曲阜师范大学人事处 留言于2019-05-22 05:20:22 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.12) |
姜教授:您好! 我们是曲阜师范大学人事处,很荣幸代表曲阜师范大学与您取得联系,希望没有打扰到您。2019年、教育部、科技部等13个部门正式联合启动了“六卓越一拔尖”计划,计划全面推进新工科、新医科、新农科、新文科的发展,相信未来一定是知识型经济,对教育的依赖度也将越来越高,因此曲阜师范大学决定面向海内外公开招聘师资队伍,引进海外卓越学者专家来曲阜师范大学共创辉煌。
此次招聘、曲阜师范大学是以“伯乐”为“橄榄枝”,抛向全球的“千里马”们。希望海归人才可以充分认识曲阜师范大学,所以希望借助贵处平台,将此次人才引进简章发布在贵处的网站上,吸引人才查阅。相信曲阜师范大学能够打造一流学科、培育一流人才、产出一流成果,努力成为世界一流的师范专科学校”。如果需要相关材料烦请恳乞明示,给您工作上带来的打扰表示歉意! 倘蒙玉成,不胜感激。
曲阜师范大学人事处 rsc6483@126.com 网址:www.qfnu.edu.cn/index.htm 办公电话:0537-4456206
international.ucla.edu 留言于2019-05-20 12:49:51 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.12) |
Tiananmen Protest 30 Years On Thursday, May 23, 2019, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM UCLA
Charles E. Young Research Library Presentation Room (11348) Film Screening and panel discussion In spring 1989, millions of Chinese citizens took on to street across the country in a months long pro-democracy movement, the center of which was uBeijing''''s Tiananmen Square. Military crackdown on June 3-4 brought the peaceful demonstration to a bloody end, killing hundreds, if not thousands, ordinary citizens. A few months later, the Berlin Wall fell. World history turned to a new page. What happened in Beijing that year? What is its historical significance, 30 years on? This event brings audience a chronological-based documentary, edited out of footages from 1989, followed by panel discussion with Tiananmen survivors and scholars to explore the many questions the Tiananmen protests and the Beijing massacre have left unanswered in our recent history.
Screening: Unofficial Record: Tiananmen 1989 Director: LIU Shixian Length: 60 min Warning: Scenes of bloodshed violence at beginning and ending parts.
11381 Bunche Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095 Tel: (310) 825-8683 Fax: (310) 206-3555 china@international.ucla.edu
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies 留言于2019-05-20 12:45:32 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.12) |
China's New Land Reform and Two Modes of Rural Transformations Monday, May 20, 2019 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Haines Hall 279, UCLA Lecture by Shaohua Zhan, Nanyang Technological University
In November 2013, the Chinese government declared its intention to reform the rural land system and turn villagers’ lands (both farmland and construction land) into marketable assets. The decision is dubbed the “new land reform,” which has led to a flurry of measures to modify rural land institutions so as to facilitate land transfers. However, fierce debates on how far the government should push villagers to transfer land rights have followed, and the recent trend again shows ambiguities and uncertainties. This talk will attempt to clear some confusions around China’s land issues by theorizing two modes of rural transformations: land-intensive agrarian capitalism and labour-intensive industrious revolution. As a contrast to agrarian capitalism, the latter originated from the East Asian context and is characterized by the absorption of large populations into the rural economy. The interactions and contradictions between the two modes have shaped the land system in the past 40 years, but the outcome of the contention does not depend only on rural interest groups, but more importantly, on the prospect of urban expansion as well as the actions of local governments and urban investors. The economic slowdown in recent years has heightened the contradictions and motivated the central government to develop the rural areas, which is against the interests of local governments and large urban capital.
Shaohua Zhan received his doctoral degree in sociology from Johns Hopkins University and is currently assistant professor of sociology at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He was a research fellow of the Center for a Livable Future, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2011-2012) and a Henry Luce/ACLS postdoctoral fellow in China Studies (2014-2015). He studies land politics, food security, migration, and economic development. His works have appeared in The Journal of Peasant Studies, World Development, Journal of Rural Studies, Journal of Agrarian Change, Studies in Comparative International Development, Geoforum, Globalizations, The China Journal, Modern China, and so on. He is the author of The Land Question in China: Agrarian Capitalism, Industrious Revolution, and East Asian Development (Routledge, 2019), which examines the development dynamics of industrious revolution and agrarian capitalism in rural China.
Sponsored by the Center for Chinese Studies, Asia Pacific Center and Sociology department china@international.ucla.edu |
SABPA 留言于2019-05-20 12:38:19 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.12) |
Hello, Could you please help promote the following event to your members? Please feel free to let me know if we need to create a discount code for your members or if we could offer a couple of free tickets. Your help would be much appreciated.
San Diego BioPharma Conference & Bio-Partnering is the flagship event of SABPA. This year’s keynote speakers include professor Leiping Chen, one of the pioneers in cancer immunotherapy and Dr. Barry Sharpless, a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. Multiple heavyweight success stories on recent drug approvals and their real-world impacts will also be showcased. The panel discussion will keep you abreast of the latest trends for cross-border collaboration and investment.
Bio-Partnering is a great platform to explore opportunities in licensing, investment, fund raising and other collaboration deals. It is designed for you to pre-arrange 1-on-1 face-to-face meetings with potential partners/investors/entrepreneurs by using the EBD online tool PartneringOne. Come and meet some of the visionary leaders and network with your peers. This is one of the biggest San Diego biotech events that you don''''t want to miss. Please visit http://www.sabpa.org for more details.
WHEN June 08, 2019 - June 08, 2019 @ 8:00am - 5:00pm WHERE Hilton San Diego/Del Mar, 15575 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar, CA REGISTER Register at https://member.sabpa.org/event.php?id=100012
18th San Diego BioPharma Conference & 8th Pacific Bio-Partnering SABPA Bio-Partnering is a great platform to explore opportunities in licensing, investment, fund raising and oth... Best,
SABPA ygao92130@yahoo.com |
BC Human Resources Service 留言于2019-05-20 12:34:11 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.12) |
The Barstow College District is excited to announce its recruitment for the following positions: ADMINISTRATIVE · Vice President, Academic Affairs · Vice President, Student Services · Vice President, Administrative Services FACULTY · Licensed Mental Health Counselor CLASSIFIED · Administrative Assistant, Academic Affairs · Custodian – 47.5% Fort Irwin If you are interested in this position, or would like to share this opportunity, please use the following link to access the posting. https://www.schooljobs.com/careers/barstowcc Sincerely,
Human Resources Service Barstow College rpalakiko@barstow.edu 760-252-2411 EXT. 7231 |
2019中国国际生物技术大会暨展览会 留言于2019-05-20 12:28:15 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.12) |
2019中国国际生物技术展览会(BIOTEC-CHINA 2019)立足生物技术全产业链,致力于搭建产业链上下游合作与贸易平台,行业专业信息的集散平台和行业学术、技术的交流平台。BIOTEC-CHINA 将在全球范围内邀请参展企业与参观观众,将为每一位参展企业与采购商提供拓展海内外市场与了解全球行业前沿成果的绝好机会,为生物技术领域产学研用不同单位在不同发展阶段寻找最合适的合作伙伴。 展会日期:2019年9月20-21日 中国泰州 医药城会展中心 开放时间(免费参观):上午9:30至下午5:30, 免费预登记。
同期大会:2019中国国际生物技术大会将于2019年9月20-21日中国泰州召开,本届大会将在全球范围内邀请生物技术和制药领导者聚集一堂,发现新的机会和有希望的合作伙伴关系。大会将汇集包括药物研发,生物制造,基因组学,生物燃料,纳米技术和细胞治疗等广泛的生命科学和应用领域。 如有兴趣在大会上面做报告,请尽快联系我们。 大会在将在以下领域征集大会报告:生物技术健康与医学应用 脑健康 转化医学研究 肿瘤 罕见疾病 个性化医学与诊断 下一代生物治疗 利用大数据推动生物医学创新 传染病与疫苗 数字健康 个性化医学与诊断 价值,患者访问和商业化 生物技术工业应用 生物燃料和可再生化学品 生物技术植物与环境应用 现代农业创新 全球市场的新机遇 知识产权 监管科学 商业发展与金融 关键跨学科问题 系统生物学与技术 诚邀医药医疗行业的企业家到医药城考察投资,联系电话 0086-13817254690 0086-21-80312776 Thanks & Best Regards,
BIOTEC-CHINA 2019 组委会 Mobile: 86-13817254690 Tel:86-21-80312776 E-mail:info@gmexpo.cn http://www.biotec-china.com/ |
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