2006年第33 創刊第361                                            11/21/2006






v     诚挚欢迎刘轶、孙一飞、吳勞生、賈旭東、許凱莉32位教授和专家加入CSA

v     中国国家科技计划实施中科研不端行为处理办法

v     CAST-LA, CESASC and PUAASC are co-organizing the following visit to the City of Hope (11/18)

v     来自海峡两岸的五所交通大学的校长聚集南加州: 交大首届校长论坛两岸交流


v     大学国际化带来三大挑战  (许智宏)

v     Chinese CEO Organization & CFA Society of Los Angeles

v     China Series II: China’s Economic Reform and Future Direction

v     中国联合国“国际公务员 “后备人员考试开始报名

v     中国访美学者发现"RNA激活"技术 可治更多疾病

v     Nobel Prize winner becomes guest prof. for Chinese entrepreneurs

v     职业移民第一优先与第二优先国家利益豁免的分析比较(李相如)

v     Invitation to Seminar on Credit Analysis & Risk Management

v     中国学生学者赴美增三成三

v     CSA Board director Dr. K. Ming Chan hosting Qingdao Delegation

v     中国第二次国民体质监测公报公布于世: 中国人的体质怎么样?

v     Acceptance speech by Da Hsuan Feng as Honorary Professor of Nottingham University Ningbo China

v     中国财政部计划用10年培养三千会计领军人才

v     中国国家税务总局: 重点管理年所得12万元以上高收入者纳税情况

v     665 billions US Dollars of foreign funds flow into China

v     上海第二轮“万名海外人才集聚工程”启动

v     美国联邦公民与移民局: 恢复学生身份填表程序改变 30日以前填交者无须重填

v     China's missiles reach int'l advanced level

v     美国大学偏爱中国研究生

v     離婚女性健康差

v     2006年長江和珠江三角洲經濟發展比較研究》

v     China Only-children parents urged to have two kids

v     美移民局又扩大加急申请范围 杰出人才申请15日答复

v     China's rocket to be on standby

v     换雇主对申请绿卡的影响

v     中国网络婚恋交友市场潜力巨大 服务进入专业化竞争

v     14 Things to Do Before You Retire

v     美国成为全球最大的留学目的地  吸收外國留學南加州大學奪冠




亲爱的朋友: 您好。


我们欢欣地告诉大家,刘轶(UCLA)孙一飞(CSUN) 、吳勞生(UCR)、賈旭東(Cal Poly)、許凱莉(CSU-LA) 32位教授和专家在CSA 年会期间加入了华裔教授学者协会。以下是这些学者的名单:


终身会员(Lifetime member)Dr. Liu Yi 刘轶


会员 (按签到时间排列)

Dr. Sun Yifei    孙一飞    

Dr. Shen Feng 沈楓                    

Dr. Luo, Yanan Jenny 羅亞南                       

Dr. Zheng, David Daiwei   

Dr. Smedley Gregory T                         

Dr. Smedley Keyue Ma                        

Dr. Long Darui  

Dr. Jin Yanbo 金雁勃  

Dr. Wang Yong 

Dr. Jin Yanbo                      

Dr. Lois Chi   

Dr. Chan Bernard 陳伯權                       

Dr. Hsu Kylie 許凱莉

Dr. Zia Caler K. 謝啟蒙 

Dr. Liu, Dana 劉丹平 

Dr. Wu, Laosheng 吳勞生  

Dr. Jia, Xudong 賈旭東 

Dr. Wang, Pin 王品 

Dr. Zhan, Jing Vivian 詹晶 

Dr. Xiong, Shigang 熊世鋼 

Dr. Wang, Jicheng  

Dr. Han, Yuanping   

Dr. Dong, Liang 董梁 


准会员(Associate Member)

Zhang, Mei (May)   张梅

Tian Qingyao Betty 田青瑤 

Chen, Nong 陳龍 

Hao, Yong   郝勇    

Shen, Jia Jie 沈隹杰 

Wu, Xiaoxia 武曉霞

Peng, Fang Cherry  

Yao, Tina






我们也热切的希望有更多的学者和专家能加入我们的行列,为了友谊,为了交流,为了更有力量做一些对大家有益的事情走到一起来。谢谢您的考虑 (下载CSA表格,请点击http://www.csasc.org/index_files/Page1135.htm)。







美国华裔教授学者协会 (CSA)



中国国家科技计划实施中科研不端行为处理办法 (试行)







    第一章 总则

    第一条 为了加强国家科技计划实施中的科研诚信建设,根据《中华人民共和国科学技术进步法》的有关规定,制定本办法。

    第二条 对科学技术部归口管理的国家科技计划项目的申请者、推荐者、承担者在科技计划项目申请、评估评审、检查、项目执行、验收等过程中发生的科研不端行为(以下称科研不端行为)的查处,适用本办法。

    第三条 本办法所称的科研不端行为,是指违反科学共同体公认的科研行为准则的行为,包括:







    第四条 科学技术部、行业科技主管部门和省级科技行政部门(以下简称项目主持机关)、国家科技计划项目承担单位(以下称项目承担单位)是科研不端行为的调查机构,根据其职责和权限对科研不端行为进行查处。

    第五条 调查和处理科研不端行为应遵循合法、客观、公正的原则。在调查和处理科研不端行为中,要正确把握科研不端行为与正当学术争论的界限。

    第二章 调查和处理机构

    第六条 任何单位和个人都可以向科学技术部、项目主持机关、项目承担单位举报在国家科技计划项目实施过程中发生的科研不端行为。鼓励举报人以实名举报。

    第七条 科学技术部负责查处影响重大的科研不端行为。必要时,科学技术部会同其他部门联合进行查处。科学技术部成立科研诚信建设办公室(以下称办公室),负责科研诚信建设的日常工作。其主要职责是:







    第八条 项目主持机关负责对其推荐、主持、受委托管理的科技计划项目实施中发生的科研不端行为进行调查和处理。项目主持机关应当建立健全科研诚信建设工作体系。

    第九条 项目承担单位负责对本单位承担的国家科技计划项目实施中发生的科研不端行为进行调查和处理。承担国家科技计划项目的科研机构、高等学校应当建立科研诚信管理机构,建立健全调查处理科研不端行为的制度。科研机构、高等学校的科研诚信制度建设,作为国家科技计划项目立项的条件之一。

    第十条 国家科技计划项目承担者在申请项目时应当签署科研诚信承诺书。

    第三章 处罚措施










    第十二条 项目主持机关应当根据其权限和科研不端行为的情节轻重,对科研不端行为人做出如下处罚:






    第十三条 科学技术部应当根据其权限和科研不端行为的情节轻重,对科研不端行为人做出如下处罚:






    第十四条 项目主持机关对举报的科研不端行为不开展调查、无故拖延调查的,科学技术部可以停止该机关在一定期限内主持、管理相关项目的资格。

    第十五条 被调查人有下列情形之一的,从轻处罚:





    第十六条 被调查人有下列情形之一的,从重处罚:





    第十七条 举报人捏造事实、故意陷害他人的,一经查实,在一定期限内,不接受其国家科技计划项目的申请。

    第十八条 科研不端行为涉嫌违纪、违法的,移交有关机关处理。

    第四章 处理程序

    第十九条 调查机构接到举报后,应进行登记。被举报的行为属于本办法规定的科研不端行为,且事实基本清楚,并属于本机构职责范围的,应予以受理;不属于本机构职责范围的,转送有关机构处理。不符合受理条件不予受理的,应当书面通知实名举报人。

    第二十条 调查机构应当成立专家组进行调查。专家组包括相关领域的技术专家、法律专家、道德伦理专家。项目承担单位为调查机构的,可由其科研诚信管理机构进行调查。专家组成员或调查人员与举报人、被举报人有利害关系的,应当回避。

    第二十一条 在有关举报未被查实前,调查机构和参与调查的人员不得公开有关情况;确需公开的,应当严格限定公开范围。

    第二十二条 被调查人、有关单位及个人有义务协助提供必要证据,说明事实真相。

    第二十三条 调查工作应当按照下列程序进行:





    第二十四条 科研不端行为影响重大或争议较大的,可以举行听证会。需经过科学试验予以验证的,应当进行科学试验。听证会和科学试验由调查机构组织。

    第二十五条 专家组完成调查工作后,向调查机构提交调查报告。调查报告应当包括调查对象、调查内容、调查过程、主要事实与证据、处理意见。

    第二十六条 调查机构根据专家组的调查报告,做出处理决定。

    第二十七条 调查机构应在做出处理决定后10日内将处理决定送被处理人、实名举报人。

    第二十八条 项目主持机关、项目承担单位为调查机构的,应当在做出处理决定后10日内将处理决定送科学技术部科研诚信建设办公室备案。科学技术部将处理决定纳入国家科技计划信用信息管理体系,作为科技计划实施和管理的参考。

    第五章 申诉和复查

    第二十九条 被处理人或实名举报人对调查机构的处理决定不服的,可以在收到处理决定后30日内向调查机构或其上级主管部门提出申诉。科学技术部和国务院其他部门为调查机构的,申诉应向调查机构提出。

    第三十条 收到申诉的机构经审查,认为原处理决定认定事实不清,或适用法律、法规和有关规定不正确的,应当进行复查。复查机构应另行组成专家组进行调查。复查程序按照本办法规定的调查程序进行。 收到申诉的机构决定不予复查的,应书面通知申诉人。

    第三十一条 申诉人对复查决定仍然不服,以同一事实和理由提出申诉的,不予受理。

    第三十二条 被处理人对有关行政机关的处罚决定不服的,可以依照《中华人民共和国行政复议法》的规定,申请复议。属于人事和劳动争议的,依照有关规定处理。

    第六章 附则

    第三十三条 在国家科技奖励推荐、评审过程中发生的科研不端行为,参照本规定执行。

    第三十四条 本办法自200711日起施行。


CAST-LA, CESASC and PUAASC are co-organizing the following visit to the City of Hope (11/18)


Dear friend,


CAST-LA, CESASC and PUAASC are co-organizing the following visit to the City of Hope on Nov. 18, 2006.  The Betty and Irwin Helford Clinical Research Hospital at City of Hope, which opened in 2005, began a new chapter in City of Hope's mission of bringing cures to people battling cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. It features state-of-art technology such as robotic surgical instruments. It is one of the nation's premier centers for pioneering biomedical research. It provides graduate school biological sciences and summer student programs.


In this walking and tram riding tour, Dr. Shiuan Chen (http://www.cityofhope.org/Researchers/ChenShiuan/), Director and Professor of Department of Surgical Research at City of Hope, will guide us to tour the beautiful campus and modern facilities. We will also have a chance to hear him and other researchers to talk about some pioneer research fronts. Please RSVP to michael_bao@yahoo.com by Nov. 12 and also fill out the survey so that we can arrange the event targeting to your particular interests.


Date: Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006



10:00am - 11:30am Tour (see details below)

11:30am - 1:00pm Lunch ($10 per person)

1:00pm - 2:00pm Presentations


Address: 1500 E Duarte Road, Duarte, CA 91010

Directions: http://www.cityofhope.org/About/directions.htm

RSVP: To michael_bao@yahoo.com by Nov. 12.



I am interested in hearing the following topics:

__ Bioinformatics

__ Biostatistics

__ Clinical Cancer Genetics

__ Clinic Trials

__ Experimental Therapeutics

__ Hematology

__ Hormones and Cancer

__ Other: ___________________________________


Looking forward to meeting you there!


Best regards,




来自海峡两岸的五所交通大学的校长聚集南加州: 交大首届校长论坛两岸交流 (高睿)



 徐宗本介绍说,论坛的热点话题包括母校的近期发展,与美国高校的合作交流,师资的海外招聘,科技产业的合作,校友回国任教、讲学和创业以及S炎优钇诠楣牧钣鹊取?BR> 在回答海峡两岸交大学生在个人素质上的异同点问题时,徐宗本表示,两岸学生的共同点是都传承了中华文化,即勤奋好学,尊师重教;不同点是台湾学生思想更开放,对一些事物的看法更具有批判性和包容性,知识面更广,不死啃书本;而大陆学生相对而言,其灵活性和批判性就较为逊色,但其学习基础比较扎实,逻辑推理性更加缜密,与批判性相比,大陆学生的继承性显得更好些。







China's growing need for energy will have profound effects on the world environment. Bring your questions about this dynamic topic to a panel discussion presented by the US-China Peoples Friendship Association of Long Beach. The public is invited. Panelists include:


Jaek Hon, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, California State University at Long Beach Jason Smith, Ph.D. Society of Petroleum Engineers, Full Member

Joe Pan, Environmentalist from Asian America Environmental Partnership, US and China Moderated by Hazel Wallaee, D.P .H.


What: Panel: China's Search for Energy

Preceded by a Chinese Buffet Luncheon

When: Saturday, November 18, 2006, 12:00 to 3:00 PM

Where: The Great Wall Buffet

6731 Westminster Blvd. #122

Westminster, CA 92683 (714-891-8200)


       For information call Elizabeth D. Kraft @ 562-596-8478 or Johanna Roden @ 562-596-9195.

Mail reservation checks to UCSPFA, P.O. Box 14617, Long Beach, CA 90853 by November 14, 2006.

Name:                                                                    No. of Reservations -@ $15.00 = $



No of Students -@ $10.00 = $

Total amount of Check $

Additional Donation for Student Participation $


大学国际化带来三大挑战  (许智宏) - People 11/10/06










      Chinese CEO Organization & CFA Society of Los Angeles 

In Partnership with Asia Society Southern California

● Asia Pacific – USA Chamber of Commerce ●Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce


Cordially invites you to a luncheon on

China Series II: China’s Economic Reform and Future Direction

For 25 years, China’s economy has grown more rapidly than any economy in the history of the world.  China is unmistakably the global economic agent of change, being a huge demander of commodities and producer of manufactured goods.  Two speakers will share their views and experience and will be available to take your questions.    First, we have one of China’s most prominent and influential economists and a key figure in economic reforms in modern China.  Second, we have a prominent Wall Street economist and long-time analyst and student of China’s markets, economy and policy. 

So what comes next?  Can China’s record setting growth continue – and if so, for how long?  What is at the front of the China reform agenda – banking, equity markets, the currency, governmental practices, property rights, or trade?  What are the pressure points – the environment, income inequality, energy demands, foreign affairs, or something else?  Our speakers have long experience and will give you their up-to-date views on China ’s key issues. 

We hope you can join us to hear these two experts and be part of a lively interchange on the most important economic relationship in the world – the US and China.         



·        Mr. Gao Shangquan, Chairman of China Society of Economic Reform, and the key architect of China’s Reform Policies on Economic System and State Owned Enterprises

·        Donald Straszheim, Vice Chairman of Roth Capital Partners, Former Chief Economist of Merrill Lynch, and Former President of the Milken Institute


Time                                                                 Venue

Friday, November 17, 2006                             Westin Bonaventure Hotel

12:00 Noon – 2:30 PM                                                404 South Figueroa Street

                                                                                    Los Angeles, CA 90071


Advanced Registration required and must be received by Tuesday, November 14, 2006

CFALA Member $20 ● Members of All Other Co-operating Organizations $35

● Non-Members $50


Registration is available online at www.cfala.org (Coupon Code: cceo17) or fax to (626) 792-6888. Please call Anthony Rico at (626) 796-9888 or email to anthony.rico@etechsecurities.com for any questions.



Program Description:                                                                                               

11:30 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.         Registration and Networking 

12:00 p.m. — 12:15 p.m.         Opening Remarks (Introduction)

12:15 p.m. — 12:55 p.m.         Mr. Gao Shangquan, China Economy Reform & Future         


12:55 p.m. —   1:35 p.m.         Mr. Donald Straszheim, China Economy Reform & Future   


  1:35 p.m. —   2:00 p.m.         Q & A


Speakers’ Bio

Gao Shangquan is one of China's most prominent and influential economists, a key figure in economic reforms in modern China. Professor Gao is a member of the National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Chairman of the China Society of Reform Study, Chairman of the China Research Society of Enterprise Reform & Development, Chairman of China Reform Foundation, President of the China (Hainan) Institute for Reform & Development, and senior advisor for the China International Institute of Strategic Studies. He is also a Professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Beijing University, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, dean of the School of Management in Zhejiang University and a guest professor at the People's University of China, Nankai University, and Shanghai Financial and Economics University. He is also an advisor for the MBA Program of the Australian National University and Financial Center of the University of London.


Donald H. Straszheim joined Roth Capital Partners in March 2006 as Vice Chairman, to spearhead the firm’s growing efforts in China as well as to work with the domestic team. Straszheim has long been recognized as one of Wall Street’s top economic and financial market experts.  Since the mid 1990s, he has focused on understanding how China and the evolving global economy and markets affect companies/industries in America and elsewhere.

From 1985 to 1997, Straszheim was the global Chief Economist for Merrill Lynch and Co. in New York City, where he was voted ten consecutive years to Institutional Investor’s ‘All-Star Team.’  As Merrill’s chief economic spokesperson, he traveled globally representing the firm and led its worldwide research effort. 

From 1997 to 2002, he served as President of the Milken Institute (1997-2002), a not-for-profit economic think tank in Santa Monica, CA, continuing as Vice Chairman of the Institute from 2002 to 2004.

From 2002 to 2005, Straszheim was principal of Straszheim Global Advisors, an economic and financial markets advisory firm with offices in Los Angeles and Beijing. 

Currently Straszheim is serving as President of the Chartered Financial Analysts Society of Los Angeles.  He is also a Visiting Scholar at the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management, holds B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Purdue University, and is a regular speaker and media commentator on China and the global economy and markets.


中国联合国“国际公务员 “后备人员考试开始报名  

2007年联合国将在中国举办联合国国家竞争考试。据人事部消息,经与联合国方面协商,2006年国际职员后备人员考试报名工作将于2006 1111日开始。






  中国自197l年恢复在联合国的合法席位后,陆续向联合国及其专门机构派遣国际职员。中国在联合国及其专门机构工作的国际职员人数不断上升。截至2005 年底,在国际组织任职的中国籍国际职员总数已达725人。中国人事部是国务院负责国际职员工作政策、协调的部门。


中国访美学者发现"RNA激活"技术 可治更多疾病 (艾启平 蔡敏 雷志勇)







Nobel Prize winner becomes guest prof. for Chinese entrepreneurs

 The Start-up Business Institute of the Mundell International University of Entrepreneurship (the first institute in China that teaches entrepreneurs how to start their businesses), was unveiled on Thursday in Beijing. Seven Nobel Prize winners, including Robert Mundell, the father of the Euro, and entrepreneurs from over 100 Chinese big companies, have been invited as guest professors for the newly established institute.

Aiming at cultivating some Chinese entrepreneurs for the near future, the school will teach students knowledge about the entrepreneur spirit, mental attitude, management and strategies needed when starting a business. In this way, the school hopes that it can train a number of business managers in China who have the real entrepreneurial spirit. The establishment of the institute fills up a blank in Chinese educational field where there were no schools catering for business beginners before.

At the founding ceremony, the institute’s first president Ji Zhiying pointed out that most economists now agreed that the United States could maintain a rapid economic growth for the past decades mainly because there was a revolution in the economic field in the country, where hundreds of thousands of small and middle-sized enterprises maintained the entrepreneurial spirit by starting new businesses continuously. At present, the third entrepreneurial boom is taking place in China. The founding of the institute will play a significant role in boosting the Chinese economy further.




职业移民第一优先具有杰出才能的外国人 (Alien with Extraordinary Ability)和第二优先国家利益豁免(National Interest Waiver)均是职业移民类别中比较快速的类别。但是二者有较大的差别和要求。根据笔者办理此类案件经验,在此作一分析比较。






1.      申请者在科学、艺术、 教育、商业或体育领域里有杰出的才能,并在国家范围或国际上获得赞赏,而且有充实的文件证明其成就已获得认可;

2.      申请者寻求移民进入美国后将继续在其杰出才能的专业领域工作;

3.      申请人移民进入美国将对美国有重大的好处。




1.      获得过国家或国际认可的杰出专业成就奖;

2.      专业协会、学术组织会员。该协会(组织)要求其成员在其专业领域取得国家或国际专家认可的突出成就;

3.      专业报刊杂志或主要新闻媒体(广播、电视)刊登播出的有关该杰出人士工作的材料;

4.      在本行业有较高的知名度和权威,担任过评审小组成员或单独评审员、评审、编审相同或相关专业方面其他人员的工作和文章;

5.      在本专业、相同或相关专业方面作出重大的科学、学术和艺术贡献;

6.      在专业领域、专业期刊杂志或其他主要媒体发表过高水平的科学、学术论著、论文;

7.      在国内外艺术展览中展示其专业作品或工作艺术成果;

8.      在著名的组织机构或重要的研究项目中发挥着领导、带头的关键作用;

9.      与其他人士相比,由于其特殊才能和贡献而得到高薪或高报酬;或

10.  具有巨大的商业成就和建树,如在表演影视艺术领域方面的录音带、录像带、CD的销售量和销售额及相关的证明材料;







此外, 第一优先类别不需要通过劳工证的申请,直接一步到位向移民局提出绿卡申请,缩短了等候时间,可以较快地取得绿卡。一般情况下,第一优先无排期,即便有排期,也很短,稍纵即逝。更重要的是申请者不需要有雇主聘用,可以自己雇用自己在本专业领域工作。


.  职业移民第二优先,国家利益豁免(EB-2B)的要求:








具有硕士(含硕士)以上学位,或学士加五年丰富的工作经验,或具有在科学,艺术或商业领域与众不同的本领(Exceptional Ability)。证明与众不同的本领,需要提供至少以下三个方面的材料:

1.      获得大專院校,或培訓特殊才能人士的教育机构正式颁发的学历、学位证书,或毕业证书;

2.      现在或前雇主的工作证明信,证明申請者在其专业領域具有至少十年的专业经验;

3.      持有在其专业領域工作所需的执照或证书;

4.      申請者获得较高的薪資或報酬,显示其具有与众不同的才能;

5.      专业协会成員;或

6.      在专业領域作出重大贡献和取得重大成就,這些成就和贡献得到专业同行、或政府机构、或专业或商业组织的认可。




何为美国的国家利益,移民法和移民条例均未下具体定义。移民上诉委员会在1992年的Mississippi Phosphate 一案中,确定了以下衡量确定国家利益的原则:












移民上诉委员会在1998年的纽约州交通部(Matter of New York State Department of Transportation)一案中,又进一步规定了申请国家利益豁免的要求:


(1)    申请者必须证明其从事的工作领域具有实质性的内在优越性 (Substantial Intrinsic Merit)

(2)申请者必须证明其对美国国家利益的重大好处是全国性的(National in Scope)。专业成就的影响要能在国家规模感受到。

(3)    申请者必须证明,如果要通过首先申请劳工证程序办理绿卡,将会给美国的国家利益带来负面影响(The National Interest Would be Adversely Affected if Labor Certification were Required for the Alien)




移民局在审核国家利益豁免的申请中,着重考虑的是申请者专业才能如何对美国的国家利益有重大好处。对于国内的专业人士,海外留学生和访问学者来讲,很多人都是本专业领域的骄娇者,在论文发表,专业研究方面建树颇丰,个人符合要求一般没问题。关键因素是要证明其专业才能成就如何对美国的国家利益有重大的好处,这需要有具体的事实,具体的数字,专家,专业协会,相关政府部门的证明信,研究报告,专业期刊的报道等来证明。如果申请人是从事美国政府部门或科研部门下达的研究工作, 政府下达研究项目的计划(Research Project Proposal) 均说明了某个研究领域的现状,存在的问题,希望通过研究得到的目的和解决问题,并有具体的数字作为佐证。这种申请一般举证比较容易些。如果是在私人公司的专业研究部门工作,但研究范围较窄,影响力较少,要证明国家利益则相对比较难些。因为美国的国家利益强调的是美国整个国家的利益,而非某个私人公司,某个集团或某个州或几个州的利益。当然在私人公司或非政府下达的研究项目中研究开发成果如能产生全国效应也同样可以符合国家利益的要求。如某公司的工程师研究开发改进木材加工设备成功地解决木材加工工业主要的污染源问题,由此促进了美国的环境保护,因此对国家利益有好处。某公司的机械工程师是齿轮机械方面的专家,设计开发了新的传动装置系统,安装在飞机上可以减少传动装置发生故障的几率,有助于美国的航空交通安全,因此对国家利益有好处。目前移民局批准的国家利益豁免的申请包括以下专业人员(但不仅限于这些)






1.    二者都不需要劳工证申请,可以一步到位直接向移民局申请。

2.    二者都不需要有雇主,可以自己雇自己。这对于那些无雇主,或虽然在学校或公司工作,但雇主不愿帮助办绿卡的专业人士或仍在学校读书的博士生是一巨大的优点,他们可以独立地提出申请。

3.    第一优先无学位/学历要求,重点证明的是申请人的杰出的专业领域的才能和本领,对个人的杰出才能要求较高。但是国家利益豁免申请者一般最低要有硕士学位,对申请人的资格要求相对较低。

4.    第一优先,不需额外举证证明对美国国家利益的重大好处。但是,国家利益豁免则必须提供详实的证明材料证明申请者的专业才能,研究成果对美国整个的国家利益有重大的实质性的好处。




李相如律师撰稿 (11/08/2006)

Mark Li [ markxruli@gmail.com ]


Invitation to Seminar on Credit Analysis & Risk Management

Mr. John C. Kase, Vice President, Union Bank of CA

Wednesday, December 6, 7:00-8:30 p.m., 2006

                  University of the West (UWest)


In business dealing, one often needs to access the credit-worthiness of customers and business partners. What are the main elements of business credit analysis? How do commercial lenders analyze the credit-worthiness of a business? How can you apply these skills to your business to manage relevant business risk? These are important issues facing many business owners particularly in international trade. In this seminar, Mr. John C. Kase, Vice President and Senior Credit Executive, Los Angeles Commercial Banking, Union Bank of California, will share his many years of professional experience with the audience.

Mr. Kase has worked at the Union Bank of California for more than 20 years. He manages a commercial loan portfolio of over $500 million in loan commitments to corporate borrowers. His responsibilities include underwriting, credit approval, monitoring, and client relationship management. Before he assumed his current position in 1997 at the bank, he was the bank’s Vice President and Manager, Commercial Credit Training and Loan Analysis Departments.

Mr. Kase has received many honors and awards from his bank and professional associations. He has been the invited speaker to many professional associations, including CPA and Financial Professionals. He received his BA and MA from UC, Santa Barbara and completed MBA course work at Cal State University, Los Angeles.


            The seminar is organized by the Center for the Study of Minority & Small Business and the Department of Business Administration at UWest.

The seminar is free of charge to the public. UWest is located in Rosemead, 1409 N. Walnut Grove Avenue (turn right off Fwy 60, exit at San Gabriel). Please call (626) 571-8811, ext. 125 to reserve seating.


中国学生学者赴美增三成三 (China Press余东晖)







CSA Board director Dr. K. Ming Chan hosting Qingdao Delegation

The Sports Bureau of Qingdao City visited the local Olympic Committee on Sailing and related Water Sport activities in Long Beach from Nov 9 to Nov 13, 2006. On behalf of the Chinese Scholars Association, Prof. Chan and Karen extended their welcome to the delegation and the new Life-Member, Prof. David Pan from Northeaster University, Oklahoma, a member of USA Olympic Committee.  Prof. Chan also provided the local support from their arrival at the airport to the visits to different organizations and related events. The delegation was headed by Ms. Pang, who also expressed her wishes to welcome all of the CSA members to visit Qingdao in 2008 Olympic Game Sailing event. Some snapshots are attached in the file for viewing.



 中国第二次国民体质监测公报公布于世: 中国人的体质怎么样?(People )



  1、国民体质总体水平略有提高 国民体质综合指数显示,国民体质总体水平比2000年略有提高,这反映在国民身体素质水平明显提高,20岁至39岁成年人提高幅度最大。但是,国民身体形态水平略有下降,20岁至39岁年龄段成年人降低幅度最大;身体机能水平明显下降,60岁至69岁年龄段老年人下降幅度最大。

  2、成年男性肥胖率较高并呈增长趋势 成年男性肥胖率为9.3%,这比2000年增长了1.7个百分点,其中农民肥胖率为7.7%,比2000年增长了1.8个百分点,城市体力劳力者和非体力劳动者的肥胖率分别为9.4%和10.8%,较之以前都有不同程度的增长。而且监测报告显示,成年男性超重率达33.2%,而且年龄变化趋势与肥胖率相同。

  3、城乡人群体质水平差距明显 国民体质综合指数显示,20岁至69岁年龄段城镇人群体质水平高于村级人群,而且城乡差距随年龄增长而增大。国民体质评定等级结果也显示出同样的特点,这个年龄段的城镇人群的体质优秀率要比乡村人群高出超过10个百分点。

  4、国民体质水平呈“东高西低”状态 国民体质综合指数显示,人群体质最好的依次是上海、江苏、山东、广西、北京这5个省市(区、市),而排在第二档次的有江西等15个省(区、市),第三档的有宁夏等7个省(区、市),综合指数显示人群体质最差的有新疆、贵州、青海和西藏4个省(区),国民体质总体呈现“东高西低”状态。




Acceptance speech by Da Hsuan Feng as Honorary Professor of Nottingham University Ningbo China (11/13/06)


Thank you so much for those most kind and undeserved words about me, Chancellor Yang Fu-Jia.  I am truly honored to receive this great honor.


Just a few minutes ago, at the end of the ceremony where my colleague Alan MacDiarmid received his Honorary Doctor of Science degree from this university, you did something I have NEVER seen or heard before:  the playing of the British national anthem "God save the queen" and the Chinese national anthem "March of the volunteers"!  The music signaled to me the meshing of two great cultures of the world in a higher education setting!  I thought to myself that "how fitting in this new paradigm of the flat world!"


Last night at the banquet, hosted by the Vice Mayor of this great Chinese city Ningbo, I saw something remarkable around the enormous round dinner table.  I saw some of the most talented British higher education academicians, sitting together with some of the most talented Chinese higher education academicians, discussing, debating, planning and executing something that has never been tried before, a CHINESE university, on CHINESE soil, yet leveraging the great name, the great tradition and maintaining the same and high academic standard of one of great research BRITISH universities, the University of Nottingham, in an attempt to produce the workforce of the 21st century.


Ladies and gentlemen, today, one can hear the "wailing" for globalization for all higher education institutions from all corners of the globe. Yet, what this university, the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, is attempting to do has not been tried before, namely putting two vastly different cultures and styles of administration from Great Britain and China together for the purpose and the benefit of educating a new workforce of the 21st century. The students produced under this "experiment," I hope, can be a model for the "smart" workforce of the 21st century.


Indeed, whether Nottingham University Ningbo China can achieve its aim remains to be seen, but seeing how earnestly the educators from Great Britain and China seem to be working seamlessly together gives me every reason to believe that it will undoubtedly have in the 21st century profound affect in China and Great Britain in particular and the world in general.


It is for these lofty reasons, Chancellor Yang and Ladies and Gentlemen, that I am humbled and truly exciting to "join your ranks." I hope I will and can justify the trust you have placed in me in making me a part of your effort in building that no one has tried before.  I will do my best to contribute with my meager ability to assist you in this great march of higher education in the 21st century.


Thank you.





中国国家税务总局: 重点管理年所得12万元以上高收入者纳税情况



665 billions US Dollars of foreign funds flow into China

As of the end of September, China had lured an accumulated 665 billion U.S. dollars of foreign funds, according to the Ministry of Commerce figures. China has been the biggest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) among the developing countries for 15 straight years, said Wang Chao, assistant minister of Commerce.


Foreign investors come from about 200 countries and regions worldwide and include 480 of the global top 500 corporations, Wang told the Dialogue Meeting between the Private Enterprises and Fortune Global 500 Companies, held in Wenzhou city of East China's Zhejiang Province.


Multinational corporations and private enterprises are two important forces behind China's fast economic growth, and the two forces should seek more and better chances for cooperation and achieve mutual benefit.


To meet the demand of China's national development and industrial structure adjustment, the Ministry of Commerce and the National Development and Reform Commission are adjusting investment guidance for foreign investors, said Li Zhiqun, head of the foreign investment management department of the Ministry of Commerce.


Big names such as Coca Cola, Motorola, Sony and Siemens and a group of leading Chinese private businesses such as Aokang Group and Kangnai Group attended the meeting.


Since China adopted a reform and opening up policy 28 years ago, foreign investment has contributed a lot to the country's economic development. Currently, about 280,000 foreign-funded enterprises contribute 27 percent of China's total industrial output value, 57 percent of China's exports and employ 10 percent of China's total employees.


The number of China's private businesses had increased from 80,951 in 2000 to 181,727 last year. The added industrial value of private businesses rose from 552.7 billion yuan (about 70 billion U.S. dollars) in 2000 to 2.13 trillion yuan (267.3 billion U.S. dollars) last year.


Private businesses made up 50 percent of China's total GDP by end of last year, according to All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce.



















美国联邦公民与移民局: 恢复学生身份填表程序改变 30日以前填交者无须重填




  这次转移申请表格是为了USCIS采用统一存档和双重业务裁定动议进入第三期作准备。USCIS通过双重业务工作来调整该两个服务中心之间嘟墓ぷ髁俊?BR>  申请恢复F1M1身份的申请者会从将处理其案件的服务中心收到收据通知。USCIS的地区办公室将继续运用现有的程序处理在1030日以前所接获的恢复学生身份申请案。在30日之前,地区办公室将继续接受专为恢复身份填写的I539表格。30日以前收到I539表格的办公室将在该处完成整个申请手续。因此,已经向一个地区办公室填交表格的申请者,无须因程序的变更而填交新表格。




  2、使用USCIS网站的Case Status Service:www.uscis.gov



China's missiles reach int'l advanced level

 The China Aerospace Science and Industry Group will display nearly 20 kinds of missiles of three series, the most ever, on the attractive Zhuhai Air Show such as the missiles for air defense, sea defense and ground-to-ground defense.


These missile defense systems display the entire process of the comprehensive implementation and efficient defense of the Chinese missile arsenal. These systems also show the ability and level of defending airspace, territorial waters and territory for China.

In the forthcoming opening of the 6th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, the eight Chinese characters for "letting fly magic sword to gain peace" in the Aerospace Science and Industry Group exhibit hall will attract attention. Group general manager of CASIC Yin Xingliang says, at present Chinese missiles overall have reached international level and some models have reached the international advanced level of the mid - to-late 1990s.Multiple ranges, series and types of missile products made by the Group have already formed a Chinese missile family with an excellent quality and a large number. The missiles with different control methods are available to different targets including strategic and tactical missiles, air defense and antimissile missiles, and sea, land and radar cruise missiles. They have considerable strength in the long-range precision strike, air defense and antimissile, contention for battle space and strike at enemy information chain. These missiles have strengthened national defense and effectively safeguarded the security of the territorial land, air and sea of the motherland. They have also made important contributions to the peace and stability of the whole world.


美国大学偏爱中国研究生(华 言)






















China Only-children parents urged to have two kids

 Parents who are the only children of their families are being encouraged to have a second child in a major effort to balance the city's aging population. "This is not a local policy, the encouragement we are giving conforms with the national family planning system," said Duan Jianhua, deputy director of the Guangzhou Population and Family Planning Committee.

According to a policy issued by the National Population and Family Planning Commission in 2000, couples from one-child families in 27 provinces are allowed to have a second child. The policy aims to help reduce the pressure on younger members of society caused by ever-increasing aging populations.

However, there are only a meager number of couples in the city willing to have a second child, due to the increased financial burden.

At present, Guangzhou has more than 100,000 married couples without children, accounting for 11.3 per cent of the total number of married couples, according to Duan.

In another development, the municiple government is considering providing hard-up only-child families in Guangzhou with financial aid.

According to a recent survey by the local population and family planning authority, more than 8,000 only-child families in the city have encountered "great financial problems."

According to Duan, another city-wide survey is currently being conducted on the state of one-child families.

Currently, Guangzhou has 372,631 one-child families, about 15 per cent of the total.

Thefinancial aid for families with financial problems will be calculated on its results.

Based on the survey, the local population and family planning department will submit a proposal to the Guangzhou municipal government, calling for more financial support to these families.


美移民局又扩大加急申请范围 杰出人才申请15日答复(吴越)

移民局近日宣布,移民局将扩大加急申请范围,接受“EB-1杰出人才”(EB-1 Aliens with Extraordinary Ability)移民申请的加急办理,申请者只需支付1000元,即可在提出申请15日之内得到答复。

 1113日开始,移民局将开始接受包括EB-1杰出人才在内的外籍工作者移民申请(Immigration Petition for Alien Worker)的I-140表格的加急处理。提出加急申请的雇主需提交外国工人移民申请表格I-140以及I-907b表格,并交纳1000元的加快办理费用。



 可以提出加急申请的移民案件,主要分为两类:非移民工作签证申请和职业移民的绿卡申请。到目前为止,亲属移民类的案件还不能提出加急申请。有关办理加急服务的事宜可在移民局的网站“如何使用加急办理服务”一栏中找到,民众亦可拨打移民局的客户服务中心热线 1-800-375-5283查询。

USCIS: 预留有余额 118日截止 H1B 6800名额现开放申请





  移民局指出,假使申请人肯定自已于526日提交申请并已退回,可是于118日仍未收到通知书,可以于118日后发出电子邮件到 vsc.h1bcaphelpdesk@dhs.gov查询,不过,千万不要错过截止申请日期的时间。


China's rocket to be on standby (CN)

"The rocket must come back home after landing on the moon. But within the coming 10 years there will be no country in the world that has the ability to recover it." Ouyang Ziyuan, chief scientist of China's lunar exploration program, said to our reporter last week. "The United States announced that until 2018 they would not have the ability."

He disclosed that "Chang'e 1" would be on standby by the end of 2006.

"Chang'e 1" is scheduled to be launched in the year of 2007, and specific launch date will be fixed in the near future. He told the reporter that they have to be extremely cautious as there's only a window time of 35 minutes each month for "Chang'e 1" and it has to be considered three days ahead of the launch of the program."

"There are many research departments involved in the exploration project in Shanghai. The specific launch date will have to be established depending on the weather conditions of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. Launch should avoid the rain, thunder and so on. Therefore, there are always variables." Ouyang Ziyuan said.

People are concerned about the costs of China's "Chang'e" exploration. Ouyang Ziyuan disclosed that the investment amount would not break 1.4 billion yuan for the first batch with the launch date drawing nearer and nearer.




  一、EB-1杰出人才/EB-2 NIW国家利益豁免申请受益人

  虽然EB-1杰出人才/EB-2 NIW国家利益豁免申请受益人可以在不需要有雇主的情况下自行提出I-140 的申请,也没有为特定雇主工作的要求,所以即使I-140的申请刚送上去了,也可以更换雇主,更没有所谓I-485送件后多久才能换雇主的规定。但是,这一类的申请人必须一直在同一专业或研究领域继续工作。如果他们从事新的工作领域的话,势必会影响他们的I-485申请。此外,值得注意的是,在-485的审理过程中,这些申请人必须提出他们会继续从事他们现行领域的工作的证明,而最好的证明就是提出一份与你I-140申请时相同领域的雇主信。



  一般情况下必须由为你提出劳工纸的雇主工作直到你的I-140批准且I-485等待审理超过 180天。在这之后可以换相同或类似的工作,但是什么是相同或类似的工作则要在考虑离职前与你的律师沟通。

  若是在I-140尚未批准或I-485送件还没满180天就换工作的情况下,除非你现在的雇主愿意继续保持你的绿卡申请程序,并希望在你取得绿卡后回去为原雇主服务,不然的话,在I-140尚未批准或I-485 送件未满180天就离职的话,会失去已经批准的劳工证和I-140。这时,如果你找到一个新的雇主并重新提出新的PERMI-140的话或许能够保留你原有的优先排期。


  上述RIRPERM劳工证申请受益人更换雇主的情况及要求,也同样适用EB-1B杰出教授和研究人员,因为这一类的申请也是透过雇主给予Long-Term Job Offer的方式提出申请的。



中国网络婚恋交友市场潜力巨大 服务进入专业化竞争 (刘冰)


    计世资讯(CCW Research)经过对网络婚恋交友的长期关注和跟踪研究,对该服务在中国市场的发展阶段做了如下定义:第一阶段是概念形成期及服务导入期,在这个阶段网络婚恋交友的方式独立存在于网民互联网生活形态之中,其严肃交友的概念区别于其他的网络交友形式,并逐渐获得网民,特别是处于婚姻适龄阶段的未婚网民的认可,同时在网络婚恋交友网站的注册用户也呈爆炸式增长的趋势迅速发展。本阶段的发展核心目标是网络婚恋交友的形式被网民所认可,适合中国人的网络婚恋交友模式初露端倪。第二阶段是服务定型期,这个阶段的特点是网络婚恋交友服务的模式日趋成熟,不同企业的服务差异性开始缩小,网络婚恋服务网站的注册用户数量有所减少,严肃的交友用户逐渐开始沉淀。本阶段的核心目标是形成一个适合中国人习惯的网络婚恋交友服务形式,同时提供服务的企业竞争形态基本形成,位于前几位的服务提供企业将会形成品牌优势。第三阶段是网络婚恋交友服务的扩展期,在这个阶段网络婚恋交友服务将会直接挑战传统的婚恋交友服务,并且在很大程度对中国社会的网络婚恋交友服务进行规范。同时从事网络婚恋交友服务的企业服务领域也开始进入扩展期,扩张方向主要是向婚恋服务的其他领域扩展。例如,向线下服务扩展等,这些企业也可以依靠线上服务塑造的品牌进入整个中国婚恋及婚恋衍生品市场。

    现在的中国婚恋交友市场正处于第一个阶段向第二个阶段过渡的时期,为了更好的把握中国网民的在线交友行为,同时正确评价中国网络婚恋交友服务企业的市场竞争位置,计世资讯(CCW Research)在国内核心城市展开了一次大规模的调研。



    衡量服务企业的专业性、安全性需要很多指标,同时这些指标又不可能完全量化。我们如何来衡量网络婚恋服务提供商服务的好坏呢?计世资讯(CCW Research)认为,现有注册用户对服务的满意度水平是衡量服务好与坏的有效指标。在这次调查中,百合网的用户满意度最高,领先于其他的服务提供厂商。经过分析,我们发现百合网在以下三个方面提高了用户的满意度。第一是提供了专业的性格测试系统,让用户充分的体会到了服务的专业性;第二是确立了专业的服务定位,企业一心一意做网络婚恋交友服务,让用户放心交友的安全性;第三是在注册用户中很好的做好了取与舍,通过提高进入门槛将目标不一致的用户摒弃在网站之外。



14 Things to Do Before You Retire (THOMAS H. BENTON)

The path of most faculty careers is reasonably clear: from graduate student to assistant professor to associate to full professor to endowed chair to emeritus professor, if you happen to be talented, productive, and lucky.

Nevertheless, there are many things you should but may never do as a professor unless you make a conscious effort to step out of the usual groove of your career. Of course, you are not required to do any of these things before you retire, but, I would argue, some of them are what make academic life worth living.

1. Get Tenure. Without tenure, you are more or less condemned to a string of part-time, low-wage, no-benefit positions at many different institutions with little or no control over what you do from year to year. Depending on your field and your institution, obtaining tenure can be something that ranges from a challenge to a near impossibility. But, once obtained, tenure gives you the chance to do everything else on this list, possibly after 20 or more years of deferred gratification.

2. Learn From an Emeritus Professor. Sometimes retirement means invisibility because people think you do not have any authority and your scholarly views are probably dated. But the retired faculty members know the history of your institution and the profession as a whole, and they have a major role to play in the transmission of that memory, if anyone will listen.

3. Perfect an Introductory Course. Many tenured faculty members avoid teaching introductory courses, surveys, and composition classes, even though those courses are the most important ones in the curriculum. They are the gateways into any major, and they are the public face of your discipline for students who will major in something else. Make your intro course legendary for being difficult and worth taking in spite of it -- even for nonmajors. Support the dignity and importance of the core curriculum, and, in the process, college education as a whole.

4. Be a Mentor for Students. Professors are often trained to regard students as impediments to research. Why not, instead, have a personal policy of selecting every semester at least one student -- and not necessarily the brightest -- to be the focus of your special concern. I have a colleague who recently guided a foreign student through the entire grad-school application process and even helped her settle into a new city after she was admitted with a fellowship. Such behavior would raise eyebrows in some research universities, but I have seen my colleague engage in that kind of extraordinary care for students year after year. Professors can change the lives of their students in all sorts of ways outside the classroom.

5. Teach in a Foreign Country. Break out of the pedagogical ruts imposed on you by long experience in the same setting. Participate in an exchange program or apply for a Fulbright. If you cannot go abroad, try being a visiting faculty member somewhere else in your own country, or maybe try teaching a class at another local college. Find out what students and faculty members at other places are thinking, and you can return with new ideas for your home institution and, perhaps, a greater appreciation for it.

6. Write About Something That Matters to You. If you have tenure, you probably have conducted research and published at least one book on a topic that would ensure your employability and promotion. Inevitably, such undertakings have a way of drifting toward opportunity and away from inclination. Now that you have a modicum of security, you finally can rediscover the passions that led you into your discipline in the first place and, perhaps, ignite those passions in others.

7. Become a Public Intellectual. Write a column for The Chronicle or an opinion essay for a major paper saying what you really think about something controversial, even if you have to risk burning some bridges in the process. One well-read column can have more impact than years of obscure scholarship. Or work in some new publication venue, like a blog, that has little professional respectability and the potential to revolutionize academic discourse. Support the colleagues who are taking those risks to reach a wider audience.

8. Build a Library. Assemble a comprehensive collection of the books in your field. Academic book publishing is suffering for many reasons, but one of them is the failure of faculty members to support their own profession by buying hardcover books. You may not read all of the books you buy, but you will help keep your scholarly interests alive in the marketplace. Arrange to donate your lifetime accumulation to a small college library or an esteemed junior colleague.

9. Be a Mentor to a Junior Colleague. Remember what it was like to be completely new in a strange city and in an alien department, full of feuds going back decades -- all while you are being judged for your poise on a six-year treadmill? Stop by the offices of new hires now and then. Take them to lunch. Give them the straight story on the power blocs in your department without trying to recruit them to your faction. Support them when they make mistakes, and build the web of intergenerational trust.

10. Finance a Prize or a Scholarship. By and large, colleges get what they are willing to reward, and if your department no longer recognizes certain kinds of achievement that you value, put your money where you mouth is. A few thousand dollars a year for a prize can go a long way toward motivating students to conduct research and sustain courses in areas that matter to you. If people from your background are not well represented in your institution, then support scholarships that will help to attract and sustain them. Arrange to leave a portion of your estate to endow the fund.

11. Reinvent Yourself. Learn a completely new -- but complementary -- field of scholarship. Cross-train in another discipline and, in the process, remember what it means to be a student. Reach out to new colleagues to help you learn. Read new journals and attend new conferences. Eventually, teach courses outside your original field, maybe even in other departments, and help to build new, integrative majors.

12. Serve as an Administrator. Professors often bellyache about administrators as if they are not typically doing the best they can under difficult and contentious circumstances. See how your perspective changes after a couple of years as a department head. Serve on a variety of committees and posts that give you insight into admissions, development, public relations, residential life, and other categories of administrative work. That kind of inside knowledge will enable you to work on the next item with some possibility of success.

13. Lead a Major Campus Initiative. The best advice for an untenured faculty member, unfortunately, is to keep your head down and not make any enemies. After tenure, it is time to cultivate that gentle art for the sake of things you care about more than interpersonal relations. Become a leader on committees, and sponsor risky proposals that have the potential to change your campus for the better. What is tenure for, anyway, if not for playing a role in the governance of your institution? And perhaps the most important risk you can take is to prevent the erosion of tenure itself.

14. Preserve Tenure for Someone Else. Do everything you can to make sure you are not replaced by underpaid adjuncts after you retire. If your institution will not guarantee your faculty line, refuse to retire, if possible. Guard your health, remain productive, and stay a tenured professor -- at your peak salary -- until they carry you away on a stretcher. If they preserve your line and replace you with a tenure-track professor, take an interest in that person and hope he or she reciprocates (see No. 2).

This list certainly does not exhaust the important things we should do as professors, but I think it is a good -- if slightly idiosyncratic -- start. And, now that I have tenure, I am working hard at checking off as many of these tasks as possible.

I do not mean to suggest that you should limit yourself to doing any of these things only once. But we often become specialists in one or more of these activities, and it might be a good idea to try to undertake new things from time to time. I suspect that once you break out of a pattern of neglecting one or more of the items on this list, new habits will emerge, and your career and life will develop in productive directions.

There is an elegiac note in the final point of my list. An increasing amount of college teaching -- probably more than two-thirds -- is now conducted by part-timers and graduate students who are so overburdened, unprotected, and transient that it is terribly hard for them to accomplish many of these ideals (though many make heroic efforts). And so the responsibility for maintaining the continuity, collegiality, and quality of higher education rests on fewer and fewer shoulders every year. And the social fabric of higher education -- the central theme of my list -- is ripped to shreds for the temporary illusion of flexibility and efficiency.

In academe, everything important begins and ends with tenure.


美国为全球最大的留学目的地  吸收外國留學南加州大學奪冠 

根據國際教育學院(IEE)公佈的2006年度「門戶開放報告」,在美國的國際學生當中,來自中國大陸、台灣、香港的留學生分別位居第2612位。報告指出,在2005/06學年裡大陸留學生有76%唸研究所、15%唸大學、9%為其他課程。而台灣留學生方面,有58%唸研究所、29%唸大學、14%為其他課程。香港留學生則以唸大學為主,佔68.4%,唸研究所的有23.8%,其他課程的則有7.7%。另外,來自中國大陸的學者人數,從2003/04學年的14871人,驟增至2004/05年的17035人,漲幅為 14.6%2005/06年的數據稍後才會公佈。




