2007年第10 創刊第374                            4/3/2007 





在南加州華人社團聯合會長張素久(CSA终身会员)的不懈努力下, 以展示中国 "一个世界,一个梦想为主体的2008北京奥运会花车得到北京奧組委授權, 並且得到了帕市的批准通过, 将參加美国最负盛名的帕沙迪納玫瑰花車遊行。 这是118年来的首辆花车来自中国大陆。


花車的籌款工作已经全部完成預期的40萬美元的目標。其中由美國的Avery Dennison公司提供20萬元捐助,20萬來自僑界10 个团体和个人。CSA终身会员徐嘉定博士,栗亚博士,和林日升博士等都作了2萬元以上的赞助。




CSA - 美国华裔教授学者协会


Dr. Jiang Zhenying 镇英 教授    CSA President       会长

Dr. Li, Yong-Gang 郦永刚教授          Vice president       副会长                

Dr. Huang Shenghe黄胜和教授         Secretary               秘书长

Dr. Chan, K. Ming 陈钧铭教授          Treasure                司库

Dr. Shen, Binghui 沈炳辉教授          Director

Dr. Lisa Wang       王云霞教授          Director

Dr. Kern Kwong    邝国强教授          Director


 Table of content - 本期重要目录

Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

v     “2007中国海外学子创业周活动通知 (大连)

v     Invitation to USC U.S. - China Institute Conference on "The Future of U.S. - China Relations"

v     邀请通知:2007中国(宁波)科技创业计划大奖赛

v     Seminar on Business Plan (4/26)

v     第三届中国财富论坛将举行

v     Invitation from Nottingham University 英国诺丁汉大学(宁波)诚邀海外学术精英加盟

v     中国公派汉语教师开始选拔 月薪最高1300美元

v     SABPA Annual Business and Technology Conference (3/31)

v     客家夏令營開始報名

v     USC Invitation: “Environmental NGOs in China” - Prof. Bao Maohong, Beijing University (4/3)

News and Announcements

v     访问华中科技大学随感 (杨福家 3/18)

v     Second International Workshop on Differential Algebra

v     加州州立大學將大罷工  4月初在23個州立大校園輪流登場

v     全球最受敬佩的國家依次是﹕加拿大、日本、法國、英國、中國

v     Report from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)

v     中国“三公”(公款出国、公务接待、公车消费)现象每年耗费公款数千亿元人民币之巨

v     二氧化碳排量 中國將冠全球

v     China-EU Student Scholarship Program Begins

v     H1B名额使用大预测

v     美亲属移民申请海外受理恢复 海外使领馆受理I130 移民局审查 限于公民

v     China outlines space program till 2010

v     中国防科工委发布空间科学发展六大目标

v     中国引智辟新径   重点以各类海外园区为平台引进科技人才

v     Nobel Laureate Dr. Daniel C. Tsui to be honored by Monte Jade Mid-Atlantic

v     长江列全球十大黑河

v     美国公校近一成学生英文欠佳

v     Foreign banks booming in Shanghai

v     中国政府鼓励外资到中国办医院 股份最高可占70%

v     中国16部委发布实施《中医药创新发展规划纲要》

v     Foreign employees like Shanghai best

v     中国科研四领域尚弱

v     中科院将于2007年制定国际合作知识产权保护细则

v     Tianjin and Shanghai might be immersed under sea

v     留学日本好时机 留日状况分析与其就业前景

v     有工作经验海归受青睐 雇主招人不再唯""是用

v     Too many female teachers bad for children

v     2008年度美国H1B名额将于今年41日开放申请

v     40%海归月薪期望过万 三类归国人才最好就业

v     China might raise its government scholarships

v     美国39%女大学生使用口服避孕药

v     中国每年约有1300万女性经历流产



邀请函 -2007中国海外学子创业周”活动通知 (大连)


 "2007中国海外学子创业周" 活动将定于2007629 -71在中国·大连世界博览广场举办。"创业周" 活动主办单位是中国科学技术部、教育部、人事部、国务院侨办、中国科学院、辽宁省人民政府。由大连市人民政府承办。本届活动主题: 汇聚国际科技资源,促进创新产业和谐发展。








E - mailwy@dhbi.cn 




Invitation to USC U.S. - China Institute Conference on "The Future of U.S. - China Relations"


The conference will be held April 20-21, 2007 at USC's Davidson Conference Center. Twenty of the top scholars working on U.S. - China relations and on trends in contemporary China will speak. The keynote address, the Herbert G. Klein Lecture, will be given on April 20 by former U.S. ambassador to China J. Stapleton Roy.


Seating is limited, so advance registration is essential. The $35 registration fee ($10 for USC students) covers conference materials, refreshments, and lunches on both days. Please go to http://china.usc.edu/events/usci07.html for details, including speaker biographies and the registration form. Please forward this announcement to friends and colleagues who may be interested in this examination of the definitive 21st century relationship.


Best wishes,

The USC U.S. -- China Institute




Ambassador J. Stapleton Roy – Keynote Address


Geremie Barmé (Australia National University)

Carolyn Cartier (University of Southern California)

Warren Cohen (University of Maryland)

Lowell Dittmer (UC Berkeley)

David Dollar (World Bank)

June Teufel Dreyer (University of Miami)

Elizabeth Economy (Council on Foreign Relations)

Richard Louis Edmonds (University of Chicago)

Edward Friedman (University of Wisconsin)

Guo Liang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Harry Harding (Eurasia Group)

Andrew Nathan (Columbia)

Kevin O’Brien (UC Berkeley)

William Overholt (RAND)

Stanley Rosen (University of Southern California)

Orville Schell (UC Berkeley)

Wang Shaoguang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Zhao Suisheng (University of Denver)

Zheng Xiaoying (Peking University)

David Zweig (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)




























































备 注




详细情况请登录宁波市科技创业中心网站查询(www.nbbi.net )。

人:   李贤珍            马丽

联系电话:057487907707    0574-87905494    传真:057487907875




Seminar on Business Plan Mr. Daniel Morales, Director of Mt. SAC SBDC (4/26)

Thursday, April 26, 2:00-3:30 p.m., 2007

UWest Conference Room (AD 208)


In order to apply for bank or government loans for business, one needs to have a well-written business plan. The business plan is also a very useful guide to the operation and development of the business. In this seminar, Mr. Daniel Morales, the Interim Director of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Mt. San Antonio College will discuss important issues relating to the business plan. In particular, he will share his many years of business consulting experience with the audience and discuss how to write an effective business plan, including its primary contents, requirements, and case studies.



Mr. Morales is currently the Interim Director for the Mt. San Antonio College Small Business Development Center and he is also the counselor and trainer for some of other Los Angeles area Small Business Development Centers. He was the Vice President for Charo Community Development Corporation, Director for Charo - Los Angeles Small Business Development Center operated by and funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration, and was Director for Economic Development and Business Assistance Programs in the greater Los Angeles area for the Valley Economic Development Center.  He serves on the board for several non-profit organizations. Mr. Morales received his MBA degree from the University of California, Los Angeles.



The seminar is organized by Los Angeles - San Gabriel Valley - Mt San Antonio College Small Business Development Center (MtSAC SBDC) and the Center for the Study of Minority & Small Business and the Department of Business Administration at UWest.  The Seminar is open to the public, free of charge. UWest is located at 1409 N. Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770, right off the Pomona Freeway. Please call (626) 571-8811, ext. 125 to reserve your seat or for more information.



第三届中国财富论坛将举行(石 军)







Invitation from Nottingham University 英国诺丁汉大学(宁波)诚邀海外学术精英加盟


The University of Nottingham has been teaching students on a range of programs at Ningbo China since 2004.Based at its innovative and attractive new campus, this unique educational environment is now home to a thriving community of staff and students. All degrees are taught in English and are delivered to the same specification as University of Nottingham, UK degrees. We are now looking for experienced, research focused academic staff to join the current team to support the expansion of student numbers and academic disciplines.


Detail information of all posts could be found at: http://jobs.nottingham.ac.uk/china


Prof. Sam Shen, Ph.D

Head of Academic Adminisration (Registrar)

The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China

199 Taikang East Road

University Park

Ningbo 315100, P.R.China

Tel: +86 574 8822 2265

Fax: +86 574 8818 0188

Mobile: +86 13396644749

Email: sam.shen@nottingham.edu.cn

Website: www.nottingham.edu.cn



 中国公派汉语教师开始选拔 月薪最高1300美元 (京华 张灵)






SABPA Annual Business and Technology Conference (3/31)


Time:               8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Date:               Saturday, March 31, 2007

Location:         Beckman Conference Center, 100 Academy, Irvine, CA 92697-2800

Organizer:      Sino-American Biomedical Professional Association (SABPA)

Event Website:          http://www.sabpa.org/web/ocla_biomedical_forum_2007.html


This is a premier annual business and technology conference for entrepreneurs, scientists, industry executives, investors and policy makers in the medical device industry in Southern California and Pacific Asia. You are cordially invited to join our members and sponsors to enjoy the event.  For more information about SABPA and the conference, please visit http://www.sabpa.org .

Gold Sponsors:       

Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth

Silver Sponsors:                               

Co-Sponsors:                     OCTANe


8:30 am – 9:00 am        Registration and Breakfast

9:00 am – 9:15 am        “Opening Remarks”

                                    Ying Zhao,  President, SABPA, OC /LA County Chapter, Alpha Sensors

                                    Zhongping Chen, Board Member, SABPA, Professor, UCI Beckman Laser Institute,

Co-Founder, Director of R & D, OCT Medical Imaging Inc.

                                    Gary Augusta, Executive Director, Orange County Technology Action Network OCTANe    

                                    Hengchu Cao, SABPA, Medical Device Committee Co-Chairperson, Edwards Lifesciences

9:15 am – 10:15 am      “Product Inception”

Gerald J. Sanders, Managing Director, San Francisco Science

John Shultz, Chief Technology Officer, Biosensors International

Mike Partsch, VC director for medical devices

10:15am – 10:30am      Break and Networking

10:30am – 11:30am      “Product Development”

John Onopchenko, Managing Director, Synergy Life Science Partners

Walt Baxter, Principal Scientist, Medtronic, Inc.

Shouyan Lee, Director of R&D, Arbor Surgical

Moderator: Vytas Pazemenas, Founder, President, Aubrey Group

11:30am – 12:00pm     Panel Discussion – Speakers from morning sessions

Moderator: Paul DeRidder, Executive Committee, Tech Coast Angels

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm     Lunch Break, Networking

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm       “Medical Device Opportunities Presented by Southern California Companies”

Ming Wu, VP of Engineering, Edwards Lifesciences

Peter Chen, President, Irvine Biomedical (now part of St. Jude Medical)

Charles M. Warden, Managing Director, Versant Ventures

Moderator: Richard Henson, President, CEO, Source Scientific

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm       Break and Networking

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm       “Commercial Opportunities in the US and China Medical Device Industry ”

                                    Frank Zeng, Chief Technology Officer, LifeTech Scientific Inc. China

                                    Moderator:  John Shu, Sr. Associate, Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth

4:00 pm – 4:30 pm       “Closing Remark” & Networking


Early registration online at http://www.sabpa.org  (until March 24th): $30-SABPA Members/ $40-Entrepreneurs, Univ. Staff and Students/ $50-General Public

Onsite: $45 -SABPA Members / $55 - Entrepreneurs, VC-backed Companies & Univ. Staff and Students/$65-General Public

Sponsorship and Exhibitors:     For sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities, please contact sabpa@ocbio.com




為了讓全球各地的客家青年或認同客家文化的下一代有機會親身體驗客家傳統,南加客家社團22日鼓勵符合條件者把握機會,踴躍報名「世界青年客家文化夏令營」。 夏令營從710日至30日為期三週,預計在全球招收35名學員,凡對客家文化有興趣、現居海外的1627歲青年,皆可報名。學員只需自行負擔僑居地至台灣的往返旅費,與美金一百元的註冊費用,其餘由主辦單位負擔。 夏令營主要內容為客家文化研習、美食及工藝DIY、參訪客家莊與台灣名勝等。 除了暑假登場的夏令營,今年底還有客家文化冬令營,同樣為期三週,預計8月開始報名。相關詳情皆可洽詢洛僑或橙僑中心。



USC Invitation: “Environmental NGOs in China- Prof. Bao Maohong, Beijing University (4/3)


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

12:00 -1:30pm

Social Science Building (SOS), Room 250

University of Southern California


* Lunch and refreshments provided.


Please RSVP to eascrsvp@usc.edu by Friday, March 30 th .


Sponsored by the USC US-China Institute, USC East Asian Studies Center

& the USC History Department



118年来第一次 華人社團聯合會推動奧運花車參加玫瑰花車遊行 多位CSA终身会员捐款


在南加州華人社團聯合會長張素久(CSA终身会员)的不懈努力下, 展示中国"一个世界,一个梦想为主体的2008北京奥运会花车已經得到了北京奧組委的授權, 並且得到了帕市的允許, 參加美国最负盛名的帕沙迪納玫瑰花車遊行。 这是118年来的首次花车来自中国。


花車的籌款工作已完成預期的40萬美元的目標。其中由美國的Avery Dennison公司提供20萬元捐助。其餘20萬來自僑界10 各团体和个人。CSA终身会员徐嘉定博士,栗亚博士,和林日升博士等都作了2萬元以上的赞助。



访问华中科技大学随感 (杨福家 3/18)

















Second International Workshop on Differential Algebra

April 12-13, 2007, Rutgers University at Newark
and Special Session on Differential Algebra Of the AMS Eastern Section Spring Meeting
April 14-15, 2007, Stevens Institute of Technology

Final Announcement

The Kolchin Seminar in Differential Algebra of The City University of New York and the Department of Mathematics at Rutgers University at Newark are pleased to jointly announce the Second International Workshop and AMS Special Session on Differential Algebra and Related Topics. The two conferences will bring together experts from different areas related to differential algebra. The purpose is to disseminate the methods and results in all areas related to differential algebra, to encourage potential collaborations, and to attract graduate students and new researchers. During the workshop, invited speakers will give expository or survey talks on their fields. The Special Session at the AMS Eastern Section Meeting for spring 2007 will bring the participants further up-to-date on the most current research through invited research reports. A poster session at the Workshop will further provide opportunities for informal discussions. Post docs and graduate students are encouraged to attend and funding is available.

Topics: Including but not limited to: Differential and difference algebra, differential Galois Theory, differential algebraic geometry, differential algebraic groups, model theory, computational differential algebra, Rota-Baxter type algebras, and applications to combinatorics, arithmetic geometry, control theory, dynamical systems, and integrability theories.



Date:           April 12-13, 2007
Location:     Rutgers University at Newark
URL:           newark.rutgers.edu/~liguo/DARTII/diffalg.html
Contact:      Li Guo (liguo@newark.rutgers.edu)


Thursday,    9:00 AM – 5:30 PM

9:00     Michael Singer,  Differential Dependence and Differential Groups
10:15   Russell Miller, Computable Model Theory and Differential Algebra
11:30   Peter Clarkson, The Painleve Equations–Nonlinear Special Functions
2:00     Greg Reid, Introduction to Symbolic-Numeric Completion Methods for PDE
3:15     Marcelo Aguiar, Overview of Baxter Algebras
4:30     B. Heinrich Matzat, Differential Galois Theory in Positive Characteristic: An Introduction

Friday,   9:00 AM – 5:30 PM

9:00     Mark van Hoeij, Solving Second and Third Order Linear ODE’s in Terms of  Special Functions
10:15   Andy Magid, The Complete Picard-Vessiot Closure of the Constants
11:30   David Marker, Model Theory and Differential Algebra
2:00     Robert Grossman, Hopf Algebras of Labeled Trees and Some Associated Differential Algebra Structures
3:15     Marius van der Put, Solving Linear Differential Equations
4:30     Poster Session

AMS Special Session

Date:           April 14-15, 2007
Location:     Stevens Institute of Technology
URL:           www.sci.ccny.cuny.edu/~ksda/ams.html
Contact:      Jerry Kovacic (jkovacic@verizon.net)


Saturday, 8:00-10:50 AM and 2:30-5:20 PM  

8:00 B. Heinrich Matzat                      2:30 Julia Hartmann  
8:30 Andy Magid                                3:00 Charlotte Hardouin  
9:00 Alexandru Buium                        3:30 Alexey Ovchinnikov  
9:30 Marius van der Put                      4:00 Claude Mitschi
10:00 Anne Duval                               4:30 Lucia Di Vizio
10:30 Lourdes Juan                             5:00 Eugueny Pankratiev

Sunday, 8:00-10:50 AM and 2:30-5:20 PM  

8:00 Primitivo Acosta-Humanez         2:30 Aleksandr Levin  
8:30 Franz Winkler                             3:00 Wai Yan Pong  
9:00 Oleg Golubitsky                          3:30 Wenyuan Wu  
9:30 Arne Ledet                                  4:00 Dima Trushin
10:00 Yang Zhang                               4:30 Jonathan Aïdan
10:30 François Ollivier                      5:00 Alexandre Rambaud


Participation: Attendance at the Workshop and AMS Special Session is open to the research public. At this time, all speaker slots have been allocated.  Participants intending to present a poster at the poster session may submit a title and a brief abstract to the organizers by March 31, 2007. Submissions after the deadline may not appear in the Workshop program.

Funding: Limited funding for US Workshop participants is available.  Priority will be given to those from among traditionally under-represented groups including women and minorities. Requests for support should be sent to Li Guo, with estimates.  All AMS participants must bear their own expenses, including AMS registration fee.

Accommodation and other information are posted at the two websites.


Phyllis Cassidy (CCNY and Smith College, emerita)
Richard Churchill (Hunter College and Graduate Center of CUNY)
Li Guo (Chair for Workshop, Rutgers University at Newark)
William Keigher (Rutgers University at Newark)
Jerry Kovacic (Chair for AMS Special Session, City College of CUNY)
William Sit (City College of CUNY, emeritus)



加州州立大學將大罷工  4月初在23個州立大校園輪流登場


加州州立大學(California State University,簡稱CSU)的教師協會,以94%贊成的壓倒性多數通過授權罷工,使得美國史上規模最大的大學罷工運動最快可能4月展開。在加州州立大學協會與校方經過將近兩年的談判未達成新合約後,該校已同意延長教師的合約十天,以便爭取與教師工會的談判時間。如果在未來十天的談判中,雙方能夠達成加薪幅度的協議,那麼,這所全國最大、擁有45萬學生的公立大學,就可以避免23個校園輪流罷課的危機。


加州州立大學總校長瑞德(Charles B. Reed)則表示,已研擬罷工的緊急應變計畫、確保校園安全,但認為部分班級仍可能受影響。他強調,州大23300名教職員中只有參加工會的一萬名成員有罷工權利,且正盡力與教職員達成共識;州大管理部門也宣稱,已提供三年內調薪近25%的條件與教職員協商。 州長阿諾史瓦辛格在州府沙加緬度表示,他對重新開始談判感到樂觀。
















Report from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) - 3/26


A Breast Cancer Detection Workshop will be held on April 14, 2007 in Wuhan, China, announced by Britton Chance Center for Biomedical Photonics (BCCBP) in HUST


The Director of BCCBP, Dr. Qingming Luo, announced that on April 14, after the BCCBP Board meeting, a "Workshop on Breast Cancer: a Public Health Menace in China and the World" will be organized by the Center. Breast cancer is now a world wide health menace.  For China, although breast cancer was not one of the major killers of women cancer sufferers a few decades ago, today, it is.


According to Dr. Luo, "I am gratified that this workshop is a spin-off of the BCCBP Board meeting.  It is worth emphasizing that besides basic research in all dimensions of life sciences research, BCCBP also has the solemn responsibility to promote healthy life style and preventive health care and be the education resource for the public, in China and other regions on Earth. Therefore, the topic of this workshop fits the mission of the Center perfectly."


 There are four coincidences which are perfect for this Workshop:


·       First, Dr. Chance whose namesake is used this BCCMP, was the developer of a "low risk breast cancer hand held scanning system" which is based on infrared spectroscopy.  In fact, in the past year, there were clinical trials with this technology in the healthcare system in Singapore.


·       Second, one of the foreign invited participants to the Board Meeting, Ms. Olivia Cheng, is the CEO of Aurora Imaging Technologies, Inc of Boston, Massachusetts, whose company manufactures the only FDA approved Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) breast detection system. The Aurora system has just received the license to practice in China.


·       One of the public health experts of China, Dr. Jesse Huang, who is the Special Assistant to the President and Dean of Continuing Education of Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, will also be visiting Wuhan at the time.  Dr. Huang has spent a great deal of his professional effort in the past several years in collecting and correlating breast cancer data in China.


·       Third, one of the most progressive hospitals in China, Wuhan Union Hospital, now associated with HUST, has a very robust clinical program in breast cancer unit.


Speakers and the title of talks of the workshop are

·       History and Status quo of Breast Cancer in China and the World

      Jesse Huang, Special Assistant to the President and Dean of Continuing Education, PUMC                                                                                       


·       Optical Handheld Home Care Scanner for Breast Cancer

      Britton Chance, University of Pennsylvania (USA)                                     


·       Practical Breast MRI-applications and Interventions for Clinical Practice

      Olivia Ho Cheng, President/CEO, Aurora Imaging Technology, Inc (USA)


·       Title (TBA),

      Tao Huang, Wuhan Union Hospital, HUST, Wuhan, China                  


·       Summary

      Barry Halliwell, Deputy President, National University of Singapore  


"I understand that breast cancer is one of the few aspects of this terrible disease which can be "cured," if detected early enough," said Dr. Da Hsuan Feng, Vice Chairman of BCCBP. 


"I am convinced that the combination in this workshop of three outstanding individuals, Dr. Britton Chance, the brilliant inventor of "cheap" breast cancer handheld detection system, who is unquestionably one of the most celebrated scientists of the 20 and 21 centuries, Olivia Cheng, the CEO of Aurora whose company manufactures the only FDA approved remarkable MRI system specifically for breast cancer detection, and Dr. Jesse Huang, a leading expert of China's public health from PUMC, could be an important watershed for this disease!"









二氧化碳排量 中國將冠全球




據「美國二氧化碳資訊分析中心」(U.S. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center)資深科學家馬蘭德(Gregg Marland)估計,中國2005年二氧化碳排放量比上年增長約10%北京提供的資料顯示,中國2006年燃料消耗增長約9%。這意味著中國的排放量將在今年超過美國,比原來的預測早得多。










馬蘭德採用英國石油公司(BP)的化石燃料消耗資料,算出中國2005年排放53億噸二氧化碳,比上年增長10.5% 。同年美國排放59億噸,比上年僅增長0.1%




China-EU Student Scholarship Program Begins (Zhou Jing)


 A project, that would see the Chinese government provide 100 annual scholarships to young EU students, kicked off in Brussels last week, according to China Youth Daily. Liu Wanliang, an official with China's mission to the European Union, said the program was fomented last September during the 9th China-EU Summit meeting in Helsinki when both sides agreed to deepen bilateral educational exchanges. Liu said that the project specifically targets EU students under 35 years of age, seeking to study at university level. Once their applications are successful, they will receive a full state scholarship to study the language and culture of China. The program will stretch from 2007 to 2011, encompassing 115 Chinese universities.


Detailed information, including application procedures, application form and a short list of universities, are available at the official website of China's Mission to the European Union (http://www.chinamission.be/eng/ofzz/).


Official statistics put the number of people studying Chinese abroad at 30 million from over 100 countries. Over 2,500 universities now teach Chinese with tuition even spreading down into primary and secondary education in countries such as Britain, Thailand and Indonesia. Over 1 million South Korean and Japanese are studying Chinese. It is estimated that by 2010, about 100 million people in the world will learn Chinese with at least 4 million teachers needing to be trained.







  由于65000H-1B名额中有6800个是属于新加坡及智利的名额,所以一般的H-1B名额只有约58200个,再加美国硕士以上学位的20000H-1B名额,总共可以使用的H-1B名额不到80000个。根据外界的猜测,大部分的人都认为H-1B的名额很可能在第一天也就是2007年的42日就用完。然而,根据移民法8 CFR 214.2(h)(8)(ii)(B)规定,如果移民局接受申请的第一天也是名额额满的当天的话,移民局局会随机抽取当天及隔天所收到的申请件,以今年来说,也就是42日及43日所寄到的件。






  即使外界预估在H-1B开放申请后的两天内移民局可能会收到近80000个申请 ,就算是随机抽签,被抽中的机率也是很高。因此,为了提高你顺利取得H-1B名额的机率,还是把握最后的两个星期,好好准备文件,并准时在42日让移民局收到你的H-1B的申请。祝大家幸运。




美亲属移民申请海外受理恢复 海外使领馆受理I130 移民局审查 限于公民  China Press余东晖)


美国国务院21日宣布,从即日起美国驻外使领馆恢复受理旅居海外的美国公民亲属移民的申请(I-130)。 美国海外使领馆是今年122日停止受理亲属移民申请的,理由是根据美国“亚当·沃什儿童保护暨安全法”的要求,必须对申请亲属移民来美的美国公民进行犯罪记录背景审查,但海外使领馆无法鉴别申请人是否有侵犯未成年人的犯罪记录。此举给申请人带来不便和延缓。经过国务院与移民局协调,决定建立海外使领馆受理I130申请,再由移民局进行审查的机制,故海外受理予以恢复。











China outlines space program till 2010


China's space program scientists have published outlines of plans to begin development of a space laboratory and spacewalking by Chinese astronauts by 2010. The plans are among goals published by the Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense in its 11th five-year (2006-2010) plan for space science development. The blueprint states that China will continue to conduct manned space flight and lunar exploration.


Other plans include:

-- A Moon orbit in 2007 to acquire "three-dimensional pictures".

-- Rendezvous and docking of space-craft.

-- Development of an hard-X ray modulation telescope for China's first astronomical satellite in 2010 to research black holes.

-- The launch of the Shijian (Practice)-10 scientific recoverable satellite in 2009 to conduct micro-gravity and space life experiments.

-- Participation in the space environment exploration program and the World Satellite Observatory of Ultra-Violet Radiation project with Russia and the solar burst exploration mini-satellite project with France.

-- Further research on a solar telescope and preliminary research on Kuafu project, a comprehensive research project on the sun.


Space science is the driving force of science and technology development, officials with the commission said and added these space programs would have deep and important effect.



中国防科工委发布空间科学发展六大目标 (廖文根)
















中国引智辟新径   重点以各类海外园区为平台引进科技人才(赵 晓)










  科技部还将进一步扩大全球招聘重点科研院所所长、学科带头人. 据不完全统计,“十五”期间,来华工作和交流的海外科技人员超过27万人次,涉及农业、工业、能源、环保、医药卫生、技术贸易等多领域,主要成果表现在:

















Nobel Laureate Dr. Daniel C. Tsui to be honored by Monte Jade Mid-Atlantic


West Chester (March 21, 2007) - Monte Jade Mid-Atlantic (MJMA) is pleased to announce the winners of 2007 Monte Jade Liberty Award, Lifetime Achievement Award and Innovation Award. Professor Daniel C. Tsui, 1998 Nobel Laureate of Physics will be the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement in Science & Technology Award. Pennsylvania Bio will be awarded the Monte Jade Innovation Award, and the American Association of Ethnic Chinese will be the recipient of Monte Jade Liberty Award.  These awardees will be formally recognized at the Ocean City Restaurant in Chinatown at 6:00 pm on April 7, 2007.


Professor Hai-lung Dai, Dean and Laura H. Carnell Professor of College of Science & Technology of Temple University and a board member of Monte Jade stated, "Dr. Tsui's discovery on quantum Hall effect, along with superconductivity and Bose-Einstein condensation, are the most important events in physics in the late 20th Century and have propelled new research in quantum physics in the new century.  Dr. Tsui has also been a model of gentleman, scientist and a Confucian intellectual."


"The American Association of Ethnic Chinese has been actively conducting annual service for low-income people, hearings on behalf of Chinese-American organizations at local and government agencies; sponsoring cultural events and performances, and numerous programs that benefit the political and social standing of ethnic Chinese," said Julie Wong, Chair and President of PanAm Realty and a board member of MJMA.


Pennsylvania Bio is a catalyst to ensure Pennsylvania's global leadership in the biosciences by developing a cohesive community that unites the region's biotechnology, pharmaceutical, research and financial strengths. The Association serves as the Voice of Advancement for the bioscience community in Pennsylvania, representing the continuum of the industry: research institutions; emerging biotech, device, and diagnostic companies; global pharmaceutical companies; and support organizations. 


Dr. Chris Pak, President of MJMA and CEO of Molecular Targeting Technologies, Inc. said, "We are pleased to recognize an outstanding individual, Professor Tsui for his profound contributions to our society. We are delighted to recognize Pennsylvania Bio for its leadership in spurring the biotechnology industry in Pennsylvania and the mid-Atlantic region. We are equally pleased to recognize AAEC's for its vision and determination in helping countless low-income people in Philadelphia."


MJMA is a chapter of the national association with members consisting primarily of Asian Americans.  Individual members represent industry, professional, and academics while corporate members represent small business, startup companies, and small to midsize companies.  Incorporated in 1993, MJMA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of the technical excellence and business interests of its individual and corporate members.  Currently, Monte Jade has fifteen member associations (West Coast, East Coast, Greater Washington, New England, Greater Pittsburgh, Southwestern, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Vancouver and Greater Philadelphia).  Each Monte Jade chapter is a blend of the technical and business expertise unique to its geographic location. Monte Jade Mid-Atlantic finds its strength in the sectors of biotechnology and Pharmaceutical.


Online registration is available for the Award dinner at $35 and is $40 for both the China symposium and the Award dinner. Registration and payment by either PayPal or credit card can be completed at www.mjma.org <http://www.mjma.org/> .


For further information, please visit the website: www.mjma.org <http://www.mjma.org/>  or contact Chris Pak at 610-738-7938 for more information.


(i) Lifetime Achievement in Science and Technology Award recipient:

1999 Dr. Rocco L. Martino, Ph.D.

2000 Dr. Kenneth Fong, Ph.D.

2001 Professor Hilary Koprowski, M.D.

2002 Professor James Wei, Ph.D.

2003 Dr. Ying-Kao Lee, Ph.D.

2004 Michael Emmi

2005 Dr. James W. Yoh, Ph.D.

2006 Professor Hank Kung, Ph.D.


(ii) MJMA Liberty Award recipient:

1999 Dr. S.B. Woo, former Lieutenant Governor of the State of Delaware

2000 Nora Chang Wang, former Commissioner of New York City

2001 Cecelia Yeh

2002 Honorable Congressman Curt Weldon

2003 Professor Samuel DJ Yeh, M.D.

2004 Asian American Women's Coalition

2005 Joan Djuh McIntyre

2006 Honorable Congressman Robert Andrews


(iii) MJMA Innovation Award recipient:

2003 Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania

2005 PECO Energy

2006 Innovation Philadelphia


This event is co-sponsored by:

Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania

Investment & Trade Office-TECRO

Merck Research Laboratories

Molecular Targeting Technologies, Inc.

Monte Jade Science and Technology Association of Mid-Atlantic

National University of Singapore -NUS College at Bio Valley

PECO Energy

Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association

Singapore Philadelphia Innovators Network

Phillip Chan of NJTC Venture Fund

Hai-lung Dai of Temple University

Tony Ho of Merck

David Oh of The Law firm of David Oh

Tsang-Bin Tzeng of AstraZeneca

Rebecca Wang of AstraZeneca

Julie Wong of PanAm Realty

Jimmy Yoh of Yoh Foundation

Linda Yu of Synthosys, LLC.   


















美国公校近一成学生英文欠佳 (吴越华)




 位于华府的移民政策研究学院(Migration Policy Institute20日公布的一份最新调查报告显示,在1995年至2005年之间,美国公立学校的学前班(PreK)至12年级的招生总人数仅增长了2.6%,但英文水平有限学生的人数却增加了56%。英文水平有限者(Limited English Proficiency)被学者们定义为母语不是英文、英文说得不好的人。






 研究人员还特别对来自加州、科罗拉多州、伊利诺伊州和北卡州四州英文有限的成年学生(6年级至12年级),在全国性以及各州标准化考试中的表现进行比较。结果发现,这些一度英文水平有限的成年学生的考试成绩明显优于目前英文水平有限的成年学生,他们的得分和英文熟练的学生相差无几。研究人员之一巴塔洛瓦(Jeanne Batalova)指出,这说明移民学生一旦克服语言障碍,完全可以和美国出生、母语为英文的同学在成绩上同样出色。





Foreign banks booming in Shanghai


By the end of last February, foreign banks had set up more than 100 operational subbranches and 109 agencies in Shanghai, not including the 4 subbranches currently in preparation. The statistics are from Wang Huaqing, the director of Shanghai Banking Regulatory Administration. China fully opened its banking industry recently, which has since attracted many famous banks from all around the world.


The total capital of foreign banks in Shanghai had kept growing by 22% ever year in the past few years, amounting to $65.2 billion by last December. The remaining sum of their loans had been increasing by 28% annually, reaching $33.7 billion by last December. Foreign banks absorbed $19.6 billion of deposit by the end of 2006. It had kept a 40%-plus annual growth before that. Their good business also generated a marvelous financial statement, as they netted a proft of $350 million (before tax) last year, with an average annual growth of 32%.


"Their great leap in profit reflects their good business, and their non-performing loan rate has dropped to 0.51% from the figure of 3.93% in 2001," said Wang. However, Wang also pointed out the major problems that foreign banks must resolve in China, such as their over-dependence on their mother-banks, and how to make their information system compatible with their fast development.



中国政府鼓励外资到中国办医院 股份最高可占70%


“中国加入WTO时,对外资进入中国医疗卫生市场曾有承诺,不仅没有限制,而且外资还可与国内企业或社会资金成立合资医疗机构,外资甚至可以占大头。” 在日前举行的“二00七中国发展高层论坛”上,面对诸多外资机构代表,中国卫生部部长高强说,中国加入WTO后,中国卫生部和商务部曾联合发文,承诺“鼓励外国资本进入中国办合资医院,外资的股份最高可占到百分之七十”。“外资医院如在中国提供医疗服务,中国政府对其医疗卫生的技术、治疗质量、医务人员的资质,肯定要依法严格监管。但对这些医院的经济管理,政府肯定不会干预。”高强明确表示。





中国16部委发布实施《中医药创新发展规划纲要》 (中新 孙自法)






Foreign employees like Shanghai best


According to a survey conducted by ECA International (the world's largest international human resources organization), Shanghai is the favorite Chinese city with foreign employees working in China, with Nanjing, Beijing, Tianjin and Guangzhou coming next. Shanghai ranks 76th in the world and 11th in Asia in the survey, with its advanced public utilities and a modern outlook.


In the previous survey conducted 5 years ago, Shanghai only ranked 103rd in the world. However, today's Shanghai has surpassed many famous international metropolises like Seoul and Bandar Seri Begawan in the aspect of living conditions. Even many medium-sized cities in China rank higher than Manila and Ho Chi Minh City, but living conditions in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenyang and Tianjin are the slowest-developing in Asia.


"Shanghai and Beijing offer better conditions in housing, medical services, education, shopping, entertainment and traffic to foreigners than many other Chinese cities, and that explains why they like to stay in the two cities, though poor ecoenvironment in Beijing has lowered its score in the survey," said the manager of ECA International Hong Kong.













 2006年,中国自主研制生产的新一代战斗机——歼10公开亮相,标志着中国航空科技取得了重大进展。 10是一款具有世界先进水平的三代轻型歼击机。据称,综合性能超越“鹰狮”、“幻影 -2000”及“F-16C/D”,与阵风和EF2000相当。但歼10战斗机即使获得国家科学技术进步特等奖,与美国的F-22F-35相比,在技术水平上也相差一代。









  中国科学院副院长陈竺表示,中科院今年将启动“110”科技创新基地国际合作战略研究工作,深入开展国际科技合作发展战略、政策与管理的研究,并建立国际合作激励机制,鼓励外国优秀学者在华深入开展科技合作。 陈竺说,为强化国际合作宏观管理,中科院还将对中外联合研究机构加强规范,制定出台中科院中外联合研究机构管理办法,出台外国学者长期在华工作管理办法,并制定国际科技合作知识产权保护细则。





Tianjin and Shanghai might be immersed under sea


Last week, British environmental correspondent Paul Brown called the Shanghai Morning Post to warn about the possible dangers that might face Shanghai as a result of global warming. Just as I told some of my Chinese friends, by 2050, the average global temperature will rise by 2 degrees Celsius. Supposing it to be the case, some Chinese coastal cities, including Shanghai, will be submerged under water,” he said.


A reporter from the Shanghai Morning Post then interviewed Chen Manchun, a research fellow from the Environmental Department at the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS). Chen confirmed that some Chinese coastal cities, like Shanghai and Tianjin, might be threatened by rising sea level. However, he also pointed out that with effective preventive measures, the danger might only be a theoretical one.


Sea water rising is a global trend and we can do nothing about it. The problem is caused by both natural forces and human activities. In China, some large cities, such as Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangzhou, are built in estuaries. Due to the excessive exploitation of underground water and the construction of large buildings, the ground of these cities has subsided quickly. At the same time, the sea level around these cities has kept rising, which has made the problem even worse. What we need to do is to take some countermeasures to prevent it from happening. The problem he (Paul Brown) raised was based on the assumption that we don’t take any new measures to handle the problem,” Chen said.


Chen also showed the reporter some information that his team gathered through research. According to his information, by 2050, the sea water level near the Yangtze River Delta region will rise by 20-60 centimeters from 2000, and the sea water level near the Circum-Bohai Ring area will rise by 30-60 centimeters. At present, we are doing related assessment work about the problem of sea water rise near Tianjin under the guidance of the State Oceanic Administration. After finishing this, we will kick off the assessment work on a national scale,” he said.


Chen also pointed out that China faced a tough task of preventing sea water from rising. China has a very long coastline, which makes it very difficult to build a dam to present sea water from flowing in, like what has been done in the Netherlands. If we plan to build a similar dam, the input will be enormous. Although the rise of sea water is a long process, the disaster, once formed, can occur very soon. We need to draw a lesson from the disastrous flood that occurred in New Orleans of the United States in 2005, and it is urgent for us to carry out research on the issue,” he said.



留学日本好时机 留日状况分析与其就业前景 ( 浙江在线 )










在日本留学,不仅是计算机,经济,动漫等几个中国留学生热门的专业,有助于今后的工作发展,择业须有前瞻性,一些在中国被看成是“所谓”的冷门专业,也许正是今后若干年急需人才的行业。比如:如果你觉得随着中国老龄社会的到来,有志于从事民政行业的你,不妨到日本学习福祉等相关专业,因为日本是当今世界老龄化问题最严重的国家之一,据日本有关机构统计,65岁以上的老龄者占人口总数的比率(以下老龄者的年龄含义皆为65岁以上),1950年仅为4.9%,1995年升至14.8%,2004年达到19%. 预计到2015年将超过25%, 也就是说每4个日本人中就有一个是老龄者, 日本将进入真正意义上的老龄社会. 而到2050年这一比率将达到32.3%. 另外,15-54岁的就业人口己于1995年为折点趋于减少.据估计到2050年就业人口只有现在的6成左右.与其他发达国家相比, 日本人口进入老龄化社会的速度较快。


据统计,法国、瑞典、美国、英国利德国,老龄化率从7%上升到14%倍化年数,分别为114年、82年、69年、46年和42,而日本仅为24年。中国是发展中国家中潜在的老龄化问题较严重的国家, 预计到2050年人口的老龄化比率将达到23%左右.  这个数字高于同期韩国21%的水平,高于发展中国家平均15%和世界平均16.4%的水平,显然深入研究日本的老龄化问题,对于我国来说具有重要的借鉴意义。





有工作经验海归受青睐 雇主招人不再唯""是用 (马丹)











Too many female teachers bad for children


Chinanews, Nanjing, March 20 - Currently, most teachers in elementary and high schools in Nanjing are female (more than 80%), which is definitely not good for the healthy growth of the children.


Nealy all the teachers in kindergartens and elementary schools are female, and the situation in some very famous high schools is no better at all. Take Nanjing Foreign Language School as an example, in which some 70% of teachers are female.


"It requires the joint effort of both sexes to support our society, so it's sad to recognize the fact that femininity has dominated our basic education. I am not saying that women are inferior to men in any aspect, but obviously too many female teachers will neither help the kids to develop a sound mind nor a strong body at all," said Liu Yonghe, the director of Nanjing Educational Institute.


"In modern society, children usually spend much less time with their fathers than with their mothers, and most teachers in schools are female, too. That is to say, most kids today live in a feminine environment, which might result in a lack of masculinity when they grow up, especially boys," said Zhu Shanping, a teacher from Nanjing Foreign Language School. "Of course, female teachers are usually more attentive, patient and gentle than their male colleagues, but it is not a good social atmosphere for kids to grow up in," added Zhu to support Liu's viewpoint.


Besides, male teachers today are usually somewhat feminized by their environment, which only makes the situation worse.
















40%海归月薪期望过万 三类归国人才最好就业 (南方)



























China might raise its government scholarships


The China Scholarship Council is planning to raise the amount of the Chinese Government Scholarship, to attract more good foreign students to study in China.


Chinese Government Scholarship is founded by the Ministry of Education to encourage students exchange between China and other countries and regions in the world, based on the contracts and agreements signed with the governments of other countries or regions, universities or colleges of those countries and regions, and related international organizations.


China's current plan is to attract some 500 thousand foreign students by 2020, making it one of the major forces to push students exchange in the world.


The Ministry of Education is also planning to secure control of the educational quality of the medical universities that receive foreign students (not including universities of traditional Chinese medicine), which will be the first step for China to become a top educational destination. Besides. preparatory courses for foreign scholarship winners will also be inaugurated soon.


Currently, 118 Chinese universities are authorized to receive the winners of Chinese Government Scholarship. There were 8,488 international students on such scholarship studying in China in 2006.



美国39%女大学生使用口服避孕药 (China Press鹄农仞编译3/23)









中国每年约有1300万女性经历流产 (张鸿立)











