Chinese Hometown 留言于2017-03-27 15:47:11 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2017 No.07) |
十个圣地亚哥旅游胜地之最 (图) 2017年美圣地亚哥生药技术领域捷报频传(二) 北京大学招收海外留学生(附项目和简章) 圣大孔院成功举办2017南加州汉语桥比赛(图) 聋人家庭孩子勇夺【汉语桥】比赛第一(图) 奥泰梅沙西街水管爆 裂出一个大坑(图频) 检查汹酒无证驾驶 警方启用更多岗点(图) 数百家公司竞标 从公园到围墙(图) 全美华裔2017年度优秀创业者评选结果 搭建桥梁 梁绮梅被蒂政府任命为侨界联络人(图) 活动:博雅中美创业盛典诚邀您的参与!大咖云集,不容错过! 埃斯孔迪多:女子教堂归途中被帮派枪杀(图频) 借按摩猥亵女性 丘拉维斯塔一华男面临指控(图) 仲夏山东行(四):养马岛、威海和蓬莱仙境(图) 仲夏山东行(三):烟台的家和地质博物馆(图) 仲夏山东行(二): 曲阜孔庙、孔府(图) 仲夏山东行 (一):登泰山 观岱庙(图) 北海道印象(图) 夏游易水湖(图) 囤积狗癖 圣地亚哥一对夫妇虐待动物被指控(图频) 墨西哥议员翻爬边界墙针对川普建隔离墙发话(图频) 问鼎最好吃的川菜 过桥园San Diego (图) 房子秒变提款机 住房反向抵押贷款成美养老防贫新模式(图) 2016南加房产市场将更强劲 专访侯佳音(知名圣地亚哥房地产经纪) SDer:你绝对想不齐有这么多免费游乐处(图) |
枣桑园 留言于2017-03-27 05:22:23 |
评论:中国糖尿病及并发症发病风险数据分析报告 |
无论图表数据做得多么精致以博取眼球,由种种人为非人为误差所造成的结果谬误性最多只能对理论研究有点用,对实际生活中控制糖尿病几乎毫无用处!精力资源应该用在预防!预防为主说了一百年,今天还是不能落实到行动中,悲哀! |
枣桑园 留言于2017-03-27 04:03:42 |
评论:李西堂 (2016): 用史实说话 - 美国究竟是敌人还是朋友? |
都是高级知识分子了,说话不能简单化如盲人摸象、非黑即白,。。。凡事要像毛泽东所言,具体情况具体分析。基辛格的话可以作为总结:沒有永远的敌友,只有永远的利益。所以,就连一些伟人前后说话矛盾就顺理成章了。一些人喜欢搬出某某伟人名人的一句话企图说明一个观点,只能对某某时间地点事情有效,换了时间地点事情就不再适用。所以,美国有时是朋友,有时是对手甚至敌人。总的趋势是前者。 |
ICSPAH 留言于2017-03-27 00:13:22 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2017 No.07) |
Dear ICSPAH members and life members, We cordially invite you to share your latest news that is related to your professional endeavor as a researcher, teacher, teacher educator, program leader, or student. These news include but not limited to your academic presentations, convention participation, publications, awards, and promotion etc. Email your news (in English or Chinese or both) along with pictures to us, the secretary of EC, at huangc@wbu.edu or ccqhuang@gmail.com or to any other ICSPAH EC members. The deadline of submission for April issue: April 5, 2017.
2017 ICSPAH China lecture tour The Executive Council of ICSPAH discussed the potential 2017 ICSPAH China lecture tour this week, and reached consensus to deliver a series of lectures in China in the summer of 2017. In detail, the ICSPAH delegation will visit a number of Chinese universities, including but not limited to Xinjiang Normal University, Jishou University, Huahua University, and Hunan Normal University, from late June to early July. If you will be available during that time and willing to join us, please feel free to contact the President and President-Elect by April 18th. Thanks for your consideration. Sincerely,
ICSPAH Executive Council
Yours sincerely,
言实 留言于2017-03-25 23:38:22 |
评论:李西堂 (2016): 用史实说话 - 美国究竟是敌人还是朋友? |
毛主席,共产党高瞻远瞩,在延安时宣布要建成美国那样的民主自由国家,掌权后一直反对,抵制,抹黑美国,因为深知美国推行自由民主法制,是专政体制的天敌。 常有人质问:他们为什莫一面在国人面前骂美国,反对“西方”民主自由法制,压制普世价值,一面又送孩子们去美国读书? 别小看他们,他门毕竟是领导人,左眼能看到眼前利益,右眼能看到长远利益,左手能抓住眼前利益,右手能抓住长远利益,且两手都很硬。 坚持马列毛,党领导,确保既得利益眼前利益;送孩子去美国受教育,培养他们与时俱进,得真才实学,回来掌大权发大财成大器,是要保证长远利益。
USCI 留言于2017-03-25 02:47:35 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2017 No.07) |
Opening to China: A Memoir of Normalization, 1981-1982 Date: Thursday, April 6, 2017, 4:00-5:30pm Location: Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, ASC 204, USC Cost: Free, please register here.
In 1981 an American historian of China, Professor Charlotte Furth, travelled to Beijing to teach young Chinese scholars about America. Professor Furth's year-long adventures, captured in this lively memoir, tell of classroom encounters, bureaucratic entanglements, expat frustrations, unlikely friendships, and misunderstandings both comic and grave. Her sponsor, the Fulbright program of academic exchange, had just revived after thirty years of the Cold War, and carried with it American hopes for a new era of cooperation between China and the United States. Her students were shaped by the Communist revolution, schooled in its political disciplines, and torn between thirst to experience the outside world at last and anxiety about what lay ahead in a post-Mao future. Charlotte Furth is Professor Emerita of Chinese History at the University of Southern California. Before moving to USC in 1989, she spent two decades on the faculty of California State University at Long Beach. The book based on her Stanford PhD dissertation, Ting Wen-chiang: Science and China''''s New Culture, was published by Harvard East Asian Monograph Series in 1970. A Flourishing Yin: Gender in China''''s Medical History (University of California Press, 1999) was awarded the |
USC U.S.-China Institute 留言于2017-03-25 02:42:21 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2017 No.07) |
The Richard Nixon Foundation presents a lunch and panel discussion to examine the question of whether Americans can expect the basic elements of the Shanghai Communique - and President Nixon's larger Chinese legacy - to live on in the Age of Trump. Only One China? - The Shanghai Communique in the Age of Trump Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2017, 12:30pm Location: The Richard Nixon Library & Museum It has been 45 years since President and Mrs. Richard Nixon landed in the People's Republic of China - the first great crack in the Cold War. President Donald Trump recently affirmed the One China Policy - after some skepticism - which is the basis of the Shanghai Communique, the overarching framework of Sino-U.S. relations since 1972. Considering contemporary circumstances, can Americans expect the basic elements of the Shanghai Communique - and President Nixon''''s larger Chinese legacy - to live on in the Age of Trump?
PARTICIPANTS: Karl Eikenberry is the Oksenberg-Rohlen Fellow and Director of the U.S.-Asia Security Initiative at Stanford University's Asia-Pacific Research Center, and a Stanford University Professor of Practice. He served as the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan from May 2009 until July 2011 and had a 35-year career in the United States Army, retiring with the rank of lieutenant general
John Pomfret served as a correspondent for the Washington Post for many years, and was a Fulbright Senior Scholar living in Beijing. He is the author of the acclaimed book |
老郎中 留言于2017-03-24 12:18:30 |
评论:李西堂 (2016): 用史实说话 - 美国究竟是敌人还是朋友? |
亦敵亦友看場合:抗美援朝(韓戰).抗美援越(越戰)等是敵對. 二戰,是盟友.基辛格說得好,沒有永遠的敵友,只有永遠的利益. 這就是歷史的辯證法. 歷史也是一面鏡子.前事不忘,後事之師.八國聯軍火燒圓明園,日冠南京大屠殺等惡行.2001年911恐襲.納碎等惡行.能忘嗎?能不警覺! |
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