2007年第4期 創刊第368期 2/13/2007
亲爱的朋友: 情人节快乐,新年如意。
周末就是我们的传统春节。每当想起小时候,穿新衣,放花炮,走家串户去拜年,吃喝还拿压岁钱,温馨的回忆就不打一处来。到了美国, 新年不放假了,家人不易团聚了,虽然事业成了收入涨了,可是工作更忙了,放松时间更少了,亲朋好友来往不多了,亲情世谊淡薄了。有时想起这一切,还真是令人感慨不已。
趁着这个机会,我们在这里欢欢喜喜、恭恭敬敬地给大家拜个早年。 祝您新年兴旺,身体健康,精神愉快,万事如意。也提醒您别忘了给老爸老妈打个电话汇个孝心,给亲朋好友发个“伊妹儿”问个好,给身边的亲人说声爱示个谢。
在海外多年,我们最深地体会也许是“天大地大不如亲情大,千好万好不如身心好”。人到中年上有老下有小。操劳的事更多了,身心健康更重要了。眼看着父母都更加年迈了,有些已逐渐离开了我们,而自己和身边人也多细纹渐显,华发初现。很显然,成功的事业是靠青春的拼搏换来的, 今后的历程要靠健康的身心来完成。
中国近来提倡“和谐”,本以为大概也与以前“安定、团结”之类的口号类同,但再一细想之下,也觉得不无道理: “和”即“有「禾」入「口」”, 民以食為天,大家生活好了自然释怀; “諧”则“人「皆」能「言」” ,民主首靠議論自由,说话渠道畅通了,“民主”当然也就“是个好东西” 了。中医不是常说吗?“不通则痛”,通了就爽了,和谐了。和谐了,友情亲情爱情在“猪年”就能更“圆满”;和谐了,学业事业产业就能在“猪年“更“丰盛”。
我们今年的CSA新春团拜晚餐舞会,也就是赶时髦,冲着“和谐”来的。和大伙和谐和谐,和亲朋好友和谐和谐,和兄弟专业社团和谐和谐。 您不想来凑个热闹和谐和谐吗吗?想的话就请点击下列大红标题:
(3/3/70 at CSUF)
我们最近收到了很多的“伊妹尔”打听入会资格的事。其实很简单,不论任何专业或职业,只要你有博士学位或者准教授以上的职称,就符合我们的入会资格;如果您有硕士以上学位或是在读研究生,你就可以成为我们的准会员。欢迎您在下列网页下载我们的会员表:http://www.csasc.org/index_files/Page1135.htm 。 欢迎您成为我们快乐和谐专家教授大家庭的一员。
Table of content - 本期重要目录
Ø Chinese
New Year Celebration --- "Cultural Night 2007" (CSSA-UCLA)
Ø Invitation
from NY - 大纽约地区清华校友会庆新春活动
Ø China
new rule on foreigners buying houses
Ø 中国环保总局潘岳:环境资源问题对“和谐社会”构成严重挑战
Ø Chinese
NGOs Increase to 346,000
Ø Call
for Papers: The ACPSS 13th International Conference
Ø 中科院首发《中国可持续发展总纲(国家卷)》- 中国人口平均预期寿命可达85岁
Ø Announcement:
ACPSS Trip to Taiwan--July 2007
Social Agenda during AAHPERD 2007 Convention
Ø Cardiovascular
disease top killer of adult
Ø 2007
China Times Cultural Foundation Fellowships
Ø Message
from CSUN: Asian Piano Recital (2/16)
Ø USC Seminar: "A Reevaluation
of the Chinese Revolution: Linking the Past to the Present Over the Long
Upcoming Events: "Rising Star: China’s New Security Diplomacy" (2/26/07)
Ø 平凡也是一種風度
Ø Research
Associate Position in Beijing
to support China's European studies
Ø 外國語教學撥款 中文最吃香 申請開設華語學區都獲加分 補助金額占48%
Ø Fellowship
Opportunity at NRI
Ø The
Grant Institute: Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop (3/5/07)
Ø Harvard
University Names Drew G. Faust as its First Female President (Picture)
时间:March 4,
2007 Sunday, 5:00pm - 10:00 pm 三月四日星期天下午5:00-10:00时
Pavilion, Titan Student Union, 800 N State College Blvd, CSUF加州州立大学富乐敦分校
(Freeway 57, exit
Nutwood Ave, right on State College Dr., right on
晚会券: 所有会员、家属及宾客 每位$10 Ticket: $10 per person/guest
截至订票日期:2/28/07 (先到先订,订满即止 - First coming first
RSVP: 陈钧铭教授Dr.
Kwan Chan
支票请寄:P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647.
For the membership form, please download
it at http://www.csasc.org/index_files/Page1135.htm
4:30PM 各学科委员会会前聚会 (欢迎所有新老会员参加)
5:00PM 报到、入场(欢迎办理入会或续会手续:终身会员
$200,会员 $25,准会员$10)
6:00PM 新春贺词 钟建华大使,CSUF 执行校长 Anderson,
Judith, CSA会长 姜镇英教授
6:10PM 晚餐社交
7:00PM 文艺演出 (专业主持人 周锐女士 – 来自原中央电视台9频道)
8:00PM 卡拉OK,交谊舞
我们将在入场登记处给所有的终身会员准备好会员证书(framed certificate)。欢迎所有的终身会员都能出席晚会并在签到处领证。
独乐乐不如众乐乐,虽然我们已近有了独舞,钢琴,独唱,短笛等十余个精彩的节目,假如你有文艺表演天分,不妨自告奋勇,毛遂自荐(欢迎你和我们联系:联系人Dir. Lisa Xue薛亚平女士lxue@Exchange.FULLERTON.EDU 或 Dr. Shen Binghui 沈炳辉教授BShen@coh.org )。
工程与自然科学委员会: 王云霞教授 ylwang@csupomona.edu
人文与社会科学委员会: 邝国强教授 kkwong2@calstatela.edu
网络委员会: 郦永刚教授 ygli@terra.usc.edu
专家委员会: 姜镇英 教授 zjiang@barstow.edu
联系人: 礼品事宜:黄胜和教授 Shhuang@hsc.usc.edu
资金款项:陈钧铭教授 drkmchan@gmail.com
PLEASE fill the following:
I will be in the New Year Gathering
1. Myself only______ (Name_______ Email
2. My family will come with me: Adult(s)
3. My friend(s)/Guest(s):
I am CSA lifetime member________; I am CSA new member
of 2007____
I will renew my membership for 2007 ________
I would like to attend the Social Science and Humanity
Committee meeting at 4:30pm__
I would like to attend the Science and Engineering
Committee meeting at 4:30pm______
报名方法:RSVP: drkmchan@gmail.com (before 2/28)
Please rite your check to “CSA” and mail
it to:
支票请寄:Dr. Kwan Chan, CSA Treasure
“诸”事圆满 笑口常开
CSA Board Directors
Dr. Jiang Zhenying 姜镇英教授zjiang@barstow.edu CSA President 会长
Dr. Li,
Yong-Gang 郦永刚教授ygli@terra.usc.edu CSA
VP 副会长
Dr. Huang,
Shenghe 黄胜和教授Shhuang@hsc.usc.edu Secretary 秘书长
Dr. Chan, K.
Ming 陈钧铭教授drkmchan@gmail.com Treasure 司库
Dr. Shen,
Binghui 沈炳辉教授BShen@coh.org Director
of Fundraising
Dr. Lisa Wang 王云霞教授ylwang@csupomona.edu
Dir of Science & Engineering
Dr. Kern Kwong 邝国强教授kkwong2@calstatela.edu Dir of Social Science
Dr, Howard Wang 王世本副校长 hwang@exchange.fullerton.edu
Dir. Lisa Xue 薛亚平女士 lxue@Exchange.FULLERTON.EDU
Dir. Arthur Wang 王海潮先生 ahwang@exchange.fullerton.edu
Chinese New
Year Celebration --- "Cultural Night 2007" (CSSA-UCLA)
Dear UCLA Friends and Colleagues,
Happy Chinese New Year!
2007 is the
"Golden Pig Year" which only comes every 600 years according to
Chinese Folklore. It symbolizes a successful, prosperous and wealthy life. As the largest international students and
scholars association at UCLA, Chinese Students and Scholars Association at UCLA
(CSSA-UCLA) is committed to promote cultural exchanges, introduce Chinese
culture into
Our program
includes, but not limited to, Lion Dance, Fashion Show, Magic Show, Kids
Chorus, Xiang Sheng (Stand-up Comedy), Chinese Folk Dancing, Musical
Instrument, Solo and Prize Drawing ( i.e., iPod Shuffle and miscellaneous
items). In addition, "Miss
Time: Pre-Show: 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Sunday, February 18, 2007 (FREE phototaking, Chinese calligraphy and paining demo, puzzles, video, light Chinese food and drink, and etc.)
Party: 7:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., Sunday, February 18, 2007.
Location: 3rd Level
Ballroom, Tom Bradley International Hall located at section "5C" in
UCLA map ( http://www.ucla.edu/map/map_northwest.html);
UCLA parking information kiosk on campus is located in
Admission: FREE
Registration (required): Send your reservation email to: chineseculturalnight@gmail.com including the following MANDATORY information:
1. Name:
2. Number of Tickets (Note: 4 tickets per person in maximum. Due to limited seats, one adult only can reserve 2 seats; If you reserve more than 2 tickets, you need to provide the name of each additional person you bring with you for check-in purpose):
3. Contact (phone and/or email):
4. Status (choose one of the following 3 categories: Current Students and Scholars at UCLA/UCLA Alumnus/Not Related to UCLA):
5. Memo (anything you want to let us know) (OPTIONAL):
Join us and celebrate Year of the Golden Pig!
CSSA-UCLA Committee
洛杉磯廣州同學會迎春晚會 (2/24)
洛杉磯廣州同學會定24日(週六)晚上6時30分,在蒙特利公園市北海漁村海鮮酒家舉行「金豬迎春晚會,邀請廣州名歌星陳禮祺獻唱。 當晚的熱鬧節目還包括林老師舞蹈團表演、廣州同學會三倒奇翁陸正平即席揮毫、倒寫書法。 北海漁村海鮮酒家地址 :145 N. At-lantic Blvd, #201
from NY - 大纽约地区清华校友会庆新春活动
Dear Alumni/Friends,
The New Year is
still around the corner, Our Spring Festival is almost here. Many
members/alumni asked us if we have any activities around Spring Festival. Our
Former President (Tsinghua Beijing) Zhang (Xiaowen) is going to visit us around
Chinese New Year, we would like to host a celebration as well as welcome party.
Any suggestion is welcome. Date/Time: Friday February 23, 2007 6:00PM ~
Restaurant Name:
一年一度的中国农历新年又到了。大纽约地区清华校友会将于2月23日(周五)晚6时于 纽约万寿宫举办校友聚会,盛邀美东地区各届清华(新竹,北京)校友欢聚一堂,共度良 宵。 届时,老校长张孝文也将参加此次活动,与校友们同庆佳节。张孝文于1957年毕业于清 华大学机械制造系,历任清华大学化工系主任,理学院副院长、副校长。1988年10月至 1994年1月期间,担任清华大学校长。在团结师生推动学校在稳定中发展,推行以提高 教学质量为中心的各项改革和建设,推进学科结构的拓展等方面做出了重要的贡献。 大纽约地区清华校友会是全美众多清华校友会中历史最悠久的。早在六零年代末期就已 在33級黃中孚學長等的經常聯絡、奔走聯繫下,漸具規模成形。校友会的宗旨是促进校 友联系,互相帮助,关心母校发展。除去农历新年,清华校庆(4月最后一个星期 日),中秋等定期活动外,大纽约地区清华校友会还会不定期的举办各种座谈和讲座, 促进校友间成功经验的交流和传播。 此次活动联系人:馬立中 (609-275-1673), 黃崑山(646-338-9218),罗建刚 (201-966-3472) 李征((201-681-2615), 李曉艾 (617-669-8815),周志科 (617-388-9196),柳攀 (201-88903988) 网址:www.tsinghua.org , 电邮:contact@gny.tsinghua.org 万寿宫地址:100 Park Avenue, New York, NY (It’s in 40th st, between Park and Madison avenue) Tel: 212-725-5570, 费用$25/人.
Pacific Council on International Policy - “Engaging
A Luncheon Conversation with the Honorable Kenneth W. Dam
Former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
Thursday, March 1
12 Noon – 2:00 p.m.
Redwood Securities Group, Inc.
For your reference www.pacificcouncil.org
You are cordially
invited to a luncheon conversation with Kenneth W. Dam, former U.S. Deputy
Secretary of the Treasury and co-chair of a recent task force of business
leaders and policy experts who explored the issue of how the
Mr. Dam, along with Dr. Geoffrey Garrett, president of the prestigious Pacific Council on International Policy, will brief us on the Task Force’s key findings and recommendations.
The Task Force has
made an especially timely and important contribution to policy debates now under
way about how to respond to the challenges posed by
Seats are limited for this luncheon and will only be reserved for the first 20 registrants.
Please RSVP with Nicole Lin at (626) 839-5888.
Robert Sun
第一条 为了鼓励科学研究和技术开发,促进科技进步,规范科技开发用品的免税进口行为,根据国务院关于同意对科教用品进口实行税收优惠政策的决定,制定本规定。
第二条 下列科学研究、技术开发机构,在2010年12月31日前,在合理数量范围内进口国内不能生产或者性能不能满足需要的科技开发用品,免征进口关税和进口环节增值税、消费税:
(一) 科技部会同财政部、海关总署和国家税务总局核定的科技体制改革过程中转制为企业和进入企业的主要从事科学研究和技术开发工作的机构;
(二) 国家发展和改革委员会会同财政部、海关总署和国家税务总局核定的国家工程研究中心;
(三) 国家发展和改革委员会会同财政部、海关总署、国家税务总局涂萍疾亢硕ǖ钠笠导际踔行模?lt;/P>
(四) 科技部会同财政部、海关总署和国家税务总局核定的国家重点实验室和国家工程技术研究中心;
(五) 财政部会同国务院有关部门核定的其他科学研究、技术开发机构。
第三条 免税进口科技开发用品的具体范围,按照本规定所附《免税进口科技开发用品清单》执行。
第四条 依照本规定免税进口的科技开发用品,应当直接用于本单位的科学研究和技术开发,不得擅自转让、移作他用或者进行其他处置。
第五条 经海关核准的单位,其免税进口的科技开发用品可以用于其他单位的科学研究和技术开发活动。
第六条 违反规定,将免税进口的科技开发用品擅自转让、移作他用或者进行其他处置的,按照有关规定处罚,有关单位在1年内不得享受本税收优惠政策;依法被追究刑事责任的,有关单位在3年内不得享受本税收优惠政策。
第七条 海关总署根据本规定制定海关具体实施办法。
第八条 本规定自2007年2月1日起施行。
(一) 研究开发、科学试验用的分析、测量、检查、计量、观测、发生信号的仪器、仪表及其附件;
(二) 为科学研究、技术开发提供必要条件的实验室设备 (不包括中试设备);
(三) 计算机工作站,中型、大型计算机;
(四) 在海关监管期内用于维修依照本规定已免税进口的仪器、仪表和设备或者用于改进、扩充该仪器、仪表和设备的功能而单独进口的专用零部件及配件;
(五) 各种载体形式的图书、报刊、讲稿、计算机软件;
(六) 标本、模型;
(七) 实验用材料;
(八) 实验用动物;
(九) 研究开发、科学试验和教学用的医疗检测、分析仪器及其附件 (限于医药类科学研究、技术开发机构);
(十) 优良品种植物及种子 (限于农林类科学研究、技术开发机构);
(十一) 专业级乐器和音像资料 (限于艺术类科学研究、技术开发机构);
(十二) 特殊需要的体育器材 (限于体育类科学研究、技术开发机构);
(十三) 研究开发用的非汽油、柴油动力样车 (限于汽车类研究开发机构)
Foreigners who
intend to buy a house in
A statement jointly
issued by six ministries led by the Construction Ministry last July required
foreigners to stay in China for at least a year before they would be allowed to
buy a house. The rule required that they only use and dwell in the house
themselves and not buy a house for other purposes. They were also required to
use their real names when buying a house in
However, property
sales for foreigners and foreign organizations came to a temporary halt in
Friday's new rule jointly issued by the city's five departments led by the Beijing Municipal Construction Committee specifies that foreigners should provide a certificate as to their status when buying a house. They can only buy a house for their personal use.
organizations that set up branches or agencies in
Foreign embassies in
中国环保总局潘岳:环境资源问题对“和谐社会”构成严重挑战 (中新 赵胜玉)
国家环保总局副局长潘岳在《绿叶》杂志创刊十五周年研讨会上指出,环境资源问题已经对建设“和谐社会”构成了严重挑战。 他说,当前,中国的环境形势十分严峻,环境与经济的矛盾空前突出:中央在“十一五”规划中提出“每年节能百分之四,减排百分之二”。结果是,二00六年主要污染物排放不降反升;平均每两天发生一起突发性环境事故,群众环境投诉增加了三成。环境资源问题已经对建设“和谐社会”构成了严重挑战,环境问题早已超越了专业层次,成为影响经济、制约社会、涉及政治的大问题。
Chinese NGOs
Increase to 346,000
Last year, civil affairs departments at various levels worked out a set of rules regulating NGOs according to local situations. The departments provided special guidance to NGOs that are dedicated to the development of particular industries, the rural economy and charity activities, said Zhang Weilin, an official with the ministry.
Since September last year, NGOs had participated in 211 projects supporting the rural development, involving a total investment of 5.5 billion yuan (US$688 million), Zhang said.
Since 1978 when
Civilian organizations have served as "helpful assistants" to the government in many areas including poverty reduction, environmental protection, education, health and employment.
Earlier reports said
that the ministry has started to formulate methods of evaluating the structure,
business, financial status and social influence of NGOs. Currently, most of
中国2007年女生最赚钱职业 (CC)
Call for
Papers: The ACPSS 13th International Conference
October 26-28, 2007 (Friday to Sunday)
The Association of Chinese Professors of Humanities and Social Sciences in the United States (ACPSS) cordially invites you to submit a proposal for presentation at the ACPSS 13th International Conference.
Conference Theme and Topics
Along with
Based on the theme
of “Innovation, Development, and Harmony” this conference invites participants
to address a general question: What innovative approaches can be utilized to
Sub-topics of the conference include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Social and Political Harmony
Issues related to civility and social justice, social welfare/social security, educational opportunities, land disputes, NGOs, ethnic minorities, grassroots democracy, religious freedom, social movements, counter-cultures, gender equality, family structure and stability, community development, demographic transition, etc.
(2) New Models for Economic Development
Issues related to urban and rural development, regional economic disparities, equal economic opportunity, government policy and market economy, new systems of banking and investment, technological innovation and economic efficiency, economic growth and social responsibility, etc.
(3) Managing Public Health
Issues related to health service and cost, health care in rural communities, public health education on communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, effective response systems to manage medical emergencies on a large scale like the outbreaks of SARS and Avian Flu, the role of traditional Chinese medicine and emphasis on cultivation of good health, etc.
(4) Environmental Protection and Conservation
Issues related to global warming, economic development and environmental conservation, new energy sources and energy efficient technology, urban development and sanitation, air and water pollutions, scientific use of natural resources and sustainable development, etc.
(5) Diplomatic Relations and International Harmony
Issues related to
Issues related to
(7) Media and Society
Issues related to the role of information technology and media in public discourse and the construction of social harmony.
Issues related to
(9) Cultural Heritage and Identity
Issues related to preservation of Chinese cultural heritage, integration of positive traditional cultural values and social norms in political, social, and economic activities, cultural identity, and individual pursuit of spiritual fulfillment and internal harmony.
Papers should be written in English and preferably in the length of a journal article. However, under special circumstances, quality Chinese-version papers will also be accepted. Conference papers may be considered for publication in conference proceedings or the peer reviewed ACPSS official journal American Review of China Studies.
About the Conference Site
Hotel, Transportation, and Dining
There will be a nice conference hotel, the University Inn (almost 5-star, within walking distance to conference site on campus), and its conference rate for participants is $119.95 plus tax (per night) for a double room, and the same rate is also for a single room. There are three other hotels in town (not within walking distance to the campus) such as The Hampton Inn, Amerihost, and Motel 8, and their rates vary depending on room demand for the October football season.
To receive the conference rate at Ohio University Inn, all participants must reserve their rooms by October 11, 2007. Any rooms not reserved by this cut-off date will be released back to the hotel for general sale of $170-180 per night (due to the football season). To make your own reservation, please call 740-593-6661 and ensure that you mention the group name ACPSS. Internet reservation is also available through the link:
There are some nice restaurants in the area, providing a variety of cuisines featuring both international and local flavors.
Submission Deadlines
Please submit papers, panel proposals, or detailed abstracts, with your detailed contact information (name in English and Chinese if available, affiliation, telephone numbers, etc), via email, to Dr. TIAN Xiansheng at tian@mscd.edu by August 25th, 2007, but we strongly encourage early submissions. A committee selected by the ACPSS Board will review all submissions, and notifications of acceptance will be sent out no later than September 1, 2007. Full-length papers are due by September 30, 2007.
Conference Expenses and Subsidies
Conference registration fees:
ACPSS member with paper: US$80.
ACPSS member without paper: US $120
Non-member with paper: US$140
Non-member without paper: US$180
Student participant: US$80
ACPSS may provide, subject to availability of funds, partial travel subsidy for participating presenters.
中科院首发《中国可持续发展总纲(国家卷)》- 中国人口平均预期寿命可达85岁
由中科院院长路甬祥担纲总主编, 中国一百八十四位专家学者历时两年八个月编纂完成的《中国可持续发展总纲(国家卷)》十一日在北京首发。这部权威学术巨著称,到二○五○年,中国将全面达到中等发达国家可持续发展水平,除可持续发展进入世界前十、在全国范围消除贫困外,还包括:
ACPSS Trip to
Dear ACPSS Colleagues and Friends:
We have just been informed
that the China Reunification Alliance in
The 10/12-day trip
will involve mini-conferences and seminars with scholars on cross-Straits
issues, visit government offices and offices of several some political parties,
and sightseeing in different cities in
Of course, this trip is open to all our ACPSS members. Those whose membership is not current can apply but will have to renew your membership when you send in your application.
Please see the trip application form in the attachment, as well as the ACPSS membership application/renewal form.
When you apply, please provide the following:
1. Indicate whether your ACPSS membership is current;
if not, please renew by sending in a check to Prof. Li Jieli, ACPSS Membership Director.
2. Complete the trip application form and mail/email/fax it to Prof. Li Jieli.
3. Send in your resume (one page) in Chinese.
Please send in your completed application, with all required documents, to Prof. LI Jieli, no later than Thursday, March 1, 2007. The ACPSS Board-appointed Selection Committee will make the selection decision in early March, 2007.
Thanks for your participation in ACPSS activities.
The Association of
Chinese Professors Of Social Sciences in the
香港科技大学校长: 建好大学一定要吸引留住人才 (刘 韬)
刘 韬:香港科技大学是香港最年轻的大学,恐怕也是校园最小的知名大学。通常好的大学都有比较长的历史和深厚的文化底蕴。科大还在成长期就成就斐然,有什么“真传”?
刘 韬:你们大学名为“科技大学”,给人的印象是理工科见长,事实上商科(MBA)也特别突出;作为研究型大学又相当注重教学,这是为什么?
刘 韬:据说,科大的教师来自35个国家和地区,其中75%的人获北美62所一流学府学位。靠什么吸引这些人才前来任教?
刘 韬:教育诸要素当中,环境的影响不容忽视。科大的校园只占地150亩,但山光水色,诗情画意,充满人文气息,你们的校园设计有没有蕴含办学理念?
刘 韬:我刚进来的时候,看到一个学生正从你的办公室出来,能问问校长跟这位同学谈什么事情吗?
Social Agenda during AAHPERD 2007 Convention
March 13 - 17,
1. Call in Order
Welcome and introduction
(A Chinese delegation will attend the meeting)
2. Presentation
Topic: Publishing in research journals: From an editor’s eyes
Yuanlong Liu, Editor-in-Chief
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
3. Round Table Panel Discussion
Topic: Collaboration with Chinese colleagues and international connections
Share information and experience: Successes and frustrations? What can we do to be more productive in working with Chinese counterparts and international colleagues?
Drs, Ming Li, Guoli Liang, Jinjin Yang, Weidong, Li
4. ISCPCH General Assembly
Annual Report , Dr. Jinjin Yang
By-law revision, Dr. Ming Li
Webmaster Report, Zan Gao
Budget of organization report, Membership issue, Dr. Weidong Li
Electing new members of the Executive Committee: One two-year term for general member, one one-year term for student member, Dr. Guoli Liang
5. Free Social
6. Executive Committee business meeting
7. Dinner – Seafood restaurant
Contact: webmaster@icspah.org
Website: http://www.icspah.org/
学者、官员、富豪: 不得不说的三位关系 (毕诗成)
disease top killer of adult
disease takes about 3 million lives in
A research conducted
We can't treat cardiovascular disease merely as an elders' disease, ”said Hu Dayi, an expert in this field.
Actually, cardiovascular disease cost Chinese some 13 billion yuan in 2003, about 22.65% of the total medical expenses of the country that year, and the expenditure on cardiovascular disease had been growing at an average annual rate of 17.33% from 1993 to 2003, while the GDP growth of China in those 10 years was only 8.95%.
美国ETS统一出题 申请留学又一砝码: SUB考试
GRE考试是研究生的入学考试,它适用于除了法律(需参加LSAT考试)和管理(需参加GMAT考试)专业以外的各种学科与专业的研究生考试。GRE考试分为两种,一种是普通GRE考试(GRE General),也就是大部分中国学生参加的GRE考试;另一种是专项GRE考试(GRE Subject),也即SUB。
此外,如果申请人GPA(grade point average大学学习成绩的平均绩点)成绩不足,那么SUB成绩在一定程度上可以弥补这一缺陷。GPA成绩对于申请非常重要,但由于这是属于大学本科期间的学分,申请的时候已经无法改变,因此,如果申请人额外拥有一个SUB成绩,自然能为申请增加砝码。
Fellowships for doctoral dissertation research in Chinese studies
The China Times Cultural Foundation announces fellowships for doctoral dissertation research in Chinese studies, 2007-08
Applicants must be
doctoral candidates in humanities or the social sciences with an approved
dissertation prospectus. Enrollment in a university in the
In addition there will be a special award in memory of Mr. Chi-Chung Yu, founder of the China Times Foundation. It will be given to the highest ranked of the applicants, and will carry a cash award of US$10,000.
Applicants must send a completed application form, curriculum vitae, official transcript of graduate course work, reprints of publications (if any), and a project description in English and Chinese.
Deadline for applications is JUNE 30, 2007. Awards will be announced in October 2007.
An application form is required. An application form may be obtained from:
Tel#: 718-460-4900
Fax#: 718-479-4900
E-mail: ctcfmail@yahoo.com
具体选拔程序和要求,申请人员可查询国家留学网:www.csc.edu.cn 。
Message from
CSUN: Asian Piano Recital (2/16)
Feb. 16, Friday, 8p.m.: "Asian Piano Recital," featuring classical and popular Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Mongolian piano music in the Music Recital Hall (in Cypress Hall, the Music Dept. Building on Nordhoff St., parking in Lot D1, entrance on Lindley Ave.). Reception with Asian refreshments to follow. Free Admission.
March 3, Saturday,
6p.m.: China Institute Annual Chinese New Year Celebration Banquet, in the
Grand Salon at University Student Union (parking in Lot G4, entrance on
March 16, Friday,
7:30 p.m.: CSUN screening of "Women Behind the Camera" in Alan Armer
Auditorium, Manzanita Hall (located next to Sierra Hall on
Justine Zhixin Su, Ph.D.
Professor of Education
Director, The China Institute
Coordinator of International Programs
(818) 677-2138 (Office)
(818) 677-4691 (Fax)
美国ETS统一出题 申请留学又一砝码:SUB考试 ( 广日)
GRE考试是研究生的入学考试,它适用于除了法律 (需参加LSAT考试)和管理(需参加GMAT考试)专业以外的各种学科与专业的研究生考试。GRE考试分为两种,一种是普通GRE考试 (GRE General),也就是大部分中国学生参加的GRE考试;另一种是专项GRE考试(GRE Subject),也即SUB。
此外,如果申请人GPA(grade point average大学学习成绩的平均绩点)成绩不足,那么SUB成绩在一定程度上可以弥补这一缺陷。GPA成绩对于申请非常重要,但由于这是属于大学本科期间的学分,申请的时候已经无法改变,因此,如果申请人额外拥有一个SUB成绩,自然能为申请增加砝码。
February 20, 2007
"A Reevaluation of the Chinese
Revolution: Linking the Past to the Present Over the Long Term"
James Z. Lee,
University Club, Main Dining Room
Time: 4 -5:30pm
Reception to follow
James Z. Lee (1952 -) is Frederick Huetwell Professor of History and Sociology, research professor at the Population Studies Center, Faculty Associate at the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, and Director of the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan, and Changjiang Visiting Scholar at Peking University. A practitioner of social scientific history, the application of quantitative social science methods on historical data, he and his students and colleagues in the Lee-Campbell Research Group link historical and contemporary archival sources, social surveys, genealogies, inscriptions, and oral histories to create large individual level panel data sets extending from the eighteenth to the twenty-first century. Their analyses of these populations show how economic conditions and historical institutions, social organization and cultural values, domestic and individual agency combine to produce distinctive variations in demographic behavior, stratification, and social mobility.
Professor Lee is
currently writing two books with Cameron Campbell on social stratification in
Please RSVP to uschina@usc.edu
针对目前国内出国培训市场上越来越热的美国SAT考试培训,美国国际教育协会(IIE)专员莫华璋(Frank Mok)说:“由于SAT考试在中国大陆暂时没设考点,绝大多数美国学校不需要中国学生提供SAT成绩。”
Upcoming Events: "Rising Star:
Bates Gill, Center
for Strategic and International Studies
USC Leavey Library
"Rising Star:
Time: Noon – 1:30 pm
Bates Gill holds the
Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for Strategic and International
Studies in
Dr. Gill’s research
focuses primarily on Northeast Asian political, foreign policy, and social
issues, especially with regard to
He is the author, co-author, or co-editor of six books, including, Rising Star: China’s New Security Diplomacy (Brookings, 2007), as well as China: The Balance Sheet: What the World Needs to Know Now About the Emerging Superpower (PublicAffairs, 2006), Weathering the Storm: Taiwan, Its Neighbors, and the Asian Financial Crisis (Brookings, 2000), Chinese Arms Acquisitions from Abroad (Oxford, 1994), Arms Trade Transparency in Southeast Asia (Oxford, 1996), and Chinese Arms Transfers (Praeger, 1991).
March 5, 2007
William Overholt, RAND Corporation
Time: 4-5:30 pm
Reception to follow
William H. Overholt
holds the Asia Policy Research Chair at RAND’s
Dr. Overholt is the
author of the forthcoming
Please RSVP to uschina@usc.edu
For more information about USCI please visit our website at http://china.usc.edu
平凡也是一種風度 (CT-GJ)
Associate Position in
The China Law Center of Yale Law School is looking for students and recent graduates interested in Chinese legal reform.
The China Law Center
of Yale Law School is seeking a graduating student or recent university
graduate for a Research Associate position based in
Ideal candidates will have fluent English; proficiency in written and spoken Mandarin Chinese; strong research, writing, analytical, and communication skills; an interest in law and legal reform; and a commitment to public interest service. The Research Associate will receive a competitive one-year fellowship stipend for the 2007-2008 year.
Interested students and recent graduates should submit a CV and cover letter to the Center’s staff at the following email address: yalechinalaw@gmail.com.
The China Law Center
of Yale Law School is a unique institution devoted to supporting law and policy
reform within
EU to
EU recently provided
10 billion euros to 20 universities and institutes in
“This is another successful cooperation between Chinese and European higher educational institutions, ” said Dong Lisheng, the Chinese executive of EU-China European Studies Centres Programme, which mainly studies the economy, politics, legal system, culture and history of Europe. The programme provides a wealth of precious information to both the Chinese government and enterprises.
At present,
外國語教學撥款 中文最吃香 申請開設華語學區都獲加分 補助金額占48% (唐嘉麗)
漢語普通話(Chinese Mandarin)和阿拉伯語,去年被美國政府訂為國家安全上急迫需要的外國語言,波士頓公校世界外語部主任林遊嵐說,2006年聯邦教育部「協助發展外國語教學計畫」(Foreign Language Assistance Program,簡稱FLAP)的撥款中,便反映了這項策略上的需要:凡是申請開設華、阿語的學區,都在評審中獲得加分。
Globe A-cademy特許學校獲得粵語教學經費補助。
劍橋公校與麻大波城分校聯合申請到的三年90萬元「朋友項目」補助經費,是2006年度教育部FLAP批准核發項目中的最高補助金額項目。「朋友」負責人蘭波朵(Maria Lombardo)對該項目能在上百的申請案的競爭中,被批准核發最高額補助金表示難得和自豪。
林遊嵐表示,麻州另一個獲得FLAP補助經費的麻州Amherst Pelham學區也是以加強中文教學案,獲得補助。
Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation Research fellowships for US-based scholars at the Needham Research
The Needham Research
Institute (NRI), home of the Science and Civilisation in
Funds granted by the
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation make it possible for the NRI to offer a number of one-semester
fellowships tenable at the Institute for US-based scholars and researchers
working within the broad field of the history of science, technology and
medicine in
Applications must include CV and a description of the work that will be done during the period of the fellowship, together with two letters of recommendation from qualified persons. The project description should indicate why it would be particularly helpful for the researcher to be able to work at the NRI.
The deadline for receipt of applications for fellowships to be taken up during the academic year 2007/2008 is Friday 1st June 2007.
The remit of these fellowships is intended to be as wide as is necessary to maximise the contribution they can make to the development of what is a varied and lively field, however:
(1) Recipients
should normally be engaged in research using primary materials in East Asian
languages. This is not however intended to exclude candidates who are also
using western-language materials to carry out research into contacts between
(2) Recipients must
either hold academic posts in a
The fellowships will
meet the costs of economy air travel to the
The fellowships will be awarded without distinction of gender, ethnic origin or other factors irrelevant to scholarly merit. Other things being equal, preference will be given to proposals from scholars at an earlier stage of their careers, but others should not feel precluded from making applications.
Please send applications and enquiries to:
The Administrator
Needham Research Institute,
Email: admin@nri.org.uk
Details of the NRI may be found at www.nri.org.uk
英国公立中学的外语教学将出现重大变革。为提升英国学生的国际竞争力,教育大臣琼森(Alan Johnson)计划,中学生的必修外语不再局限是法文、德文等欧洲语言,鼓励学生学习汉语、阿拉伯文等外语,以迎合国际经济发展的潮流。
The Grant
Institute: Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop (3/5/07)
The Professional
Grant Proposal Writing Workshop will be held at
All participants will receive certification in professional grant writing from the Institute. For more information call (888) 824 - 4424 or visit The Grant Institute website at www.thegrantinstitute.com <http://www.thegrantinstitute.com/>.
Please find the program description below:
Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop
to be held at
March 5 - 7, 2007
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The Grant Institute’s Grants 101 Course is an intensive and detailed introduction to the process, structure, and skill of professional proposal writing. This course is characterized by its ability to act as a thorough overview, introduction, and refresher at the same time. In this course, participants will learn the entire proposal writing process and complete the course with a solid understanding of not only the ideal proposal structure, but a holistic understanding of the essential factors, which determine whether or not a program gets funded. Through the completion of interactive exercises and activities, participants will complement expert lectures by putting proven techniques into practice. This course is designed for both the beginner looking for a thorough introduction and the intermediate looking for a refresher course that will strengthen their grant acquisition skills. This class, simply put, is designed to get results by creating professional grant proposal writers.
Participants will become competent program planning and
proposal writing professionals after successful completion of the Grants 101
course. In three active and informative days, students will be exposed to the
art of successful grant writing practices, and led on a
Grants 101 consists of three (3) courses that will be completed during the three-day workshop.
This course is centered on the belief that "it’s all about the program." This intensive course will teach professional program development essentials and program evaluation. While most grant writing "workshops" treat program development and evaluation as separate from the writing of a proposal, this class will teach students the relationship between overall program planning and grant writing.
Designed for both the novice and experienced grant writer, this course will make each student an overall proposal writing specialist. In addition to teaching the basic components of a grant proposal, successful approaches, and the do’s and don’ts of grant writing, this course is infused with expert principles that will lead to a mastery of the process. Strategy resides at the forefront of this course’s intent to illustrate grant writing as an integrated, multidimensional, and dynamic endeavor. Each student will learn to stop writing the grant and to start writing the story. Ultimately, this class will illustrate how each component of the grant proposal represents an opportunity to use proven techniques for generating support.
At its foundation, this course will address the basics of foundation, corporation, and government grant research. However, this course will teach a strategic funding research approach that encourages students to see research not as something they do before they write a proposal, but as an integrated part of the grant seeking process. Students will be exposed to online and database research tools, as well as publications and directories that contain information about foundation, corporation, and government grant opportunities. Focusing on funding sources and basic social science research, this course teaches students how to use research as part of a strategic grant acquisition effort.
$597.00 tuition includes all materials and certificates.
Each student will receive:
· The Grant Institute Certificate in Professional Grant writing
· The Grant Institute's Guide to Successful Grant Writing
· The Grant Institute Grant Writer's Workbook
with sample proposals, forms, and outlines
1) On-Line -Visit www.thegrantinstitute.com <http://www.thegrantinstitute.com/> and click on the Registration area. Fill out the online registration form completely. We'll send your confirmation by e-mail.
2) By Phone - Call toll free (888) 824 - 4424 to register by phone. Our friendly Program Coordinators will be happy to assist you and answer your questions.
3) By E-mail - Send an e-mail with your name, organization, and basic contact information to info@thegrantinstitute.com <mailto:info@thegrantinstitute.com> and we will reserve your slot and send your Confirmation Packet.
You have received this invitation due to specific educational
affiliation. We respect your privacy and want to ensure that interested parties
are made aware of The Grant Institute programs and schedules. This is intended
to be a one-time announcement. In any event, you should not receive any
more announcements unless there is a program next year in your area. To be
removed from next year's announcement, send an e-mail to unsubscribe@thegrantinstitute.com. Just write
"remove" in the subject line.
Chang of I-130 Petition Procedures for Overseas U.S. Citizen
Mark X. Li, markxruli@gmail.com, Web: www.lirulaw.com
names Drew G. Faust
as its 28th president
Drew G. Faust, an eminent historian and outstanding academic
leader who has served since 2001 as the founding dean of the Radcliffe
Institute for Advanced Study, will become the twenty-eighth president of
中国新社会阶层究竟有多少人?目前大约有5000万人,加上在相关行业的所有从业人员,总人数约1.5亿人。他们掌握或管理着10万亿元左右的资本,使用着全国半数以上的技术专利,并直接或间接贡献着全国近1/3的税收,每年吸纳着半数以上新增就业人员。新社会阶层人士涉及了中国经济和社会生活的各个领域、各个行业。他们不但与国内各阶层、各方面有密切接触,而且与国外组织和个人有广泛联系。 新社会阶层是在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济过程中产生的,包括民营科技企业的创业人员和技术人员、受聘于外资企业的管理技术人员、个体户、私营企业主、中介组织的从业人员和自由职业人员等6个方面的人员。中国5000万人新社会阶层的八大特征是: