2006年第11  創刊第339             03/28/2006



Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

* 南加州中華科工學會2006年會暨楊福家教授傑出成就獎頒獎晚宴... 2

* Invitation from SAMSI: 8

* 8月起北京奥运全球招募赛会志愿者 人数约10... 9

* Welcome to [CSSA-UCLA] Make-up Seminar (04/01/2006) 10

* 中國殘疾人表演協會赴美演出 - MY DREAM (我的夢) 6 6 6 6 6

* [CAST-LA] 2006 CAST-LA Annual Convention Announcement 14

* 纽约中医药论坛:中医药肿瘤治疗 172nd New York Chinese Medicine Forum - Traditional Chinese Medicine & Oncology


* 同济大学全球招聘300名教授... 18

* 海归如何申请科研启动基金... 20

* 中国政府奖学金制度... 23

* 北京奥组委招纳人才500 相关工作经验成门槛... 35

*香港高校公布内地招生条件 毕业三年可永久居留... 33

News and Announcements

6      * 中央安排部署 "积极参与、共同践行胡锦涛提出的<<八荣八耻>>荣辱观... 6

* 申请来美中国学生猛增... 7

* Chinese have better shot at Nobel literature and peace prizes. 7

* 中国青少年心理状况严重 3000万少年找不到快乐... 8

* 中国奢侈消费花耗惊人 干部玩乐哪里来的钱?... 10

* [CSSA-UCLA] : The Border Protection, Antiterrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005, HR 4337  11

* 美國社區學院: 为什么逾三成4年制大学生回社区学院学习... 12

* Prospects for Hu’s Upcoming Visit to the United States 美国智库专家展望胡锦涛访美( ) 15

* MARCH 2006 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK - China's Impact on California Business. 15

* 建设创新型国家的两个关键 (路甬祥) 17

* More Chinese Satisfied with Sino-US Ties. 18

* 教育部部长:中国高等教育开始迈入大众化发展阶段... 18

* China Seeks New Deal in Health Reforms. 20

* 留学防陷阱: 揭密外国野鸡大学”4骗术  (张培)... 21

* Chinese living abroad want to return. 22

* 调查显示:超过1/4被访中国大学生曾有过自杀念头 (卢雪和) 22

* 85.3% Chinese people feel financial burden heavier than decade ago, poll 25

* 中科院:近5年局以上干部上交礼金等超30万元... 26

* 130,000 Chinese die of tuberculosis each year 27

* 2008年后联合国使用中文一律用简体... 27

* 高考专业填报:大学4年后10行欢喜10行愁... 27

* Researchers discover homosexuality in animals. 28

* 媚富而蔑贫 中国教育是大卖场? (贲鹏) 29

* One fourth of Chinese are English learners. 30

* 中国卫生部四大机构编制调整 新组建卫生监督局... 30

* 精力不充沛思维效率下降 解析职业枯竭六大特征  (北师大心理学教授许燕针) 31

* China to Pursue New Growth Model in Years Ahead. 32

* 教育部称将支持更多年轻人赴海外留学... 32

* CAS to rank among world top 5 research institutes. 32

* 近八成人认为MBA教育过滥 MBA待遇缩水 (邵泽慧) 34

* Shanghai World Expo sends out invitation letters. 34

* 加拿大科学家发现豆腐燕麦有助于降低胆固醇... 36

* 华裔科学家小发明大贡献 心血管疾病可一目了然... 37

* Commercial bribery serious economic problem.. 36

* 在商言商谈何容易——王军被捕给华裔的启示 (循斯) 37

*人类能活多少岁 改变基因结构寿命延长六倍 (奇云)... 38








Convention Keynote Speaker & Achievement Award Recipient


Prof. Fujia Yang




 University of Nottingham

United Kingdom











Achievement Award Recipients


Dr. Linda M. Liau


Neurosurgeon & Asso. Professor Division of Neurosurgery, UCLA



Dr. Man-Chung Tang


Chairman of the Board

T.Y. Lin International



Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California

2006 Annual Convention, Awards and Scholarship Fundraiser


Saturday, April 22, 2006

International Ballroom, Hilton Los Angeles Airport, Los Angeles


5:30 p.m.        Registration and Silent Auction  



6:30 p.m.        Banquet

Entertainment I: Chinese Folk Dance Solo (Performed by: Ting Ting Chang張婷婷)

Entertainment II: Piano Solo (Performed by: Joseph Tsai蔡宗穎)



7:30 p.m.        President’s Remarks


Keynote Speech: Education Is the Future

Prof. Fujia Yang (楊福家教授)

Chancellor, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom


Achievement Awards Presentation

Dr. Linda M. Liau (廖敏妃博士)

Neurosurgeon and Associate Professor, Division of Neurosurgery, UCLA
Dr. Man-Chung Tang

Chairman of the Board, T.Y. Lin International

Scholarship Awards Presentation


9:00 p.m.       Entertainment III: Tai Chi Sword Demonstration (Performed by: Lau-Ching Yeung楊柳青)



Admission:    $60


Contact:         Sikun Lan (310)402-6680, Shan Lee (626)823-1580


--------------------------------------For Reservations----------------------------------------


Please complete the following information, make check payable to CESASC Scholarship Foundation and mail by April 10, 2006 to: Shan Lee, 15358 Lillian Pl., Hacienda Heights, CA 91745


I would like to reserve ____ seat(s) @ $60/per person (Convention)

I would like to reserve ____ table(s) @$600/per table of 10 persons (Convention)

I would like to reserve ____ seat(s) @ $70/per person (Convention, Luncheon & Technical Symposium)

I would like to reserve ____ seat(s) @ $20/per person (Luncheon & Technical Symposium)

I would like to reserve ____ seat(s) @ $10/per person with student ID (Luncheon & Technical Symposium)



Name: _________________ Company/Org: ______________________ Phone: _________________


Address: _______________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________

CESASC 2006 Technical Symposium

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Hilton Los Angeles Airport, Los Angeles

Sponsor: Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC)

Co-organizers: Chinese-American Computer Association (CCA)

            Southern California Chinese-American Environmental Protection Association (SCCAEPA)

            International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association of Southern California (ICTPA-SC)


10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Registration (La Jolla B, 2nd Floor)


11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Opening Ceremony and Luncheon (La Jolla B, 2nd Floor)

Keynote Speaker:      Mr. Hans Ku, DreamWorks Animation SKG

Topic:                           “The Technical Innovations in Animation”


12:45 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. (3 concurrent sessions in Plaza B, C & D, Lower Lobby)

(Plaza B) Information Technology Outsourcing: Impact on US Businesses and Jobs

Session Chair: Larry Lai, CCA

1) Ning Chen, Cal State Fullerton: “Outsourcing Practices for Small Business in Technology”

2) Scarlette Hu, Getty Trust: “Outsourcing - Market, Trend and Your Career”

3) George S. Chiang, Boeing: “Outsourcing and Global Partners Relationship”

(Plaza C) Environmental and Transportation Engineering

Session Co-Chairs: Jason Wen, City of Downey and Min Zhou, Urban Crossroads

1) Bob Huff, California Assemblyman, Assembly District 60: “Transportation Funding Issues in California

2) Jimmy Lin, President & CEO, Katz, Okitsu & Associates: “Global Prospective on Future Traffic and Transportation Issues in California

3) Guangming Gu, Consulate General of China in LA: “Role of Science and Technology in China’s Development”

4) Yue Rong, CA Reg. Water Board – LA: MTBE – How California Deals with It and What Is Up Globally”

(Plaza D) Life Sciences

Session Co-Chairs: Shiuan Chen, City of Hope and Will Chou, Amgen

1) Yixin Wang, Veridex and Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics: “Gene Array Analysis”

2) Lydia Su, UCI: “Tumor Imaging”

3) Will Chou, Amgen: “Overview of the Biotechnology Industry: From Start-up to Commercial Enterprise


2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (3 concurrent sessions in Plaza B, C & D, Lower Lobby)

(Plaza B) Aerospace & Defense

Session Co-Chairs: Konrad Zhu, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne/United Technologies Company and David K. Lee, Northrop Grumman Space Technology

1) Jesse Wong, NGC/Mission Systems: “The Role of System Engineering”

2) Steven R. Chan, NGC/Space Technology: “Integrated Process Improvement - A Ground Systems Perspective”

3) Jim Fang, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne/UTC: “Rocket Propulsion System and Combustion Dynamics”

(Plaza C) Electronics, Communication, Optics & Nano Technology

Session Chair: Jia Ming Chen, UCLA

1) Yong Chen, UCLA: “Nanotechnology: The Endless Small World”

2) Winn Hong, Convergent Ventures: “VC Activities in the Field of Organic Electronics”

3) Jason Liu, TechnoCom Corp.: “Latest Technology on Intelligent Transportation Communication Services”

(Plaza D) Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Research Poster Exhibition

Session Chairs: Jerry Cheng, UCLA and Dean Ho, UCLA


Seminars are free. Luncheon: $20/person, students: $10/person.

Please Contact Technical Symposium Co-Chairs:

Dr. Liping Yan (714)321-0263 lipingyan@earthlink.net

Dr. Konrad Zhu (818)586-0577 Sheng-Hua.Zhu@pwr.utc.com   



MY DREAM (我的夢) -中國殘疾人表演協會赴美演出



PRODUCER:     東森慈善基金會 (Dong Sen Charitable Foundation)

                            18430 E. San Jose Ave #A City of Industry, CA 91748

                            Phone (626) 581-8899, FAX (626) 581-8877


第五季傳播公司 ( Jade Entertainment, Inc.)

                              525 North Azusa Ave., Ste #205, City of Industry, CA 91744

Phone (626) 968-8896, FAX (562) 645-0025




CONCERT DATE:         Saturday, May 06, 2006 / Sunday, May 07, 2006


CONCERT VENUE:      Los Angeles Orpheum Theatre, 842 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90014


NO. ATTENDING:        1,900 available seating                                     


ADMISSION:     VIP -- $200  General -- $98, $68, $38           




























Chinese have better shot at Nobel literature and peace prizes


 Anders Flodstrom, rector of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, led three other Nobel Prize judges on March 23 as guests of Tsinghua discussion forum during which he said the chances of Chinese receiving Nobel literature or peace prize are quite high. That afternoon, under the leadership of the rector of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Nobel Chemistry Prize Committee member Sven Lidin, Nobel Physics Prize Committee member Borje Johansson and Nobel Prize Committee member Fredholm delivered speeches with the theme of "Nobel Prizes and scientific discoveries" at Tsinghua University. They hope to use their visit and speeches to promote cultural exchanges and progress between China and Sweden. The three Nobel Prize Award Committee members all regard the chances of a Chinese receiving either the Nobel literature or peace prize as quite high. Rector Anders Flodstrom said, "China will undoubtedly be able to receive a Nobel science prize in the near future."



中国青少年心理状况严重 3000万少年找不到快乐 


不快乐的少年生活,为他们的心里投下了阴影 在中国,因为孤独抑郁而患有行为问题的儿童越来越多,这已经开始引发人们的忧虑。在儿童期,这些行为问题常常属于家庭范围内的调节和适应困难,因此往往与父母对待孩子的态度和方式密切相关,体现在抚养、教育、管理等方方面面。 世界卫生组织估计,2020年以前全球儿童精神障碍会增长50%,成为最主要的五个致病、致死和致残原因之一。而在中国目前,儿童青少年的心理卫生状况也非常严重。


北京大学精神卫生研究所研究员王玉凤:中国17岁以下的儿童青少年中,至少有3000万人受到各种情绪障碍和行为问题的困扰。中、小学生心理障碍患病率达到21.6%32.0%,突出表现为人际关系、情绪稳定性和学习适应方面的问题。 这个数量庞大的群体包括三部分组成。首先是重度精神病症患者,比如精神分裂症、偏执性精神病等,这部分所占比例很低;其次是精神障碍患者,这包括常见的多动症、儿童抑郁症、儿童孤独症、儿童焦虑症等;第三则是一部分精神疾病高危人群,所谓高危人群是没有达到精神障碍的诊断标准,但是已经开始具有其中的一些症状表现,如果任其发展则会转变为病症。 3000万儿童,尽管这个庞大的数字已经让人忧心忡忡,但实际情况可能远不止此。


中国疾病预防控制中心精神卫生中心的办公室主任刘津博士: 3000万是最保守的估计,实际人数可能扩大到5000万。如果从总体上无法了解准确的数据,从一些局部调查中,我们可以感受到势态发展的严重。 2005年上海市妇联所公布的一项调查报告显示,上海市中小学生的心理障碍发生率达21%32% 北京大学精神卫生研究所从1984年以来,对北京市某些城区的小学生作过四次儿童行为问题患病率调查,1984年为8.3%1993年为10.9%1998年为13.4%2001年则增长到18.2%。尽管这四次调查在选择区域时前后有所变化,但它所反映的增长态势无疑是严峻的。 这意味着,如果以以上比率推算,在中国3.4亿儿童青少年中,有近五分之一的孩子正在遭受着心理煎熬,这听起来令人沮丧。 让人忧虑的是,诸如多动症、焦虑症、忧郁症等心理疾病所瞄准的侵犯对象越来越低龄,来到世间便开始遭受苦难在这些孩子身上一语成谶。 这一时期儿童所表现出来的心理异常,通常不会自动恢复,从而直接对其性格造成重要影响,导致性格压抑、心灵创伤,阻碍他们社会性的发展和交往能力的发展,一直延续到成年。 这种抑郁症往往还是自杀的先兆。因为无法更好地适应社会以及面对挫折,很多孩子在进入青春期或者步入社会后会产生轻生的想法。目前精神障碍和自杀已经占我国疾病总负担的20%,居各类疾病之首。 那些身处不幸中的人需要帮助,但情绪障碍与行为问题的低龄化往往使这很难做到。 孩子心理问题的初期症状并不明显,家长通常不会给以足够的重视。目前中国大部分家长不会把孩子的情绪异常当成一种疾病,而这往往会使事情变得很糟。


Invitation from SAMSI:


Dear Colleague,


 We are pleased to announce the 12th Industrial Mathematical and Statistical Modeling Workshop for Graduate Students to be held at

 North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC from July 24th - August 1st, Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC from July 24th - August 1st, 2006. The workshop is hosted by the Center for Research in Scientific Computation (CRSC) at N.C. State and is sponsored by the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) located in Research Triangle Park (RTP), NC.


 The objective of the workshop is to expose graduate students in mathematics, engineering, and statistics to challenging and exciting real-world problems arising in industrial and government laboratory research. The students also learn about the team approach to problem solving. Institutions/Companies presenting projects this year include: Advertising.com, Battelle Memorial Institute, GlaxoSmithKline, Lord Corporation, MIT Lincoln Lab and SAS Institute.


 With our extensive experience, we can offer to both students and problem presenters the support of an experienced group of faculty and

 staff. Many opportunities to socialize among students, problem presenters, faculty and staff complete the workshop. Note that selected students are offered financial support that includes all local expenses. Students affiliated with US institutions are provided an allocation for travel. Students outside the US should contact us to determine the availability of travel funding.


 We invite you to visit the Workshop website at http://www.ncsu.edu/crsc/imsm where you will find more information regarding this year's workshop, previous workshops and the application procedure. If you have any questions regarding the Workshop, please contact Mansoor Haider, at (919) 515-3100 or via email at m_haider@ncsu.edu. We hope to see some of your students join us for the exciting experience of the Industrial Mathematical and Statistical Modeling Workshop 2006!





 Alina Chertock

 Mansoor Haider

 Mette Olufsen

 Ralph C. Smith


Donna Pike, Workshop Specialist - SAMSI

Voice: 919-685-9324 Fax: 919-685-9331



8月起北京奥运全球招募赛会志愿者 人数约10 


北京奥运会志愿者工作协调小组宣布将从今年8月起,面向全球公开招募北京奥运会赛会志愿者。 2008北京奥运会及残奥会预计共需招募赛会志愿者约10万人,服务岗位主要涉及礼宾接待、语言翻译、交通运输、安全保卫、医疗卫生、观众指引、物品分发、沟通联络、竞赛组织支持、场馆运行支持、新闻运行支持、文化活动组织支持等领域。北京奥组委通过全球公开招募赛会志愿者。 在公开招募的同时,赛会志愿者的管理、培训、宣传等各项任务都要在今年全面展开。http://en.beijing-2008.org/33/28/homepage211612833.shtml


Welcome to [CSSA-UCLA] Make-up Seminar (04/01/2006)


Hey, Gal,

    Have you noticed that Spring is coming? Have you noticed that you are not on the market of fashion and colors for a long time? Have you noticed that it's hard for you to choose the eyeshadow to fit your dress? Have you noticed that you cannot decide which lipgloss to buy standing among tons of different brands and colors? Have you noticed that? Don't get panic. Come and Join Us. We can make you more attractive, more beautiful and more confident For FREE!   


CSSA will have a make-up seminar on April 1st. (Trust me, this ann is not a Fool Day joke). We invite an experienced cosmetic consultant

 from MaryKay, which will give you instructions on how to do the make up under different situations, like the daily make up, the makeup for a cocktail party or the one for an formal interview.  What's more, the tutorial will be given in person, which means you will get a personal suggestion, like which color suits you best. All the cosmetic samples are provided by the consultant.


   Time:  2pm to 6pm  April 1st, 2006

   There will be two sessions, one from 2 to 4 and the other from 4 to 6.  Choose a time slot that fits into your calendar.


   Location:   3200 Sawtelle Blvd

   Fee: Free to every one!


   We are looking forward to seeing you there!





中国奢侈消费花耗惊人 干部玩乐哪里来的钱?




  公款吃喝年耗2000亿 约占全国财政收入7%: 由中央党校主办的《学习时报》第326期刊登文章称,公车消费和公款吃喝一年的总数高达6000亿元以上,几乎相当于财政收入的20%左右。


  公车消费: 2004年,中国国至少有公车400万辆,公车消费财政资源4085亿元,大约占全国财政收入的13%以上。


  公款吃喝: 全国一年的公款吃喝在2000亿元以上,约占全国财政收入的7%


公费出国: 2000年《中国统计年鉴》显示,1999年的国家财政支出中,仅干部公费出国一项消耗的财政费用就达3000亿元,2000年以后,出国学习、培训、考察之风愈演愈烈,公费出国有增无减。



[CSSA-UCLA] : The Border Protection, Antiterrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005, HR 4337


Dear CSSA Members:


We are writing to inform you a legislation currently pending in Congress, which, if passed, will affect millions of immigrants, visa holders, green card holders, and even people who have become US citizens. This new bill, introduced by House Judiciary Chairman Representative James Sensenbrenner (R-Wisconsin), is called The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005, HR 4437. Immigrants' rights community in the US has called the bill "the most repressive immigration bill in decades."


On Monday, March 20th, a student at the UCLA School of Law wrote in Daily Bruin that this bill "would deprive immigrants of important due process rights, divide families, criminalize undocumented status, and drive undocumented immigrants ?the most exploited group in our country ?even further underground. Further, the bill could hold social service agencies and church groups who offer support to undocumented immigrants accountable and at risk of criminal prosecution as smugglers. Employers of undocumented immigrants could face similar prosecution and substantially raised fines."


The Legal Immigrant Resource Center listed negative effects this bill can bring as the following:


.         HR 4437 criminalizes organizations and individuals assistingundocumented immigrants

.         HR 4437 criminalizes undocumented immigration status

.         HR 4437 grants state and local law enforcement agencies "inherent authority" to enforce immigration laws

.         HR 4437 furthers the erosion of due process

.         HR 4437 expands the costly detention of immigrants

.         HR 4437 guts the federal courts' authority to review immigration matters

.         HR 4437 turns many minor crimes into aggravated felonies, which carry the worst possible immigration consequences

.         HR 4437 expands the consequences of an aggravated felony and other offenses

.         HR 4437 eliminates key safeguards concerning evidence used to prove that an immigrant is deportable for an aggravated felony

.         HR 4437 reverses the burden of proof

.         HR 4437 makes an immigrant associated with any street gang deportable and ineligible for any immigration benefits

.         HR 4437 undermines state court decisions regarding the reversal or vacation of convictions in immigration proceedings

.         HR 4437 imposes mandatory minimum sentences for many offenses


For more detailed information, please visit http://www.ilrc.org/HR4437.html and http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/news/articles.asp?id=36425.


The bill has already been passed in the House and is currently pending in the Senate. Since the introduction of this legislation, in many major cities of the US, there have been a series of protests held by immigrants in opposition of this bill. CSSA-UCLA will continue to learn the ongoing progress of the bill and will keep CSSA members updated with the latest development.





美國社區學院: 为什么逾三成4年制大学生回社区学院学习





  据《纽约时报》118日报道,这群所谓反向转学的大学生,有的是进了4年制大学才迟迟发现所学的学科并不他们所需要的,他们所需要的是能让他们找到工作的技能。有的是进了传统大学之后,在学业或在人际关系里跟不上。有的大学生只想进修到2年制学院的副学士学位;但很多转学生的期望是在2年制学院压力较低的环境里站稳脚步之后,再回到4年制大学去上学。美国社区大学协会会长乔治·博格斯(George R.Borggs)说,大学学费的上涨,也迫使学生或支付学费的家长把社区学院当作延缓压力的地方。这协会对于全国教育统计中心“20032004年高中毕业生助学金研究报告资料进行分析,发现社区大学的学生里有32%曾经是4年制大学的学生。博格斯说:我不断听到学院校长说,在过去几年有更多学生反向转学,学生的流动性很大。每年的学生群里,都有教育统计专家所谓的你好-再见学生。他们进了大学,刚布置好宿舍房间,就发现在参观时看来让人眼光缭乱的大学,已经不再适合自己。











911之後聯邦國土安全局對外國學生實行行動監督政策﹐使美國長期開放的國際高等教育大門驟然緊縮﹐大批國際學生被拒門外﹔而與此同時﹐遍布全美各地的社區學院卻因課程實用﹑收費低廉﹑校園環境較為輕鬆深得新移民和國際學生的青睞﹐甚至一些沒有身份的非法移民﹐也成為社區學院的課堂成員。 作為全球最大的高等教育系統﹐美國的大學和社區學院每年吸收的國際學生﹐約佔全球國際學生總數的1/32004年﹐全美高等教育系統因招收國際學生而獲得的收入﹐高達130億美元﹐成為美國的第五大產業。2003/2004年度﹐共有572,509名國際學生在美國學習﹐佔美國大學學生總人數的4.3﹪。在各國國際學生當中﹐來自印度的比例最高﹐為13.9﹪﹐其次為中國﹐為10.8﹪﹐北韓9.2﹪﹐日本7.1﹪﹐加拿大4.7﹪。


聯邦教育部社區學院轉學與留學生研究小組負責人Linda Serra Hegedorn教授表示﹐目前在美接受高等教育的新移民和國際學生中﹐為數不少是在社區學院學習。比如在全國將近1000所社區學院每年註冊的5,000,000名學生當中﹐新移民和國際學生比例不低。她說﹐社區學院由於得到政府資金的大力扶持﹐學費低廉﹐一些來自貧困家庭的學生﹐甚至免費學習﹔課程設計較強的針對性和實用性﹐不僅為學生向四年大學邁進提供了良好的階梯﹐也為普通的技術勞工提供了良好的技能基礎。此外﹐學區學院普遍提供的英語課程﹐特別為新移民學生提供了改善英語的學習環境。 過去十年﹐全美社區學院的國際學生人數增長了60﹪。到2003/2004年度﹐全國各地社區學院的新移民和國際學生人數超過75800人﹐佔在美國際留學生總數的13﹪。 海根多教授表示﹐與其它族裔相比﹐亞裔新移民和國際學生就讀社區學院的比例較低﹐一是因為亞裔的家庭人口較少﹑經濟狀況較好﹐學生較為努力﹐學術表現更佳﹐但她也不排除一些亞裔因為受到傳統和家庭的壓力﹐對自己期望很高﹐羞於就讀社區學院。 海根多認為﹐對於英語有限的新移民和國際學生來說﹐社區學院是一段很好的過渡階段﹐而且不會荒廢專業學習。對於沒有合法在美的學生來說﹐雖然很難從社區學院轉入四年制大學﹐但是移民局對社區學院學生的檢查往往罔開一情M學生可以安心學習。近年﹐全美社區學院轉為四年大學的學生比例﹐約為1/4



[CAST-LA] 2006 CAST-LA Annual Convention Announcement


Dear Sir/Madam:


On April 8th, 2006, the Chinese Association of Science and Technology, Los Angeles Chapter (CAST-LA) will be holding the 2006 Annual Convention at Almansor Court, located at 700 S Almansor St., Alhambra, CA 91801.


CAST, founded in 1992, is one of the most-recognized organizations among Chinese professionals in the U.S. It is dedicated to promoting the understanding between Americans and ethnic Chinese in the United States and supporting the interests, aspirations and achievements of Chinese professionals. Since then, CAST has been growing at a rapid pace, currently with 16 local chapters and thousands of members in more than 30 states. It also has eight sub-committees specializing in the fields of Information System, Engineering, Networking, E-Commerce, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biology, Medicine, Finance and Law. The annual convention is a forum for technical symposium, talent and career matching, new venture opportunities for entrepreneurs, and social interactions.


We are delighted to invite you to attend this convention, where you will learn from the insightful speeches by our outstanding speakers of successful entrepreneurs, meet with old friends and make some new friends. It is a good opportunity to expand your networking with other successful Chinese professionals from both the United States and China.


Enclosed please find the brief outline of this year’s convention. If you have any questions or need to purchase tickets, please visit our website http://www.cast-la.org or contact me at 818-703-7415 (Email: lushen818@yahoo.com). We look forward to seeing you at the convention. Thank you in advance for your support.




Lu Shen, President, CAST-LA

Co-Chair, Organizing Committee, 2006 CAST-LA Annual Convention




Speaker introduction (Chinese version):




Prospects for Hu’s Upcoming Visit to the United States 美国智库专家展望胡锦涛访美( )


中国国家主席胡锦涛即将于今年420日对美国进行国事访问,这是胡锦涛担任主席后首次访美,无疑被视为中美关系中备受瞩目的经典时刻。 胡锦涛在当前中美关系敏感而复杂的时期访美,一些敏感议题必然将出现在会议的议程里,包括贸易、伊朗核问题、朝鲜半岛核问题、台湾问题、中国扩军等。


为精确评估和展望胡锦涛访美的议程和意义,《卡内基中国透视》对两位极具影响力的美国外交战略专家进行专访。其一是美国布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)中国中心主任贝德(Jeffrey A. Bader),他曾任美国贸易助理代表,完成中国和台湾加入世界贸易组织的谈判,也曾是负责东亚和太平洋地区事务的国务卿助理和美国国家安全委员会亚洲事务的主任。其二是美国企业研究所(American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research)高级战略研究项目执行主任史密特(Gary J. Schmitt),他是新保守主义的主要思想家之一,在里根政府担任总统外交情报咨询组的执行主任,他的观点与贝德相得益彰,更能全面体现华府政策界的看法。(For details, please visit our UPDATE'S friend site: http://www.carnegieendowment.org/programs/china/chinese/insightmonthly/Articles/0306.cfm#Relation)



  MARCH 2006 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK - China's Impact on California Business


Korn Convocation Hall - UCLA Anderson School of Management (map)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006   7:30am - 12:30pm

Cost of the Event: Conference Fee: $350



  When we talk about high world oil and steel prices, the conversation inevitably turns to China. When we talk about the U.S. record trade imbalance, again the conversation turns to China. Record port activity? Cheap goods in Wal-Mart? China. The source of the high-skilled immigrants who work in many of our nation’s most high-tech industries? Yep- you guessed it, China again. China’s influence on the U.S. economy is undeniable, hence understanding what is happening there is invaluable for understanding what is going to happen here in California.


Come join the UCLA Anderson Forecast as we analyze the impact China has on the U.S. economy. 


  7:30-8:30am   Registration and Continental Breakfast

  8:30-8:40am   Welcome and Introductions - Edward Leamer, Director, UCLA Anderson Forecast

  8:40-10:00am I. National, State, Regional and International Economic Forecasts

  Edward Leamer, Director, UCLA Anderson Forecast

  Christopher Thornberg, Senior Economist, UCLA Anderson Forecast

  Ryan Ratcliff, Economist, UCLA Anderson Forecast


  Was the very slow 1.1% growth in Q4 GDP a fluke or a harbinger of things to come?

The slowdown in consumer spending: blip or new trend?

Housing euphoria is turning the corner, is the market going to follow?

Will Bernanke continue on Greenspan’s path or tackle new terrain?

Real estate has been driving the local economy. How much will its cooling impact the recovery?

Is the state budget realistic or are we building the foundations for another crunch?

Who’s growing and who is not? A look at the regional economies in 2005.


  10:00-10:20am II. Keynote Address: Overview on China - Donald Straszheim, Vice Chairman, Roth Capital Partners


How long can China's extraordinary growth last?

What are the stress points in the Chinese miracle?

Are there enough raw materials to support continued growth?

How much does your job depend on what is happening in China?

How much Chinese product can we absorb?


  10:20-10:40am Break

    10:40-11:25am III. Panel One: The Money Behind the Miracle

  Charles Wolf, Senior Economic Adviser and Corporate Fellow in International Economics, Rand

  Michael Brownrigg, Partner, Chinavest

  Donald Straszheim, Vice Chairman, Roth Capital Partners


 Is the Chinese Banking System up to the task?

What happens when the financial services open up to foreign firms?

Is there an appreciation of the Yuan in the near future?

Will China own the US or the other way around?

Keynote Discussion


  11:25-12:30pm IV. Panel Two: What Does China Mean to California?

  Zachary J. Anderson, Corporate Economist, Nissan North America, Inc. (moderator)

  Tom Debrowski, Executive Vice President of Worldwide Operations, Mattel, Inc.

  Ira Kalish, Global Director (Specializing in Consumer Business), Deloitte Research

  Brad Johnson, Associate Principal, McKinsey & Company

  Michael Tamaru, Director of Finance, Division CFO, Cisco Systems - Linksys LLC


 Are we trading good jobs for cheap goods?

Can we afford such high prices for building materials and raw materials?

What can California supply to the growing Chinese Market?

Does California have the infrastructure for more trade with China?



建设创新型国家的两个关键 (路甬祥)










2nd New York Chinese Medicine Forum - Traditional Chinese Medicine & Oncology 纽约中医药论坛中医药肿瘤治疗


TCMAA Members and Friends


On April 10, 2006, National Institute of Health is going to organize first-of-the-kind conference on "Traditional Chinese Medicine and Cancer Research." Many TCM experts in cancer research from China will attend the meeting in Bethesda, Maryland.


TCMAA has invited some of the speakers with experience in clinical oncology to give presentations at TCMAA 2nd New York Chinese Medicine Forum/TCMAA Annual Conference on April 16, 2006 (Sunday) in New York.


Please see attached program for details. You may find more information at www.tcmaa.org


If you are interested in attending this meeting, please register as soon as possible.


Contact: Li, Yongming ymli@aol.com 





教育部部长周济说,我国高等教育毛入学率达21%,在校生已超过2300万人,进入国际公认的大众化发展阶段。 周济在中国发展高层论坛2006年会上介绍,中国今后将进一步提高高等教育大众化水平,全面提高人才培养质量。 周济还介绍,普通教育和职业教育是具有中国特色教育体系的两大支柱,改革开放以来,国家坚持职业教育和普通教育并举,加快教育结构调整,使得中等职业教育发展迅速,高等职业教育迅速崛起。2005年,中等职业教育共有在校生1559.19万人,中等职业学校招生规模达到664万人。与此同时以更新知识和提高技能为重点的继续教育和成人教育也发展迅速,基本满足了人民群众多样化学习的需求。 周济还强调,中国的大学应把创新作为学校建设的灵魂,走出一条有特色的高水平大学建设之路。同时,还应坚持以服务求支持,以贡献求发展,在服务中国现代化建设的实践中,实现国家教育,特别是高等教育更快、更好地发展。








More Chinese Satisfied with Sino-US Ties 


Almost 80 percent of Chinese people feel good about people from the United States and most were satisfied with the Sino-US relations, results of a recent poll show. The poll, carried out by the Global Times, a publication of the leading newspaper People's Daily, showed that 60 percent of Chinese are generally satisfied with the Sino-US ties, and nearly 20 percent are satisfied or very satisfied with bilateral ties. The survey was conducted in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Wuhan. Some 36.7 percent of the interviewees regarded the United States as a cooperative partner, 23.5 percent said it is an example to learn from and 16.1 percent said the United States is a friendly country. However, about 60 percent of the interviewees said "yes" on whether the United States is striving to restrain China, about the same as last year's survey.


The Taiwan issue is an important factor in forming the Chinese public opinion about the United States. About 60 percent of the interviewees said the Taiwan question was the most important issue in Sino-US ties and most of the interviewees were unsatisfied with US arms sales to Taiwan. On Sino-US trade ties, 66.6 percent of the interviewees said it stimulated China's economic progress and 44.5 percent said it promoted reforms in China. The majority of respondents thought the United States benefited more than China from the booming trade. Rising trade disputes also sparked lot of concern.












China Seeks New Deal in Health Reforms 


China is planning to change its radical market-oriented health reforms that have attracted much criticism. The China Development Research Center (CDRC) under the State Council, said last week that the improper use of market mechanisms has resulted in a gross injustice in the distribution of health resources. Under the reforms, lower-end health institutions, such as rural hospitals and community hospitals in urban areas, are struggling for survival.


Referring to the results of a study jointly carried out by the CDRC and the World Health Organization (WHO), the trend of commercializing China's health reforms is wrong and must be redressed. Henk Bekedam, WHO representative in China, said inadequate input and interference from the government is responsible for the inefficient use of China's limited health resources. He acknowledged that there are currently 11 government departments playing different roles in health services, but there is no overall coordinator. He suggested the State Council should set up a special organization to coordinate all these departments and the government should also draw up a long-term plan for the health sector and clearly define its roles.


If the tendency of profit-seeking in health institutions is not stopped, generations of future Chinese doctors could become victims. The government must play a decisive role in future health reforms, if China is to provide proper health services to its 1.3 billion people, he said. The building of a new health system that will make health services available and affordable to everyone will cost anywhere between US$19 billion to 25 billion, or around 1.5 percent of China's gross domestic product in 2005. This is an affordable plan for China.



留学防陷阱: 揭密外国野鸡大学”4骗术  (张培)



















预防受骗把握三原则 - 中介两证要查看














Chinese living abroad want to return 


The majority of Chinese people living abroad want to return to China to work, but they expect to earn more than 10,000 yuan (US$1,235) a month and hold at least a mid-level management position, a recent survey suggests. High expectations have become the biggest obstacle for returned overseas Chinese to find a job in the country, said human resource experts.


ChinaHR.com, one of China's leading Web-based headhunters, asked 3,097 overseas Chinese living in 49 countries and regions about their attitudes towards coming back to China to work. Nearly 88 percent of people surveyed said they would like to return to China to work, but more than 40 percent said they would have to earn at least 10,000 yuan a month. Only 2 percent of respondents said they would accept a salary of less than 4,000 yuan a month, which is nearly double the city's average income, the survey reported. Respondents also said they would prefer to work for foreign-invested companies in Shanghai or Beijing, according to the survey. An earlier report indicated that 35 percent of returned overseas Chinese find it difficult to land a satisfactory job. 


China's gradually opening economy had created abundant job opportunities for returned overseas Chinese, who have stronger foreign language skills and more international experience.



调查显示:超过1/4被访大学生曾有过自杀念头 (卢雪和) 





























根据中国政府与外国政府或国际组织达成的协议或计划,中国政府奖学金由教育部负责对外提供,并委托国家留学基金管理委员会(Chinese Scholarships Council,简称CSC)具体负责享受中国政府奖学金来华留学的外国学生(以下简称奖学金生)的招生及日常事务的管理工作。











































本科生奖学金生活费:    每人每月800元人民币



















通讯地址:北京市复兴门内大街160 邮政编码:100031

电话:86-10-66413253 传真:86-10-66413255 电子信箱:laihua@csc.edu.cn



85.3% Chinese people feel financial burden heavier than decade ago, poll


Information from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that from 1996 to 2005, there was no price hike and the growth rate of consumer price index was much lower that the growth rate of the per capita disposable income. However, a latest survey revealed that 85.3% people felt they had a heavier financial burden than a decade ago. About 7,625 people took the survey that was jointly launched by the Social Investigation Center of China Youth Daily and Sina website’s News Center. While 78.8% of people in the survey said their income increased compared with a decade ago, 85.3% felt that their financial burden was more than before.


In China, a notable phenomenon was that scholars’ analyzing results based on micro figures were usually far different from impressions of the general public about their daily life. Usually, it is not that the public is wrong, but because the way these micro figures were collected is not correct. The consumption price index (CPI) was a case in example. The data collecting methods used for determining CPI were set twenty years ago. During this period, great changes have taken place in people’s consumption structure and types of goods that they buy. Twenty years ago, food comprised one-third proportion of the CPI figure while now, they account for only a fraction of it. On the other hand, consumption status in medical goods, education and telecommunication do not reflect the real picture at all. The soaring housing prices in recent years are even excluded from CPI calculation according to relative “international norms”.


Such miscalculation contributed to the phenomenon that while statistics showed a stagger state in consumption prices, people on the contrary felt that their life burden was much heavier than before, since major consumption items, such as education, healthcare services, housing and pension fees have all increased several times or even dozens of times more than before. According to the survey, housing, education and healthcare services are ranked as the top three sectors that people spend their money most. These are also the very three sectors that people feel the greatest rate of increase.


It is unrealistic to think that the problem can be solved with more personal savings. And fortunately, the government doesn’t avoid solving these problems that are closely linked with the interests of the general public. In recent years, the government has taken a series of measures in order to cool down the housing prices, to tackle the problem of charging education fees at one’s discretion, and to carry out the reform in medical service system.








 130,000 Chinese die of tuberculosis each year


China's Vice Health Minister Wang Longde confirmed on Mar. 24th that 550 million Chinese are tubercle bacillus carriers, taking up 45% of China's total population. Moreover, about 130,000 Chinese die of tuberculosis (TB) each year, exceeding the overall death tolls caused by other infectious diseases. Therefore, knowledge of TB prevention and treatment should be popularized more extensively.


Wang said that TB is a disease largely affecting health of Chinese people. Based on an old Chinese saying that nine out of ten tubercle bacillus carriers die, this disease used to be incurable. After the invention of streptomycin, it became remediable. Due to this invention, however, TB is ignored in most cases. Because this disease is highly infectious, the number of TB patients is increasing 1% annually worldwide. Wang revealed that World Health Organization has put emphasis on control of three major infectious diseases around the world, namely AIDS, TB and malaria. Since China is one of the 22 countries shouldering the heaviest burden of TB, its number of TB patients ranks No. 2 in the globe after India.


It was learned that China records 130,000 deaths of TB each year, which surpasses the total death tolls of other infectious diseases. Most of the 130,000 Chinese who died of TB lived in poverty-stricken rural areas and young and middle-aged people accounted for the largest portion.





根据联合国决定,从2008年后,在联合国使用的中文一律用简体字。 现在联合国使用的还是两种版本,就是繁体字和简体字都有。 联合国正在准备,所有的中文文件都会用简化字。因为用两种字体是没有必要的。针对简化字在大陆以外华人地区的使用情况,专家介绍说,现在香港推行普通话的学校很多,虽然现在特区政府没有一个明确的政策,但民间正在推行。另外,台湾也有一些人使用简化字。 根据2005年世界主要语言实力调查报告,汉语排名世界第二。如今,中国在国外推广汉语的孔子学院已经发展到40所。







热门专业TOP10 初次就业月薪水平


机械制造 1535

汽车类 1845

道桥 1812

计算机应用 1895

自动化 1600

土木工程 1800

材料科学 1500

酒店管理 1383

电气类 1685

化工工艺 1752


【冷暖先知】 知冷知热好报专业 - 未来4年走势良好和走势不佳的专业各有10个。




热门专业: 机械机电设计制造及自动化/计算机科学与技术/市场营销化工与制药类/园林工程工商管理/经济管理土木工程/建筑/道桥工程中文/新闻汽车/车辆工程/轻工纺织食品类


冷门专业: 法学/哲学/政治学/历史金融/外贸冶金/采矿图书/档案学类/师范类 农林经济管理/地质学类 理论基础科学/外语类 农学


【温度下降】 6行业正退烧















Researchers discover homosexuality in animals


Is homosexuality a physical or a psychological issue? Is psychological phenomenon itself a form of physical phenomenon? Among social animals, are there morals and taboos on this subject similar to those in human societies?


Discoveries from surveys conducted by animal specialists from both China and the U.S. reveal that "homosexuality" exists for Sichuan golden monkeys. When a homosexual "couple" appears, one of the two always walks ahead and puts up "gentlemanly" airs, followed by the other who appears as shy and modest as a "proper lady". Same-gender Sichuan golden monkeys will groom each other's hair and fur and straddle its partner (a form of intimate action) to express feelings.


Certain reports indicate that animals with "homosexual" tendencies have been counted up to over one hundred, including emus, dolphins and pigs. U.S. National Institutes of Health researcher Alden Wood transplanted certain genetic fragments from suspected male homosexual fruit flies to other fruit flies and the results confirm that indeed homosexuality is genetically determined.


Scientists also discovered that whether man or animals are homosexual or bisexual are subject to environmental influences. Female goldfinches kept in zoo cages will show greater incidence of homosexuality if the ratio of male to females was too small. But if these birds were released in the wild, these homosexual phenomena will decrease. Certain sociological, socio-medical and psychological surveys also discover that a prison or military environment tends to easily increase the incidence of homosexuality. In certain single-parent or familial setting where one sex dominates, there is a greater likelihood of homosexuality.



媚富而蔑贫 教育是大卖场? (贲鹏)





















One fourth of Chinese are English learners


There are about 300 million English learners (major and non-major) in China at present, accounting for nearly one fourth of its total population. English learners at colleges, middle schools and primary schools exceed 100 million. Experts predicted that the number of English learners in China would exceed the total population of English-speaking countries.


China's Vice Minister of Education Wu Qidi stated that China's foreign language teaching has made remarkable achievements since the mid 1980's. In 2000, China started a coordinated plan of English teaching that starts from the first, second or third year of primary schools and runs through primary schools, middle schools and colleges. At the same time, China amended foreign language teaching guidelines for all grades and schools and implemented the inter-disciplinary foreign language talent cultivation plan, establishing a solid foundation for a new foreign language teaching system with Chinese characteristic.According to latest statistics, China has more than 23 million college students, who have become the world's biggest colony of foreign language learning.


Wu stressed that besides marked progress, the problem of "high time consumption and low efficiency" remains in China's foreign language teaching. Quite many students' foreign language level stays low or medium, and high-caliber foreign language talents like simultaneous interpreters and senior translators are seriously inadequate. Talents of some minority foreign languages are also scarce in China.



中国卫生部四大机构编制调整 新组建卫生监督局 





















精力不充沛思维效率下降 解析职业枯竭六大特征  (北师大心理学教授许燕针)


  第一个特征是生理耗竭。 是职业枯竭的临床维度,主要表现特点是感到持续性的精力不充沛、极度疲劳和虚弱,对疾病的抵抗力也在下降,然后出现一些身心症状,比如说头疼、腰酸背疼、肠胃不适、失眠,饮食习惯的改变等等,严重的会导致精神疾患。


  第二个特征是才智枯竭。 属于职业枯竭的一个认知维度,它主要表现在,感觉到一种空虚感,有一种被掏空的感觉,你会觉得自己的知识已经没有办法去满足工作的需要了,思维效率下降,注意力不集中,不能够很好地去适应当代的知识更新。


  第三个特征是情绪衰竭。 这是枯竭的一个压力维度,也是职业枯竭非常显著的一个特征,主要表现在工作热情消失了,尔后表现出许多情绪上的特点,比如说烦躁、易发脾气、易迁怒于人、对人冷漠无情、麻木不仁、没有爱心,甚至沮丧、抑郁、无助、无望,直至消沉。


  第四个特征是价值衰落。 它属于枯竭的一个评价性维度。主要表现是,个人的成就感下降,同时自我效能感、自我评价也在降低,觉得自己没有能力去做好工作。对自己所从事工作的意义和评价也在下降,觉得工作没有意思,工作变得非常机械化,然后出现一系列工作的问题。这样一种挫败感会使职业人减少心理上的投入,不再去付出努力了,会出现消极怠工,甚至出现离职或者转行的倾向。


  第五个特征是去人性化 它属于职业枯竭的一个人际维度,会直接影响到人际交往质量,其特征就是很消极的、否定的一种态度,即以冷漠的态度去对待自己周围的人,甚至是对待自己非常亲近的人,包括家人或者一些好朋友。这些人表现出多疑、猜忌,同时对别人充满了一种批判性。


  第六个特征是攻击行为。 攻击行为一般来说有两个方向。一是对别人的攻击行为会增多,比如说人际摩擦增多,会在极端的情况下出现打骂无辜人的情况。比如说有的人在公司里面受了老板的气,回家可能就会拿老婆孩子开刀,去找替罪羊。另外一种,他的攻击并不是指向外人的,而是指向自身,出现自残行为,甚至在极端的枯竭情况下出现自杀。



China to Pursue New Growth Model in Years Ahead  


China will pursue a new model of economic growth in the coming years as defined by the country's 11th Five-year Guidelines, a senior government official said Sunday. Ma Kai, the minister in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) told the China Development Forum that over the next five years the country must truly 'get on the road' of scientific and harmonious development. To allow this to be achieved this six fundamental changes were required to be made. 


China had to strive to stimulate its domestic consumption instead of relying on investment and exports. The country also had to seek harmonious development among its primary, secondary and tertiary industries and upgrade its economic structure. It should not rely solely on the expansion of manufacturing. To make its development more sustainable it must protect the environment and conserve non renewable resources by reducing its dependence on them and improving the efficiency of its resource consumption. Instead of relying on the input of capital and physical resources China had do seek development through scientific and technological progress and the cultivation of human resources. This, he said, could only be achieved by putting the emphasis on innovation. Another important change, was that instead of relying on government intervention, China had to allow market forces to play a bigger role in the allocation of resources. And finally China had to improve the living standards of people and regard that as the priority. The country must shift its attention away from the growth of wealth to the comprehensive development of the population and balancing social and economic needs. 








CAS to rank among world top 5 research institutes


The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) set up a goal on March 20th, stating that it would strive to be a top five research institute in terms of comprehensive strength among all counterparts in the world by 2010 and a top three one by 2020. The above goal was proposed in the outline of the planning on CAS's medium and long-term development (2006-2010).


Pan Jiaofeng, director general of the Bureau of Planning & Strategy of the CAS, said that the ranking by comprehensive strength would not be made based on comparison between CAS's strong points and other research institutes' weak points or what the latter have not achieved. Instead, a package of several top-class research institutes in a country will be compared with the CAS.


Pan revealed that the CAS would begin to research and establish a practicable evaluation system this year. It will build an all-round evaluation system according to various indicators for different subjects. Moreover, it will invite relevant research institutes in other countries to participate in joint discussion and verification and make the ranking upon agreement.


CAS President Lu Yongxiang is quite confident of realizing the goal of becoming a top three research institute. Lu said that some people's prediction of China's scientific and technological level ranking behind 10th after 2015 was too conservative. "By 2020, China's strength in science and technology will undoubtedly rank among the top five and some spheres will even rank among world's top three under the precondition of adequate efforts," said Lu.



香港高校公布内地招生条件 毕业三年可永久居留 


各具有内地招生资格的香港高校纷纷来北京举行招生说明会。经教育部批准,今年香港大学、香港科技大学、香港中文大学等8所香港高校,将在内地20个省市共招收1300多名应届高中毕业生。 什么样的学生才比较容易被香港高校录取?去香港上大学的考生不但要成绩好,而且还要过英语和面试两道关。



去年北京共有170多名高考生去香港读大学。他们的平均高考成绩为520多分,高出当年北京市的内地高校重点线50多分。 香港科技大学介绍,去年报读该大学的内地考生的高考分数甚至都远远超过了清华、北大等高校的录取线。而在香港高校排名第一的香港大学,去年的报名和录取比例则达到了201 香港科技大学内地招生负责人预测,今年报考香港各高校的内地考生,文科类成绩至少在600分以上,而理科也将不低于630分。



香港的所有高校都采用全英语授课的方式,内地考生去香港读大学,除了高考成绩要出类拔萃外,英语成绩也不能低于110分,否则很难适应以美籍、英籍教师为主的导师群体。 其中,如果是报考香港中文大学的商科类专业,考生的英语成绩必须在120分以上。



除香港中文大学和香港城市大学外,其余6所在内地招生的香港高校在考察学生的高考和英语成绩的同时,还要加上面试的分数。 香港科技大学内地招生负责人介绍,面试主要以导师和学生自由交谈为主,每6个考生为一组,时间在20分钟到半个小时不等。面试主要考察学生的应对表达、心理素质和对自己的规划能力,如为什么要报考该校、自己日常的生活安排如何等,当然,面试也全部使用英语。


毕业三年后 就可拿到永久居留权

香港永久居留权和良好的英语和工作氛围是吸引内地学生的主要原因。 根据相关规定,内地人员只要在香港工作生活7年以上,就可以得到在港的永久居留权。而这些去香港上了4年大学的学生,只要在香港工作3年就可以顺利地拿到香港永久居留权了。得到此项永久居留权,除了美国,去其他100多个国家都可以免签证。同时,香港高校与众多国际知名企业都保持着良好的关系,一些学商科的学生甚至可以直接用安利、Esprit等企业的财务报表进行模拟营销。



近八成人认为MBA教育过滥 MBA待遇缩水 (邵泽慧) 


在即将出版的《财富》(中文版)3月号上,《财富》公布了2006年中国MBA教育调查。本次调查内容涉及了MBAEMBA和高管培训市场的质量、价格、监管和评估等方面。调查显示,北大国际MBA荣获2006中国最具市场价值的MBA称号。 不过七成被访者认为,国内目前的管理教育质量平平,其中近八成人认为MBAEMBA课程存在过滥的现象。 近八成被访者认为目前MBA教育过滥. MBA的过滥情况,已经严重影响到了人们对这一学位的评价。调查显示70.4%的人认为中外合办的MBA教学质量比较好,尤其看中师资和品牌。曾几何时,MBA是块金招牌,但随着近年开办MBA教育高校越来越多,MBA也越来越泛滥


资料统计,中国1991年只有9所院校开办MBA教育,但是到了2004年,院校数量已经达到了90所左右,MBA的数量也已经超过了10万人。而七成被访者则认为国内MBA教育质量一般,75.7%的人表示目前的MBAEMBA或高管培训课程过滥,市场很混乱。 教育过滥导致MBA就业贬值. 由于MBA教育存在过滥现象,直接导致了现在MBA就业的贬值,除去几家知名商学院的MBA毕业生平均年薪在10万元以上外,更多的MBA并没有拿到想象中的高薪。




六成人认为中国最需高管人员培训: 调查显示与MBAEMBA课程相比,超过60%的被调查者认为中国最需要的课程是高管人员培训。对此,泛太平洋管理研究中心总裁刘持金分析说,因为中国经济发展很快,多数企业都属于成长型企业,还有很多产业不成熟,因此高管人员需要不断地学习新的知识,以适应这种变化;其次目前中国正规的EMBA教育供应量有限,按照国家规定,只有30个高校可以招收EMBA,每年供应量不足5000名;另外,目前中国国有企业正在转型,这些企业高管人员的素质也亟待提高。



Shanghai World Expo sends out invitation letters


 The Chinese government sent foreign embassies in Beijing official invitation letters to the 2010 Shanghai World Expo signed by Premier Wen Jiabao on March 22, warmly inviting all countries that have established diplomatic relations with China to come and participate in the expo. This marks that the Shanghai World Expo has commenced exhibitor invitation and entered a critical period of preparation for this major event.


After mailing the invitation letters, the Shanghai World Expo Organizing Committee and Executive Committee will reinforce promotion of the expo and positively attract various countries and international organizations to participate according to their coordinated planning. Chinese representatives will also keep close contact with foreign government representatives on behalf of the Chinese government on relevant issues of this expo.


The 2010 Shanghai World Expo has a theme of "Better City, Better Life" and aims to arouse more attention of the international community to urban development, quest for an urban development mode featuring harmony between the environment and development and between man and nature, and stimulate development of all countries.



北京奥组委招纳人才500 相关工作经验成门槛 






2008年后帮助再就业: 北京奥运会组委会对工作人员实行聘用合同管理,聘用期至2008年9月30日,试用期6个月,试用期包括在聘用合同期内。公开招聘工作人员的人事关系、工资关系、党团组织关系均在北京奥运会组委会,人事档案由北京奥运会组委会委托北京市人才服务中心统一管理。北京奥运会组委会目前实行岗位工资制度,主要工资项目包括岗位工资、岗位津贴、绩效奖金等,北京奥运会组委会按照国家有关规定为工作人员缴纳养老、医疗、失业社会保险和住房公积金。2008年奥运会结束后,工作人员原则上自主择业,奥组委对从人才市场招聘的工作人员并不会撒手不管,张志伟表示,要为他们再就业提供必要的帮助。并会积极制定有关政策规定,及时向社会公布。


【应聘要点】: 每人只能申报一个职位 - 登录北京奥运会组委会网站网上填写个人信息和申报职位。每位应聘人员限报一个职位。


截止时间为本月30日: 本次招聘只采用网上招聘的形式,应聘者即日起可以在奥组委网站上填写个人信息和申报职位,报名时间最晚截止到3月30日下午6点。此后从2006年3月31日至4月8日将由北京奥运会组委会应聘人员资格审查委员会负责对应聘人员进行资格审查,确定参加英语考试和综合考试人选。


应聘人员英语分三个级别: 根据北京奥运会组委会各部门不同岗位对应聘人员英语水平和能力的不同需求,本次公开招聘中,北京奥运会组委会对英语水平和能力划分为三个档次要求:精通,相当于专业英语八级及以上水平;优秀,相当于公外英语六级及以上水平;良好,相当于公外英语四级及以上水平。





加拿大科学家詹金斯日前在《美国临床营养学》杂志发表的一份报告中指出,经常食用豆腐、燕麦、果仁有助于降低胆固醇。 报告说,如果你想降低胆固醇水平,严格的饮食计划可以起到与服药一样的效果,经常食用豆腐、燕麦、生杏仁等食品都有助于降低胆固醇。加拿大多伦多大学新陈代谢与营养学研究负责人戴维·詹金斯说:有兴趣降低胆固醇的人们也许应该培养一下对豆腐和燕麦的喜好。詹金斯对55名胆固醇水平偏高且有患心脏病危险的中年男女进行了研究,并建议他们接受对心脏有益的饮食。詹金斯为他们制定的新饮食计划中包括:生杏仁、豆腐和其他一些豆制品;黏性纤维食品,如燕麦、大麦、秋葵和茄子等。 一年后,那些一直严格遵守这个饮食计划的人的胆固醇水平平均下降了29%;而遵守新食谱不那么严格的人胆固醇水平也平均下降了10%20%左右。而那些根本没有执行新食谱的人的胆固醇水平依然停留在原来的水平。 詹金斯指出:关键在于,越严格遵守这种饮食,你的情况就越好。



Commercial bribery serious economic problem


According to an article in the Study Times published by the Communist Central Party School, commercial bribery has become a subterranean set of rules inside China and these subterranean rules seriously affect China's economic order.


The article says that recent cases such as "Lucent case" and "DPC case" exposed the seriousness of the problem of commercial bribery in China. A U.S. independent investigatory commission discovered that American company Lucent is suspected of bribing Chinese government officials during the course of its operation in China. According to a report supplied by the U.S. Department of Justice on May 20, 2005, the Chinese subsidiary of the world's largest diagnostic equipment manufacturer DPC, DPC (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., paid bribes totaling US$1.623 million to doctors in China's state-owned hospitals from 1991 to 2002, in exchange for these medical institutions buying products from DPC.


The article points out that what is most difficult to believe is that the common thread of both these two cases is that foreign companies bribed Chinese people in China and then, incredibly, was punished by America's own "overseas anti-corruption laws" and there was no news or signs that the Chinese people who received these bribes were ever punished by Chinese laws.


According to estimates by Transparency International, the annual global economic losses caused by briberies and corruption were as high as US$3.2 trillion. In China's pharmaceutical industry, commercial bribes annually robbed 772 million RMB worth of state assets, or about 16% of all taxes paid by the industry for the whole year. The "processing fee" in normal commercial transactions and the "rebate" to grab business opportunities are most flagrant in China's realistic economic activities, especially in industries like pharmaceuticals, telecommunication, finance and construction. In many industries, commercial bribes have become "rules" and subterranean procedures for business operations. Those inside these industries cannot help themselves from the negative competitive environment that is "immoral". Imperfect market economic system and inadequate criminal sanctions have plunged foreign companies coming to China to invest in a "dirty pool".



华裔科学家小发明大贡献 心血管疾病可一目了然 


只要一个简单的眼科检查,就可以查出一个人患上心脏病、中风和糖尿病的风险。一墨尔本华裔科学家的多年研究,将使人类可以预防心血管疾病于未然。 澳洲眼科研究中心的华裔教授黄天荫(TIEN YIN WONG)正在进行的这项高科技视网膜扫描系统试验,将可以预防心脏病和中风等疾病,预计需要2-3年时间试验完成。 届时,通过该项扫描,医生可以获得患者视网膜血管的变化情况,从而判断是否有患上严重疾病的可能性。根据医学界长期的认识,眼部血管是人体周身血管变化情况的标志牌。 黄天荫教授通过多年研究发现,人类视网膜血管的微小损伤,都可以预知心血管疾病的发生。一旦视网膜血管发生变化,则可以预见该患者将遭遇心血管疾病。 该项视网膜扫描系统对及早识别和预防众多心血管疾病有着重要作用,还可以为成人和儿童进行日常眼部检查,从而在病患未发作前就诊断出将来的病情并加以针对性预防。



在商言商谈何容易——王军被捕给华裔的启示 (循斯)




  王军案案情比较简单。弩弓公司在中国设的分公司向中国出售同样的装置,但价格比在美国市场高一倍。依据市场规律,此类商品会流向中国。王军贷款40万美元之后,到距离他住处不远的Crossgete Mall购买了两套有关装置,通过邮局,寄给兄弟王勇,卖给南京大学。假如王军的40万元贷款全用在买装置上,他得到的5%回扣不过2万美元。 






人类能活多少岁 改变基因结构寿命延长六倍 (奇云)



人类寿命的极限到底是多少?这是人们最关心的话题之一。科学家们也一直在寻找答案。最近加拿大渥太华心脏研究中心主席罗伯兹表示,科学家曾认为,可能还需要100年,人类的寿命才能延长一倍。但多项研究成果已使科学家相信,这一时间将大幅缩短。他认为,50年内,人类的平均寿命就可达到150岁。 英国《卫报》近期报道,长期从事人体衰老机制研究的美国南加利福尼亚大学生物医学家瓦尔特·隆哥教授发现,经过基因修改的酵母菌,寿命延长6倍!这项试验创造了延长生物生命的最高记录。相关研究成果刊登在世界著名学术期刊《细胞》杂志上。


酵母菌是单细胞生物,可完整地诠释细胞的老化机制。试验中,研究者把酵母细胞中的两个核心基因Sir2SCH9去掉。Sir2基因通过抑制整段整段的基因组来控制寿命长短;SCH9基因主要控制细胞将营养转化为能量,专门向细胞通告现在食物是否充足。如果生物体内缺乏这两种基因,细胞就会认为储备的食物即将耗尽,应该将主要的精力放在延续生命上,而不是继续生长和繁殖。通过抑制Sir2SCH9这两种基因的正常工作,研究人员成功地将酵母菌的寿命由自然状态下的1个星期延长到了6个星期。 科学家们已开始在老鼠身上进行此类试验。试验鼠在去除这两种关键基因后,寿命明显延长。如果按人类的平均寿命70岁来算,一旦可以将生命延长6倍,那么人类岂不是可以活到400多岁?





正常人到底能活多少年?不同的学者从不同的视角考察,采用不同的方法所推算出来的年限是不同的。细胞分裂次数与分裂周期测算法认为,人类寿命是其细胞分裂次数与分裂周期的乘积。自胚胎期开始细胞分裂50次以上,分裂周期平均为2.4年,从而推算出人类最高寿命至少是120岁。性成熟期测算法推算,人类的最高自然寿命应是112—150岁。生长期测算法推算,人类的自然寿命为100—175岁。怀孕期测算法推算,人的自然寿命最高可达167岁。以上方法推算结果表明,人类正常的自然寿命都应该在100岁以上。 随着人类环境卫生的改善、公共卫生质量的提高,人的寿命也在不断延长。在4000年前的青铜器时期,人的平均寿命只有18岁。从青铜器时代到公元1900年的4800年间,人类的寿命估计约增加了27年。从公元1900年到1990年短短90年间,增加的幅度至少也有这么多。



科学界目前达成的共识是:人的寿命主要通过内外两大因素实现。内因是遗传,外因是环境和生活习惯。遗传对寿命的影响,在长寿者身上体现得较突出。一般来说,父母寿命高的,其子女寿命也长。德国科学家用15年的时间,调查了576名百岁老人,结果发现他们的父母死亡时的平均年龄比一般人多9—10岁。美国科学家发现,大多数百岁老寿星的基因,特别是“4号染色体有相似之处。研究人员希望能够开发出相应的药物帮助人类益寿延年。外因也不可忽视。许多研究表明,通往长寿之路的关键还在于个人科学的行为方式和良好的自然环境、社会环境。完全按照健康生活方式生活,可以比一般人多活10年,即活到85岁以上。 乐观的技术主义者认为,通过现代科学技术来延长细胞生命是完全可行的。但冷静的保守人士认为,人的生命不是简单的细胞分裂,衰老和长寿是多基因、多层面和多途径的复合原因一起作用的结果。人体非常复杂,很难保证用基因改变了这里而另一个地方还能如我们所愿在运转。另外,我们生活的环境大系统更是在人力控制之外。

