橙縣文教服務中心 留言于2016-08-18 02:48:33 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2016 No.22) |
社區生活講座 邀請函 日期:2016年8月20日(星期六) 時間:14:00~16:00 主題:當地震發生時,如何自救 [ 714-754-9999 ] 免費入場 報告重點如下: 1. 南加州地區的斷層, 土質疏鬆地區, 有土壤液化可能地區 及容易發生土石流地區的分佈, 與華人密集居住地區的關連性; 2. 美國 聯邦, 州及地方政府的災難預防,救災及災後重建的機制; 3. 個人及家庭對地震災害的事前預防準備, 發生時的避難,及事後復建的注意事項及應變措施, 包含家庭有嬰兒, 學齡兒童, 老年人, 殘障人士, 及 寵物 等等的應變計劃; 及 4. 地震發生時, 在家裡, 在高樓大廈中, 在行走中, 在開車中, 在公共場所中, 及發生火災時的應變措施. 以及所謂的 |
資產保護講座 留言于2016-08-18 00:17:32 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2016 No.22) |
在灣區大多數華人不認為自己會成為大富翁,但都卻嚮往著有錢有閑有健康的生活!其實,認清自己想追求的,有能力達成的人生才是最重要的。 而透過努力工作奮力打拼,有紀律的執行投資理財規劃,特別注重自己的財產保護免起訴!當您到了退休的年齡,您的人生就會跨入有錢悠閒健康的人生!華人朋友都很喜歡把錢投資在房地產上,很多人都有幾棟或者幾十棟的物業在收租。這使得華人成為很好的掠奪目標,特別容易被房地產官司纏身。 朋友們,如果您是房東和商業主,一定不要錯過我們本週六的資產保護講座!朋友們,真正有錢人,是取得財富自由財務獨立的人。想有錢有閑需提早規劃!人賺錢,錢賺錢,10年20年就可有閒錢![跨入有錢有閑的人生~資產保護&提早退休】講座,間本週六8/20下午@2pm,座位有限本期講座不邀請理財等專業人士。講座報名電話:1-877-253-8288,Jenny@EliteWealths.com。
Journal of Special Operations Medicine 留言于2016-08-16 07:04:10 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2016 No.22) |
Combating Compassion Fatigue Aug. 25, 2016; 1-2:30 p.m. (ET) This presentation will introduce attendees to the concept of compassion fatigue, describe its symptoms, and discuss strategies to minimize the negative impact. At the conclusion of the workshop, attendees will know how to: • Formulate a clear conceptual understanding of compassion fatigue, including how it is similar to and/or different from related constructs • Identify the symptoms of compassion fatigue in oneself and others • Differentiate between the risk factors and protective factors associated with compassion fatigue • Identify best practices in self-care to prevent or diminish compassion fatigue Registration Sign up for the webinar at http://dcoe.cds.pesgce.com. Please note, registration is required for each webinar regardless if the participant has an existing PESG account. Upon completion of registration, a confirmation email will be sent providing webinar event details. Registration has opened for the 2016 Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Summit Presented live September 13 - 15 from the Defense Health Headquarters in Falls Church, Virginia. Attendees will have access to 28 hours of evidence-based treatment programing in psychological health and traumatic brain injury via a concurrent virtual component in real-time. The Summit offers the opportunity to join session discussions and Q&As with speakers; visit exhibitors; and seek new and lasting collaborations with potential partners and attendees from around the world! Register today, and get additional information at http://dcoe.adobeconnect.com/dcoesummit2016/event/event_info.html. Follow us and join the conversation on Twitter #DCoESummit |
World Trauma Symposium 留言于2016-08-16 06:54:37 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2016 No.22) |
The Journal of Special Operations Medicine (JSOM) will be exhibiting at the World Trauma Symposium on 4 OCT in New Orleans. Now in its fifth year, the World Trauma Symposium is an event from the creators of the world-renowned Prehospital Trauma Life Support Program (PHTLS), presenting the latest information on the care of the out-of-hospital patients and global trends in trauma care from internationally recognized experts. Don't miss this powerful and unique opportunity to interact with influential decision-makers and thought leaders in prehospital trauma care. This 1-day educational event, co-located with EMS World Expo (EMS - EMT - Paramedic - Emergency Medical Services),which runs October 3rd-7th, 2016 in New Orleans. EMS World EXPO is another powerful and unique opportunity to interact with influential decision-makers and thought leaders in prehospital emergency care. The JSOM will be exhibiting at EMS World Expo as well. Look for us at Booth #322. For more information on these events, please visit www.worldtraumasymposium.com and www.emsworldexpo.com
Alabama Tactical Officers Conference The Alabama Tactical Officers Conference will be held Oct 16-20th, 2016 in Columbiana, AL. For more information visit http://www.atoa.us/ |
SD Chinese 留言于2016-08-15 02:09:56 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2016 No.22) |
聖地牙哥華人團體日前共商中華人民共和國十一國慶與中秋慶祝活動,超過十個華人團體代表會聚一堂,並擬定時間為9月17日(周六)中午於岱爾瑪希爾頓酒店(Hilton Del Mar)舉行,歡迎各類社團或個人報名,一同參與歡慶午宴。嘉賓包括聖地牙哥地區多位政要官員、中國駐洛杉磯總領事館官員等。目前參與籌備的僑團包括世界越柬寮華人團體聯合會、聖地牙哥中國人協會(SD-CAA)、美中生物醫學與製藥協會 (SABPA)、華夏中文學校、育才中文學校、金龍功夫學院、大西南同鄉會、英端工商會、聖地牙哥中國統一促進會、聖地牙哥越棉寮華人協會、福建同鄉會、重慶同鄉會、全美文化教育基金會(ACCEF)等。
午宴將從上午11時30分開始至下午2時結束。希爾頓酒店為每位參加者提供三道菜的精緻午餐,還有文藝演出,以增添節日氣氛。希爾頓酒店地址:Hilton Del Mar,15575 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar, CA 92014。報名電郵:info@sd4chinese.org。
class=green>和平榮耀·勝利--鐵血鑄就的榮耀-國軍勳章展 >留言于2016-08-14 07:18:43 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2016 No.22) |
邀請函: 《和平榮耀·勝利--鐵血鑄就的榮耀-國軍勳章展》訂於八月十四日(星期日) 下年一時三十分至四時三十分在洛杉磯偉博文化中心公開展示,以慶祝日本投降71週年。這項展覽是第一次在美加地區舉辦,其中有抗戰勝利勳章、和國軍陸、海、空三軍將士在抗戰時奮戰中獲頒者。每一枚勳章都是一篇感人的英雄史頁。國軍勳章展並同時展出中華民國國史館所珍藏的日本降書(複製本)、播放抗戰勝利蔣公廣播原音、二戰日天皇無條件投降廣播,暨抗戰中外國記者在上海、在長沙、在武漢、在衡陽、在高家嶺、在昆侖關、在仁安羌等戰役拍攝、製作的珍貴影音史料暨講解。籌辦單位表示:814也是中華民國空軍節,抗戰時期,空軍犧牲慘烈,每一位殉國的烈士,各有一篇感人的史頁,(百年空軍傳奇)將帶領我們回到真實歷史情境。同步播放民國35年原版(1946) 由劉雪庵作曲、簡樸作詞、黃飛然演唱的空軍軍歌,和聆賞周旋、鄧麗君、鳳飛飛、文章、譚健常等人演唱的愛國歌曲。可說是一場榮耀歷史記憶的夏日視聽盛宴。敬請踴躍參加鐵血鑄就的榮耀-國軍勳章展,引為至盼! 謝謝。
國軍勳章展時間: 2016年 8月 14 日(星期日) 下午一時三十分 展出地點: 偉博文化中心 9645 Telstar Ave., El Monte, CA 91731 聯絡電話: (626)863-8670 (909)632--6881 E-mail: gla.tpop.alliance@gmail.com |
Inland Southern California Cyber Security Summit 留言于2016-08-14 07:11:11 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2016 No.22) |
Cyber Security threats are increasing in sophistication and frequency while disrupting businesses of all sizes. Join us at the Inland Southern California Cyber Security Summit to learn from industry experts about the current state of these threats and discover how to defend your organization against a range cyber-attacks. Who Should Attend? Chief Security Officers, Directors of IT, Network and Application Managers, Data Architects and other executives tasked with protecting corporate infrastructure and customer data while bringing a new level of security awareness about hackers and cyber security breaches to their organizations.
When: October 21-22, 2016 Where: Murrieta Innovation Center, 26442 Beckman Court, Murrieta What: Day one - Industry expert speakers and breakout sessions Contact:bizevents@murrieta.org |
UCLA Chinese Studies 留言于2016-08-12 09:55:08 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2016 No.22) |
Arming the Moderate Rebels: America's Yearing for a Third Force in Post-War China Talk by John Delury, Associate Professor of Chinese Studies at Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies Monday, Aug 22, 2016, 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM Bunche 10383, UCLA By the end of World War II, Nationalist Party strongman Chiang Kai-shek had lost the confidence of his ally in Washington, and yet as the Cold War heated up, the US took an increasingly hardline against Mao Zedong, who stunned the world by winning the Chinese civil war [1945-49]. In order to solve-- or evade-- this dilemma, liberal intellectuals and government officials in the US looked to a ''Third Force'' that could save China from party dictatorship. In his talk, Professor Delury will recount an extraordinary example of how this strategy of finding ''the moderate rebels'' was operationalized-- as an extensive covert operation during the Korean War of infiltrating Third Force agents into mainland China-- and explore the broader and lasting significance of the Third Force project in the evolution of US-China relations. John Delury is Associate Professor of Chinese Studies at Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies in Seoul, Korea, and author, with Orville Schell, of Wealth and Power: China''''s Long March to the Twenty-first Century (2013).
UCLA Chinese Studies Co-sponsored with UCLA Law School |
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