2006年第14  創刊第342             04/18/2006


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

v     AGENDA for AAHPERD 2006 Chinese Scholars Gathering in Salt Lake City全美体育科学与健康教育学者教授2006年度聚会(犹他州盐湖城)

v     ECNUAAA Reunion Conference - “丽娃学子,携手北美首届华东师范大学美国校友会全国联谊大会

v     [CAST-LA] 2006 CESASC Technical Symposium




v     美国华裔医学科学家协会 (NSMS-CAA) - Job Opportunities

v     失去工作后,H-1B宽限期有多久?

v     2006"西部计划"将启动 十专项招募1万多大学生


News and Announcements

v     武夷大学校长及代表团访美

v     China's classified protection for information security

v     江泽民轰教授不教授

v     China encourages volunteers to teach abroad

v     中国外汇储备两面观 (香港 肖耿)

v     World Expo tickets to begin sale in 2008

v     中国高三文理生十大职业理想调查 公务员居第一

v     TB Is Top Fatal Disease

v     在中国人才竞争日趋激烈的形势下,2010年,什么样的行业能让你心动?

v     Lecture - Memory and Migration: Conversations with Chinese Women Writers

v     中国投资实务:外商投资计算机软件开发及相关服务企业的设立

v     The Lives of Women in Middle-Period China: New Evidence from Material & Visual Culture

v     中国投资实务:外商投资房地产企业的设立

v     A Sinicized Enlightenment Education for the New Republic: Cai Yuanpei in 1912

v     中国研究生状态调查:多数到了研二还不知道干什么  (何海兵 周凯)

v     2005-2006 Education and Outreach Program

v     中国科技投入长期不足 科研项目莫成圈钱工具  (王海鹰 王娅妮

v     Mainland's GDP grows by 10.2% in Q1

v     3措施遏科研造假 政府莫为政绩""成果

v     Migration in China in the 1990s and Beyond: Trends, Geography, and Policies

v     心态浮躁致学术造假难遏 透视中国科研体制弊端  (杨金志 王蔚 刘丹)

v     Experts warn corruption in sciences

v     广州中山大学今年将开设本科至博士八年连读班

v     Beijing opens a new US visa service center

v     31期海外華商企業家管理研習班 六月五日至十六日台北開班十日研習課程

v     Performance: Music of China

v     謝長廷23日晚間將在洛杉磯舉行一場演講會

v     Women dominate in postgraduate studies

v     美国最佳职业榜出炉

v     China Export Fair to Attract 180,000 Overseas Buyers

v     中共削减省级副书记一正三副模式逐步形成

v     Discussion Forum with Nanjing City Delegation in New Jersey

v     侨捐必须有账可查 (周稀银

v     China to test manned moon landing in 2017

v     中国每年的发明成果75%无果而终 远低于近邻韩日


AGENDA for AAHPERD 2006 Chinese Scholars Gathering in Salt Lake City全美体育科学与健康教育学者教授2006年度聚会(犹他州盐湖城)


Dear Chinese American Professors in AAHPERD,


Thanks for approving the Bylaw of the International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health, the nominations for the Executive Committee members, and the suggestions for our Social Agenda. Thank the great support and sponsorship from the International Center for Performance Excellence at West Virginia University.


You are sincerely invited to attend our annual Chinese social on April 27 in Salt Lake City. Please make every effort to be there as it is a very important one this year. And please spread the words out for this meeting.


Date: Thursday, 27 April 2006


Time: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM


Site: Hilton: Canyon I, Salt Lake City, UT




1. 3:30-4:00pm     Sign-in and Networking


2. 4:00-4:10pm     Hosts opening speech and introducing the guests (Liang Guoli and Xiaofen Keating)


3. 4:10-4:25pm     Greeting - Dean Dana Brooks and Associate Dean Lynn Housner, School of PE, West Virginia University


4. 4:25-4:40pm     Dressing code in the American culture (by Xiaofen Keating)


5. 4:40-5:15pm     Election of the Executive Committee (by Xiaofen Keating, Zhenying Jiang, Qin Lai, and James Zhang)


6. 5:15-5:30pm     Society 2006 Summer Fellowship Lecture Trip to Shanghai (by Zhenying Jiang)


7. 5:30-6:00pm     Brainstorm and open discussion about the Society business


8. 6:30pm          Society social dinner in Xiao Li Restaurant. As usual, it is free for students and go Dutch for faculty members.


You may check out the restaurant location and menu at the following link in advance: http://www.dininginutah.com/xiao-li.htm


The newly elected Executive Committee will schedule its first meeting before the convention is over.


Look forward to seeing you in Salt Lake City. Please feel free to call 949-338-0136 (Xiaofen) and 262-374-1961 (Guoli) if we can help you after you get to SLC.




2006 Hosts


CHEN Dapeng


LIANG Guoli (Chair)


ECNUAAA Reunion Conference - “丽娃学子,携手北美





建筑我们丽娃学子在北美事业成功和生活充实的天然的基石 华东师范大学校友间的友谊、交流、互助和合作。









    (East China Normal University Alumni Association in America/ECNUAAA)


时间 2006106 – 7 (注:106日是中秋节)


地点  Hilton宾馆(美国首都华盛顿北郊,盖城)

            620 Perry Parkway, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877




报名费:若71日前寄出,每人$20 (含107日午餐费用)

                        71日后寄出,每人$30 (含107日午餐费用)




·         支票收款人: Mr. Xinmin Ding

·         在支票的memo处,请注明“ECNUAAA Conference Registration”

·         将支票随填写好的报名表一起邮寄给校友蒋琼女士:

Ms. Qiong Jiang, 103 Redcloud Ct., Frederick, MD 21702



           本届联谊大会将会组织一些专题交流座谈,请参看附件中的Tentative Schedule (日程安排(初稿))以及Registration Form (大会报名表). 如果你计划在这些座谈会上做重点发言, 请在大会报名表的Conference Participation处注明. 校友们的积极参与,是我们的专题交流以及整个团圆聚会成功的关键.


·         可投宿华盛顿地区的亲友家中;

·         可订住Hilton 宾馆(请联系校友包秋女士jqbao@ship.edu 717-477-1346/717-532-8360,或直接拨打电话301-977-8900Hilton);

·         大华府地区许多热心和条件许可的华东师大的校友们,已欣然同意开门纳客,热烈欢迎远道而来的校友及其家属免费住在他们的家里。数量有限,请尽早与校友成雨秋女士联系(chengy@battelle.org)。




·         若乘飞机,三个机场Reagan National Airport, Baltimore-Washington International Airport, and Dulles International Airport (in Virginia)均可。但Reagan Airport是惟一有地铁相连的机场;如有需要,大会组委会将考虑安排车和人手在距Hilton宾馆大约2英里的地铁红线Shady Grove站接应。  

·         华盛顿的火车站 Union Station 直接与地铁红线相接。

·         Car pool: 如有校友想了解搭乘(或者提供搭乘)便车的可能性,请与校友何苗壮先生(he_miaozhuang@yahoo.com)联系。




本届联谊大会将举行多个由校友们参与的专题交流座谈会,邀请母校领导介绍华东师大的最新情况,并穿插有校友代表感言、聚餐会、集体照、娱乐及交友等活动。衷心期盼生活在美国各州、加拿大和其他国家的华东师范大学校友相互转告、踊跃参加。大会组委会也极其希望校友们能对交流座谈会的专题(panel topic)提出宝贵建议,并鼓励校友们能毛遂自荐、争当座谈会的重点发言人panelist)。如果您对本届联谊大会的总体安排或者其中的专题交流座谈会有任何建议和疑问,请联系校友包秋女士jqbao@ship.edu)或童忠益先生(zhongyitong@yahoo.com)。



Tentative Schedule

10/6/2006   3:00 – 5:00pm                   Conference Prep Committee Meeting

(Friday, Moon Festival)       

     3:00 – 10:00pm     Alumni Arriving (Hospitality Arrangements)

                    6:00 –  8:00pm     Buffet Dinner at City Lite or Eat with Your Family/Friends (Self Paid & Optional) City Lite (锦城) Address: 9679 Lost Knife Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20886;  Restaurant Phone: 301-948-8866


10/7/2006   8:15 – 9:00am       Registration (Hilton Hotel, On-Site Registrations/Picking up Program)


               9:00 – 9:30 am                     General Session

                                    Welcome/Introduction/Greetings from Guests/Arrangement of the Day


           9:30 – 10:30                  Keynote Speakers:                                                     

                                    ECNU Leadership (Invited)

                                    Dr. GONG Jinkang, Dean of Towson University

College of Graduate Studies and Research


           10:30 – 10:45                Break


           10:45 – 12:00                Concurrent Panels (5-10 Minutes Each Person, Subject to Change)

                                    Panel 1. Cutting Edge Development in My Field

                                    Panel 2. My Surviving and/or Thriving Highlights in America 


   12:00pm                 Lunch (Fushing Café 福星美食)

                                    Theme: ECNUAAA Development


   1:30 -2: 45pm         Concurrent Panels (5-10 Minutes Each Person, Subject to Change)

Panel 3. Bring Up My Child/Children in US                                                                                     

                                    Panel 4. Collaboration Opportunities and Experiences


           2:45 – 3:45        Alumni Networking Session

Group Learning Games: Theme -- Meet More Alumni          


           3:45 – 4:30                    General Session

                                    Summary of Alumni Suggestions for ECNUAAA’s Further Development

                                                            Addition to/Resignation from the ECNUAAA Board/Organizational Development  

New Chapter Leaders are welcome on Board

Report of Conference Accounting and Door Prizes


                           4:30 – 4:45                            Reunion Photos (Hilton)


           6:00pm              Celebration Dinner Party with Activities

                                    (Self Paying $20/Person; Family Welcome; Address to Be Announced Later)


Registration Form

Personal Info

English Name:  Last Name ________ First Name _____________ Chinese Name: _____________________

Home Address: _______________________________________________State ___________Zip________

Work Address (Optional): _____________________________________State _________ Zip________

Current Work Position, Institute and Highest Degree (Optional)


E-mail:______________________________ Phone:______________(Home)_____________(Work)

ECNU Connection Graduated in ______ Year; from __________________Department with _________ Degree   

       ____ I am a family member of ECNU Alumni.


Conference Participation (check all applied)

______ I want to be a Panel Speaker, and my proposed topic title will be ______________________________.

______ I want to join the Reunion to participate in group discussions/activities.

______ I plan to arrive on Friday, October 6.     

______ I plan to participate in the Self Paying Alumni Celebration Dinner Party on Saturday, October 7.


Conference Cost and Payment

Pre-Registration                                    ______ $20 before July 1, 2006 (per person)       

Late/On Site Registration                       ______ $30 after July 1, 2006

Buffet Dinner on July 6 (Friday) at City Light      ______ Self Paying, Pre Conference, for Number Planning

Lunch (July 7 Saturday)                         ______ (Included in Registration, for Number Planning)

Celebration Diner Party (July 7)             ______ $20 Self Paying, Optional

Total                                       $_____ Check Payable to Xinmin Ding and Mail to Qiong JIANG

                                                                                                   (See address below)


Lodging/Traffic Info (for Planning Purposes)

______ I’ll take care of my own lodging and transportation.

______ I will drive from _____________________________ to D.C. and ______ I will be happy to provide a

       ride to alumni from my area.

______ I will need a ride from ______________________to D.C. (Please contact Miaozhuang HE by e-mail

       he_miaozhuang@yahoo.com for car pool possibilities.)

______ I will need alumni housing. (Please contact Yuqiu CHENG by e-mail chengy@battelle.org separately as  

   soon as possible to reserve.) My cell number is ____________________________.

______ I will need transportation from Shady Grove Station (metro redline) to alumni housing. (Please email

       he_miaozhuang@yahoo.com separately to confirm.) My cell number __________________


  Please mail this form with your check to Ms. Qiong Jiang at 103 Redcloud Ct., Frederick, MD 21702

     Welcome to the Reunion Conference and thank you for your contributions   


[CAST-LA] 2006 CESASC Technical Symposium


Dear  friend,


You are cordially invited to participate in the 2006 Technical Symposium, Annual Convention & Awards presented by the Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC). This convention features:

(1) Banquet keynote speaker Chancellor Fujia Yang of University of Nottingham, UK who is also the former President of Fudan University;

(2) CESASC Achievement Awards for Chancellor Yang and two distinguished Chinese Americans;

(3) Luncheon keynote speaker Hans Ku from DreamWorks Animation;

(4) 24 invited speakers in the six technical symposium sessions on hot topics in IT, Engineering, Life Science, Aerospace, Electronics and Nanotechnology;

(5) Professional performances, college student scholarship awards, and DJ directed dance party, etc.


Date: April 22, 2006 (Saturday)

Time: 11:15am - 12:30pm, Technical Symposium Luncheon

      12:45pm - 4:00pm, Technical Symposium Sessions

      5:30pm - 10:00pm, Convention & Awards Banquet


Venue:  Los Angeles Airport Hilton & Towers                              

    5711 W. Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045 (Tel: 310-410-4000)


Program: See http://cast-la.org/archive/2006/Apr/CESASC_Flyer.pdf

or visit website: http://www.cesasc.org


Reservations: Please contact your association leaders or Shan Lee (626-823-1580, shan.lee@gvadaum.com) or Liping Yan (714-596-0883, lipingyan@earthlink.net) ASAP so they can reserve tickets for you:


Technical Symposium Sessions: Free

Luncheon: $20 (Regular), $10 (Student)

Convention Banquet: $60

Luncheon & Convention Banquet: $70





The local Chinese Communities will host a reception for the visit of President Jian Lin, Ph. D. (Univesity of Lancaster, England  in Management Sceince) and his delegation of Wuyi University at Jiangmen, Guangdong ( www.wyu.edu.cn) on April 20, Thursday, 2006 at 6 pm at Golden Dragon Restaurant,  960 N Broadway, Los Angeles (213-626-2039). Wuyi is the home district of the local Chinese Americans in Chinatown, and the founding of the University is benefited by the supports from overseas some twenty years ago. The President will discuss research, teaching opportunities at his University. Another mission of the visit of  Wuyi Univveristy is to establish exchange programs with California State University, San Bernandino and University of Nevada at Las Vegas. All consuls and Board directors of CSA will be guests of honor. For reservation, please contact Dr. K. Chan at drkmchan@gmail.com.




2006"西部计划"将启动 十专项招募1万多大学生 


团中央、教育部、财政部、人事部联合召开2006年大学生志愿服务西部计划电视电话会议。2006年大学生志愿服务西部计划将选派1万多名大学生志愿者,到西部基层开展支教、支医、支农、青年中心的建设和管理、农村党员干部和中小学现代远程教育、农村文化建设、基层人民法院、基层检察院、基层法律援助和开发性金融等10个专项志愿服务行动。 教育部副部长吴启迪、财政部副部长廖晓军、人事部副部长陈存根出席会议并讲话。团中央、教育部、财政部、人事部及全国远程办、中央文明办、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、司法部、国家开发银行和北京市有关部门负责人在北京主会场参加了会议,各省(区、市)相关部门负责人和部分高校代表在各地分会场参加了会议。



China's classified protection for information security


The Information Security Classified Protection Evaluation Center affiliated to China's Ministry of Public Security (MPS) recently announced on its official website that the Administrative Procedures on Information Security Classified Protection (provisional) has officially taken effect since March 2006. In order to support implementation of the above procedures, various levels of IT network security supervisory departments have commenced all-around investigations into related units to collect basic information about information system security classified protection.


The issue of information security classified protection was put forward in 2002 and has undergone repeated demonstrations and researches by experts. The above procedures classify five levels of information security protection, namely independent protection, instructed protection, supervised protection, compulsory protection and protection under special control. Local media report that Zhang Junbing, head of the MPS Public Information Network Security Inspection Bureau, indicated that classified protection for information security is an international practice. Important departments involving national security and social stability will be under compulsory supervision and their operating systems should be safeguarded by information security protection above the third level.  After such a system of information security classified protection is put into force, China's information security product manufacturers should make pertinent adjustments according to the classification of information security protection levels.






 上海交通大学1947届校友江泽民6日回母校参加校庆,在与师生座谈时说,现在好多教授已经不屑上课,那不行。既然是教授,这个课还是要上的。 江泽民说,老师最主要的任务就是教书育人。当然现在教书育人活动的内涵应该说大大扩大了,教授的任务不仅仅是在课堂上讲课。听说现在有些教授既不也不,光忙着搞科研搞开发。我看既然是教授,课还是要上的。谈起这问题,江泽民适时与学生互动。他说:今天好多同学在这里,不知道你们赞成不赞成我的观点?,教授就是要给你们上课,不能都是年轻的讲师讲课。我们现在好多教授已经不屑上课,那不行。你既然是教授,这个课还是要上的。江泽民尤其指,这一点不仅是针对上海交大讲的,而是对全中国讲的。美国人罗伯特·劳伦斯·库恩撰写的《江泽民传》记载,早在1989年,江泽民就打算退休后到母校上海交大当教授。



江泽民表示,他至今仍然清楚记得,60年前给他上课的老师钟兆琳教授、翁(翁史烈)校长、王(王宗光)书记、何(何友声)书记。还有朱物华教授,教我们Television,顾毓琇教我们运算微积分,严晙教我们电机设计,沈尚贤教照明学……江泽民说:我讲的这些人很多都不在人间了,还有一些健在,比如蒋大中,我在交大的时候,他也就是清华刚刚毕业一两年,教我们实验,一到实验室就会见到他。60年了,这些教授至今在我脑子里,清楚得很。当年的那些教授们,都是一个学科的带头人,都是领衔人物。今天有许多同学在这里,如果现在教你们的老师,在若干年后,你们还能回忆得起他,我认为他就是个名教授,他应 该感到很自豪。否则就是遗憾,他就徒有虚名。我说这一点绝不是要挖苦现在的教授,我只是摆出这些现象。



 上海交通大学是中国教育部直属、由教育部和上海市共建的中国重点大学,被确定为21世纪首批重点建设的若干所大学之一。 本月8日,是上海交通大学建校110周年。作为中共第三代中央领导集体的核心,江泽民对母校的发展始终非常关心。仅1984年以来,他回母校就达11次之多。百年校庆期间,他专程回母校看望师生员工,并且题词继往开来,勇攀高峰,把交通大学建设成世界一流大学。回到母校,江泽民有太多的话想说。他说,这次回母校,自己认真准备了好几天,准备说上10分钟的话,但我年纪大了,对时间的概念没有你们搞数学和计算机科学的精确。


China encourages volunteers to teach abroad


China has a more than 50-year history of dispatching Chinese language teachers abroad. Since implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, China's foreign exchanges have become increasingly extensive, and the vogue of learning Chinese also heats up rapidly in the world. More and more countries and regions find a growing population of Chinese learners. In order to alleviate the serious shortage of Chinese teachers in foreign countries, the Ministry of Education promoted the "Volunteer Program for International Chinese Teachers" in April, 2004 to encourage Chinese volunteers to teach abroad.


Since this volunteer program was commenced, China has sent out more than 1,200 volunteer teachers to 23 countries around the world. By far, 38 countries have requested the China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language to dispatch Chinese language teachers to work in their countries. Volunteer teachers not only shoulder the mission of promoting the Chinese language in the world, but also play an important role in promoting the friendship between Chinese and foreign people and serving China's peace and development. They have overcome numerous obstacles in foreign countries and added brilliance to the brand of Chinese-teaching volunteers.



中国外汇储备两面观 (香港 肖耿)

























 World Expo tickets to begin sale in 2008


 People who want to attend the 2010 Shanghai World Exposition can begin to order for tickets as early as May 2008, and ticket sale for the exposition will mainly be grouped into three stages: those to be sold in May 2008 will aim at companies; those sold in May 2009 at the general public; and those sold from May 1 – October 30, 2010 when the exposition is being held. Operation costs for the exposition are expected to reach 10.68 billion yuan, and the costs will be covered by tickets sales, income from sponsorship, franchise operation, etc. After the World Exposition closes, the venue for hosting the event will be turned into an international trade centre, and architectural buildings that have special features and large stadiums will be retained.


The China Exposition Hall will be kept permanently as a symbol of cooperation between China and the Bureau of International Expositions, joint organizers of the event. The Public Performing Center will become a major site for countries to conduct cultural exchanges, while most of the buildings located on the original site of the Jiangnan Ship Building Factory will be kept and become a modern industrial museum for large industrial shows and cultural exchanges. The World Museum Exposition Hall will become a world-level cultural and exhibition research center, and buildings in the World Exposition Village will become a community complex for hotels and luxury apartments that can host commercial, tourist and leisure activities.



中国高三文理生十大职业理想调查 公务员居第一 







文科生最爱政府公务员,在可供选择的50种职业中,政府公务员的支持位居首席,这一职业的稳定性和福利的可靠性,已经无可争议地成为大多数人的首选。排在第二位的是律师;第三至第五名受欢迎的职业是:外交家、国际商务师和人力资源管理。也许是受到无冕之王的头衔吸引,记者这一职业以668票的支持位居第六位,成为文科生最希望从事的十大职业之一。翻译位居第七,然后依次是:法官、教师、广告设计。 对于文科考生的兴趣,他们的家长是否认同呢?从调查结果来看,家长希望孩子从事的职业与孩子的兴趣比较吻合,如政府公务员、律师、外交家、国际商务师等受到他们一致的关注和向往。排名前五位的职业分别是:政府公务员、律师、教师、外交家、国际商务师,第六至第十名职业为:法官、会计、翻译、人力资源管理和理财规划师。其中,家长们对无冕之王不感兴趣,在家长希望孩子从事的职业里,记者被理财规划师所取代。国内理财规划师缺口至少10万,这一职业在2004年被央视评为最受欢迎的全球热门职业之一,同时被列为中国未来10大高收入职业。在不少家长的心目中,理财规划师将成为继律师和注册会计师职业之后的又一为人瞩目的热门行业。



网络工程师成为最受学生欢迎的大热门,支持票数为851;位居其次的是政府公务员,支持票数为709;然后依次是医生、通信工程师、精算师、建筑师、生物工程师、商务人员、电气工程师、电子工程师。 理科生家长最看好的仍是公务员,家长们最认可的职业仍然是政府公务员,其次是医生、网络工程师、通信工程师、精算师;与孩子的兴趣不同的是,教师、律师进入了家长希望孩子从事的十大职业,最后依次是:生物工程师、电气工程师、审计师。


由此可见,无论是中国考生还是家长在对未来职业的倾向中,政府公务员这类稳定的职业以及律师、网络工程师等一些热门的职业普遍受到了考生和家长的青睐。但从考生对自己未来职业的倾向、家长对子女未来职业的期望,可以看到人们在选择职业时更多考虑的还是一些外在因素,如工作的稳定性、高薪、热门等。 从社会的发展来看,所谓的稳定、高薪、热门都是相对的、暂时的,随着不同时期人才供需关系的变化,职业的冷、热也在发生变化,当供大于求时,今天的热门就有可能变为冷门。如果考生和家长过度关注这些外在因素,而忽略了自我潜能发展这个核心因素,就会陷入高薪倾向、追捧热门、盲目攀比、家长包办及兴趣至上等职业选择的误区。这些误区的产生正是源于没有及早做好职业生涯规划。



 TB Is Top Fatal Disease 


Tuberculosis (TB) was the top cause of death from infectious diseases in China in the first quarter of 2006. During that period a total of 2,068 people died from diseases, according to the Ministry of Health. The top five fatal infectious diseases from January to March were tuberculosis (TB), hydrophobia, hepatitis B, AIDS and epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis with these  accounting for 88.74 percent of all deaths, says the ministry's quarterly epidemic report.


TB, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, bacterial and amebic dysentery and syphilis accounted for 87.83 percent of total cases, the report states. Nine human cases and six deaths as a result of bird flu were reported during the quarter. This takes the number of human infections in China to 16 and fatalities to 11. Ten provinces, cities and regions have detected human cases of bird flu. Local health authorities must continue improving surveillance and screening for human bird flu as well as pneumonia with unknown causes, the ministry said. Timely preventive measures had to be taken when the ailments were detected.


 The report also mentions 20,229 cases of general flu in the quarter which is an increase of 13.22 percent over the same period last year. The ministry has urged those in authority to improve monitoring and prevention of flu in schools as this year most of the outbreaks have occurred in middle and elementary schools.






3G工程师:收入基本年薪15万元至20万元。 国内3G人才缺口将达到50万人以上。


网络媒体人才:年收入在10万元至12万元。 目前,类似于在新浪和搜狐的网络编辑的月薪都在5000元左右、中等职位的收入在8000元至10000元。


系统集成工程师:估计年收入10万元至20万元。 用户对系统集成服务的要求不断提高,从最初的网络建设到基础行业的应用,再到对业务流程和资源策略的咨询服务。未来系统集成工程师应该是一路走高的职业。


精算师:年收入在12万元至15万元。 中国被世界保险界认可的精算师不足10人。随着国际保险巨头在中国开拓市场以及国内企业的需要,精算师是几年后保险业最炙手可热的人才,目前在国外的平均年薪达10万美元,国内目前月薪也在1万元以上。


物流师:现在1年就能挣10万元。 物流人才的需求量为600余万人。壳牌在国内招聘的应届大学生目前的年薪7万元至10万元,估计4年之后只会多不会少,因为能源越来越紧俏。


环境工程师:年收入将在8万元至10万元。 按照国际通行的惯例计算,中国在环境工程师方面的缺口在42万人左右。目前国内园林设计师、景观设计师的月薪都在七八千元左右。


注册会计师:年收入将在10万元左右。 国内目前至少急需35万名注册会计师,而实际具备从业资格的只有8万人左右,其中被国际认可的不足15%。每年包括德勤、毕博在内的四大会计师事务所招收的高校毕业生月薪大都在五六千元,再加上每年丰厚的奖金,收入会超过10万元。


报关员:年挣10万元很轻松。 报关员目前的收入每月在5000元至8000元之间,珠三角地区报关员月薪都在七八千元。




 Lecture - Memory and Migration: Conversations with Chinese Women Writers

At Cal State Fullerton

Thursday, April 20, 2006
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Pollak Library, Room 130
Cal State Fullerton
Fullerton, CA 

This series brings international and cross-cultural experiences to Cal State Fullerton and the community. Chinese women writers will read from their work and discuss history, memory, migration, and culture from historical and personal perspectives. 

Featuring Chun Yu

Chun Yu, winner of 2006 Notable Social Studies Trade Book for Young People and other awards, will read from and discuss her book Little Green: Growing Up During the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Simon & Schuster, 2005).

Chun Yu was born in China at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution. After graduating from Peking University, she moved to the United States to pursue her Ph.D. and a career in science. Chun Yu started writing poetry and stories in verse during her postdoctoral fellowship in biomedical engineering in a Harvard-MIT joint program. Her first book, Little Green: Growing Up During the Chinese Cultural Revolution, has been published by Simon and Schuster. Maxine Hong Kingston calls Little Green "a miracle." Little Green is the first book of a trilogy. It has won several awards including the 2006 Notable Social Studies Trade Book for Young People by the National Council of Social Studies (NCSS) and the Center for Children’s Book (CBC), 2006 Society of School Librarians International (SSLI) Book Award Honor Book, 2005 Parents Choice Award, and 2006 New York Public Library’s Books for The Teenager.

Cost: Free

Special Instructions

Campus Map/Directions: www.fullerton.edu/campusmap/

For more information please contact

Jie Tian Tel: (714) 278-2569

































The Lives of Women in Middle-Period China: New Evidence from Material & Visual Culture

Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, USC, presents a lecture by Deng Xiaonan

Wednesday, April 19, 2006
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Taper Hall of Humanities (THH) Room 371
University of Southern California
(Enter USC at Gate 3, on Figueroa Street)
Los Angeles, CA 

Deng Xiaonan is a professor of History at Peking University and a founding member of the Center for Ancient Chinese History.  She has been a pioneer in promoting women and gender studies in China and a leader in introducing western scholarship to Chinese students. Professor Deng has also led numerous field expeditions to study the material and visual culture of North China in premodern times. She will present some of the recent discoveries made during these trips and discuss how these change our understanding of the daily lives of Chinese women in the Tang and Song dynasties (8th to 13th centuries).


Reception to follow.
















































A Sinicized Enlightenment Education for the New Republic: Cai Yuanpei in 1912

A presentation by Chaohua Wang

Wednesday, April 26, 2006
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
11377 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Similar to the fact that Cai Yuanpei's appointment as the first Republican Education Minister in January 1912 was the result of political compromise, his program of educational reform then was an intellectual mixture. The current research traces the roots of Cai's 1912 program to four intellectual sources: the new Confucian self-cultivation tradition; historical studies of the east Zhejiang school of the Qing times; the 19th-century German educational reform program of Humboldt University; and the Kantian philosophical tradition of secular enlightenment. By presenting these traditions as complimentary to each other, Cai managed to take some drastic modernizing measures in a short time, leaving lasting impact upon modern China's educational system.

Chaohua Wang is a Ph.D. candidate in modern Chinese literature, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA.

Open to UCLA students and faculty, and others by invitation

For more information please contact

Richard Gunde   Tel: 310 825-8683   gunde@ucla.edu


中国研究生状态调查:多数到了研二还不知道干什么  (何海兵 周凯)


眼下,正是2006年硕士研究生复试的高峰时期,几十万名考生在为自己的研究生梦做最后的拼搏。那么在读的研究生过得如何呢?日前,上海大学研究生工作党委发布了该校研究生联合会所作的2004级硕士研究生生活状态报告。报告对该校2004级硕士研究生的经济来源、学习状况、压力来源、生活规划、自我满意度、自我认同感和就业信心等焦点问题进行了调研。 结果令人惊讶,有76%的硕士研究生对自己的研究生阶段没有进行规划,有将近一半的硕士研究生认为自己的实际生活比期待的要差得多。 本次调查面向上海大学2004级硕士研究生,发放问卷215份,收回问卷203份,回收率94.4%。其中男生55.2%,女生占44.8%,覆盖上海大学各个专业。



当问到读研以来是否有生活规划时,只有24%的硕士研究生认为自己有非常明确的规划,76%没有进行规划,其中48.5%想过但是没有具体规划,13.7%认为自己是跟着感觉走。 二年级没什么课了,很多的同学都不知道干什么。一位研三的同学这样说。 调查显示,50.2%的硕士研究生经常上图书馆,40.9%偶尔去,6.9%基本不去,2%的硕士研究生从来不去图书馆。 87.2%的硕士生表示主要通过网络获取信息,选择报刊的占5.4%,广播占3.4%。8.9%的硕士生每天上网的时间在9小时左右。同时,52.2%的硕士生主要休闲方式是上网和朋友聊天。只有4.9%的硕士研究生对专业课的上课情况感到非常满意。 面对急剧变化的社会,很多同学静不下心来,干扰因素太多。现在读研二的小罗曾经工作过5年,他说:很多同学没有进行规划,一是没有规划的意识,跟着感觉走。更为重要的是,他不知道该往哪儿走。读本科时,面对就业压力,选择考研,但是,考上之后怎么读,自己的兴趣在什么地方,目标在哪里,对这些问题部分硕士研究生并不是非常清楚,由此导致定位不准确,就是从上课到兼职,再找工作,这是硕士生3年生活的普遍模式。谈到这些问题,他有些激动。



如果说这种研究生生活安排在3年前还行得通的话,现在已经受到来自社会和就业的极大挑战。一位即将毕业但目前仍没有签约的硕士研究生这样说,只有到了毕业求职的时候,你才会发现自己的研究生生活安排合理还是不合理,自己得到了什么?挣了很多钱?参加了多少活动?发表了多少篇文章?有多少证书?证书的含金量如何?自己到底想要什么?也许等自己真正明白的时候,你也就要毕业了,没有机会补救,只能扼腕感叹!他抛出了一连串的问题。 调查结果显示,55.6%的硕士研究生对就业抱有信心,但是43.2%对就业没有信心。 为什么就业信心不足?就是因为这两年没有过好,没有取得成绩,该做的事情没有做,社会需要的东西自己没有,当然产生迷茫。一位一年级博士生的同学说。 报告分析认为,现在硕士研究生就业已经由卖方市场进入了买方市场,研究生的就业压力逐渐增大,研究生开始有强烈的危机感。







报告分析认为,经济状况、学习状况、压力来源、生活规划、自我满意度、自我认同感和就业信心等问题之间不是孤立存在的,它们之间存在着密切的联系,要从整体上来分析,而不能把这些问题分开来看,只有这样才能对当前硕士研究生中存在的问题有系统深刻的把握。 一位多年从事研究生就业工作的老师认为,部分文科硕士研究生毕业时,坐下来不能写,站起来不能说,跑出去不能干,这和他们平时的学习状况是分不开的。 面对报告显示的情况,上海大学研究生工作党委副书记李伟一脸平静,我并不感到惊讶和意外。他说:这份报告基本上反映了我校二年级硕士生的生存状态。这些问题在我们学校的学生中存在,在其他高校硕士研究生中也不同程度存在。他认为,问题主要来自两个方面,一是社会变化太快,研究生的适应能力跟不上;二是学校的研究生管理和培养中存在着一些与研究生成长不很适应的方面;而学生的自身是根本原因。很多学生考上研究生后就歇气了,以为船到码头车到站,实际上,这仅仅是新的困难的开始。 李伟表示,报告的数据基本上反映了上海大学的研究生经过两年的学习后在进行深刻的反思,开始自醒,有了危机感。这是好事情,尽管对他们来说,已经有点晚,但是,对于研一的学生,尤其是对于那些即将跨入研究生行列的学生来说,具有非常重要的警示意义。 上海大学副校长、研究生工作党委副书记叶志明教授指出:考研是为了改变命运,可是等考上了以后,怎么开始改变?很多研究生没有实际的行动,仅仅停留在口号上。他指出,读研的机会成本是非常高的,如果你不努力的话,就是在浪费光阴,就没有改变命运的可能性;努力了,不一定能完全改变,但是总可以改变一部分,即使问题没有解决,也许会闯出另外一片天地。



2005-2006 Education and Outreach Program

SAMSI/CRSC Undergraduate Workshop
May 22 - 26, 2006
N.C. State University


SAMSI will host a one week undergraduate workshop intended for college juniors and seniors focused on SAMSI research activities related to the statistical and applied mathematical modeling and analysis of experimental data.  During the first day, a summary of research activities in the 2005-2006 programs on Financial Mathematics, Statistics and Econometrics, National Defense and Homeland Security, and Astrostatistics will be presented. In days two through five, participants will be involved in a hands-on experience. They will use mathematical and statistical models to analyze experimental data they collect in the CRSC/Math Instructional Research Lab (see www.ncsu.edu/crsc/) on the NC State University campus.

Tutorials on modeling, mathematical and statistical methodology and on the physical experiments being used will be given. Participants working together in small teams will collect data and analyze it using mathematical and statistical software provided.


Applicants should use the on-line application form and also have one letter of recommendation sent to the address specified there. Full financial support for travel expenses, subsistence and lodging in university housing will be provided for all attendees. Due to space considerations, participation is restricted and will be offered to approximately 30 individuals selected from the applicant pool. Participants are expected to arrive for the workshop on Sunday, May 21, 2006 and remain in continuous attendance until 12:00pm on Friday, May 26, 2006 .

Applications will be considered until April 21, 2006. Successful applicants will be notified of their acceptance as soon as a decision on their application is reached.

Upon acceptance for the program, individuals must confirm by email within seven days their intention to participate, and also provide details of their travel plans (otherwise their place will be given to another applicant). Accepted participants will need to purchase plane tickets with a three-week advance fare.

Please direct questions concerning the workshop to ugworkshop200605@samsi.info or (919) 515-5289.


中国科技投入长期不足 科研项目莫成圈钱工具  (王海鹰 王娅妮


中国科技投入长期不足,这是制约科技创新的一大瓶颈,然而有限的钱并没有全部用在刀刃上,在不少项目中,科研资金用于项目本身的比例仅在40%左右。科研项目成了一些科研人员圈钱的工具,在科研成果的幌子下,国家宝贵的科研经费流失了。 上海某科技公司在科研过程中涉嫌弄虚作假、骗取国家上亿元科研经费一事,经媒体报道后,再次引发人们对科研经费分配、管理、使用机制的反思。一些科研人员以课题为幌子,发科研经费的财,已不再是个案,而越来越成为一个值得警惕的现象。 一位大学教授最近透露,有的科研项目经费到位以后,项目主持人就可以从中提成20%,有的甚至达到40%。有的科研提成连发票都不要,就拿到自己老婆口袋里了。


大量科研经费流失在项目之外,此风由来已久。据中国科协的一次调查,科研资金用于项目本身的比例仅在40%左右。对研究所和科研人员而言,项目越多,经费越多,个人收入越高,至于项目研究的成果并不重要,实在不行还可以接着申请经费。而单位科研经费的多少,也成了考核领导的政绩之一。 国家审计署不久前公布的审计公告可谓触目惊心:2004年度的审计发现,科研系统2个部门和45个科研单位转移、挤占、挪用科研经费6.69亿元,另外还有13个单位把3.27亿元的科研经费违规出借、对外投资甚至投入股市。


中国科技投入长期不足,这也是制约科技创新的一大瓶颈,然而有限的钱并没有全部用在刀刃上,却成了有些科研人员圈钱的手段。有科研人员反映,只要跟着项目,吃喝拉撒,甚至给孩子买支铅笔都能在课题组报销。 科研经费令人痛心地流失着!一方面,这与我国科研经费的分配机制不完善有关,相关主管部门及其主管人员拥有太大的资源分配权和项目审批权,容易造成决策不当、资源浪费乃至腐败滋生。而一些科研单位将人员收入与科研经费挂钩,诱使很多科研人员拼命去争项目、争经费。 另一方面,对科研经费的使用监管严重缺位。经费下拨后如何使用,一般由项目主持人一人说了算,致使部分资金 拐了弯,装进个人腰包。至于科研成果,或是凑几篇论文对付过去,或是请几个权威专家开个成果鉴定会,只要表示到位,评审专家一般都会给开通行证。这样,一些科研人员就在科研成果的幌子下面,轻易套取瓜分了国家宝贵的科研经费。 杜绝科研经费浪费,提高使用效益,应该标本兼治:科研项目立项和经费投入要纳入公共监督之下,建立规范的评审机制和程序,进一步完善科学技术成果评价方法。同时,应该抓紧建立科研经费的追踪督查机制,对科研经费的使用情况进行专家评估,并开展财务审计监督,防止经费的不当支出和使用。


Mainland's GDP grows by 10.2% in Q1


The Chinese mainland scored a 10.2 percent growth in its gross domestic product in first quarter of this year, said Hu Jintao, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, here last Sunday. The mainland also achieved a 25 percent growth in import and export in the three months, said Hu at a meeting with Lien Chan, honorary chairman of the Taiwan-based Kuomintang party.


The rapid economic growth and the big market of the mainland have created favorable conditions for further economic and trade cooperation across the Straits, along with opportunities for Taiwan compatriots to give full play to the talent in the mainland,said Hu. "Frankly speaking, we do not want to pursue excessively rapid economic growth. What we are seeking is efficiency and quality of development, the change in the the economic growth mode, resources conservation, environmental protection and improvement of people's livelihood," Hu said. This is the second meeting between Hu and Lien. They met for the first time in Beijing a year ago when Lien, then chairman of the Taiwan-based Kuomintang (KMT) party, had an "ice-breaking" journey to the mainland. It was also the first meeting between top leaders of the CPC and KMT in 60 years.


In a bid to curb the excessive economic growth, the State Council, or China's cabinet, held an executive meeting on Friday, deciding to strengthen regulation of economic performance by adjusting and upgrading redundant production capacity, curbing new production capacity, improving efficiency of energy and raw material consumption and coordinating demand for and supply of energy and raw materials. The government is also to establish a mechanism to calculate, examine and disclose progress by local governments in raising energy efficiency and reducing discharges of pollutants and protecting farmland.



3措施遏科研造假 政府莫为政绩""成果














  高校科研院所和政府部门要防止假的科研。在推动科研的同时,要紧紧把握实际,不能追求形式。如果是基础研究,研究成果应该由同行说了算,政府不能插手;如果是技术研究,政府可以设立制度鼓励其产业化,但效果应该让市场说了算,政府不要越位,更不能为了政绩而"逼"科研成果。(杨金志 王蔚 刘丹)


Migration in China in the 1990s and Beyond: Trends, Geography, and Policies

Kam Wing Chan, Professor of Geography, University of Washington

Thursday, April 27, 2006
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
4357 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Migrant labor has become an integral part of China’s success story of economic growth in the last quarter century. China would not have become the “world’s factory” had it not been for the plentiful supply of cheap labor from the countryside to its coastal export-processing industrial cities. The plight of migrant labor is also a major concern among many researchers, labor activists, and politicians, especially in the West. This essay tackles the problems of measuring internal migration and studies the trends and geography of internal migration and “rural migrant labor” using the data available in recent years, including the 2000 census. The last part of the talk considers some major policy issues in relation to internal migration in the country: recent reforms of the hukou system and whether or not China will abolish the system soon; and the paradox of rising migration and disparities in recent years.

Kam Wing Chan is a Professor in Geography and Chinese Studies at the University of Washington. He received a M.Sc. from the University of Hong Kong and PhD from the University of Toronto. He is the author of Cities with Invisible Walls: Reinterpreting Urbanization in Post-1949 China and numerous articles on urbanization, migration, the urban labor market, the household registration system, and urban finance. In the last ten years he has also served as a consultant to international organizations such as the Asian Development Bank, International Labor Office, World Bank, and United Nations on various policy issues related to urbanization and migration. His website is at: http://faculty.washington.edu/kwchan/


心态浮躁致学术造假难遏 透视中国科研体制弊端  (杨金志 王蔚 刘丹)







Experts warn corruption in sciences 


Some Chinese experts and scholars are calling for tighter controls on scientific research funds, to pave the way for the country's science and technology developments, as corruption, particularly embezzlement is becoming an increasingly serious barrier to its success. The experts suggested that the government department in charge of the funds, which is also the office in charge of handling project applications, be separate entities; to create a fairer approving system. Many methods have been used in the misuse of scientific research funds, the news agency said, citing Tang Anguo, head of the Institute of Higher Education Research at the East China Normal University. Some departments sought kickbacks when they purchased research equipment, Tang said. If the country allocated 7 million yuan (US$873,177) and the device only cost 5 million yuan, the large kickback would be pocketed. Many spent the funds buying cars and real estate, turning them into private properties. Others used the funds on personal travel expenses, some purchased personal insurance policies, as they could refund the amount with their receipts.


The government was cheated by research cooperation over a closed-door discussion that over quoted a 100 million yuan project price, as its excess was pocketed. Some even used the scientific research funds to open their own companies, converting the funds into shares. Some scientific research funds became the capital source of bribe money for university and college officials and expert. Tang noted that now an expert can usually get 2 percent to 5 percent of the application fee of a project as kickback.


Wang Pinxian, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said the country is implementing its middle and long-term science and technology development plans. Many big projects worth more than 10 billion yuan are in the pipeline. "Scientific innovations cannot merely depend on monetary investments," Wang said. "The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress should keep an eye on the major projects. If necessary, they should set up a task force." When funds flow into personal pockets, China will never be able to accomplish its science development targets, he added. At the year's beginning, President Hu Jintao set out China's science and technology blueprint, targeting an innovation-oriented country in 15 years.








 Beijing opens a new US visa service center


Beijing Service Hall of the U.S. Visa Application, the only visa application service center designated by the US Embassy in China, opened and started to accept visa applications on Wednesday. The Service Hall is Beijing's first service agency established particularly for visa applications. Abiding by the principle of people foremost, the Service Hall offers a series of start-to-finish services including waiting, consultation, photography, translation, form filling, copying, package storage, banking, communication and postal service, so that visa applicants need not come time and again. The hall could hold more than 300 people applying for a visa at the same time and can definitely meet the need of more than 800 visa applicants every day. The newly established Service Hall will handle all procedures before an interview, including paying fees and submitting materials.


31期海外華商企業家管理研習班 六月五日至十六日台北開班十日研習課程



本期招收對象為近二年內未曾參加僑務委員會所開辦專業研習班﹐年齡在25歲以上﹑60歲以下。同一公司或同一家庭以一人為限。並應以僑營事業從業人員為對象﹐非從業人員或在學學生請勿報名﹐學員並應全程參加研習課程﹐並遵守研習班﹁學員上課須知﹂相關規定。如有曾於二年內參訓人員有意以自付膳宿方式參加﹐僑委會須俟報名截止日期後視是否仍有名額再酌予錄取。有意參加僑商請即與休士頓華僑文教服務中心洽詢報名事宜。報名截止日期為422日。該中心地址﹕10303 Westoffice Dr Houston, TX 77042 該中心電話﹕7137894995108柳小姐 。


Performance: Music of China

A performance at the Hammer Museum, presented by the Music of China Ensemble, of the UCLA Department of Ethnomusicology

Saturday, April 29, 2006
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Hammer Museum, courtyard
10899 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90095

The Music of China Ensemble, led Li Chi, will perform silk-and-bamboo music from the Shanghai area, folk dances, zheng in the Hakka (Kejia) style from Guangdong, and modern compositions for traditional Chinese wind and string instruments.

Cost: Free to the public

Tel: 310 443-7000





謝長廷這次訪問洛杉磯的唯一公開演講會,主題是「共生與台灣的政治發展:看好台灣/看好自己」。 謝長廷針對台灣狀況提出「和解共生」是台灣當前所需方向,這次來美潛心思考研究台灣未來何去何從;謝曾與華盛頓首府官員交換意見。 謝長廷演講會於23日(星期日)晚上7時30分在艾爾蒙地市台福教會舉行,地址:9537 Telstar Ave., El Monte, CA 91731。


Women dominate in postgraduate studies


In China, women are usually called “the other half of the sky” in society. Now, they seem to dominate “more than half or even the whole sky” in many of the universities in China in master and doctorate studies. The Foreign Philosophy School of Shandong University plans to enroll eight students for doctorate degree study this year, and it turns out that the eight students enrolled are all female. “Philosophy used to be considered as a major favorable to male students, but now, it seems that female students dominate in this field,” a professor in the Foreign Philosophy School joked. Not just for this year, most of the Foreign Philosophy School graduates in previous years were women.

And the phenomenon for female students to dominate in some school majors, especially in liberal arts, is also overwhelming in some other universities.


Experts analyze that many factors contribute to this phenomenon. One important reason is that many male students find it easier for them to look for a job than their female classmates, and some work units even employ male students only. Under high employment pressure, women might miss out on many of the job opportunities and go back to school to study for a higher degree. In addition, some experts say that China’s current examination system is more suitable for female students, and many female students perform better in examinations than male students, placing them in a more advantageous position since currently universities will enroll students as long as they pass the university’s scoring requirement. ============================================




路透社上周三出炉的一项调查显示,美国最佳工作榜首由软件工程师获得。该榜上排名第二的工作是大学的教授和行政人员,第三位财经顾问。这一调查是由基于麻州尼达姆工资酬报专家们通过Money杂志做出的,由Time Inc.和Salary.com所发表。软件工程师成为工作榜第一名获得者是基于其强劲的成长潜力,平均8万多的年工资及具有创造性的潜力。而排名第二的大学教授、教师和行政人员有着最低的每周工作时数,平均为30小时以及最多的全年休假时间:31天。这项工作同时在压力水平、时间灵活度及工作创造力等方面也获得高分。该报告又显示牙科医生的休假时间最少,每年为14天。

  Money杂志的总编迈特斯说,对工作的评比是考虑该工作的成长潜力,工资高低以及所谓的其他软性因素如工作灵活度等。他说:人们非常向往灵活度和低压力。该调查显示工作压力的排行最高的前三位为:工作量太大(28%),没有晋升机会(20%)以及截止时间(同为20%)。前十名的好工作还包括人力资源部经理、医生助理、市场研究分析员、电脑/资讯技术分析员、房地产评估师、药剂师和心理治疗师。在该调查报告中,技术性和医疗保健领域内的工作占了好工作前50名中的近1/3。这一职业榜将在5月的Money期刊中登载,但在4月24日该杂志就能在书报摊买到。为了决定前50名的顺序,Money 和Salary.com说,他们先从一个有250种工种的单子着手,这其中大多数要求受过不止一种高等教育,其中的行业跨度为19种。他们应用美国劳动统计局的数据将低成长率的工作或低雇用率或低报酬的工作去除。然后他们用网上调查的方式对2万6千名受访者进行问卷式调查,指标有工作成长潜力和平均工资以及压力水平、灵活度、创造性以及该领域入门及晋升的容易度。



China Export Fair to Attract 180,000 Overseas Buyers 


A record number of exhibitors are expected at the 99th session of China's largest export commodities fair and 180,000 overseas buyers are expected to attend. A primary indicator of foreign trade the fair has an exhibition area of 270,000 square meters with 30,058 exhibition booths, said spokesman Xu Bing. The fair opens tomorrow. The 12-day event has 177,000 overseas buyers registered from 210 countries and regions, Xu explained.  Of the 13,868 exhibitors slightly less than 30 percent are state-owned and 58 percent private and companies with foreign investment.  A total of US$29.43 billion of deals were signed at the last fair in October 2005. Business done at the biannual event accounts for a third of China's general trade each year. Among the buyers are 74 multinational firms such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour. The top five buyers at the last fair were the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the USA, Taiwan Province, Japan and the Republic of Korea.




中共削减省级副书记 “一正三副模式逐步形成











Discussion Forum with Nanjing City Delegation in New Jersey


Dear Members and Friends,


We are very pleased to announce that we are invited by a 5-member delegation from Nanjing City PuKuo District to organize a discussion forum on Sunday, 10am -- 12noon, April 23, 2006 at a local hotel in Elizabeth, New Jersey.  The discussion topics include any Hi-Tech startup or business issues in Nanjing PuKuo Hi-Tech Zone, especailly (but not necessarily) for Pharm/Biotech startups, because PuKuo Hi-Tech Zone already has more than ten big pharm companies there.  The discussion forum will be a small-scaled forum limited to 10 participants of any overseas professionals (including Chinese Americans).  After the event, the delegation will invite our participants to have buffet lunch in their hotel.  Please read the attachment for description.


If you are interested in Nanjing and/or PuKuo, interested in startups there, or interested in doing any businesses there, and intend to join us, please be sure to send us your name, phone number (cell phone, if you have) and a brief statement of your background and your interest in Nanjing ( e.g., you grew up, studied, or worked in Nanjing, you consider some startup projects in Nanjing).  We will confirm your registration via email and inform you the location information.  Please register as soon as possible due to limited seats.


In your email, if you are going from New York City, please indicate whether you are driving and whether you can offer rides to other participants.  Please also indicate if you need rides.  We might need to arrange several people to fit into one or two cars.



南京市浦口区工业园区, 是以医药工业为主的一个工业园区, 园内已经有十几家医药企业进住。本次区领导及经济开发区领导来美国考察,想利用此机会向美国的医药企业和工作人员介绍浦口区的经济发展及经济开发区的优惠待遇。并欢迎美国的企业和留美专业人士学者去南京考察。区领导准备在入住的酒店开一个小型的座谈会,参加人数限十人,欢迎对南京市及浦口区感兴趣、有项目的留美专业人士参加。


Nanjing City PuKou District Delegation Members:

Head: Mr. Lu Qi, Secretary of CPC Committee of Nanjing Pukou District (戚鲁先生,中共南京市浦口区区委书记)

Mr. Hong Hu, Vice Director of Pukou Municipal Government (胡洪先生,浦口区人民政府副区长)

Mr. Renbin Jin, Director of Pukou Development and Reform Bureau (金仁斌先生,浦口区发展和改革局局长)

Mr. Yongfa Wang, Director of Pukou Land Bureau (王永法先生, 浦口区国土局局长)

Mr. Yuanfeng Tang, Vice Director of Jiangsu Provincial Development Zone in Nanjing Pukou (唐元峰先生,江苏省南京市浦口经济开发区副主任)


时间 423Sunday, 10am – 12noon

地点 A Local Hotel at Elizabeth, New Jersey (to be informed after we confirm your registration)

Hotel Phone: 908-436-4600



Thank you very much for your interest and support.




Andy Dai, Ph.D.

President, US Nanjing Friendship Assocation

Chairman, Entrepreneurs Society



Shane Wang, Ph.D.

President, ACCP -- GNY Chapter





侨捐必须有账可查 (周稀银










为促进大陆居民赴台旅游早日实现,由中国国家旅游局、公安部、国台办制定的《大陆居民赴台湾地区旅游管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)正式发布并实施。《办法》共17条。按规定,大陆居民赴台湾旅游, 须由指定的大陆旅行社作为组团社组织, 以旅游团形式整团往返。组团社由国家旅游局会同有关机构, 从已批准的特许经营出境旅游业务的旅行社范围内指定,由海峡两岸旅游交流协会公布。而台湾地区接待大陆居民赴台旅游的旅行社, 须经大陆有关机构会同国家旅游局确认,由海峡两岸旅游交流协会公布。办法还规定, 大陆居民赴台旅游实行配额管理, 配额由国家旅游局会同有关机构确认后, 下达给组团社。组团社须为每个旅游团队选派领队,领队要经过专门的培训、考核,并申领赴台旅游领队证。大陆居民须持有效的《大陆居民往来台湾地区通行证》及旅游签注赴台旅游。但参游人员应按期返回,不得非法滞留。而大陆各地各家旅行社其实此前均早已拟定游台线路,其中包含台北、台中、台南、花莲、屏东、高雄等台湾岛上主要城市,包括著名的日月潭和阿里山的环岛游是主打线路。媒体预计旅游价格不低于7000元人民币。三年前,香港经济一度处于衰退边缘,但自从开放内地居民港澳自由行(个人游)之后,内地庞大的旅游、购物等消费力量很快刺激了香港经济的回暖和复苏。这使岛内旅游业界对大陆居民赴台游相当期待,上周台湾股市中的观光股集体上扬即是这一预期的反应。 


China to test manned moon landing in 2017


When can China realize manned moon landing? Ouyang Ziyuan, chief scientist of China's moon probing project and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, indicated that at present, the United States and the European Space Agency plan to make a moon landing in 2018 and 2023 respectively, while China will not implement its manned moon landing test and joint lunar base construction with related countries until 2017.


Prof. Ouyang said that the Chang'e I lunar orbiting satellite will be launched next year. The audience can watch the launch on TV within 10 to 20 minutes, and observation statistics will be immediately sent to nationwide important departments. This satellite will be used to acquire three-dimensional images of the moon, analyze characteristics of distribution of elements on lunar surface, detect the thickness of lunar soil and explore space environment between the earth and the moon. As exploring the thickness of lunar soil is an original idea of China, many foreign experts have consulted about the implementation of such a task.


Prof. Ouyang revealed that 10 countries including the US, Russia and Ukraine have instituted a plan to revisit the moon by now. When can Chinese astronauts land on the moon? "At present, we are still working on the initial planning of the moon probing project, which includes probing, landing and stationing; all are unmanned programs. During the second phase, China will strive to achieve the overall scientific goal of soft landing on the moon as well as inspection and exploration by a moon rover. The third step will serve to provide statistics for the follow-up manned moon probing and lunar base site selection.











  答:根据移民法规,在特殊的情况下(Extraordinary Circumstances),没有及时提出H-1B转换或延期的人士仍然可以在过期后提出H-1B的申请。这些原因可以是人道考量、经济因素,或是其他不可抗力的因素。然而,负责审理的移民局有权自行决定什么是特殊情况,决定的标准有因各移民官的解释及认定而宽松而有所不同。

  问:听说移民局各处理中心在宽限期的执行有不同的审理标准,这是真的吗?   答:虽然移民局各处理中心从来没有正式的对H-1B被解雇者给予宽限期,但是在实际的执行上会依移民官的个别认定而有所不同。如果你幸运的话,在移民官没有要求看前雇主薪资单的情况下,可能可以在美国转换身份,但是别人幸运获得批准了,不代表你也会同样幸运。



美国华裔医学科学家协会 (NSMS-CAA) - Job Opportunities

(1) Chief Information Officer
Associate Director for Clinical Research Information Systems/Chief Information Officer (CIO)
NIH Clinical Center 
Job Location:    
Bethesda, MD
Contact Information:     Tel : 301-496-6924
Closing Date:   

The Clinical Center has been a pioneer in the use of computer technology for advancement of clinical research and improvement of patient care. Reporting to the Clinical Center Director, the CIO is responsible for the development, operation and maintenance of a new state-of-the-art Clinical Research Information System (CRIS). Implemented in 2004, CRIS provides a new foundation for managing electronic medical information and warehousing research data. The new CIO will lead strategy development for upcoming phases of CRIS, including the seamless integration of new tools for comprehensive management of research data protocol authoring, institutional review board (IRB) support, adverse event reporting, and other bio-informatics initiatives such as standardized language.

This is an exciting and challenging time for the
NIH Clinical Center offering opportunities for the CIO to design and implement novel technologies to support front line discoveries in clinical research and basic science and to establish a strong research program in medical informatics.

M.D. or Ph.D. in health services preferred but not required. A minimum of five to seven years progressive experience in medical informatics and IT operations in a healthcare setting is required. Knowledge of the clinical research environment a plus.

Salary and resources are negotiable and commensurate with experience.

Please submit your curriculum vitae, bibliography and a letter describing your clinical, research and management experience to:

Mr. Joe Martin, Chief, Branch E, Client Services Division
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Phone: 301-496-6924
Email: ccapps@mail.nih.gov

(2) MRI Scientist
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

The NIH MRI Research Facility (NMRF) in the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke is seeking an MRI scientist to support the human brain imaging studies conducted by the NIH investigators. NMRF offers state-of-the-art MRI facilities for users throughout the NIH. The NMRF is a part of the NIH In Vivo NMR Center which houses active research programs in brain and cardiac MRI. Four 3T MRI (GE) scanners and a 7T MRI (GE) scanner are available in the
NMR Center for human brain research. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in a relevant field and interest in application of MRI to study brain function and disorders. Experience in MRI pulse sequence design and programming is required. Knowledge and interest in image processing or MRI hardware is desirable. In addition to collaborative research, the candidate will have the opportunity to initiate new projects that will impact ongoing research. Salary is very competitive and commensurate with education and experience

Please send a CV and three letters of reference to
Dr. Lalith Talagala
NIH MRI Research Facility
National Institutes of Health
10 Center Drive, Room B1D69
Bethesda, MD 20892-1060
Email: talagala@nih.gov




 中国每年的发明成果75%无果而终 远低于近邻韩日 

