Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Ø      2007CSA美国华裔教授学者协会年会... 9征稿... 1

Ø      Invitation to CSA 2007 Convention: Call for Paper (Deadline 8/31) 9

Ø      中国国务院侨务办公室海外华侨华人专业人士回国创业现状问卷调查... 11

Ø      第十届“海外江苏之友”活动(9/17-21... 15

Ø      Invitation from ACPSS President: The ACPSS 13th International Conference. 16. 20

Ø      第二届世界华商(香港)论坛 (8/10-11) 21

Ø      美中药协(SAPA)年会即将召开 (8/12) 22

Ø      Seminar on Doing Business Successfully in the US (University of the West – Uwest 8/9) 23

Ø      中国计算机大会与第六届苏州电博会 (10/18-21) 23


News and Announcements

Ø      布希總統頒發科技獎章表揚朗訊科技公司的華裔科學家卓以和... 24

Ø      何大一獲頒 國際青年領袖基金會年會終身成就獎... 24

Ø      Message from ACFP: Upcoming events in August and September 25 25

Ø      馮達旋教授即将赴任台湾成功大学副校長 - 给全体学者专家的一封公开信... 25

Ø      2007年生命科學前沿學術研討會报道 - 中國生命科學: 根基怎樣打?... 30

Ø      Shanghai Becoming a Favorite Destination for Foreign Students. 31

Ø      投资大师罗杰斯:中国股市牛市还将持续80... 32

Ø      港校最新排名揭晓 香港大学蝉联最佳大学 最佳大学校长科大朱经武... 33

Ø      Chinese more open-minded in sex issue. 35

Ø      香港大学毕业不愁高薪... 35

Ø      港在职女性廿年增六成半 独居急增至18万人... 36

Ø      China heavily affected by computer virus. 37

Ø      科学家发现肥胖也具有传染性 全球有四亿肥胖者... 37

Ø      英国科学家:人类心跳有朝一日可直接给手机充电... 39

Ø      Program on Risk Analysis, Extreme Events and Decision Theory - Kickoff Workshop 40

Ø      英国从2008年起对在英长期居住的外国人办生物身份证... 40

Ø      科学家难以回答的七个难题 人能否长生不老... 41

Ø      SAMSI: Program on Random Media - Kickoff Workshop (9/23-26) 43

Ø      美“凤凰”号火星车运抵发射中心 8月飞赴火星... 44

Ø      季羡林谈北京奥运:开幕式要将孔子“抬出来”... 45

Ø      China to build satellite earth station on North Pole. 45

Ø      英国大富豪亨特尽散10亿英镑家财行善... 46

Ø      山东高校科研费六成滥用... 46

Ø      Acupuncture becomes popular worldwide. 47

Ø      三大变化引起美国留学热潮... 47

Ø      部分大学设定托福分数线 留美考托福还是雅思?... 48

Ø      Third Generation Tech to Help Build Nuclear Power Reactors

Ø      留学生防身手册: 海外留学女生不可不知... 50

Ø      日本人平均寿命创新高 女性85.81岁、男性79... 51

Ø      Foreign insurance companies develop quickly in China. 52

Ø      IMF报告: 中国引擎拉动世界经济 贡献率首次超美... 53

Ø      商業/管理 工程學 自然科學 健康科學 教育學  亞裔學子最熱門五大專業揭曉    54

Ø      China Arts Festival to be held in November 54

Ø      100美元超平電腦正式投產... 55

Ø      韩国欲仿效新加坡以赋予永住权吸引海外高级人才... 55

Ø      Immigrants Still Climbing America's Economic Ladder, But Trends Suggest Progress Is Slowing  55

Ø      遍布150 中國移民全球化... 57

Ø      全美學區為爭佳績只重視英數  有教無類法 致教學偏差... 58

Ø      China may become 2nd largest economy in a decade. 59



Ø      廣州今年留交會將招3-5名海外院士... 60

Ø      天津国际生物医药联合研究院人才招聘公告 (8/15) 60

Ø      Yeo’s Scholarship Program for residents of USA and Canada. 62

Ø      高階經理人班硏習 9月台北辦理... 62

Ø      急需科技人才 台商海外招兵   826日洛城攬精英... 63

Ø      Attention: Recruiting Part-Time Lecturers for UC Riverside (from Prof. Qing Jiang) 63

Ø      美国移民局解答按照7月份职业移民排期报I-485绿卡申请的相关问题之一... 64

Ø      美国移民局解答按照7月份职业移民排期报I-485绿卡申请的相关问题之二... 68


Invitation from CSA 2007 Convention: Call for Paper (Deadline 8/31)













Invitation from ACPSS President: The ACPSS 13th International Conference

Along with China's rapid economic growth and changes in all sectors of its society, many issues, old and new, become intertwined and more dynamic than ever. In the past two decades, the on-going transformation of its economic structure, disparity in wealth, environmental impact of its development, unsettled social political infrastructure,   unemployment pressures and change of its labor force, quest for new cultural identity, and the danger of major international conflicts et cetera,  all demand careful analyses, wise decisions, and innovative approaches so that China can sustain its development and achieve its long aspired harmony with nature, among its people, and with the rest of the world. It is in this time of need and urgency that the ACPSS organizes its 13 th Annual International Conference, bringing together scholars of many disciplines from the United States, China, and other countries to search for solutions and directions to a new harmonious China and the world.



第二届世界华商(香港)论坛 (8/10-11)


美中药协(SAPA)年会即将召开 (8/12)


Seminar on Doing Business Successfully in the US (University of the West – Uwest 8/9)


中国计算机大会与第六届苏州电博会 (10/18-21)




何大一獲頒 國際青年領袖基金會年會終身成就獎


Message from ACFP: Upcoming events in August and September





2007年生命科學前沿學術研討會报道 - 中國生命科學: 根基怎樣打?


Shanghai Becoming a Favorite Destination for Foreign Students 






 港校最新排名揭晓 香港大学蝉联最佳大学 最佳大学校长科大朱经武



Chinese more open-minded in sex issue






港在职女性廿年增六成半 独居急增至18万人



China heavily affected by computer virus


科学家发现肥胖也具有传染性 全球有四亿肥胖者 (闫亮)








Program on Risk Analysis, Extreme Events and Decision Theory - Kickoff Workshop (9/16 – 19)

            The Opening Workshop for the SAMSI program on Risk Analysis, Extreme Events and Decision Theory Sunday-Wednesday, September 16-19, 2007, at the Radisson Hotel RTP in Research Triangle Park, NC. It will be preceded, on Sunday morning, September 16, by tutorials on three different perspectives for defining Risk: Probabilistic - Extreme Values, Decision Theoretic, and Operations Research. Professors Richard Smith, Dipak Dey, and Vicki M. Bier will present these.

For more information and to register please visit http://www.samsi.info/workshops/2007riskanalysis-opening200709.shtml

If you have any further questions please email risk@samsi.info.


Fax:   +1 919 685 9360

Web:   http://www.samsi.info





SAMSI: Program on Random Media - Kickoff Workshop (9/23-26)       

For more information and to register please visit http://www.samsi.info/workshops/2007ranmedia-opening200709.shtml


美“凤凰”号火星车运抵发射中心 8月飞赴火星



China to build satellite earth station on North Pole    





 审计人员发现,有些高校还在科研经费中报销应由个人承担的家庭电话费、交通费、学费、私家车保险费和维修费等。有的以开具虚假品名的发票报销费用,如抽查大额专用材料费和办公费发现,山东大学的山东攻关计划项目和省自然科学基金项目分别有14笔和9笔开支是以计算机耗材、办公用品等虚假品名的发票报销,共计9.15万元,占抽查金额的16.3% ===========================================

Acupuncture becomes popular worldwide

"Though it is still hard for Westerners to accept traditional Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture has won widespread popularity in the Western countries," said Fu. Currently, acupuncture has become a regular course in many medical colleges and universities. In many developed countries, acupuncture has become a formal part of the social security system. For example, there are 100 thousand acupuncturists and massagists in Japan. In Tokyo alone, 29% of the population has acupuncture therapy experience. In Germany, more than 2 million people every year visits TCM clinics, 80% of them for acupuncture therapy.


三大变化引起美国留学热潮 (恒心)



EMAIL: uschina1@hotmail.com uschina2@hotmail.com


部分大学设定托福分数线 留美考托福还是雅思?



Third Generation Tech to Help Build Nuclear Power Reactors 

Nuclear power is the most important electricity generating method after thermal power and hydropower in China, and the country has become the third-largest nuclear power producer in Asia. Only Japan and South Korea generate more nuclear power. All nuclear reactors in operation or being constructed in China have employ the first- or second-generation technology from France, Canada or Russia. This year the country formed the State Nuclear Power Technology Corp (SNPTC), which is mainly in charge of developing third-generation nuclear power technologies. The registered capital of SNPTC is 4 billion yuan (US$528.89 million).  The central government will fund 60 percent of the company, and the rest will come from four large State-owned enterprises, including the country's two nuclear conglomerates CNNC and China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Co.


留学生防身手册: 海外留学女生不可不知



日本人平均寿命创新高 女性85.81岁、男性79




Foreign insurance companies develop quickly in China

Right now, CIRC hasn't decided whether to allow foreign insurance companies to set up a specific company to deal with the pension business in China, since there are no laws in China that deal with this issue. Once CIRC has made the final decision, it will announce its decision to the public as quickly as possible


IMF报告: 中国引擎拉动世界经济 贡献率首次超美 (钟岩)



商業/管理 工程學 自然科學 健康科學 教育學  亞裔學子最熱門五大專業揭曉   SingtaoUSA丁曙 7/27



China Arts Festival to be held in November





韩国欲仿效新加坡以赋予永住权吸引海外高级人才  (崔有植)

为吸引海外优秀人才,韩国政府今年下半年将全面讨论效仿新加坡对学历、职业、资历、年龄进行评分后赋予永久居住权的方案。韩国经济副总理权五奎724日出席了全国经济人联合会在济州新罗酒店举办的夏季首席执行官 (CEO) 论坛,并发表演讲说:“为阻止低生育率、老龄化导致经济活力下降,有必要积极接纳外国移民。特别是,为吸引高级人才,政府将逐步降低获取永久居住权的门槛,下半年将全面讨论效仿新加坡、加拿大、澳大利亚根据评分赋予永久居住权的方案。”



Immigrants Still Climbing America's Economic Ladder, But Trends Suggest Progress Is Slowing

遍布150 中國移民全球化




美国教育政策中心檢討5年成果 全美學區為爭佳績只重視英數  有教無類法 致教學偏差


旨在徹底改善公立學校的「有教無類法」已實施五年,今年或明年必須獲得國會重新授權。一系列的評估報告最近相繼出籠,教育政策中心25日發表的研究結果是最新的相關報告。 該中心負責人簡寧斯五周前曾在國會作證。他說,針對青少年學生應「沉浸」在英文和數學中,還是應接受全面、均衡的課程,教育界人士看法分歧。 他說,一個可能的解決方案是:聯邦提供經費訓練特別教師,讓他們把數學和英文技巧融入人文課程、科學和其他課程之中。有關人士正設法尋求折衷辦法。


China may become 2nd largest economy in a decade

Despite the fast growth, the economists reached the consensus that China should step up its efforts to continue its "balanced approaches" to tackle "unprecedented challenges" while becoming globalized.






天津国际生物医药联合研究院人才招聘公告 (8/15)


申请者可从中国生物技术发展中心网站www.cncbd.org.cn 或天津市科委网站 http://www.tstc.gov.cn  下载相关申请表格的电子文本,按照要求填写后,连同所要求的其他材料一并装订一式三份后,邮寄或递送到联合研究院建设工作办公室,同时通过E-mail 递送申请书的电子版本。



E-Mail:  sunyt@nankai.edu.cn   pansy298@163.com


Yeo’s Scholarship Program for residents of USA and Canada



高階經理人班硏習 9月台北辦理



急需科技人才 台商海外招兵   826日洛城攬精英  



Attention: Recruiting Part-Time Lecturers for UC Riverside (from Prof. Qing Jiang)


Complete applications received by October 31, 2007 will be assured full consideration.



美国移民局解答按照7月份职业移民排期报I-485绿卡申请的相关问题之一 (李相如)



Email: markxruli@gmail.com, Web: www.lirulaw.com


美国移民局解答按照7月份职业移民排期报I-485绿卡申请的相关问题之二 (李相如)

  Frequently Asked Questions - #2


July 27, 2007 

Employment-Based Adjustment Applications Filed by Aliens Whose Priority Dates are Current under Department of State July Visa Bulletin No. 107  


Q21:  Will USCIS permit applicants who filed adjustment applications between July 2, 2007 – July 17, 2007, but who have not yet received a USCIS generated receipt notice, to file for Advance Parole and Employment Authorization based on proof of delivery of the I-485 application? 

A21.   Yes.


Q22:  What will be the receipt date for employment-based adjustment applications filed between July 2, 2007 – July 17, 2007?

A22:   In accordance with standard procedure, USCIS will generate receipt notices for all properly filed employment-based adjustment applications based on the date the applications were physically received by USCIS.


Q23:  Will USCIS accept medical examinations completed abroad by physicians authorized by the Department of State?

A23.   Yes.  Please note, however, that applicants must be physically present in the United States when filing for adjustment of status.


Q24:  Will an e-filed I-140 petition (that is not based on a required labor certification) filed on July 31, 2007 receive a priority date of July 31, 2007 if the supporting documents arrive at a later date? 

A24.   Yes, in accordance with e-filing standard procedures, the date on which the I-140 petition is received by USCIS will be the priority date.  Supporting documentation must be filed within allotted time limitations. 


Q25:  Does a receipt notice from a courier service or overnight mailing service constitute a “post-mark”?  

A25.   Yes, the date the item is entered into the courier’s service system will be the postmark date for fee determination purposes.


Q26:  How will USCIS treat aliens who fell out of valid nonimmigrant status between July 2, 2007 to July 16, 2007 as a direct result of the inability to file for employment-based adjustment during that period? 

A26.   USCIS has discretion to consider extraordinary circumstances that are beyond the alien’s control and may forgive a short gap in status for such aliens.


Q27:  If an alien’s pre-August 1, 2007 priority date based on an approved labor certification and approved I-140 petition is transferred to a subsequently filed I-140 petition pursuant to 8 CFR 204.5(e), may the later filed I-140 petition be concurrently filed with an I-485 application between August 1, 2007 and August 17, 2007?

A.27.  Yes.  In accordance with 8 CFR 204.5(e), an approved I-140 petition on behalf of an alien accords the alien the priority date of the approved I-140 petition for any subsequently filed I-140 petitions on the alien’s behalf.  Therefore, as long as the alien’s initial priority date remains current under Visa Bulletin No. 107, a subsequently filed I-140 and an adjustment application may be filed until August 17, 2007. 


Q28:  If an alien has a pre-August 1, 2007 priority date based on an approved labor certification and a pending I-140 petition, may the alien be accorded the earlier priority date on a subsequently filed I-140 petition such that the later I-140 and adjustment application may be filed between August 1, 2007 and August 17, 2007?

A.28.  No.  In accordance with 8 CFR 204.5(e), only an approved I-140 petition on behalf of an alien accords the alien the priority date of the approved I-140 petition for any subsequently filed I-140 petitions on the alien’s behalf.  A priority date may only be retained for use in conjunction with a subsequently filed Form I-140 petition if the previous petition was approved and not revoked.  If the first petition remains pending, then the filing date of the labor certification submitted in support of the petition may not be used as a basis for a request to retain the priority date.  


Q29: The version date on the new I-485 form is 7/30/07 and it has an "N" designation after it, meaning that the I-485 applications arriving at the service center on or after July 30, 2007 must use the new I-485 form or it will be rejected at the mailroom.  Is this really true?

A29.  No, the “N” designation on the new version was inadvertently uploaded to the USCIS website and has since been removed.  The new and corrected I-485 application form that will be uploaded will have the “Y” designation which means that prior version of the form will not be rejected.  


Q30:  What is the USCIS’ interpretation of “proper signature” on a petition or application?

A30.  All applications, petitions, and notices of legal representation must be properly signed. For more information, please read Reminder Regarding Signature Requirements[1]  .

Q.31:  If a derivative family member of a principal applicant is not able to file adjustment of status before August 17, 2007, must the derivative family member await availability of a visa number before submitting an application for adjustment of status?

 A.31.  A visa number must be available at the time of filing for adjustment of status.  Thus, if a principle applicant with a current priority date under Visa Bulletin No. 107 files for adjustment of status between July 17, 2007 – August 17, 2007, any derivative family members must either also file during this time period, or wait until immigrant visa numbers become available at a later date pursuant to the Visa Bulletin.  


Q. 32:  What is the correct filing fee for a concurrently filed I-140 with an adjustment application filed between July 30, 2007 and August 17, 2007?

A32.  The new fee applies to Forms I-140, whether or not concurrently filed with an employment-based adjustment application, filed on or after July 30, 2007.  That fee is $475.  USCIS encourages applicants to file all petitions and applications with only the correct filing fees.