 欢迎志愿工作人员. 请联系郦永刚 ygli@usc.edu or 黄胜和教授      Shhuang@hsc.usc.edu

      2. 请带上您的名片, 以便交流联络.  


PLEASE fill the following:


I will be in the New Year Gathering

1. Myself only______ (Name_______ Email Address______________)

2. My family will come with me:   Adult(s) _____Children______

3. My friend(s)/Guest(s): Adult(s)______Children_____ 


I am CSA lifetime member________; I am CSA new member of 2006____

I will renew my membership for 2006 ________


I would like to attend the Social Science and Humanity Committee meeting at 3:30pm__

I would like to attend the Science and Engineering Committee meeting at 3:30pm______

I would like to attend the Outreach and Development committee meeting at 3:30pm_____

I would like to serve for Fundraising Committee _____________

I would like to join the Website Committee__________________



















E-mail: jingkesi8050@sina.com



Invitation to Seminar on China’s Economy- 西來大學專題研討會 (2/15)


The State and Market Economy in Song-Ming China:

Can History tell us about the Future of China?

Dr. Guanglin Liu, State University of New York, Albany

Wednesday, February 15, 3-4:30pm, 2006

UWest Conference Room (AD 208)







西來大學 會議室(AD208)


主講人: 劉光臨   博士





        在此次研討會, 主講人紐約州立大學奧爾班尼分校客座教授劉光臨,將帶領聽眾回顧宋代至明代的中國國家經濟及市場經濟並且探討歷史是否能告知中國未來的發展。 劉光臨教授於哈佛大學取得歷史博士學位,他的研究焦點著重於中國前工業時代的政府經濟、全球化與早期現代化時期之經濟。


 此次專題研討會由西來大學少數族裔及小型企業研究中心西來大學工商管理系主辦。 研討會免費開放, 歡迎大家踴躍參加。西來大學地址:1409 N. Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770。如有任何問題,請電:(626)-571-8811 125分機。


China’s rapid economic growth in the past two decades has astounded the world. Its  willingness to open its economy and adopt to the market-oriented system have been the main factors leading to China’s economic success. Many scholars, world leaders, and economic/financial analysts are wondering whether China can maintain its fast economic growth, and whether China can or should continuously reform its economic system and make it more market-oriented. In this seminar, Dr. Guanglin Liu, a visiting professor from the State University of New York at Albany, will review the state and the market economy in Song-Ming China, and explore whether history can tell us about the future of China.


            Dr.  Guanglin Liu received his Ph. D. in History from Harvard University. His research interests focus on the political economy of pre-industrial China, globalization and the early modern world.


 The seminar is organized by the Center for the Study of Minority & Small Business and the Department of Business Administration at University of West.  The Seminar is open to the public, free of charge.


UWest is located at 1409 N. Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770, right off the Pomona Freeway. Please call (626) 571-8811, ext. 125 to reserve your seat or for more information.



规模空前、各路英才齐聚天河、喜迎伯乐相马 - 广东省中高级人才招聘会邀请函


   广东省人才市场--是广东省人事厅人才服务中心直属机构。一贯坚持以“服务人才,服务社会”为宗旨,面向全国,服务全省。招聘会场位于“金三角”地段的广州天河体育中心、9年来成功举办400多场次各类大型人才招聘会,几乎场场爆满,次次成功,为近5万家来自全国各地的招聘企业,300万以上人才提供过服务,是目前省内举办招聘会效果最好、信誉最高的权威机构。 狗年二月招聘会精彩演绎,硕士、博士、高工、海归等各类中高级经营人才、中高级技术人才.....精英汇聚竟风流;广东省人才市场诚邀广大招聘企业前来招贤!



   时 间     地 点         主 题    展位费

06年2月11-12日 (周六周日) 广州市天河体育中心 广东省人才市场新春大型人才交流会 

06年2月18-19日 (周六周日) 广州市天河体育中心 广东省春季技术管理人才专场交流会  

06年2月25-26日 (周六周日) 广州市天河体育中心 广东省人才市场春季外商投资企业交流会 






计算机业(IT)类、电子通讯/电气(器)类、销售/市场营销/公关类、经营/管理类、工业/工厂类、机械(电)/仪表类、客户服务类、财务/审(统)计类、文职/翻译类、行政/人事类 、房地产/建筑施工类、广告(装潢、包装)设计类、技工/模具类..等各行业志愿从事技术研发、生产管理、企业管理、营销策划...的各类专业技术、管理及营销人才参加。


联系电话:020-8 5 5 8 4 8 4 4


E-mail :zzw_czy@shou.com


主办单位:广东省人事厅人才服务中心 、广东省人才市场 (常设型人才市场)



The Modern Woodcut Movement in China (2/10)

A talk by Julia Andrews, Ohio State University - Presented by the UCLA Department of Art History

Friday, February 10, 2006
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
275 Dodd Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Illustration: Hu Yichuan, To the Front (1932)

 The woodblock print, often called by the Japanese term "creative woodcut," began its twentieth century renaissance in China as an art of modernist experimentation, with varied styles and subjects. Political subject matter, although frequent, was only one theme among many competing areas of concern for the young artists. Modernist angst, formalist experimentation, technical experiments with color and light, lyrical landscapes and domestic scenes, and creative ideas of all sorts filled the exhibitions and publications of the fledgling print movement. How, then, in the time between its inception in 1931 and the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, was the woodblock transformed into the genre by which it is best commemorated today, the art of the revolution?

Professor Andrews is the Director of the East Asian Studies Center. She is a specialist in Chinese painting and modern Chinese art. Her first book, Painters and Politics in the People's Republic of China (1994), won the Joseph Levenson Prize of the Association for Asian Studies for the best book of the year on modern China. More recently, she served as co-curator and catalogue author (with OSU alumnus Kuiyi Shen) of the Guggenheim Museum's 1998 exhibition A Century in Crisis : Modernity and Tradition in the Art of Twentieth Century China, which was shown in New York and Bilbao. She has recently contributed to several exhibition catalogues and anthologies, including Between the Thunder and the Rain: Chinese Paintings from the Opium Wars to the Cultural Revolution, 1840-1979 (Asian Art Museum of San Francisco) and Word and Meaning: Six Contemporary Chinese Artists (Buffalo: State University of New York at Buffalo, Research Center in Art + Culture, 2000). She teaches undergraduate courses on Chinese and Japanese art and topically organized graduate seminars that usually focus on Chinese painting or modern Chinese art. Her graduate students have written theses on topics in Chinese or Japanese art of the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries.

Sponsor(s): Art History Department



Net Forum - 中国应有重大国际科学计划(叶笃正 符淙斌)











A letter to Chinese Academy of Engineering - Yu Chi Ho of Harvard (2/1)


Original Message From: Yu Chi Ho [mailto:ho@deas.harvard.edu]

Sent: 200621 6:27

To: Zhenying Jiang

Subject: TO: CAE


Dear Prof. Jiang,

I thought you might be interested that the attached letter was just published in the newsletter of the Chinese Academy of Engineering issue #65 dated Nov.2005 (but just published). To the CAE's credit they decided to publish the letter on their own without any change.


Yu-Chi Ho, Harvard University

Gordon McKay Research Professor of System Engineering

T. Jefferson Coolidge Research Professor of Applied Mathematics

Member, US National Academy of Engineering

617-495-3992  www.hrl.harvard.edu/~ho

Chair Professor, Tsinghua University  www.cfins.au.tsinghua.edu.cn



TO: Chinese Academy of Engineering

FROM: Y.C. Ho (Foreign Member)


I thought long and hard about writing this letter to you. I am doing so knowing that with our friendship of 26 years you will understand that that I have no malice or hidden agenda but with only the future good of Chinese Science and Technology at heart.


Since 1979 when I first visited China, I have returned almost every year and personally witnessed the tremendous progresses she made on all fronts, including science and technology, that are unprecedented in history. Not only everyone in China undoubtedly feel the pride, but the entire Chinese Diaspora all over the world share in the reflected glory.


However, recent news [Remarks by Professor Shing-tung Yau in Beijing newspapers http://xuetang.cc.org.cn/viewthread.php?tid=18630 and public discussions following] and some of my own anecdotal knowledge tell us that not all is well in Chinese academia with respect to ethics and scholarly standards. 


While cultural background and customs in China are different than those in the West, in a globalized world, China must abide by various wildly accepted standards of behavior if she is going to function well on the world stage. Besides there are certain fundamental rights with respect to intellectual property and ethical standard which are universal, dishonoring those precepts are not acceptable in any society.


Without long discourse of the origin and causes for such unethical incidents, I offer two principal reasons for their occurrence in China.


First, the current Chinese reward system is too directly tied to numerical measure of “academic performance”. This is understandable from the viewpoint of an official who has to make judgments. A quantitative measure (such as number of papers published) similar to quantitative measurements in athletic competition (how high did you jump) is so much easier to judge and defend. On the other hand, measure of quality is subtle and requires knowledge and deep understanding. But in academic and scholarly endeavor it is precisely Quality that is supreme. (You don’t judge the beauty of a Tang poem by counting the number of words it contains.) There is no perfect system to measure quality. Peer review is a commonly accepted and only workable scheme. The late Robert Oppenheimer (father of US A-bomb) said it well “A person’s net worth is the sum total of respect by which he is held among his peers” or more bluntly by the mathematician John Fritz of the Courant Institute “I live for the grudging admiration of a few of my mathematical friends”.  As China begin to enter the top tier of the world arena of science and engineering, she should take more advantage of world peer review system for evaluation of Chinese scientific and academic technological contribution. For more practical technological contribution, of course, success and acceptance by the world market place is another objective measure. In the US, both Steve Jobs (Apple founder and  CEO) and Bill Gates (Microsoft founder and chief scientist), neither of them finished college, have been admitted to the National Academy of Engineering. And they rightly deserve to be there. If China is hesitant to approach non-Chinese scientists abroad for assistance for fear of ”losing face”, there is the Diaspora of leading ethnic Chinese scientists all over the world who are only too happy to provide such objective and volunteer performance evaluations. They are both familiar with Chinese culture and eager to help.


Secondly, as far as we can tell, transgression against academic standards and ethical behavior are lightly or never punished in China. The only admonishment seems to be “don’t do it next time” There is an old Chinese saying, “You kill the chicken to warn the monkey”. In the West, penalties against plagiarism or other academic crimes are most severe often leading to loss of job and/or disbarment from the profession. Peer pressure and self-policing are thus often sufficient to keep bad behavior to a minimum. In China, the governmental and academic leaders must set examples of discipline. Otherwise given the incentives in the first reason above and the light consequence of the second, everyone will be motivated to behave badly. This is only human nature and it is not unique for China. And in the long run, an unhealthy academic system will only lead to bad outcomes and reputations for the entire community. This will be unfair to the majority of scholars who play by the rules.  There are well known cases in history which I need not mention.

In stating the above, I am well aware of the old adages that “talk is cheap” and “criticism is easy, execution is difficult”. In the long run, many of such bad behaviors probably cure themselves (After all, Rome was not built in one day). Certainly, over the past generation, Chinese science and technology have come a long way. One can be equally optimistic about the future. But we are concerned about the generation of scientists and engineers being educated currently. If they see too many examples of such practices go unpunished and unrestrained, then they themselves will become infected. Self-healing will take much longer and China’s ascendancy on the scientific world stage will be further delayed.


Some specific examples:


1. Supervising too many (30-100) ph.d students. This is probably another results of quantitative measure of performance. No one can competently supervise that many students. Usually 5-6 ph.d students is the maximum if the professor wants to actively work with the students.


2. Publishing one paper several different times with little variation. While this may results in a large quantitative count in annual performance review, the academic community and peers will not be fooled. Such practice creates bad reputation in world scholarly publication circles for Chinese authors. Nor will it contributes to one’s personal standing in the long run.


3. Submitting the same paper to two journals simultaneously to increase chances of acceptance. Many journals specifically prohibit this. Yet Chinese authors continues to ignore such rules


4. Plagiarism sometimes disguised in the name of editorial work and/or by inconsequential or omitted reference to original work. Authors do this believing the administrator will not know the difference and the academic policing will be ineffective.


5. Non-confidential letter of reference. In the west when evaluating candidate for position and awards, letters of reference is often solicited by the evaluation committee and confidentiality are promised. But the practice in China is to have the candidates themselves gathering the letters for submission to the committee. And even in the case when the committee is asking for the reference letter directly, no promises of confidentially are given. This makes the whole process and the most important source of quality opinion (the peer judgment) essentially useless and meaningless.


6. Academician's privileges and rewards. In most western countries including the US, being elected as an academician is an honor. But that is all. No rewards, monetary or otherwise, are attached to the honor.  Nor was any social privileges directly tied to the honor. But in China, the post of academician has been elevated to unusual heights besides the honorific title.  In fact, it is rumored that active campaign for election and even bribe, open or covert, are offered. This direct association of scholarly honor with material gains, privileges, and power again creates unhealthy incentives.


The Chinese science and technology community undoubtedly knew of other systemic problems and insight to their specific solutions. This is not the place nor am I the expert to discuss them here. The important thing is a commitment to improve the system by the leadership. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.


I have always said, publicly and in private, at any given moment one can find things irrational and illogical in China. But looking over the progress she made in the past 26 years since 1979, it is unprecedented in history. Thus while I want to speak my mind, I do so with the best of intentions and am optimistic about her future. My critiques are offered in the hope that they may further accelerate the progress and that I may, from a selfish viewpoint, live to see China take her rightful place in the world. This I believe is also the wish of the entire Chinese Diaspora around the globe. You being the leaders in this endeavor can do much to help bring this about.


With best wishes,


Y.C. Ho


Note added on 12/29/05 as postscript to my letter of 11/27/05

"The Beijing Science and Technology newspaper on 12/28/05 (北京科技报20051228) carried a long and penetrating interview with three academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (邹承鲁、何祚庥、汪品先三院士谈院士制度的弊病) on reforming the academician system of CAS. This piece and the accompanying piece by Prof.Shen Guofang, Vice president of The CAE indicate that CAS/CAE are taking appropriate actions. I am thus optimistic on the long term health of the Chinese S&T community. I thank Prof. Weibo Gong of the University of Massachusetts USA for bringing to my attention the 12/28/05 article mentioned above."


Y.C. Larry Ho













中国科学院院长路甬祥院士说,在未来15年内,中国要在战略高技术上打破国际垄断,以保障国家安全,并能在重要国际技术前沿进行探索与创新。中国展开战略高技术攻坚 信息、生物、关键材料、航天、核、激光微纳米、战略能源为突破重点。根据“国家中长期科学和技术发展规划”,中国将以信息化带动工业化发展信息技术,在战略能源、海洋等涉及国家可持续发展的领域和生物、材料、纳米等高技术领域培育具有国际竞争力的新增长点,在既涉及产业竞争力又涉及国家安全的航天、激光等战略高技术领域加速形成技术创新能力。路甬祥说,中国战略高技术发展目标仍不集中,创新能力不足,主要依赖国外技术引进,国家有效投入严重不足,缺乏适应市场经济体制的战略高技术及产业化国家创新体系。未来15年,国家将建立国际技术发展趋势动态监测与预见体系,加强战略高技术研发基地与平台建设,促进高新技术成果工程化,完善以政府为主的战略高技术研究投资机制,构建以企业为主的高新技术产业化投融资体系。


















Beijing to Start Recruiting Olympic Volunteers 


Beijing Olympic organizers will start in August to recruit volunteers for the 2008 Games. According to the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2008 Olympics Games(BOCOG), altogether 100,000 volunteers will be needed before and during the 2008 Beijing Games, with 70,000 serving the 2008 Summer Olympics and 30,000 for the Paralympics. The BOCOG will need to map out detailed procedures for the recruitment work before recruiting the first batch of volunteers in August. People who are interested can submit applications via the internet:





 美国亚裔族群 位居第四


根据2005美国全国人口普查,美国全国人口为2亿9360万人,较上一次四年前人口普查成长了4.33%。其中白人人口为2亿3599万人,占全国总人口的80.4%。最大的非白人族群是拉丁美洲裔,为4130万人,占14.1%。这项于2004年7月完成的全国人口普查显示,非洲裔人口现已落居第三,为3750万人,占全国人口的12.8%。亚裔人口为1230万人,占4.2%,较四年前成长0.6%,是美国第四大族群, 第三大非白人族群。在亚裔中, 有中国血统的占全美人口的0.9%。








Announcement of FuDanAASC Gathering (2/12)


Dear Fudan, Shangyi alumni and friends,


We cordially invite you, your families and friends to attend FDAASC (Fudan Alumni Association of Southern

California) 2006 Spring Gathering (Chinese New Year Tuan Bai) at Golden Coast Buffet (former name: World Buffet).


Date and Time: Sunday, February 12, 2006, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm


Location:      2223 W. Commonwealth Ave. Alhambra, CA 91803  Tel: 626-576-7688


Direction: Please down-load the detail map from Yahoo website.  Take Valley Blvd., turn to north at Atlantic Ave., turn left

at Commonwealth Ave, and see the Restaurant nearby Alhambra COSTCO Wholesale (Price Club). Free Parking.


Admission: $15.50 for adults. Half price for children under 1.2 m tall, no charge under 1 m.


RSVP: 02/08/2006 (Wednesday).




 中组部强化县官治理: 优化待遇 重视选拔 破解腐败“重灾区”


中组部开展一系列调查研究后,最近发出《关于进一步加强县(包括县级市和区、旗,以下统称县)党政正职队伍建设的意见》。该意见强调,要进一步加大培养、选拔、管理和监督力度,努力建设一支善于治县理政的高素质县党政正职队伍,为促进县域经济社会全面协调可持续发展,实现全面小康社会,提供坚强的组织保证。 该意见要求,

1. 要进一步优化县党政正职队伍结构。县党政正职队伍以45岁左右的为主体,一般应具有大学本科以上文化程度。

2. 要严格控制县党政正职任期内的职务变动。县党政正职原则上要在同一县任满一届,除工作特别需要或有特殊情况的,届中一般不作调整。

3. 要把优秀的县委书记和县长作为市(地、州、盟)党政领导班子和省(区、市)直机构官员的重要来源。特别优秀的,可破格提拔或越级提拔。


4. 要加强县党政正职的能力培养,努力提高他们驾驭本地区经济社会发展全局的能力、处置突发事件的能力、做好民众工作的能力和解决自身问题的能力。

5. 要加强后备官员队伍培养。扩大视野,多渠道、多形式地遴选,努力形成一支素质优良、数量充足、结构合理、堪当重任的县党政正职后备官员队伍。

6. 要按照科学发展观和正确政绩观的要求,研究制定符合县委书记、县长岗位特点和要求的考核办法,以形成良好的用人机制和正确的用人导向。


7. 要对县党政正职要重点在官员选拔任用、重大问题决策和廉洁从政方面加强监督。要建立和完善监督制度,构建一套便利、管用、真正有约束力的监督机制,切实发挥各方面的监督作用,形成监督的整体合力。




China regulates domain name registrations 


The placename administrative department under China's Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) recently included the internet domain name registration system of Wantong Internet Chain Group Limited into the national place name public service project, turning this registration system into an important part of China's national placename public service project. Through this cooperation, Wantong Internet Chain Group Limited will provide necessary domain names, company addresses, locations and other relevant information for national direction enquiry service system (including voice messages, text messages, color messages platform, touch screen and E-map direction enquiry) and China's place name database, realizing a resource sharing by launching the domain name registration project. Meanwhile, the MCA has appointed China114.net as the service website of the national place name public service project.


Internet domain names have become a new generation of address designations,including address signs and inquiry method. Through domain names, users can enable clients to locate them at any time through web search, direction-asking phone, text message, video message, touch screen and E-map. Enterprises and merchants may also have their own homepages and publish business information on the commercial information platform, china114.net. The MCA started the comprehensive place name public service project in 2005, in which digital place name construction serves as the key point of this project and a crucial part of China's informatization construction. The establishment and operation of informatized services such as domain name registrations, place-name hot lines, E-maps and place-name touch screens will bring great convenience to the public and boost development of an economic society.






















February 2006 issue of monthly tax news


1. Many small businesses shift to annual employment tax return filing 

2. Tips for small business to maximize the new manufacturing deduction 

3. How Do I? Correct an excess contribution to an IRA 

4. FAQ: Can I convert stock with paper losses into tax benefits? 


For Details: http://www.cpaus.com/newsletter.html.














女博士为何海外愁嫁 (木曰)




  Anna来自中国南方的一个小城,现在是多伦多大学理科博士生,31岁,单身,文静聪慧,落落大方。她说,女博士也渴望爱情、婚姻,这不仅仅是想要被人爱,更是想要去爱一个人,那种感觉真好。博士到底是博士,Anna说话时,还是禁不住要将事情上升到理性的高度:“据心理学研究,如果将人长期关在一个空屋里,不与外界交往,人是要疯的。人是一种社会的动物,需要交流、需要反馈,因此人就需要亲情、友情和爱情,而且它们之间也是不可互相替代的。”“博士味儿”让男士望而却步: 这种自觉或不自觉地引经据典、追根究底和看问题一针见血的特质,被Anna自己戏称为一股“博士味儿”。Anna说:“有许多女博士看问题深入透彻,说话喜欢一语中的,不会迂回,让人觉得在她们面前无法隐藏什么。这可能也是一些男士对女博士敬而远之的原因。别人会觉得跟你在一起太累,有时候跟不上你的思维。一般的女孩子可能会整天想着好吃的、好玩的和漂亮衣服。而女博士这种长期学术训练形成的思维定式,很难改,但我会尽量注意,不要让人觉得就你聪明。”


  纯粹的爱情是一种奢求: 另一位女博士Jenny也承认自己从本科读到博士,读的学位越来越高,眼界也越来越高,认为只有一个方方面面比自己优秀的人,才能令自己心生爱慕。女博士毕业就可以找到很好的工作,不必依靠男人就可以在社会上立足,因此不必为了找一张长期饭票去结婚。“相反我们只是为了满足情感上的需要,或者说追求纯粹的爱情,然而在这个越来越现实的社会,人们会发现爱情有时是一种奢求。”


被传统观念套住的男人: 有人说女博士比别的女人嫁人难一点点,就是因为女博士比一般的女人理性一点点,书读的多一点点,更要命的是她们的学历比大多数男性高那么一点点。中国的传统观念太根深蒂固了,既套住了男人也套住了女人。男人不愿意找一个比自己强的女人,而女人却希望找个比自己强的男人。用怀雅逊(Ryerson)大学机械系男博士廖亮的话说,一般男性都不能忍受女性比自己强,经济收入比自己高。经济收入往往决定了夫妻双方在家庭中的地位。现在有许多在国外取得博士学位的男士都喜欢回国娶妻,如此一来,这里的女博士择偶的范围就又缩小了一块。



Message from COCAO – the State Council of PRC


-----Original Message-----

From: tianxing tan [mailto:tantianxing@yahoo.com]

Sent: 2006126 3:55

To: Zhenying Jiang

Subject: Re: UPDATE - From the Chinese American Professors & Professionals Network






祝新春快乐、万事顺畅有时间请浏览www.gqb.gov.cn and www.chinaqw.com.cn








余光中之夜 聽眾皆沉醉 - 與南加文友分享故鄉情懷 詩歌朗誦起共鳴 意境動人扣心弦 宛如一場語言音樂會 (World Journal 陳青)


詩人余光中4日晚在蒙特利公園市的詩歌朗誦會,文友大爆滿。他抑揚頓挫的語調和豐富的感情,字字句句,扣人心弦。 著名詩人余光中,不但詩文了得,「演奏詩歌」的功力也是一流。 4日晚的「余光中之夜--詩歌朗誦會」,他深厚的感情、抑揚頓挫音樂般的聲調和豐富的肢體語言,讓長青書局的展覽廳爆滿,還有不少人站在後面、坐在地上,紋風不動地聽完余光中兩個小時的朗誦與講解,這是洛城文化活動相當罕見的景象。


余光中是應洛杉磯德維文學協會和「世界日報」邀請,特地從台灣前來洛城朗誦詩歌和演講。當晚的詩歌朗誦會由德維文學協會的陳銘華、簡捷和曉亞主持。洛杉磯世界日報社長郭俊良表示,在世界日報慶祝創報30年之際,邀請余光中前來朗誦和演講,凸顯了報社在顧及商業性的同時,更注意報紙承傳中華文化的根本。 余光中在當晚朗誦了18首詩歌。在開場白時他就表示,詩歌寫作和朗誦是兩回事。寫作就像作曲,但朗誦則像演奏。他的詩歌,本來音樂性就特別強,加上傑出的表演才能,聽他的朗誦眾,就如同享受一場「語言音樂會」。 但最能引起讀者共鳴的,是余光中詩歌中深厚的中國情懷,對於離鄉背井的聽眾,字字句句,扣人心弦。


「傳說北方有一首民歌/只有黃河的肺活量能歌唱/從青海到黃海/風/也聽見/沙/也聽見/如果黃河凍成了冰河/還有長江最最母性的鼻音/從高原到平原/魚/也聽見/龍/也聽見/」,這是余光中在朗誦「民歌」這首充滿感情但音調鏗鏘的詩歌,每當他讀到「風」、「沙」、「魚」、「龍」,全場聽眾都和誦「也聽見」這一短句,場面十分感人。 余光中用四川話朗誦了一首詩歌「羅二娃子」,詩中表現兩個朋友少年時只是隔溪大喊,但因個人的離別,變成了民族的分離。雖然兩岸已經回復來往,但詩中深切的哀痛伴著鄉土的哀痛,把聽眾一下拉回兩岸隔絕、親人分離幾十年那種載不動情愁。


余光中的詩歌,無論寫人寫景,都極富想像力,他特別選擇了一首「洛城看劍記-- 贈張錯」,記述15年前來洛居住在詩人張錯家,觀看他家中收藏的古劍、彎刀等兵器的舊事。詩的最後一段寫道看完兵器那夜,他睡不安穩。「聖璜山的這一邊萬籟俱寂/只留下我不安的耳朵/被崇於蠢蠢的刀魂劍魄/不知隱隱的鏗鏘究竟/是來自深鞘的掙扎呢/還是--樓頂主人的書齋/那些任俠而尚武的詩句?」最後一句的幽默,讓全場哈哈大笑。余光中還用英文和西班牙文朗誦詩歌,同樣感人。