2006年第31 創刊第358                                                  10/31/2006





 亲爱的朋友:    万圣节快乐!


上海市侨办将派一支由7名官员组成的代表团出席我们CSA在加州理工学院举行的华裔教授学者年会(11/4星期六)。 CSA/CSSA 和上海代表团将在年会期间举办一个小型见面会和座谈会,欢迎您参加。


座谈会的主题是“上海欢迎您 - 我们能为您做些什么?”






11:30am – Check-in, Social Networking & Lunch (地点:Dabney LoungeCaltech加州理工学院 )


12:15pm – CSA/CSSA & Delegation introduction


12:30pm – Forum  


02:00PM – CSA Convention 


06:00pm - Banquet


* 所有活动项目可查阅http://www.scholarsupdate.com/UpdateJournal/PastIssues/2006/UPDATE20061018.htm


午餐供应Lunch Fees: 中午见面会/座谈会报名限于50 RSVP – First come & first serve

CSA/CSSA 会员 – Free (免费)

学生非会员- $  5

其他非会员- $10

报名截止时间:11/1 (星期三)

联系人:加州理工学院学生学者联谊会(CSSA-Cal Tech黎波 会长 President Li Bo  libo@caltech.edu           


CSA 年会登记RSVPAfternoon Conference Fee – Free
下午进行的年会学术演讲 将对所有的专家学者、研究生和听众公开(免费 - 须先订座)

晚宴座位须先订座 - 出席时请着正装- Evening Banquet (报名满额-已截止)



Parking information (停车注意事项):



The following site contains several formats of the Caltech map:  



Baxter Hall (for Plenary and Natural Sciences and Engineering Sessions) is Bldg #77,

Spalding (for Social Sciences and Humanity Sessions - afternoon) is #41,

Dabney Lounge (for banquet) is #40.


CSA & CSSA衷心地 感谢我们的CSA终身会员栗亚博士(美諾醫療集團公司总裁)对这一活动的支持和赞助。




美国华裔教授学者协会  (CSA)
姜镇英            会长                             
郦永刚            副会长             
黄胜和            秘书长          
陈钧铭            司库         

沈炳辉            基金筹备理事 

邝国强            人文与社会科学理事

王云霞            工程与科学理事      

加州理工学院学生学者联谊会(CSSA-Cal Tech

黎波           会长         


Upcoming Events, News and Announcements (本期重要内容目录)

v     欢迎您-CSA美国华裔教授学者协会2006年会程序(星期六11/4)

v     CSA E-Journal《学术展望- Academic Perspective》编辑部给您的一封信

v     CSA电子网络版《学术展望》最新目录

v     CSA/Scholars-Net赴广州留交会组团报名The Delegation of CSA/Scholars Net to GZ Convention

v     欢迎您参加首届环太平洋会议与贸易展览

v     Chinese American Environmental Protection Association & Asian American Environmental Partnership

v     中國解放軍醫學突破   B型血可轉O

v     2006 CSSA-UCLA Karaoke Tournament

v     美科技高官: 中美将在所有可能领域开展科技合作

v     中国口译人才缺口百万 每年输出专业人才仅200

v     USC Professor Thomas Lin released his new study

v     中国年收移民汇款200亿

v     New job postings at ACFP

v     谢明捐3500万美元巨资回馈母校

v     Huawei Technologies, Ltd: A 21st Century Technological and Entrepreneurial Miracle

v     USCIS提醒假期出境旅游的移民案申请者 务必在10月底前申请旅行文件

v     China needs a million interpreters

v     南开大学面向海内外公开选聘十四名专业学院院长


v     同济大学78级研究生回校参加100周年校庆

v     Faculty Development Workshop

v     留学欧美持续升温 07年十国留学趋势解读



欢迎您 - CSA美国华裔教授学者协会2006年会程序(星期六11/4)


Host:       CSA/美国华裔教授学者协会(南加)

Co-host:    CSSA-Cal Tech/加州理工学院学生学者联谊会



张素久清华北美教育基金会Sue Zhang            http://tsinghuausa.org 

李相如律师事务所Mark Li                      http://www.lirulaw.com 

栗亚博士美諾醫療集團公司总裁Dr. Richard Lee   http://www.amsino.com

林日升副总裁Evens Lam, VP of Smith Barney     http://fa.smithbarney.com/lamgroupsbb 

刘轶教授 加大洛杉矶分校Dr. Liu Yi. UCLA      http://www.itlb.te.noda.sut.ac.jp/~liu/index.html 

郑振宜总裁、和王丽真女士Carl Zheng, President of TCL & Jane Wang, Former President of PUAAS


Conference Theme/大会主题:

Interaction of US-China & in the Frontier of Science and Technology



Date:        Nov. 4th. 2006 星期六

Address:     加州理工学院 1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125

              Baxter Lecture Hall, Caltech


Highlight of the Program & Schedule


1: 00pm      Afternoon Session Registration, Check in (Admission:  free)

MembershipSocial and Networking

地点:(Science Section: Baxter Lecture Hall; Social Science Section: Room 106 - Spalding)


2:00pm Panel A – Science and Engineering Section (Baxter Lecture Hall)

Chair: Dr. Lisa Wang 王云霞教授 (Cal Poly Pomona)


Presenters: 2006 CSA年会下午作学术报告的著名工程与科学专家教授


“Giga-Scale System-on-a-Chip Design” 千兆级系统集成芯片设计

- Dr. Jason Cong          丛京生教授 (UCLA)   


Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: Interplay between Mathematics & Engineering Applications”


- Dr. Tom Hou      侯一钊教授 (Cal Tech)


“Cancer research: from bench to bedside” 癌症研究:从实验台到病床边

- Dr. Wu, Hong    吴虹教授 UCLA) 


“EDAPTS Test Deployment”

-Dr. Jia, Xu-Dong贾旭东教授 (Cal State Polytech - Pomona)  


2:00pm Panel B–Social Science and Humanity Sessions (Room 106 - Spalding)

Chair: Prof. Kern Kwong 邝国强教授 (CSULA)


Presenters: 2006 CSA年会下午作学术报告的著名人文与社会科学专家教授


“Privatization, Corporate Governance, and the Evolution of China’s Capital Market”


            - Dr. Chen Chao 陈超教授 (CSUN


“Comparison of Student Affairs Management in Higher Education between United States and Selected Asian Countries”


- Dr. Howard S. Wang 王世本博士 (CSU-Fullerton)

“Multiple vs. Single Subject Approach: A Comparative - Case Study of Teaching in American and Chinese Schools

多科与单科教学方法之比较: 中国与美国学校教学的案例探索

- Dr. Justine Zhixin Su苏智欣教授 (CSUN)


“Chinese Teaching and Credentialing” 在美國教授中文及如何獲得教師資格

- Dr. Kylie Hsu 許凱莉教授 (CSU-LA)


4:45pm Panel C:  Special Report: CSA新疆访问团特别汇报 - (Baxter Lecture Hall)

Chair: Dr. Shen, Bing-Hui         沈炳辉教授 (COH 希望之城美国家医学中心)



- Dr. Shen, Bing-Hui     沈炳辉教授 (COH)

- Dr. Li, Bai-lian            李百炼教授 (UCR)

- Dr. Huang, Shenghe   黄胜和教授 (USC)

- Dr. Wu, Lao-Sheng     吴劳生教授 (UCR


Please click the following website for UPDATE: http://www.scholarsupdate.com/UpdateJournal/main.htm

And for Academic Perspective  http://www.csasc.org/index_files/index_csa_paperV2.htm


6:00pm Banquet Check-in (Building: Dabney Lounge) 出席时请着正装


6:30pm Banquet - Dr. Li YongGang郦永刚 教授        


Special Guests & Keynote Speakers 晚宴主讲嘉宾 Dr. Zhenying Jiang姜镇英 教授


鍾建華總領事致詞Zhong Jianhua, Consul Genera, PRC


 Current Intellectual Trends” 

- 诺贝尔生理/医学奖得主 Prof. David Baltimore (Caltech)

(Convener: Dr. ZhenGang Wang王振刚教授(加州理工学院)



陈骏校长 President Chen Jun, Nanjing University(南京大学)

(Convener: Dr. Kwan Ming Chan陈钧铭教授)


Music Performance:

 <<弦乐二重奏>>   小提琴-宋晓晨   大提琴-王兆霖 (USC)


RSVP - CSA 年会登记Afternoon Conference Fee – Free
下午进行的年会学术演讲 将对所有的专家学者、研究生和听众公开(免费 - 须先订座)

晚宴座位须先订座 - 出席时请着正装- Evening Banquet (报名满额-已截止)

* 已经在截止日期前报名但来不及付费的教授专家可以先向CSA副会长郦永刚教授ygli@usc.edu或司库陈钧铭教授drkmchan@gmail.com用电子邮件确认,以便在进入会场前交费。



 Parking information (停车注意事项):



The following site contains several formats of the Caltech map:  


Baxter Hall (for Plenary and Natural Sciences and Engineering Sessions) is Bldg #77,

Spalding (for Social Sciences and Humanity Sessions - afternoon) is #41,

Dabney Lounge (for banquet) is #40.


Special Attention - Membership Information: http://csasc.org/index_files/Page1135.htm

All scholars or professionals who have doctoral degree are welcome to be our CSA Lifetime members ($200) or regular members ($25/year)

All graduate students are eligible to be our associate members ($10/year)

All scholars or professionals who have master’s degree or other degrees are welcome to be our associate members ($10/year)




美国华裔教授学者协会  (CSA)
姜镇英            会长                             
郦永刚            副会长             
黄胜和            秘书长          
陈钧铭            司库         

沈炳辉            基金筹备理事 

邝国强            人文与社会科学理事

王云霞            工程与科学理事      

加州理工学院学生学者联谊会(CSSA-Cal Tech

黎波                会长          


CSA E-Journal《学术展望- Academic Perspective》编辑部给您的一封信


亲爱的朋友:  您好。


在这晴空万里的金秋之际,我们向您献上一份亲切的问候。与此同时,也向大家呈上我们最新的E-Journal《学术展望- Academic Perspective http://csasc.org/index_files/CSA2006_AcademicProspective_Volume2.pdf 


这是一次完全崭新的尝试。 长期以来, 我们一直在想,如何才能不但使我们自己的三千多名专家和教授读者经常交流自己的学术心得和研究成果,也能使更多的学者朋友、专业人士和研究生能够一起相互切磋、取长补短、激发灵感、共同提高。很显然,《学术展望- Academic Perspective》将会是一个最好的选择。


但是大家都知道,一份期刊的排版、印刷、储运、邮寄和发行不但花费大量的时间、精力、和资金,而且极易出错,劳命伤财。 在美国这样一寸光阴一寸金的地方,没有任何事情比时间更宝贵。我们大家都得日理万机,每天忙得不亦乐乎,很多人连吃饭睡觉的时间都不够,实在是舍不得浪费一点。


CSA理事会全体理事经过研讨和专家咨询,决定自2006年起,出版电子网络版的《学术展望》- “Academic Perspective” 数月来,我们收到了很多CSA会员和来自美国、及两岸三地专家学者的稿件和文章。在此,我们先登发其中的一部分。下面是这一期的目录供您参考, 请您指教。我们的刊物还很稚嫩,但是有您的帮助和鞭策,一定会在不远的将来茁壮成长。


我们借此机会,感谢所有向我们投稿的教授和专家,感谢我们的网络委员会的刘轶(UCLA)、朱晓丹(CSULA)、吴秉慧(CSA)、周文生(CAST)的技术支持, 感谢张素久大姐、李相如律师、栗亚博士、林日升总裁、刘轶教授、郑振宜总裁、和王丽真女士的热情赞助。


我们更 感谢大家8年来对我们的厚爱。没有您的支持也就没有我们的存在。希望您能给我们未来的期刊更多的投稿。使您的学术精华不但能墙内开花满园香,更能够香飘四季,香飘全球。


我们2006CSA年会即将于11/4星期六在加州理工学院举行。这是一次学者和专家的交流会,也是亲眼见到和亲耳聆听诺贝尔大师演讲的机会。我们欢迎您届时光临。所有详情活动请看http://www.scholarsupdate.com/UpdateJournal/main.htm 晚宴订座已经满额于10/27(周五)中午截止。






美国华裔教授学者协会  (CSA)

《学术展望- Academic Perspective》编辑部





          Academic Perspective

              Chinese Scholars Association


                  Volume 2, 2006

Website: http://www.csasc.org/index_files/index_csa_paperV2.htm

Editor-in-Chief            Dr. Zhenying Jiang       Barstow College

Executive Editor         Dr. Yueyun Chen         University of West

E-Version Tech           Dr. Yi Liu                     UCLA

Editorial Board:

Dr. Yonggang Li          University of Southern California

Dr. Shenghe Huang      University of Southern California

Dr. Kwan Ming Chan   California State University, Long Beach

Dr. Bing-Hui Shen       City of Hope, National Medical Center

Dr. Lisa Wang              CSU Polytechnic, Pomona

Dr. Kern Kwong           California State University, Los Angeles


©Copy rights of CSA


Table of Contents

Articles in Social Sciences & Humanity

International Linkages of the Chinese Futures Markets

(SS01)……………………………………………………Ren-Hai Hua & Baizhu Chen

Why Has the United States Had Big Insurance Trade Deficits?

(SS02).…………………………………………………..Bill Y. Chen & I. Hamwi

 An Introduction to Student Affairs in Higher Education in Selected 21 Asian Countries

(SS03)………………………….………………………..Howard S. Wang

The Development of Chinese Popular Religions

(SS04)….…………….…….…………………………….Darui Long

Sea Turtle Venture Capital Fund

(SS05)…………………………………………………Henry Wong











Website: http://www.csasc.org/index_files/index_csa_paperV2.htm


Articles in Sciences & Engineering

 A Comparative Study of The Use of Environmental Friendly Household Cleaning Products in Southern California and Southern Guangdong – Problems and Challenges

(SE01)………..Chan, Kwan Ming, Hui-Li Sun, and Fengyang, Liu

Utilization of NASA Satellite Remote Sensing Program in Developing Space-borne Warning Systems for Natural Disaster Risk Management

 (SE02)…………………………………………………Hong, Yang

Parkfield Fault-Zone Guided Waves: High-Resolution Delineation Of the Low-Velocity Damage Zone on the San Andreas at Depth Near SAFOD Site

(SE03)………………………………………………Li, Yong-Gang

Co-seismic Damage and Post-Mainshock Healing of Fault-Zone Rocks Associated with the 2004 M6 Parkfield, California Earthquake

(SE04)………………………………………………Li, Yong-Gang

Static Partitioning vs Dynamic Sharing of Resources in Simultaneous MultiThreading Microarchitectures

(SE05)……………..………………Liu, Chen & Jean-Luc Gaudiot

The Roadmap of Digital TV System in USA

(SE06).…………………………………………….Lou, Wang-He

Gas and Underground Water Pollution: Arguments and Lessons from American Gas MTBE" (in Chinese)

(SE07)…...……………………….………………….... Rong, Yue

A New Research between Ultrasonic BonAge and Sound of Speed in Ultrasound Device" (in Chinese)

(SE08)…………………….……..……Shen, Xun-Zhang & Ge Bei

The Relative Research of the Value of SOSmax and CHN Method (in English and Chinese)

(SE09)……………...Xun-Zhang Shen, Zhenying Jiang, Guang Cai

Chirped Grating Annular Bragg Resonator Lasers: Manipulating Laser Beams in 2-D Cylindrical Geometry

(SE10)…………………………Xiang-Kai Sun & Amnon Yariv

Dress 4 Health – A Dream Come True: An Investigation that change the way to health

(SE11)..……………………………………………..Lijun Wang

A cyclic tetra-nuclear dinitrosyl iron complex [Fe(NO)2(imidazolate)]4: Synthesis structure and stability

(SE12)…….….Ximeng Wang, Eric B. Sundberg, Lijuan Li, et al

Synthesis, Structure, and Catalytic Activity of Mononuclear Iron and (m-Oxo) diiron Complexes with the Ligand 2,6-Bis (Nmethylbenzimidazol-2-yl) pyridine

(SE13)………….Ximeng Wang, Lijiuan Li, Eric B. Sundberg et al.

Design, Synthesis, and Photochemical Behavior of Poly(benzylester) Dendrimers with Azobenzene Groups throughout Their Architecture

(SE14)…………...Shuangxi Wang, Ximeng Wang, Lijiuan Li et al.

"Metro Solid Wastes Become Energy Resource"

(SE15)………………………………………………..Charles Yang

Integrating WLAN with GPRS/3G Wireless Networks

(SE16)…………………………………………………….Wei Ye

Website: http://csasc.org/index_files/CSA2006_AcademicProspective_Volume2.pdf





CSA/Scholars-Net赴广州留交会组团报名The Delegation of CSA/Scholars Net to GZ Convention (Deadline of Registration: 11/20)


Hi Everyone,


The CSA/Scholars Net have successfully registered as a professors & professional delegation from Southern California to participate the Overseas Chinese Scholars (OCS) Convention at Guangzhou from Dec 28 to Dec 30. The delegation contact officer shall arrive at Hong Kong on Dec 21 and plan to take a coach to Hotel China on Dec 26. If you plan to travel with him, please let him know (drkmchan@gmail.com ) . Every delegate has to arrive before Dec 28, the first day of the Convention to enjoy the lodging.


The CSA/Scholars Net Delegation registration number is 06ST-003. If you want to join us as a group, please insert the above number in your application. Participants in the same group will be arranged to stay in the same hotel. In our case it will be at Hotel China in Guangzhou. Please let Dr. Chan know if you have any proposal for group activities, e.g. visit/lecture to a particular Institution, Industry, Factory, Government Departments etc. This may include visit to other cities after the Convention. All activities usually depend on the major ingredient-Connection or Guan Xi.


As in the previous years, the delegation shall offer an evening reception (Boat Parade Party) to those, who would participate the OCS, on Dec 9 at Dr. Chan’s home.


Yours Sincerely,


CSA/Scholars Net contact persons:  Prof. K. Ming Chan drkmchan@gmail.com  Prof. Shenghe Huang shhuang@hsc.usc.edu


The Southern California Chinese American Environmental Protection Association and the Asian American Environmental Partnership


EVENT DATE & TIME: November 4, 2006, Saturday, 8:30AM to 5:30 PM


LOCATION:  University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Institute of the Environment, a LEED certified building.



University Students: Environmental engineering, sciences, health, planning, environmental law, environmental management, environmental journalism, MBAs, and other interested parties.

Professionals: Government agencies, private firms, non-profits, elected officials, advisory boards, international environmental professionals

Organizations: Environmental organizations, environmental justice groups and other community organizations who are interested in outreaching to the Southern California environmental field and to the Chinese American community.



o To provide a platform for researchers, students, regulators, industrialists, environmentalists, and technical experts to discuss problems and solutions to relevant environmental issues

o To make connections with university students, the industry and other government and environmental organizations



The conference will focus on our future environmental leaders, namely today’s college educated students. This symposium will be an opportunity for students to network with prospective mentors, and to come across possible internship and research opportunities. Those who are currently working in the field can get ideas from fresh minds and have an excellent opportunity for recruiting. Community organizations may see this as an opportunity to establish them as a credible organization in the area of environmental protection. Others such as Asian/Chinese American business owners may be able to connect with others and learn what significant differences they can make as individuals to the issues affecting their community.


ORGANIZER: SCCAEPA - Southern California Chinese American Environmental Protection Association

CO-ORGANIZER: AAEP-Asian American Environmental Partnership PARTNERS/SPONSORS:

o Association of Environmental Health and Sciences (AEHS)

o California Regional Water Resource Control Board-Los Angeles Region

o Calscience Environmental Laboratories, Inc.


o City of Los Angeles-Bureau of Sanitation, Watershed Protection Program

o Environmental Leadership Program (ELP)

o Environ Corp

o Geomatrix Consultants, Inc.

o Heal the Bay

o Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD)

o Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission (SMBRC)

o UCLA-Institute of Environment (IOE)

o Upper San Gabriel Municipal Water District (USGVMWD)

o USC-School of Engineering

o West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD)



Poster competition awards: 1st prize $400 (1 winner), 2nd prize $200 (up to 3 winners)

REGISTRATION (Lunch and one-year membership in SCCAEPA included)

Students: $20

Professionals and others: $90, discount of $20 for SCCAEPA members

Registration: online at www.environmentalasian.org

Deadline: October 18, 2006

Late/At-the-door registration: Students $40, Professionals and others $130.



8:30-9.00 Registration

9:00-9:15 Introduction and Welcome

Yue Rong, Ph.D., President, SCCAEPA

Joe Pan, APR, President, AAEP

Opening Remarks

Mary Nichols, J.D., Director, UCLA Institute of the Environment,

President, Los Angeles DWP Commission

9:15-10:20 Session I: Water Resources, Quality, and Management

Moderator: J.J. Lee, Ph.D., Viterbi School of Engineering, USC


_ Water Resources and Protection

Weixing Tong, Ph.D., California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region

_ Water Treatment

Anmin Liu, P. E., President, AML Environmental Engineering Consultants

_ Water Quality

Sun Liang, Ph.D., Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD)

10:20-10:35 Break, Exhibit/ Poster Viewing

10:35-11:40 Session II: Land Use

Moderator: Donna Chen, Bureau of Sanitation, City of Los Angeles


_ California Regulatory Cleanup Programs

Rebecca Chou, Ph.D., California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Toxic Substances Control

_ Brownfield Cleanup and Redevelopment

Jinghui Niu, President, Environ Strategy

_ An Insider Look at the Latest Victory of Environmental Justice in the Asian Community

Piyachat Terrel, Acting Deputy Director for the White House Initiative on AAPI, US Environmental Protection Agency

11:40-1:10 Lunch-Small Group Student-Mentor Networking,

Exhibit/ Poster Viewing

1:10-1:25 Scholarship and Poster Awards

Chair of the Judging Committee:

Jason Wen, Ph.D., Utilities Superintendent, City of Downey

The Judging Committee Members:

_ Ning Wu Chang, Ph.D., Cal-EPA, Department of Toxic Substances

Control (DTSC)

_ J.J. Lee, Ph.D., Professor, Viterbi School of Engineering, USC

_ Don Tsai, Ph.D., Director, Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association (OCEESA)

1:25-2:55 Session III: Environmental Leadership

Moderator: Ling Ling Chang, Board Member, Walnut Valley Water District


_ Carol Kwan, Board Member, MWD

_ David Liu, Ph.D., Vice President, Tetra Tech

_ Chung Liu, D. Env, Deputy Executive Officer, South Coast Air

Quality Management District (AQMD)

_ Carol Liu, Assemblymember, 44th Assembly District, California

2:55-3:10 Break, Exhibit/Poster Viewing

3:10-5:00 Session IV: Current Environmental Concerns in China

Moderator: Jason Wen, Ph.D., Utilities Superintendent, City of Downey


_ The Current State of Environmental Issues and What’s Ahead in China

Xiang Dong Ye, Ph.D., Technology and Science Consul, China, Los Angeles Consulate General

_ Red China, Green China? Perception vs. Reality in the Eyes of the International Community

Joe Pan, President, AAEP, Partner, LPC Public Relations

_ The Latest Environmental Research in China

Eddy Zeng (Yong-ping), Ph.D., State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guang Zhou, China

_ Environmental Project Development/ Execution Challenges in China

James Kang, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, URS

_ Looking to China As a Concerned Citizen and An Independent Consultant

Carol Kwan, Board Member, MWD

5:00-5:30 Evaluation, networking, and a tour of the IOE LEED “Green Building”


Contact: Joe Pan [ jpan@lpcpr.com ] or YRONG@waterboards.ca.gov









                                                                                    圣伯纳迪诺市长 PATRICK J. MORRIS



            上车时间:    2006112日(星期四)早晨7:15

            上车地址:    17700 Castleton Street, City of Industry, CA 91748

                                    * 位于Azusa Ave 东侧,Fullerton Road西侧,Colima Road北侧,60                                                                          高速公路的南侧。巴士停在整个黑色大楼建筑群的西北角。

            联系人:                    林旭,电话:626-354-8848



地点:San Bernardino International Airport

地址:105 N. Leland Norton Way, San Bernardino, CA 92408

10号高速公路往东,过了215号高速公路,在Tippecanoe下高速左转往北,遇Harry Sheppard Blvd.右转到 底即可见到Leland Norton Way



































联系人:David Lin,电话:626-354-8848

Schedule of Events


8:00 – 9:00am  Continental Breakfast/Registration

9:00 – 9:05am  Opening Remarks, Don Rogers, Executive Director, SBIAA/IVDA

9:05 – 9:15am  Welcome Remarks, Mayor Patrick Morris, City of San Bernardino and, Supervisor Dennis                               Hansberger, Third District, County of San Bernardino

9:15 – 10:15am            General Presentations

·  Mike Burrows, Assoctant Director, SBIAA/IVDA

·  Maggie Pacheo, Executive Director, San Bernardino EDA

·  Dr. Albert K. Karnig, President, Cal-State University San Bernardino

·  Jerry Paresa, Governmental Affairs Director, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians

·  Steve Henthorn, Presdient/CEO, San Bernardino Convention and Visitor Bureau

10:15 – 10:45am          Networking Break

10:45 – Noon   Panel Discussion

Noon – 2:00pm            Networking Lunch

2:00 – 4:00pm  Tour San Bernardino Airport Area


中國解放軍醫學突破   B型血可轉O   (Sing Tao USA)


根據最新的「解放軍報」報道,中國軍事醫學科技人員表示研究出三百多種衛勤保障裝備、一百多種藥品疫苗及一百多種特殊醫療救護技術,對於該國軍事保障及醫學都具有重大幫助。 中共軍委委員、總後勤部部長廖錫龍在參觀完軍事醫學成就展後表示,中國目前在軍事醫學研究體系和人才培養上都漸趨完整,而這次血液轉換的技術更是一大醫學突破﹗除醫學上的技術,中共軍方也宣稱已實現野戰機動醫院與全軍中心醫院互相通聯和遠端會診。


2006 CSSA-UCLA Karaoke Tournament


Hello, Karaoke Fans!


    Get bored of midterms and lab work? Want to find a way to release the stress? Look for a chance to be a "super girl" or "super boy"?

    Come and join us! CSSA will plan the biggest size of KaraOKe contest in history this coming November, and please see the following for details:



    Any one who likes singing.  For registration, please send basic information to cssasinger@yahoo.com BEFORE November 3rd, 2006.

    Basic information includes:

    (1)    Your Name

    (2)    Your Department

    (3)    Your gender (Female or Male)

    (4)    The name of your songs

    (5)    Your phone number (cell phone preferred)



    November 11th, 2006 (the final)



     The Grand Salon at Kerckhoff Hall.



   (1)All contestants will participate the audition, after that, 10 people will be chosen for the final. Every participant needs to sing two different songs, any style in any language. One is for the audition and the other is for the final.

    (2)Please send the music in .mp3 format to: cssasinger@yahoo.com before November 3rd, 2006. We will put all the music into one CD and please check the quality of the music before you send it to us.

(3)The order of the contest will be decided before the contest as we have to burn a CD in advance. We will invite some people with certain professional background as our judges and of course we will have GREAT prizes for winners and souvenir for every contestant.



    Feel free to send your questions to: cssasinger@yahoo.com


    We are right here waiting for you! COME and SING!


    CSSA-UCLA Committee




美科技高官: 中美将在所有可能领域开展科技合作  (中国科学技术部新闻办公室)

在刚刚闭幕的中美科技合作联委会第十二次会议上,美国代表团团长、美国总统科技顾问兼白宫科技政策办公室主任马博格博士认为,中美将在所有可能的领域开展科技合作。 马博格在会上对中国科技发展和中美科技合作给予高度评价。他表示,中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,美国是最大的发达国家。然而,中国却是最具发展活力和潜力的国家。中国在当今世界许多科技前沿领域都十分活跃,取得了迅猛的进展。中国的科技发展和中美科技合作规模的增长甚至超过中国经济的增长速度。中国政府历来重视对科学家和工程师的培养,美国已从参与中美科技合作的中国科学家的贡献中获益。




中国口译人才缺口百万 每年输出专业人才仅200 (北晚 李莉)




USC Professor Thomas Lin released his new study

 USC Marshall School of Business Professor Thomas Lin has published a paper titled “Lessons from China: Haier Group Has Achieved Extreme Success through Unique Performance-Management Systems” in the October 2006 issue of Strategic Finance (pp. 48-55). In this article, he described that the Haier Group went from the verge of bankruptcy (22 years ago) to one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Its unique performance-management systems keep the entire organization focused on the key areas of customer service, product quality, operation efficiency, and speed to market. Professor Lin also published another Haier paper titled “Effective OEC Management Control at China Haier Group” in the May 2005 issue of Strategic Finance (pp. 39-45).  He can be reached at wtlin@marshall.usc.edu.


中国年收移民汇款200亿 (China Press 余东晖)

旅居美国的外国移民每年汇往祖籍国的款项快速增加,仅今年就有约450亿美元汇往拉美国家。而联合国的报告也显示,中国是世界上接收移民汇款最多的国家之一,每年从世界各地收到的移民汇款超过200亿美元。 调查显示,大多数移民来美一个月后就找到工作,第一份工作的平均月薪只有900美元,但这已相当于他们在祖籍国平均工资的6倍。6成拉丁裔移民年收入在3万美元以下。全年拉丁裔移民总收入估计在5千亿美元左右。


 这个调查只针对拉丁裔进行,但从中也可看出其它族裔移民汇款回国增加的趋势。根据劳工部的统计数字,亚裔在美国的平均工资最高,平均月薪在3千美元左右。而亚裔有更强烈的储蓄倾向,每年汇回祖籍国的款项不会是个小数目。      根据联合国今年6月发布的《国际移徙与发展》报告,中国累计输出移民约3500万,2004年从全球各地收到移民汇款213亿美元,仅次于印度的217亿美元。



New job postings at ACFP


Dear All,

There are following three new job postings at ACFP's site. Please check out and forward to people who are looking for a change.
* Divison Controller
* Accounting Manager
* Controller


Jennifer Wang
VP - Membership
Association of Chinese Finance Professionals (ACFP)

谢明捐3500万美元巨资回馈母校 (China Press田霞)


全美金额最高的工程学院命名捐款,同时也是南加大有史以来所获最高学院命名捐款的主人谢明,本周一将正式面对媒体。这位来自中国大陆的南加州大学校友,因此也将成为以其名命名南加大某学院的第一华人。谢明来自中国大陆。南加州大学工程学院校友谢明向南加大维特比工程学院(Viterbi School of Engineering)捐款3500万美元,南加大将校内的电机工程学院命名为谢明电机工程学院,以表彰其慷慨捐献。


 维特比学院有54个永久或准永久学院,而南加大谢明电机工程学院是最大的学院,该学院现有11名国家工程学院院士,3名国家科学院院士,3名美国艺术与科学学院院士和4Claude Shannon Award得主。谢明此次为维特比学院现行的3亿募款计划,贡献最庞大捐款,不仅成为南加大历史上金额最巨的一次命名捐款,也成为华裔首次在该校所捐的最巨额命名捐款。


 谢明生长于中国沈阳,他分别在1983年及1984年在南加大取得电机工程的理学学士以及理学硕士学位。1987年谢明创立AMAX科技公司,1990年以南帕沙迪纳为总部,合作创办了科进公司(Cogent Inc.)。目前他是该公司主席、首席运营官以及科进董事会主席。 科进市值为10亿元,向世界各地的政府、执法机构以及公司提供自动指纹辨识系统。例如目前洛杉矶所有47个执法部门都采用科进系统。科进公司是2004年最成功的IPO公司之一,公开配售股份达2070万股。


 谢明的童年岁月非常艰难,我在非常穷困的家庭长大,童年时白天在学校用功苦读,晚上就帮助家里下地干农活。在高中的时候,谢明拿到一些旧的晶体管和电子配件,开始装配简单的收音机和电视。谢明说:我非常感谢在南加大受到的工程教育,同时希望其他人也能得到同样的教育。” 该系终身院士、南加州大学校长斯蒂文.桑普(Steven B. Sample)指出:能在学系名前加上谢明的名字实在是锦上添花,他是一个深切关怀培养未来工程人才的有心人,更令人欣赏的是他的投入不单是对母校的,最终更将会惠及全美。维特比学院院长央理斯.约索斯 (Yannis C. Yortsos) 说:一百年前,南加大提供了有关电机工程的第一个工程课程,而我们的电机工程系校友谢明的厚礼,也正好为南加大工程开展第二个百年。目前工程学院共还有其它5个学院由南加大校友命名。


Huawei Technologies, Ltd: A 21st Century Technological and Entrepreneurial Miracle (Da Hsuan Feng)


Asia Pacific Preamble

In the 60's, the world saw the explosive electronic technological growth of Japan. Indeed, in the Tokyo Olympics in 1964, the country unveiled its power to the world.  Companies such as Sanyo and Fujitsu became global household names. In the seventies, several other regions in Asia Pacific also began to embrace high technologies, especially electronics, as their roadmap to economic growth and prosperity.  This was especially true in South Korea and Taiwan. Within a decade, companies such as Samsung and LG in South Korea and in Taiwan, TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporations) became world renowned for their technological prowess.  All became dominating multi-billion U.S. dollars annual revenue companies. 


Ten 12-inch wafer fabrications in Taiwan

In this respect, it is worth mentioning that, today, many people around the world regard Hsinchu city of Taiwan (which is also a sister city of Plano, Texas) the hub of Asia's semiconductor industry.  In a recent visit to Taiwan, I was informed that there are now at least ten 12-inch wafer fabrication centers in Taiwan, and many are in Hsinchu.  In fact, one literally sees massive semiconductor companies lining up one after another as one drives on its main thoroughfare. I was told that nearly all, if not all, are profitable.  It should be mentioned that in the midst of this technological haven are two powerful universities, National Chiao Tong University and National Tsing Hua University and a massive NGO industrial research establishment called ITRI or Industrial Technology Research Institutes.


The combination is simply awesome and the sight was indeed breadth-taking!


What about Mainland China?

Well, we all know that in 1977 China's cultural-revolution came to an abrupt end.  At that moment, the nation's economy and its educational systems were at the verge of collapse. So it was not surprising that high technology economy, especially private high technology industries, a la Taiwan and South Korea, was non-existent in China then. In fact, if one were to bet then, it would NOT be that China could develop a powerful entrepreneurial landscape for high technology.


Yet, 29 years later, China is now bursting at the seams in electronic high technologies business, from chips manufacturing to telecommunications.  In fact, it was not until the last decade of the 20th century, after a decade of stabilization of higher education since the cultural revolution, where better and better educated and trained students were being pumped out, that China's economy in general, electronic high technology business in particular, began to take shape and take off. In less than two decades (since the early 90's), Chinese industries in this arena are now one of the important, if not major, players in the world in this sandbox!  For this reason, I have always wanted to see first hand an example of this spectacular entrepreneurial growth. Not only am I interested in the physical infrastructure of fast growing Chinese companies, I am also interested to see how human spirits can triumph over nearly insurmountable obstacles!


The opportunity came a few weeks ago when I was invited to visit the Corporate Center of one of China's most notable, and probably most powerful, privately owned telecommunication companies, Huawei Technologies Ltd, in Shenzhen, China. Founded merely 18 years ago (1988) with six partners, an annual revenue of 180,000 RMB (around $20,000 US), Huawei today is a global company with over 60,000 employees and for 2006, the revenue is pushing $11 billion US. By any standard, it is a entrepreneurial as well as technological miracle.


Today, Huawei Technologies is without question China's largest manufacturer of telecommunications equipment. The company makes a broad range of products, including core voice and data switching platforms for communications service providers. Huawei also makes optical networking systems, wireless products, corporate networking equipment, and network management and messaging software. The company primarily serves such Asian carriers as China Telecom <http://www.hoovers.com/china-telecom/--ID__102609--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml> , China Unicom <http://www.hoovers.com/china-unicom/--ID__59154--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml> , and SingTel <http://www.hoovers.com/singtel/--ID__42973--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml> ; other customers include Hutchison Telecom and Telecom Egypt. Huawei has product joint ventures with 3Com <http://www.hoovers.com/3com/--ID__12475--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml>  as well as manufacturers in Russia and Japan; it also has a distribution deal with IBM <http://www.hoovers.com/ibm/--ID__10796--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml> . 


In addition, it has significantly penetrated European, South American, Middle Eastern, formerly Soviet Union as well as African (especially South Africa, Zimbabwe and Nigeria) markets.  There was also a major presence of about 3000 employees of Huawei in Bangalore, but recently it was downsized and many Indian employees have moved to Shenzhen.  Indeed, walking around campus, I met quite a number of Indians!


Completely driven by my curiosity to see what this company is like first hand, I accepted the invitation immediately.  The invitation came from a very good friend, Baoyong Zheng, who is one of the six founders of this company and a fellow Metroplex (Plano) resident. I got to know Zheng purely by serendipity.  Because of personal reasons, he is now a resident of Plano, Texas and commutes often to Shenzhen. I should underscore that Zheng himself is a miracle. He came from an extremely poor family.  He was so poor that as a young boy, he carried his only pair of shoes so it could last longer and walk barefoot to school, which was around 10 miles from the village he lived. Also, not long ago, he was able to overcome a near death illness.  He reminded me very much of how the great cyclist Lance Amstrong overcome his near death illness (who also found his origin from Plano.....Must be the water!  J)  However, that is another story for another report!


I learned from Baoyong that in 1987, he as a young faculty member in optical engineering of Huazhong Institute of Technology in Wuhan (now known as Hua Zhong University of Science and Technology), and the current CEO of the Company Ren Zhengfei, and four other hardy souls, recognized that China was in desperate need to build the nation's telecommunication infrastructure. Without which it is not possible for China to compete in the modern world. They recognized that the fact that the nation had virtually no such infrastructure per se, gave it a great opportunity to leap frog into 21st century, without being burdened by legacy technologies.  Starting in 1988 in an office of about 120 square meters in downtown Shenzhen, which was then only a city of about 800,000 (while 20 years before that was only a fishing village of 20,000 and today an ultra modern city of 10 Million!), this group of visionary entrepreneurs started Huawei Technologies Ltd. 


Why the name Huawei

I asked Zheng why the name Huawei?  He told me matter-of-factly that one evening over dinner back in the late eighties, the six of them decided that they should name the company the short form of ????, (Zhong Hua You Wei) or "China can-do!"  Hence Huawei!  As simple and as profound as that, the naming of the company gave me a glimpse that even at its fledgling stage, this group of superbly minded technologically entrepreneurs was already possessing world class ambition!


Huawei campus in Shenzhen

The campus of Huawei Technologies Ltd in Shenzhen can only be described by one word: MASSIVE.  The entire campus occupies a space close to 0.87 square kilometers. Every building of this campus is ultra-modern looking.  Zheng said to me that "we want to project to the world that this is a 21st century company, and therefore we wanted to ensure everything on campus have a look that could last until the the next century!"  From what I saw by walking around the campus, I am convinced that the designers pay as much attention to toilets (at least the male ones) as to the enormous data center and distribution centers.


I was struck by the data center of the company.  It is no surprise that in 18 years, and with global businesses, the company now is in possession of massive amount of critical data.  In fact, there is now over 1 peta-byte of data (1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes or 1000 tera-bytes).  An interesting back-of-the envelop calculation can tell us that if one describes each living human being with 0.2 megabytes or 200 kilobytes, which can be quite in-depth, the total data will be around 1 peta-byte!  As one would expect, such data are the soul of the company, and therefore it is no wonder that the security of the center is extremely high.  I was also told that there are redundancies are kept at many other sites in China and abroad.


The distribution and logistic center is another breath-taking sight.  Indeed, the entire center is operated automatically by computer and massive amount of packages, each with a different content and tagged with RFID!


Future of Huawei or the likes?

Not possessing a crystal-ball, I cannot tell what Huawei will be like in a decade or two?  I cannot predict, for example, as to whether Huawei, like Samsung of South Korea, would decide one day to venture out of the telecom business and eventually become a over $100 billion revenue mega national conglomerate in multiple business spheres.  I will predict, however, that knowing Baoyong, and by extrapolation his colleagues, that the company will not be at a stand still.  Leadership of this company is constantly reinventing itself.


I am equally confident that in Asia, there are more Ren Zhengfei (CEO of Huawei), Baoyong Zheng, and Morris Chang (CEO and Founder ot TSMC in Taiwan) lurking in the population.  In future, companies such as Huawei, TSMC and Samsung, all are miracles in Asia in the latter part of the 20th century, will surely face stiffer and stiffer competitions, not only from each other, and from other global giants such as Alcatel, but also from new companies.  Many of their future competition are companies which are probably not yet conceived today. There is an old Chinese saying, ??????? or the wave at the back in the Yangzi River will push the wave in front. In fact, someone once said that the wave in front could be splash on the beech and "disappear!"


I am sure that the wave in front, such as Huawei, will certainly be challenged by other miracles in Asia in the future!


(The author is the Vice President for Research and Economic Development at The University of Texas at Dallas)



USCIS提醒假期出境旅游的移民案申请者 务必在10月底前申请旅行文件

联邦公民与移民局18日说,预期今年冬天申请回美证(advence parole、重新入境许可证(Reentry Permit)、难民旅行文件(Refugee Travel Document)或其他旅行文件的人将会特别多,该局提醒移民案申请者中准备在年底假期出国旅行的人,务必在10月底之前填交旅行文件申请表FormI131







China needs a million interpreters

 China is currently in want of about a million professional interpreters, but there are only 200 graduates from interpreters training class every year. According to Beijing Morning Post, China is in great demand of interpreters mainly due to the development of the foreign trade and communication. Quite a few people experienced such embarrassment in which they drew a blank from a lecture given by foreign experts because of the poor simultaneous interpretation.


Wang Lifei, a professor from University of International Business and Economics, pointed out that only a few universities provide professional interpretation training, such as Beijing Foreign Studies University, Shanghai Foreign Studies University, and University of International Business and Economics, and only 200 professional interpreters graduate every year.

It is learned that University of International Business and Economics and the Interpretation Division of the European Union have jointly set up a Sino-EU Interpreter Training Centre in China based on a cooperation agreement.



南开大学面向海内外公开选聘十四名专业学院院长 (中新 田齐 张国)







Asia Society Texas is one of the nine regional centers of the Asia Society and is located in Houston.  The Texas Center, which is financially self-supporting, announces a nationwide search to recruit a new Executive Director to lead its operation.

The Asia Society, which is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational association, is an international organization dedicated to strengthening relationships and deepening understanding among the peoples of Asia and the United States. Founded in 1956 by John D. Rockefeller 3rd, the Society reaches audiences around the world through its headquarters in New York and regional centers in Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Hong Kong, Manila, Melbourne, Mumbai and Shanghai.

Opened in 1979, the Texas Center presents approximately 150 programs each year, many in collaboration with the Asian consulates and trade commissions located in Houston, that focus on the city's role as a major international port with strong links to Asia.  These programs include art exhibitions and performances, films, lectures, seminars and conferences, publications and assistance to the media, and materials and programs for students and teachers – all presenting the uniqueness and diversity of Asia.

The Texas Center has recently announced a $40 million project to build a new home for the Center in the midst of Houston’s nationally acclaimed Museum District.  Asia House, as the building will be known, is being designed by Yoshio Taniguchi who is best known in the United States for his transformation of the New York Museum of Modern Art.

The Executive Director reports to the Chair of the Center’s Executive Committee and has overall responsibility for managing and conducting the Center’s programs, development activities, and administration.  In addition the selected individual will oversee development of Asia House, in consultation with the Center’s Chairman and Executive Committee, as well as the Society’s headquarters in New York.

The best candidates for the position will have had personal experience in Asia and will have a passion for the goals and mission of the Asia Society.  It is expected that candidates will have unquestioned integrity, exemplary interpersonal and communication skills, and an understanding of how to lead and manage a volunteer-driven, not for profit organization. 


While nominations and applications will be accepted until a new Executive Director is selected, interested parties are encouraged to submit candidate materials to the address below by December 1 to assure optimal consideration.


R. William (Bill) Funk

Consultant to the Board

100 Highland Park Village, Suite 200

Dallas, Texas  75205

Email:  krisha.creal@rwilliamfunk.com

Fax:  214/522-1222

~Asia SocietyTexas is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer~





上海同济大学78年进校的研究生 (76), 拟于2007520

同济校庆100周年时回校团聚. 为联系国内外校友, 请送 E-mail

朱正亚(zhenya@mit.edu) 或钱梦碌(mlqian@mail.tongji.edu.cn)校友,



Faculty Development Workshop


Embedding Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes in Regularly Scheduled Assignments

 and Effectively Reporting and Tracking Embedded Assessment Data


Los Angeles Southwest College

December 1


The workshop facilitator, Dr. Larry Kelley, has been involved in educational assessment for more than 20 years.  Since summer 2002, he has conducted 150 workshops on assessment of student learning outcomes at both two-year and four-year institutions in 30+ states, Washington DC and Puerto Rico.



9:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.



09:00 - 09:15         Implementing/Assessing Student Learning Outcomes


09:15 - 10:15         Creating Assessment Plans; Embedding Assessment


10:15 - 10:30         Break


10:30 - 10:45         Building Performance Assessment Rubrics


10:45 - 11:00         Creating Simple and Effective Data Reports


11:00 - 11:15         Reporting and Evaluating Assessment Findings; Closing the Loop


11:15 - 12:00         Sample Assessment Plans with Related Rubrics, Data Reports and Reports of Assessment Findings


12:00 - 1:00                       Lunch


Hands-on Activity


1:00 - 2:30             Develop discipline-specific assessment plans.




The registration fee is $100.  Lunch is provided. 


Please share this flyer with your academic deans, department chairs/heads, and other faculty and staff!


Contact me at aukelley@aol.com or aukelley85@yahoo.com if your institution is interested in an in-service activity or would like to host a workshop.  Larry Kelley


Go to http://www.kelleyeducation.com and click on the link, Workshops and In-service Activities.  Then, click on Faculty Development Workshop Registration Form, to locate a copy of the form.  Contact Larry Kelley at aukelley@aol.com or aukelley85@yahoo.com for further information.

Please bring your course syllabi!


留学欧美持续升温 07年十国留学趋势解读 ( 北晚 王怡)































