2006年第17  創刊第345             05/09/2006


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

v     黑龙江省拟定于今年8月间举办“海外学人故乡行”活动

v     Letter of Invitation - From Western Returned Scholars Association/Chinese Overseas-Educated Scholars Association

v     邀请函 - 欧美同学会中国留学人员联谊会将于200672122日在德国法兰克福举办“21世纪中国:留学人员与构建和谐社会”研讨会

v     Call for paper: China National Sport and Exercise Psychology 8th Conference

v     海外華裔青少年台灣夏令營七月舉行

v     Message from SAMSI:

v     关于举办哈大齐工业走廊建设专题洽谈会的通知



v     中国国家优秀自费留学生奖学金获奖名单揭晓  6名优秀自费留学生在洛杉矶获国家奖学金


News and Announcements

v     Family, Migration, & Gender in Fujian

v     美国会议员提议将科技人才工作签证限额提高一倍

v     The U. S.-China Foreign Exchange Controversy: The View from China

v     美国中文AP课程考试框架敲定 注重实用简繁不限

v     China-France Focus on Lab Security

v     中国城市规划要尊重自然(闻一言)

v     The Eleventh CBA Annual Conference

v     留英中國學生增多本地生就業臨挑戰

v     Mutation Chart for Chinese Man’s No.21 Chromosome

v     中国教育部要求职业院校加强校企合作 试行半工半读  (靳晓燕)

v     Large Scientific Instruments Sharing

v     欧美同学会·中国留学人员联谊会确定建立“双高人才库”

v     LINUX Reference Lab in China

v     ETS考试改革 托业增说写 托福改计分 GRE淡词汇

v     National Guidelines for S&T Development

v     培育健康下一代 全美公立學校將停售非減肥汽水

v     China, EU Firms to Hold 5,000 Biz Talks

v     江苏推广教授终身制改革

v     More Hydropower for Rural Residents by 2010

v     消除中美之间的文化逆差 (吴琦幸)

v     Guangzhou begins to build the world's tallest tower

v     中国留学生将可自由往返中韩

v     China, Germany Join Hands in Building Lab

v     豫着力引进高层次留学人才

v     China to capture 3D lunar photo with "laser eyes"

v     美國科技教育醫療業 未來成長快

v     42 laws, regulations come into effect in China

v     美用激光武器摧毁地球轨道卫星

v     400 million fewer Chinese born over 3 decades

v     中国有哮喘患者近三千万 已成严重公共卫生问题

v     China exports traditional medicines worldwide

v     调查分析师等14个新职业纳入中国职业大典 (仇琳)

v     Chinese Cooperation with US in Space Sector Welcomed

v     華裔科學家錢煦當選為美國藝術和科學院院士 (SingtaoUSA 丁曙)

v     Forum Calls for Better Understanding of China

v     比美国少一半 中国的孩子缺少“笑容教育”

v     China to launch satellites for lunar surveying

v     全球网民近7亿中国排第二

v     China Highlights Nurse Shortage
















联系电话:0086-451-82628330  0086-451-82628104


电子信箱:horsa@horsa.org   hljorsa@mail.hl.cn





Letter of Invitation - From Western Returned Scholars Association/Chinese Overseas-Educated Scholars Association

邀请函 - 欧美同学会中国留学人员联谊会将于200672122日在德国法兰克福举办“21世纪中国:留学人员与构建和谐社会”研讨会




会议地点:Titus-Forum,SaalWalter-Mueller-Platz 2, 60439 Frankfurt/M.

电话: (069) 95805310  传真: (069) 95805325

网页: www.saalbau.com/raumangebot/25/index.ht


住宿地点:Golden Tulip Frankfurt Offenbach,Kaiserleistrasse 45,D-63067 Offenbach/ Frankfurt/M

电话:(069)  80610    传真:(069)  8061666





14:00-22:00   在Golden Tulip Frankfurt Offenbach,Kaiserleistrasse 45,D-63067 Offenbach/Frankfurt/M注册

18:00-20:00   国内代表团与各留学人员团体负责人见面会,共进晚餐

20:30-22:00   预备会议



08:30-09:30 在Titus-Forum,SaalWalter-Mueller-Platz 2,60439 Frankfurt/M. 注册

09:00-09:30 韩启德会长与德国领导人(副议长以上)会见


09:30-10:30 开幕式主持人:万明坤(欧美同学会•中国留学人员联谊会常务副会长)

韩启德会长致开幕词         马灿荣大使或总领事致辞       德方代表致辞

10:30-10:45 会间休息

10:45-12:30 主题报告会 主持人:大会秘书长

12:30-14:00 工作午餐

14:00-16:45 专题研讨会

16:45-17:00 会间休息

17:00-19:00 海外人才交流会

19:00-21:30 闭幕式及晚宴






姓名:                                   工作单位:


通信地址:                               电话:         传真:











联系人:舒  威、王  彤、徐晓飞

  话:  86-10-65122800,65258320      真:86-10-65258320

  址:  北京市东城区南河沿大街111号    编:100006

电子邮件:wrsaliaison@163.com           址:www.wrsa.net




1、    构建社会主义和谐社会的战略意义及本质特征

2、    建设社会主义新农村与构建社会主义和谐社会





3、    以人为本、全面协调、可持续的科学发展观与构建和谐社会

4、    “八荣八耻”为内容,树立社会主义荣辱观,构建和谐社会

5、    解决社会保障、就业、扶贫、教育、医疗、环保、安全等社会突出问题




1、    建设资源节约型社会与构建和谐社会

2、    建设环境友好型社会与构建和谐社会

3、    保持社会可持续发展与构建和谐社会



1、    和平合作发展与构建和谐世界

2、    留学人员在推进中外科技、文化交流、促进和谐发展中的作用

3、    海内外留学人员对祖国构建社会主义和谐社会的建言、论文或提案


Call for paper: China National Sport and Exercise Psychology 8th Conference

Oct. 19-22 2006 Wuhan, Hubei, P. R. China

Chinese Association of Sport & Exercise Psychology


The conference theme is Theory and Application of Sport Psychology: Innovation and Reconstruction. This call for proposals includes three types of programs: 1) paper presentations, 2) poster presentations, and 3) roundtable discussions. Proposals related to one or more of the following topics are encouraged:


· Research methods/methodology

· Applied issues

· Psychometrics in sport and exercise

· Emotional issues in Sport and Exercise

· Psychology in Rehabilitation

· Overtraining and burnout

· Psychological skills training

· Cognitive behavioral techniques

· Skill acquisition and Motor development

· Psychological benefits of exercise

· Psychology of Coaching

· Psychology of Officiating· Retirement and Transitions

· Cohesion and Team Building

· Counseling athletes

· Mental Health and Physical Activities


Paper Presentations (15-20 minutes per paper)

Papers will be presented orally to the audiences. Presentations are expected to be in the 10 to 15 minute range and 5 minutes for questions. Copies of the paper should be available for distribution.


Poster Sessions (50 minutes)

Poster material should briefly highlight the key components of the paper. Materials will be displayed, permitting informal exchanges between the presenter and interested parties. Copies of the paper should be available for distribution.


Roundtable Discussions (50 minutes)

Roundtable discussions are an opportunity for facilitators and participants to discuss a particular area of interest. This format allows for more discussion than is typical of the other formats.


Please submit the cover sheet and proposal by email to Zhijian.huang@gmail.com

HUANG, Zhijian, Ph. D. General Secretary of Chinese Association of Sport and Exercise Psychology

Chair, Department of Sport Kinetics and Psychology Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, Wuhan, Hubei, P. R. China 430079

Tel: +86-27-87190822, +86-27-87191806; E-mail: Zhijian.huang@gmail.com . Deadline for submission: June 30th, 2006.



2006年海外華裔青少年台灣觀摩夏令營活動將於七月舉行﹐現已開始接受報名。 活動對象為十四歲到二十歲的華裔青年﹑青少年﹐活動時間是七月二日到十五日共十五天﹐活動範圍包括劍潭海外青年活動中心以及全省各地景點﹐報名費用八百五十元﹝含在國內活動期間之膳﹑宿﹑交通﹑門票﹑活動意外保險等費用﹞。參加活動團員須自付往返機票﹑個人行李搬運費﹑零用金﹑醫療保險和費用等。 台灣觀摩夏令營﹐全球僅有九十個名額﹐各地名額有限。目前增加名額的報名截止日期延至五月十五日﹐有意報名者﹐請直接上網www.cyc.org.tw查詢相關詳細資料及下載報名表格﹐或者與姚其川教授聯繫﹐電話﹙6264462845 x 547


Message from SAMSI:

Registration is now open for 3 events of the 2006-07 SAMSI Program on the Development, Assessment and Utilization of Complex Computer Models


1. Summer School on the Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments

August 11-16, 2006, at IRMACS, Simon Fraser University

See www.samsi.info/workshops/2006compmod-summer200608.shtml for information and the application form.


2. Kickoff Workshop for the Program

September 10-14, 2006 in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

See www.samsi.info/workshops/2006compmod-kickoff200609.shtml for information and the application form.


There are also still possibilities for long-term participation in various other aspects of the program. See ww.samsi.info/programs/2006compmodprogram.shtml for information.


3. Application/registration is now open for the Kickoff Workshop of the SAMSI summer program on

“Multiplicity and Reproducibility in Scientific Studies.”

Dates: July 10-12, 2006

Location: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

See www.samsi.info/workshops/2006multi-kickoff200607.shtml for information and the application form.


There are also still possibilities for participation in the intensive research phase of the program, running during July 13-28, 2006 at SAMSI. See www.samsi.info/programs/2006compmodprogram.shtml for information.



中国国家优秀自费留学生奖学金获奖名单揭晓  6名优秀自费留学生在洛杉矶获国家奖学金 






Family, Migration, & Gender in Fujian

A presentation by Hueybin Teng, doctoral candidate in history

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
11377 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095

A presentation by Hueybin Teng, doctoral candidate in History.

For more information please contact

Richard Gunde, Tel: (310)825-8683; gunde@ucla.edu




美国国会参议院日前提出议案,主张将每年发放给科技部门和相关专业人才的工作签证限额提高将近一倍。华裔普遍认为此提案更契合华裔多数移民的需求。一项名为“确保知识、创新和领导力”(Securing Knowledge, Innovation and Leadership,简称SKIL)的提案显示,国会目前正在激烈讨论的综合移民改革法案中,共和党籍参议员约翰·康恩提出,针对每年工作签证,希望增加此签证总量至11万5千份。目前全美工作签证总量仅为6万5千份,加上布什总统特别批准的高学历人才的2万份,总共为8万5千份。不仅如此,对于华裔移民来说最具福音的是康恩提出的精简职业绿卡作业程序的提议。其内容包括建议雇主多支付一笔额外费用,以加速申请程序,并提供“预先核准制度”,为非移民和移民申请案件精简作业程序。另外,众多华裔留学生也将因工作签证的增加受益。因此此提案比较临时客工提案等更对华裔有实际效力。在SKIL提案中建议,在美国大学获得学士以上学位的任何专业人士都可以豁免H1B 限额。此提案不仅主张增加工作签证至11万5千,还可以根据雇主要求,每年增加20%。


The U. S.-China Foreign Exchange Controversy: The View from China

Third Annual Annual Wan-lin Kiang Lecture, at UC Irvine, presents Li Yang, Director General of the Institute of Finance & Banking, Beijing

Thursday, May 18, 2006
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Social Science Hall
UC Irvine
Irvine, CA 

For additional information, please contact the Center for Asian Studies (949) 824-3344 or email scushman@uci.edu


美国中文AP课程考试框架敲定 注重实用简繁不限 


 美国中文AP课程2007年7月将首度开考,考试规则虽然酝酿之中,但是基本架构、考试方式、试卷结构、评分指标的框架已经敲定。 AP中文考试突破了以往语言学加文学的模式,注重文化背景和语言实用性。考试的基本架构分为人际沟通能力、信息接受能力和表达能力三个模式。人际沟通能力考核学生交换意见和思想的交流,信息接受能力考核阅读理解和听力,表达能力考核学生的口语和写作。人际沟通能力试题占3成,其中读写试题1成,听说试题2成﹔信息接受能力试题占4成,其中听力部分15%,阅读部分25%﹔表达能力试题占3成,口语和写作各一半。和其他AP外语考试一样,中文考试同样以语言使用流利程度为基础,在考试时间上有严格要求。考试共分为两部分,第一部分为听力和阅读,第二部分为口语和写作。每一部分都为45分钟,整场考试共180分钟。


  AP中文考试全部采用电脑进行,简体字繁体字试题都会显示在同一屏幕上,学生可以在注音符号和汉语拼音中任选一种输入方式。 考试试题灵活多样,结合了对中华文化、传统的了解。例如就月饼、龙舟、粽子等食物,联系一个中国节日,并说三个句子或写一段短文等。并会出现阅读一封电子邮件并回信、听对话回答问题、针对题目写作等多种形式。 AP中文考试的成绩分为三个等级﹕N级为初级, I级为中级, PA级为初高级。每级又分为高中低三等。I级中等为预设的高于平均水准,达到PA级的初等就表示拥有良好中文水平,再高等就属于成绩出色行列。每所大学会根据本校的中文水准和学生的程度,来决定AP中文成绩可以抵免多少预科学分。 以沟通能力、文化体认、融会贯通、文化比较和社区运用为目标的AP中文考试,将对中文教材编写、课程设置和教学方法全面提出革新的要求。学生需要了解中华文化的体现和产物,在中美文化、语法等进行比较学习,并且超越课堂,融会贯通地掌握实际沟通能力。


China-France Focus on Lab Security

To implement a regulation on managing the labs having highly pathogenic strains, issued by the State Council, to strengthen Chinese labs’biosecurity and associated management, and to promote international exchanges and cooperation in the field, a lab biosecurity seminar, jointly sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China National accreditation Board for Laboratories, and French Embassy in Beijing, was convened not long ago. The meeting, physically held in Wuhan by the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, attracted the participation of nearly 100 representatives from 37 organizations, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Chinese Center for Diseases Control and Prevention, the University of Science and Technology of China, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and enterprises.


Participants discussed a range of biosecurity issues, involving labs' design, construction, maintenance, and management. Participants also heard the lectures made by experts from the French National Agency for Food Health Security, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China National Accreditation Board for Laboratories, Chinese Academy of Architectures, and Wuhan University. The meeting also staged a round-table discussion of differences between China and other countries in handling biosecurity issues, and associated training and exchanges. During the meeting, participants visited China’s first class III biosecurity lab accredited by the State. Both Chinese and French experts thought highly of the meeting, believing the seminar would spur up Chinese biosecurity labs to move in a scientific, professional, and standardization direction. It is also suggested that follow-up seminars be sponsored, and personnel be exchanged to strength the effect.











The Eleventh CBA Annual Conference

"Dynamic Changes in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Challenges and Opportunities"

May 13-14, 2006
University of Maryland Shady Groove Conference Center
9630 Gudelsky Drive, Rockville, Maryland, USA
Rockville, MD USA
For online registration, please click here
For a list of sponsorship, click here


 Saturday, May 13, 2006

美国华裔医学科学家协会 (NSMS-CAA)




 從前英國本地大學生可謂天之驕子,但現在形勢似乎有所改變,據英國工業及高等教育委員會(CIHE)表示,不少公司傾向聘請更多海外人才,英國大學生須接受在就業市場上與外國留學生競爭,當中尤以中國學生為甚。 英國高等教育部長拉姆爾表示,英國本地大學生將面臨更大挑戰,各所大學均希望吸引更多外國學生入讀以增加收入,他們的學費可讓大學開設更多學位予本地學生。拉姆爾昨日已跟一班大學副校長及學院院長出發訪問中國,推廣英國高等教育及鼓勵更多中國學生到當地進修。


千名中國學生 留英工作1







Mutation Chart for Chinese Man’s No.21 Chromosome

With the support of the National 863 Program, the National 973 Program,and the Shanghai Municipal Committee of Science and Technology, a research team, chaired by HUANG Wei, research fellow at the China National Human Genome Center, Shanghai, has analyzed over 20,000 SNPs in the No.21 human chromosome, and compared more than 300 typical Chinese specimens with that from other ethnic groups in the world. In collaboration with Fudan University School of Life Sciences, the CAS-MPG Partner Institute, Shanghai Biochips Co. Ltd., and Shanghai Southern Gene Co. Ltd., the research team has produced a gene mutation chart for Chinese man’s No.21 chromosome, based on an analysis of over 20 million gene subtypes. The finding of the unique study of genetic mutations of Chinese population was not ago published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The chart presents an important application value for detecting risk populations in China, and for working out corresponding preventative measures. In the meantime, it provides a theoretical basis and technical reserves for screening and developing medicines that tailor to the needs of Chinese populations.


中国教育部要求职业院校加强校企合作 试行半工半读  (靳晓燕)


中国教育部日前发文,要求各地各职业院校要进一步加强校企合作,加快推进职业教育人才培养模式的根本性转变。 通知指出,要大胆探索学分制、弹性学制等教育管理制度的改革,以适应工学结合、校企合作培养模式的要求。要积极推进学生到企业等用人单位顶岗实习,努力形成以学校为主体,企业和学校共同教育、管理和训练学生的教学模式。 通知说,中等职业学校在校学生最后一年要到企业等用人单位顶岗实习,高等职业院校学生实习实训时间不少于半年。积极开展学生通过半工半读实现免费或低费接受职业教育的试点。各地要将积极推进职业院校实行工学结合,逐步建立和完善半工半读制度,实现学生免费或低费接受职业教育,作为今后深化职业教育改革的长远目标。按照积极推进、分类指导,逐步扩大的原则,从2006年开始,各地都要开展学生通过半工半读实现部分学生免费或低费接受职业教育的试点工作,取得经验后逐步推广。对支付实习学生报酬的企业,国家将制定有关政策,给予相应税收优惠。


Large Scientific Instruments Sharing

An ion probe sharing system, jointly created by the Beijing Ion Probe Center, the Chinese National Institute of Metrology, and Jinlin University, has recently applauded for a success. Built on a control system and public broadband network, the new platform can make users feel like making an experiment in person on the scene, through remotely controlled ion probe operation. Users can observe changes of sample images, and collect experimental data online on a real time basis. The system can accommodate a cooperative experiment by a number of scientists in different places. Researchers have found solutions to 7 technologies key to the instrument's remote operating, and developed 8 sub-systems for remote operation of an ion probe mass spectrometer, and remote controlled experiment integrations among many others. The platform, made up of an online sharing center, and two workstations in Yichang, Hubei Province, and St. Paul in Brazil respectively, currently operates on a trial basis. According to a briefing, the system allows scientists in different places to work on a same experiment, observing an analytical process and comparing the results on a same instrument. The process can be replayed for real-time exchanges.






LINUX Reference Lab in China

A LINUX Standard Base Lab, jointly established by China Electronics Standardization Institute and Intel, made its recent debut in Beijing. The development makes China second country in the world possessing such facility after the UK. The LINUX Standard Base Lab is established with the support of the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry, in an attempt to encourage Chinese IT businesses to learn internationally accepted standards and associated core technologies. The efforts will raise the compatibility of LINUX operating

system and associated application software, while drastically bringing down industrial development costs. The lab will provide evidences for formulating a national LINUX standard, and help software vendors to stick to a unified standard. So far a number of domestic software vendors, including RedFlag Software and S 2 C, have passed the LINUX Standard Base certification. Some local authorities have staged bidding for procuring LINUX operating systems.


ETS考试改革 托业增说写 托福改计分 GRE淡词汇 


ETS旗下的三大考试正经历改革:8月起,中国托福(TOEFL)考试首次测试口语;托福考试将改革计分体制,首次增加口语,并将听说读写纳入统一范畴考核。在互联网支持下,考生的口语表现将被纳入考核中,并在满分120分的新型计分体制下占30分,听、读、写也各占30分。写作考核方式也有改变。12月起,托业职业英语(TOEIC)将增加说、写测试。中国考场在写作和口语中也要采纳新考。这是托业首次大型改革。改革后不再要求考生孤立地看图或画面,而是听对话后,回答系列问题。 GRE正进行着55年历史上的最大变革。GRE考试向来以词汇量大、题目难而著称。分析写作会呈现新面貌,数学测试基本不变,将减少几何问题,让考生根据现实背景和数据解释问题,更看重考生对数据的理解能力;语言推理不只关注单词,更强调高级理解。 三大考试改革指导思想一致,均为更好考查考生的英语交流能力。


National Guidelines for S&T Development

The Chinese State Council released on February 9, 2006 the National Guidelines for Medium- and Long-term Plans for Science and Technology Development (2006-2020). The Guidelines sets a target to raise the weight of China’s research and development expenditures in GDP to 2.5% or above, with an S&T advancement contribution rate reaching 60%, and a reduced dependence on foreign technology by at least 30%. It also expects that the increased number of Chinese invention patent grants and citations of Chinese S&T papers will make China sit on 5th place in the world. The Guidelines points out that China’s S&T development will head for a set of general objectives up to 2020: significantly enhancing China’s proprietary innovation capacity, remarkably raising China’s S&T capacity in promoting economic and social development and safeguarding national security, and providing an enhanced S&T support for building a full-fledged well-to-do society. China also strives for a noticeably fortified position in basic scientific researches and frontier technologies, expecting a range of S&T findings of international importance. The efforts will turn China into an innovation-oriented nation, and lay a solid foundation for China becoming a world S&T power in the mid-century.



培育健康下一代 全美公立學校將停售非減肥汽水


全美公立學校將停售非減肥汽水(non-diet soda)。與柯林頓基金會(William J.Clinton Foundation)和美國心臟協會(American HeartAssociation)合作的廠商也同意只在小學和初中出售水、果汁和低脂牛奶。前總統柯林頓的發言人卡森(Jay Carson)表示,Cadbury Schweppes 、可口可樂、百事可樂和「美國飲料協會」(American Beverage Associa-tion)都簽署該協議,這些公司代表市場很大一部分,「只有這種聯盟才能一下子影響很多學生,這是飲料業和關注兒童肥胖人士決定共同跨出的大膽一步」。美國飲料協會代表在學校出售飲料的多數廠商。


柯林頓基金會和美國心臟協會聯合組成的「更健康一代聯盟」 (Alliance for a Healthier Generation) 稱,近3500萬學童將受該協議影響。這項改變多快才能實行,要看各學區是否修改現行合約,簽署協議廠商將努力在2008—2009學年把這項改變推廣到75%的學校,下一學年則涵蓋所有學校。到目前為止,改變學生飲食多由學區和州及地方政府進行。但是新協議將影響與參加廠商簽約的所有公校。全國很多學區開始以較健康的食品取代販售機的汽水和糖果,數十州今年考慮學校營養的法案。 今年8月,美國飲料協會採取一項政策,限制高中販售機的飲料選擇中,汽水不能超過半數。但該政策無拘束力。


China, EU Firms to Hold 5,000 Biz Talks 

Approximately 850 small and medium-sized firms from China and the European Union (EU) are expected to hold 5,000 face-to-face business talks during an investment and trade fair slated for Nov. 9-10 in Chengdu, capital of SW China's Sichuan Province.  The organizing committee has received applications from 836 Chinese companies involved in agriculture, tourism, health care, environmental protection, factory equipment, construction equipment, information technology and electronics.


A team of Chinese and EU experts will select 500 qualified Chinese companies and 400 EU companies to attend the fair, the largest in the history of Sino-EU economic cooperation. Despite recent trade disputes, China-EU trade exceeded US$200 billion last year and EU has become China's largest trade partner. The 2006 Sino-EU investment and trade fair will be at the joint sponsorship of the European Commission, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the Sichuan provincial government.



继南工大、南师大率先启动教师聘任制改革、打破教授终身制改革试点后,江苏省教育厅日前决定今年继续扩大试点,作为全省最大、教职员工最多的省属高校之一,苏州大学4月中旬出台了试点方案。昨天,该校正式公布了200多个空缺的教授岗位,向海内外公开纳贤。 与南工大、南师大两所高校类似,苏大的聘任期限分两种,即有、无固定期聘任。有固定期聘任按时间长短,分为聘期聘任和长期聘任,其中聘期聘任的一个聘期为3年;长期聘任则不低于6年;业绩显著、聘期考核优秀、被聘为“正高”的学科、学术带头人,可作长期聘任。而对两院院士、教育部长江学者、国家级有突出贡献的中青年专家、国家级教学名师等,可以无固定期聘任,一直到退休。对少数在教育教学、科学研究、技术应用等方面拔尖的,可以破格破例聘任。对海外引进的高层次人才,不设置资历限制。 苏州大学公开招聘的200多个高级岗位都是今年各专业空出来的,约占全校教授、副教授总人数的1/5。据悉,那些思想政治表现差、违背师德、弄虚作假的,将被“一票否决”


More Hydropower for Rural Residents by 2010 

China plans to increase its installed hydropower capacity by 15 million kilowatts to supply electricity for 10 million rural residents from 2006 to 2010, said sources with the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR).To develop hydropower is not only a way to meet the power demand of Chinese rural residents to improve their living standards, but also an important measure to improve the energy consumption structure of China's rural area, said Cheng Huizhou, director of the Bureau of Rural Hydropower and Electrification Development of the MWR.

The move to replace traditional wood fuels with hydropower for 10 million rural residents will protect 35 million mu (2.3 million hectares) of forest and will establish a long-term mechanism for five million poor people in rural areas to increase their income, said Cheng. According to statistics of the MWR, China increased its rural hydropower installed capacity by 10.64 million kw from 2001 to 2004. By the end of 2004, the total hydropower installed capacity in China's rural areas reached 38.65 million kw. The reduction of electricity price directly decreased the cost of rural residents by an annual average of over four billion yuan (US$500 million).


消除中美之间的文化逆差 (吴琦幸)



 由此笔者想到了最近胡锦涛访美的时候,美中论者常常谈起的美中贸易逆差——这是常常引起美国政府和国会诟病的话题。中国出口的产品全世界都可以看到,尤其是在美国,人们使用的日常生活用品,从电视机、电冰箱到塑料纽扣,都有中国制造。不管是倾销也好,低价也好,中国的贸易顺差原因复杂,此文不作评论。 中美之间的文化“贸易”严重逆差,却少有人注意。 中国对美国的好莱坞大片、摇滚乐、百老汇歌剧、电视片乃至各种期刊杂志、小说读物等等,几乎没有招架之力,更谈不上还手。在中国走一走,青少年们对美国文化如数家珍,可能比我们这些华侨更懂得麦克·杰克逊、小甜甜等明星;满大街都是美国当代电影的影碟,很多华侨到中国才买得到当红的美国电影来看。中国人对美国政治人物、美国文化和艺术的了解,已远远高于美国人对于中国政治、文化、艺术的了解。这种文化交流的严重不平衡,也就是本文所言“文化逆差”


 中国文化产品进不了美国,得不到美国社会的了解,对美国民众的知情权是一个损失,对中国的形象在美国的认知也打了折扣。有鉴于此,去年5月两位美国国会议员提出拨款21亿美元,用于中美之间的文化交流。实际上,中国文化艺术有很多民族性非常强的形式,可以向西方、向美国进行介绍、推广。例如上述的著名歌唱家,就是中国非常宝贵的财富。中国艺术人才辈出,不仅有钢琴家、小提琴家,可以演唱西方美声唱法的歌唱家,还有很多具有典型中国风格的民族歌手、流行歌手、戏曲演员、杂技演员等。中国的古典旋律同样可以飘荡在百老汇、好莱坞的上空,成为本来就是移民文化大熔炉中的一种,这也是一种文化输出。最近,中国国家歌舞团和国家交响乐团赴美演出,就是这种文化交流的开始,但这远远不够。 例如中国近年来获得联合国人类非物质财产和口头文化遗产的两项——昆曲和古琴,就是最具有中国特色的宝贵遗产。至今还没有在美国各地巡演。




 中国现在盛行文化产业一说。文化可以做成产业,但笔者不认为文化仅仅是一个产业,而且反对任何文化事业都是产业。 一谈到产业,就要进行成本核算,就要进行市场调查,进行商业运作。而很多文化不可以用成本来计算的,也不能用一单的利润来计算的。尤其当文化进入国际交流的时候,更是不能够用金钱来估量的。它所达到的效果也不是以亿万美元可以计算。美国人是懂得这一点的,这也是为什么国会议员利伯曼提出要搞中美文化交流,首先就提出一个21亿美元来的预算。 如果中国官方也重视这个问题,像美国国会那样,也拿出一笔预算来用于中美文化交流,虽然从账面上这是一个“亏损的买卖”,但潜在的“利润”,是难以估量的。


Guangzhou begins to build the world's tallest tower

Guangzhou's city construction and development department disclosed yesterday that the city had started to build its new TV tower, which was expected to be completed by Sept. 15, 2009. Upon completion, the 610-meter-high TV tower will be the world's tallest tower. The new TV tower covers an area of about 84,000 square meters and its total construction area reaches nearly 110,000 square meters. The tower is 610 meters tall, with a 454-meter-tall main body and a 156-meter-tall antenna. The tower will be divided into 37 stories by functions. The tower has started construction on May 1st and the entire project will last 41 months, expected to be completed by Sept. 15, 2009. The whole project is estimated to consume about 1.6 billion yuan (US$200 million).




  韩国法务部近日称,决定取消出入境相关限制,允许中国留学生自由往返于两国之间。据韩国《朝鲜日报》援引韩联社报道,目前,在韩国国内的中国留学生每回一次中国,都要到居住地出入境管理事务所获得重新入境许可。 韩国法务部有关负责人表示:“通过此次措施,中国留学生将可以不受日期和次数的限制,自由往返于两国之间,同时也减轻了每次获得重新入境许可时所支付的手续费负担。”以2005年年末为准,韩国国内的外国留学生共计20683名,其中中国留学生占68.9%,达14271名。



China, Germany Join Hands in Building Lab 

German semiconductor maker Infineon Technologies launched last week an automotive electronics lab together with Tianjin University, jointly designing the most advanced 32-bit electronic control unit (ECU) for car engines. Based on the State Key Lab of Engines at Tianjin University and research and development capabilities of Infineon Technologies AG, Tianjin University-Infineon Automotive Electronics Joint Lab is now developing the cutting-edge ECU, which is designed for reducing carbon dioxide emission and improving fuel efficiency of automotive engines.


Infineon, a world leading manufacturer in semiconductor, is particularly interested in selecting prestigious Chinese higher-learning institutions for R&D cooperation. Shanghai-based Tongji University is helping Infineon develop auto body electronics. Shanghai and Tianjin are the two biggest auto manufacturing bases in China. The two universities have cultivated close partnership with Chinese leading auto makers in the two cities. Originating from a Siemens semiconductor entity, Infineon was established in April 1999. The company provides semiconductor products and system solutions for wire and wireless telecommunication, automotive electronics, memory storage and computer security. Its turnovers in fiscal year 2005 reached 6.76 billion euros. 





China to capture 3D lunar photo with "laser eyes"

A Chinese research group composed of more than 20 scientists is now busy with a pair of "laser eyes" for the soon-to-be launched Chang'e 1 moon probing satellite, in the hope of snapping China's first 3D lunar photo with the aid of this pair of "eyes." This pair of "laser eyes" is the first space laser altimeter independently developed by China, and is expected to send back 3D elevation photos of the moon surface next year, which can help find the most appropriate foothold for China's future moon landing project.


The "laser eyes" are less than 30 centimeters long and only weigh 15 kilograms and consist of laser transmitter modules, laser receiver modules and data processing modules. The eyes will permanently circle the moon on the 200-kilometer-high orbit day and night along with Chang'e 1, transmitting a beam of laser every two seconds and leaving laser "footprints" on earth by taking a ride on the satellite that orbits earth. The satellite will send a large quantity of data back after real-time processing and finally scan the details of the entire moon surface. It is learnt that there is a pair of "laser eyes" now. At present, scientific researchers have delivered the formal sample of the laser altimeter, while the back-up which is being made will also be delivered in the near future to offer Chang'e 1 "double insurance".


美國科技教育醫療業 未來成長快


Business 2.0雜誌上周選出從現在到2014年成長最快的10種職業,包括科技、教育和健康照顧領域的職業。 該雜誌說,雖然科技界有工作外包(outsourcing)的情形,但並非每個科技工作都能被外包,而且最有創意和最困難的科技工作仍會留在美國。 最重要的是,嬰兒潮世代的退休,將帶走大批有經驗的科技工人,留下空缺等待有進取心的人。 除了科技,教育和健康照顧(Health Care)領域也將有巨大成長,這主要是由於退休潮,和需要教育及照顧的人大量增加。 若想要加薪,經濟學家說,最被需求最高的工作,也是收入成長最快的工作。


42 laws, regulations come into effect in China 

 Forty-two state and local laws and regulations went into effect Monday, involving price fixing and disease control. Operators who overcharge consumers and refuse to refund will be confiscated of the illegal gain and compensate consumers' losses, according to a revised State Council regulation on delivering administrative penalty to illegal price fixing practice. In another regulation on price fixing, government agencies are required to take the initiative in carrying out research on price range, conducting survey among social circles on price change and group reviews as well as publicizing final decisions.


To prevent schistosomiasis from spreading, the Ministry of Health has promulgated a regulation to control and treat the disease, which stipulates that the government offer farmers free preventive medicines and cut or exempt treatment fee of poor farmers . The State Environmental Protection Administration has issued policy measures to ensure environment safety of pathogenic microbe labs, demanding the labs set up a dangerous waste registration system, not discard or pile up wastes at will or put them among other trash.


It highlighted that supervisors of the labs are responsible for preventing and addressing pollution caused by waste water and gas and dangerous wastes. A new mandatory national standard has also come into effect Monday, banning production of "cup" jellies with a diameter smaller than 3.5 centimeters to curb the number of choking cases, particularly among children and the elderly. In Beijing, a new regulation allowed college graduates who have not found jobs to apply for bank loans of up to 500,000 yuan (62,500 U.S. dollars) to start a business, the same as the unemployed, migrant workers from countryside and soldiers back to civilian work. Enditem







400 million fewer Chinese born over 3 decades

 National Population and Family Planning Commission pointed out that as a developing nation with the largest population in the world, China has reduced over 400 million births over the past 30 years.Zhang cited statistics of population experts that since China started to implement the family planning policy over 3 decades ago, the country's newborns decreased over 300 million by the end of 1998 and over 400 million by the end of 2005. The 400-million decline of newborns was resulted from the family planning policy, excluding the reduced births due to economic development, improved living conditions and educational and cultural advancement. Should these 400 million people be born, China would have to wait many years before realizing the overall well-to-do level. He disclosed the general fertility rate of Chinese women decreased from 5.8 in the 1970's to 1.8 at present, and China has become one of the countries with low fertility rate approximately half a century earlier than other densely populated developing nations.


中国有哮喘患者近三千万 已成严重公共卫生问题 

中国卫生部: 全国哮喘病人约有二千七百八十万,已成为严重的公共卫生问题。全国临床患病率达百分之二点一,富裕地区患病率较高。发病率最低的地区为西藏,最高的地区为重庆,两地相差达十倍。城市地区患病率高于农村。随着中国的城市化和生活方式西方化,今后十年,哮喘病例数将显著增加。中国的严重哮喘发生率很高,三分之一以上哮喘病人需要急诊治疗或住院。在城市有百分之十到十五的病人在十二个月内需要住院。大量病人不能得到哮喘治疗药物,严重影响了病人获得良好控制的机会。目前,中国是哮喘病死率最高的国家之一,农村地区是城市地区的二倍。国际医学界提出“哮喘患者的治疗目标是哮喘完全控制”。具体标准是:不影响病人正常生活,没有急性加重,生活质量正常,尤其是没有咳嗽和急性发作,肺功能维持良好,没有住院。


China exports traditional medicines worldwide

 The 2006 chairman conference of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine revealed that China's traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) export market is further expanding and has covered 164 countries and regions. The total export value set a new high last year. Statistics from the conference show that last year China's export value of TCM rose 14.55% year on year to US$830 million, the highest level over the previous years. Exports emphasize that although China's TCM exports keep a stable uptrend, it largely depends on TCM extracts and materials with low added value. The growth of exports of Chinese patent medicines with relatively high added value lags far behind that of extracts while patent medicines should be the main force of TCM exports.


调查分析师等14个新职业纳入中国职业大典 (仇琳)

中国劳动和社会保障部正式向社会发布“体育经纪人、照明设计师、咖啡师、调香师”等14个新职业。这是中国发布的第六批新职业。 这批公布的新职业还包括:数控机床装调维修工、陶瓷工艺师、陶瓷产品设计师、皮具设计师、糖果工艺师、地毯设计师、调查分析师和肥料配方师。 这些新职业的产生和确立反映了我国劳动力市场的需求,有利于引领职业教育和职业培训方向。随着中国经济的快速发展,广大人民群众对可支配收入有了较大提高,对产品功能、外形要求趋于多样化、个性化,这为设计和工艺类职业发展提供了广阔的发展空间,因此这批新职业以设计和工艺类居多。另外,服务业职业也占有一定比例,农林类职业和复合技能型职业都体现了科技进步与技术技能要求。 劳动和社会保障部目前正在对品酒师、酿酒师、演出经纪人、鞋类设计师、产品造型设计师等建议新职业进行研究论证。


Chinese Cooperation with US in Space Sector Welcomed 

China looks forward to cooperating with the United States in the space field, and expects personnel exchanges between the two sides will become "normal,". The National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) chief Michael Griffin said he had accepted an invitation from the China National Space Administration (CNSA) to visit China for talks on possible Sino-American space cooperation. The agenda of the trip has not been announced yet.Zhang was referring to the fact that while China's door has been open to US visitors, Chinese aerospace staff have frequently been denied visas in recent years. Chinese space scientists have sometimes had difficulty in attending international space conferences held in the United States, even though the events were not sponsored by the US.


NASA chief Griffin was quoted by AFP as saying of his upcoming China visit: "I think the United States has always benefited from discussions, I do not see how it can hurt us." Griffin told a Senate subcommittee on science and space during a hearing in Washington DC last Tuesday that he was looking forward to the visit. Griffin said that the United States needs both good partners and competitors in space exploration, and sometimes they can be both a competitor and a partner.


The country has earmarked around 20 billion yuan (US$2.47 billion) for its manned space program since it was initiated in 1992, catapulting China into the exclusive space club that three years ago housed only the former Soviet Union and the United States. The spending paled when compared with the cost of the US Appollo Program, which totaled US$25 billion, spent between 1962 and 1972. In addition to building ground facilities, half of China's expenditure has been allocated to the rocket and spacecraft systems, both of which were developed. Theoretically, the more tests and trial launches are made, the higher success rate for both rockets and spacecraft.


With painstaking technological brainstorming, Chinese scientists have applied 55 new technologies, including innovative solutions for fault detection and escape systems, on the Long March 2F rocket the carrier of China's spacecraft, raising its reliability rate from 91 percent for unmanned launches to 97 percent for manned missions. The overall safety rate reached a staggering 99.7 percent. Space innovations have been increasingly applied to national economic development. Between 1999 and 2005, China successfully launched two manned and four unmanned space missions atop the Long March 2F rockets


華裔科學家錢煦當選為美國藝術和科學院院士 (SingtaoUSA 丁曙)

加州大學聖地牙哥分校(UCSD)華裔教授錢煦(Shu Chien)5日當選《美國藝術和科學院(American Academy of Arts and Sciences)》院士成為首位美國「四院」華裔院士。錢煦表示,他很感謝社會和學界的肯定,今年107日將和夫人一起赴麻省劍橋接受院士證書。錢煦幽默地說,他剛收到當選通知,也不知道是誰為他申請了該項榮銜。美國有四大國家學院:國家科學院、國家工程學院、國家醫學院,以及美國藝術和科學院,如今他都當選為院士,實現「大滿貫」。 錢煦介紹,科學院、工程學院和醫學院俗稱「國家三院」,但限於自然科學,而《美國藝術和科學院》範圍更大,包括學界、商界和公共事務,這次兩位前總統布殊(George H.W. Bush)和克林頓(Bill Clinton)也當選為院士。該學院已有225年歷史,早期美國總統華盛頓、傑弗遜、富林克林等也是該院院士。


錢老已74歲高齡,但自我感覺「和50歲時差不多,而且做事更有效率,因為經驗更豐富了」,目前沒有退休計劃,如果以後發現自己反映不靈光了,自然會考慮退休。他將養身之道歸結為「保持樂觀,很少沮喪,這可能對身體有好處」。 錢煦現任加大聖地牙哥分校「生物醫學工程研究院」院長,擅長研究血流和血壓對脈管的影響,他的成果有效地提升了診斷和治療「動脈粥樣硬化」(atheroscierosis)和其它疾病的效果。1994年,錢煦創立了加大聖地牙哥「生物醫學工程研究院」,曾被「美國新聞與新界報道」選為全國生物工程研究院第二名。2002年,錢煦受任加州大學「總校教授」。 錢煦早年就讀北京大學醫學院,後來則畢業於台灣大學醫學院。1954年來美深造,1958年獲哥倫比亞大學生理學博士並留校任教,1988年來加大聖地牙哥任教。

今年有175位新人當選《美國藝術和科學院》院士,他們來自60所大學、12個公司、以及學會、博物館、基金會和媒體等。加州大學系統(UC)29名學者入選,包括伯克萊分校11人,聖地牙哥分校6人,Santa Cruz分校3人,爾灣分校、洛杉磯分校、三藩市分校和聖塔芭芭拉分校各2人,以及戴維斯分校1人。該科學院現有4000位院士和600位外籍院士,包括170多名諾貝爾(Nobel)獎得主和50位普利茲(Pulitzer)獎得主。


Forum Calls for Better Understanding of China 

Participants in the Chicago 2006 China Forum which opened in the American city on Monday have urged that intensified efforts be made to promote better understanding between China and the United States as an important step in deepening bilateral ties. Former US Senator, Adlai Stevenson III from Illinois, said in his keynote speech that ignorance about China proved to be a major difficulty in US-China relations. "I find the Chinese better informed about America than America about China and therein lies the main difficulty in US-China relations -- ignorance," said Stevenson on his return from China. "It (ignorance) is easily acquired and in American politics sometimes convenient but it isn't bliss,” he said. “Ignorance is dangerous."  "Changes in China are so profound and rapid that the realities lag behind our perceptions and reflect little of the dynamic social and institutional change which motivates this proud and ancient country," he said.


The two-day forum, organized by the Chicago-based China Star Media Group, brought together experts, scholars, businessmen and government officials from China and the United States. "Forums like these help dispel ignorance – on both sides of the Pacific," Stevenson said. "With more initiatives like this forum we can make China's challenge to Americans the historic opportunity it is for the world." Speaking about US-China trade he said, "Some 60 percent of China's exports to the US are re-exports--imports to which value is added in China, including imports from US companies, before they are exported. "Some American officials blame China for America's unsustainable trade deficit," he said. "But China does not run a trade surplus with the world. Its trade with the world is in deficit. "For politicians in Washington blaming China and telling China how to manage its economy is a little like General Motors telling Toyota how to make automobiles," joked Stevenson. He said that Chinese friends should not confuse America with its government in Washington. "Governments come and go," he observed. "The American academic and business communities see the opportunities China offers."


比美国少一半 中国的孩子缺少“笑容教育” 

美国心理学专家琳达·卡姆拉斯近日在第28届国际心理学大会上指出,三周岁美国孩子的微笑要比同龄的中国孩子多55.6%。 她发表的《中美儿童发展》报告成为本届大会首批学术报告中最引人关注的一个,众多听众甚至挤满了报告厅的过道。 卡姆拉斯的结论来自对40多例中美儿童笑容的记录、比较和分析,以及对两国儿童心理及性格差异的深入研究。《父母必读》杂志副主编徐凡说,当今中国的城市家庭大多为三口之家,独生子女是家里的掌上明珠,从小娇生惯养。然而,父母的溺爱和过度关注往往造成子女缺乏自理能力和人际交往能力,不知如何去关注、帮助和爱护周围的伙伴。他们对自身也缺乏足够的认知,容易产生对他人和社会的失望感。徐凡认为:“童年时的心理缺陷或情感残疾往往会影响一生的发展,而要弥补则需付出很大代价。”


美国河郡学院心理学与教育学教授卡萝尔·亨青格的研究表明,与美国儿童相比,中国儿童发生内向孤僻、焦虑和社交问题的比例分别高出92%、1.3%和138%。“父母不应填充孩子的全部生活,即使是婴儿,也需要一定的独处空间。”徐凡说。 在中国,与生活上的大包大揽相伴随的往往是父母对孩子的“高期待值和高标准要求”。卡姆拉斯指出,中国父母在易发怒程度上要比美国父母高出26%,在严厉程度上则要超出52.2%。亨青格教授呼吁:中国父母应给孩子更多的自由去选择自己的生活,而不要强迫孩子按照父母的意愿生活。


河北师范大学心理学教授王欣指出:“中国父母往往把太多的期望寄托在子女身上,望子成龙,望女成凤。殊不知,这样做往往会引起孩子的抵触和逆反心理,结果事与愿违。” 北京大学心理系教授孟昭兰认为,儿童的心理问题都是由父母、环境和社会造成的。很多孩子在遇到挫折时会变得更加孤独和内向,甚至走向极端。 国际心理学研究证明:通过语言、表情等方式经常与孩子进行平等的沟通,对培养孩子的健康心理至关重要。“不要一味对孩子进行批评、责骂和说教,而应多给他们一些笑容。”孟昭兰教授说。


China to launch satellites for lunar surveying 

 China will launch high-resolution satellites to conduct surveying and mapping of the moon in upcoming five years. The satellites will probe the moon's surface, physiognomy, landform and geological structure to draw a three-dimensional map of high precision. China is expected to launch its first ever moon-orbiting satellite, Chang'e I, by 2007 and Chinese scientists are testing research facilities to board the satellite. After long-standing preparation, Chinese decision-makers gave a green-light to a moon exploration plan in 2004. The plan is targeted at surveying and analyzing 



comScore网络公司的最新调查显示,全球有6.94亿15岁以上的人使用互联网,占到了这一年龄段人口总数的14%。这是首次对全球网民数量和行为的真实估计。这项调查主要针对中国、印度等主要市场。 美国拥有1.52亿网民,排名第一;中国以7200万排名第二;日本以5200万排名第三;德国以3200万排名第四;英国以3000万排名第五。六至十五位分别为韩国(2460万)、法国(2390万)、加拿大(1900万)、意大利(1680万)、印度(1670万)、巴西(1320万)、西班牙(1250万)、荷兰(1100万)、俄罗斯(1080万)、澳大利亚(970万)。按照上网时间计算,以色列排名第一,每个用户平均每月上网时间为57.5小时,是美国的两倍。排名二到五位的分别是芬兰、韩国、荷兰和中国台湾。美国网民数量现在只占全球网民数量的不到四分之一,十年前则占到了三分之二。美国以外国家对互联网的热情很高,美国在每个用户每月平均上网时间方面都没能进入前十五位。微软的MSN拥有5.386亿全球用户,排名第一,Google以4.958亿排名第二,雅虎以4.802亿排名第三。


China Highlights Nurse Shortage 

 A chronic shortage of trained nurses is threatening patient safety, China's Ministry of Health has warned ahead of the International Nurse Day, which falls on May 12. The number of nurses in China had risen from 1.3 million in 2004 to nearly 1.35 million by the end of 2005 and the nursing quality and technical levels had also improved as well, said a ministry statement. However, many areas still suffered a severe shortage of nurses, especially in clinical departments, which posed a potential threat to patient safety, according to a survey of more than 400 hospitals quoted in the statement.


Comprehensive hospitals had an average of one nurse to every three beds, with the lowest ratio at one nurse to four beds, the survey showed. Experts have also warned that most nurses are working in big cities, while rural and western regions are in desperate need of nurses. China had one nurse per 1,000 people, a far lower ratio than the international average of four to five per thousand, said Huang Renjian, president of the Chinese Nursing Society.


The ministry has urged local health authorities to promote the International Nurse Day. The theme this year is "Safe staffing saves lives," demonstrating how numbers and technical competence of nurses are crucial for patients and calling for shorter working days and better training. The International Nurse Day was established by the International Council of Nurses to mark the birthday of Florence Nightingale, a military nurse from the United Kingdom, who pioneered modern nursing techniques.































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