Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

v     欢迎您参加美国华裔教授学者协会的年度盛会-2007 CSA年会(UCLA 11/10星期六)

v     参展第十届中国留学人员广州科技交流会 留学人员创业成就展(12/26-28)

v     北京大學南加州校友會2007年年會暨第三屆全美北京大學校友會代表大會 (10/13)

v     USCI Conference: China’s Great Western Development中国西部大开发 (10/5)

v     SW-CSSA Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration at UCLA (10/6)

v     西來大學 專題研討會 進出口貿易技巧與策略 (10/24)

v     中国国务院侨办2007年中国创业政策咨询报告团莅临华府  10/6

v     致第二届春晖杯创业大赛入围者的重要通知(930日)



v     晚宴主讲嘉宾 (Keynote Speakers)

Ø      Ambassador Zhang Yun 张云大使,

Ø      Dr. Chih-Ming Ho美国工程院院士、UCLA原副校长何志明教授

v     CSA Convention Hosts and Conveners

Ø      Dr. Zhenying Jiang 姜镇英教授 (Barstow CollegeCSA President美国华裔教授学者协会会长

Ø      Dr. Yong-Gang Li  郦永刚教授USC南加大) CSA Vice President

Ø      Dr. Shenghe Huang黄胜和教授(USC南加大) CSA Secretary

Ø      Dr. Kwan Ming Chan 陳钧铭,博士CSA Treasurer

Ø      Dr. Binghui Shen 沈炳辉教授 (COH 希望之城美国家医学中心) CSA Board Director

Ø      Dr. Lisa Wang   王云霞教授 (Cal Poly Pomona)     CSA Board Director工程/科学理事

Ø      Dr. Kern Kwong 邝国强教授 (CSULA) CSA Board Director社会科学理事

Ø      Prof. Jason Cong Ph.D. 丛京生教授UCLA 加大洛杉矶分校)

学者精彩Highlightof the CSA convention

Ø      Dr. Zhen-Gang Wang 王振纲教授(加州理工学院)

Ø      Dr, Xiangdong Ye MOST)叶向东博士中国驻洛杉矶总领馆参赞衔科技领事

Ø      Prof. Qian Lu M.D., Ph.D.(UCLA)

Ø      Dr. Yong-Gang Li 郦永刚教授(USC南加大)

Ø      Dr. Lisa Yunxia Wang 王云霞教授(Cal Poly Pomoa

Ø      Dr. Chongwu Zhou (USC) 周崇武教授(南加大)

Ø      Dr. Yunxiang Yan (UCLA) 阎云翔教授(洛加大)

Ø      Dr. Louis Rubino.  FACHE Associate Professor (CSUN)

Ø      Prof. Kylie Hsu 许凯莉教授 (CSULA 加州立大洛杉矶分校)

Ø      Hsing Fang, Ph.D.(CSULA) 方興 教授(加州州立大学洛杉矶分校)

Ø      Dr. Justine Su (Zhixin) 苏智欣教授 (CSUN)

Ø      Dr. Kwan Ming Chan and Karen Chan陈鈞銘 教授& 勒公玫

v     CSA Convention Program and Schedule

v     CSA2007年会注册

News and Announcements

v     2007CSA 《学术展望第3期》精彩论文(目录全集)

v     学者来稿精选 - 自卫防身的主要防范原则Prevention principles in self-defense (Chen Wang Gong Chen )

v     中国教育部 财政部:《国家公派出国留学研究生管理规定(试行)》教外留〔200746

v     China plans to launch Chang'e No.1 in Oct

v     中国国家预防腐败局(NBCP)正式挂牌成立

v     China to launch Zhongxing 9 satellite this year

v     上海僑辦举办以“和諧發展、世博共贏”為主題的2007年“相聚上海、共謀發展”

v     China plans to build 31 new nuclear power plants by 2020

v     动向:中国今后主要注重吸引少而精的高层次或紧缺留学人才

v     Cancer killed 3 mln Chinese in 2006

v     普大華裔教授周郁再締奈米科技新猷  發明「斷裂引導」 可望推進新工業革命

v     4 bln treat diseases with herbal medicine

v     中国教育部要求大学英语占总学分10%

v     360 mln Chinese smoke cigarettes

v     中国公派留学生学成后应回国服务至少两年

v     USCI: Cross-Straits Economic Relations between China & Taiwan (10/4)

v     10/04/2007 3:00PM - 5:00PM

v     2007中国海归人才生存调查报告显示:五成海归没有工作经验 就业不易

v     UCSI  Talking Points (10/1-10/8

v     美国华裔医学科学家协会 NSMS-CAA)网址改变通知:

v     加州州立大学富乐敦分校50年校庆  CSA代表应邀参加庆典音乐会

v     New England Chinese Information and Networking Association: NECINA EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT

v     国航在金秋十月推出“幸运 2008 ” 购票即赠奥运赛事门票活动

v     美国移民局公布重新设计的公民入籍考题, 2008 10 1 日正式实施  (李相如)

v     高中生赴美读本科 ACTSAT考试的区别要知道


欢迎您参加美国华裔教授学者协会的年度盛会-2007 CSA年会(UCLA 11/10星期六)


Host:           CSA (SC) 美国华裔教授学者协会

Co-host:     CSSA-UCLA洛加大学生学者联谊会

                   CSSA-SW 美西南地区学生学者联谊会


Conference Theme/大会主题:

Interaction of US-China in the Frontier of Academic Research



Date:          Nov. 10th. 2007, Saturday星期六


Address:     University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) 加大洛杉矶分校

405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90098; Phone: (310) 825-4321


下午演讲地点 Lectures: Physics & Astronomy Bldg.,  430 Portola Plaza


晚宴地点Evening Banquet: Faculty Center, 480 Charles E. Young Drive


停车地点Parking reserved for CSA members and guestsKIOSK Structure (See attached map 附后).


CSA 2007 Convention Committee members
美国华裔教授学者协会 (CSA)
Dr. Zhenying Jiang      
姜镇英            会长                President           
Dr. Yong-Gang Li        
郦永刚            副会长            Vice president
Dr. Shenghe Huang     
黄胜和            秘书长            Secretary

Dr. Kwan Ming Chan   陈钧铭            司库                          Treasure

Dr. Binghui Shen          沈炳辉            基金筹备理事          Director

Dr. Lisa Wang              王云霞            工程/科学理事         Director      
Dr. Kern Kwong          
邝国强            社会科学理事          Director



Dr. Kevin He                 贺学敏       会长


CSSA-SW 美西南地区学生学者联谊会

Dr. Da-Hai Liu              刘大海       会长

Sponsors:  Linda Wu



晚宴主讲嘉宾 (Keynote Speakers):

Ambassador Zhang Yun 张云大使

Consulate General of the People's Republic of China (Los Angeles)

2007.4-   Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Los Angeles

2004-2007.3 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Singapore

2000-2004 Director General, Protocol Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Dr. Chih-Ming Ho美国工程院院士、UCLA原副校长何志明教授


美国工程院院士、中国台湾中央研究院院士、美国洛杉机加州大学(UCLABen Rich - Lockheed Martin教授,CMISECell Mimetic Space Exploration) 研究所所长。何博士目前有5个荣誉教授称号,并被选为美国物理学会和美国航空航天协会资深会员(Fellow)。何博士一直致力于开拓新的科学领域,探索新的科学前沿。他在微/纳米应用流体学、纳米生物技术和紊流等领域做出了开创性的贡献,共发表了260篇论文,拥有7项专利,并在国际会议上做了100多场重要报告。

何志明院士為微機電領域的先驅,目前任教於美國 UCLA,對此領域有卓著的貢獻,尤其是生醫和微流體系統方面的研究,目前何院士更將研究拓展至奈米微機電系統。 何教授近年来对中国一些著名高校作了多次访问。为中美高等教育和科研交流做出了贡献。


何志明院士於1967年畢業於台大機械系。1974年於美國約翰霍普金斯大學獲得力學博士學位後,任教於南加州大學航空工程學系。1992年轉至洛杉磯加大 (UCLA)機械航空工程學系且任教至今,目前為此系之班黎奇-洛克西德馬丁首席教授(Ben Rich- Lockheed Martin Professor),且為該校研發副校長。何院士於1997年為美國國家工程院遴選為院士,因其卓著之貢獻於紊流流場之瞭解與控制。何院士亦曾為美國物理協會、美國航空太空協會等推選為院士會員(fellow),因其開拓性之貢獻於紊流系統之瞭解與控制,以及使用微轉換器於航太科學。1998年並獲選為中華民國中央研究院數理組院士。何院士曾為許多著名期刊之編輯委員,如Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, AIAA Journal 等。1992年至今所專注之研究領域,包含微觀流體力學,微流體系統,生醫微機電系統,奈米科技等。

Dr. Chih-Ming Ho received his Ph.D. from The Johns Hopkins University and holds the Ben Rich-Lockheed Martin Chair Professor in the UCLA School of Engineering.  He is the Director of Center for Cell Control (http://CenterForCellControl.org) and the Director of the Institute for Cell Mimetic Space Exploration (http://www.cmise.org). He served as UCLA Associate Vice Chancellor for Research from 2001 to 2005.


Dr. Ho has made seminal impacts in micro/nano fluidics, bio-nano technologies and turbulence. In 1997, Dr. Ho was inducted as a member of the US National Academy of Engineering. In the next year, he was elected as an Academician of Academia Sinica. Dr. Ho is Fellow of the American Physical Society as well as American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics for his contributions in a wide spectrum of technical areas. Dr. Ho holds five honorary professorships. He has published 260 papers and presented over 130 keynote talks in international conferences and 15 named distinguished talks. He was ranked by ISI as one of the top 250 most cited researchers worldwide in the entire engineering category. 


He has served on advisory panels to provide assistance to many countries and regions, France, China, United Kingdom, Israel, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and Thailand, on the development of nano/micro technologies. 


CSA Convention Hosts and Conveners

Dr. Zhenying Jiang 姜镇英教授 (Barstow CollegeCSA President美国华裔教授学者协会会长



1974 年毕业于"五校合一" 的上海师范大学 (现为华东师大、上海师大和上海体育学院) 。早期任教於上海中医药大学并兼基础部委员。1983年初赴美国盐湖城犹他 大学健康学院任教并深造,获硕士和博士学位。1991年应聘巴士度学院先後任教授、科学数学与健康系部主任及校务委员会副主任, 并兼任复旦大学、华东师大和上海体育科研所客座教授、加州富乐敦州立大学国际学术交流顾问、中国健康教育协会海外顾问、美国健康教育协会研究委员会和多元文化委员会成员、CSA教授协会秘书长、会长,美國華裔教授專家網《即時通訊》週電主编。




Dr. Yong-Gang Li  郦永刚教授USC南加大) CSA Vice President

Faculty of Earth Sciences Research at University of Southern California

Principal Investigator in Southern California Earthquake Center


Prof. Yong-Gang Li in Earth Sciences Research Faculty at University of Southern California (USC) is a distinguished earthquake specialist. He is also a Senior Scientist in Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC). He was graduated from Fudan University in 1967 and came to USA as a Visiting Scholar in 1981. He received his Ph.D. of Geophysics & Seismology at USC in 1987 since then Prof. Li is the Principal Investigator of multiple research projects awarded by National Science Foundation, U.S. Geological Survey and SCEC. His pioneering research in discovery of fault-zone trapped (guided) waves and new findings in characterizing spatio-temporal features of active earthquake faults in 4-D have been recognized by earth scientists world-wildly. These breakthrough findings input new ingredients in earthquake investigation. Dr. Li has published 4 important papers in prestigious scientific journals <<Science>> and <<Nature>> since 1990, and more than 100 refereed papers and scientific articles, in which he is the lead author. Prof. Li convened professional sessions and gave invited talks at International Conferences and Academic Institutions often. He is the Advisory Professor and Consultant of Duke University and several domestic and international Universities and Institutions. He is serving on editorial boards for academic publications, proposal reviewer for government funding agents and paper reviewer for scientific journals. Prof. Li is often interviewed by news media for outreach of his scientific expertise to public communities, leading them to have a better understanding of earthquakes and natural hazards. His biography is listed in Gale-American Men and Women of Science, Geo-Times, and Who's Who publications. Dr. Li’s current research at the San Andreas Fault to monitor the process of earthquake generation and variations in fault-zone physical properties is awarded by NSF-EarthScope program that is the largest multi-disciplinary earth science research project in USA.


Dr. Shenghe Huang黄胜和教授(USC南加大) CSA Secretary

黄胜和教授, 1981年毕业于中国医学科学院基础医学研究。1981 1985 在中国协和医科大学曾主讲酶的医学应用与酶工程, 其教学对象是研究生毕与本科生。1984年出版第一本在国内介绍临床酶学的专著[酶在临床上的应用]。在这段时期亦从事了化学物质诱发肝癌的研究。作为主要获奖者之一, 此项工作曾获中国卫生部科技一等奖。19852月至19861月应邀作为客座助理教授在美国科罗拉多大学医学院工作一年。1986年至1993年在南加州大学(USC)洛杉矾儿童医院(CHLA)从事博士后研究工作。1994年至1996年聘为CHLA研究助理教授从事脑膜炎研究。1997年至2004年聘为USC助理教授。2004年起聘为USC付教授。自1994年起曾先后兼任中国南方医科大学, 同济医科大学与上海交通大学儿童医院客座教授。2006年起聘为中国南方医科大学特聘教授。2003年与2005年先后当选为南加州华人教授学者协会科学理事与秘书长。

主要学术成就: 1). 发展分子生物学新技术。在发表的工作中大多与分子生物学相关。总共克隆与鉴定了大约20多个基因, 如人类基因dCK,ERP72, dTMPK, OmpAIbeA受体和20个微生物基因。本人为大多数克隆工作的主要作者。自1999年起聘为分子生物学与技术(JMBAB)杂志编委。主要发明了两种快速克隆全长cDNA与基因的PCR技术(IPCRRAGE)。曾多次应邀编写分子生物学技术的实验手册与教科书。2)1995年首次发表建立体内体外血脑屏障模型研究细菌性脑膜炎的文章(Infect & Immun 63:4470, 1995;该文已被引用90)以来成为中枢神经糸统感染领域国际知名学者。1995年以来共发表论文40多篇。曾应邀为微生物领域内顶尖杂志 Cellular Microbiology (影响因子IF 5.6)Microbes and Infections (IF3.4) 写专论文章。该领域研究课题一直得到美国NIH资助。3). 发展新学科感染组学(Infectomics) 2003年曾应邀就此新学科参加编写由国际最负盛名的自然杂志社出版的人类基因组百科全书 (Nautre EHG, 3:453-458)。这是第一部最权威最巨大最全面的人类基因组参考工具书。2004910, 20051011月与200678月曾应邀先后到德国参加国际学术会议、泰达生物论坛与中国多所院校就此题进行演讲。 19998月至9月、20049月至10月与20051011月曾应邀到南方医科大学,广东药学院,同济大学医学院,解放军总医院, 中国协和医科大学, 中国首都医科大学,中国医科大学与上海交大儿童医院讲学。200510月曾在南方医科大学进行血脑屏障模型与脑膜炎的研究。


Dr. Kwan Ming Chan 陳钧铭,博士CSA Treasurer

Dr. Kwan Ming Chan 陳钧铭,博士,海洋及环保学家,加州州立大学长堤分校教授,海洋研究基金主任。(CSA Treasurer, Former President 2003-2004), CSA Treasurer (2005 - present)









Dr. Binghui Shen 沈炳辉教授 (COH 希望之城美国家医学中心) CSA Board Director

    沈炳辉博士,现在美国洛杉矶国家医学中心贝克曼研究所放射生物学系教授、系主任。  1983年毕业于浙江大学(原杭州大学)生物系学士学位,1983 - 1986年在浙江大学(原浙江农业大学)农学系任助教,1991年毕业于美国肯萨斯州立大学生化系获博士学位,1991 -1994 年在美国加洲大学Irvine分校分子生物学与生化系做博士后研究,1994 - 1996年在美国新墨西哥Las Alamos国家实验室生物科学部做博士后研究。 2004年美国洛杉矶希望城国家医学中心贝克曼研究所细胞与肿瘤生物学系助理教授、副教授。 2004-至今,美国洛杉矶希望城国家医学中心贝克曼研究所放射生物系教授、系主任,NCI Designated Comprehensive Cancer Research Center研究员。

    沈炳辉教授是国际知名的放射生物学家。 他长期从事结构特异性内切酶、人类遗传病发病的分子机制和 DNA 修复多功能蛋白诱导因子等方面的研究工作,并做出了许多国际上创新性的成果,近5年来,在 Cell, EMBO Journal, PNAS, Cancer Research, EMBO Reports, JBC 等国际顶尖学术刊物发表论文30余篇,论文被SCI收录杂志他引1200余次。 多项研究项目获得美国NIH基金项目资助,总经费为590余万美元。 20066月受聘为浙江大学生物物理学科光彪特聘教授。

Binghui Shen, Ph.D.Professor and Chair, Department of Radiation Biology, City of Hope National Medical Center. Dr. Binghui Shen has a Ph.D. degree (1991) in Biochemistry from Kansas State University and joined City of Hope as a junior faculty member in 1996. Dr. Shen is an established biochemist, who focuses on the biochemistry and genetics of enzymes called nucleases that are involved in DNA replication and repair. These nucleases are responsible for the removal of fragments of genetic molecules, including DNA damaged by radiation and other factors, as the cell creates copies of its DNA. Defects in these enzymes contribute to an increase in the number of mutations and can lead to cancers.

After graduating from Zhejiang University, Dr. Shen obtained his doctorate at Kansas State University. He completed his first post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at the University of California, Irvine, then another in the Life Sciences Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

Dr. Shen’s memberships include the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Society of Radiation Research, the Radiation Therapeutics and Biology Study Section of the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense’s Breast Cancer Research Program panel and National Science Foundation of China. He has published more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles and, since joining City of Hope, has been awarded eight NIH-funded grants. =============================================

Dr. Lisa Wang   王云霞教授 (Cal Poly Pomona)     CSA Board Director工程/科学理事




Expertise: Structural Engineering
Phone: (909) 869-4641
Office: Building 17 Room 2682


Dr. Lisa Wang is an a professor in Civil Engineering Department at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.  Before she joined Cal Poly in 1999, she was with an engineering consulting firm Boyle Engineering Corporation in Newport Beach.  Dr. Wang received her Ph.D. in Structural and Earthquake Engineering from the University of California, Irvine, her M.S. in Geotechnical Engineering from China Academy of Railway Sciences, and her B.S. in Civil Engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University.  At Cal Poly Pomona, she teaches classes at undergraduate and graduate levels in Structural Engineering.  She serves as the Director of the Structural Testing Laboratory, and currently chairs the department Graduate Studies Committee.  Her research aims at providing a fundamental understanding of structural behaviors under complex environmental conditions by both numerical and experimental simulations.  Her latest grant is awarded by NSF Major Research Instrumentation program (MRI).  The amount of the award is $125,300 which is for her project “Acquisition of Seismic Simulating System for Integrated Research and Education in Structural Engineering”.


Since the original establishment of the Chinese Scholar’s Association, She has been an active member of the association, which she considers as the home of many talented individuals with similar background and vision.  During the past few years, she has attended the major events of CSA, and contributed to the CSA’s first publication – Academic Perspective.  Dr. Wang’s leadership skills come from her service at the department and university levels as well as the national technical committees.  She served as the co-chair of the university Faculty Development Advisory Committee (FDAC), and board member on the Asian Pacific Faculty Staff Student Association (APFSSA). 


Dr. Kern Kwong 邝国强教授 (CSULA) CSA Board Director社会科学理事      


Dr. Kern Kwong is the Full Professor and Former Chairman of the Department of Management, California State University, Los Angeles. He is also the Director of Asian Pacific Business Institute (APBI), a President chartered institute at California State University, Los Angeles.  He received his Bachelor Degree (Economics) from Chinese University of Hong Kong, MBA (International Business) and Ph.D. (Operations Management/ Strategic Management) from Georgia State University in 1986.  He has published more than 50 articles and books and made more than 40 presentations in professional conferences.


Dr. Kwong consults extensively in the United States and Asian Pacific countries; he has done consulting projects for Saudi Aramco, Southern California Edison, Goldlion Holdings (U.S.A) and other international firms.  Dr. Kwong has held executive positions in several firms in the Untied States of America. 


Dr. Kwong has conducted extensive executive management training programs for National, Provincial and Municipal Governments as well as enterprises of the People’s Republic of China (www.calstatela.edu/apbi).  He has trained over thousands delegates from China over the last fifteen years.  During last five years, APBI provided long-term as well as short-term training programs to Asian Countries.  APBI provided long-term training programs to delegates from Guangdong Province (52 delegates for one-year term) and Zhongshan City (13 delegates for 10 months), Xinfang City (24 delegates for 4 months), Heilongjiang Province (85 delegates for 6 months), Harbin (60 delegates for 4 months), and Zhejiang Province (84 delegates for 4 months).  APBI also provides short training programs for delegates from several provincial and municipal governments as well as delegates from many State Departments from the National Government of the P.R. of China.  Dr. Kwong also provides training to delegates from other Asian countries, including Vietnam, Korea and Japan.  Dr. Kwong maintains extensive contact with these trainees so that he creates an extensive network to conduct research, business and related activities in these countries. 


APBI has been provided excellent training programs for Chinese Delegates for many years. On November 6, 2001 APBI was awarded the Certificate for International Exchange of Personnel for Oversea Organizations from State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs, P.R. of China. 


He has also served director and officer on non-profit organizations such as Los AngelesGuangzhou Sister City Associations, International Association of Business


Prof. Jason Cong Ph.D.  丛京生教授UCLA 加大洛杉矶分校)


丛京生教授1985年获得北京大学计算机科学专业学士学位,并分别于1987年和1990年在美国伊利诺斯大学获得硕士和博士学位。目前,他是洛杉矶加州大学计算机科学系教授、系主任,兼超大规模集成电路计算机辅助设计(VLSI CAD)实验室主任。




丛教授在相应的学术组织获得了一系列的荣誉,包括1985年北京大学优秀毕业生奖、1989年伊利诺斯大学Ross J. Martin杰出研究奖、1993年美国国家科学基金青年科学家奖和UCLA Northrop杰出青年研究奖、1998ACM SIGDA服务贡献奖,以及2000年美国半导体研究中心杰出成就奖。此外,丛教授曾在1995年的《IEEE计算机辅助设计杂志》、2005年的国际物理设计年会和2005年的《ACM电子系统设计自动化杂志》总共三次荣获最佳论文奖。鉴于他的杰出贡献,丛教授在2000年被IEEE组织授予院士称号。


丛教授曾任ACM SIGDA顾问委员会委员、IEEE电路与系统协会理事、以及许多电子设计自动化公司和硅智财公司的技术顾问。这些公司包括AtrentaeASICGet2ChipMagma Design AutomationUltima Interconnect Technologies。丛教授还创立了Aplus Design Technologies 公司并担任总裁,直至2003年该公司与世界著名EDA公司Magma合并。目前,他出任Magma公司和AutoESL Design Technologies公司的首席技术顾问,并从2000年起受聘为北京大学客座教授。


丛教授还是一位杰出的教育工作者。至今他培养了17名博士研究生,其中不少学生成为美国知名高校如Georgia Tech.PurdueSUNY BinghamtonUCLAUIUCUT Austin等大学的教授,其他学生也都在BroadcomIBM Intel等著名半导体企业、或者CadenceMagmaEDA公司的研发中心担任要职


学者精彩讲题Highlightof the CSA convention

 2007 CSA年会下午作学术报告的著名工程与科学专家教授

Dr. Zhen-Gang Wang 王振纲教授(加州理工学院

Professor of Chemical Engineering at Caltech

Zhen-Gang Wang
Picture (Metafile)
《病毒自组装中的静电效应-Electrostatic Regulation in Viral Genome Packaging


Zhen-Gang Wang

Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

California Institute of Technology

Pasadena, CA 91125


Electrostatic interaction is known to play a key role in the genome viral packaging because of the high negative charges on the DNA or RNA backbone.  In a subclass of ssDNA and ssRNA viruses, the viral capsid proteins contain flexible positively charged protamine tails that extend inwardly from the capsid surface.  In these viruses, electrostatic attraction between the nucleic acid and the protamine tails provides the main driving force for genome packaging.  Treating the viral packaging as a type of equilibrium self-assembly, we study the genome packaging in this class of viruses using a coarse-grained model and liquid-state density functional theory for chain molecules that accurately accounts for the excluded volume and electrostatic interactions.  By minimizing the appropriate free energy, we obtain the optimal length of the packaged genome at given capsid size, and length and charge of the protamine tails.  We find that under a wide range of conditions, the optimal packaged genome length is linearly proportional to the total charge carried by the capsid protamine tails. We make quantitative predictions for the wild-type and several mutant Hepatitis B viruses.




Zhen-Gang Wang

Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

California Institute of Technology

Pasadena, CA 91125

phone: 626-395-4647, fax: 626-568-8743




            1978-1982:      Beijing University, Beijing, China, B. Sc. in Chemistry.

            1982-1987:      University of Chicago, Ph. D. in Chemistry.

                                    (Thesis Advisors: Stuart A. Rice and Karl F. Freed)


Professional Experience:

1987-1989:      Postdoctoral Fellow at Corporate Research Science Laboratories, Exxon Research and Engineering Company.

1989-1991:      Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Chemistry, UCLA.

1991-1997:      Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology.

1997- 2002:     Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, California Institute

                        of Technology

 2002-              Professor of Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology


Awards & Honors:

            1991                Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award.

            1993                Visiting Research Fellow, The Institute for Advanced Studies, The                                                         Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

            1995                Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award.

            1995                Richard M. Badger Teaching Prize (Division of Chemistry and                                                   Chemical Engineering, CALTECH)

1996                                Alfred P. Sloan Fellow.

2000                Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scholar Research Fund, China Natural Science Foundation. (Jie2Chu1 Qing1Nian2 Ji1Jin1 Type "B")

2001                Fellow, American Physical Society.

2004                Distinguished Guest Professor, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,

                        Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Research Interests:

Statistical mechanics of structures, phase transitions and dynamics in complex fluids, including polymers, liquid-crystals, and gels; statistical mechanics of surfaces and interfaces; nucleation; biophysics of DNA; evolutionary protein design, cell adhesion.


86 Publications; 102 Invited Conference Talks & Seminars


Awards and Honors

Fellow, American Physical Society (2001); Alfred P. Sloan Award (1996); Richard M. Badger Teaching Prize (Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, CALTECH) (1995); Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (1995); Visiting Research Fellow, The Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel (1993); Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award (1991).


Dr, Xiangdong Ye MOST)叶向东博士中国驻洛杉矶总领馆参赞衔科技领事





随着全球范围内的生态、能源、食品安全、卫生健康及全球气候变化等问题日益凸现,科技创新的范式如何转型是一个亟待研究的重大课题。这至少需要回答三个方面问题:一是科技创新范式的基本内涵是什么?二是以往的或正在进行的科技创新范式的基本特征是什么?在造福人类的同时,带来了什么负面效应、严峻挑战或潜在危机?三是新的科技创新范式应以什么为核心、共同纲领或共同信念? 确立新的范式将给中国、世界的发展,以及中美各领域的科技合作与交流带来的机遇和前景?




Prof. Qian Lu M.D., Ph.D.(UCLA)




Department of Pediatrics,

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

10940 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 810

Los Angeles, California 90024

Phone: 310-824-7667 ext 23

Fax: 310-824-0012



Presenter: Dr. Qian Lu, M.D., Ph.D., research assistant professor at UCLA. Dr. Lu is a health psychologist and a physician who is interested in Developing culturally sensitive psychosocial interventions for Asian cancer survivors.


Abstract: Many Asian Americans diagnosed with cancer have limited English competency and thus few opportunities to participate in and benefit from psychosocial interventions carried out in English. With hundreds of diverse subgroups and different languages in Asian American communities, it is critical to develop and evaluate culturally sensitive intervention modules that could be easily adopted for targeted ethnic subgroups. While searching for culturally effective psychosocial interventions, Dr Lu became interested in interventions using expressive writing to improve health and well-being. Asians may benefit from expressive writing because of its intrinsic compatibility with Asian cultural communication styles. With the funding from Susan G. Koman foundation, Dr Lu and colleagues are working with Herald Cancer Association to test the health benefits of expressive writing among Chinese breast cancer survivors in local communities. If this technique is demonstrated effective in improving physical and psychological health among Chinese-speaking breast cancer survivors, it may be an easily disseminated intervention for other groups of Asian American breast cancer survivors with limited English proficiency across the country.


Bio and Research Interests

Dr. Qian Lu, Ph.D., M.D., is a research assistant professor at UCLA. Dr. Lu is a health psychologist and a physician who is interested in understanding psychosocial and cultural aspects of the origin, development, and consequences of diseases and to develop culturally sensitive psychosocial interventions, particularly for vulnerable populations. Dr. Lu developed several intertwined lines of research: (1) developing culturally competent social and behavioral interventions for Asian Americans cancer survivors, (2) examining risk factors of pain in childhood cancer survivors and developing targeted interventions, (3) ethnic and gender differences in pain, and (4)applying advanced quantitative methods (i.e., multivariate and multilevel modeling) in these areas above.


Randomized Controlled Trials of Written Emotional Disclosure among Asian Americans

Instructed writing interventions appear to have potential to be an appropriate tool for the prevention and treatment of psychological distress and physical symptoms associated with chronic diseases. Instructed writing interventions holds promise for patients and ethnic minorities because this type of intervention potentially increases both the availability and accessibility of health services. Collaborated with Dr. Stanton, Dr. Lu has finished a study of written emotional disclosure intervention among college students and discovered different responses between Caucasians and East Asians. Having conducted a community study to examine coping styles and quality of life among Chinese cancer survivors, Dr. Lu is continuing this line of research to study health benefits of written emotional disclosure among Chinese breast cancer survivors and childhood cancer survivors. Dr. Lu is currently funded by the Suzan G. Koman Breast Cancer Foundation and the National Cancer Institute to carry out this line of research.


Identifying Risk Factors of Pain among Childhood Cancer Survivors

As many as two-thirds of all survivors of childhood cancer experience at least one late effect of cancer treatment, and the experience of late effects may significantly increase survivors’ risk for developing pain or psychological distress. However, relatively little is known about the prevalence or etiology of pain in childhood cancer survivors, particularly ethnic minorities. Dr. Lu is collaborating with Dr. Zeltzer on identifying protective factors that potentially mitigate the effects of childhood cancer, treatment, and environmental context on pain and disability in this cohort. Such protective factors could serve as targets for treatment in order to reduce the quality of life burden borne by a subset of survivors of childhood cancer.


Biopsychosocial Mechanisms of Ethnic and Gender Differences in Pain

Dr. Lu is a co-investigator of a large scale R01 grant funded by NIH to examine gender differences in pain and how pain transfer through generations. By investigating biopsychosocial mechanisms of gender differences in experimental pain, Dr. Lu and colleagues examined the relationship between autonomic arousal and pain responses in children, and the relationship between parents’ anxiety and children’s laboratory pain responses. These studies support a family learning model in pain and suggest the important role of cultural environment. The study of biopsychosocial mechanisms of disease will facilitate an understanding from the molecular to the societal levels, of how diverse factors such as gender, ethnicity, and stress could contribute to disease pathogenesis, and help eventually develop behavioral intervention.



Dr. Yong-Gang Li 郦永刚教授(USC南加大)


Prof. Yong-Gang Li   Ph.D. 郦永刚教授 (USC)  


Topic 演讲主题:Earthquake Hazards and Tsunami-地震灾害和海啸》


Abstract 摘要:

Earthquake and tsunami are severe natural disasters threatening human’s life and properties in the world. Californians are living on an earthquake country where one of the world's most famous earthquake-generating faults – the San Andreas passes from Northern California nearby San Francisco Bay area to Southern California, aside Salton Sea. In Northern California, the last major earthquake was 100 years ago in 1906. Over 3,000 people were killed and 225,000 people were left homeless. In Southern California, the last major earthquake on the San Andreas Fault was 150 years ago (1857), rupturing the fault from Central California to San Bernardino. Further south along the San Andreas Fault, from San Bernardino through the Coachella Valley to the Salton Sea, over 300 years have passed since the last major earthquake. Another major earthquake is likely to happen on this section of the fault within our lifetime. Many other faults beneath the great Los Angeles Basin areas are also able to generate the devastating earthquakes, i.e. the Puente Hill fault lying under the San Gabriel Valley, can generate a M>7 earthquake and cause the lost over 100 billions of US dollars. In this talk, the speaker will introduce the information on hazards and scenarios of recent major devastating earthquakes and tsunamis in the world, particularly in southern California as well as the preparedness we should care about earthquakes in California and should do to be safe and reduce damage.



Dr. Lisa Yunxia Wang 王云霞教授(Cal Poly Pomoa


Structural and Earthquake Engineering

 Dr. Lisa Wang is an associate professor in Civil Engineering Department at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.  Before she joined Cal Poly in 1999, she was with an engineering consulting firm Boyle Engineering Corporation in Newport Beach.  Dr. Wang received her Ph.D. in Structural and Earthquake Engineering from the University of California, Irvine, her M.S. in Geotechnical Engineering from China Academy of Railway Sciences, and her B.S. in Civil Engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University.  At Cal Poly Pomona, she teaches classes at undergraduate and graduate levels in Structural Engineering.  She serves as the Director of the Structural Testing Laboratory, and currently chairs the department Graduate Studies Committee.  Her research aims at providing a fundamental understanding of structural behaviors under complex environmental conditions by both numerical and experimental simulations.  Her latest grant is awarded by NSF Major Research Instrumentation program (MRI).  The amount of the award is $125,300 which is for her project “Acquisition of Seismic Simulating System for Integrated Research and Education in Structural Engineering”.

Since the original establishment of the Chinese Scholar’s Association, She has been an active member of the association, which she considers as the home of many talented individuals with similar background and vision.  During the past few years, she has attended the major events of CSA, and contributed to the CSA’s first publication – Academic Perspective.  Dr. Wang’s leadership skills come from her service at the department and university levels as well as the national technical committees.  She served as the co-chair of the university Faculty Development Advisory Committee (FDAC), and board member on the Asian Pacific Faculty Staff Student Association (APFSSA). 



Dr. Chongwu Zhou (USC) 周崇武教授(南加大)


Prof. Chongwu Zhou, Associate Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering

University of Southern California


演讲主题: Recent Advance in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” 纳米技术新探》



Dr. Zhou is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Southern California (USC).  He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Yale University in 1999.  He worked as a postdoc at Stanford University from 1999 to 2000, and then  joined USC as an assistant professor in 2000.  He has won a number of awards, including the NSF CAREER Award, the NASA TGIR Award, the USC Junior Faculty Research Award, and the IEEE Nanotechnology Early Career Award.  Dr. Zhou has authored over seventy journal publications, and his work has been reported by Science, Scientific American, Physics Today, MRS Bulletin, Materials Today, National Cancer Institute, and Royal Society of Chemistry. He is currently an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology.  His research interest covers semiconductive oxide nanowires, transition metal oxide nanowires, carbon nanotubes, and chemical and bio- sensing. 



Dr. Yunxiang Yan (UCLA) 阎云翔教授(洛加大)




The Embarrassment of Virtue:

Moral Decline and the Predicament of the Chinese Person in the 21st Century


 Modernization often involves changes in social norms, values, and beliefs, leading to a certain degree of moral crisis; China is by no means an exception.  However, the Chinese case also results from several rather unique factors, including the state-sponsored attack on traditional values and ethics, the quick rise and fall of socialist morality and its consequences, the lack of civic virtues in public sphere, and the continuing tight control of the public sphere by a strong state which makes the development of civic virtues extremely difficult.  All these have made the local/indigenous resources of values and ethics weak and vulnerable in the face of a sweeping global consumerism and its associated ethics of possessive individualism.  As a result, Chinese virtues are in an embarrassing situation of being out-of-date and powerless, a new system of civic virtues cannot grow out of a society without much freedom in the public sphere, the ethics and norms of being a decent person have yet to be negotiated, and the current structural arrangements of the society and the market do not reward individuals who pursue a virtuous life.  So much so that being a person of virtue has become an embarrassment.  Based on both ethnographic evidence and media reports, this paper will examine this emerging moral crisis and assess its potential impact on both Chinese society and the world.



Ph.D.   Social Anthropology, Harvard University, 1993.

M.A.   Folklore Studies, Peking University, China, 1984.

B.A.     Chinese Literature, Peking University, China, 1982.



Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles, 2003-present (Associate Professor, 1998-2003; Assistant Professor, 1996-98).

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University, 1994-96.

Lecturer of Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993-94.

Lecturer of Folklore, Peking University, China, 1984-86.


Dr. Louis Rubino.  FACHE Associate Professor (CSUN)



《中国医疗保健改革之我见-Healthcare reform system in China                                   

Chinese medical management training


I will present the research I have been conducting which builds off the relationships created at California State University, Northridge between the healthcare community in various parts of China and the Health Sciences Department. The 30 minute presentation will include how the relationship was formed, the progress that has been made in Chinese medical management training, the accessibility for faculty and students to tour and meet with health care leaders in China, and end by presenting opportunities for the future. I will show many photos utilizing PowerPoint as I explain the various programs. 


Louis Rubino, Ph.D.

Dr. Rubino is an accomplished healthcare administration practitioner who at midlife decided to transfer to full time academia. Before, he was Vice President of Paracelsus Healthcare, in charge of acute care, rehabilitative, and psychiatric hospitals as well as several skilled nursing facilities, and a home health agency. He is the faculty coordinator of the CSUN Health Administration Program Practitioner Advisory Committee and has organized their sponsored symposium for the last three years.



Prof. Kylie Hsu 许凯莉教授 (CSULA 加州立大洛杉矶分校)






Topic: US-China Exchanges in Promoting Chinese Teaching and Research

In response to an invitation from Dr. Yan Dongsheng, President of the Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association (SORSA), Dr. Kylie Hsu led a friendship delegation comprising leaders of the Chinese Scholars Association (CSA) and the Chinese American Faculty Association (CAFA) to Shanghai, China in July 2007 for a one-week visit. Dr. Hsu will first briefly describe the delegation’s exchanges with SORSA and representatives at various universities and institutions during the visit. She will then present her discussions with faculty and scholars at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Shanghai Normal University on Chinese language teaching and research, and provide insights and plans for US-China collaborations in promoting this field.




Dr. Kylie Hsu earned her B.A. in Linguistics (Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa) from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1980, her M.A. in Linguistics (Distinction/Summa Cum Laude) from California State University, Northridge in 1994, and her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics (UC System Presidential Fellow) from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1996. Her biography is listed in Contemporary Authors and many international Who's Who publications. Since 1997, Dr. Hsu has been a faculty at California State University, Los Angeles. She received a Distinguished Woman award and early tenure/promotion to Associate Professor and Full Professor in record time, and she is currently in charge of the Chinese Program. Dr. Hsu's research interests include Chinese language pedagogy, word structure and discourse analysis, intercultural communication, and instructional technology. She has authored numerous publications, including several research monographs and a series of textbooks.


Hsing Fang, Ph.D.(CSULA) 方興 教授(加州州立大学洛杉矶分校)




Dr. Hsing Fang, Ph.D. 方興 博士

Professor Fang is an expert on international finance, investments, and futures and options. She is included in Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 1996 and 2000, and was a recipient of the Outstanding Research Paper Award in the International Finance Area, Southern Finance Association, 1991. She has published numerous articles in finance journals, including Journal of Financial Review, Journal of Financial Research, Journal of Futures Markets, and Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. She has also presented numerous papers at finance professional conferences.


學歷                       美國亞利桑那州立大學財務金融博士



現職                      美國加州州立大學財務金融系系主任


現任                       美國美西華人學會會長



曾任                        美國南加州華裔教授會會長




學術專業會員        美國企業財務長協會(Financial Executive International)會員


                                全球財務金融管理學會(Financial Management Association)會員



學術成就及殊榮     曾於世界頂尖學術期刊發表數十餘篇學術論文









Dr. Justine Su (Zhixin) 苏智欣教授 (CSUN)


Professor of Educational Leadership

Director of the China Institute

Coordinator of International Programs

California State University, Northridge


Transformation of Mind-Set for Reform and Development: A Follow-Up Study of Returned Scholars in Guangzhou Government


演讲主题简介: 《改变思维方式,促进改革与发展:广州市政府海归学者追踪调研》


1998 2003年,广州市政府委托加州州立大学 (北岭)中国所培训了五批共94名年轻干部。 这些干部来自不同的政府和政策机构, 文教卫单位, 企业和经济实体。他们在完成了一年的 “跨世纪领导人培训计划”之后, 都按时回到广州,担当起更重要和更高的领导职位。 我们于2004年夏天去广州看望这些海归学者,通过个人和小组面谈的方式,开展了一项深入细致的追踪调研。 我们收集的数据包括以下几个方面: 1)学者们对在美学习和生活经历的反思和感受; 2)在美学习对他们世界观和思维方式的影响; 3)因此而引起的工作和生活上的变化; 4)中国学者对美国人民和社会的影响。 我们发现,访美学习生活使这些年轻干部的思维方式产生了根本性和持久性的变化,深刻地影响了他们的领导工作和个人生活, 逐渐地促进了中国的改革和发展。 在这一演讲中,我将介绍调研的部分重要发现, 并对未来美中学术合作的干部培训项目提出改进的建议。



Title:  “Transformation of Mind-Set for Reform and Development: A Follow-Up Study of Returned Scholars in Guangzhou Government”


Abstract:   From 1998 to 2003, at the request of the Guangzhou Municipal Government, the China Institute at California State University, Northridge, designed and successfully implemented “The Trans-Century Leadership Training Program” for five groups and a total of 94 young cadres and promising scholars from various governmental agencies, social and cultural organizations, economic and public health entities, and higher education institutions in Guangzhou.  All of them returned to Guangzhou upon completion of their year-long study programs at CSUN and assumed important and higher leadership positions.   In the summer of 2004, we traveled to Guangzhou and conducted an in-depth and face-to-face follow-up survey study with representatives from all five groups of our former scholars.  We obtained valuable data on 1) the scholars’ reflections and feelings about their learning and living experiences in the U.S.; 2) impact of their study in the U.S. on their mind-set, world outlook, and thinking process; 3) changes in their professional work and personal life in China as a result of their training in the U.S.; and 4) impact of the Chinese scholars’ presence in the U.S. on American people and society.   We found that the most fundamental and lasting change for these young leaders occurred in their mind-set and thinking process, which has significantly influenced their administrative work and daily life, gradually affecting the development and reform in China.   In this presentation, we will share some of our key findings, while speculating implications of this study for future leadership training programs in academic exchange and collaboration between the U.S. and China. 

Curriculum Vitae (April 2007)


简历:   苏智欣博士赴美学习与工作之前毕业于上海外语大学,并在中国国家教育部外事局任职三年.   1989年在美国华盛顿大学获教育政策和管理学的博士学位之后, 她先后在加州大学 (UCLA) 和加州州立大学(CSUN)教育研究生院任教育管理学教授职务, 并从1996年起担任加州州立 大学 (CSUN) 中国所所长, 又于2002年起兼任大学国际项目总协调负责人.   她为中国设计并举办了多种类型的长期和短期的政府, 教育, 企业, 卫生 等部门领导干部和学者的培训 项目, 为促进中美合作与交流做出了巨大贡献, 荣获中国政府 杰出华裔学者春晖奖,” 及美国国际学者联合会 国际交流杰出贡献奖.”   苏博士 还积极从 事中美教育比较研究, 领导并主持了中美校长培训比较研究, 中美师范教育 比较研究, 中美科学教育比较研究,  杜威对中国教育的历史影响, 中美小学教育比较研究, 中国海归学者追踪调研等项目, 在国际国内学术会议上发表论文八十多篇, 并在美国, 中国及欧洲学术杂志和书刊上发表五十多篇研究论文, 应邀为多种国际一级学术杂志担任评审和编委。 近年来, 苏教授还担任了中国三所大学的荣誉教授, 每年回中国讲学及开展合作研究.


Presenter’s Biography:  Dr. Justine Zhixin Su is professor of education in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Director of the China Institute, and Coordinator of International Programs at California State University, Northridge.  Before coming to the U.S., she graduated from Shanghai International Studies University and worked as a coordinator of international programs in the Chinese National Ministry of Education.  Since obtaining her doctoral degree in educational administration from the University of Washington in 1989, she has assumed faculty positions at UCLA and CSUN, and began to direct the China Institute at CSUN since 1996.  She has designed and directed many long-term and short-term training programs for Chinese government, business, public health, and higher education leaders and scholars, making significant contributions to the development of U.S.-China academic exchange and collaboration.   Her research interests include educational administration, teacher education, school reform, curriculum and instruction, comparative and international education.  She has published numerous research reports in first-rate refereed journals and research books in the U.S., China, and Europe, including Teaching and Teacher Education, Journal of School Leadership, Teachers College Record, Education and Urban Society, Journal of American Education, International Review of Education, International Education Journal, Comparative Education, Journal of Research on Education and Development,  International Journal of Educational Reform, Oxford Review of Education, and Teacher Education Yearbooks.



Dr. Kwan Ming Chan and Karen Chan陈鈞銘 教授 勒公玫



Da Vinci Code” of the Ancient Kong Chow Temple- A discussion on the spirit of the pioneers 

岡州古廟的密碼” - 早期远赴重洋华裔的心灵及精神支柱


洛杉机是美国西海岸的早期華人定居的主要城市。他們主要来自闽粤两省,尤其是廣東的“古岡州“ 地区:包括新会,鹤山,台山(或新寧),开平,恩平五邑的百姓。他们因海運影响,对外接觸频繁。最多人经香港及澳门顺利抵達太平洋彼岸。据说秦始皇帝南征及隋朝时,命名新会一带为岡州. 他們自稱是岡州人. 但回鄉时,大家都尊称他們做“金山伯“和金山阿姆”.


华人移居海外虽然解决了温飽问题,但他们心繫祖国,惦記亲人,盼望团聚的願望却与日俱增。許多时候,他们都感到求助無門。加上语言隔膜,内心痛苦,無时不巳!只好祈求上蒼,许愿神灵,尋求庇护。岡州古廟也就成为了游子心灵和精神的支柱。同時也是他们的“避風港“ 後援场所薪火相傳之寶地.




電影達芬奇的密碼有巧妙的劇情如爭權,謀利,宗教紛爭.相比岡州古廟亦不乏引人入勝,借喻暗示的詞語,更有詩歌寄意,為後輩提供打破天花板,成功致富的秘訣.  講座以中英雙語演譯.適合對華裔歷史有興趣研究的人士.


 “Da Vinci Code” of the Ancient Kong Chow Temple

- A discussion on the spirit of the pioneers


Kwan Ming Chan and Karen Chan


Los Angeles is a major port of entry for the early immigrants from the province of Guangdong. Most of them were from Wu Yi or Kong Chow districts. The name of Kong Chow was chosen by the Great Qin and Sui Dynasties to cover the Pearl River Estuary region. Theses pioneers were called Uncle Golden Mountain in their homeland.


After the immigrants have settled down in the new homeland, most people had solved their needs for food and shelter. However, their hearts and soul were still unsettled. They were unable to voice their concerns due to language difficulties and their heart-ached feeling was compounded daily. The best solution for them was to beg for mercy from their gods. The Kong Chow Temple has become their safe harbor and solid support.


The history of the temple can be traced back to 1892, which is more than 114 years ago. In the temple there are many cultural artifacts and objects, which reveal the secrets of success and overcoming the “glass ceiling”.


The recent picture “Da Vinci Code” has many interesting scripts about mysteries, fortune, power struggles, etc.  Similarly, when you visit the temple, you will discover the true “Spirit” of the pioneers of Kong Chow and their version of meaningful codes, which they wanted to pass to the future generations, including yourself.


The talk and the slide presentation will be bilingual, both in English and Chinese so as to benefit a wider range of audience. Either old or young, newly arrivals or long term residents are welcome. It will be rated as “excellent” for those, who still have an inquisitive mind to our history.


CSA Convention Program and Schedule


1:00pm       Afternoon Session Registration, Check in (Admission:  free)

MembershipSocial and Networking

地点:         Physics & Astronomy Bldg., 430 Portola Plaza


2:00pm Panel A – Science and Engineering Section (Lecture Room 1425)

 2007 CSA年会下午作学术报告的著名工程与科学专家教授

Chair:  Dr. Lisa Wang 王云霞教授 (Cal Poly Pomona)


2:00pm Panel B–Social Science and Humanity Sessions

2007 CSA年会下午作学术报告的著名人文与社会科学专家教授

Chair: Prof. Kern Kwong 邝国强教授 (CSULA)



 6:00pm Banquet Check-in (UCLA Faculty Center, 480 Charles E. Young Drive)

出席宴会时请着正装 Dress code: Formal


Dr. Li Yong-Gang         郦永刚 教授 (USC),

Dr. Huang Shenghe      黄胜和教授 (USC),

Dr. Liu Da-Hai                       刘大海(CSSA-SW

Dr. Kevin He              贺学敏 (CSSA-UCLA)


5:30pm       Check inSocial Time


6:30pm       Introduction of guests and lecture speakers –


          CSA President Greeting Remarks  - Dr. Zhenying Jiang姜镇英 教授

          CSSA-UCLA President Greeting Remarks  Dr, Kevin He贺学敏博士

CSSA-SW President Greeting Remarks Dr. Liu Da-Hai 刘大海博士


Special Guests & Keynote Speakers 晚宴主讲嘉宾:

 张云總領事致詞Zhang Yung, Consul General, PRC

何志明教授, 美国工程学院院士, Prof. Zhiming Ho (UCLA)

(Introduction: Dr. Jason Cong从京生教授(UCLA


Certificates and Awards


9:30            End




CSA Conference Fee:  Free to all Scholars, students and professionals


CSA Conference Banquet fee:



CSA Lifetime member:  Free



CSA Regular member: Free (if pay the CSA membership fee $25 for 2008)



CSA Associate member:  $10 (if pay the CSA membership fee $10 for 2008)



Non-CSA member: $50 (just to cover the actual price of the UCLA Faculty Club)



入会申请表CSA Membership: http://csasc.org/pages/application.php


PLEASE fill the following:  Online RSVP will be available on 10/16

Contact Name_________________

Work Affiliation________________ 

Email Address_________________



1. Yes, I will be attending the CSA convention at afternoon section on 11/10 at UCLA with ________ guests/students


2. Yes! I will attend the Evening Banquet.


        a. I am a CSA lifetime member ______


        b. I am/will be a CSA Regular member, I will join/renew my CSA membership for 2008_______


        c. I am not a member of CSA but I would like to support CSA.
        I understand that my contribution to the CSA is tax-deductible and is voluntary.  I would like to contribute/pay the following:


Attending banquet:___$50, Supporter:___$100, Patron:___$200 or more____________

        Please reserve _________seats for me for the Banquet on 11/4/ 2006 (Confirmation can be e-mailed to you upon request)


        Check enclosed in the amount of $______________


RSVP: 陈钧铭 drkmchan@gmail.com  before 11/6/07

Please return the form and your payment check to “CSA” before

Oct. 27th 2006 to:
Prof. Kwan Ming Chan, CSA Treasurer
P. O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647, USA


欢迎赞助:联系人 姜镇英教授 zjiang@barstow.ceu




欢迎您参展第十届中国留学人员广州科技交流会 留学人员创业成就展(12/26-28)

一、    留学人员成就展介绍




二、    参展须知



三、    参展条件:

1.   取得硕士或以上学位的留学人员,并带实物参展;

2.   留学人员在国外创办的企业、非营利性组织及机构(含留学人员社团)等;

3.   归国留学人员创办或留学人员占股30%以上的企业。

四、    报名办法:

1.            网上报名:登录大会网站(http://www.ocs-gz.gov.cn),选择“单位”用户注册,并填写展位申请报名资料,同时上传所在园区颁发的留学人员企业认定证书,或在国外注册企业/机构的证明,若留学人员个人申请展位则需要提交硕士或以上学位证书一份,若在注册个人账户后已提交以上资料,可免再次提交。

2.            填写报名表报名:通过大会网站下载或其他渠道获得“留学人员成就展展位申请表”,填写后连同留学人员所在园区颁发的留学人员企业认定证书,或在国外注册企业/机构的证明,若留学人员个人申请展位必须连同硕士或以上学位证书一并传真至组委会报名点。

3.            报名截止日期:20071130日。

五、    参展注意事项:

1.          日程安排:



2.           大会为应邀参展的留学人员、社团或归国留学人员企业免费提供1个标准展位(3()x2()x2.45()),若需增加展位,可向组委会提出申请,增加的展位按大会标准收取展位费:人民币2500/展位,详情请参阅网站公布的《参展手册》。

3.          每个参展企业需交纳1000元人民币的布展押金,并按大会规定


4.           需要电源插座、网络、电话等额外配置,请在参展申请表上注明,提前申请并于大会指定时间内缴付相应费用(电源插头100/个,网络端口400/个,电话线600/条),如现场申请需加收50%的加急费,详情请参阅大会网站公布的《参展手册》。

5.           付款办法



6.           退款办法:




六、    大会服务:

1.                            参展单位中的留学人员,可申请享受大会的免费食宿安排,租用大会提供的免费市内移动电话(小灵通),详情请参阅留学人员报名办法,并另填留学人员报名表。

2.                            参展企业中的其他工作人员,大会提供指定优惠酒店名录,费用自理。

七、    联系方式:












所有CSA或Scholars Net 成员可与南加州联合代表团陈均铭联系 drkmchan@gmail.com  


歡迎您參加北京大學南加州校友會2007年年會暨第三屆全美北京大學校友會代表大會 (10/13)

北京大學南加州校友會2007年年會暨第三屆全美北京大學校友會代表大會將於1013週六在洛杉磯的 Pacific Palms Conference ResortOne Industry Hills Parkway, Industry,CA91744, 1-800-524-4557舉行。來自北美地區十幾個主要北大校友會的代表們將齊聚一堂。我們榮幸地邀請到以下主講者﹕


南加州大學美中學院院長,Clayton Dube教授



·         3:30-4:00 pm: 注冊

·         4:00-5:30 pm: 年會

·         7:00-9:00 pm: 晚宴



會長張紅宇博士 (805-405-5394, info@pku.org)

 附件: 1)推薦捐款項目; 2)回執







據統計,約28.5% 的北大學生來自貧困家庭,約8.1%的學生家庭月均收入低於北京市貧困線(人均收入RMB380/月)。600美元的資助可以幫助一位來自低收入家庭的學生解決一年的生活費用,幫助優秀學生順利完成學業。捐款人還將被邀請免費參加於1013日在洛杉磯舉辦的北京大學北美教育基金會籌款晚宴。

1100美元: 認購一個北大奧運場館座椅並幫助一名學生完成學業




您可以將寫給PKUEF(USA)的捐款支票寄給南加州北京大學校友會,地址是“PUAASC, 1088 South 2nd Ave, Arcadia, CA 91006”。或者在我們的網站(http://pku.org/pages/pr.php#donation)上直接用信用卡捐款並注明是付給PKUEF(USA)我們將在會後轉交給北京大學北美教育基金會。



 姓名 __________________

電話 __________________

電郵 __________________

白天會議人數(免費) _________

晚宴票數( $110/ 張)________ 額外捐款$________




USCI Conference: China’s Great Western Development中国西部大开发 (10/5)

Evaluations and Perspectives on China’s Most Sweeping Developmental Initiative: The Great Western Development Project

10/05/2007 9:00AM - 5:00PM

USC Leavey Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Cost: Free

A Conference funded by the USC U.S. - China Institute and co-sponsored by the USC East Asian Studies Center

The US media and business world are obsessed with China’s phenomenal economic growth, but that growth is largely occurring in China’s Eastern coastal provinces. The majority of people living in China’s Western provinces are still mired in poverty. Moreover, China’s “West” accounts for over 50% of China’s territory and is the home to the vast majority of China’s ethnic minorities, including the politically sensitive Tibetans and Uighurs. The Chinese government is acutely aware that the Western Region represents a crucial economic and political challenge that must be addressed, and in 1999 announced its Great Western Development (Xibu Da Kaifa) initiative, a multi-billion dollar plan to promote development in the region. Experts from Chinese and US universities present research on the challenges of developing China’s northwest, the policies developed, and their impact thus far.

Conference Schedule

Framing "Western Development"      9 – 10:15 am

China’s “Western Development” in Historical Perspective”

James A.  Cook (Central Washington University, History)
Joshua Goldstein (USC, History)

“State and Society in the Making of Economic Regions"

Carolyn Cartier (USC, Geography)

Managing Ethnicity      10:30 am - Noon

"Muslim China: Islam as Impediment to the Great West Development Program?"

Dru Gladney (Pomona College and Pacific Basin Institute)

"Ethnic governance and Lhasa's economy of appearances"

Emily Ting Yeh (Univeristy of Colorado, Geography)

Lunch Noon - 1 pm

Policy Analysis and Implementation    1 pm - 2:30 pm        

China’s Western Development and Advances in Understanding Development”

Bai Yongxiu (Xibei University, Economics and Management)

“Placating Credible Rebels: Chinese Transfer Payments to Religious and Non-Religious Minorities”

Victor Shih (Northwestern University, Political Science)

The View from the Rural Grassroots    2:45 -4:15 pm

“The Great Western Divide: Central Leadership Attempts to Reduce the Rural and Urban Economic and Education Gap in Western China

Shi Yaojiang (Xibei University, Economics and Management)
John Kennedy (University of Kansas, Political Science)

Wrap up Discussion 4:15 - 5 pm

Please RSVP to eascrsvp@usc.edu to ensure that free parking and lunch are provided.

Click here to view a map of the USC campus. Enter campus through Gate 3 on Figueroa at 35th St and park in Parking Structure X. Parking on campus is $8.

To find out more about the conference, contact Joshua Goldstein at jlgoldst@usc.edu.

The USCI calendar is provided as a public service for those interested in U.S.China relations and developments in China. For non-USC events, please check with event sponsors for additional event details.


SW-CSSA Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration at UCLA (10/6)


Dear Friends and Colleagues:


On Oct. 6, 2007, CSSA-UCLA (Chinese Students and Scholars Association at UCLA) will host the SW-CSSA (Chinese Students and Scholars Association of Southwest United States) Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration. This event is open to all members of CSSAs and alumni associations in the southwestern U.S., including CSSAs at UCLA, UCI, UCR, UCSB, UCSD, USC, SDSU, CalTech, Beijing/Tsinghua/Jiaotong University Alumni Associations and CESASC (Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California). We cordially invite all students, scholars, faculty and alumni from the above associations to attend this great event.

The logistics of the event is as follows:


Time and Itemized Events:

1. Cultural Fair: 3:30pm—6:00pm, Saturday, October 6, 2007

Activities include Dating Party, Tag-of-War, Nintendo Wii Video Game, Chess, Wei Qi, etc. Drinks and refreshments will be provided. Many local alumni associations including Beijing/Tsinghua/Jiaotong University and CESASC will join us!


2. “Dating at UCLA” Single Party: 5:00pm—6:00pm, Saturday, October 6, 2007 ( http://cssa.ucla.edu/cssa-event.aspx?event_id=22 )


3. Karaoke Contest: 6:30pm—11:00pm, Saturday, October 6, 2007 ( http://cssa.ucla.edu/cssa-event.aspx?event_id=20 )



Ackerman Union Grand Ballroom (“4E” at UCLA campus map: http://www.ucla.edu/map/map_central.html ).



Grand prizes including iPod for raffle tickets, certificates, Beijing 2008 Olympic souvenirs, and other small gifts.


Registration is required for FREE admission and FOOD/DRINK. Please send an E-mail to: swcssakaraoke@gmail.com with the following subject: “Regular Registration for Cultural Fair 2007”. In the message please include the following information:

·        Name

·        Phone number (home or office or cell)

·        Affiliation (Welcome all CSSAs, alumni associations and people who support CSSA!)

Looking forward to your participation!

Dahai Liu, President of SW-CSSA

Kevin He, President of CSSA-UCLA


西來大學 專題研討會 進出口貿易技巧與策略 (10/24)


西來大學 會議室(AD208)

1024 (週三) 下午2-330

主講人: Gene Bohatch 先生及童小南女士
















Gene Bohatch先生是Citrus學院國際貿易發展中心及加利福尼亞墨西哥貿易協助中心的主任,他在國際貿易領域有許多年經驗,協助許多公司擴展全球性市場,並提供進出口貿易協助和培訓。





研討會免費開放,歡迎大家踴躍參加。西來大學地址:1409 N. Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770。如有任何問題,請電:(626)-571-8811 125分機。

Seminar on Exporting and Importing

October 24, 2-3:30 p.m., Wednesday, 2007

UWest Conference Room


This seminar highlights the important issues associated with exporting and importing, including:

·        The ABC's of Exporting/Importing
Important elements of an import/export transaction, such as required documentation, shipping, insurance, and the methods of getting paid.

·        International Business Resources
Quickly and efficiently identify and access the information you need to make decisions; international trade resources, research, and networking.

·        International Trade Pricing & Quotations
International terms of trade (INCOTERMS), and equating these to costs involved, profit margins, bundling strategies, cost analysis, and the quotation process.

·        How to Find a Foreign Buyer
Locate and qualify buyers focusing on niche markets, analyzing competitors, determining marketing activities, and performing the reality test.

·        Identifying Products to Sell Overseas
Examine your product potential and networking strengths, perform a SWOT analysis, and understand the steps for finding a product.

·        International Business Planning
Learn a practical approach to developing and implementing your company’s plan, starting with a feasibility analysis.



Mr. Gene Bohatch, Director of the Center for International Trade Development (CITD) & California-Mexico Trade Assistance Center (CMTAC) of Citrus College.  He has many years of extensive experience in the field of international trade and has assisted many local companies to expand global markets by providing export and import assistance and training.

Ms. Judy Tung, consultant with the CITD & CMTAC.  She is a business owner and has many years of experience in international trade.


This seminar is organized by the CITD & CMTAC of Citrus College and the Center for the Study of Minority & Small Business and the Department of Business Administration at UWest.


The seminar is open to the public, free of charge. UWest is located in Rosemead, right off the Pomona Freeway, at 1409 N. Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead. Please call (626) 571-8811, ext. 125 to reserve your seat or for more information.


中国国务院侨办2007年中国创业政策咨询报告团莅临华府  10/6

 时间: 106日下午130分至4


Winston Churchill High School, 11300 Gainsborough Road, Potomac MD 20854

中国国务院侨务办公室 2007年中国创业政策咨询报告团将于104日至106日访问美国大华府地区。报告团一行5人,由国侨办经济科技司张健青副司长带队。在华府期间,报告团将广泛接触侨学两界各方面的朋友,介绍中国政府建立和谐社会和创新国家的决策。报告团将于106日下午130分至4时在马里兰州蒙郡邱吉尔高中举办大型报告会,阐述中国政府推动海外华人华侨和留学人员回国创业的政策方针。




张健青副司长曾经长期在中国驻美大使馆工作,担任领事部副总领事,是大华府地区侨学两界的老朋友。报告团成员有:中国科技部政策法规司李新男副司长,常州津通国际工业园贡毅董事长,上海张江(集团)有限公司朱守淳副总经理和国侨办经济科技司于建明处长。李新男副司长长期参与国家科技政策法规的制定工作。 2005年初调入科技部政策法规与体制改革司,参加国家中长期科学技术规划配套政策的制定工作和《科技进步法》修订工作,负责技术创新引导工程和技术创新体系建设等项工作。贡毅博士曾在美国西北大学任教,1998年回国创业。2003年贡毅创立了津通集团,它是以工业科技地产开发管理为主业,集住宅、商业地产开发,产业发展、产品研发及制造和创业投资及管理为一体的集团公司。2005年,贡毅被授予中国首届华侨华人专业人士杰出创业奖。朱守淳曾获得上海市科技进步一等奖,现在担任上海张江(集团)有限公司副总经理。于建明处长长期从事侨务工作,现在主要负责华侨华人创业工作。

报告团在大华府的活动由中国大使馆领事部协调安排。美国华人生物医药科技协会和希望中文学校洛城校区负责接待报告团,主办 106日的报告会。美国华裔医学科学家协会、华盛顿华人社团联盟、大华府地区同乡会协会、希望中文学校、华盛顿中国大陆大专院校校友会联合会、华盛顿华人专业团体联合会、美中工商联合会等团体协助组织报告会。

报告会将于 106日下午130分至4时在马里兰州蒙郡邱吉尔高中(Winston Churchill High School, 11300 Gainsborough Road, Potomac MD 20854)举行,欢迎各界朋友参加。愿意参加者请于 105日前将姓名和电话号码以电子邮件送到 theragene@gmail.com or nsms_caa@yahoo.com ,以便做好会前筹备工作。

美国华裔医学科学家协会 (NSMS-CAA)





200712月下旬,本届大赛各入围第一参赛者将在春晖计划的资助下回国齐聚广州,参加创业交流、项目对接洽谈、大赛颁奖以及广州留学人员科技交流会的相关活动。经商广州留学人员科技交流会组委会办公室,我办现确定各入围者在广州的活动时间为北京时间20071223— 28日,请各入围者于1222日到广州报到。我办将于会前告知活动的具体日程安排。







2007CSA 《学术展望第3期》精彩论文(目录全集)


Academic Perspective

      Volume 3, 2007

SSN 1936-1246

Editor-in-Chief (Humanities & Social Sciences): Dr. Yueyun (Bill) Chen
Editor-in-Chief (Sciences & Engineering): Dr. Lisa Yunxia Wang

Editorial Board:

Dr. Kwan Ming Chan

California State University, Long Beach

Dr. Yue-Yun (Bill) Chen

University of the West

Dr. Shenghe Huang

University of Southern California

Dr. Zhenying Jiang

Barstow College

Dr. Kern Kwong

California State University, Los Angeles

Dr. Yonggang Li

University of Southern California

Dr. Bing-Hui Shen

City of Hope, National Medical Center

Dr. Lisa Wang

CSU Polytechnic, Pomona

E-Journal Posting: Dr. Yi Liu

Web-design: Dr. Hong-Yu Zhang


©Copyrights of CSA

The Academic Perspective (ISSN 1936-1246) is a journal published annually by the Chinese Scholars Association (CSA), Southern California. The articles published in the journal include the original research papers, or summary of research and projects. Most articles in the journal are written by CSA members, and some are written by invited guests. The first volume of the Academic Perspective was published in 2005. Since 2006, the journal has been published online at the CSA’s website of www.csasc.org. The journal consists of two sections – Humanities & Social Sciences section, and Sciences & Engineering section.

The Chinese Scholars Association of Southern California is a non-profit, non-political, and community-oriented organization. It was founded in 1998 by some professors in Southern California. The mission of the association is to promote intellectual exchange, collaboration, and amity among Chinese scholars in the United States, China, and the rest of the world. The Association is dedicated to the development of science, technology and higher education and enhancement of Sino-American friendship and mutual understanding. The members of the association are mainly professors and researchers who work in universities or other research institutions in Southern California.
- Lisa Wang and Bill Chen, Editors-in-Chief

Table of Contents

Articles in Social Sciences & Humanity


The Credibility of Stock Repurchase Signals
Chao Chen and Min-Ming Wen

Why Some Disaster Insurance Does not Exist
Bill Y. Chen and I. S. Hamwi

A Comparative Study of International Cultural and Ethical Values: Preliminary Findings and Research Agenda
Stephen J.J. McGuire, Lillian Y. Fok and Kern Kwong

Should College Students Self-defense Against Armed Attacks? --A Laboratory Study on Chances of Injuries
Gong Chen, Peggy Plato and Zhanjie Liu

Are Asian Americans Becoming White?
Min Zhou

Learning Chinese: The differences from English and Spanish Speakers--An Interesting Survey for Mandarin Consonants
Xiaohong Zeng and Zenghsu Chen

The Ancient Kong Chow Temple of Southern California--A discussion on the spirit of the pioneers
Kwan Ming Chan and Karen Chan

Preparing American College Students to Become Future Teachers of Chinese
Kylie Hsu





黄冠丽 & Keyu Jiang



Articles in Sciences & Engineering

Dynamic Analysis of Skewed Bridges Subjected to Near-Field Ground Motions Considering Nonlinear Soil-Abutment-Foundation-Structure Interaction
(SE01) Anoosh Shamsabadi & Liping Yan

Earthquake-Related Fault Zone Compliance by Seismic Probing of InSar Anomalies
(SE02) Yong-Gang Li

Tracing the Supermode in Optical Waveguides
(SE03) Xiankai Sun & Amnon Yariv

In Vivo Effects of Cyclooxygenase-2 Deletion on Cellular Signaling in Hepatocellular Carcinomo Xenocriafts in Nude Mice
(SE04) Wei Cui, Shirley Hu, Zhen-Ya Tang, and Keqin Hu

An Architectural Solution for Storage Management Problems
(SE05) Helen Wu

(SE06) 郑文新

(SE07) 沈勋章

(SE08) 金浩敏

(SE09) 李例



学者来稿精选 - 自卫防身的主要防范原则Prevention principles in self-defense (Chen Wang Gong Chen )

Prevention principles in self-defense

Cheng Wang, Professor, Xi-an Northwest Polytechnic University

Gong Chen, Ed.D. Professor, Sa Jose State University


           This article introduces prevention principles and prevention strategies in self-defense.  Practically everywhere you are, there are chances you may become a victim of violent crimes, even though some places are safer than other places.  Therefore, these principles apply to all locations and crimes.  These principles are developed based on research, principles of crime prevention, real-life cases, and recommendations from experts. Readers should not only understand these principles, but also apply them to everyday life.  None of these principles will work for you unless you actually apply them in your everyday life. 

            Prevention is the first and the most important step in self-defense.  The main purpose is to keep you away from any life-threatening situations in order to reduce the chance of becoming a victim of crimes.  The old saying in medicine, "One ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" also fits into self-defense perfectly.  We can say one act of prevention is worth a hundred fighting skills.  It is much easier to stay away from the trouble than to fight in a life-threatening situation.

            All crimes of violence are committed based on several elements:  the motivation of the criminals, the right place, the right time, and the right victim.  In another words, the criminals look for good opportunities.  The best prevention is to reduce these elements in order to limit their opportunities.  There are several important principles in prevention, and based on these principles, specific strategies and skills are developed for and applied to different situations.  The next article will introduce more detailed and specific strategies in self-defense prevention.

            The basic principles of prevention in self-defense are based on the analysis of the crime process.  Taking one or more rings a way from the crime ring will dramatically reduce the chance of becoming victims. 

            1.  Believe you may become a victim of crimes.  Believing anyone may become a victim of crimes can make people aware of the importance of crime prevention and self-defense and take it seriously.  Therefore, they are more likely to put safety as the top priority in everyday life and to initiate actions for better preparation.

            2.  Establish a safe lifestyle.  A safe lifestyle plays an important role in crime prevention and self-defense.  A safe lifestyle, such as always thinking of safety first before going anywhere, can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crimes.  On the other hand, an unsafe lifestyle, such as regularly going to bars at night or jogging in the dark alone in an unsafe area, exposes you to dangerous situations.  People should eliminate these unsafe lifestyles.  Avoiding drinking and drugs will certainly reduce the facilitating factor of the crime process.

            3.  Do not create enemies (a good fellow model).  Creating enemies puts victims in the worst situation.  It triggers the crimes and makes you the victim of hate oriented crime easily.  Remember, hate is one of the two major motivations of criminals, and many cases are initiated by the victims.  There is little you can do to prevent this kind of crime because your enemy is highly motivated to attack you, while you cannot predict when, where, and how you are going to be attacked.  You may have to live in fear and under stress everyday.  Making an enemy is very easy, sometimes before you know it.  Examples include getting involved in an argument which has tension, treating people in a nasty way, trashing people, making nasty remarks, tailgating while driving, insulting other people's feelings, tricking people, and taking away another person’s property.   

            4.  Avoid dangerous places (the beaver model--beavers build their homes in a safe place only).  Location is an essential factor which may facilitate or impair the criminal's decision to attack or not.  You can avoid many bad situations by not going to the scenes where criminals can attack you easily.  The dangerous places include isolated areas, dark areas, gang-active areas, drug-related areas, and areas involving a lot of money.

            5.  Avoid dangerous times.  Time is another factor which may facilitate or impair the criminal's decision to attack or not.  You can avoid many bad situations by not going to dangerous scenes at dangerous times.  These dangerous times include when it is dark, you are alone, you are not prepared or alert, you are concentrating on something else (distracted), and anytime when you are in dangerous places.

            6.  Be a tough target (the porcupine model--few animals dare to attack a porcupine).  Vulnerability is the most essential factor which influences the criminal's decisions and actions.  Most criminals select weak victims because either they have more confidence to put the victim under control, or they can finish the crimes very quickly, thus with less risk of being found and caught; or they feel safe because the vulnerable victims will not fight back.  Tough targets warn the attackers to stay away and have less chance to be selected by criminals.  Becoming a tough target can be carried out in many ways.  For example, having a big dog in the house or installing an alarm system will make your house tough or look tough.  Walking with a mace in your hand also makes you look tough.  Being assertive is also recommended by experts.

            7.  Become an invisible target (the chameleon model).  The main idea of this principle is that you behave the same way as other people in your environment so that the criminals have no particular reason to pick you as the target among so many people.  On the other hand, showing off your richness or making someone hate you will make you a visible target and that can trigger the crimes easily.  Being an invisible target may be done in many ways.  For example, hiding your valuables instead of showing off your richness will not attract criminals to rob you, and being nice to other people will reduce the chance of becoming a target of revenge which may result in assaults or murders.

            8.  Take actions now.  Most people know the danger of crimes, but many of them are reluctant to take any actions to prevent and prepare for it.  No strategies or skills can make you safe, no matter how good they are unless you really want to apply them and actually carry out these principles, strategies, and skills in your life.




中国教育部 财政部:《国家公派出国留学研究生管理规定(试行)》教外留〔200746



  第一章 总则

  第一条 为实施国家科教兴国和人才强国战略,加快高层次人才培养,规范国家公派出国留学研究生(以下简称公派研究生)派出管理工作,提高国家公派出国留学效益,制定本规定。

  第二条 本规定所称公派研究生是指按照国家留学基金资助方式选派到国外攻读硕士、博士学位的研究生,以及在国内攻读博士学位期间赴国外从事课题研究的联合培养博士研究生。

  第三条 公派研究生选拔、派出和管理部门的职责是:

  1.国家留学基金管理委员会 (以下简称留学基金委)  在教育部领导下,按照国家公派出国留学方针政策,负责公派研究生的选拔和管理等工作。

  2.我驻外使 () 馆教育 (文化) 处 () (以下简称使领馆) 负责公派研究生在国外留学期间的管理工作。

  3.教育部留学服务中心、教育部出国留学人员上海集训部、广州留学人员服务管理中心等部门 (以下简称留学服务机构) 负责为公派研究生出国留学办理签证、购买出国机票等提供服务。



  第二章 选拔与派出

  第四条 公派研究生选拔按照“个人申请,单位推荐,专家评审,择优录取”方式进行。具体办法另行制定。

  第五条 留学基金委完成公派研究生选拔录取工作后应及时将录取文件与名单通知推选单位、留学服务机构和有关使领馆。

  第六条 国家对公派研究生实行“签约派出,违约赔偿”的管理办法。公派研究生出国前应与留学基金委签订《资助出国留学协议书》(见附1,以下简称《协议书》)、交纳出国留学保证金。《协议书》须经公证生效。


  第七条 公派研究生(在职人员除外)原则上应与推选单位签订意()向就业协议后派出。

  第八条 出国前系在校学生的公派研究生出国留学,应及时办理学籍和离校等有关手续。推选单位应在国家规定的留学期限内保存档案和户籍。


  第九条 出国前系应届毕业生的公派研究生出国留学,推选单位应在国家规定的留学期限内保存档案和户籍。


  第十条 推选单位应设置专门机构和人员,归口负责公派研究生管理工作,建立专门的公派研究生管理档案;对本单位公派研究生统一进行出国前的思想教育和培训,组织学习国家公派留学有关政策和管理规定,对办理出国手续进行指导和帮助;为公派研究生指定专门的指导教师或联系人。


  第十一条 留学服务机构依据留学基金委提供的录取文件和公派研究生本人所持《国家留学基金资助出国留学资格证书》(见附2),代为验收公派研究生的《协议书》和查验“出国留学保证金交存证明”后,按有关规定办理出国手续,开具《国家公派留学人员报到证明》(见附3)等。

  第十二条 留学服务机构为公派研究生办理出国手续后,应及时准确地将出国信息和有关材料报送我有关使领馆和留学基金委,保证国内外管理工作有效衔接。

  第三章 国外管理与联系

  第十三条 公派研究生应在抵达留学目的地10日内凭《国家留学基金资助出国留学资格证书》和《国家公派留学人员报到证明》向所属使领馆报到(本人到场或邮寄等适当方式),并按使领馆要求办理报到或网上注册等手续。

  第十四条 公派研究生应与使领馆和推选单位保持经常联系,每学期末向使领馆和国内推选单位报送《国家公派出国留学人员学习/研修情况报告表》(见附4)

  第十五条 公派研究生在留学期间应自觉维护祖国荣誉,遵守我国和留学所在国法律,尊重当地人民的风俗习惯,与当地人民友好交往。

  第十六条 使领馆应高度重视,积极关心公派研究生在外学习期间思想和学习情况,建立定期联系、随访制度,认真及时做好对公派研究生的经费发放工作。每学年向教育部、留学基金委报告公派研究生在外管理情况。

  第十七条 推选单位应积极配合留学基金委和使领馆处理管理过程中出现的有关问题。对公派研究生留学期间申请延长留学期限、提前回国、从事博士后研究等问题,应及时向留学基金委提出明确意见,并采取有效措施确保本单位推选的公派研究生学有所成、回国服务。

  第十八条 国家留学基金为公派研究生提供的奖学金中包含伙食费、住宿费、交通费、电话费、书籍资料费、医疗保险费、交际费、一次性安置费和零用费等。公派研究生抵达留学所在国后,应从留学所在国实际情况出发,并按照留学所在国政府或留学院校(研究机构)要求及时购买医疗保险。

  第十九条 公派研究生应勤奋学习,提高效率,在规定留学期限内完成学业并按期回国服务。未经留学基金委批准同意,留学期间不得擅自改变留学身份、留学期限、留学国家和留学院校(研究机构)



 第二十条 公派研究生一般应在被录取留学院校(研究机构)完成学业。在规定的留学期限内确因学业或研究需要变更留学单位,应履行下列手续:





  第二十一条 公派研究生因故不能继续学习、确需提前回国者,应向使领馆提出申请,出具推选单位和国外留学院校或导师(合作者)意见以及相关证明,由使领馆报留学基金委审批。




  第二十二条 公派研究生留学期间可利用留学所在国留学院校(研究机构)假期回国休假或收集资料。回国休假或收集资料应征得留学院校或导师(合作者)同意,报使领馆审批。



  第二十三条 公派研究生因病不能坚持学习中途休学回国,应征得留学院校导师(合作者)同意,办理或补办国外留学院校学籍保留手续,使领馆应及时将有关情况报留学基金委审批。




  第二十四条 公派研究生在留学期间参加国际学术会议或进行短期学术考察,应征得留学院校导师(合作者)同意并向使领馆报告。


  第二十五条 公派研究生在规定留学期限内未能获得学位者,如因学业问题确需延长学习时间且留学院校导师证明可在延长时间内获得学位,由本人提前2个月向使领馆提交书面申请,出具留学院校导师和推选单位意见函,由使领馆根据其日常学习表现提出明确意见,报留学基金委审批。



  第二十六条 公派研究生在规定留学期限内虽经努力但仍无法获得学位者,使领馆应将其学习态度、日常表现和所在国留学院校实际情况报告留学基金委,经批准后开具有关证明,办理结()业手续回国。

  第二十七条 对于国家急需专业领域的、在国外获得博士学位的公派研究生,在留学所在国签证政策允许前提下,经推选单位同意、留学基金委批准并办理续签《协议书》手续,可继续从事不超过两年的博士后研究。

  1.公派研究生本人应提前2个月向使领馆提出申请,出具推选单位和国外留学院校或导师 (合作者) 意见函,由使领馆提出明确意见报留学基金委审批。



  第二十八条 对纪律涣散、从事与学业无关的活动严重影响学习、留学院校和导师(合作者)反映其表现恶劣者,使领馆一经发现应给予批评教育;对仍不改正者,要及时报告留学基金委,留学基金委按照有关规定处理。

  第二十九条 公派研究生学习期满回国,由使领馆按国家规定选定回国路线、提供国际旅费,乘坐中国民航班机回国;无中国民航班机,购买外国航班机票应以安全、经济为原则。

  第三十条 公派研究生一经签约派出,其在外期间的国家公派留学身份不因经费资助来源或待遇变化而改变。如获其他奖学金,应经留学基金委同意并签订补充协议,且始终应遵守国家公派留学有关规定,履行按期回国服务等相关义务。


  第三十一条 公派研究生留学期间改变国籍,视为放弃国家公派留学身份,留学基金委按照有关规定处理。


  第三十二条 公派研究生应按期回国,填写《国家公派出国留学人员回国报到提取保证金证明表》(见附5),由推选单位在相应栏目中签署意见,尽快向留学基金委报到(京外人员可通过信函、传真或电子邮件方式报到),按要求递交书面材料。留学基金委审核上述材料后,通知有关金融机构将出国前交存的保证金返还公派研究生本人。

  第三十三条 公派研究生(不含在职人员)学成回国,按照国家有关就业政策和规定以及与国内有关单位的定()向协议就业。

  第三十四条 推选单位要把公派研究生的回国工作纳入本单位人才培养总体规划,对学成回国研究生的就业、创业等问题积极加以引导,为其回国工作和创业创造有利条件。

  第三十五条 教育部留学服务中心应按照国家规定,为在国外取得学位回国、落实工作单位的公派研究生办理回国工作的相关手续,为其回国工作和创业提供必要的服务。



  第三十六条 公派研究生按期回国后应在国内连续服务至少两年。

  第五章 违约追偿

  第三十七条 在留学期间擅自变更留学国别和留学身份、自行放弃国家留学基金资助和国家公派留学身份、单方面终止协议、未完成留学计划擅自提前回国、从事与学业无关活动严重影响学习、表现极为恶劣以及未按规定留学期限回国逾期3个月(不含)以上、未完成回国服务期等违反《协议书》约定的行为,构成全部违约。违约人员应赔偿全部留学基金资助费用并支付全部留学基金资助费用30%的违约金。



  第三十八条 出国前尚未还清国家助学贷款的留学人员,出国期间应按国家助学贷款有关规定偿还贷款,确有偿还困难的应办理相应延期手续;对逾期不归违约人员,应按《协议书》和国家助学贷款有关规定履行相关义务。

  第三十九条 使领馆应及时将公派研究生违约情况和为其资助留学经费情况报告留学基金委,协助留学基金委做好违约追偿工作。

  第四十条 推选单位应及时向留学基金委提供所掌握的本单位违约人员的有关情况和信息,协助留学基金委开展违约追偿工作。

  第四十一条 对违反《协议书》约定的违约行为,留学基金委根据国家法律规定和《协议书》有关条款对违约人进行违约追偿。违约人本人或其保证人(即协议书丙方) 应承担相应违约责任。




  第六章 评估

  第四十二条 教育部建立评估体系和激励机制,对公派研究生出国留学的总体效益和有关项目的实施情况进行评估,特别对各推选单位派出人员的质量、留学效果和按期回国等情况进行综合评估,并根据评估结果调整各推选单位的选派计划和选派规模,以保证国家留学基金的使用效益和国家人才培养目标的实现。


  第七章 附则

  第四十三条 本规定由教育部、财政部负责解释。

  第四十四条 本规定自印发之日起施行。此前已印发的有关规定与本规定相抵触的,以本规定为准。

  附件: http://www.chinanews.com.cn/edu/kong/news/2007/09-27/1036870.shtml

  1. 资助出国留学协议书.doc


  3. 国家公派留学人员报到证明.doc

  4. 国家公派出国留学人员学习、研修情况报告表.doc


http://www.chinanews.com.cn/edu/kong/news/2007/09-27/1036870.shtm l



China plans to launch Chang'e No.1 in Oct

China plans to launch Chang'e No.1 moon probe satellite next month, one month later than the original launching plan, according to information from Nanfang Daily.

The moon probe satellite has been placed in the launching center for over one month now, ready for the launch. The launching platform has been made ready and the rocket that will carry Chang'e No. 1 will also be placed on the platform soon. Two viewing stands have been built for visitors to witness the exciting moment, said a worker at Xichang satellite launching center.

Early in last August, the moon probe satellite had been shipped to the launching center to run through a series of tests, said a guide in charge of the explanation work for Changzheng (Long March) carrier rocket.

Changzheng (Long March) 3A carrier rocket will carry Chang'e No.1 and send it into space. The launch will take place at the No.3 launching platform, a new platform that was completed in December, last year. So far, the new platform has sent two satellites into space to test its function. In its most recent launch, the platform successfully sent Xinnuo No. 3 satellite into space. The launch also marked the 100th successful launch for Changzheng (Long March) series carrier rockets.

The new platform will also be open to visitors. It sits next to Benyue Building, which has just finished construction. To invite more visitors to witness the launching moment, reconstruction for extension of the two viewing stands at the valley of Niutoushan on the right side of the Benyue Building is in full swing. When the extension work for the two viewing stands is completed, at least 2,000 people will be able to come to the center to see the launching process.






  英文全称:The National Bureau of Corruption Prevention of the People's Republic of China




  The National Bureau of Corruption Prevention of China






China to launch Zhongxing 9 satellite this year

 “If the launch of Xinnuo 2 satellite had not failed, Chinese public would have been able to watch TV programs broadcast by this satellite long time ago,” said Ma Ju, director of the Broadcasting Science Research Institute under the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT).

He made the statement in an interview given to China Business News last Friday.

Earlier, when attending the 15th China International Radio and TV Information Network Exhibition, vice chairman of the Committee of Science and Technology under SARFT Du Baichuan said that Zhongxing 9 satellite might be launched around September or October. However, right now, it is almost the end of September and no officials have made any public announcement at the moment. It is now obvious that the launching schedule might be delayed.

Zhang Haitao, another official from SARFT, once disclosed that the launching might take place on November 9, or at a later time, this year.

This might reflect Chinese officials' cautiousness resulting from the failure of Xinnuo 2 satellite launch, because the launch of the two satellites, Xinnuo 2 and Zhongxing 9, should not be regarded as a simple launching event. Rather, they reflect China’s satellite technology level in the world.

The telecommunication satellites launch is regarded as one of the key projects for government efforts to extend radio and TV coverage to every village in China. With the launch of these telecommunication satellites, it is hoped that Chinese TV programs can further reach many remote villages previously not covered by the telecommunication satellites.

There are 378 million households in China. Of them, 140 million are cable TV users and 378 million receive radio or TV programs through wireless service.






China plans to build 31 new nuclear power plants by 2020

According to China's new national nuclear power development plan, by 2010 the installed capacity of China's nuclear power plants then being in operation will reach 12 million kilowatts. By 2020, China will build 31 new nuclear power plants, with the installed capacity of the operating nuclear power plants reaching 40 million kilowatts and the installed capacity of the nuclear power plants being under construction reaching 18 million kilowatts by that time, the Shanghai Securities Journal reported.

In order to realize this goal, China needs to build at least two nuclear power plants every year with an installed capacity of one million kilowatts and the country's total input for nuclear power plant construction will reach 500 billion yuan.

As one of the major nuclear nations in the world, China has a huge demand for nuclear power and it has carried out several cooperative projects with other countries with regard to nuclear use. This, as some experts say, might make China one of the most promising countries in the world in promoting nuclear power use.

In Asia, no other countries have a great demand for nuclear use as China. According to information from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), of all the 65 nuclear power plants that are being built or planned to be built in the world, two-thirds are located in Asia, especially in China. At present, nuclear power accounts for only 2% of the total power consumption in China. China has outlined a program that aims at changing the structure of its energy use. In complying with this program, the country will place nuclear power as the top priority.










Cancer killed 3 mln Chinese in 2006

A report by Harbin Daily shows that in 2006 3 million Chinese died of cancer. It is estimated that cancer will kill more than 4 million Chinese by 2020.

The 10th National Conference of Clinical Oncology and the 2007 Annual Meeting of CSCO was kicked off last week, and a press briefing was held on September 20. According to the information revealed at the briefing, the incidence of lung cancer is the highest among all the malignant tumors of male patients, while breast cancer is the top among females. Lung cancer is also the most fatal killer in China.

Compared with 20 years ago, the incidence of lung cancer has increased by more than 100%. Apparently, air pollution should be blamed. Most patients are either very young or very old, including babies of several months old.

Colon and recta cancers have also become common, with the popularity of unhealthy diet.



普大華裔教授周郁再締奈米科技新猷  發明「斷裂引導」 可望推進新工業革命 World Journal宋俊杰)

曾經發明奈米印刷技術的普林斯頓大學電機系華裔教授周郁(Stephen Chou)領導的實驗室,最近發明了「斷裂引導」(Fracture-induced Structuring)奈米製造技術,突破現有技術。


身為美國國家工程院(The Na-tional Academy of Engineering)院士的周郁認為,隨著原理簡單、成本低廉的「斷裂引導」奈米製造技術普及,將給美國科技工業帶來新動力,而這股新動力將可帶引出「新時代的工業革命」。

周郁領導的實驗室於7月發明該製造技術,並於本月2日發表在「自然奈米技術」(Nature Nan-otechnology)雜誌上。

周郁表示,傳統的奈米製造技術是用一束電子(electron)、離子(ion)或機械尖物(mechanical tip)在物體表面上鐫刻,該刻製過程緩慢,而且僅適用於一平方毫米或者更小的面積上;而可在較大面積上刻製的技術存有缺陷,並且非常昂貴。但他新發明的「斷裂引導」奈米技術,可在很大的面積上鐫刻。

周郁表示,新的「斷裂引導」奈米技術原理很簡單:首先,在硬盤上放上一層聚合物膜(polymer film),然後再放上一個硬盤,就像製作三明治一樣,然後再加熱讓它們黏在一起,再予以分開,當聚合物膜斷裂時,兩個硬盤上就自然形成兩套奈米刻層(nanoscale grating),而且在刻層之間的「節」(period)是聚合物膜的四倍。





4 bln treat diseases with herbal medicine

According to information released by the World Health Organization, at present there are about four billion people in the world who use herbal medicine to treat their diseases. The number accounts for 80% of the world's total population. Over the next decade, the use of herbal medicine will become popular around the world. More than 70 countries and regions have signed cooperative agreements with China with regard to the use and exploitation of herbal medicine. Traditional Chinese herbal medicine has been widely used in over 160 countries and regions, said Zhang Qi, head of the International Cooperation Department under the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangzhou last weekend, the Nanfang Daily reported.

Many countries have their own traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) clinics. Britain has a population of 50 million people and there are about 3,000 TCM clinics in the country. There are 15 million people living in the Netherlands and the country has 1,600 TCM clinics. Canada has a population of 30 million people and the country has 3,000 TCM clinics. Australia has a population of 19 million people and there are 4,000 TCM clinics in the country. Apart from these, there are many TCM pharmacists in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Although there are a great number of TCM pharmacists in the world, their professional practicing capabilities vary greatly. Some of the TCM doctors actually do not have a certificate.

On September 22, a working committee that deals with the certificate registration and issuing for overseas TCM doctors and pharmacists was established in Guangzhou. The establishment of the working committee was approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and it was attached to the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In future, overseas TCM doctors and pharmacists can apply to the working committee for getting a professional certificate. The professional certificate can distinguish legal doctors from the illegal ones and it can also rate the doctors' practicing level.

The working committee will become a good source for overseas TCM doctors and pharmacists to learn knowledge about TCM and make their profession acknowledged in society.





中国教育部网站近日公布《大学英语课程教学要求》(以下简称“教学要求”) 。教学要求建议,大学英语课程要融入学校的学分制体系,尽量保证在本科总学分中占10%(16学分左右)






360 mln Chinese smoke cigarettes

It is reported that there are 360 million people who smoke cigarettes. This number takes up 25% of the world’s smoking population and even greater than total population of the US, the origin of cigarette..

A survey conducted by the Horizon Research in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Wuhan, finds that 28.5% of adults in these cities smoke, lower than the national proportion.

Every two in three men smoke, while the proportion among women is only 3.1%. About 31.6% of female smokers in China started smoking no more than 5 years ago, while most of the male smokers have smoked for much longer time.

The proportion of smokers among those who have higher educational levels is lower than those with lower educational levels. Statistics show that only 21.2% of postgraduates smoke, while the proportion of those who have only completed elementary school is 34.5%.

Businesspeople, particularly senior managers, and salespersons tend to smoke more than people doing other jobs.





  管理规定指出,公派研究生选拔按照“个人申请,单位推荐,专家评审,择优录取”方式进行。国家对公派研究生实行“签约派出,违约赔偿”的管理办法。公派研究生出国前应与留学基金委签订《资助出国留学协议书》、交纳出国留学保证金。《协议书》须经公证生效。公派研究生(在职人员除外)原则上应与推选单位签订意()向就业协议后派出。 公派留学生提前取得学位回国视为提前完成留学计划、按期回国。留学生留学期间改变国籍,视为放弃国家公派留学身份。








USCI: Cross-Straits Economic Relations between China & Taiwan (10/4)

USCI and the Institute for Taiwanese Studies presents a panel discussion which examines the Cross-Straits Economic Relations between China and Taiwan.

10/04/2007 3:00PM - 5:00PM

USC Upstairs Cafe
Address: Garden Room, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Cost: Free
Website: china.usc.edu


Dr. David S. Hong has been the President of the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) since 2005. He also currently serves as Chief Executive Officer, Taiwan APEC Study Center, and Secretary General of Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, Taiwan. Dr. Hong is a member of Advisory Committee, Council for Economic Planning and Development, Executive Yuan. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Hong’s research interests include industrial development, economic forecasting, and energy and environmental economic analysis. His recent studies are on the promotion of new industries and technologies, Taiwan and globalization, BOT, Cross-Strait economics, knowledge based economy, fiscal reform and sustainable developments. 

Dr. Wen-cheng Lin is President of the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy and Editor-in-Chief of Taiwan Democracy Quarterly. He is also Dean for the College of Social Sciences and acting director of the Institute of Mainland China Studies at the National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaoshiung, Taiwan. Dr. Lin earned his Ph.D. from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. His research interest includes China’s foreign policy, cross-strait relations, negotiation, national security, democratic development and East Asia security. He has published one book, co-authored 3 books, and published more than fifty articles in both Chinese and English.

Emerson Niou is Professor of Political Science, and Director of the program in Asian Security Studies at Duke University. He is the co-author of The Balance of Power, Cambridge University Press, 1989. Dr. Niou's recent publications include: “Understanding Taiwan Independence and Its Policy Implications,” Asian Survey, July 2004 and “Term Limits as a Response to Incumbency Advantage,” with Kongpin Chen, Journal of Politics, May 2005. His current projects include studies of institutions and reforms in China, security balance in the Taiwan Strait, and calculus of voting.

Contact: USC U.S.-China Institute
Phone: 213-821-8342
Email: uschina@usc.edu

Sponsor(s): USC U.S.-China Institute, Institute for Taiwanese Studies


2007中国海归人才生存调查报告显示:五成海归没有工作经验 就业不易















UCSI  Talking Points (10/1-10/8

10/04/2007: The Present and Future of Conservation of Mogao Caves & Digital Works of Dunhuang Mogao Caves
IEAS Conference Room
Address: 2223 Fulton Street, 6th Floor, Berkeley, CA
Cost: FREE
Time: 4:00PM - 6:00PM
The colloquium discusses the possibility of using digital technology to preserve the exquisite caverns of Mogao.


10/05/2007 - 10/06/2007: Catching the Wave: Connecting East Asia Through Soft Power
Toll Room, Alumni House, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Cost: Free
UC Berkeley hosts a two day conference which explores soft power in East Asia.


10/05/2007: Performance: Shangri-la Chinese Acrobats
Beckman Auditorium, Caltech
Address: 332 S. Michigan Ave., Pasadena, CA
Cost: $28, $23, $18 / $10 youth
Phone: 626-395-4652
Time: 8:00PM - 10:00PM
Under the direction of acrobatic legends the Hai Family, the company flawlessly interprets the precision and grace of Chinese acrobatics.


10/06/2007: Dream of the Red Mansions
Baldwin Park Performing Arts Center
Address: 4640 N. Maine Ave., Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Cost: $20
Time: 7:00PM - 9:30AM
A Shaoxing opera performance based on the classic novel Hong Lou Meng (A Dream of Red Mansion).


10/09/2007: Challenges and Opportunities for American Lawyers in China or with Chinese Companies
Room 105, Boalt Hall, Berkeley, CA
Cost: FREE (Registration Required)
Time: 12:40PM - 2:30PM
Carmen Chang explores the adaptations of both the American and Chinese legal professions in response to China’s continuing modernization.



美国华裔医学科学家协会 NSMS-CAA)网址改变通知:

NSMS-CAA)从928日起正式启用新网址和邮箱。 敬请更换连接!谢谢!



牛人俱乐部  http://www.nsms-caa.org/nsms-caa/PreIPO.htm

活动预告  http://www.nsms-caa.org/nsms-caa/meeting2.html

图片库  http://www.nsms-caa.org/nsms-caa/nsms_caaPhoto.htm

医药快讯  nsms_caa@yahoo.com

人才交流  nsms_caa2@yahoo.com

专家论坛  http://www.nsms-caa.org/nsms-caa/meeting.html  等等……

美国华裔医学科学家协会 (NSMS-CAA)

http://www.nsms-caa.org     10/1/2007


加州州立大学富乐敦分校50年校庆  CSA代表应邀参加庆典音乐会



应加州州立大学富乐敦大学国际学术交流亚洲部邀请,CSA姜镇英教授和全体在CSUF集训的大陆学者专家参加了加州州立大学富乐敦分校50年校庆露天晚宴和大型音乐会。校长President Milton A. Gordon会见了与会同庆的代表们

Cal State Fullerton has much to be proud of since its founding in 1957. The university’s talented and dedicated faculty and staff have produced more than 150,000 graduates, who have gone on to become CEOs, entrepreneurs, teachers, doctors, lawyers, researchers, Broadway performers, Emmy and Academy Award winners – including Kevin Costner – and the USA’s youngest astronaut, Tracy Caldwell.

Cal State Fullerton, founded in 1957, offers:

·         33,000 + students.

·         1,400 international students from more than 80 countries.

·         The largest AACSB accredited business school in California.

·         The sixth largest undergraduate communications department in the U.S.

·         55 undergraduate majors.

·         50 graduate majors.

·         A library with more than 1.9 million volumes.



New England Chinese Information and Networking Association: NECINA EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT October


NECINA Doing Business with China Series: Understanding Chinese Business Culture and Etiquette

Time: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm, Oct. 4, 2007

China is emerging as a major global player. With China joining the WTO, opening up its economy and hosting the 2008 Olympics, many Chinese business practices are now beginning to align with more conventional methods. However, given its ancient history and strong adherence to tradition, China will always have its own unique business culture and etiquette.

Through the real world experiences of our two experts, you will learn about China's business culture, etiquette and the art of cross-cultural communication. They will talk about Chinese negotiating tactics, manners and even business entertainment. Discover crucial tips on doing business in China. Find out how to conduct successful business meetings, and get an inside look at the Chinese decision making process, followed by a question and answer period.


  • 06:30pm - 07:00pm Registration and Networking
  • 07:00pm - 07:30pm Ms. Rebecca Weiner
  • 07:30pm - 07:45pm Q & A
  • 07:45pm - 08:15pm Mr. Edgar Masri
  • 08:15pm - 08:30pm Q & A
  • 08:30pm - 09:00pm Networking

Click here for more information.


NECINA Web SIG recruiting party

  • When: 10/07/2007 Sunday 5:30-8pm
  • Where: SiChuan Garden II, 2 Alfred St, Woburn, MA, 01801 (781) 935-8488

The Web SIG is a new sub-organization of NECINA that aims to bring together people already work in or are interested in web technology related businesses. In this SIG, we focus on the interaction among our members. Our slogan is: Share Knowledge and Find Partners. We hope you will learn more from other members than speakers, find your future business partners or investors, and start your own web businesses in the US or in China soon.

We plan to hold monthly meetings. Some will feature other entrepreneurs and investors. Some will focus more on discussion about new web techniques and latest ideas/trend with fellow members, so that we will have plenty of opportunities to know each other. Networking, both with others members and with potential investors, will be the main benefits you get from this SIG.

For the best interest of our members, our meetings will only open to members. If you wanna come, you must join. Email us at web.sig@necina.org with a short description about yourself:

  1. your name & phone number
  2. list your expertise: such as your programing skills (PHP, Java ect), design skills (graphic design, UI), business development skills, Marketing & Sales experiences, Finance knowhow ...
  3. 3 things that you wanna learn most about starting a web business. (We will arrange our meetings based on this survey.)

If you wanna join, but can't make to this dinner party, just say so in your email and we will see you next time.

Hope to see you!



NECINA Career Training Workshop

From Geek to Chic:
Career Management for Asian Professionals -- Using after-work hours to maximize your career success

NECINA welcomes you to attend a career development workshop "From Geek to Chic: Managing Your Career Successfully in the US" co-organized with EMC Asian Circle and MIT Economy and Talent Forum.

Did you know that you can do things to help you develop your career after 5 pm? But unlike work, these things can also be fun to do! As a practicing manager in the high-tech industry and a volunteer leader, David Lum will share his insights and personal experiences on how many experiences and decisions outside of work can actually help your career, if you know where to look and how to take advantage of them. To make it even more meaningful, this seminar will also focus very heavily on specific and highly practical tips and suggestions (homework!) to really get your career and life moving forward. There will be a lot of them, with detailed explanations as to why the tips and suggestions will help you in your career. Time will be devoted to Q&As. The seminar is targeted for all Asian employees and non-Asian technical employees (engineers, technicians, etc), and open to all.

Event Details:

  • Date: Friday Oct 19, 2007
  • Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
  • Place: MIT Tang Center Room E51-325 (map)
    BuildingE51, 77 Massachusetts Avenue,
    Cambridge, MA 02139



  • 6:00pm -6:30pm Registration
  • 6:30pm- 8:30pm "From Geek to Chic: Career Management for Asian Professionals -- Using after-work hours to maximize your career success" by David Lum.
  • 8:30pm-9:00pm Networking
  • Cost: Free to public (online registration required, walk-in: $10).
  • Registration: Online registration: www.acteva.com/go/necina.
  • Contact: Dayong Li, Email: dayong.li@necina.org

About The Speaker:

David Lum is the Director of Asia/Pacific Product & Support Operations for the Networks & Enterprise business in Motorola. For over 24 years, David has worked in the land mobile two-way radio business and has extensive experience in a wide variety of markets and applications that use two-way voice and wireless data radio systems. David's work experience includes product development, systems marketing, manufacturing, systems engineering, field engineering, project and program management, sales and engineering training, business development, product marketing, and supply chain management. In his spare time, David is an adjunct faculty member at the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, teaching Project Management and International Management to MBA students. David also serves as President of the Asian Business Council, an award-winning employee-based network inside Motorola.

David also started two Toastmasters Clubs, served as President, and continues to serve as Past President in his club, where he is a Competent Toastmaster. David also contributes his time towards the National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) Chicago chapter as a senior advisory council member to help Asians in the Chicago area to improve their professional career and leadership abilities through personal growth and leadership development.

David also serves on Roosevelt University's Walter E. Heller College of Business Administration Dean's Executive Advisory Council.

Event Sponsors:

  • New England Chinese Information Networking Association (http://www.necina.org/)
  • The EMC Asian Circle
  • MIT Economics and Talent Forum (http://www.talentforum.org/)
  • NAAAP (www.naaapboston.org)
  • HP Asian Pacific Employees Network
  • Alcatel-Lucent Asian/Pacific Association for Advancement


K&L Gates - Succeeding in China: Solutions to Business Operating Issues

A comparative discussion on some of the difficult issues facing U.S.-based companies doing business in China

Please join our panel of experienced professionals for a review and discussion of the critical issues that U.S. companies face with their operations in China. The panel will provide an overview of some of the key issues and potential solutions including:

  • * Government approvals and sensitive industries
  • * Investment due diligence and options
  • * Employment, tax and foreign exchange issues
  • * Intellectual property protection and enforcement
  • * Ongoing U.S.-China relations in context

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Registration and Breakfast: 8:00 - 8:30 a.m.
Program: 8:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Location: K&L Gates, State Street Financial Center, One Lincoln Street, Boston, MA 02111

To attend, please email Nancy Feldman or call 617.951.9257 by Friday, October 5, 2007.



国航在金秋十月推出“幸运 2008 购票即赠奥运赛事门票活动

为感谢长期以来支持国航网站与电话销售服务热线的每位旅客,国航网站携手电话销售服务热线在金秋十月推出连续四周的“幸运 2008 ” 购票即赠奥运赛事门票活动。每周在网站和电话销售服务热线购票的第 2008 位旅客即可获得由国航独家提供的 2008 年奥运会赛事门票一张。



  奖励对象为在国航网站( www.airchina.com.cn )或国航电话销售服务热线( 4008-100-999 )购买电子客票并完成旅行的旅客。
第一周: 2007 10 1 -7 日;
第二周: 2007 10 8 -14 日;
第三周: 2007 10 15 -21 日;
第四周: 2007 10 22 -28 日。
  网站购票参与活动所需资格: 客票乘机人与联系人为同一人。
  电话销售服务热线购票参与活动所需资格: 乘机人与购买人为同一人。
  2007 11 15 ,中奖者名单将公布在国航网站。

限时特价机票 销售服务热线 4008-100-999







































通过国航网站 www.airchina.com.cn
国航销售服务热线 4008-100-999 购票,享受票价直减



欢迎登陆国航网站 www.airchina.com.cn 
欢迎致电国航电话销售热线咨询(+86 4008100999


美国移民局公布重新设计的公民入籍考题, 2008 10 1 日正式实施  (李相如)


移民局 2007 9 27 日通告, 2008 10 1 日起移民局将正式采用重新设计的公民入籍考题。如果入籍申请者是在2008 10 1 日或该日之后以后提出入籍申请,将均需按照新考题进行考试。对于那些在2008 10 1 日之前提出的申请者如果到2008 10 1 日之后(但是不迟于2009 10 1 日)尚未安排面试,他们可以选择按现在的考题或新考题进行考试。



Mark X. Li, Esq.

Web: www.lirulaw.com

Email: markxruli@gmail.com


高中生赴美读本科 ACTSAT考试的区别要知道









ACT考试由美国大学测验组织机构 (ACT) 主办。ACT考试均不是单纯的语言考试,而是对学生综合能力的测试。考试重视学生对基础课程的掌握并检查学生一般学术能力,难度贴近高中生。必考科学为四个部分:英语、数学、阅读、科学,全部为选择题,共215道。总分36分,考试时间共175分钟。过去十年中美国本土平均考取20.8,去年美国本土高中生ACT平均分数在20.92005年美国高中毕业生获得ACT满分(36)的比例约为是16000








ACT考试每年举行5次,具体时间分别是2月中、4月中、6月初、10月底和12月初。和SAT考试不同的是,学生可以参加多次ACT考试,并且可以选择任何一次分数提供给大学作为入学标准,而参加SAT考试的学生要把所有SAT考试的分数提供给所申请的大学,ACT考试更容易一些,并且问题似乎更加直接。”SATACT考试有实质上的不同,SAT考试是一种智能测试,是为测量学生的推理演绎能力而设计的。而ACT考试更加侧重于课程,对学生所学的四个方面的课程进行测量,包括英语,数学,阅读和科学知识。SAT考试中考生会因不准确的猜想而丢分;ACT考试则不会。新的SAT考试写作文是必须的; 而新的ACT考试写作文为选择性。在上个月的第一次新ACT考试中,不到一半的考生选择了“写作文”这一项。