2006年第30 創刊第358                                                  10/24/2006




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Ø      CSA美国华裔教授学者协会2006年会 - 特别邀请函

Ø      美国华裔教授学者协会2006年会演讲嘉宾介绍 (11/4/06)

Ø      欢迎您参加海外学子中关村考察团 12/20-23/06

Ø      海外学子中关村考察团日程安排

Ø      中國東方歌舞團將演「花木蘭」一線歌舞明星70餘人演出 大卡司 (吳忠國)

Ø      UCLA CONFERENCE - “Fifty Years of Integrative Medicine in China”

Ø      UCLA 东西医学中心 - 东西结合医学中美专家学术交流年会

Ø      好萊塢中國電影節9天活動 (Chinese Today孫衛赤)


News and Announcements

Ø      美国华裔教授学者协会2006年会演讲嘉宾介绍 (11/4/06)

Ø      邁克戴爾米德獲授港科大榮譽博士 朱經武函知 欣然接受 與中國交往頻仍曾對能源發展提出建言

Ø      加州大系統學費漲達57%   (Singtao 劉志峰)

Ø      分析布什政府操纵油价四大阴谋论

Ø      中国将迎来相互叠加和交织的三大人口高峰

Ø      China strives for compulsory education for all

Ø      明年中国10高校研究生试行奖学金制 不分公自费

Ø      北大校長許智宏說明引進人才機制 任用外國與留美全職或兼職教授是短期提升學校素質必需

Ø      A Celebration 35 Years of Acupuncture in the United States

Ø      三十五年美国针灸发展纪念会2006115 纽约法拉盛喜来登饭店

Ø      留学贴士:跳出自费留学八大误区

Ø      该营造什么样的节日文化 (南桥)

Ø      China's GDP expected to grow 10.5% in 2006

Ø      中國明年将招考公务员12000 续向基层边远地区倾斜

Ø      王世本 富樂頓州大管家婆 (WJ王善言)

Ø      2nd ECNUAAA Board Members and Their Brief Info

Ø      中国加增华侨事业费

Ø      中国海归就业集中五大热门行业

Ø      Renmin University Presidnet Baochen Ji visiting Cornell (Yang Danhua)

Ø      中国公派留学人员97%返华

Ø      FBI姓名调查的程序及有关最新数据 (张哲瑞)

Ø      FY-2008 H-1B新名额: 给即将硕士毕业的学生(梁勇)

Ø      Chinese rich with $1.59 trln worth of wealth

Ø      留美签证为何让人感觉难

Ø      亲属成功移民问答

Ø      J-1 Waiver还没有拿到,没有PhD学位 是否可以申请NIW

Ø      赴加先留学还是先移民?

Ø      留学北欧优势

Ø      華裔科學家 綠卡申請調查嚴 哈佛宋洛琳苦等兩年未果 控告國安部

Ø      诺贝尔物理学奖委员会主席成浙大荣誉教授(ZX 和苗 张乐)

Ø      San José State University - Job Opening ID (JOID): 012541

Ø      中国投资实务:外商投资资产评估机构的设立 (JKC-SOCAO)


CSA美国华裔教授学者协会2006年会 - 特别邀请函


Host:               CSA/美国华裔教授学者协会(南加州)

Co-host:          CSSA-Cal Tech/加州理工学院学生学者联谊会


Sponsors:    Evens Lam, VP of Smith Barney

Carl Zheng, President of TCL

& Jean Wang, Former President of PUAASC


Conference Theme/大会主题

Interaction of US-China & in the Frontier of Science and Technology



Address: 加州理工学院 1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125


Date/日期: Nov. 4th. 2006


Tentative Program Schedule (Afternoon Session – Admission:  free)


1:00pm              Registration – Check in

(Science Section: Baxter Lecture Hall; Social Science Section: Room 106 - Spalding)


1:30pm              Membership Social and Networking


2:00pm Panel A – Science and Engineering Section (Baxter Lecture Hall)

Chair: Dr. Lisa Wang 王云霞教授 (Cal Poly Pomona)


Presenters: 2006 CSA年会下午作学术报告的著名工程与科学专家教授


“Giga-Scale System-on-a-Chip Design” 千兆集成芯片设计

- Dr. Jason Cong        丛京生教授 (UCLA)   


Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: Interplay between Mathematics & Engineering Applications


- Dr. Tom Hou                 侯一钊教授 (Cal Tech)


“Cancer research: from bench to bedside 癌症研究:从实验台到病床边

- Dr. Wu, Hong    吴虹教授 UCLA) 


EDAPTS Test Deployment

-Dr. Jia, Xu-Dong贾旭东教授 (Cal State Polytech - Pomona)  


2:00pm Panel B–Social Science and Humanity Sessions (Room 106 - Spalding)

Chair: Prof. Kern Kwong 邝国强教授 (CSULA)


Presenters: 2006 CSA年会下午作学术报告的著名人文与社会科学专家教授


“Privatization, Corporate Governance, and the Evolution of China’s Capital Market”


            - Dr. Chen Chao 陈超教授 (CSUN


“Comparison of Student Affairs Management in Higher Education between United States and Selected Asian Countries”


- Dr. Howard S. Wang 王世本博士 (CSU-Fullerton)

“Multiple vs. Single Subject Approach: A Comparative - Case Study of Teaching in American and Chinese Schools

多科与单科教学方法之比较: 中国与美国学校教学的案例探索

- Dr. Justine Zhixin Su苏智欣教授 (CSUN)


“Chinese Teaching and Credentialing” 在美國教授中文及如何獲得教師資格

- Dr. Kylie Hsu 許凱莉教授 (CSU-LA)


4:45pm Panel C:  Special Report: CSA新疆访问团特别汇报 - (Baxter Lecture Hall)

Chair: Dr. Shen, Bing-Hui     沈炳辉教授 (COH 希望之城美国家医学中心)



- Dr. Shen, Bing-Hui  沈炳辉教授 (COH)

- Dr. Li, Bai-lian         李百炼教授 (UCR)

- Dr. Huang, Sheng-h 黄胜和教授 (USC)

- Dr. Wu, Lao-Sheng  吴劳生教授 (UCR

Please click the following website for UPDATE: http://www.scholarsupdate.com/UpdateJournal/main.htm


6:00pm Banquet Check-in (Building: Dabney Lounge) 出席时请着正装

(RSVP Fee: $25 for CSA Scholars or new members – Dress code: Formal)


6:30pm Banquet –- Dr. Li YongGang郦永刚 教授        


Special Guests & Keynote Speakers 晚宴主讲嘉宾 Dr. Zhenying Jiang姜镇英 教授


鍾建華總領事致詞Zhong Jianhua, Consul Genera, PRC


 “Current Intellectual Trends” 

- 诺贝尔生理/医学奖得主 Prof. David Baltimore (Caltech)

(Convener: Dr. ZhenGang Wang王振刚教授(加州理工学院)



-         陈骏校长 President Chen Jun, Nanjing University(南京大学

(Convener: Dr. Kwan Ming Chan陈钧铭教授)


Music Performance:

 <<弦乐二重奏>>   小提琴-宋晓晨   大提琴-王兆霖 (USC)



Parking information (停车注意事项): http://parking.caltech.edu/permits.html#visitor


The following site contains several formats of the Caltech map:  


Baxter Hall (for Plenary and Natural Sciences and Engineering Sessions) is Bldg #77,

Spalding (for Social Sciences and Humanity Sessions - afternoon) is #41,

Dabney Lounge (for banquet) is #40.


RSVP 大会注册:Afternoon Conference Fee:   Free
在白天进行的年会学术演讲 将对所有的专家学者、研究生和听众公开(免费 - 须先订座)


Evening Banquet (晚宴座位有限,须先订座 - 出席时请着正装):

CSA Regular member           $ 25 (This will cover 2007 CSA membership)
CSA Lifetime member           $ 10

Graduate Students                 $ 10

Non-member                          $ 50

(RSVP Deadline:  Noon, 10/27 Friday)


Special Attention - Membership Information: http://csasc.org/index_files/Page1135.htm

·        All scholars or professionals who have doctoral degree are welcome to be our CSA Lifetime members ($200) or regular members ($25/year)

·        All graduate students are eligible to be our associate members ($10/year)

·        All scholars or professionals who have master’s degree or other degrees are welcome to be our associate members ($10/year)


Please mark your choice of ENTREES (请从下列主菜单选择其一)

(   ) Whole Herb Porcini Crusted Beef

(   ) Sea Bass with Sake Braised Shitakes


(   ) Pan Roasted Roasemary Chicken


PLEASE fill the following:
Contact Name_________________

Work Affiliation________________ 

Email Address_________________



1. Yes, I will be attending the CSA convention at afternoon section on 11/4 in Cal Tech with ________ guests/students


2. Yes! I will attend the Evening Banquet.


        a. I am a CSA lifetime member _________________$10


        b. I am a CSA Regular member, I will join/renew my CSA membership for 2007 (the $25 membership fee covers you complimentary seat)


        Please reserve_______________ seat(s)  @ $25 per person. Included is my check payment of $_______________________


        c. I am not a member of CSA but I would like to support CSA.
        I understand that my contribution to the CSA is tax-deductible and is voluntary.  I would like to contribute/pay the following:


Attending banquet:___$50, Supporter:___$75, Patron:___$100 or more

        Please reserve _________seats for me for the Banquet on 11/4/ 2006 (Confirmation can be e-mailed to you upon request)


        Check enclosed in the amount of $______________


Please return the form and your payment check to “CSA” before

Oct. 27th 2006 to:
Prof. Kwan Ming Chan, CSA Treasurer
P. O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647, USA


Online RSVP: http://csasc.org/index_files/this.htm


RSVP through E_mail: 

姜镇英 zjiang@barsotw.edu  郦永刚 ygli@usc.edu  

黄胜和 shhuang@hsc.usc.edu  陈钧铭 drkmchan@gmail.com



华裔教授学者协会  (CSA)
姜镇英            会长                             
郦永刚            副会长             
黄胜和            秘书长          
陈钧铭            司库         

沈炳辉            基金筹备理事 

邝国强            人文与社会科学理事

王云霞            工程与科学理事      

加州理工学院学生学者联谊会(CSSA-Cal Tech

黎波                会长                                       


美国华裔教授学者协会2006年会演讲嘉宾介绍 (11/4/06)

详情请浏览: http://www.scholarsupdate.com/UpdateJournal/main.htm

1. 晚宴主讲嘉宾 (Keynote Speakers):

decorative graphic

诺贝尔生理/医学奖得主 Prof. David Baltimore (Caltech加州理工学院, 演讲主题为 Current Intellectual Trends 

Dr. David Baltimore - President of the California Institute of Technology [1997-2006] .

Dr. David Baltimore assumed the presidency on October 15, 1997. During his tenure many significant events took place at Caltech. Early on, he oversaw the completion of a fund-raising initiative for the biological sciences, marked by the construction and dedication of the Broad Center for the Biological Sciences. He launched the current $1.4 billion capital campaign, which included receipt of the largest gift to higher education, $600 million from Gordon and Betty Moore and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The campaign will continue for one more year and has already raised more than $1.1 billion. An important part of Caltech's mission is its stewardship of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, supported by NASA. Baltimore's presidency has spanned many spectacular JPL successes, notably the Mars Exploration Rovers, as well as the appointment of a new director, Dr. Charles Elachi.

Also during his tenure, five members of the Caltech faculty and alumni received Nobel Prizes. Baltimore received his own Nobel in 1975 at the age of 37 for his work on the genetic mechanisms of viruses. He has contributed widely to the understanding of cancer, AIDS, and the molecular basis of the immune response. He has continued to operate his research lab while acting as president and has announced many important scientific breakthroughs while at Caltech, including establishing a new methodology to help fight cancer, developing a new gene therapy that is highly effective in preventing HIV from infecting individual cells in the immune system, and creating a new methodology for producing transgenic mice. He has also joined with others in proposing a new global effort to create an HIV vaccine. He received the National Medal of Science in 1999 from President Bill Clinton and the Warren Alpert Foundation Prize in 2000 for pioneering work leading to cancer therapy.

Not only has Baltimore been prolific in writing about his findings in scientific journals, but he also raised Caltech's visibility by contributing opinion pieces to general-interest media on such subjects as the value of stem cell research, the unnecessary public panic that arose during the SARS epidemic, science research under the Bush administration, and the importance of maintaining the scientific workforce in the United States.

Baltimore has several outstanding administrative and public policy achievements to his credit. In the mid-1970s, he played an important role in creating a consensus on national science policy regarding recombinant DNA research. He served as founding director of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at MIT from 1982 until 1990 and was president of Rockefeller University in 1990-91. An early advocate of federal AIDS research, he co-chaired the 1986 National Academy of Sciences Committee on a National Strategy for AIDS and was appointed in 1996 to head the National Institutes of Health AIDS Vaccine Research Committee. He is the president-elect of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


Ambassador Zhong Jianhua,
Consul General of the People's Republic of China (Los Angeles)

Born in 1950, Ambassador Zhong Jianhua is a graduate of the Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages (China) and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (U.S.A.). Among his many diplomatic assignments, he has served as Second Secretary in the Chinese Embassy in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and as First Secretary in the Office of the Chinese Senior Representative of the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group (regarding Hong Kong). Before assuming his post in 2002 as Chinese Consul General in Los Angeles (with rank of ambassador), he was Director General of the Department of Consular Affairs in the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Keynote speaking topic: Interaction of US-China & in the Frontier of Science and Technology




2.  参加CSA年会学术报告的著名人文与社会科学专家教授


Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Howard Wang


Dr. Howard Wang 王世本博士


1992    美国加州大学洛杉矶分校高等教育管理博士

1981    美国加州大学洛杉矶分校高等教育管理文学硕士

1974    美国威斯康星大学临床微生物学理学硕士

1971    美国俄勒冈大学生物学文学学士






About the Author:

1992     Ph.D.   Higher Education Administration, UCLA

1981     M.A.    Higher Education Administration, UCLA

1974     M.S.     Clinical Microbiology, University of Wisconsin

1971     B.A.     Biology, University of Oregon


Dr. Howard Wang has been the associate vice president for student affairs and acting director of Student Affairs Research Center at the California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) since 2003.   He became the interim executive director for the Student Health and Counseling Center at CSUF since 2004.  Previously he served as the assistant vice president at Cal State San Bernardino from 2001-2003, and as the chief executive officer to the assistant vice chancellor for student development and health at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) for more than a decade prior to 2001.  His tenure in student affairs work includes managing or supervising student housing, conference services, residential life, student health services, counseling and psychological services, women’s center, services for disabled students, career center, student union, student activities and government, recreation and sports center, student leadership development and programs, campus special events, financial aid, and a scholars program for foster youths.  He currently also serves as an advisor to several student groups, including the International Golden Key Honour Society.


He has been a member of the Asia Pacific Student Services Association (APSSA) since 1998.  He regularly presented papers and served as a panelist at APSSA’s international conferences.  He also provided training on student development theories, student affairs administration and governance, and other selected topics to student affairs administrators from the greater Beijing area in 2002 and Guangdong Province in China in 2003.  A summary of his most recent training presentation can be found in “Student Affairs Management in Higher Education,” published in 2005 by the Zhongshan University Press, Guangzhou, China.  He is also a member of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators and the American College Personnel Association.  His article, “Student Affairs in China,” was published in the Fall 2004 issue of the Leadership Exchange, a NASPA publication.


演讲主题 “美国与几个选定的亚洲国家之间高等教育学生事务管理比较”

“Comparison of Student Affairs Management in Higher Education between United States and Selected Asian Countries”




Prof. Chao Chen陈超教授 (CSUN加州大北岭分校)

陈超 1976年及1980年先后获得台北国立政治大学统计学学士及商学硕士。硕士毕业后任职于中华经济研究院担任助理研究员。1984年至马里兰大学攻读博士,于1988年获得马里兰大学金融学博士。 19861988年担任马里兰大学金融学系讲师。1988年开始任教于加州州立大学北岭(Northridge)校区金融系。现为该校终身正教授及Countrywide Financial 金融学讲座教授。

陈超 教授的研究兴趣包括企业融资、上市、并购、重组、公司治理、资产定价、资产管理、衍生性产品、及新兴金融市场。除了教科书及专业期刊文章外,近年来陈教授在学术期刊及国际会议上发表了大量的文章。获得多次研究著作及教学成就奖。陈教授于20002001年至北京清华大学讲学七个月后,回到洛衫矶正式成立了中国财务金融与企业研究中心 (Center for China Finance and Business Research)并担任创始主任至今。该中心的研究主要集中在海峡两岸的公司财务、金融、与企业的发展。陈教授于20012003年担任中国自然科学基金管理科学部海外评委。2003年及2006年先后担任全球金融学会年会主席及全球化及中国金融服务业国际会议主席。陈教授受邀在于2004年沃顿商学院(Wharton School)中国企业论坛、2004年中国会计实証研讨会年会、2005年上海论坛、2006年在纽约的全球及中国消费者市场论坛担任主讲员。陈教授目前兼任纽约Gerson Lehrman Group的咨询顾问。陈教授自2000年起长期担任北京清华大学经济管理学院兼职教授,2005年起担任南开大学商学院兼职博导。2001年以来,在北京大学与清华大学指导了数十位博士生并担任过多位博士生的博士论文共同主席。至1996年以来,陈教授先后在上海财经大学、上海交大、北师大、厦门大学、中南大学、吉林大学、江西财经大学、及西南财经大学进行一周至一个月的短期讲学。陈教授也经常赴台湾参加台湾大学及政治大学主办的国际会议及进行合作研究。

Chao Chen is Countrywide Financial Endowed Professor of Finance at College of Business and Economics, California State University, Northridge. Dr. Chao Chen is the Founding Director of the Center for China Finance and Business Research (CCFBR). Professor Chen received his B.S. in Statistics and his Master of Commerce from National Chengchi University in Taipei in 1976 and 1980, respectively. He received his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Maryland at College Park in 1988. His research interests include corporate finance (capital strcuture, IPO, M&A, corporate restructuring, and corporate governance), investments (asset pricing and asset management), emerging markets, and derivatives (options, futures, and risk management). In addition to books and professional journals, Dr. Chen has published a large number of academic journal articles related to finance.


Dr. Chen has been a visiting professor at Tsinghua University since the year 2000 and an adjunct doctoral student supervisor at Nankai University since 2005. He has served as a dissertation co-chair for several doctoral students at Peking University and Tsinghua University. Dr. Chen has served as an overseas expert for the Natural National Science Foundation in China from 2001 to 2003. Dr. Chen has given more than 40 presentations at academic and professional conferences in recent years. He has served as an invited guest speaker or keynote speaker of 2004 Wharton School’s China Business Forum, 2004 International Conference on Empirical Research in Accounting in Tianjin, 2005 Shanghai Forum, 2006 Global and Chinese Consumer Conference in New York. Dr. Chen served as the program chair of 2003 Global Finance Association Annual Conference at Peking University and 2006 CCFBR Forum on “Globalization and China’s Financial Services Industry” in Beijing. 


Since 1996, he has lectured at Shanghai Jiaotong University, Beijing Normal University, Jilin University, Xiamen University, Central South University in Changsa, Shanghia University of Finance and Economics, Jiangxi University Finance and Economics, and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu. Moreover, he frequently attended conferences at National Taiwan University and National Chengchi University. Dr Chen serves as a consultant of Gerson Lehrman Group.


演讲主题:民营化、 公司治理、与中国资本市场的发展


Topic: Privatization, Corporate Governance, and the Evolution of China’s Capital Market




Dr. Kylie Hsu, 許凱莉教授 (CSU-LA)

Dr. Kylie Hsu is a Professor of Chinese and Linguistics at California State University, Los Angeles, and a Distinguished Woman of the University. She received early tenure and early promotion to Associate Professor as well as early promotion to Full Professor. Dr. Hsu earned her B.A. in Linguistics (Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa) from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, her M.A. in Linguistics (Distinction) from California State University, Northridge, and her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics (Presidential Fellow) from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her biography is listed in Contemporary Authors and numerous international Who's Who publications.

Dr. Hsu's teaching interests include the contemporary use and the historical development of language and the sociocultural aspect of language learning. She teaches Chinese Linguistics, Civilization, Literature, and Language for Special Purposes such as Business and Newspaper Chinese. She also teaches sociolinguistics such as language diversity in urban America. In addition, she has developed online learning materials through the support of internal and external grants.

Dr. Hsu's research areas include word structure and discourse analysis, language and cultural socialization, heritage language pedagogy, intercultural communication, and instructional technology. Her professional activities include organizing, chairing, and presenting papers at national and international conferences, serving on editorial boards, and authoring numerous publications, including A Discourse Analysis of Temporal Markers in Written and Spoken Mandarin Chinese, The Edwin Mellen Press, New York, 1998; Selected Issues in Mandarin Chinese Word Structure Analysis, The Edwin Mellen Press, New York, 2002; and a series of Practical Chinese Exercises, Learn Perfect Publishing, Los Angeles, 2005.

演講主題:  在美國教授中文及如何獲得教師資格

Topic:      Chinese Teaching and Credentialing


This presentation will discuss the current trend in Chinese education in the U.S. and provide information on Chinese program and curriculum development in higher education. In particular, it will discuss the requirements for prospective teachers of Chinese to earn a teaching credential in California. They can either complete a subject matter preparation program at a California college or university, or pass a series of subject matter exams developed by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. The exams include the following subtests: (1) general linguistics and Chinese linguistics, (2) Chinese literature and culture, and (3) Chinese language and communication. Sample questions in these subtests will be presented. Additionally, the teaching credential requires knowledge in general uses of computers and skills in specialized uses of instructional technology in educational settings.



Prof. Justine Su (Zhixin) 苏智欣教授


简历:   苏智欣博士赴美学习与工作之前毕业于上海外语大学,并在中国国家教育部外事局任职三年.   1989年在美国华盛顿大学获教育政策和管理学的博士学位之后, 苏博士先后在加州大学 (UCLA) 和加州州立大学(CSUN)教育研究生院任教育管理学教授职务, 并从1996年起担任加州州立 大学 (CSUN) 中国所所长, 又于2002年起兼任大学国际项目总协调负责人.   她为中国设计并举办了多种类型的长期和短期的政府, 教育, 企业, 卫生 等部门领导干部和学者的培训 项目, 为促进中美合作与交流做出了巨大贡献, 荣获中国政府 “杰出华裔学者春晖奖, 及美国国际学者联合会 “国际交流杰出贡献奖.   苏博士 还积极从 事中美教育比较研究, 领导并主持了中美校长培训比较研究, 中美师范教育 比较研究, 中美科学教育比较研究,  杜威对中国教育的历史影响, 中美小学教育比较研究等项目, 在国际国内学术会议上发表论文八十多篇, 并在美国, 中国及欧洲学术杂志和书刊上发表五十多篇研究论文, 应邀为多种国际一级学术杂志担任评审。 近年来, 苏教授还担任了中国三所大学的荣誉教授, 每年回中国讲学及开展合作研究.


Presenter’s Biography:  Dr. Justine Zhixin Su is professor of education in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Director of the China Institute, and Coordinator of International Programs at California State University, Northridge.  Her research interests include educational administration, teacher education, school reform, curriculum and instruction, comparative and international education.  She has published numerous research reports in first-rate refereed education journals and research books, including Teaching and Teacher Education, Journal of School Leadership, Teachers College Record, Education and Urban Society, Journal of American Education, International Review of Education, International Education Journal, Comparative Education, Journal of Research on Education and Development,  International Journal of Educational Reform, Oxford Review of Education, and Teacher Education Yearbooks.


演讲主题简介:  “多科与单科教学方法之比较: 中国与美国学校教学的案例探索” 是苏智欣博士领导的中美小学教育比较研究的一部分, 已经在国际学术会议上多次报告, 并在美国教育政策杂志上发表, 引起了美国教育界的震动.  近年来, 教育比较研究学者们发现美国的基础教育问题重重, 美国学生在国际数学考试中的成绩往往低于亚洲和欧洲国家的学生.  美国小学生毕业时, 数学水平竟然比中国学生低两年级.  这种 “学习上的差距” 引起了美国政界和教育界的高度重视, 继而发现这种差距与 “教学上的差距” 密切相关, 但对于造成这种差距的原因, 一直没有找到合理的答案.  苏博士的比较研究一针见血地指出了美国小学教育的致命弱点: 即多科教学方法.   在这种方法的施行之下, 美国教师没有坚实的基础教好所有的科目, 没有时间完成教学计划, 没有时间与同行交流合作, 没有时间和精力为学生提供及时的反馈,  以至于许多学生在学习上落伍, 基础知识薄弱.   相比之下, 中国的小学课堂实施单科教学, 教师有时间集体备课,   有机会合作交流,  能及时为学生提供反馈,  保证了完整和扎实的基础教育.   美国基础教育改革的关键, 取决于能否取消多科教学的方法.  否则, “不让一个孩子落伍” 的宏伟目标就只是一句空话. 


Multiple vs. Single Subject Approach: A Comparative

Case Study of Teaching in American and Chinese Schools



This presentation will report critical findings from a comparative case study of two American and two Chinese elementary classrooms.  The American schools use multiple-subject approach while the Chinese schools adopt a single-subject approach.  The researcher argues that the single-subject approach makes it possible for the Chinese teachers to have more time for planning and instruction on the core subjects, and more time to spend with individual students, especially students with special needs and difficulties in learning.  Consequently, the Chinese elementary school education offers stronger basic skills education to its students.  In contrast, the American multiple-subject approach makes it possible for teachers to use interdisciplinary approach in teaching and project work, provides more flexibility and autonomy to classroom teachers, and offers more opportunities in time and space for students to develop their creativity, independence, and individuality.  Elementary teachers in both nations can learn from each other and make necessary changes in their teaching approaches.


3. 参加CSA年会学术报告的著名工程与科学专家教授

Dr. Jason Cong 丛京生教授 UCLA 加大洛杉矶分校)   Topic: Giga-Scale System-on-a-Chip Design

丛京生教授1985年获得北京大学计算机科学专业学士学位,并分别于1987年和1990年在美国伊利诺斯大学获得硕士和博士学位。目前,他是洛杉矶加州大学计算机科学系教授、系主任,兼超大规模集成电路计算机辅助设计(VLSI CAD)实验室主任。




丛教授在相应的学术组织获得了一系列的荣誉,包括1985年北京大学优秀毕业生奖、1989年伊利诺斯大学Ross J. Martin杰出研究奖、1993年美国国家科学基金青年科学家奖和UCLA Northrop杰出青年研究奖、1998ACM SIGDA服务贡献奖,以及2000年美国半导体研究中心杰出成就奖。此外,丛教授曾在1995年的《IEEE计算机辅助设计杂志》、2005年的国际物理设计年会和2005年的《ACM电子系统设计自动化杂志》总共三次荣获最佳论文奖。鉴于他的杰出贡献,丛教授在2000年被IEEE组织授予院士称号。


丛教授曾任ACM SIGDA顾问委员会委员、IEEE电路与系统协会理事、以及许多电子设计自动化公司和硅智财公司的技术顾问。这些公司包括AtrentaeASICGet2ChipMagma Design AutomationUltima Interconnect Technologies。丛教授还创立了Aplus Design Technologies 公司并担任总裁,直至2003年该公司与世界著名EDA公司Magma合并。目前,他出任Magma公司和AutoESL Design Technologies公司的首席技术顾问,并从2000年起受聘为北京大学客座教授。


丛教授还是一位杰出的教育工作者。至今他培养了17名博士研究生,其中不少学生成为美国知名高校如Georgia Tech.PurdueSUNY BinghamtonUCLAUIUCUT Austin等大学的教授,其他学生也都在BroadcomIBM Intel等著名半导体企业、或者CadenceMagmaEDA公司的研发中心担任要职。

Dr. JASON CONG received his B.S. degree in computer science from Peking University in 1985, his M.S. and Ph. D. degrees in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1987 and 1990, respectively.  Currently, he is a professor and the chairman of the Computer Science Department of University of California, Los Angeles.  He is also a co-director of the VLSI CAD Laboratory.  Dr. Cong’s research interests include computer-aided design of VLSI circuits and systems, design and synthesis of system-on-a-chip, programmable systems, novel computer architectures, nano-systems, and highly scalable algorithms.  He has published over 230 research papers and led over 30 research projects supported by DARPA, NSF, SRC, and a number of industrial sponsors in these areas. He served on the technical program committees and executive committees of many conferences, such as ASPDAC, DAC, FPGA, ICCAD, ISCAS, ISPD, and ISLEPD, and several editorial boards, including the IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems and the ACM Trans. on Design Automation of Electronic Systems. 

Dr. Cong received a number of awards and recognitions, include the Best Graduate Award from Peking University in 1985, and the Ross J. Martin Award for Excellence in Research from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1989, the NSF Young Investigator Award in 1993, the Northrop Outstanding Junior Faculty Research Award from UCLA in 1993, the ACM/SIGDA Meritorious Service Award in 1998, and the SRC Technical Excellence Award in 2000. He also received three best paper awards—including the 1995 IEEE Trans. on CAD Best Paper Award, the 2005 International Symposium on Physical Design Best Paper Award, and the 2005 ACM Transaction on Design Automation of Electronic Systems Best Paper Award.  He was elected to an IEEE Fellow in 2000.

Dr. Cong served on the ACM SIGDA Advisory Board, the Board of Governors of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, and the Technical Advisory Board of a number of EDA and silicon IP companies, including Atrenta, eASIC, Get2Chip, Magma Design Automation, and Ultima Interconnect Technologies. He was the founder and president of Aplus Design Technologies, Inc., until it was acquired by Magma Design Automation in 2003. Currently, he serves as the Chief Technology Advisor of Magma and AutoESL Design Technologies, Inc.  Additionally, he has been a guest professor at Peking University since 2000.

演讲主题简介: 千兆集成芯片设计”

丛京生(Jason Cong)教授

洛杉矶加州大学 (UCLA)计算机科学系



项目期限: 2/15/01-1/31/07

NSF基金号: CCF-0096383

丛京生 (Jason Cong, UCLA)、郑光廷 (Kwang-Ting Cheng, UCSB)

项目网站: http://cadlab.cs.ucla.edu/Website/




Dr. Thomas Yizhao Hou侯一钊教授 (Caltech 加州理工学院)


一钊教授是著名的计算流体和多尺度问题专家,现为美国加州理工学院Charles Lee Powell教授,于2000年至2006年任应用与计算数学系主任。他的研究兴趣在于建立有效模拟流体力学,多相流和多尺度问题的分析与计算方法。他生于中国广州,1982年在华南理工大学获学士学位。1983年到美国加州大学洛杉矶分校留学,于1987年获博士学位。博士毕业后,曾在著名的库朗数学研究所从事博士后研究,并于1989年成为该所的助理教授。1993年他授聘为美国加州理工学院终身教授。他先后获1990Sloan Fellowship1997年冯康科学计算奖,1998年美国物理学会Francois N.Frenkiel奖,2001年工业与应用数学学会(SIAM)James H. Wilkinson 计算数学奖和2005年美国计算力学学会计算与应用科学奖。教授曾应邀在1998年国际数学家大会作45分钟报告和2003年国际工业与应用数学大会作大会报告。至2002年,侯教授担任“SIAM多尺度模拟计算”杂志主编。




Dr. Thomas Yizhao Hou is the Charles Lee Powell professor of applied and computational mathematics at Caltech, and is one of the leading experts in computational fluid dynamics and multiscale problems. His research interests are centered on developing analytical tools and effective numerical methods for vortex dynamics, interfacial flows, and multiscale problems. He was born in Guangzhou, China, and studied at the South China University of Technology before taking his Ph.D. from UCLA. Upon obtaining his Ph.D. in 1987, he joined the Courant Institute as a postdoc and then became a faculty member in 1989. He moved to the applied math department at Caltech in 1993, and served as the executive officer of the department of applied and computational mathematics from 2000 to 2006. He was awarded the Computational and Applied Sciences Award from the US Association of Computational Mechanics in 2005, the Morningside Gold Medal in Applied Mathematics in 2004, the SIAM Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing in 2001, the Francois N. Frenkiel Award from the Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physical Society in 1998, the Feng Kang Prize in Scientific Computing in 1997, and the Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship from 1990 to 1992. He was also an invited plenary speaker at the International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics in Sydney in 2003, an invited speaker of the International Congress of Mathematicians in Berlin in 1998, and has been the founding Editor-in-Chief of a SIAM interdisciplinary journal "Multiscale Modeling and Simulation" since 2002.


Professor Tom Hou is the first recipient of the Morningside Gold Medal Prize in Applied Mathematics. He was honored at the Third International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians for his seminal research on applied partial differential equations, scientific computation and numerical analysis. This research includes convergence of the point vortex method, accurate numerical methods for fluid interfaces with surface tension, analysis of three dimensional vortex sheets, and singularity criteria for the three dimensional Euler equation.


演讲主题简介:  多尺度分析和模拟:数学理论和工程应用的相互促进”









   Yalchin Efendier,德州A&M大学




   Theofilos Strinopoulos 加州理工学院博士毕业生


Title: Multiscale Modeling and Simulation:

       Interplay between Mathematics and Engineering Applications.




Many problems of fundamental and practical importance contain multiple scale solutions. Composite and nano materials, flow and transport in heterogeneous porous media, and turbulent flow are examples of this type. Direct numerical simulations of these multiscale problems are extremely difficult due to the wide range of length scales in the underlying physical problems. It is too expensive to simulate the small scale features using a fine grid on the order of tens of millions of degrees of freedom. From the prospective of engineering applications, it is essential to develop a coarse grid model to describe the average behavior of the solution on the large scales, but with several order of magnitude fewer degrees of freedom. This is a challenging task due to nonlinear interaction of different scales. In order to capture correctly the effect of small subgrid scales on the large scales, we have to develop a systematic multiscale analysis, which provides a critical guideline in developing an efficient multiscale computational method.


In this talk, I describe our recent progress in developing multiscale computational methods to upscale multi-phase flows in strongly heterogeneous porous media. Multi-phase flows arise in many applications, ranging from petroleum engineering, contaminant transport, and fluid dynamics applications. Some of our multiscale methods have already been adopted by the industry in their flow simulators. Further, we show how to develop a systematic multiscale analysis for incompressible flows in three space dimensions. Deriving a reliable turbulent model has a significant impact in many engineering applications, including the aircraft design. This is known to be an extremely challenging problem. So far, most of the existing turbulent models are based on heuristic closure assumption and involve unknown parameters which need to be fitted by experimental data. In comparison, our multiscale method does not involve any closure assumption and there are no adjustable parameters. We will present numerical evidences to demonstrate that our multiscale analysis provides an effective computational method for simulating homogeneous turbulent flows.


The project is funded in part by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy.


Research Team:

Thomas Y. Hou (Caltech)

Yalchin Efendiev (University of Texas at A&M)

Xiao-Hui Wu (Exxon-Mobile)

Danping Yang (Shandong University, China)

Hangyu Ran (former postdoc at Caltech)

Theofilos Strinopoulos (former Ph.D. student at Caltech)


DR. Hong Wu 吴虹教授 UCLA 加大洛杉矶分校) 



吴虹博士是加州大学洛杉矶分校分子医学药理学系教授而且是加州大学洛杉矶分校分子生物研究所和强森综合癌症中心的成员。她也是加州大学洛杉矶分校的分子遗传技术中心的主任负责人。她还是癌症中心泌尿生殖癌症学领域和新成立的加州大学干细胞医学研究所的癌症干细胞领域的共同负责人(协同主任)。吴博士从中国北京医学院获得M.D.,而后师从哈佛医学院的Rudolf Jaenisch博士并获得了生物化学Ph.D.。后来,她获得Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell博士后奖学金资助,师从Whitehead生物医学研究所的Harvey Lodish博士。她的实验室集中研究癌症抑制基因PTEN调控的信息传导机制。实验的手段主要是使用遗传工程建立各种动物癌症模型。在这些大量的研究基础上,目前的研究方向侧重于癌症干细胞和导向性治疗法探索。



Dr. Hong Wu is a Professor of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology and a member of UCLA Molecular Biology Institute and Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. She is the Director of the UCLA Molecular Genetics Technology Center and the co-director of the Cancer Center Genitourinary Oncology Program Area as well as Cancer Stem Cell Program area of the newly formed UCLA Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Medicine. Dr. Wu received her M.D. degree from Beijing Medical College, China, and her Ph.D. degree in biological chemistry from Harvard Medical School, working with Rudolf Jaenisch at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. She was a Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell postdoctoral fellow with Harvey Lodish at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, MIT. Her laboratory studies the signal transduction pathways controlled by the PTEN tumor suppressor gene, using various genetically engineered animal tumor models. These studies have led her group into cancer stem cells biology and targeted therapies.

Dr. Wu serves as Steering Committee member for Mouse Model of Human Cancer Consortium, National Cancer Institute (1999-present) and editorial board member for Journal of Biological Chemistry (2006-2009). She has been actively involved in the development of biomedical sciences in China and served as the panelist of the Chinese National Science Foundation Review Committee (2003-present), member of the Scientific Advisor Board of Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and was recently elected to be a member of the Board Directors and Secretary General, the Chinese Biomedical Investigators Society.



Topic: Cancer research: from bench to bedside”



Dr. Xudong Jia贾旭东教授 (加州大Cal Poly Pomoa)  


贾旭东    ---   博士, 乔治亚州理工学院,1996

                        硕士, 多伦多大学, 1992

                        硕士, 北京交通大学, 1986

                        学士, 北京交通大学, 1983




题目:EDAPTS 在加州州立综合技术大学的商业应用测试和推广




EDAPTS 研究计划已经到了商业应用阶段。目前加州州立综合技术大学正在对EDAPTS进行商业应用测试和推广。通过测试和推广,EDAPTS技术的商业应用性将得到进一步评估。EDAPTS测试和推广的经验将帮助中小城市乘公共交通公司采用EDAPTS技术。


本演讲介绍EDAPTS技术以及EDAPTS 在加州州立综合技术大学的商业应用测试和推广进展情况。


Prof. Xudong Jia received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in transportation engineering and management from Beijing Jiaotong University in 1983 and 1986. He also received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in transportation planning and engineering from the University of Toronto in 1992 and from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1996, respectively. Currently, he is a professor of the Department of Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.


Dr. Jia’s research interests include design of transportation facilities, transportation system modeling, Geographical Information System (GIS)/Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies in civil engineering, and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). He has published over 30 research papers and led numerous research projects supported by federal transportation agencies (including FTA, FHWA, Caltrans, EPA, California PATH) and regional and local agencies (such as the Southern California Edison, the City of Irvine, LA SAFE, Foothill Transit).


EDAPTS Test Deployment at Cal Poly Pomona

Xudong Jia, Ph.D., P.E.

Department of Civil Engineering

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomoa)


Transit users in small urban and rural communities face significant problems when using transit for primary transportation needs. The uncertainty of catching a bus that may come only once every half hour or longer to a rural bus stop is one of them. In response to this and other small transit problems, the California DOT (Caltrans) embarked on a research program entitled “Efficient Deployment of Advanced Public Transportation Systems” (EDAPTS).  The goal is to make Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technologies more available to the small transit community.


EDAPTS research is ready for its last hurdle - commercialization. A new transitional test deployment of an updated EDAPTS concept system is now starting at the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California (Cal Poly Pomona). Through this test deployment, the commercialization of the EDAPTS concept systems can be further assessed and facilitated. Experience and knowledge gained from the test deployment will assist small transit properties in adopting the EDAPTS concept system and develop private suppliers.


The test system will provide students, faculty and staff at Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) with real-time traveler information via methods similar to those used in the original San Luis Obispo test system. This includes the solar powered Smart Transit Signs and will consider other new features such as user empowering web-enabled phones and the Internet. The focus remains on using low cost schemes to most effectively provide traveler information to Bronco Express shuttle riders, hence making shuttle use more convenient for students.


This presentation will introduce the EDAPTS technology and summarize the current research status of the test deployment at Cal Poly Pomona.


4. CSA新疆访问团集体特别汇报:海外学者如何更好使用教育部春晖计划


Dr. Binghui Shen           沈炳辉教授 (COH 希望之城美国家医学中心)
Dr. Shenghe Huang       黄胜和教授(USC 南加大)
Dr. LaoSheng Wu        吴劳生教授 (UCR 加大河滨分校)
Dr. Bailian Li                李百炼教授 (UCR 加大河滨分校)

Dr. Binghui Shen 沈炳辉教授 (COH 希望之城美国家医学中心)

    沈炳辉博士,现在美国洛杉矶国家医学中心贝克曼研究所放射生物学系教授、系主任。  1983年毕业于浙江大学(原杭州大学)生物系学士学位,1983 - 1986年在浙江大学(原浙江农业大学)农学系任助教,1991年毕业于美国肯萨斯州立大学生化系获博士学位,1991 -1994 年在美国加洲大学Irvine分校分子生物学与生化系做博士后研究,1994 - 1996年在美国新墨西哥Las Alamos国家实验室生物科学部做博士后研究。 2004年美国洛杉矶希望城国家医学中心贝克曼研究所细胞与肿瘤生物学系助理教授、副教授。 2004-至今,美国洛杉矶希望城国家医学中心贝克曼研究所放射生物系教授、系主任,NCI Designated Comprehensive Cancer Research Center研究员。

    沈炳辉教授是国际知名的放射生物学家。 他长期从事结构特异性内切酶、人类遗传病发病的分子机制和 DNA 修复多功能蛋白诱导因子等方面的研究工作,并做出了许多国际上创新性的成果,近5年来,在 Cell, EMBO Journal, PNAS, Cancer Research, EMBO Reports, JBC 等国际顶尖学术刊物发表论文30余篇,论文被SCI收录杂志他引1200余次。 多项研究项目获得美国NIH基金项目资助,总经费为590余万美元。 20066月受聘为浙江大学生物物理学科光彪特聘教授。

Binghui Shen, Ph.D.Professor and Chair, Department of Radiation Biology, City of Hope National Medical Center. Dr. Binghui Shen has a Ph.D. degree (1991) in Biochemistry from Kansas State University and joined City of Hope as a junior faculty member in 1996. Dr. Shen is an established biochemist, who focuses on the biochemistry and genetics of enzymes called nucleases that are involved in DNA replication and repair. These nucleases are responsible for the removal of fragments of genetic molecules, including DNA damaged by radiation and other factors, as the cell creates copies of its DNA. Defects in these enzymes contribute to an increase in the number of mutations and can lead to cancers.

After graduating from Zhejiang University, Dr. Shen obtained his doctorate at Kansas State University. He completed his first post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at the University of California, Irvine, then another in the Life Sciences Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

Dr. Shen’s memberships include the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Society of Radiation Research, the Radiation Therapeutics and Biology Study Section of the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense’s Breast Cancer Research Program panel and National Science Foundation of China. He has published more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles and, since joining City of Hope, has been awarded eight NIH-funded grants. 


Dr. Shenghe Huang黄胜和教授(USC南加大)

黄胜和教授, 1981年毕业于中国医学科学院基础医学研究。1981 1985 在中国协和医科大学曾主讲酶的医学应用与酶工程, 其教学对象是研究生毕与本科生。1984年出版第一本在国内介绍临床酶学的专著[酶在临床上的应用]。在这段时期亦从事了化学物质诱发肝癌的研究。作为主要获奖者之一, 此项工作曾获中国卫生部科技一等奖。19852月至19861月应邀作为客座助理教授在美国科罗拉多大学医学院工作一年。1986年至1993年在南加州大学(USC)洛杉矾儿童医院(CHLA)从事博士后研究工作。1994年至1996年聘为CHLA研究助理教授从事脑膜炎研究。1997年至2004年聘为USC助理教授。2004年起聘为USC付教授。自1994年起曾先后兼任中国南方医科大学,同济医科大学与上海交通大学儿童医院客座教授。2006年起聘为中国南方医科大学特聘教授。2003年与2005年先后当选为南加州华人教授学者协会科学理事与秘书长。

主要学术成就: 1). 发展分子生物学新技术。在发表的工作中大多与分子生物学相关。总共克隆与鉴定了大约20多个基因, 如人类基因dCK,ERP72, dTMPK, OmpAIbeA受体和20个微生物基因。本人为大多数克隆工作的主要作者。自1999年起聘为分子生物学与技术(JMBAB)杂志编委。主要发明了两种快速克隆全长cDNA与基因的PCR技术(IPCRRAGE)。曾多次应邀编写分子生物学技术的实验手册与教科书。2)1995年首次发表建立体内体外血脑屏障模型研究细菌性脑膜炎的文章(Infect & Immun 63:4470, 1995;该文已被引用90)以来成为中枢神经糸统感染领域国际知名学者。1995年以来共发表论文40多篇。曾应邀为微生物领域内顶尖杂志 Cellular Microbiology (影响因子IF 5.6)Microbes and Infections (IF3.4) 写专论文章。该领域研究课题一直得到美国NIH资助。3). 发展新学科感染组学(Infectomics) 2003年曾应邀就此新学科参加编写由国际最负盛名的自然杂志社出版的人类基因组百科全书 (Nautre EHG, 3:453-458)。这是第一部最权威最巨大最全面的人类基因组参考工具书。2004910, 20051011月与200678月曾应邀先后到德国参加国际学术会议、泰达生物论坛与中国多所院校就此题进行演讲。 19998月至9月、20049月至10月与20051011月曾应邀到南方医科大学,广东药学院,同济大学医学院,解放军总医院, 中国协和医科大学, 中国首都医科大学,中国医科大学与上海交大儿童医院讲学200510月曾在南方医科大学进行血脑屏障模型与脑膜炎的研究。


Dr. B. Larry Li
李百炼教授 (UCR 加大河滨分校)

李百炼现任加洲大学河滨分校(University of California at Riverside)植物系数学与理论生态学终身教授和生态复杂性建模实验室主任。李教授主要从事理论生态学和生态学建模的研究,在国际权威杂志发表了130多篇论文,并出版了5本学术著作。他先后主持参与了美国国家科学基金(NSF)的重大项目、美国环保部、能源部、农业部及加州政府的有关部门、以及国际科学技术中心所资助的课题20多项。在理论生态学领域里,他先后创建了一系列理论,尤其是在生态学相变、生态学模式形成、生物侵入的数学模型、代谢生态学、整体景观生态学等方面作出了重要贡献。因其对理论生态学的杰出贡献和创立生态复杂性这一新兴学科,2005年被俄罗斯科学院科学委员会选举为该院名誉教授。因其对人类生态学的突出贡献,于1988年当选为美国人类生态科学院院士(IHE Fellow),成为该院第一批全世界获次殊荣的40位院士之一;他并获得澳大利亚CSIRO Fellow奖;199319941996年三次获得德国联邦科技部和德国生态中心访问教授奖;2004年,被国际最大的出版社ELSEVIER邀请创办了国际学术刊物《Ecological Complexity(生态复杂性)》,并担任主编;2006年被法国Le Havre大学授予“University Professor(大学教授)”称号;以及,2006年当选为世界生态学2007年高峰会议国际科学委员会主席。




Dr. B. Larry Li is Professor of Mathematical and Theoretical Ecology and Director of Ecological Complexity and Modeling Laboratory at University of California-Riverside with a broad interdisciplinary background and experience in mathematical, statistical and computational modeling applications in ecological studies. He has published more than 130 refereed journal articles, 23 book chapters and proceedings papers, and 8 books or edited special issues.


He is an elected Fellow (1988) of the Institute for Human Ecology, USA, “in recognition of outstanding contributions to human ecology”, elected Guest Professor (2000) of Systems Ecology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, “in recognition of outstanding contributions to systems ecology”, and elected Honorary Professor (2005) of Russian Academy of Sciences, “in recognition of his fundamental contributions and pioneering role in developing modern theoretical ecology”. He also received Visiting Scientist Awards from German Ecology Centre in 1993, 1994 and 1996, and French ‘University Professor’ Award from Le Havre University in 2006. He is faculty associate and Ph.D. major professor with Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian and Russian universities and research institutions. He also served on several professional committees and review panels of federal funding agencies, including the Editorial Board of Ecological Modelling and Environmental and Ecological Statistics, and Swiss Federal Research Institute’s Publication Board (Landscape and Forestry), International Association for Ecology's Statistical Ecology Program Committee, U.S. NRC Twinning Program, DOI Research and Monitoring Program, DOE Computational Science Initiative Panel, and two NSF Priority Research Areas’ Advisory Panels. He is also Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the international journal: Ecological Complexity, which Elsevier launched in March 2004, now with the first impact factor (2005): 1.409. Recently, he has given lectures across Asia, Europe and North America, and has been invited to give keynote or plenary lectures to four major ecology meetings as well as four National Academies. He is also Chairman of International Scientific Committee of EcoSummit 2007, Beijing.


Dr. Laosheng Wu吴劳生教授 UCR 加大河滨分校)











l     美国西部土壤物理研究委员会秘书(1997年)

l     美国西部土壤物理研究委员会主席(1998年)

l     加州大学农业与自然资源分部农业水管理任务组主席 (2000-2001

l     加州大学农业与自然资源分部水质工作组主席(2002年)

l     美国农业部全国水质量项目加州水质量技术推广协调员(2000年至今)

l     加州大学水资源管理中心副主任(2001年至今)

l    美国土壤学会会刊编委(2000---2006年)和一些重要学术刊物, 科研项目的审稿人和评审人

l   北美华人土壤与作物科学家联合会秘书(2001), 主席(2002)。

 Dr. Laosheng Wu, Professor of Soil Physics and Cooperative Extension Water Management Specialist Department of Environmental Sciences at University of California

Postdoctoral Research Associate: April 1991 to June 1994,

Graduate Research Assistant (Ph.D.): July 1987 to March 1991, Department of Soil Science, University of Minnesota St. Paul, MN 55108

Graduate Research Assistant (M.S.): June 1985 to June 1987,

Department of Soil and Science
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331

1987 to 1991: Ph.D, Soil Physics, Soil Science Department, University of Minnesota.
1985 to 1987: MS, Soil Physics, Department of Soil Science, Oregon State University.
1978 to 1981: BS, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry. Zhejiang Agricultural University, Hangzhou, P. R. China.

Principal research interests have been in the areas of measurement and modeling water and pollutant transport in field soils; development of best management practices to maximize water and fertilizer use efficiency and minimize surface and ground water pollution. At present, I am conducting research on irrigation uniformity effect on crop yield and nitrate leaching, infiltration measurement and modeling, shallow groundwater management, instrumentation for measuring soil physical properties, and developing proposals on turfgrass irrigation and salinity management.

Associate Director, Center for Water Resources University of California (Jan 2003-present)
California State Water Quality Coordinator USDA-CSREES National Water Quality Program (2001 to present)
Chair Water Quality Workgroup, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, UCR (Jan. 2002 - Dec. 2002)
Chair Agricultural Water Management Task Force, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, UCR (2000-2001)
Chair Western Regional Soil Physics Research Committee (1998)
Secretary Western Regional Soil Physics Research Committee (1997)

Treasurer Gamma Sigma Delta, The Honor Society of Agriculture, UC-Riverside Chapter


5: CSA Convention Hosts and Conveners

 Dr. Zhenying Jiang 姜镇英教授 (Barstow College

CSA President 华裔教授学者协会会长

1974 年毕业于"五校合一" 的上海师范大学 (现为华东师大、上海师大和上海体育学院) 。早期任教於上海中医药大学并兼基础部委员。1983年初赴美国盐湖城犹他 大学健康学院任教并深造,获硕士和博士学位。1991年应聘巴士度学院先後任教授、科学数学与健康系部主任及校务委员会副主任, 并兼任复旦大学、华东师大和上海体育科研所 客座教授、中国健康教育协会海外顾问、美国健康教育协会研究委员会和多元文化委员会成员、CSA教授协会秘书长、会长...


Dr. Yong-Gang Li 郦永刚教授USC南加大)

CSA Vice President

Prof. Yong-Gang Li 郦永刚教授USC南加大)

CSA Vice President

Prof. Yong-Gang Li in Earth Sciences Research Faculty at University of Southern California (USC) is a distinguished earthquake specialist. Dr. Li is also a Senior Scientist in Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC). He was graduated from Fudan University in mid of 1960s, a Visiting Scholar to USA in 1981, and received his Ph.D. of Geophysics & Seismology at USC in 1987. Prof. Li is the Principal Investigator and group leader of multiple research projects (over millions of US Dollars) awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and SCEC. His pioneering research in discovery of fault-zone trapped (guided) waves and new findings in characterizing spatio-temporal features of active earthquake faults in 4-D have been recognized by earth scientists world-wildly. These breakthrough findings input new ingredients in earthquake investigation. Dr. Li has published 4 important papers in prestigious scientific journals <<Science>> and <<Nature>> since 1990, and more than 100 refereed papers and scientific articles, in which he is the lead author. Prof. Li convened professional sessions and gave invited talks at International Conferences and Academic Institutions often. He is the Advisory Professor and Consultant of Duke University and several domestic and international Universities and Institutions. Prof. Li is also invited by Chinese Ministry of Education as a Specialist Scientist for evaluation and assessment for Chang-Jiang Scholarship Award Professors. He is serving on editorial boards for academic publications, proposal reviewer for government funding agents and paper reviewer for scientific journals. Prof. Li is often interviewed by news media for outreach of his scientific expertise to public communities, leading them to have a better understanding of earthquakes and natural hazards. His biography is listed in Gale-American Men and Women of Science, Geo-Times, and Who's Who publications. Dr. Li’s current research at the San Andreas Fault to monitor the process of earthquake generation and variations in fault-zone physical properties is awarded by NSFEarth-Scopeprogram that is the largest multi-disciplinary earth science research project in USA.

Dr. Kwan Ming Chan 陳钧铭,博士,海洋及环保学家,加州州立大学长堤分校教授,海洋研究基金主任。(CSA Treasure, Former President 2003-2004)







Dr. Lisa Yunxia Wang 王云霞教授 (Cal Poly Pomoa)

CSA Board Director of Science and Engineering

Dr. Lisa Wang is an associate professor in Civil Engineering Department at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.  Before she joined Cal Poly in 1999, she was with an engineering consulting firm Boyle Engineering Corporation in Newport Beach.  Dr. Wang received her Ph.D. in Structural and Earthquake Engineering from the University of California, Irvine, her M.S. in Geotechnical Engineering from China Academy of Railway Sciences, and her B.S. in Civil Engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University.  At Cal Poly Pomona, she teaches classes at undergraduate and graduate levels in Structural Engineering.  She serves as the Director of the Structural Testing Laboratory, and currently chairs the department Graduate Studies Committee.  Her research aims at providing a fundamental understanding of structural behaviors under complex environmental conditions by both numerical and experimental simulations.  Her latest grant is awarded by NSF Major Research Instrumentation program (MRI).  The amount of the award is $125,300 which is for her project “Acquisition of Seismic Simulating System for Integrated Research and Education in Structural Engineering”.


Since the original establishment of the Chinese Scholar’s Association, She has been an active member of the association, which she considers as the home of many talented individuals with similar background and vision.  During the past few years, she has attended the major events of CSA, and contributed to the CSA’s first publication – Academic Perspective.  Dr. Wang’s leadership skills come from her service at the department and university levels as well as the national technical committees.  She served as the co-chair of the university Faculty Development Advisory Committee (FDAC), and board member on the Asian Pacific Faculty Staff Student Association (APFSSA). 

Dr. Kern Kwong 邝国强教授 California State University Los Angeles

CSA Board Director of Humanity and Social Science


Dr. Kern Kwong is the Full Professor and Former Chairman of the Department of Management, California State University, Los Angeles. He is also the Director of Asian Pacific Business Institute (APBI), a President chartered institute at California State University, Los Angeles.  He received his Bachelor Degree (Economics) from Chinese University of Hong Kong, MBA (International Business) and Ph.D. (Operations Management/ Strategic Management) from Georgia State University in 1986.  He has published more than 50 articles and books and made more than 40 presentations in professional conferences.


Dr. Kwong consults extensively in the United States and Asian Pacific countries; he has done consulting projects for Saudi Aramco, Southern California Edison, Goldlion Holdings (U.S.A) and other international firms.  Dr. Kwong has held executive positions in several firms in the Untied States of America. 


Dr. Kwong has conducted extensive executive management training programs for National, Provincial and Municipal Governments as well as enterprises of the People’s Republic of China (www.calstatela.edu/apbi).  He has trained over thousands delegates from China over the last fifteen years.  During last five years, APBI provided long-term as well as short-term training programs to Asian Countries.  APBI provided long-term training programs to delegates from Guangdong Province (52 delegates for one-year term) and Zhongshan City (13 delegates for 10 months), Xinfang City (24 delegates for 4 months), Heilongjiang Province (85 delegates for 6 months), Harbin (60 delegates for 4 months), and Zhejiang Province (84 delegates for 4 months).  APBI also provides short training programs for delegates from several provincial and municipal governments as well as delegates from many State Departments from the National Government of the P.R. of China.  Dr. Kwong also provides training to delegates from other Asian countries, including Vietnam, Korea and Japan.  Dr. Kwong maintains extensive contact with these trainees so that he creates an extensive network to conduct research, business and related activities in these countries. 


APBI has been provided excellent training programs for Chinese Delegates for many years. On November 6, 2001 APBI was awarded the Certificate for International Exchange of Personnel for Oversea Organizations from State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs, P.R. of China.  He has also served director and officer on non-profit organizations such as Los Angeles – Guangzhou Sister City Associations, International Association of Business Forecasting and American-Chinese CEO society.


Zhen-Gang Wang

Dr. Zhen-Gang Wang 王振刚教授(加州理工学院)

Professor of Chemical Engineering at Caltech


B.S., Chemistry, Beijing University, 1982; Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Chicago, 1987


Postdoctoral Research:

Exxon Research and Engineering Co., 1987-1989; University of California, Los Angeles, 1989-1991



Statistical Mechanics of Complex Fluids; Polymer Physics; Evolutionary protein Design; DNA Biophysics


Awards and Honors

Fellow, American Physical Society (2001); Alfred P. Sloan Award (1996); Richard M. Badger Teaching Prize (Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, CALTECH) (1995); Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (1995); Visiting Research Fellow, The Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel (1993); Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award (1991).


欢迎您参加海外学子中关村考察团 12/20-23/06



(December 20th—23d, 2006)

Who Should Participate?

Those professionals who were born in China and educated in both China and the U.S., now think about doing business in Beijing, or even just want to take a look at today’s Beijing Zhongguancun…

When and Where and What?

            December 20th to 23d, 2006

            In Beijing, China

            (See attached daily Agenda for details)

What Zhongguancun Will Provide?

--3 nights hotel room for free (December 20th through 22d)

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We understand there must be many people who have already returned from the U.S. to China some time ago, or, who just happen to be there in China for other reasons at this period of time. These guys are equally welcome to participate, too!

Any questions?

Just contact:

Frank Tan

CEO, Zhongguancun Science Park’s Silicon Valley Office

Tel: 408 406 3118

Send your Form to: ftan@zgc-usa.com

P.S. In case you have problem in booking your air ticket, you may call City Travel in California at 408 777 9821 for help.







时间:7:30  早餐

      8:00  出发,参观北清路文化广场、生命科学园、航天城、


      12:00  午餐

14:00 出发,参观考察清华留学人员创业园、中关村国际孵化园、海淀留学人员创业园

      18:00  晚餐







中國東方歌舞團將演「花木蘭」一線歌舞明星70餘人演出 大卡司 (吳忠國)

成軍超過半世紀的著名「中國東方歌舞團」,和洛杉磯僑胞預約年終歲末的「藝術盛宴」,將於129日,演出「花木蘭」豪華大型歌舞劇。 中國文化經貿中心(China Cul-ture & Trade Center Group)執行長麥熾明表示,「花木蘭」是中國著名的歷史故事,前幾年好萊塢推出「花木蘭」動畫大賣後,對製作「花木蘭」電影具濃厚興趣,帶給觀眾全新的詮釋。 這場名為「秘境之旅」的超大型歌舞劇,將由中國知名大導演陳維亞執導,演出卡司堅強,網羅東方歌舞團一線歌舞明星70多人演出。全劇傳達出神奇、夢幻、全方位的藝術視覺享受,展示中華藝術最高水平。 129日晚7時將在容納六千多人的雪蘭(Shrine Auditorium)大劇院上演,這是該團在洛杉磯唯一一場演出。



UCLA CONFERENCE - “Fifty Years of Integrative Medicine in China

Saturday, October 28, 2006

9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Jules Stein Auditorium, UCLA


Academician of the China Academy of Sciences,

President of the China Association of Integrative Medicine,

President of the China Association of Geriatrics, and

First Wallis Annenberg Visiting Professor in

Integrative East-West Medicine


One of the first breakthroughs in the development of integrative East-West medicine resulted from scientific research by Professor Chen into the pattern of Blood Stasis, a pathophysiological state seen in multiple diseases in their evolution (a concept akin to, but broader than, atherosclerosis). This research provided an explanation of an ancient TCM concept in a modern, scientific way and led to clinical applications beyond commonly seen vascular diseases. Over the years, integrative East-West approaches in 37 different medical specialties have been developed. These include, among others, cardiology (and hypertension), cancer, nephrology, orthopedics, dermatology, ENT, geriatrics, GI/liver disease, pediatrics, and OB-GYN.


Other speakers include: 

Alan Fogelman, Professor and Executive Chairman, UCLA Department of Medicine

Ka-Kit Hui, Wallis Annenberg Professor in Integrative East-West Medicine, Founder and Director, UCLA Center for East-West Medicine

Zhaoping Li, Associate Clinical Professor, UCLA Center for Human Nutrition

Jun Song, Associate Professor, Xiyuan Hospital, Beijing, China

Hao Xu, Associate Professor, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing, China

Please RSVP by to hbaik@mednet.ucla.edu 

or call 310-828-9358


UCLA 东西医学中心 - 东西结合医学中美专家学术交流年会

会议宗旨:UCLA 东西医学中心即将举办半天的学术研讨会,会议的宗旨是讨论过去五十年来东西结合医学的发展模式,怎样解决目前国内及国际上医疗保健体系的弊病。中国著名学者陈可冀院士将在学术会上作主题演讲。


其他演讲者包括Wallis Annenberg 中西医结合终身教授,UCLA东西医学中心的创建者许家杰教授;中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆科技领事叶向东博士;北京西苑医院张京春副教授;加州大学临床营养系李兆萍副教授;加州议员,健康委员会委员Ted 刘。


陈可冀教授是中国最著名的中西医结合先驱者之一。现任中国科学院院士,中国中西医结合学会会长,中华医学会老年学会会长,第一位中西医结合Wallis Annenberg 访问教授。陈院士的学术专长包括中西医结合心脏病学和老年病学。 他的临床和研究获得了国际的认可。 2003年,陈院士因血瘀证和活血化瘀研究获得中国国家科学进步一等奖。



1:00 to 1:15 p.m.:  许家杰教授:介绍中心和会议议程

1:15 to 1:30 p.m.:  叶向东科技领事:致词。

1:30 to 2:30 p.m.:  陈可冀教授: 中国中西医结合五十年成就回顾。

2:30 to 3:15 p.m.:  张京春医师:陈可冀教授心脏病学及老年病学病例讨论。

3:15 to 4:15 p.m.:  李兆萍副教授:中国红粟米降低血脂及预防冠心病的研究。

4:15 to 4:30 p.m.:  Ted 刘议员:致词。

4:30 to 5:00 p.m.:  许家杰教授:总结。


时间:星期日,二零零六年十一月五日,下午1:00 – 5:00


地点:Almansor Court Banquet and Conference Center, Alhambra


联络人:Diana Tonsich, Ph.D., 310-206-0370





好萊塢中國電影節9天活動 (Chinese Today孫衛赤)

2006年好萊塢中國電影節將於111日開幕。在為期9天的活動中﹐將放映包括︽如果愛︾等7部中國電影。協辦這次活動的美國著名電影人摩根(Andre Morgan)表示﹐希望這次電影節讓美國民眾了解到﹐中國的電影不僅僅只是武俠片﹐有反映現實生活的非常好的電影。2006年好萊塢中國電影節由美國哥倫比亞好萊塢影業﹙中國﹚集團公司和鷹龍傳媒有限公司共同主辦﹑美國魯迪摩根集團協辦的。這次活動也得到了華美銀行等企業的贊助。根據日程安排﹐111日在好萊塢導演協會舉行開幕式﹐112日將舉行中美電影合作交流論壇﹐112日至9日在位於巴沙迪那市的Laemmle Theatres影院舉辦為期8天的中國電影展。



邁克戴爾米德獲授港科大榮譽博士 朱經武函知 欣然接受 與中國交往頻仍曾對能源發展提出建言 (World Journal)

 德州大學達拉斯分校科技學院院長邁克戴爾米德(中前),和德州大學達拉斯分校副校長馮達旋(中後)前往中國三峽大壩訪問,受到特別禮遇,被邀請到三峽大壩水電站下面發電機房參觀。 (圖片由馮達旋提供)

2000年諾貝爾化學獎得主、德州大學達拉斯分校教授邁克戴爾米德 (Alan G. Mac-Diarmid),接到香港科技大學校長朱經武來函通知,將於119日授予他香港科大榮譽博士學位。










申請綠卡者出境 毋忘先辦回美證 (World Journal周雨婷)

聖誕季節即將來臨,不少移民都會利用放長假的機會回國探親。聯邦公民及移民服務局(USCIS)日前發出通知,提醒已提出綠卡申請的民眾,離境美國前一定要提前申請回美證(Advance Parole,簡稱AP),保持自己在美的合法身分,避免入境美國時遭到拒絕。 移民局表示,如今已提出綠卡申請的民眾,均符合資格申請回美證,政治庇護案在等待階段的申請人,以及已經在美國取得了臨時保護令(Temporary Protected Sta-tus,簡稱TPS)的人士,在離開美國前,也必須先申請回美證。這些人士需要提交I-131表格,申請表格可從移民局網站www.uscis.gov網站下載,民眾也可到當地公民與移民服務局的服務中心申請。回美證的審批時間,大約在90天至150天之間,視各地移民局的處理案件的速度而定。


移民局表示,年末假日集中,感恩節、聖誕節、新年均是出國高峰,不少移民海外旅遊,或是回原屬國探親,計劃在這期間離開美國的人士,一定要仔細計算回美證審批時間,盡快、提前辦理申請手續。 移民局同時提醒稱,凡在美國有非法居留紀錄人士,即使事先申請到回美證,非法居留紀錄一旦被發現,在入境美國時也會遭拒。 凡在美國非法居留180天以上,但不到一年的人士,三年內不可重回美國。在美國非法居留一年以上的人士,十年不可重回美國。即使有些人離開美國後又再進美國,今後也不可能再成功調整身分。民眾若想了解申請回美證的更多資料,可登錄網頁www.uscis.gov/graphics/howdoi/travdoc.htm查詢。


加州大系統學費漲達57%   (SingtaoUSA 劉志峰)

加州大學學費近年有不同程度的上漲﹐其中以加州州立大學系統最為劇烈﹐2003年至2006年漲幅竟達57% 加州大學系統目前每年學費為本科6141元﹐20042005年上漲14%20052006年上漲8%20062007不變﹔研究生學費6897元﹐20042005年上漲20%20052006年上漲10%20062007不變。 加州州立大學系統若是加州居民﹐每學分從143元至204元不等。加州州立大學富樂頓分校(CSU Fullerton) 給住在家裡的學生開出20062007年的學費雜費是3020元﹐20052006年學雜費為2990元﹐而20022003年僅為1923元。2003年至2006年漲幅竟達57%。據悉﹐學費上漲10%會導致入學率下降1.9%。﹐1990年代初期至中期的學費漲價使該校入學學生減少將近5000人。199423個加州州立大學系統的大學學費開始上漲﹐從每年1594元升至目前的3020元。


洛杉磯城市社區大學(Los Angeles City College) 每學分26美元﹐2007年冬起每學分20美元。外州學生每學分加159美元﹐外國學生每學分加169美元。 私立學校南加大(USC) 2006年本科每學分1121元﹐研究院每學分1121元﹐MBA 每學分1152元﹐研究生國際學生每學期(Semester)至少修8學分﹐一年春秋兩學期必修﹐暑假全時間打工也掙不了幾個學分的學費﹐讀一個碩士一般需30學分。2004年﹐南加大本科每學分1010元。外國學生與本國學生相同。










中国国家人口和计划生育委员会副主任赵白鸽博士在沈阳举行的第14届世界生产力大会上表示,到本世纪上半叶,中国将先后迎来相互迭加和交织的三大人口高峰,总人口高峰、劳动年龄人口高峰和老年人口高峰。三大人口高峰对社会公共管理与服务体系提出了巨大需求,这一切都呼唤着统筹解决人口问题,促进人力资源的发展。今后,中国的人口与计划生育工作将从单一的人口控制向统筹解决人口问题转型。 在人口规模方面,中国的总和生育率为1.8,但每年仍将有800万到1000万的净增人口,这意味着每两年将产生一个澳大利亚的人口,每6年产生一个英国的人口。人口的文化、教育、科技素质亟待提高,难以适应激烈的综合国力的竞争,特别是女性儿童的辍学已经成为国民教育中最薄弱的环节。此外,中国累计残障人口已超过6000万人,相当于法国的人口。在人口结构方面,中国面临着出生性别比偏高和人口老龄化的双重挑战,社会保障面临空前压力。中国过去30年创造了经济快速增长和人口适度控制两大世界奇迹。经济快速增长使2.5亿人脱离贫困,民众生活得到极大改善。中国创造的另一个奇迹是在人口控制方面,自20世纪70年代以来,中国政府确立了正确的人口发展战略,由于稳妥的人口政策,中国的人口减少了4亿,相当于西欧的总人口。如以当时总和生育率5.8计算,到2005年底,中国人口就是17亿而非13亿。




China strives for compulsory education for all

At the end of 2005, the Chinese government announced it would invest 125.4 billion yuan (US$15.6 billion) over the next five years to foot the bill for compulsory education in rural areas, making sure every rural child has the opportunity for a free nine-year education. By 2008, all the fees for rural China's 400, 000 elementary and junior high schools will be shouldered by central and local governments.  Central government invested 3.69 billion yuan (US$461.3 million) on schools in 12 western provinces including Yunnan and Sichuan to cover the school fees before the start of 2006 spring semester.  The plan is to extend the scheme to China's central and eastern areas, with 148 million primary and junior high school students receiving a free education in 2007. By 2008, all the fees for rural China's 400, 000 elementary and junior high schools will be shouldered by central and local governments. Local governments have been ordered to pay a minimum 92.8 billion yuan (US$11.6 billion) over the next five years, bringing the total spending to a potential 212.8 billion yuan (US$26.6 billion).


In addition, students from poor farming families in key counties included in the national poverty alleviation plan will be provided with free textbooks and exempted from paying miscellaneous fees. Boarding students will receive a living allowance. "This policy is a milestone for China's century-old compulsory education, moving from an era where farmers support compulsory education into one where the government shoulders all the responsibility," said Zhou Ji, China's education minister.

Free and compulsory education is identified as a fundamental human right by the United Nations. The U.N. Millennium Development Goals stipulate that every school-age boy and girl complete a full course of primary education. A report released by the Asian Development Bank states that of the world's 190 nations, more than 170 provide their children with free compulsory education. Included in the list are poor Asian countries like Laos, Cambodia and Nepal, whose per capita GDP amounts to just one third of China's.


明年中国10高校研究生试行奖学金制 不分公自费



北大校長許智宏說明引進人才機制 任用外國與留美全職或兼職教授是短期提升學校素質必需與迫切的作法 (STUSA李浩)

對於哈佛大學 華裔 教授丘成桐的﹁北大引進的海外人才大部分是假的﹂的說法﹐出席北京大學南加州校友會 2006 年年會的北京大學校長許智宏予以正面回應。許智宏表示﹐8年來從海外引進人才約佔全校教師總數的近40﹪﹐共聘請約共400多位各領域傑出人士任教。被北大引進的人才絕大多數在海外具有很高學歷﹐有過重要的學術任職和較高的學術成就。 北大自1998年起加強從海外引進人才的進度﹐並有一套引進人才的完整的機制。這些年來北大通過長江講座 和特聘 教授的方式﹐通過企業和社會捐贈設立專門教席的等多種方式﹐積極引進人才。這些引進所需要的經費都是專款專用的﹐並不涉及培養本土人才的經費﹐也沒有佔用本土人才培養所需要的資源﹐更沒有用這些人去騙取或套取國家鉅額的經費。


許智宏表示﹐有些批評北大的人其實並不瞭解情況。北大引進人才有多種模式﹕有的是12個月全職回來﹐有的回來9個月﹐有的回來半年﹐有的回來3個月﹐還有的根據需要可能只回來 一兩 個月﹐這完全取決於各個院系的學科建設需要﹐也完全符合國家自然科學基金委員會的安排。許智宏表示﹐關於人才引進﹐北大給各院系足夠的自主權和彈性﹐但學校人事部門在操作程序上嚴格把關。 從海外引進的人才中有特聘教授 和講座 教授之分﹐兩者在校任職時間有所不同﹐待遇也有所不同﹐不存在虛領報酬的問題。許智宏指出﹐任用外國與留美的全職或兼職教授﹐是短期提升學校素質必需與迫切的作法﹐外界質疑這個部分有問題﹐是不必要的誤解。


北大副校長海聞表示﹐包括他自己在內﹐許多海歸人士到北大服務都是從國外全職﹑中國兼職開始做起﹐最後才全數轉回在中國全職任教﹐海聞指出﹐與發達國家的大學相比﹐北大的辦學經費的確還是非常有限的﹐折衷的作法都是在提升學術實力的方針下﹐因應現實需要的一項過渡方式。 加州大學洛杉磯分校計算機系主任叢京生對於許智宏的解釋表示贊同﹐認為北大確需對其立場做出澄清。叢京生指出﹐他在2001年受聘為﹁長江學者獎勵計劃講座教授﹂﹐在北大教授計算機軟件與理論。他認為這些年來﹐北大確從海外引進很多優秀人才。北大根據國家的需要﹐不僅吸引大批留學人員回國服務﹐更為國內培養人才﹐做出積極貢獻。叢京生表示﹐外界不應媒體報導﹐對北大產生有負面印象。


A Celebration 35 Years of Acupuncture in the United States


November 5, 2006 Sheraton LaGuardia, 135-20 39th Ave, Flushing, NY WWW.TCMAA.ORG


Thirty-five years ago “acupuncture fever” was ignited in the United States in a New York Times story by journalist James Reston, “Now, Let Me Tell You About My Appendectomy in Peking”.  The story was published on the front page of The New York Times on July 26, 1971, along with the article about the Apollo 15 liftoff.


In 1971, Reston, a winner of two Pulitzer Prizes, received an invitation from the Chinese Government to visit China. Arriving in Beijing on July 12th, Reston suddenly felt a stab of pain in his groin. The next day, he checked into the Peking Union Medical College Hospital, where he underwent an appendectomy.


After the operation, Reston felt considerable discomfort. Li Zhanyuan, a doctor of acupuncture at the hospital, with Reston's approval, inserted three long thin needles into his right elbow and below his knees.  At the same time, Dr Li lit two pieces of a herb called ai (Chinese mugwort), which looked like the burning stumps of a broken cigar, and held them close to his abdomen, while occasionally twirling the needles into action.  Reston later learned that this was the procedure called moxibustion.


"All this took about 20 minutes, during which I remember thinking that it was a rather complicated way to get rid of gas in the stomach, but there was noticeable relaxation of the pressure and distension within an hour and no recurrence of the problem.” The acupuncture treatment that Reston underwent was later called "an oriental Apollo." Though acupuncture had been practiced in North America ever since the first immigrants came to the continent from China, it never entered the mainstream before the early 1970s.  Reston's article was the first genuine American experience in acupuncture to appear in the mainstream Western media.


To celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Reston’s article, and to further convey the benefits of acupuncture to more people in the United States, the Traditional Chinese Medical Association and Alumni (TCMAA), together with the Association of Chinese American Physicians (ACAP), are organizing an event to bring together traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and Western medical doctors to review and examine the benefits of acupuncture.  This event will take place in the Sheraton LaGuardia East, Flushing, New York, on November 5th, Sunday, 2006.


Beginning at noon, the conference portion of the event will feature several speakers, including Dr. Kathleen Hui from Harvard Medical School who will talk about the mechanism of acupuncture studied by fMRI and Dr. Rongsheng Lin who will share his clinical experiences of acupuncture techniques. In the evening there will be a reception and gala dinner. Mr. Thomas Reston, son of James Reston and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, will give the keynote speech.


Reston’s family members, senior acupuncture practitioners, researchers, and many distinguished guests have been invited to attend the evening event. Updated program and information of registration can be found at www.tcmaa.org.


Organizer:      Traditional Chinese Medicine Association & Alumni (TCMAA)


Co-Organizer: Association of Chinese American Physicians (ACAP)



Sponsors:        United alliance of N.Y.S. Licensed Acupuncturists

                        TCM World Foundation

                        Society for Acupuncture Research

                        American College of Acupuncture

New York Society of Acupuncture for Physicians and Dentists

Massachusetts Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture Society of Florida

New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Pacific College of Oriental Medicine

Touro College, Sch of Health Sci, Graduate Program in Oriental Medicine


Date日期:     11/5/06 Sunday星期日

Time 日程  11:30-12:00 am Registration 注册 Exhibition 中医药产品展台

12:00-6:00 pm Convention学术会议 www.tcmaa.org

6:30-10:00 pm Reception and Gala Dinner庆祝晚宴

Place地点:     Sheraton LaGuardia, 135-20 39th Ave, Flushing, NY 11354


Credit学分:   6 hours for Acupuncturists NCCAOM学分( 6 PDA points)

6 hours for Physicians西医MD CME学分 

Fees 费用:  Convention Registration学术会议:

Member会员: $60

(Members of any organizers, sponsors and students with ID)

Non-member 非会员:$100

Gala Dinner晚宴:$40/ticket, reservation required请提前定位购票


Contact 联系:            Registration and Exhibition: Dr GG Chen陈国光医生:718-445-4187

Convention and Speakers: GP Zheng郑国萍医生:718-897-8952

Gala Dinner reservation: L Zheng郑灵医生:Tel: 212-689-1773

Email: lingzheng62@yahoo.com


A Special TCM Journal for 35 years Acupuncture in the USA会议纪念特刊:

The Journal will include the meeting program, abstracts, crucial papers, photos of historical significance and other useful information for acupuncturists, TCM practitioners, students, and medical professionals. For placing advertisements, please contact: Dr Zheng at lingzheng62@yahoo.com




Convention 学术会议

35 Years of Acupuncture in the United States


12:00-6:00 pm, November 5, 2006

Garnet Room, Sheraton LaGuardia, 135-20 39th Ave, Flushing, NY


Moderators: Bing Lu, MD, PhD and Guoping Zheng, PhD, LAc


1.         American Acupuncture Fever - July 26, 1971

Yong Ming Li, MD, PhD

President, Traditional Chinese Medicine Association & Alumni


2.         Regulations of Acupuncture Practice for Physicians and Acupuncturists in New York State

Thomas Monahan

Executive Secretary, New York State Board of Medicine


3.         Integrated Response of the Human Limbic System to Acupuncture as Evidenced by fMRI

Kathleen Hui, MS, MD

Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School


4.         Acupuncture for the Infertility Patient

Linda Sung, MD, FACOG

Reproductive Specialists, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Winthrop University Hospital 


5.         Our Research on the Mechanism of Acupuncture

Xiaoding Cao, MD, PhD

Professor, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, China


6.         The Practice of Integrative TCM and Conventional Medicine in America: Past, Present, and Future 
Bing Lu, MD, PhD, MBA, FACP 
Medical Director, Maimonides Primary Health Service; Member, New York State Board for Acupuncture 

7.         Education and Continuing Education for Acupuncturists in the United States and Europe

Nigel Dawes, MA, LAc

Former Dean of the Graduate School of Oriental Medicine at New York College of Wholistic Health; Founder of London College of Shiatsu


8.         Special Acupuncture Techniques in Clinical Treatment

Rongsheng Lin, OMD, LAc

New York R.S. Lin Clinic

Gala Dinner and Performances庆祝晚宴及传统文艺表演

35 Years of Acupuncture in the United States


6:30-10 pm, Nov 5, 2006

Seventh Floor, Sheraton LaGuardia, 135-20 39th Ave, Flushing, NY


6:30- 7:00 pm  Reception


7:00- 10:00 pm            Gala Dinner & Shows Hosts: Dr. Roger Tsao & Ms. Aibing Wang


Opening Remark:          Yong Ming Li, President of TCMAA

                                    Henry Chen, President of ACAP


Guest speech:   Biwei Liu, Ambassador, Chinese Consulate General, New York

                                    Other distinguished guests


Keynote Speech:          Thomas Reston, Attorney at Law

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs and the Deputy Spokesperson for the State Department


Acupuncture Films:       Historical films depicting acupuncture in the USA 针灸历史电影

Baban Chinese Music: Performed by master musicians, Mr. Liao, Zhang, Wang


Magic Shows:               Master Magicians Wei Cui, Ying Li 魔术师: 崔伟  李影 

Dinner:             Cuisines of Southern China 精美粤式中餐



Dr. GG Chen, 38-02 150th Street, Flushing, NY 11354, Tel: 718-445-4187



三十五年美国针灸发展纪念会2006115 纽约法拉盛喜来登饭店



《纽约时报》著名记者詹姆斯赖斯顿 (James Reston) 1971年发表的一篇介绍他在北京接受针灸治疗的文章被公认为是美国大众传媒第一次向公众介绍现代中国针灸疗法。赖斯顿当时应中国政府邀请访华,访问北京期间突患急性阑尾炎。在周恩来总理的安排下,赖斯顿住进北京协和医院就医,并经多位专家会诊,由现为北京医院名誉院长的吴蔚然医生为其作阑尾切除手术。术后第二天,赖斯顿出现腹部胀痛。征得本人同意后,针灸医生李占元为赖斯顿施行了针灸治疗,在他的右肘部和双膝下共扎了三针,并用艾蒿熏烤腹部,明显减轻了他腹部的不适。赖斯顿据此在病床上写出了题为现在让我告诉你们我在北京的阑尾手术的文章,被刊登在1971726日《纽约时报》的头版,从而引发了美国一发不止的针灸热




学术报告   8位美中专家将作专题学术报告,6个中医PDA和西医CME学分。


哈佛大学Kathleen Hui医学博士将介绍应用先进fMRI研究针灸后大脑产生的变化和机理的最新进展;妇科专家Sung医学博士将介绍针灸治疗不孕症临床研究的最新结果;林榕生中医师将介绍多年潜心研究针刺手法治疗常见病的临床经验。其它题目及详情请见会议通知和特刊。

庆祝晚宴   针灸历史电影、传统中国文艺表演、精美中式晚餐、颁奖仪式


学术特刊   发表本次会议报告摘要、美国针灸史料、图片、纽约和加州针灸立法过程、针灸临床和基础研究重要文章摘要,以及同针灸行医、考试、教育等相关重要信息。本刊具有收藏价值。欢迎公司和个人广告(tcmaa.org)。








中青在线: 近年来,自费出国留学人数正在快速增长,但其中不少人想法上存在一些误解











该营造什么样的节日文化 (南桥)



 大家知道,这些节日往往都是某某搭台,经济唱戏,为的是长假期间的商机,未必要弘扬什么文化。如此,就像是把文化给绑架了。如果是游客或消费者不交钱来文化,文化可能要被撕票。人们最终从这些文化节上领出来的文化,可能只是一种拙劣模仿。有时候举办者为装点出一点文化,请一些他们所以为的文化人去捧场,如一些相声演员、小品演员、二流歌星。这些文化人被请去,往往适得其反,不是给文化添砖加瓦,而是给文化掘墓。文化节要彰显的区域文化,怎应笼而统之地被流行文化稀释得无影无踪?支付给歌手、演员们的巨大投资,何不用来扶持地区的文化呢?宁夏农民诗人张联,当地政府每月给其发放200元人民币津贴,传为佳话。假若其他的文化机构,不是花钱请歌星影星,而是成立相关基金,扶持本地文化人、本地作品,那该是多大的幸事! 节日期间,重新把目光转向各自的区域,不再是一窝蜂拥挤到同样一些景点,这是消费选择多元化的体现,是巨大进步。然而纷纷将地区节日冠以文化之名,反显得对本区域缺乏足够的自信。很多地区不但有文化节,还嫌其不够空洞,另加国际二字。笔者认识的一些外籍教师曾被拉去冒充这些所谓国际文化节上的外商,让人哭笑不得。




China's GDP expected to grow 10.5% in 2006

China's gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to rise by 10.5 percent in 2006, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), a major official think tank, said in a report. The CASS report, made available to Xinhua Wednesday, also forecast that the country's economic growth rate would slow to 10.1 percent in 2007, thanks to the government's macro control policies.  The National Bureau of Statistics had earlier estimated the country's growth in the first half year at 10.9 percent.


中國明年将招考公务员12000 续向基层边远地区倾斜

2007年中央机关及其直属机构考试录用公务员工作即将开始,报名和考试时间也已确定,届时考生可在人事部网站及相关网站上查询招考信息。 今年共有89个中央机关及其直属机构和参照公务员法管理的单位面向社会公开招考12000余人。本次招考全部采取网络报名的方式进行,报名时间为20061014日至24日。公共科目笔试将于20061125日在全国各省会城市、自治区首府、直辖市和个别较大的城市同时举行。今年的招考工作主要有四个特点:







王世本 富樂頓州大管家婆 (WJ王善言)

富樂頓加州州立大學目前為加州州立大學系統下規模最大的大學,包括研究生在內有近三萬六千名學生。學生除上課外,從住宿、財務支援、心理及衛生諮詢等方面都需要學生事務管理部門協助,華裔副校長(Associate Vice President)王世本肩負起主管學生事務的重任。





2nd ECNUAAA Board Members and Their Brief Info


At the First ECNUAAA Reunion on Oct. 7, 2006, Bao Qiu announced resignations of her Chairmanship and 5 Board Members (Chen Rushan, Wei Pingyuan, Xu Long, Yu Zhisen, and Zheng Weian). Recommended list for the next Board was distributed. 5 more alumni were recommended at the Reunion. After brief discussions at and after the meeting, 4 of them (Including a NJ candidate) were included in the Board List.  Alumni at the meeting accepted those recommended alumni to serve on the next Board with a clear majority applause. The support for the Board was confirmed in writing with the returned Blue Feedback Sheets (One voted no on the Sheet).  On Oct 11, the Board members elected Tong Zhongyi as the President of the Board. In the process of electing the President, the NJ member herself preferred not to serve on the Board, hence her name was not included in the final list. The following 14 alumni formed the 2nd ECNUAAA Board.

















Current Position



Bao *










Education Professor at Shippensburg University













Principal Research Scientist,

Battelle Memorial Institute









San Francisco




Cell Bio Scientist at Medarex, Inc. at San Francisco Area













Biology Researcher at National Cancer Institute, NIH













Dean of Graduate Studies and Rch at Towson University













Senior IT Specialist in Continental Airlines











Computer Prof at Georgia Polytechnics State University













Biology Scientist













Director of FannieMae Housing Department









New York




Special Education Teacher

NY School District









New York




Edu Assessment Specialist, Edu Bureau, NY












Chemistry Scientist








Los Angeles




Chinese Professor at Santa Monica College














Business Executive of Hong Yang Build Group


* Bao Qiu resigned from the Chair/President Position, but is willing to stay on the 2nd Boar






















    1.电讯行业: 因其特殊的行业性质而保持了较高的利润和人员增长态势,加之通信行业的复苏,已迎一个新的发展高潮。特别是从去年开始,NGN3GIPTV等新技术逐渐成熟,从固定电话到手机再到今天的3G,技术的日新月异,对于在国外学习直接吸纳国际先进技术思潮的海归而言,无疑提供了巨大的发展空间。

    2.房地产: 近年来,建筑行业在招聘数量上一直稳居前10位。如工民建管理人员、项目经理、工程造价管理人员、建筑师以及会计师等,都急需各类国际化人才。而且,随着建筑、房地产国际化发展,越来越多的企业要求人才能熟练掌握至少一门外语,并了解一些国际惯例和国际条约,而这正是海归的长处。

    3.金融行业: 中国加入世界贸易组织后,金融将逐渐对外资开放,随着基金业、证券业、保险业、银行业的服务向多样化和专业化发展,同时外资银行不断进入,合资基金公司逐渐增加,金融人才的短缺将更为明显。特别是对投资银行、资产证券化、计算机软件开发与应用、咨询评估、国外商业信贷分析、风险管理的国际化人才产生迫切的新需求。

    4.物流业: 物流被誉为21世纪的朝阳产业。它涵盖了国民经济中的海陆空交通、运输、仓储、采购、供应、配送、流通加工、信息、连锁销售、制造业以及与物流相关的众多行业。加上北京奥运、上海世博等越来越多的国际盛会由中国来承办,与国际接轨的物流行业高级人才亦非常缺乏。

    5.IT: 尽管国内电子商务发展多年,但在金融信用、网上支付手段等领域仍处于初级阶段。在日新月异的IT业界,海外学习先进的理念,成为海归们重要的制胜法宝。特别是目前紧缺的程序测试工程师、项目经理等。这些人才不仅要求要具有宏观把握的能力,还要求具有创新性思维,国外课堂与案例紧密结合的教学模式,往往培养出的专业人才更加具备创新能力,这也成为他们被国内IT企业看中的重要一点。



Renmin University Presidnet Baochen Ji visiting Cornell (Yang Danhua)

The President of Renmin University Baochen Ji 纪宝成 is visiting Cornell these days and he gave a speech on Monday afternoon on the topic of the “Achievements and Challenges (- things that are insufficient and irrational) of China's High Education”.  He also pointed out some possible solutions. The followings are the outline of his speech.
In summary, he felt the major achievements are as follows:
* Rapid expansion in scale;
* Change of ways in the whole system, such as: management, investment, relationship between government and institutes, and students' job-recruiting;
* Change in the structure - More diversified:
Some are research oriented, some are teaching-oriented, some are vocational training oriented; some are comprehensive, some are multi-disciplinary, some are mono-disciplinary; some are large, some are median-sized, and some are small;
* People's ideas about what high education are both at academic level and societal level:
    High education is for all, rather than for the elite only.
    Academic freedom…..
Major insufficiencies are:
1) Funding;
2) Social Expectation:  Although people realized that high education is to educate the majority, but they require graduates to be elite.
3) Lack of Faculty: the increase in the number of students outpaced the increase in the number faculty members.
Things that are Irrational:
1) Tuition
2) The promotion of polytechnic schools to universities is not selective enough. 
3) Loan-taking for facility construction: school might not have enough financial ability to take that large amount of loans, but they still borrowed.
The four possible solutions he pointed out were:
1) limit the speed of expansion, making it comparable to the growth of economy;
2) Raise the government investment rate: reach 4% (of yearly GDP) at year 2010;
3) Improve Vocational Education and change the way of admission/enrollment and curricula;
4) Improve educational quality.





据统计,从1978年改革开放到2005年底,中国各类出国留学人数一共93.34万人,回国工作人数23.29万人。尤其是上世纪90年代初党中央提出支持留学,鼓励回国,来去自由的留学工作方针以来,各类出国留学人员已近82万人。 进入新世纪后,中国每年约有12万人出国留学。2006年全国公派留学人数接近7000人,比2000年翻了一番多。目前在中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士中分别有81%和54%以上都有留学经历。在各大专院校的领导中有70%以上有留学经历。


FBI姓名调查的程序及有关最新数据 (张哲瑞)

  美国联邦调查局(FBI)是美国司法部的核心调查机构,其主要责任就是防止暴力犯罪、腐败、恐怖袭击等的发生,保护国家的安全。而姓名调查就是联邦调查局的一项重要工作。所谓姓名调查,就是指联邦调查局按照申请机构提交的申请,对提交的姓名进行背景调查。申请的提交机构一般包括联邦机构、国会的相关委员会、联邦司法机构,以及州和地方的司法机构等。但姓名调查最主要的申请人,还是美国移民局。以2005财政年为例,联邦调查局收到的姓名调查案件共有3,346,435例,而其中,由美国移民局提交的就有1,512,256例,占到了总数的45%。到2005年末,移民局提交的1,524,340例姓名调查已经被FBI处理完,还有233,806例等待处理。 一般来说,一个人的姓名提交到FBI处理后会有三种不同的情况:通过计算机检查立即做出无记录处理。无记录表示FBI的数据中没有关于此姓名的记录,姓名调查即通过;第二种情况FBI需要经过第二次人工检查确定无记录,第三种情况就需要对联邦调查局的记录再次进行重复检索。





  现存姓名调查案件的积压是有多方面原因的:特别是姓名调查原则的改革使联邦调查局不得不对大量的姓名进行了重复调查。并且目前, 提交的调查案件数量也在急剧增加。此外,还有一些因素将影响案件的调查速度,例如:大众化的名字,记录的难以获取,申请人对姓名的信息提供过少等。













(免费电话:1-800-920- 0880。)


FY-2008 H-1B新名额: 给即将硕士毕业的学生(梁勇)



  利用硕士或硕士以上学位的配额申请工作签证的学生必须完成毕业论文,很多错过200765000 H1B配额的申请人想利用配给硕士或硕士以上学位的20000个名额,但是由于很多人还没有最后完成毕业论文,所以没有完成学位,也因此没有资格利用硕士或硕士以上学位的配额提出申请。所以,如果申请人在20000个名额用完以前没能够最后完成学位,那么将错过整整一年的申请名额。因此建议有意利用硕士或硕士以上学位配额申请的学生应提早完成毕业论文,避免在F-1J-1OPT期间结束后在H1B批准前身份上出现空档从而失去合法身份。


  1、正常在56月份毕业的学生:有意利用美国硕士或硕士以上学位申请H1B名额的申请人,在递交申请材料时必须是已经拿到硕士学位。若是正常在56月份毕业的学生,很难保证在毕业时还有H-1B名额,即使有名额的情况能够申请H-1B的时间也所剩不多。若是毕业后使用OPT工作而等待隔年再申请H-1B的话,则要注意OPT 的到期时间。由于美国移民法要求学生在毕业前要提出OPT的申请,而OPT的有效时间为一年,通常56月毕业学生的OPT到期日都在57月,即使有60天的宽限期,也会因为过了宽限期而无法连接101日开始的H-1B而导致必须回母国签证。因此,这一类的毕业生最好将OPT的到期日拖延到隔年的8月以后。


  2、提早毕业:我们很难预测美国硕士或硕士以上学位的名额何时会被用完,但是递交申请的时间越迟,2008财政年度的配额被瓜分干净的可能性就越大。因此即将于2007年毕业的学生可以考虑争取在200741之前完成毕业论文及相关的学分,即使还没有拿到那一张硕士学位的证书,只要学校能够出具已经完成所有学分及论文的证明,就可以以硕士以上学位的名额来提出H-1B 的申请。









Chinese rich with $1.59 trln worth of wealth

Recent statistics show that there are about 320 thousand rich people in the Chinese mainland, with a total wealth $1.59 trillion, making China second on the top-10 list of rich people in Asia, the first being Japan.

Although of the rich Chinese from Hong Kong have the highest personal wealth, the Chinese mainland still ranks second, with each of the rich there having an average wealth of $5 million.


Though China only contributes 13.5% of rich people to the Asian-Pacific Region, their impressive personal wealth gains them a high mark, thanks to the rapid economic growth of the country. The number of extremely rich people in China is growing very fast, too. As a matter of fact, 29.1% of Asian extremely rich people came from the country, especially the big cities in 2005, according to a probe that year. Rich people in China gained their wealth through industrial and commercial investment, funds and stock right. However, only 14% of their investment is used to buy stock shares, the lowest in the eight world markets.



    一个值得注意的现象是,现在无论在中国什么地方谈论留学,只要一提到来美国留学,人们的第一反应似乎就是,来美国太难了。 旧金山大学负责国际事务的副总裁斯坦利内尔先生、美国驻华大使馆资深签证官和留学专家在接受中国《青年时讯》采访时,分别表达了他们自己对这一问题的立场,以及对这一问题的澄清。



    接受专访的专家表示,之所以会出现这种情况,在很大程度上都跟中国的留学中介公司的误导脱不了干系。与此同时,美国驻华大使馆资深签证官在接受专访时也表示,人们对美国发放签证政策有很多不了解的地方。  美国本身确实有非常严格的留学生选拔制度,这当然也包括它的签证制度。另外关键的一点是,美国的签证制度和留学制度并不是中国留学中介挣钱的好地方。美国对文件造假、签证腐败等问题都有严格的防范措施,而且,美国签证官特别忌讳经过中介公司包装或培训后的申请人,因此,对于中介公司千篇一律的回答签证官问话的说法非常讨厌和反感。 当然,美国在“911”之后,采取了更加严格的签证政策,也使得很多想去美国的人望而却步。但是,并不为中国人所了解的一点就是,美国每年都增加了对中国留学签证的发放,事实上是由于美国发放留学签证的速度远远赶不上中国申请去美国留学人员增长的速度,这就导致了大量的、美国并不怎么需要的中国人的申请被拒绝。



    旧金山大学负责国际事务的副总裁斯坦利内尔先生说,美国希望招收中国留学生的原因主要有三个:第一,中国有世界上非常优质的生源。他特别提到了北京大学和清华大学的学生素质;第二,美国要与包括中国在内的东亚国家发展关系,就必须接受来自这些国家的留学生;第三,美国有极具竞争力的大学教育制度,值得中国人去那里学习。  内尔先生在谈及美国签证问题时说,美国签证问题不是一个专门针对中国的问题,而是对所有国家的问题;在美国的外国学生也有问题,但是,他不能够明确说出是哪个国家的留学生在美国的问题比较多,但是,肯定不是中国的学生。他说,即使美国和日本是免签证的国家,但是,还是有很多日本人抱怨美国的签证政策的。美国驻华使馆资深签证官说,从中国的签证申请人数方面来看,在过去五年里,2003年是一个低谷,申请人数为36万,而2001年的申请人数就达47.2万人。不过,2004年的申请人数开始恢复,预计能接近40万人。美国商务部的统计数字显示,2004年前五个月抵达美国的中国人比去年同期增加了33%,中国赴美人数和美国来华人数都开始恢复性增长。



    这位签证官还说:我想今后会有越来越多的中国人出国旅游,越来越多的中国人从国外回来。我们已经看到,许多中国留学生回到中国,许多去美国的访问学者也回到中国……‘911’后,我们平均每年向中国大陆公民签发20多万份签证。2002年,我们签发了15万份。2003年,签发了将近20万份。2004年的签证数量还会是20多万份。因此,即使是‘911’之后,我们发给中国人的签证也达50多万份。从来不愿提及拒签率的美国签证官在接受《青年时讯》独家专访时说,中国大陆成功获得签证的人数与申请人数之比大约是35%70%左右。这也就是说,拒签率是30%65%左右。 这位签证官说,即使是拒签率高达65%的时候,他们在发放签证时还是犯了很多错误,也就说,让不该去美国的中国人去了美国。 这位签证官说,现在要处理的签证申请特别多,所以,每个申请人只有这三分钟左右的面试时间。还有,如果给一个申请人的时间越长,那么,其他申请人等待的时间就越长。这就使得有的人早上来排队,但直到晚上八九点钟可能还拿不到签证。 签证官还举例说,如果你想来美国读博士学位,你需要五年的时间和至少十万美元的资金,那你会觉得是做五年的读书计划难?还是准备十万美元的钱难?还是办签证难?与付出的时间、金钱和付出的努力相比,签证只是你整个赴美过程中非常小的一部分。你今天给使馆打个电话,几天后就能来使馆面签。如果你今天去申请哈佛大学,你可能到明年4月或5月才有消息。与整个留学过程相比,办签证只占很短的一段时间。这位签证官还说,来美国留学的中国学生数一直是稳定的。




   (1) 共同居住的证明:表明有共同居住权或所有权的房屋租赁协议、房契或房屋贷款合同。不能提交载明有双方姓名的这些文件,就可能使移民局对婚姻的合法性提出质疑,因此,在提交取消临时绿卡申请时,最好附具有对此作出解释的双方宣誓声明书。










J-1 Waiver还没有拿到,没有PhD学位 是否可以申请NIW


    1J-1 Waiver还没有拿到,是否可以申请NIW

    J-1NIW的申请是没有冲突的,即使申请者正处于J-1身份,但是还是可以申请NIW国家利益豁免的。但是必须要注意的是,即使申请者NIW批准,若是没有拿到J-1豁免的话,是无法申请I-485在美国国内调整身份。比如某君在德州某大学用J-1做博士后,他在提出NIW五个月后获得了移民局的批准。但是若是这人在NIW批准后还没有拿到J-1 Waiver,或者J-1 Waiver正在处理中,那他就无法在美国国内提出I-485的申请并从J身份调整到绿卡。因此,在J1 Waiver还没有批准的情况下,具体应该如何从J-1拿到绿卡,最好咨询有丰富经验的律师。


    很多申请者认为只有PhD以上学位的才可以申请NIW国家利益豁免,事实上这个观点是错误的。NIW 申请的要求之一是Advance Degree,因此任何拥有硕士以上的学位的外国人都可以申请国家利益豁免,这包括拥有硕士学位者、PhD的在校学生,和已经拥有PHD学位的外国人。这些学位虽然并没有限制一定要在美国取得,但是必须是和美国相等(As Equivalent)的学位。在我们所接触到的NIW案件中,有很多申请还是PhD的在校生,有的甚至只有硕士学学位。












1. 北欧包括瑞典、丹麦、芬兰、挪威等国家,社会稳定、经济高度发达;

2. 免学费的教育体制、纯英语教学环境、欧洲一流的名校;

3. 经济担保要求低,存款10万人民币,存期三个月以上即可;

4. 签证通过率高95%以上。


『北欧的学期』春秋班:春季班,1月份开学; 秋季班,9月份开学















◆布京理工学院(Blekinge Institute of Technology

◆查尔摩斯技术大学(Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola

◆哥德堡大学(Goteborgs University

◆卡尔斯塔得大学(Karlstad University

◆林克平大学(Linkoping University

◆吕勒奥大学 (Lulea University of Technology

◆隆德大学(Lunds University

◆瑞典皇家工学院(Royal Institute of Technology

◆斯德哥尔摩经济学院(Stockholm School of Economics

◆斯德哥尔摩大学(Stockholm University 

◆于默奥大学(Umea University

◆乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University



◆哥本哈根大学(University of Copenhagen 

◆南方大学(University of Southern Denmark 

◆路丝卡特大学(Roskilde University 

◆奥尔堡大学(Aalborg University 

◆丹麦工程技术大学(Technical University of Denmark 

◆皇家兽医和农业大学(Royal Veterinaryand Agricultural University 

◆达伦农业学院(Dalum Agriculture University 

◆哥本哈根商业大学(Copenhagen Business School 

◆奥胡斯商学院(The Arhus School of Business 

◆哥本哈根工程学院(The Engineering College of Copenhagen



◆阿哥德学院(Agder University College

◆挪威农业大学(Agricultural University of Norway

◆挪威美国学校(American College of Norway

◆卑尔根学院(Bergen University College

◆挪威经贸学校 (Norwegian School of Economics and Business)

◆挪威科技大学 (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim)

OMH商学院 (Omh Business School)

◆奥斯陆学院 (Oslo University College)

◆卑尔根大学 (University of Bergen)

◆奥斯陆大学 (University of Oslo)



◆奥卢大学 University of Oulu

◆瑞典理工学院(芬兰 Swedish Polytechnic, Finland)

◆坦佩雷理工大学 (Tampere University of Technology)

◆赫尔辛基经济与工商管理学院 (The Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration)

◆赫尔辛基艺术与设计大学 (University of Art and Design Helsinki)

◆赫尔辛基理工大学 (Helsinki University of Technology)

◆赫尔辛基商学院 (Helsinki School of Economics)

◆土尔库大学 (University of Turku)


華裔科學家 綠卡申請調查嚴 哈佛宋洛琳苦等兩年未果 控告國安部

波士頓環球報16日報導,每年有數以千計移民申請永久居留,卻因聯邦調查局的背景調查遲遲沒有下文,宋洛琳(譯音,Loling Song)只是其中之一,可是她的申請碰到延誤,卻影響重要的研究工作。在中國出生的宋洛琳是哈佛醫學院生物物理學家,並獲國家癌症學會給予75萬元研究乳癌贈款。如果她申請居留的案件未能在1130日之前獲准,哈佛醫學院將失去她的研究經費。 20044月就提出綠卡申請的宋洛琳,上周向波士頓聯邦地區法院控告國內安全部和聯邦調查局官員,指責美國政府經過兩年多還不能完成安全調查,希望漫長的等待能夠得到圓滿結果。

公民及移民服務局說,他們去年處理了大約130萬件申請居留和入籍的案件,約有99%申請案在六個月內處理完畢。發言人說:「我們希望繼續追求有效率的作業程序,可是我們不能犧牲國家安全這樣做。」聯調局說,申請居留遭到延誤誠屬不幸,不過背景調查作業非常複雜。發言人說:「聯調局的首要任務仍為保護美國免於受到恐怖攻擊,因此我們必須在安全和效率之間保持適當平衡。」 但是,宋洛琳已經沒有時間等待。根據國家衛生總署的規定,獲得贈款的人必須擁有合法居留權,而且它已把宋洛琳原來的期限延長兩個月。 美國促進科學協會主管泰契說,在中國出生的科學家申請居留面對最大的障礙,因為政府擔心他們在美國發展出來的科技,會流到對智慧財產權缺乏保護的中國。


诺贝尔物理学奖委员会主席成浙大荣誉教授(ZX 和苗 张乐)



San José State University - Job Opening ID (JOID): 012541                                        

 Rank:  Assistant or Associate Professor (Tenure-Track); rank/salary commensurate with experience and degree


1.     Doctorate strongly preferred (if ABD, completion of the Doctorate will be a requirement for continued employment and will be a prerequisite for promotion and tenure).  Must be a specialist in sport psychology with expertise in stress management as it relates to multi-cultural populations. In order to be eligible for appointment at the advanced rank, the successful candidate must have broad teaching experience, and present demonstrated scholarly/professional achievement.

2.         Demonstrated ability to teach courses in sport psychology at the undergraduate and graduate level, and Stress Management, and Diversity, Stress and Health at the undergraduate level, serve on thesis committees, supervise theses, supervise internships, and advise in the specialization.

3.         Demonstrated ability to conduct research, develop grants, and publish.  Must have a theoretical background that includes sport psychology and stress management.

4.         Experience and background working in a metropolitan university setting as related to sport psychology.

5.         Ability to work with colleagues to continue the development of a contemporary sport psychology program at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

6.         Membership in the appropriate professional associations.

7.         Required: awareness of and sensitivity to the educational goals of a multicultural population as might have been gained in cross-cultural study, training, teaching and other comparable experience.


1.         Primary responsibility to teach sport psychology at the undergraduate and graduate levels, Stress Management, and Diversity, Stress and Health at the undergraduate level, supervise interns, supervise theses, serve on thesis committees, and advise students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.  May also be expected to teach core courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and/or teaching in the physical activity program.  

2.         Actively engage in a community outreach to develop the sport psychology program, and generate community involvement.

3.         Conduct research, develop grants, present professional papers, and publish in sport psychology or other relevant professional journals.

4.         Serve on department and university committees as appropriate.

5.         Candidate must address the needs of a student population of great diversity – in age, cultural background, ethnicity, primary language and academic preparation – through course materials, teaching strategies and advisement.


Salary Range: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.


Starting Date: August 21, 2007


Eligibility: Employment is contingent upon proof of eligibility to work in the United States.


Application Procedures: For full consideration send a letter of application, vita, statement of teaching interest/philosophy and research plans, and at least three original letters of reference with contact information by December 1, 2006 to:   (Please include the Job Opening ID number –JOID- on all correspondence.)


Mailing Address/Information Contact:  

        Chair, Sport Psychology Search Committee           E-mail:  sreekie@kin.sjsu.edu

        Department of Kinesiology                                    Phone (408) 924-3012

        One Washington Square                            Fax (408)924-3053

        San José State University                         

        San José, CA 95192-0054                       For more information see:  www.sjsu.edu/kinesiology


The University:

San José State University is California’s oldest institution of public higher learning.  Within a sixty-mile radius multiple professional sports franchises, corporate/private fitness organizations, and Division I, II, and III college athletic opportunities exist.  The University is located on the southern end of San Francisco Bay in downtown San José (Pop. 945,000), hub of the world-famous Silicon Valley high-technology research and development center.  Many of California’s most popular natural, recreational, and cultural attractions are conveniently close.  A member of the 23-campus CSU system, San José State University enrolls approximately 30,000 students, a significant percentage of whom are members of minority groups.  The University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty so our disciplines, students and the community can benefit from multiple ethnic and gender perspectives.

            The latest San Jose State University Safety 101 Uniform Campus Crime and Security Report is available.  You may request a copy of San Jose’s annual safety report buy contacting the University Police Department at (408) 924-2222 or by visiting the website at www.sjsu.edu/safetyreport.

San José State University

San José, California


Subject to Budgetary Approval

Sport Psychology Specialist

Department of Kinesiology


Job Opening ID (JOID): 012543                                 


 Rank:  Assistant or Associate Professor (Tenure-Track); rank/salary commensurate with experience and degree



1.     Doctorate strongly preferred (if ABD, completion of the Doctorate will be a requirement for continued employment and will be a prerequisite for promotion and tenure). Must have expertise in teaching physical activity courses and be a specialist in sport studies. In order to be eligible for appointment at the advanced rank, the successful candidate must have broad teaching experience, and present demonstrated scholarly/professional achievement.

8.         Demonstrated ability to teach courses in physical activities at the undergraduate level and sport studies at the undergraduate and graduate level, serve on thesis committees, supervise theses, supervise internships, and advise in the specialization.

9.         Demonstrated ability to conduct research, develop grants, and publish.  Must have a theoretical background that includes investigation as it relates to physical activities and sports studies.

10.     Experience and background working in a metropolitan university setting as related to physical activities and sports studies.

11.     Ability to work with colleagues to continue the development of a contemporary physical activity program and an undergraduate and graduate program in sports studies.

12.     Membership in the appropriate professional associations.

13.     Required: awareness of and sensitivity to the educational goals of a multicultural population as might have been gained in cross-cultural study, training, teaching and other comparable experience.


6.         Primary responsibility to teach physical activity courses (minimum 50% of appointment, e.g. martial arts, individual and team sports, adventure activities) and sport studies (e.g., sport history, sport philosophy) at the undergraduate and graduate levels, supervise theses, serve on thesis committees, and advise students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.  May also be expected to teach core courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and teach in the general education program.  

7.         Actively engage in a community outreach to develop the physical activity and sport studies programs, and generate community involvement.

8.         Conduct research, develop grants, present professional papers, and publish in physical activities or  sport studies professional journals.

9.         Serve on department and university committees as appropriate.

10.     Candidate must address the needs of a student population of great diversity – in age, cultural background, ethnicity, primary language and academic preparation – through course materials, teaching strategies and advisement.


Salary Range: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.


Starting Date: August 21, 2007


Eligibility: Employment is contingent upon proof of eligibility to work in the United States.


Application Procedures: For full consideration send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching interests/philosophy and research plans, and at least three original letters of reference with contact information by

December 1, 2006 to:   (Please include the Job Opening ID number –JOID- on all correspondence.)


Mailing Address/Information Contact:  

        Chair, Physical Activity/Sport Studies                    E-mail:  sreekie@kin.sjsu.edu

             Search Committee

        Department of Kinesiology                                    Phone (408) 924-3012

        One Washington Square                            Fax (408)924-3053

        San José State University                         

        San José, CA 95192-0054                       For more information see:  www.sjsu.edu/kinesiology

The University:

San José State University is California’s oldest institution of public higher learning.  Within a sixty-mile radius multiple professional sports franchises, corporate/private fitness organizations, and Division I, II, and III college athletic opportunities exist.  The University is located on the southern end of San Francisco Bay in downtown San José (Pop. 945,000), hub of the world-famous Silicon Valley high-technology research and development center.  Many of California’s most popular natural, recreational, and cultural attractions are conveniently close.  A member of the 23-campus CSU system, San José State University enrolls approximately 30,000 students, a significant percentage of whom are members of minority groups.  The University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty so our disciplines, students and the community can benefit from multiple ethnic and gender perspectives.

SJSU is an equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender status, marital status, pregnancy, age, disability, or covered veteran status consistent with applicable federal and state laws.  This policy applies to all SJSU student, faculty, and staff as well as University programs and activities.  Reasonable accommodations are made for applicants with disabilities who self-disclose. 

            The latest San Jose State University Safety 101 Uniform Campus Crime and Security Report is available.  You may request a copy of San Jose’s annual safety report buy contacting the University Police Department at (408) 924-2222 or by visiting the website at www.sjsu.edu/safetyreport.



中国投资实务:外商投资资产评估机构的设立 (JKC-SOCAO)