2006年第8期 創刊第336期
Upcoming Events and Call for Participation
Distinguished Lecture Series on Chinese Social
and Economic Development (Hamovitch Center – USC)
Court and Society in Medieval China
- 山西山东创业行
A Formula for Successful Grant
Writing: Four Proven Keys (By A.C.
“Buddy” Himes)
防腐败再出招 中纪委中组部对党员官员进行诫勉谈话的暂行办法及党员官员述职述廉的规定
MARCH 2006 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK: China's Impact on
California Business
雅思考试进行考务改进 成绩复议费下调至860元 (韩晓蓉
China's eco-environment faces
high risks
李汉秋教授建议将"仁义礼智信"等美德教育纳入中国教学 (李健)
40% Chinese adolescents short
sighted, second in world
新舊會長交接 頒發傑出獎狀
玉山科技年會 專家暢所欲言
时 间:2006年8月30日-9月1日
学 员:50名华侨华人专业人士
日 程:8月30日全天报到
8月31日-9月1日:举办回国创业研习、辅导,请国家有关部门和吉林省有关司(厅、局)领导、长春高新区负责人、回国创业成功人士介绍国家吸引海外专业人士回国创业的有关政策、措施,以及海外专业人士回国创业面临的机遇、挑战和 应注意的问题等
时 间:2006年9月2—6日
日 程:1日报到
时 间:2006年9月1-6日
地 点:主会场设在上海市,在江苏、浙江两省设分会场
日 程:应邀客人9月1日入境,分赴江苏、浙江两省前期考察、洽谈,开展项目对接。9月4日汇聚上海市,出席“第三届华商企业科技创新合作交流会”
时 间:2006年10月18-19日
地 点:四川省成都市
日 程:17日全天报到
To commemorate USC's
125th anniversary, the USC School of Social Work kicked off its Distinguished
Lecture Series on Chinese Social and Economic Development in March to showcase
USC's leadership in redefining the research university of the 21st century.
Coordinated in conjunction with
the School of Social Work's China Program, the Distinguished Lecture Series on
Chinese Social and Economic Development continues to present an enriching,
cross-cultural learning experience for scholars, community leaders and students.
Guest lecturers have hailed from the University of Hong Kong, the China Academy
of Social Science and The Washington Post in Beijing, speaking on topics
that ranged from gender studies and social security to politics and the sexual
Join us this semester for an exciting line-up of new guest speakers:
March 20: Health Issues in
China, Davina Ling, assistant professor and director of the Center for
the Study of the Economics of Aging and Health, California State University
April 12: Relative Deprivation and Health Outcomes in Chinese Youth and
Adults, Ping Sun, assistant professor of research, Institute for
Prevention Research, University of Southern California
May 8: Obesity, Weight Perception and Related Socio-Cultural and Behavioral
Factors in Chinese Adolescents: Findings from the China Seven-City Study, Bin
Xie, research assistant professor, Hamovitch Research Center, USC School of
Social Work
Lectures will be held in the Hamovitch Center for Science in the Human Services
located on the first floor of the Montgomery Ross Fisher building from 11 a.m.
- 1 p.m.
津洽会将于2006年4月18日至22日在中国天津举办. 本届津洽会紧紧抓住滨海新区纳入国家总体发展战略的机遇,以扩大区域合作,促进联合发展为主题,坚持面向世界、服务全国、扩大交流、促进合作、联合发展的宗旨,努力搭建扩大招商引资、实现区域经济合作和共同发展的平台,将成为展示天津的一次盛会和宣传天津的重要窗口。
报名范围:本次活动将邀请30名在海外有比较丰富的工作经验、有比较明确来津创业, 投資, 服务或工作意向的留学人员参会。
报名及项目征集时间: 3月10日底前完成报名及项目征集,于3月25日前发出正式邀请。
参会方式与费用:有意参会者可从 CAST-LA website (http://www.cast-la.org)
或天津留学人才网(www.tjscse.com)下载填写报名表 (If you can not find the报名表attached in this email),并于2006年3月10日前通过E-MAIL (to info@cast-la.org, and tjscse@hotmail.com) 将报名表及科技项目有关材料传送,在报名表中请选择并注明拟考察访问的单位名称。我们将对海外报名参会人员的情况进行汇总整理,对所提供的合作项目及时推荐到相关单位,进行会前交流对接。在此基础上由各用人单位确定参会人员,并于3月25日前发出正式邀请。
Two lectures at the Pacific Basin Institute
Two lectures by Patricia
Ebrey, Department of History, University of Washington
Tuesday, March 28: “Women and Power at the Song Court”
Thursday, March 30: “Collecting and Cultural Power in Song China,”
The Tuesday talk will
look both at women who had power (empress dowager regents for young emperors)
and women as consequences of power (the huge size of the imperial harem). The
Thursday talk will examine both scholar-officials and emperors as collectors of
books, antiquities, calligraphy and painting and consider their relative
ability to dominate taste, participate in the market for purchasing objects,
and set standards of interpretation and authentication. Ebrey is known both for
her work on the broad sweep of Chinese history (China: A Cultural, Social,
and Political History, 2006; Cambridge Illustrated History of China,
1996; Chinese Civilization: A Sourcebook, 1981, 1993), and her studies
of women and the family in the Song period, including her prize-winning The
Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period
Cost: Free Tel: (909) 607-2924 www.pomona.edu/pbi
(主页): http://www.ocman.org/ChineseGB/index.html
(这次活动通知暨邀请信): http://www.ocman.org/ChineseGB/news/special/1225shanxi/index.htm
联系人:孔凡军 010-68178546 13671150022 明天然mingtr@hotmail.com
Dear Colleague:
The following contains information about our upcoming March, April and May Bio-Trac training courses being offered at the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD. These workshops, which are team taught by active researchers, include lecture and “hands-on” laboratory exercises. Each participant will receive a comprehensive binder containing the lecture material presented in the workshop along with lab protocols and reference material.
Registration information can be obtained from Bea Sonnenberg at FAES (301-496-2316). Course schedule and content information (see below) can be obtained from Mark Nardone at 301-496-8290, nardonem@mail.nih.gov or from the Bio-Trac website at www.biotrac.com. If you desire a copy of the spring Bio-Trac flyer or a course schedule, please request by email and we can send you a pdf. Please forward to others who might be interested.
Mark Nardone, FAES/NIH
Director, Bio-Trac/CellServ Programs
301-496-8290; nardonem@mail.nih.gov
Upcoming workshops - Click on link to view description
March 2006
TRAC 6: Cellular and Molecular Approaches to the Study of Cancer
Monday, March 13 – Friday, March 17, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (35 hours of lecture and “hands-on” lab training)
Fee: $850 Lecture & Lab (Class limit of 28 participants)
TRAC 25: Proteomics: Principles & Methods
Monday, March 20 – Friday, March 24, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (35 hours of lecture and “hands-on” lab training)
Fee: $850 Lecture & Lab (Class limit of 28 participants)
TRAC 30: Small Interfering RNA (siRNA) & Functional Genomics
Monday, March 27 – March 31, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (35 hours of lecture and “hands-on” lab training)
Fee: $850 Lecture & Lab (Class limit of 28 participants)
April 2006
TRAC 7: Animal and Human Tissue Cell Culture: Principles & Methods
Monday, April 3 – Friday, April 7, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (35 hours of lecture and “hands-on” lab training)
Fee: $850 Lecture & Lab (Class limit of 24 participants)
TRAC 4: Immunology: Principles & Methods
Monday, April 10 – Friday, April 14, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (35 hours of lecture and “hands-on” lab training)
Fee: $850 Lecture & Lab (Class limit of 24 participants)
Monday, April 17 – Friday, April 21, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (35 hours of lecture and “hands-on” lab training)
Fee: $850 Lecture & Lab (Class limit of 28 participants)
TRAC 21: Mitochondrial Molecular Biology and Pathology Workshop
Wednesday, April 26 – Friday, April 28, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (21 hours of lecture and “hands-on” lab training)
Fee: $750 Lecture & Lab (Class limit of 28 participants)
May 2006
TRAC 8: Immunochemistry and Monoclonal Antibody Production
Monday, May 1 – Friday, May 5, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (35 hours of lecture and “hands-on” lab training)
Fee: $850 Lecture & Lab (Class limit of 24 participants)
TRAC 34: Advanced Microarray Analysis and Pathway Integration
Monday, May 8 – Thursday, May 11, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (28 hours of lecture and “hands-on” lab training)
Fee: $795 Lecture & Lab (Class limit of 24 participants)
TRAC 35: Immunofluorescence and Confocal Microscopy
Monday, May 15 – Wednesday, May 17, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (21 hours of lecture and “hands-on” lab training)
Fee: $795 Lecture & Lab (Class limit of 24 participants)
TRAC 23: Flow Cytometry: Principles and Methods
Monday, May 22 – Thursday, May 26, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (28 hours of lecture and “hands-on” lab training)
Fee: $795 Lecture & Lab (Class limit of 32 participants)
From: Keji Zu [mailto:stnewsletter@gmail.com]
Sent: Thu 2006-3-2 11:47
Subject: 国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要
March 2, 2006
Dear all:
2月9日中华人民共和国国务院发布《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006━2020年) 》 (请见网页:http://www.gov.cn/jrzg/2006-02/09/content_183787.htm)
2月26日,国务院印发关于实施《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006—2020年)》若干配套政策的通知 (请见网页: http://www.gov.cn/zwgk/2006-02/26/content_211553.htm)
All the best wishes.
Office of Science and Technology
Chinese Consulate General in New York
520 12th Avenue
New York, NY10036
Tel: 212-244-9392 ext. 1507
By Laura Morsch, CareerBuilder.com
Sure, a career isn't supposed to be all about
the money. Everyone has different criteria for what makes a good job. For some,
it's the challenge; for others, it's a sense of fulfillment.
Regardless of the reasons why we chose our career, we
work to bring in a paycheck -- and a high salary is always a selling point.
It's also smart to invest your training and educational dollars into a career
with stability and good growth prospects. (After all, what good is a potential
job if you can never get hired?)
Perhaps that's why these jobs are expected to be so
popular in upcoming years. The following jobs are growing so quickly that all
10 made the Bureau of Labor Statistics' list of the 30 fastest-growing jobs
through 2014. But just as importantly, they topped the fastest-growing list in
terms of salary. Here are the best of the best:
1. Computer
systems software engineer -- $81,140*
Computer systems software engineers work to coordinate
a company's computer needs and maintain its computer systems. They may also set
up a company's intranets to ease communication between the various departments.
Most jobs require a bachelor's degree in computer science or computer
information systems.
2. Computer
applications software engineer -- $76,310
Computer applications software engineers use
programming languages such as C++ and Java to design, construct and maintain
general computer applications software. Most jobs require at least a bachelor's
degree, but some more complex jobs require a graduate degree.
3. Biomedical
engineer -- $70,520
Biomedical engineers combine biology, medicine and
engineering to develop ways to solve medical and health-related problems. For
example, they may research and develop artificial organs or prostheses.
Employers usually require a graduate degree -- even for entry-level jobs.
4. Physician
assistant -- $69,250
Physician assistants provide diagnostic, therapeutic
and preventive healthcare services. They examine, diagnose, treat and write
prescriptions for patients, but their work is done under a doctor's
supervision. Most programs require at least a bachelor's degree and graduation
from a formal physician assistant education program.
5. Environmental
engineer -- $67,620
Environmental engineers work to combat environmental
damage by researching and developing solutions to problems like pollution,
ozone depletion and wildlife protection. Most jobs require at least a
bachelor's degree.
6. Computer
systems analyst -- $67,520
Computer systems analysts help an organization get the
most for their technology investment dollars by solving computer problems and
planning and developing new computer systems. Educational requirements vary by
the employer and job complexity, ranging from a two-year degree to a graduate degree,
and may include continuing education and certification.
7. Database
administrator -- $61,950
Database administrators ensure system performance by
setting up computer databases, testing and coordinating modifications to
computer systems, identifying user requirements and adding new users to the
system. Employers prefer candidates with technical degrees, but the specific
level of education and type of training required depends on the complexity of
the job and employers' needs.
8. Physical
therapist -- $61,560
Physical therapists help patients suffering from
injuries or disease to restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and
prevent or limit permanent disabilities. Aspiring therapists must graduate from
an accredited physical therapist educational program and pass a licensure exam.
9. Network
systems and data communication analyst -- $61,250
Network systems and data communication analysts are
responsible for keeping electronic communications like Internet, voice mail and
e-mail up and running. They spend much of their days testing and evaluating
systems including local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs) and
intranets. Depending on the employer and complexity of the job, educational
requirements range from an associates degree to a computers-related bachelor's
10. Hydrologist
-- $60,880
Hydrologists study water -- its quantity, distribution,
circulation, and physical properties both above and underground. Their work is
particularly useful to environmental preservation and flood control efforts. A
bachelor's degree is a must, but employers are increasingly interested in
master's degrees for entry-level positions.
Like fund-raising, grant
writing can be an effective means of acquiring resources beyond institutional
allocations. Unlike fund-raising, however, grant writing is largely nonverbal,
based instead on formal writing skills. So, if awards are made based on written
proposals, what are reviewers looking for in these proposals? Here are four
keys proven to enhance any proposal:
1) Focus on the Granting Agency
We work our hardest and make
achievements within the profession. Then we see a request for proposals from a
granting agency. We develop a list of needed equipment and submit this to the
granting agency, but will the reviewers see this as a proposal competitive with
other submissions or as a wish list?
According to Karsh and Fox in
their 2003 The Only Grant-Writing Book You’ll Ever Need, “The grant maker does
not care what you have in mind, unless it happens to mesh exactly with their
guidelines.” It is human nature to feel that we deserve to be funded, but
granting agencies want to know what we can do for them—not what we have done
for ourselves. The key is not to focus on our program but to demonstrate how
our program can further the funding agency’s mission.
2) Consider Grant Writing to be
Use standard research
techniques. Karsh and Fox state that “the funder is going to want something
concrete to go on. You can be certain that you’ll be competing with
organizations that have carefully documented their proposals.” Avoid statements
that may be perceived as “stretching” the criteria. For example, rather than
stating that your proposal will have a particular effect, research articles
closely related to your proposal and cite these to substantiate what you
believe the effect of your project will be.
Next, dispel doubt or
skepticism in reviewers’ minds. Substantiate your rationale by referring to national
standards and find ways to include statistical data from professional
organizations or accrediting agencies.
Above all, progress ideas
logically. Reviewers should easily be able to follow a train of thought from
the criteria, through your proposal, all the way to the budget justification.
Eliminate redundancy, resolve ideas that may have been left hanging, and be as
clear and succinct as possible.
3) Allow Enough Time
Writing a major grant may, at
the outset, seem overwhelming. Find ways of breaking the task down into
manageable parts. For example—a principal investigator should enlist the
collaboration of coinvestigators. This conserves time by dividing
responsibility among multiple writers and diversifies areas of expertise.
Moreover, from an administrative leadership standpoint, this strengthens
interpersonal relationships and contributes to growth in research skills for
Karsh and Fox caution that
“preparing a grant proposal is a process that should start long before a
funding opportunity appears.” Establish a schedule for regular meetings of
collaborators. Meeting once a week, even if only for 15 minutes at a time, is
more effective than meeting for an hour once a month. Also, get an early start
so as to allow time, while still in the writing process, to step back and look
objectively at the proposal. Visualize possible indirect benefits and include
them to demonstrate vision and forethought.
4) Satisfy Grant Criteria
Citing experiences of reviewers,
Karsh and Fox report that “many applicants are so sure they’re the perfect
partners for us . . . but they have no idea because they haven’t read the
guidelines. It shouldn’t just be about asking everyone for money.”
Again, focus on the agency’s
criteria—not your needs. As an example, my unit was eligible to write a grant
under the rubric of education; however, the unit’s discipline was music—not
education. We were interested in a new computer classroom—not in creating
something for teachers and schoolchildren. Nevertheless, by conducting research
for each grant criterion, the research yielded the needs as a by-product.
The criteria included:
Addressing the critical
shortage of certified teachers in the state;
Demonstrating an ability to
attract or retain students in the field of education; and
Contributing to the No Child
Left Behind (NCLB) legislation and the state’s efforts for redesign of
education curricula.
Through research it was
possible to relate the grant criteria to the equipment we needed:
The state had identified a rate
of 17 percent of uncertified teachers in the target disciplines of math,
science, and special education. Research for the grant demonstrated that 13
percent of the teachers in music were also not certified. By demonstrating that
this was similar to the target disciplines, the proposal demonstrated a
shortage of certified music teachers and, hence, satisfied the first criterion.
Initial research demonstrated
that subject matter rich in technology had the effect of attracting and
retaining students in math and science. Subsequent research demonstrated
virtually identical data for the discipline of music. Through this, not only
had the second criterion been satisfied but parity had also been established
between music and the target disciplines.
Finally, research yielded a
clause in the state’s interpretation of the NCLB legislation that linked
teacher preparation programs to the integration of technology in the
curriculum. This satisfied the third criterion.
The investigators then set
about redesigning the music education curriculum. This infused current music
software, already the standard in the industry, into curricula for
music-teacher preparation. The grant was fully funded at $127,700.
A successful grant actually
creates a symbiosis. The key is to create something highly desirable to the
funding agency, and, in order for this to be realized, the agency has to
provide funding.
该暂行办法明确党员官员有下列情况之一的,应当对其进行诫勉谈话:一是不能严格遵守中共政治纪律,工作部署不力; 二是不认真执行民主集中制,作风专断,或者在领导班子中闹无原则纠纷;三是不认真履行职责,给工作造成一定损失;四是搞华而不实和脱离实际的“形象工程”、“政绩工程”,铺张浪费,造成不良影响; 五是用人失察失误; 六是不严格执行廉洁自律规定,造成不良影响。
Huang Shixian, Professor
presented by Southern
California China Colloquium and the
USC East Asian Studies
Center Tel: (213) 740-8409
Korn Convocation Hall - UCLA Anderson School of Management (map)
Cost of the Event - Conference Fee: $350
Contact: (310) 825-1623)
When we talk about high world oil and steel prices, the conversation inevitably turns to China. When we talk about the U.S. record trade imbalance, again the conversation turns to China. Record port activity? Cheap goods in Wal-Mart? China. The source of the high-skilled immigrants who work in many of our nation’s most high-tech industries? Yep- you guessed it, China again. China’s influence on the U.S. economy is undeniable, hence understanding what is happening there is invaluable for understanding what is going to happen here in California.
Come join the UCLA Anderson Forecast as we analyze the impact China has on the U.S. economy.
7:30-8:30am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30-8:40am Welcome, Ed Leamer, Dir. UCLA Anderson Forecast
8:40-10:00am I. National, State, Regional and International Economic Forecasts
Edward Leamer, Director, UCLA Anderson Forecast
Christopher Thornberg, Senior Economist, UCLA Anderson Forecast
Ryan Ratcliff, Economist, UCLA Anderson Forecast
Was the very slow 1.1% growth in Q4 GDP a fluke or a harbinger of things to come?
The slowdown in consumer spending: blip or new trend?
Housing euphoria is turning the corner, is the market going to follow?
Will Bernanke continue on Greenspan’s path or tackle new terrain?
Real estate has been driving the local economy. How much will its cooling impact the recovery?
Is the state budget realistic or are we building the foundations for another crunch?
Who’s growing and who is not? A look at the regional economies in 2005.
10:00-10:20am II. Keynote Address: Overview on
Donald Straszheim, Principal, Straszheim Associates, Inc.
How long can China's extraordinary growth last?
What are the stress points in the Chinese miracle?
Are there enough raw materials to support continued growth?
How much does your job depend on what is happening in China?
How much Chinese product can we absorb?
10:40-11:25am III. Panel One: The Money Behind the Miracle
Charles Wolf, Senior Economic Adviser,
International Economics,
Michael Brownrigg, Partner, Chinavest
Donald Straszheim, Principal, Straszheim Associates, Inc.
Is the Chinese Banking System up to the task?
What happens when the financial services open up to foreign firms?
Is there an appreciation of the Yuan in the near future?
Will China own the US or the other way around?
Keynote Discussion
11:25-12:30pm IV. Panel Two: What Does China Mean to California?
Tom Debrowski, Executive Vice President of Worldwide Operations, Mattel, Inc.
Ira Kalish, Global Director, Deloitte Research
Brad Johnson, Associate Principal, McKinsey & Company
Are we trading good jobs for cheap goods?
Can we afford such high prices for building materials and raw materials?
What can California supply to the growing Chinese Market?
Does California have the infrastucture for more trade with China?
UCLA Anderson Forecast |
学生在提出重新审核(Motion to Reconsider)打工申请的要求时,须就可以支持其重审要求的所有新事实,作出说明。公民身分与移民服务处可能会规定学生,提交能证明新事实的书面保证或其他文件。
5、F-1学生应在其“授权就业卡(EAD;Employment Authorization Documents)”失效之前6个月到90天之间,就开始向公民身分与移民处申请更新EAD卡。
如果公民身分与移民处未在90天之内批准打工申请,也没拒绝申请,那么学生可以向该处申请“暂时打工授权(interim employment authorization)。
9、学生毕业之后,纵使EAD尚未失效,他也不能在校外打工。学生毕业之后EAD就不能用了。不过毕业生可以申请“可择性的学后实习(OPT:optional practical training)”。
家庭人数 |
贫困线 |
贫困线的125% |
美国除阿拉斯加和 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * |
9,800 13,200 16,600 20,000 23,400 26,800 30,200 33,600 3,400 |
12,250 16,500 20,750 25,000 29,250 33,500 37,750 42,000 4,250 |
阿拉斯加州 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * |
12,250 16,500 20,750 25,000 29,250 33,500 37,750 42,000 4,250 |
15,313 20,625 25,938 31,250 36,563 41,875 47,188 52,500 5,313 |
夏威夷州 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * |
11,270 15,180 19,090 23,000 26,910 30,820 34,730 38,640 3,190 |
14,088 18,975 23,863 28,750 33,638 38.525 43,133 48,300 3,988 |
(超过人每人多加数) |
雅思考试进行考务改进 成绩复议费下调至860元 (韩晓蓉)
According to the Environment
Green Paper issued Tuesday, China's environment pollution and ecological
deterioration was at its critical stage now. Although the State Environmental
Protection Administration launched an overall environmental evaluation activity
throughout the country in early 2005 and devoted more efforts to protect
environment, the chemical spill incident occurring in the Songhuajiang River at
the end of the year became a tragic sign that reflected the critical condition
that China's environment faces amid the country's fast economic development.
Some experts pointed out that China was now at a crossroad for environmental
protection. In 2006, environmental problem was likely to continue.
The Green Paper, titled
"2005: China's environmental crisis and a way out," was compiled by
the Friends of Nature, a non-governmental organization, and published by the Social
Sciences Academic Press. Various social groups including scholars and experts
have made their input in the paper, which becomes China's first annual
environment report written from a view of public eyes.
The Green Paper listed the main
environmental problems in 2005 and warned that China's environmental problem
was at its critical stage now. Experts pointed out that water and air pollution
would remain as a problem until 2010 in the country. Year 2005 was the worst
year in history in terms of natural disasters and ecological problems. These
natural disasters and ecological problems were partly the result of climate
change, and partly due to the fact that China's ecological system deteriorated
so severely that the country enters a high, risky period of natural disasters
and ecological crisis.
At the same time, experts
pointed out that environmental pollution in China was "complex and
condensed." The environmental pollution, which emerged in developed
countries only in post-industrial era, was commonly seen in China now.
A research showed that Chinese
adolescents affected by myopia disease, or short-sightedness, tend to be younger
and younger. China now has 5 million blinded people and 6 million people with
low vision. The number of children who have slanting eyes or poor vision
reaches 10 million. About 40% of adolescents in China are short-sighted. In
college, such ratio is as high as 70%.
There is a remarkable increase
for the number of short-sighted children aged 7-9. Many children become
short-sighted at their school age or even earlier. In China, about 70% of
adolescents become short-sighted during puberty, the second most in world.
Experts said that there are
many factors that contribute to short-sightednesss among adolescents at an
earlier age. Besides heredity factors, the disease is mostly linked with
children's too much involvement in various pre-school classes, playing computer
games, watching televisions and films. A higher living standard and
adolescents' physical development at an earlier age also contribute to the
前台灣新竹科學園區副局長楊世緘表示A台灣的工業發展面臨最大的環境變化就是中國工業與經濟的崛起。為了持續台灣未來發展,提出三項建議包括:第一,推動國際化,架構國際經貿平台;第二,全面科技化,產業昇級,將台灣發展成為亞洲矽谷;第三,建設台灣為美麗的寶島,號召成功企業家與政府合作發展觀光休閒,創造出新一波的投資高潮。他同時也認為台灣應在兩岸直航和互免關稅兩方面與中國協商,利用兩岸間的經貿利基,發揮台灣為「亞太營運中心」的優勢。 不過在提到近來引發美、中關注的「廢統」議題是否會影響與台灣的關係一節時,楊世緘則話鋒一轉的說,這是執政者為爭取選票所提出的,與民生關係不大。反倒是許多大型建設需要政府協助與推動,但以目前情勢看來,在2008年前,扁政府應無力搞定經濟。
前美林證券首席經濟學家斯查申姆(Donald Straszheim)說,目前中國的機會遠大過於威脅,主要是勞動力成本低及高民生消費市場。許多企業願意到中國投資,看上的就是勞工便宜、成本降低,而12億人口同時也是商機所在。他亦提到,總統布殊訪問印度時,間接承認美、中、印三國才是未來的國際經貿黃金三角,說明中國發展可期。
S&T Consuls Dr. Dong Jianlong, Wang Shanmin, CSA members Dr. Zhenying
Jiang, Dr. Kern Kwong, Dr. Chao Chen, Dr. Zhou Wengsheng, Dr. Liping Yan, Dr. Chaohua Fang, Dr. Li dongsheng, Dr. Yang
Hua… attended the event, and gave a warm graduation to Dr. Richard Lee (CSA
lifetime member).