2007年第1 創刊第365                            1/23/2007 






v     CSA Board Joint Committee meeting for 2007 Spring Gathering at CSUF

v     美国南加州华裔教授学者协会<<学术展望>>第三期 征稿

v     Invitation from the China Institute of CSUN

v     中国乡村教育促进会(RCEF-USA) 2007年志愿者招募开始了

v     2007 SCEA Business Plan Competition

v     參加第九屆广州留學人員交流會簡報

v     A talk by Richard Madsen (UC San Diego) - Religion and the State: The PRC and Taiwan

v     中国当代青年的文化价值取向冲突

v     Tuesday Afternoon Talk - Rational Calculus, Cultural Contexts, and Support for Democracy in East Asia

v     朋友,你喜歡中國文學嗎?《三國演義》是否曾經為你所津津樂道?

v     SCCAEPA Board Invites you to - 2007 Member Annual Meeting

v     周敏華人社會變遷專著成大學教科書


v     参加2007美中企业家商会中国投资高阶商务代表团: 上海-大连-烟台-济南-北京

v     CSSA: 2007 Cultural Night at UCLA

v     美国华裔医学科学家协会 (NSMS-CAA): Seminar: Nutrition and Health in China

v     全國百名最佳公立大學 爾灣加大 (UCI) 排名上升

v     The Wibur Woo Greater China Business Conference - UCLA Anderson School of Managment & GCBA

v     不要一味指责中国大学生毕业生"低不就"

v     "Abby Joseph Cohen - The US Capital Markets in 2007: The Bigger Picture"

v     汇款不慎会触犯法律

v     2006北京高校毕业生就业薪酬调查报告》- 起薪特点 2/3毕业生低于两千

v     Call for paper: 2007 International Conference on Language Education and Research

v     中国发改委: 教职工工资水平不得低于当地公务员工资

v     Methane Hydrates Awards Program

v     与其擦去孔子的泪 不如看看孩子的脸

v     Call for ACPSS Newsletter Items

v     中美法律交流论坛(2006 U.S.-China Legal Exchange)在华州西雅圖召开

v     Message from the International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health

v     中國經濟對 LA 製造業的影響: 拚不過中國廉價勞動力 - 洛城製造業轉型知識密集經濟

v     5 Chinese American Professors listed as AAHPERD Top10 Individual Presenters: Weimo Zhu, J. Zhang

v     美移民局最新规定: H-1B H-4在美居留时间可长达12年经合理转换身份

v     Announcing ACPSS 2007 Annual Conference

v     創比價網站 裔学生李熙汝爆紅

v     An Invitation for SICET convention 2007 at Anaheim CA

v     華裔32歲謝家華 網路賣鞋六億元

v     Invitation from 80-20 Initiative.Net

v     全美一成三人口贫困

v     Colleges Should Teach Broader Skills to Prepare Students for Work Force

v     今年起中国公民(包括华侨)入境免填登记卡

v     CSUN's Visiting Chinese Scholars Honored in City Council...

v     上海获得《因私出入境中介机构经营许可证》单位名单

v     Lattice Path Combinatorics Conference

v     美國青少年之間流行使用網路  Instant Messaging劃出代溝

v     Northridge Travel Service is offering a terrific "CHINA 8DAYS" TOUR for only $699

v     入世五年,中国社会转型悄然展开

v     Job Opening: Chinese Language - Valparaiso University

v     海外華裔青年語文研習班(台灣)接受報名

v     Job Opportunities: Clinical Trials Program Coordinator - NIH

v     中国八大賄賂新變種

v     Postdoctoral Research Associate - University of Arizona

v     大陆第一座海底隧道 - 厦门海底隧道

v     POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor of Consumer Economics - University of Florida



CSA Board Joint Committee meeting for 2007 Spring Gathering at CSUF:


The CSA Board Joint Committee meeting for 2007 Spring Gathering will be held at California State University at Fullerton at 3:00PM on Sunday Jan. 28 (2600 E. Nutwood Ave. Suite 950, Fullerton, CA 92831; contact phone number: 714-278-4190 or 714-686-6985).  The meeting is open for all CSA members.


Here is the agenda of joint committee meeting:


A. Discussion:  Spring Gathering program and budget (5:00pm-10:00pm, Sunday 3/4/07 at CSUF)

1. Checking & Social Networking (Fee schedule)

2. Committee meetings

            3. Consul General, Host & Sponsors Greeting

            4. Certificates award

            5. Group Photo taking

            6. Food & Drinks

7. Raffle

            8. Performance, Karaoke, Dancing (& Social Chatting Space ….)


B. CSA E-Journal <<Academic Perspective>> No. 3

1.     Call for paper  (1/31/07)

2.     Deadline (3/31/07)


C. Others

1. CSA Memberships

2. CSA 2007 Convention on 11/10 at UCLA

3. Sumer Delegation to China   (see the following email from Shanghai)

4. …..


               CSA Board Directors


            Dr. Jiang, Zhenying姜镇英教授President (BC)

            Dr. YongGang Li    郦永刚教授 Vice president (USC)

            Dr. Shenghe Huang黄胜和教授 Secretary (USC)

            Dr. K. Ming Chan   陈钧铭教授 Treasure (CSULB)

            Dr. Bing-Hui Sheng 沈炳辉教授Director of Fundraising (COH)

            Dr. Lisa Wang        王云霞教授 Director of Science and Engineering (CSUP)

            Dr. Kern Kwong      邝国强教授Director of Social Science Humanity (CSULA)


 美国南加州华裔教授学者协会<<学术展望>>第三期 征稿


CSA 会刊 <<学术展望>> 出刊的目的是希望将各位的专长, 研究领域, 研究进展和成果, 正在从事的项目, 各个领域的新动态和发展汇集成册, 以便扩大对内外交流和寻找合作机会. 还望会员好好把握此机会. 來稿截止日期為2007331. 人文社會科學類來稿請電子郵寄至Dr. Bill Chen陳岳雲, billchen@uwest.edu; 科學與工程類請電子郵寄至 Dr. Lisa Wan王云霞 ylwang@csupomona.edu.


 您的来稿可以是本学科的新动态和趋势的介绍, 也可是您的研究成果或项目的简介, 或者是您的最新未發表之研究論文来稿中文英文均可.


Chinese Scholars Association-Southern California (CSA)

Call for Submissions to its Publication

CSA Academic Perspective, Volume III


All CSA members are welcome to submit their articles to the third volume of CSA publication (会刊) – CSA Academic Perspective.  The deadline is March 31, 2007.  Please email your submissions to Dr. Bill Chen, billchen@uwest.edu for Humanity and Social Sciences or Dr. Lisa Wang for Sciences and Engineering, ylwang@csupomona.edu.    You can also visit our web at www.csasc.org for detail. For the sample of the article, you may look at our previous publications at www.csasc.org.


The article could be your original unpublished research paper or summary of your research, project, or recent trends and developments in your field. This is an opportunity for you and CSA to present our expertise and resources to not only our members but also for potential collaboration with other organizations.



Dr. Bill Y. Chen, Chair and Professor 陳岳雲教授
Department of Business Administration
University of the West
1409 N. Walnut Grove Ave.
Rosemead, CA 91770
Tel. (626)656-2125



Dr. Lisa Yunxia Wang, Associate professor王云霞教授

Civil Engineering Department

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

CSA Board Director of Science and Engineering

3801 West Temple Ave. Pomona CA 91768

Tel: (O) 909-869-4641




Invitation from the China Institute of CSUN


THE CHINA INSTITUTE        at California State University, Northridge

cordially invites you to attend our annual  “Chinese New Year’s Banquet”

to celebrate the Chinese Spring Festival

 On Saturday, March 3, 2007

6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.


at Grand Salon, University Student Union - CSUN Campus


Please mail the enclosed membership and banquet reservation form before Feb. 26.


Location and Directions: Grand Salon, in the University Student Union Complex (USU), CSUN.  The USU is located just west of Parking Lot G4.  From Nordhoff Street, take Zelzah Avenue North and pass Prairie Street.  Entrance to Lot G4 is right on your left.  Parking is $4.00, payable at the entrance to the parking lot.  Please walk from Lot G4 to the Grand Salon via Prairie Street.  

The China Institute

California State University, Northridge

2007 Membership/Contribution Form




Work Affiliation:_________________________________________________________





CSUN Department/Office (if applicable)_____________________________________


CSUN Campus Mail Code____________


Telephone:  Home________________________ Work___________________________




Please note that regular announcements of the China Institute’s activities will be e-mailed to you in the future.


I understand that my contribution/membership fee to the China Institute is tax-deductible and is voluntary.  I would like to contribute/pay the following:


Member:_____$50                  Supporter:_____$75               Patron  _____$100 and more


Please reserve _________seats for me for the Chinese New Year Banquet on

March 11, 2006 (membership fee covers two complimentary seats, and $25 for each additional guest).  Confirmation can be e-mailed to you upon request.


Check enclosed in the amount of $______________

(Please make checks payable to the China Institute)


Please return the form and your payment check before Feb. 26 to:


                        Dr. Justine Su

Director, The China Institute

Coordinator of International Programs

Office of Graduate Studies, Research and International Programs

Room 265, University Hall

California State University, Northridge

                        Northridge, CA 91330-8222


中国乡村教育促进会(RCEF-USA) 2007年志愿者招募开始了

Rural China Education Foundation


漂在远方的你,是否心系祖国的青山秀水? 又是否惦念身后的那一片片田野热土?我们缅怀诚挚与您携手,去体验爱与真诚、幸福与希望。在这里,我们虽各处天涯海角,却志同道合;在这里,我们将与您一道,搭建实现自我、展现自我的平台;在这里,我们都在为中国农村的发展与教育事业而不懈努力。



乡村教育促进会(RCEF) 是一个国际性非营利性组织,旨在通过富有成效的教育改善中国农村孩子的生活,并促进农村社区整体健康发展。我们的成员包括了来自美国、加拿大、欧洲、澳洲、香港和中国大陆的学生和专家。 我们将海内外志愿者组织起来,联系中国农村现状,交流彼此对教育的看法,使我们的教育理念适应并服务于中国农村教育的实际需要。 


我们旨在植根海外城市,荫及中国农村。在地域上,RCEF以志愿者为中心,在全球各地建立地区发展分支机构(Regional Chapters),让我们所有的志愿者都能够充分发挥力量;在职能上,每个职能委员会邀请并汇集众多有兴趣,有经验的志愿者,不断发展壮大,大家虽天各一方,但依然是最强有力的团队。



作为RCEF最核心的项目之一,年度暑期支教项目现在开始招募2007年度志愿者。经过前期递交材料和两轮面试,您很快就可以得到与其他所有支教项目申请人一起沟通和交流的机会。 RCEF会安排MSN会议,界时您将在接下来的五周内通过互相沟通与合作,基于大家对农村发展和教育事业的理解,一起做出一些成果,为以后的下乡做好充实的准备。最后入选的各位志愿者会在七月份云集北京,进行六天愉快的交流沟通与培训。之后的下乡支教为期两周,我们会与农村的孩子们一起经历一段无法忘怀的时光,相信这段经历也会成为大家记忆中最美好的片段。志愿者朋友们可以在支教之后申请成为RCEF长期志愿者,继续为了中国农村的发展和教育事业而努力!



RCEF现设有Fundraising Committee, Curriculum Development Committee, Public Education Committee, Public Relations Committee, Translation Committee, Research Committee, IT Committee等多个部门。您可以凭兴趣或优势选择申请加入其中任意一个或多个委员会,不管你最终会以哪种形式帮助RCEF ,您都会受到我们全体志愿者诚挚的欢迎与温暖的关爱。同时,您可以建立或加入我们的地区发展委员会,帮助我们开拓新的渠道与人脉;当然,这也是您锻炼自我、发挥潜力的绝好机会。但是,最为重要的一点:您是在为了中国农村而努力, 在实现你我自我价值的同时,中国农村的孩子们也会因此受益。


Rural China Education Foundation - Volunteer Teaching Program 2007: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS


Deadline: March 15, 2007. Selections will be made on a rolling basis so please apply early.


The Rural China Education Foundation (RCEF) invites applications to its Volunteer Teaching Program 2007. Volunteers contribute to the quality of education in rural China by developing tailored curriculum and teaching summer classes to village children.

What: Teams of 4-8 volunteers spend two weeks teaching student-centered and interactive classes to primary and middle-school-aged village children. The classes are designed to inspire creativity, independent thinking, problem-solving skills, and joy in learning.  Subjects include Art, Speaking Skills, Theater Games, Hands-on Science, Community Research, Health, Philosophy, Math, Special Classes, and Oral English.  Volunteers take an active role in developing teaching materials and organizing classes in their respective villages. Volunteers will live in villagers’ home and have the opportunity to organize community-wide activities and undertake visits to their students’ homes.

Read about past teaching experiences at www.ruralchina.org.


When: July 15 - August 8, 2007 (tentative).  All volunteers receive six days of training in Beijng prior to village teaching trips.  During training, volunteers will hear from rural development experts and meet like-minded young volunteers from across China and abroad.  Volunteers then separate into teams to teach in different villages for two weeks.  Following the village trips, the volunteers reunite in Beijing for two days of evaluations.


Who: Applications from all countries are welcome. Applicants must:

·        be fluent in conversational Mandarin (tested through a phone interview);

·        hold a university degree or be working towards one;

·        have experience in teaching or tutoring;

·        have a basic understanding of, and interest in, the development of rural China;

·        have about 4-5 hours/week to devote to online program preparation starting in April 2007. This will include readings, online discussions, and curriculum development. All preparations are done through online collaboration.

Cost:  There are no program fees, but volunteers who come from outside Mainland China must cover their own airfare and miscellaneous in-country expenses, which are estimated at around USD 200. Financial aid is available for most volunteers from Mainland China. RCEF can provide references and support for admitted volunteers who apply for their own funding through other organizations.


How to Apply: The application form is online at www.ruralchina.org. Applicants should send their application and CV/resume to recruiting@ruralchina.org no later than March 15, 2007, but selections will be made on a rolling basis so please apply early.


Selection Process:

First Round: Applicants will be screened based on the written application and CV. Second Round: Applicants will receive two or three phone or in-person interviews.

Accepted applicants will be notified on or before April 15. All accepted applicants must participate in subsequent online preparation activities, including reading, discussions, and curriculum development. These are estimated at 4-5 hours per week starting the week of April 15. RCEF reserves the right to remove volunteers who do not participate fully and consistently in the mandatory preparation activities.


About Us: RCEF is an international non-profit organization established in 2004 by a group of overseas Chinese young professionals. RCEF’s vision is to promote the life opportunities of young people in rural China and the socioeconomic development of their communities through education. Unlike many other organizations in this field, RCEF emphasizes the “software” of education: quality and relevance of teaching contents and methods. Volunteer Teaching Programs were held in 2005 and 2006, with 16 and 32 participants respectively, from seven countries in total. Reports and photos can be found on www.ruralchina.org.

Questions? Email recruiting@ruralchina.org.


2007 SCEA Business Plan Competition 

Silicon Valley Chinese Engineers Association is proud to announce the 2007 SCEA Business Plan Competition.

This competition provides professionals with an opportunity to turn their innovative ideas into real business, expose to various venture funding for their start-ups, build networks with ventures, investment banking and IP firms, as well as explore emerging market in Asia, especially in Greater China.

More than $5,000 cash prize will be awarded to winning teams.

The submission deadline for the executive summary is March 19, 2007.

Please go to http://www.scea.org/bpc2007 for more details.

Announcement at SCEA website:  http://www.scea.org/NewsEvents/NewsDetail.asp?NID=63  

Contact: Liang, Wei wei.liang@sap.com




南加州科技人員榮獲第九屆广州留交會邀請出席在廣州舉行的大型展覽會,宴會及一連串的論壇.大會主要是提供開放, 務實, 創新的平台給海外學人.本屆重要項目是

1.     能源与可再生能源論壇.加強國內外學者對相關研究領域的了解.

2.     全球留學人員春暉杯創新創業大賽.17個國家的140余名參加比賽及榮獲提名.50個項目簽下入駐廣州創業園意向書.廣州現正大力扶持軟件和動產業.

3.     高新科技与綠色中國建設論壇.楊福家教授等犮表精彩的報告.

4.     生物及醫藥論壇.主題是”融合与突破-中國制藥工業的犮展趨勢”.

5.     駐外教育外交官座談會.主要是增進了解和掌握當今世界教育發展趨勢和人才培養方向

南加州代表團有陳鈞銘教授,王志杰(海歸中國網),洪海(清華校友會前任會長),范如(MARVELL ENGINEER)...中國科學院南海海洋研究所並接待有關人員參觀新建立的標本館.


A talk by Richard Madsen (UC San Diego) - Religion and the State: The PRC and Taiwan

Thursday, January 25, 2007
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
10383 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095

The relationship between religion and the state in the People’s Republic of China is contentious whereas in Taiwan it is relatively harmonious. But the religion-state relationship in Taiwan and the PRC were not very different in the 1950s and the 1960s.

The evolution of religion-state relations in Taiwan involved not only the transformation of political structures but also the creative development of new forms of religious belief and practice among the middle classes. How did this evolution take place in Taiwan? Under what conditions could it take place in the PRC?

Richard Madsen received an MA in Asian studies and a Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard. He is currently Professor of Sociology and director of the Council on East Asian Studies at the University of California, San Diego. He is also a codirector of a Ford Foundation project to help revive the academic discipline of sociology in China.

He is the author or coauthor of eleven books on Chinese culture, American culture, and international relations. He has also written scholarly articles on how to compare cultures and how to facilitate dialogue among them. His best known works on American culture are those written with Robert Bellah, William Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven Tipton: Habits of the Heart (UC Press, 1995) and The Good Society (Knopf, 1991). These books explore and criticize the culture of individualism and the institutions that sustain it. Habits of the Heart won the LA Times Book Award and was jury nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.

His books on China include Chen Village under Mao and Deng (coauthored with Anita Chan and Jonathan Unger) (UC Press, 1992), Morality and Power in a Chinese Village (UC Press, 1984) [winner of the C. Wright Mills Award], Unofficial China (coedited with Perry Link and Paul Pickowicz) (Westview, 1989), China and the American Dream (UC Press, 1994), China’s Catholics: Tragedy and Hope in an Emerging Civil Society (UC Press, 1998), and Popular China: Unofficial Culture in a Globalizing Society, coedited with Perry Link and Paul Pickowicz (Rowman & Littlefield, 2002).

Books on social theory include Meaning and Modernity, coedited with William Sullivan, Ann Swidler, Steven Tipton (UC Press, 2002) and The Many and the One: Religious and Secular Perspectives on Ethical Pluralism in the Modern World (Princeton Univ. Press, 2003).

For more information please contact

Richard Gunde
Tel: 310 825-8683

Sponsor(s): Center for Chinese Studies


中国当代青年的文化价值取向冲突  (张志祥)
















Tuesday Afternoon Talk - Rational Calculus, Cultural Contexts, and Support for Democracy in East Asia

A talk by Yu-Tzung Chang, Visiting Scholar

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
11377 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Yu-tzung Chang (Ph.D., Political Science, National Cheng-chi University, 2000) is Assistant Professor of Political Science at National Taiwan University. A specialist in comparative democratization and voting behavior, Professor Chang is a Visiting Scholar with the Center for Chinese Studies. His research project focuses on the social and political problems plaguing the so-called third-wave democracies (principally Taiwan and South Korea) that emerged in East Asia in the 1990s. These new democracies have been paralyzed by inconclusive and even disputed electoral outcomes, incessant political strife and partisan gridlock, bureaucratic paralysis, and recurring political scandals. Based on a survey conducted by the Asian Barometer Survey, an applied research program on public opinion on political values, democracy, and governance in the region, Professor Chang’s project explores the level of popular support for democracy and the sources of the popular belief in the legitimacy of democracy.

 For more information please contact

Richard Gunde
Tel: (310)825-8683

Sponsor(s): Center for Chinese Studies




1/27(週六)下午2:00~5:00在華僑文教中心華人筆會舉辦的《三國演義》講座, 是一次不可多得的文學大餐。歡迎你能前來共享此盛宴。聆聽蘇文安老師指點《三國演義》,透視瑜亮情結,滌蕩渾濁思想,領略三國精華……假如你錯過了,會很可惜哦!…






地點:9443 Telstar Avenue     

El Monte, CA 91731

Tel: (626) 443-9999




Dear Friends,


If you like Chinese classic literature, please donft miss the following seminar about gRomance of the Three Kingdoms, O`h given by Mr. Wen-An Su, a well-known writer and editor.


Time:    2:00pm to 5:00pm, January 27, 2007 (Saturday)

Place:               Chinese Cultural Center, 9443 Telstar Ave.       El Monte, CA 91731

Tel.:                  626-443-9999


Organized by a local Chinese Literature Group, this seminar is free and open to the general public.


Best Regards,


Liping Yan

(H: 714-596-0883; C: 714-321-0263)


SCCAEPA Board Invites you to - 2007 Member Annual Meeting


Date: Feb 3, 2007 (Saturday)

Location: South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD)

Address: 21865 Copley Drive  Diamond Bar, CA 91765  (909-396-2000)

(direction: www.aqmd.gov)



Program: 4:30pm - 10pm


4:30pm Check-in

5pm                 Social (no alcohol served)

6pm                 Speech

¤          Key note speaker, by David Nahai, Chairman of California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region, and President of City of Los Angeles Board of Water and Power Commissioners

¤          Presentation by Ling Ling Chang, President of the Board of Walnut Valley Water District

¤          Presentation by Chung Liu, Deputy Executive Officer and Chief Scientist of AQMD

7pm     Dinner (catered)

¤          Association business (board election results, treasure report, etc.)

¤          Association accomplishments in 2006

¤          Member recognitions and award (Raffle prize and gifts too!)

9pm     Entertainment and Performance

10pm   Adjournment


TICKET:   $25 (including membership for 2007) $35 (with spouse)

$10 (Student & Life member); Check Payable to SCCAEP



--- 肯定: 移民聚居區發展、對主流經濟貢獻、提供新移民就業機會和創業經驗



北美華人社會學學會會長、洛杉磯加州大學(UCLA)社會學及亞裔研究學系教授周敏,最近出版一本中文版華人社區研究專著「美國華人社會的變遷」。美國名社會學家普林斯頓大學教授波斯特(Alejan-dro Portes) 在序言中給予很高評價,指出周敏潛心研究華裔移民和其他亞裔移民在美國的各種經歷,「以大量的事實和嚴謹的方法,來充實和修正現有的理論」,為研究移民如何融入美國主流社會作出了傑出的理論貢獻。



但來自廣東著名僑鄉中山市的周敏,對華人社區有著故鄉父輩積累下來的熟悉感。她發表的第一部英文學術專著「唐人街:深具社會經濟潛質的華人社區」中就大膽指出,上述觀點已過時。華埠的華裔經濟十分繁榮,發展迅速。華裔企業雇用大批本族裔移民,為尚不能一下進入主流社會的移民提供難得的就業機會,及日後創業所需的行業訓練和經驗。華人社區為移民及子女在陌生的社會文化環境中逐漸適應,並最早終融入美國主流社會起了積極的推動作用。 周敏表示,當時,由於她提出與同化論者不同的結論,在學界引起強烈的反響和爭論,激進的學者甚至指責她是「華人資本家的代言人」、「為剝削唱讚歌」。 然而十多年過去,該書成為美國許多大學都市社會學、族裔社區和亞裔研究等課程採用的教科書。

十多年來,周敏在華埠的基礎上,不斷拓寬她的研究課題。如新著「美國亞裔和華裔經濟發展動因與結果」中,她發現,來自中國大陸、港、台、日、韓及東南亞的資金及人才,使華人企業超越華人社區,向主流各地伸展。企業種類也超越傳統的餐館、洗衣等服務性行業,擴展到金融、保險、地產、醫療、交通運輸及通訊科技等。華人社區經濟不再囿於主流經濟的邊緣,而能直接與主流經濟競爭或與之合作、融為一體。 在對中文學校的研究中,她指出,中文學校的溢出效應,遠超出教育範圍,不但讓子女維繫本族語言文化,更為第一代移民提供了社交空間,以及讓他們了解、熟悉美國教育的交流平台。 在探討「華文媒體的發展和影響」時,她也反駁了華文媒體讓「移民社區與主流社會格格不入」的論點。她指出,用多元文化論的觀點看同化問題,華文媒體對移民適應新家園的生活、爭取主流社會的接納,起了相當正面的作用。



Welcome! We are very proud and excited to present the 11th year of the APEX Mentoring Program (AMP) 2007. Our mission is to help you ignite your potential.

AMP 2007 is a FREE, unique, one-on-one career mentoring program for Asian Pacific Americans. Our program matches young professionals and college students with experienced professionals based on career interests. The AMP experience is a great bridge for transitioning from the educational arena to the professional arena.

We strive to create a caring community that fosters the growth of both mentees and mentors. The AMP Selection Committee rigorously reviews every application to select the highest quality matches.

AMP 2007 Application Deadline EXTENDED: Thursday, February 1, 2007

We are also in need of volunteers to be part of the AMP 2007 committee! If you're interested, please contact Philip Chiu, APEX Chair of Mentorship, at Philip@apex.org

Please explore our web site for more information and come back often for updates.

Ignite your potential,

Shelly Wang
Director of Mentorship
Asian Professional Exchange (APEX)


参加2007美中企业家商会中国投资高阶商务代表团: 上海-大连-烟台-济南-北京











1. 全程五星及四星酒店                                    2. 行程中含括的餐食

3. 导游费用                                                        4. 交通费用

5. 每人220,000元人民币中国境内意外保险 6. 机票费用

7. 所有拜会拜访商务交流活动安排                8. 矿泉水


1. 个人开销  2. 签证费用  3. 通讯费用  4. 小费


















上海                                             晚餐抵达上海入住酒店。                                                                   






上海                                      早、午、晚餐







上海-大连                                 早、午、晚餐






大连                                      早、午、晚餐







大连-烟台                                 早、午、晚餐

乘机飞往烟台, 抵达后入住当地酒店。






烟台-威海-烟台                             早、午、晚餐







烟台-济南                                 早、午、晚餐

乘机飞往济南, 抵达后入住当地酒店。






济南                                      早、午、晚餐







济南-北京                                 早、午、晚餐



() 4/02/07


北京                                  早、午、风味晚餐



() 4/03/07


北京                                      早、午、晚餐



() 4/04/07


北京-洛杉矶                                      早餐



Contact: Robert Sun robert@discoverymedical.com



Or: PTS / Michelle Sun

533 S. Atlantic Blvd.,

Monterey Park, CA 91754

Tel: 626 300 3888 / Fax: 626 300 3886

E-mail: retail1@tochinaguide.com



CSSA: 2007 Cultural Night at UCLA


Our traditional spring festival is coming soon, and CSSA-UCLA will hold a Chinese Culture Night to celebrate the 2007 Chinese Lunar New Year!


Now, the committee is making their efforts preparing for the great party. Everybody will see the most splendid show ever!


But the committee's man power is not sufficient to make such a great party: we need your help to give us a hand. SERVICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!  We need people to come to UCLA campus to serve for equipments setup and other on-site affairs on February 18th, 2007 (One Day ONLY). As return, we will give you a priority to bring your friends to our show. Light food and drink will be provided during your work. 


If you can spare some time to help us, please contact: volunteer.register@gmail.com Including your name, email address and your contact phone number (cell phone preferred).


Let's work together to make it the most successful party ever!


CSSA-UCLA Committee



美国华裔医学科学家协会 (NSMS-CAA): Seminar: Nutrition and Health in China


Time and Date:             10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m,  January 26, 2006

Speaker:  Professor Chunming Chen, Senior Advisor and Professor of Nutrition at the Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Contro.

Title:                 "Nutrition and Health in China -- From Science to Policymaking."  

Location:                      2033 K Street, N.W. (entrance on 21st St. between K and L Streets)

The International Food Policy Research Institute is hosting the 17th Annual Martin J. Forman Memorial Lecture on January 26.  The details of the event are included in the attached email.  This year's lecturer is Chen Chunming, Senior Advisor and Professor of Nutrition at the Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control.  Professor Chunming will speak on "Nutrition and Health in China -- From Science to Policymaking." 

The lecture will take place in IFPRI's fourth floor conference room from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. IFPRI is located at 2033 K Street, N.W. (entrance to the building is on 21st St. between K and L Streets).

Contact Information: Simone Lee  Email: s.hill-lee@cgiar.org

美国华裔医学科学家协会 (NSMS-CAA) http://www.worldpharma.org/ 


全國百名最佳公立大學 爾灣加大 (UCR) 排名上升

繼日前爾灣加大(UC Irvine)被知名學術調查機構﹁高等教育年鑑﹂(Chronicle of Higher Education)發表為南加州雄霸大氣工程研究的尖端學府之後。該校日前更被著名Kiplinger's Personal Finance's  美國百名最佳公立大學的第17名。

根據該項研究報告指出﹐評鑑標準是根據各個公立大學所提供的學習環境?質量以及研究機構普查各校園給予該校師生以及專業人士的評價而定。南加州共有包括洛杉磯加大(UCLA) 河邊加大(UC Riverside) 以及聖塔芭芭拉 (UC Santa Barbara)等校榮膺名校之列。聖堂山北卡大學(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 則是連續第六年獲得最佳公立大學榜首寶座。

民眾欲知如何申請公立大學名校細則﹐可上網www.kiplinger.com/tools/colleges ﹐可用各種統計排行榜查詢公立大學各項學雜費支出以及評鑑明細。


The Wibur Woo Greater China Business Conference -  by UCLA Anderson School of Management & GCBA


Dear CSSA Members and Friends:


The Wilbur K. Woo Greater China Business Conference Entrepreneurial Spirit?Pacific Vision


Feb. 1-2, 2007 (http://cssa.ucla.edu/archive/06-07/ads/woo_exchange_ad.htm )



UCLA Anderson and the Greater China Business Association would like to invite you to register for the first Wilbur K. Woo Greater China Business Conference.  In addition to recruitment and networking opportunities with major corporations, conference guests will hear from preeminent business leaders in the exciting areas of sports and entertainment, VC and private equity, real estate, and technology.


Highlights include Larry Wang, Managing Director and Founder of executive search firm Wang & Li Asia Resources and author of Know The Game, Play The Game: Developing A Career In A Multinational Firm, keynote speaker Mary Ma, CFO of Lenovo Group, and panelists Mitch Kupchak, general manager of the Los Angeles Lakers, and Rick Welts, President and COO of the Phoenix Suns.


Register today at www.anderson.ucla.edu/woochinaconference


The Wilbur K. Woo Greater China Business Conference <http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/woochinaconference>



February 1 - 2, 2007



UCLA students - $58


Keynote Speakers: <http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/x16058.xml >

*       Dr. Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Senior Advisor, Citigroup Investment

Banking; Senior Partner, IMG China

*       Mary Ma, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and

Director, Lenovo

*       Qun Wang, Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pearl River


*       Information on many more interesting panelists are available here

<http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/x16058.xml > Career Session


不要一味指责中国大学生毕业生"低不就" (周家和)












Upcoming ACFP Co-Sponsored Event "Abby Joseph Cohen - The US Capital Markets in 2007: The Bigger Picture"


Dear ACFP Members and Friends,


Please join us in welcoming Abby Joseph Cohen, Chief U.S. Investment Strategist for Goldman Sachs, on Wednesday, January 31, 2007.


Program Details

• When: Wednesday, January 31, 5:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.

• Where: The Omni San Francisco Hotel, 500 California Street at Montgomery in San Francisco • Program Format: 5:30 – No-host cocktails, appetizers and networking

6:15 - Speaker presentation

• Fee: $10 for the Association of Chinese Finance Professionals


For details and registration, please go to www.acfp.net.


This event has limited capacity and will sell out quickly, so move fast to get your tickets!


Zhouhong Heacock

VP - Special Events

Association of Chinese Finance Professionals (ACFP) www.acfp.net


汇款不慎会触犯法律 (China Press USA 李竑)








UWest - Seminar on US Stock Markets

                                                                    UWest - Seminar on Financial Markets

Hank Ching, Executive Vice President/ Principal

Etech Securities, Inc.

Wednesday, February 14, 5:00-6:30 p.m., 2007

UWest (AD 208)



The financial markets, particularly stock markets in the US, performed very well last year.  What are prospects of the markets for this year? What investment strategies should investors take? In this seminar, Mr. Hank Ching, Executive Vice President of Etech Securities, Inc. will address these questions. He will share his extensive experience as investment advisor with the audience, and he will discuss how to identify potential investment opportunities and how to better diversify investment risks.


Mr. Ching, Executive Vice President of Etech Securities, Inc., is licensed with Series 24 and CA insurance, managing the Asset Management Division of the company and supervising its headquarter and branch’s trading tasks and business affairs as a compliance officer.  He is also a senior technical analyst in the stock market for 17 years and has helped many companies and individual investors diversify their investment portfolio, reduce risk, and improve investment performances.


Etech Securities, Inc. is a member firm of National Association of Securities Dealers with 4 divisions on Investment Banking, Stock Trading, Asset Management, and Online Banking.  IB division has become the gateway for US-China capital exchanges by providing instrumental advisory services to Chinese enterprises.  ST division has full service and online self-trading for investors.  AM division offers retirement planning and variety of investment channels such as annuities, life, mutual funds, real estate investment trust, managed futures account, hedge fund, bonds, etc.  OB division allows investors to do online banking at www.etechbank.com.


The seminar is organized by  Etech Securities, Inc., the Center for the Study of Minority & Small Business and the Department of Business Administration at UWest.


            The Seminar is open to the public, free of charge. UWest is located at 1409 N. Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770, right off the Pomona Freeway. Please call (626) 571-8811, ext. 125  to reserve your seat or for more information.


2006北京高校毕业生就业薪酬调查报告》- 起薪特点 2/3毕业生低于两千  (肖锋)




















  关于行业特点 金融超IT成工资最高行业






  关于单位性质特点 外企工资高于其他单位




Call for paper: 2007 International Conference on Language Education and Research - Development and Challenge in Bilingual/Foreign Language Education

Hi, All,

I am currently  co-chairing the 2007 International Conference on Language Education and Research: Development and Challenge in Bilingual/Foreign Language Education (LER2007) to be held in Urumqi, Xinjiang, China, August 15 to August 18, 2007.   The organizing committee invites ACPSS members to the conference.  You can see the conference site here: http://home.earthlink.net/~ler2007conference.  Thanks.

Xiwu Feng

ACPSSinTheUS@yahoogroups.com  on behalf of Feng fengs@earthlink.net


中国发改委: 教职工工资水平不得低于当地公务员工资 









Methane Hydrates Awards Program


Dear Colleague:


The National Research Council of the National Academies, in Association with the US Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) announces a new Academic Research Fellowship Program designed to support the development of Methane Hydrate science and enable highly qualified postgraduate students to pursue advanced degrees in an area of increasing importance to the Nation.


With respect to the energy production potential of gas hydrates, interest is in projects that will provide improved tools, methods, and information relative to the remote detection, characterization, and appraisal of production potential of methane hydrates.


With respect to gas hydrates as a part of the global environment, interest is in projects that provide an improved understanding of the processes that control the distribution, occurrence, and stability of gas hydrates in marine and permafrost settings.


The 2 or 3-year fellowships will be made available to support work towards M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, or in a Postdoctoral appointment. We ask your assistance in informing students in your department or school of this opportunity by copying this message to each one.

Detailed program information, including application deadlines and instructions on how to apply online, is available at: http://www.national-academies.org/rap


Applications must be submitted online. CVs will not be accepted. U.S. citizens only. Questions should be directed to the NRC Research Associateship Programs at 202-334-2760 (telephone) or rap@nas.edu


Sincerely yours,

Eric Basques

Associate Director and Program Administrator

Research Associateship Program

National Research Council

The National Academies

500 5th Street NW, Keck 568

Washington, DC 20001



与其擦去孔子的泪 不如看看孩子的脸 (光明 王呈伟)















Call for ACPSS Newsletter Items

Dear All,

Happy New Year! Hope you had a warm and restful break!  

I am now preparing for our spring issue of the 2007 ACPSS newsletter.  Please send me any news items that are pertinent to the ACPSS community. These include publications (books, journal articles, and books chapters), awards and honors, grants, promotion and tenure, presentations and conference reports, professional development, and views and comments as well as personal news and announcements such as births, job changes, and more. Your comments and suggestions on how to improve our newsletter are also welcome!

 Please send all information to me at this email address: liguo@msu.edu. I look forward to hearing from you!



 Guofang Li, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Teacher Education

Michigan State University

350 Erickson Hall

East Lansing, MI 48824

phone: (517) 432-9617

fax: (517) 432-5092


Website: http://www.msu.edu/~liguo/index.htm



中美法律交流论坛(2006 U.S.-China Legal Exchange)在华州西雅圖召开


这次研讨会的主要目的是开展中美双边的经贸法律交流,向美国各届人士介绍中国法律建设的发展情况和美国所关注的法律问题。正在修訂的《中國反垄断法》(Anti-Monopoly Law)和《中國合伙企业法》(Partnership Law)是本次交流項目的主題。中國國務院法制辦公室副主任張穹和中國商務部副部長馬秀紅一行20人、中国驻旧金山总领事馆王新平副总领事等、美國商務部法律總顧問John Sullivan,以及兩國相關部門代表、西雅圖當地的法律專家學者和工商界人士出席了在西雅圖的法律研讨会。


1230日,北美企业投资集团董事局主席毛克强博士代表集团公司在中国海景大酒楼宴请前来参加2006年中美法律交流论坛的中国代表团一行20人。毛克强向代表团团长中國國務院法制辦公室副主任張穹,副团长中國商務部副部長馬秀紅一行来华州访问表示热烈欢迎。毛克强博士向张部长和马部长介绍了北美企业投资集团在中国投资的近况和发展,并对中国环境保护立法和实施的有关建议。毛克强博士还赠送给两位部长他的专著美国环境工程师手册。华州经贸厅大中华区主任张建也参加了宴会,并代表华州经贸厅致了欢迎词。 毛克强博士人为,此次中美间的法律研讨会将帮助美国法律和商贸人士进一步了解中国的法律制度和法律保护环境,增强美国企业和投资商在华的投资信心,推动中美双方的互相交流和理解。近年来,越来越多的美国公司在中国投资,发展势头良好,说明了中国政府为吸引外资在逐步完善法律制度。中美经贸关系是中美关系的重要组成部分。中美两国在自然以及人力资源、市场、资金和技术等领域有很多的互益和互补性。中国的法律制度健全和完善将更加推动双边经贸关系的稳定发展,也符合两国的长远利益。毛博士还认为,《中國合伙企业法》修訂正式确立了有限合伙的企业形式,这预示了在中国可以设立有限合伙型的私募股权投资基金,不仅大大提高了私募股权投资的运作效率,而且也极大拓宽了私募股权投资基金的募资渠道,尤其是今后中国社保基金、保险基金也可作为有限合伙人参与私募股权投资。




北美企业投资集团目前正在建立私募股权投资基金和相应的基金管理机构。基金将投资中国东北地区的可再生能源、公用设施、基础设施、环保产业等领域。投资基金还将参与中国国有企业的私有化和不良资产的处置等等领域投资。毛克强博士同北美产业投资基金高级管理人员在今年9月份对中国东北地区等城市做了考察。预计第一期的5亿美元基金在明年下半年正式启动。位于西雅图的北美企业投资集团公司提供全面的投资银行服务业务, 致力于为客户提供投资融资业务、公司战略发展、市场开发、建立客户和战略合作伙伴等优质服务。北美企业投资集团将向中国企业提供投资银行服务业务,包括企业并购重组、投资银行业务、项目投资融资、不良资产和债务重组、私募、不动产交易和公司海外上市等投行业务。服务领域包括:自然资源开发、矿产资源、电力能源、公用设施、环保产业、房地产、金融、保险业、医疗、健康服务和高新技术产业等新兴产业。至2006年底,北美企业投资集团已在中国投融资3亿美元。目前北美企业投资集团在中国大陆现有北京、大连、沈阳3个代表处,10多家并购的企业,高管人员百余人,企业员工近4000人,总资产近30亿元人民币。


Message from the International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health


Dear Members:


As the Holiday Season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and on those who helped to shape our organization in a most significant way. We had a great start off the first year and look forward to working with you in the year to come. We wish you a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year!

In addition, the executive committee would like to use this opportunity to invite you to submit any ideas that you would like us to address at the Baltimore AAHPERD 2007 Convention.


ICSPAH Executive Committee


Dr. Jinjin Yang

Dr. Guoli Liang

Dr. Weidong Li

Dr. Ming Li

Dr. Meelee Leung

Dr. Yuanlong Liu

Dr. Zan Gao


We hope you will find sometime to browse this website, the URL is http://www.icspah.org . Please send the message out to the professionals. If you have any comments or concerns, please forward them to webmaster@icspah.org . Thanks.


Happy New Year!

Best regards,


International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health


Recent topics




1. Tips for traveling around the U.S.

2. Benlin's American English (2)

3. Issues about the racial discrimination in the U.S.

4. The effect of the Mid-term election on Immigration lawsl

5. The terrible thing for the American Chinese

6. Eight issues to be concerned

7. The educational differences between Chinese and AMericans

8. What is the summer time?

9. How to make comments on your wife's body shape?

10. Steps for the invitation of your parents to the U.S.

Past topics




1. Statistical analyses in physical activity and health [Dr. Yuanlong Liu]

2. Benlin's American English (1)

3. After the Offer, Before the Deal

4. What They Don't Teach You in Grad School

5. Tomorrow's Professor




1. Learning and teaching of motor skills in physical education [Dr. Weiyun Chen]

2. A Guide for Students and Advisors

3. A Higher Bar for Earning Tenure

4. Graduate School Survival Guide

5. The Tenure Chase Papers


中國經濟對 LA 製造業的影響: 拚不過中國廉價勞動力 - 洛城製造業轉型知識密集經濟  




洛杉磯的居住費用不斷上漲﹐加上競爭不過中國廉價勞動力﹐加速了洛杉磯製造業向知識密集型經濟轉型的進程。洛杉磯已成為居住費用僅次於紐約和三藩市的「超級巨星城市」(Superstar City)﹔另一方面民航飛機﹑汽車和玩具組裝的傳統勞動力密集型工業已經遷往別州或別國﹐洛杉磯製造業對流水線工人的需求越來越少﹐對工程師的需求卻有增無減。 剛舉行的洛杉磯汽車展上﹐有資料表明﹕洛杉磯地區有15家主流汽車製造商的設計工作室﹐50%世界一流的汽車設計師居住在帕沙迪納。尼柯博格表示﹐唯有知識型工人纔負擔得起洛杉磯的高昂的居住費用。尼柯博格也觀察到﹐服裝製造業由於中國產品的衝擊﹐如今能夠生存的只有流行服裝業﹐該產業受娛樂業和互聯網影響﹐時時興起流行2週的時髦運動服﹐中國廠商來不及跟從﹐所以洛杉磯至今還有工廠使用19世紀技術的人力縫紉機﹐趕制流行服裝。






對金融市場的預測是﹐前景和目前相似﹐金發經濟(Goldilock Economy) 驅走熊市。舒曼表示﹐金發經濟特點有三﹕不冷不熱﹔國內生產總值(Gross Domestic Product, 簡稱GDP) 慢得足以讓金融政策繼續放鬆﹐快得足以讓利潤增長﹔產生使股市朝上走的溫和市場。預測﹐標準普爾500指數介於15251325之間。


5 Chinese American Professors listed as AAHPERD Top10 Individual Presenters: Weimo Zhu, James J. Zhang, Eddie T.C. Lam, Ping Xiang, Michael Young


Review of the Research Consortium's Annual Program/RQES Supplement, 1992--2006

Bradley J. Cardinal and Leslie D. Schultz, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR


The Research Consortium supports researchers through multiple mechanisms, including the presentation of peer-reviewed research findings at the AAHPERD National Convention and publication of research abstracts in the RQES Supplement (inaugural issue, 1992). This study documented annual research presentation frequency both overall and within the various research categories between 1992-2006, including the examination of macro trends on the basis of exponential growth curve analysis.


The study also identified the “top 10” ranked institutions and individual presenters during this time period. Presentation frequency relates to institutional visibility and prestige. Also, because programs depend on people and people may change institutions, documenting individual presenters is important. The following data were coded and stored in a database for each published abstract: presentation year, review category, author name, and author affiliation. No adjustment was made for multi-authored presentations.


Presentation frequency varied by review category across the years with the following averages observed (trends denoted by +/-): Biomechanics/Sports Medicine (7.1+), Dance (5.5-), Exercise Physiology/Fitness (36.5-), Health (39.2-), Leisure/Recreation (5.6+), Measurement (15.0+), Motor Behavior (23.6), Multidisciplinary (7.4+; 7 years only), Pedagogy (66.9+), Psychology (22.5), Sociocultural (21.3), Special Populations (25.4+), Sport Management/Administration (18.1+; 7 years only), Total (280.4+).


The top 10 institutions on the basis of total number of abstracts were: Texas A&M, College Station (137), Wayne State (103), Arizona State (100), Ohio State (99), Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (97), South Carolina (97), Louisiana State (89), Florida (82), Oregon State (79), and Colorado State (77). The top 10 individual presenters on the basis of total number of abstracts were: Weimo Zhu (90), James J. Zhang (60), Bradley J. Cardinal (40), Melinda Solmon (38), Dale DeVoe (37), Eddie T.C. Lam (34), Ping Xiang (33), Michael Young (31), Charles B. Corbin (30), and George B. Cunningham (30).


Among the top 10 individual presenters, all but one presented across more than one review category (M = 6.2) and all but two had more than one institutional affiliation (M = 2.1). Overall growth in the amount of research being presented through the Research Consortium's program was observed, though not equally across categories. Among the top 10 institutions, each AAHPERD District association had institutional representation except Eastern District, with Southern District (4) having the most. These results should help inform the strategic planning efforts of AAHPERD and the Research Consortium. Institutions may also use this data as one indicator of institutional quality (a multifaceted construct) and individual faculty achievements in presenting peer-reviewed research.


美移民局最新规定: H-1B H-4在美居留时间可长达12年经合理转换身份 (李相如)

美国移民局于2006125日以内部备忘录方式,H-1B 主申请人和H-4配偶在美国工作居留的时间做了新的规定和澄清。根据该备忘录规定,H-4配偶在美国的居留时间可不算入H-1B主申请人在美国的最高居留年限内。H-4配偶的身份可转换成H-1B,继而可在美国工作6年;其配偶则可由H-1B转换成H-4,继续在美国居留6年。这对于那些6年期限将到,但又无法马上转换成绿卡的H-1BH-4夫妇无疑是一巨大的福音。现将备忘录有关此项的规定刊载于此,供参考。


按照备忘录的新规定,在H-1B申请人的6年期限到期时,如果H-4配偶可以转换成H-1B身份,他/她可以不受以前6H-4居留时间的限制,另外在美国居留工作6年。举例言之,A女士以H-4身份在美国已基本居住了六年(但尚未过6年),此时,她找到工作转成H-1B,即可在美国继续居留工作6年。那么她在美国居留和工作的时间总共可达12(6H-46H-1B),即使他/她未提出任何移民申请。 与此同时,A女士的先生则可随之从H-1B转成H-4在美国继续居留6年,如果他/她未能在其H-1B身份期间取得绿卡。鉴于该规定延长了在美国居留的时间,它为尚未找到合适机会办绿卡的夫妇提供了更多的时间和空间。

虽然,H-4配偶可以申请转换成H-1B身份,但仍然要符合H-1B的有关规定,始终合法居留,并受财政年度配额的限制。 因此,H-4配偶必须始终保持自己的H-4身份。如果通过其他途径得到工作许可,并据此工作,已不具备H-4的身份,则不能再转换成H-1B身份。另一方面,如果H-1B主申请人未能保持其H-1B身份,其配偶的H-4身份则随之失效,也无法再转成H-1B

另外,在如何利用H-1B 6年剩余“Remainder”时间方面,移民局也做了进一步的解释。 如前所述,H-1B 的最高居留年限是6年。6年到期时必须离开美国在国外停留至少一年方可以再申请新的6年的H-1B。但是如果其原先H-1B 6年时间未用完,因故离开美国,然后又想以H-1B身份回到美国工作,他可以提出新的H-1B申请,返回美国使用其以前未用完的H-1B "剩余"时间,而不受配额的限制。举例讲, A君于2000年在美国取得H-1B身份,工作3年后于2003年返回中国。他拟于2006年重返美国工作。他可以不受当年H-1B配额的限制,提出申请使用其原先未用完的3年的H-1B剩余时间。 当然,如果申请时当年财政年度的配额仍未用完,他也可申请新的6年的H-1B。但是没有离开美国达一年以上的H-1B,只能使用没有用完的时间,不能再得到一个新的6年的H-1B

李相如律师Mark X. Li, Esq. - Law Offices of Li & Associates
1499 Huntington Dr, #312, South Pasadena, CA 91030
Tel: 626-441-3644; Fax: 626-441-3780
Email: markxruli@gmail.com <mailto:markxruli@gmail.com>
Web: www.lirulaw.com <http://www.lirulaw.com/>



Announcing ACPSS 2007 Annual Conference


Dear All,


We are pleased to announce that the ACPSS will be holding its 2007 annual conference on the beautiful campus of Ohio University, October 26-28, 2007 Friday to Sunday.


The theme of the conference is China Forum: Harmony, Innovation, and Development.   Call for Papers of the conference will be forthcoming.   We encourage all of you to think about submitting panels, abstracts and papers for the conference.


We wanted to thank several members for offering their institutions as the conference site.  After careful consideration, the Board finally decided on the Ohio University.  Here are some of the things about having our conference there:


Beautiful campus, with excellent conference facilities (auditorium for opening ceremony, panel discussions, meetings and social events);

Nice hotels in town such as University Inn (almost 5-star) or Hampton Inn, etc;

Columbus is a major airport, and the University can have a couple of vans to pick up at the airport;

The University International Research Center will be able to give support to the conference;

There are some nice restaurants in the area to service our event;

Chinese Students and Scholars Association on campus will also be providing assistance;

There are some tourist attractions in the vicinity, such as the Ash Valley, with fascinating, magic views.  Those who have been to the area said it was beautiful.  Local Chinese people said it is just another Zhang Jia Jie of western Hunan.  In fact, mid west should allow us, esp. our guests from China, to see another nice picture of the United States.

The end of October marks the unusual Halloween festivities in the area.

Best wishes for the end of the semester and the holidays. We look forward to seeing you all in Ohio next October.


LU Shuming, Ph.D.

President, ACPSS



創比價網站 華裔学生李熙汝爆紅


哈佛大學經濟系三年級生李熙汝(Luke Li)和同學在去年10月設立了比價網站:www.boddit.com ,每天大量及時更新最優惠商品資訊,幫助消費者在網上買到最便宜產品,立刻聲名大噪,釵h網誌和網站均特別推薦,建議消費者到該網站尋找最經濟實惠的禮物。 19歲的李熙汝出生於中國上海,三歲隨家人移民美國,畢業於紐約市史岱文森高中,曾以乳癌的科學研究入圍2004年英特爾科學獎,興趣廣泛,喜歡涉獵各學科。李熙汝今年暑假到印度知名的資訊科技公司實習三個月,從中學到釵h科技、網路相關知識,開學後就和同學思考設立比價網站的可行性,「因為是學生,我們都希望買到便宜貨」。李熙汝和同學相互腦力激盪下,終於在10月順利完成,「中間曾想過要放棄,但在大家鼓勵下,還是堅持下去」。李熙汝堅持的個性從訪問中即可了解一二,他除了過去上過中文學校,平時都靠讀報,以及與家人溝通增進中文能力。在訪談過程中,李熙汝也都盡量以華語回答,對話流利。李熙汝解釋,boddit網站並不是所謂的網上商店,沒有自己的產品,因此競爭對手並非是eBayAmazon.comboddit最特別的地方是透過系統自動更新產品資料,每天從fatwallet.comslickdeals.nettechbargains.comdeal-news.com等提供特價商品的網站中蒐集資訊,補充五百多個最便宜的商品,使用者不需到每個網上商店比價,boddit已詳列各網站的所有產品優惠。 boddit其實是「bought it(買它)諧音,網站的標語「Have You Boddit Yet」顯得年輕俏皮。根據pulse2.com的介紹,boddit另一個特點是能夠讓使用者透過各種類目搜尋產品,分類詳細且方便搜索。李熙汝開心地說,目前每天網站的瀏覽者都有四、五千人。李熙汝說:「你想要做什麼,都可以做到的。」他說,有趣的構想很重要,但執行是最困難的部分,他建議如果想放棄時,可以多和親友分享,藉由他人鼓勵和幫助完成夢想。李熙汝笑說,他還沒想到將來要做什麼,不過已開始思考網上銀行的建構,繼續在網站世界遨遊。


An Invitation for SICET convention 2007 at Anaheim CA


Dear friends,


You are invited to attend The Society of International Chinese in Educational Technology (SICET) Third Annual International Convention, which will be held between October 23rd - 27th, 2007 at the Hyatt Regency Orange County in Anaheim, California.


SICET is one of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Affiliated Organizations (http://www.aect.org/default.asp).


Proposals Close: February 15, 2007


Please go to SICET Web site at: http://www.sicet.org/conference/index.html

for details. You can also get detailed information on AECT 2007 international conference information from AECT site at:



Anaheim is a great place for visit. For details, please view its Website at:



I look forward to meeting you in Anaheim. Please let me know if you have any questions.


All the best,


Shuyan Wang Ph.D.

Chair, SICET 2007 Convention

Assistant Professor

Department of Technology Education

The University of Southern Mississippi

Box 5036

Hattiesburg, MS  39406

Tel: 601-266-5215


華裔32歲謝家華 網路賣鞋六億元 World Journal馮鳴台)


擁有五百萬名客戶的美國最大網路行銷公司Zappos.com,六年來業績從160萬元增加到將近六億元;推動這家企業成功的幕後經營者,是年僅32歲的華裔青年謝家華(Tony Hsieh) 謝家華和創業夥伴Alfred林,兩年半前把公司由金山灣區移到拉斯維加斯,他說,移來賭城的主因是較能請到服務業者,網路公司強調服務品質,灣區難找客戶服務專才。


在綠谷企業中心租下一棟65000平方呎辦公大樓作為Zappos.com總部,現在己不夠使用,公司著業績快速成長而不斷擴大,謝家華說,公司每兩週訓練一批新人,都來不及解除需才孔急之勢。 以業績數據為例,謝家華表示,他所經營的Zappos.com1999年開始時沒有什麼業務,次年就有160萬元業績,接下來的一年更成長五倍多,達到860萬元;以後年年往上倍數增加,很快就突破三千萬、七千萬,近三年都超過億元,今年預期將近六億元。


在哈佛大學念書時主修電腦的謝家華,曾得過電腦大賽的冠軍獎;21歲那年與同學共創網路公司LinkExchange,由兩人公司在兩年之內成長到百名員工,結果被微軟(Microsoft)買去;眼光獨到的兩位年輕人,把資本投入基金公司,Zappos.com 是他們選定目標之一,研判之後變成了轉行的首選公司。


由賣鞋子開始,Zappos.com 目前也增加皮包、手套、墨鏡、圍巾等衣飾用品,銷售最大宗的產品仍是鞋子,共八百多個品牌,款式及顏色超過十萬種,設在肯塔基州的倉庫,每天24小時以UPS郵寄出貨。 謝家華表示,他們公司有全年365天的退貨政策,加上不滿意全額退款包括郵寄費用,使顧客得到比別處購物更佳的服務;該公司另一項比別人強的地方,就是鞋子品牌種類齊全,從18歲到80歲的用者都買得到好鞋。





經營網路行銷公司,謝家華的理念為客戶服務品質,他要公司內每一個部門的新進人員,都接受五星期訓練,徹底了解服務的精髓後,才正式展開工作。身為公司總裁,謝家華和所有新員工一樣,也參加職前訓練,且不因故缺席或早退。 感恩節後,Zappos.com在賭城開設了第一家直銷店,將存貨以低廉價格賣給大眾,直銷店內目前有兩萬餘雙名牌鞋子,他們將在短期內補貨至20萬雙



Invitation from 80-20 Initiative.Net


Dear Colleagues:


Happy holidays


May I invite you to consider joining  (http://www.80-20initiative.net/) if you are not a member? If you are a member, would you kindly consider joining it as a life time member? I am now a life time member. My family have been members for many years. This organization has done so much for Asian Americans historically/currently and ethno-politically for us and our children and will become more and more influential with your support.  If we want to survive and succeed culturally and ethnopolitically here, perhaps we need to follow the model of other ethnic and cultural groups. I will be glad to chat with you over the phone in person if you have need more info about 80-20.  I thank you for considering joining in it in advance.


Happy 2007


Li Yue-Ting


Contact Info:

Yueh-Ting (Y-T) Lee, Ph.D. 

Dean and Professor

College of Arts and Sciences

Minot State University

500 University Avenue West

Minot, North Dakota 58707

        Tel:   701-858-3159

         Fax: 701-858-4294




全美一成三人口贫困 (Qiao Bao编译鹄农仞)




 虽然越来越多美国人从城市中搬迁到了中产阶级和富人聚居的郊区,但他们当中有许多人却没有因此而摆脱贫困。根据周四公布的对全美100个最大的都市地区所进行的调查,有超过1200万的城郊居民生活在贫困之中。美国郊区贫困人群的数目谝淮纬幼≡诔抢锏钠独耸?BR> 根据联邦政府2005年的定义,贫困线为3口之家年收入在15577美元以下。








Colleges Should Teach Broader Skills to Prepare Students for Work Force


The Association of American Colleges and Universities, a leading advocate for liberal-arts education, warned on Wednesday that college graduates are increasingly less prepared to compete in the global economy. The solution, the group said in a report, is for colleges to adopt a broader curriculum, with less focus on specific technical training and more on skills like critical thinking and problem solving.

The report, "College Learning for the New Global Century," which drew on a monthlong survey of both employers and recent college graduates, recommends a series of steps that colleges should take to prepare students for the modern work force.

"We are seeing a lot of graduates who have specific skills and interview well -- technical interviews," a corporate official who participated in a news conference about the report said. "What we rarely see is the ability to use the right-hand side of the brain -- creativity, working in a team," said the official, Wayne C. Johnson, a vice president at Hewlett-Packard.

In the survey, "How Should Colleges Prepare Students to Succeed in Today's Global Economy?", 305 executives companies that employ at least 25 people were asked what they looked for in a job candidate. The top three choices were "teamwork skills," "critical thinking and analytic reasoning skills," and "oral/written communication." Only 9 percent of those polled listed "able to work with numbers/statistics" as one of the top two skills they were seeking.

Recommendations in the report were loosely tied to the survey but were mainly a product of a project the association started in 2005, Liberal Education and America's Promise, or LEAP. The recommendations included the need for colleges to integrate the study of civics and sciences into the whole curriculum as well to offer hands-on learning, such as internships.

One panelist said the report was a wake-up call to much of the educational system, which is trapped in an outdated "cold war curriculum."

"It is still surprising and news to lots of people that the kinds of skills that are discussed in this report are the skills that are the bankable skills in the 21st century," said the panelist, Anthony P. Carnevale, a senior fellow at the Education Sector, a think tank in Washington. As evidence, he said, people who test well in problem solving tend to earn as much as $60,000 more per year than those who do not.

Representatives of the association said they planned to distribute the report to business leaders and college administrators, like career counselors. The report urges changes in colleges of all sizes, not only in the smaller ones often associated with the liberal arts.

One of the institutions praised in the report, for encouraging the development of entrepreneurship skills across academic disciplines, was the University of Rochester. Its provost, Charles E. Phelps, said the university had already incorporated the report's recommendations. In his health-economics class, for example, Mr. Phelps brings back high-performing students to act as moderators for groups working on much more difficult problems than are found in the homework. He said the groups must then find the answers on their own.

"It's deliberately a group-learning exercise," he said in an interview. The students "learn the material a lot better" than they would without the exercise. "I am morally certain of that," he said.



持中国护照的海外华侨在入境时不用再填写登记卡了。 200711日起,将免填入境登记卡的人员范围扩大至包含内地居民、台湾居民及华侨在内的所有中国公民。上述措施将进一步缩短入境旅客在边防检查现场的候检时间。


CSUN's Visiting Chinese Scholars Honored in City Council...


This week in City Council, we honored a dozen Chinese academics and municipal officials teaching and doing research for six months at California State University, Northridge.  The group from China and Beijing was accompanied by Dr. Justine Xhixin Su, director of CSUN's China Institute, which has hosted the exchange program for more than 20 years. The professors and professionals in urban planning, public administration, public health, and Chinese music and culture, toured City Hall and met with our staff to discuss the workings of Los Angeles City government and local urban planning


Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

















  1、上海外经因私出入境咨询服务有限公司   地址:乌鲁木齐北路44464   联系电话:62490931 62489816 62486496  传真:62481687
  2、上海市对外服务有限公司                      地址:金陵西路28号  联系电话:63850636 33080161 63857151  传真:53068583
  3、上海华侨因私出入境服务有限公司    地址:常德路31923楼(京德大厦)  联系电话:62170877*25 62175470  传真:62175470
  4、上海航空因私出入境服务有限公司    地址:江苏路599号  联系电话:62269794 62269604 62269744 , 62269744 传真:62266814
  5、上海景鸿因私出入境服务有限公司    地址:宜山路508号景鸿大厦4楼  联系电话:64691818 64690116 64690115  传真:64690117
  6、中智上海经济技术合作公司                 地址:衡山路922号建汇大厦18楼  联系电话:54594545 64270270   传真:64270269
  7、上海申宏因私出入境服务有限公司    地址:江宁路77718A座  联系电话:52891617 52891865 52891619  传真:52891729 52891865
  8、上海国之旅因私出入境服务有限公司   地址:北京西路1277号国旅大厦1606室  联系电话:62792143  传真:62790334
  9、上海加成因私出入境服务有限公司    地址:南京西路1515号嘉里中心2702室  联系电话:62893300  传真:62892200
  10、上海凯业因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:淮海中路1375号  联系电话:64332626  传真:64716135
  11、上海中洋因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:东方路877号嘉兴大厦502室  联系电话:58306901  传真:62764592
  12、上海春秋因私出入境咨询服务有限公司地址:定西路1558308室  联系电话:62262333 62518867 62511997   传真:62262333
  13、上海盛源因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:番禺路12楼  联系电话:62127888*103 62211709  传真:621298888
  14、上海锦江因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:长乐路191号  联系电话:64662828*208 64662828*117  传真:64720706
  15、上海中旅侨务因私出入境服务有限公司地址:肇嘉浜路2213楼  联系电话:64183127 64183129 64183132  传真:64182612
  16、上海东湖因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:武康路222号  联系电话:64453368 64452912  传真:64452921
  17、上海国际服务贸易集团因私出入境服务有限公司地址:永嘉路3332楼  联系电话:64337564 64742472 64338122*343  传真:64337945
  18、上海外劳因私出入境咨询服务有限公司地址:汉中路158号汉中大厦1705室  联系电话:33030959 33030434 62763766  传真:63534214
  19、上海侨联因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:仙霞路881FB1  联系电话:62781136   传真:62780970
  20、上海海移因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:虹桥路808A栋底层8168—8188室  联系电话:64386666 64685299  传真:64865577
  21、上海东展因私出入境咨询服务有限公司地址:北京西路669号东展商业大厦3楼  联系电话:62176196 62176976  传真:62189674
  22、上海中际因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:九江路3331607室  联系电话:63611851 63611859  传真:63611852
  23、上海东西方因私出入境服务有限公司 地址:定西路7384楼  联系电话:62823795
  24、上海市因私出入境服务中心有限公司 地址:延安西路129号华侨大厦2楼  联系电话:62492642 62482502 62490001*501  传真:62493558
  25、上海华夏因私出入境服务有限公司         地址:北京西路860号市政协综合楼412   联系电话:62159069 62552158 53968198 53968197传真:62159172
  26、上海宇振因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:安远路1393楼  联系电话:62676439 62278582 62776012   传真:62770418
  27、上海四达汇业商务咨询服务有限公司 地址:淮海中路2831507室  联系电话:63512064  传真:63906677
  28、上海和中投资咨询有限公司                地址:淮海中路222号力宝大厦17楼  联系电话:53966363  传真:53510837
  29、上海浦东东旅因私出入境服务有限公司地址:雁荡路1074楼  联系电话:58880117   传真:58405860
  30、上海利亚因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:肇嘉浜路333号  联系电话:64221361 64221371
  31、上海前进因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:复兴中路11606B室  联系电话:53016000 63900568 53514007  传真:63900619
  32、上海上外国际教育交流信息中心      地址:西体育会路189号  联系电话:35050686  传真:65428139
  33、上海天际因私出入境咨询服务有限公司地址:天山路258号  联系电话:62746713 62766739 
  34、上海外事服务中心                                地址:铜仁路258号  联系电话:62158291  传真:62158298
  35、上海申慧因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:淮海西路1045号  联系电话:52137878
  36、上海外经贸因私出入境服务有限公司 地址:番禺路390号  联系电话:62184230 62184231
  37、上海美致蓝因私出入境服务有限公司 地址:中山东一路12号  联系电话:63233005 33130218  传真:63235378
  38、上海文宣因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:番禺路369号  联系电话:52309880 62829254 52309090*111
  39、上海服贸因私出入境服务有限公司  地址:天目西路5111104室(锦城大厦) 联系电话:63583039 63724783


Lattice Path Combinatorics Conference


Dear Colleague:


This e-mail is to bring to your attention the 6th International Conference on Lattice Path Combinatorics and Applications to be held July 12—14 at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, Tennessee.

Please bring this to the attention of your faculty members, particularly those in graph theory, combinatorics, algebra, statistics, and probability.

The conference website is at http://www.etsu.edu/math/godbole/lattice/index.htm  Questions can be directed to Anant Godbole, godbolea@etsu.edu




Elizabeth Harris

Conference Coordinator


美國青少年之間流行使用網路  Instant Messaging劃出代溝


據美聯社—美國連線(AP-AOL7日公布一項民調顯示,目前青少年之間流行使用網路「即時通訊」(instant messaging),做為每日聊天或交友的管道;相較嬰兒潮世代中年人,大多排斥這種社交方式。兩個世代已產生所謂「即時通訊代溝」,而且差距日益擴大。以住在新澤西州摩利斯鎮、17歲的高中生羅馬(Rome)為例,每天花上超過兩個小時,來傳送及接收一百個以上「即時通訊」。而住在賓州庫契鎮、51歲技工威爾森(Wilson) 則喜歡用電子郵件及電話。據統計,年齡介於1318歲的青少年,有48%使用「即時通訊」,超過成人的兩倍。使用「即時通訊」的成人中,有四分三也經常使用電子郵件。而四分三的青少年使用「即時通訊」多於電子郵件。超過一半的青少年,每天使用「即時通訊」超過25次,五人中有一人會超過一百次。而有四分之三的成人使用者每天使用少於25次。然而,青少年與成年人還是有一項共同點,那就在討論嚴肅或祕密的話題時,都會使用電話。



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Job Opening: Chinese Language - Valparaiso University


Valparaiso University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position in Chinese language at the Instructor/ Assistant Professor level starting in August 2007.  Candidates should be ABD or possess Ph.D. in Chinese language, linguistics, or literature, and have native or near-native fluency in Mandarin and English.  Candidates should have a record of excellence in university-level teaching.  Responsibilities include teaching 3-4 courses of language and Chinese Studies courses each semester, primarily in a new M.A. program in Chinese Studies.  Valparaiso is a comprehensive university of 3800 students, 50 miles from Chicago.  Candidates should be sympathetic to the values embodied in the tradition of Valparaiso as a Lutheran community.  Send letter of application, CV including official transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Randa Duvick, Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 112 Meier Hall, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN 46383.  Review of applications will begin February 20, 2007.






有關第四期、第五期研習班(七月~八月),因適逢暑假期間,學員報名人數較多,中心自即日起受理收件至明(九十六)年二月底截止報名,相關詳情及申請表可參考網站,http://www.ocac.gov.tw 華裔青年活動專區,或洽休士頓華僑文教服務中心(10303 Westoffice Dr. Houston, TX77042), 電話:713-789-4995,分機:106


Job Opportunities: Clinical Trials Program Coordinator - NIH

OPEN PERIOD: Friday, January 05, 2007 to Friday, February 02, 2007
SERIES & GRADE: GS-0301-13/14    
DUTY LOCATIONS:   Montgomery County, MD


This position is located in the Clinical Trials Operations and Biostatistics Unit (CTOB) of the Division of Services and Intervention Research (DSIR), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National Institutes of Health (NIH). The CTOB serves as the focal point for major national and collaborative research and dissemination efforts on chronic psychiatric illness in adults and children. A major goal of the Division is to establish a network of clinical trials sites, patient/subject populations (both adult as well as child and adolescent), and clinical trials coordinating centers to conduct ongoing multisite longitudinal research in the areas of depressive illness, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and autism. The position serves as Clinical Trials Program Coordinator for a variety of ongoing major national multisite clinical trials.


 * U.S. Citizenship

Contact Information:
Jessica Schwartz
Phone: 301-451-1820
Fax: 301-480-3064
Email: schwartzj@od.nih.gov


















其七:香賄。不少貪官信奉神靈,燒香拜佛。不是對佛祖的虔誠,而是因為他們做多了壞事,心中有鬼。某地一位秘書隨貪官赴外地考察,當一同遊玩名山古剎之時,主動為領導上香,還撲通 一聲跪倒,背誦禱告詞,保佑貪官高升云云。回來後不久就提拔當上了主任。






Postdoctoral Research Associate - University of Arizona:


Sought for two-year position through the Take Charge America Institute for Consumer Financial Education and Research at University of Arizona to begin on June1, 2007. The principal research is a funded longitudinal study of formation of financial behaviors among young adults.


Applicants are expected to have a Ph.D. in consumer science, psychology, human development, family studies, economics, marketing, sociology, or a closely related field, relevant experience in consumer research, and competency in statistical analyses, especially relating to SEM in longitudinal applications.  Experience in establishing a longitudinal study and excellence in scholarly writing and oral communication are preferable.


The successful applicant must meet eligibility requirements to work in the U.S. by date appointment is scheduled to begin and must be able to communicate effectively in English. The compensation is competitive. Email letter of interest, C.V., and names of three references to: Jing Xiao, PhD, TCAI, University of Arizona, PO Box 210033, AZ 85721; xiao@email.arizona.edu. TCAI website:

www.tcainstitute.org; Review of applicants will begin on March 1, 2007 and will continue until the position is filled. University of Arizona is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

The job number is:37083. More information can be found at:



大陆第一座海底隧道 - 厦门海底隧道 (国新)



POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor of Consumer Economics - University of Florida


Location:                      Family, Youth and Community Sciences
of Florida
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
PO Box 110310

                                    Gainesville, FL  32611-0310


Salary:                          Commensurate with Qualifications and Experience


Review Date:                Review of application materials will begin on or before March 15, 2007 and will continue until the position is filled.


Duties and Responsibilities

This is a 12-month tenure-accruing position that will be 30% research (Florida Agricultural Experiment Station) and 70% extension (Florida Cooperative Extension Service), available in the Family, Youth and Community Sciences Department, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, at the University of Florida.  This assignment may change in accordance with the needs of the unit.  Duties will include major responsibility for the development and implementation of a statewide Extension program, and to conduct original research in consumer economics focused in theory and practice leading to publication in peer reviewed journals and competitive for extramural funding.  This position encompasses program areas that specifically relate to consumer behavior in the market place, consumer rights and responsibilities; scams, fraud and deception; consumer legislation, consumer economics issues and banking and credit.  The research duties are to develop a strong fundable program related to consumer economics issues.  This faculty member will work cooperatively with state and county faculty to incorporate consumer economics into other relevant areas.  Tenure will accrue in the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences.  The faculty member will participate actively in undergraduate education and graduate education by chairing graduate committees, serving on graduate committees, supervising thesis and dissertation research, supervising undergraduate research, and publishing the results with his/her graduate students.  The faculty member will seek contract and grant funding actively to support his/her program.  The faculty member will engage in Extension activities in his or her program area.  All IFAS faculty are expected to demonstrate commitment and responsibility to the three functions of the Land Grant mission.



An earned doctorate in Consumer Economics or a closely related discipline is required.  Postdoctoral experience is desirable.  Candidates should have demonstrated skills in verbal and written communication, interpersonal relationships, and procurement of extramural funding.  Candidates must be supportive of the mission of the Land-Grant system.  Candidates must also have a commitment to IFAS core values of excellence, diversity, global involvement, and accountability.  Applicants must be a U.S. citizen, or be lawfully eligible for employment in the United States.


Background Information:

The Department of Family, Youth and community Sciences has 18 faculty located on the Gainesville campus.  Most faculty have at least partial Extension appointments and an increasing number of faculty are involved in the undergraduate and graduate programs.  The unit’s sponsored research and Extension activities have generated in excess of $3 million over the course of the past year.


The Department’s mission is to enhance lifelong learning and the personal, social, economic and environmental well-being of diverse individuals, families and communities through state-of-the-art Extension, research, and teaching programs.  The department encompasses programs in human nutrition, food safety and health; consumer economics and resource management; individual and family development; youth development; and community development and sustainability.  The department engages in collaborative working relationships with Florida A&M, Florida State University, and other public and private universities in the state.


The University of Florida (http://www.ufl.edu) is a Land-Grant and Sea-Grant institution, encompassing virtually all academic and professional disciplines, with an enrollment of more than 48,000 students.  UF is a member of The Association of American Universities.  The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (http://ifas.ufl.edu) includes the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (http://cals.ufl.edu), the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station (http://research.ifas.ufl.edu), the Florida Cooperative Extension Service (http://extension.ifas.ufl.edu), the College of Veterinary Medicine (http://www.vetmed.ufl.edu), and encompasses 15 academic departments and the School of Forest Resources and Conservation, 9 interdisciplinary centers, 13 research and educational centers throughout the state, and Cooperative Extension units in each of Florida's 67 counties and the Seminole Tribe.  The School of Natural Resources and Environment is an interdisciplinary unit housed in IFAS and managed by several colleges on campus.  IFAS employs over 3400 people, which includes approximately 950 faculty and 2450 support personnel located in Gainesville and throughout the state.  IFAS, one of the nation’s largest agricultural and natural resources research and education organizations, is administered by a Senior Vice President and four deans: the Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the Dean for Extension and Director of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service, the Dean for Research and Director of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Dean for the College of Veterinary Medicine.  UF/IFAS also engages in cooperative work with Florida A&M University in Tallahassee.


Employment Conditions

This position is available May 15, 2007, and will be filled as soon thereafter as an acceptable applicant is available.  Compensation is commensurate with the education, experience, and qualifications of the selected applicant.


Nominations and Applications

Both nominations and applications are welcome.  Nominations need to include the complete name and address of the nominee. 


Individuals wishing to apply should submit the following materials:

·  Letter of application that states applicant’s interest in the position and qualifications relative to the credentials listed above;

·  Complete vita (which includes statement of current position and responsibilities);

·  Official transcripts of all academic work at the undergraduate and graduate levels including  receipt of the doctoral degree;

·  List of four references, including contact information, who can assess the candidate’s qualifications for this position.


Review of application materials will begin on or before March 15, 2007, and will continue until a suitable applicant is identified.  Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.


Contact Information and Application and Nomination Submission Information


Please refer to Position # 0001-3916

Dr. Kate Fogarty

Chair, Search and Screen Committee

University of Florida

Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences

P.O. Box 110310

Gainesville, FL  32611-0310


Telephone:                             (352) 392-1778, extension 262

Facsimile:                               (352) 392-8196

Electronic Mail:                      kfogarty@ufl.edu



The University of Florida is an equal opportunity and equal access employer. The “government in the sunshine” laws of Florida require that all documents relating to the search process, including letters of application, nomination, and reference, except transcripts, be available for public inspection.  Persons with disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable accommodation.