Xilin Association 留言于2016-05-14 10:41:11 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2016 No.14) |
Summer Camp Program Registrations are now open! Please contact Sheila Chen at sheilachen@xilin.org
Avon Walk 2016 AVON 39 is a wonderful organization with a mission to end breast cancer. As a grateful beneficiary of this organization we wanted to take a minute to let our readers know more about the work they are doing. AVON 39 is a 39.3 mile walk that takes place in 7 cities across the country. They would love for you to join them! You can become a walker, volunteer or at least go out and cheer! If you join them on their walk you will see it isn't easy, but that's what makes it worth it. As you train to strengthen your body, as you raise funds to crush breast cancer, as you walk farther than you ever thought you could - you'll discover you have the power of 39. Join them on June 4th and 5th to help us CRUSH this disease. Register today: http://walk.avonfoundation.org/site/TR?fr_id=2483&pg=entry |
szd 留言于2016-05-14 10:32:49 |
评论:孙作东: 议“中国脑计划” |
中共中央颁布了《关于深化人才发展体制机制改革的意见》,《意见》中的关键词句,甫一看似曾相识,细品读别有深意。 “鼓励人才自主选择科研方向、组建科研团队,开展原创性基础研究和面向需求的应用研发”,“克服唯学历、唯职称、唯论文等倾向。不将论文等作为评价应用型人才的限制性条件”,“应用型人才评价应根据职业特点突出能力和业绩导向”,“畅通非公有制经济组织和社会组织人才申报参加职称评审渠道”,“畅通党政机关、企事业单位、社会各方面人才流动渠道”,“改革博士后制度”,“重视吸收民营企业育才引才用才经验做法”等等,党中央的“良苦用心”和习近平主席的 “寻觅人才求贤若渴,发现人才如获至宝,举荐人才不拘一格”的迫切之情跃然纸上。 长期以来,原有人才体制的设计确实存在不足,如习主席所讲“怪才、奇才,他们往往不走一般套路,有很多奇思妙想”,“对待特殊人才要有特殊政策,不要求全责备,不要论资排辈,不要都用一把尺子衡量”。
USAITA 留言于2016-05-13 13:44:10 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2016 No.14) |
High School Student Volunteers needed for USAITA summer camp USAITA, a nonprofit organization, is looking for helps for the summer camp programs organized by USAITA. High School Students age fifteen through eighteen (15 – 18) are very helpful members of our USAITA volunteer program. They are able to earn service hours which can be applied to school service requirements while they provide a valuable service to our 2016 summer camp programs. To be considered, high school volunteer candidates must have a comfortable command of the English language and desire to serve the community. Knowledge of science and technology isn’t required but a strong desire to inspire the innovator in everyone is necessary!
The overarching objective of volunteers is to encourage children to become creators, rather than consumers, of technology. This is achieved primarily through collaboration with the staff of USAITA (USA Chinese Information Technology Association) in the development and delivery of a range of interactive technology-based summer camp, workshops, using EV3 RobotC, Miduino and Arduino, in the Los Angeles Areas.
Major Roles & Responsibilities: Organize the application standard and the publicity materials for the SMART Technology Workshops, including poster/flyer design. Promote the project and actively recruit workshop applicants. Arrange and lead an introductory meeting for the applicants before the workshops. Introduce applicants with the concepts involved with EV3 RobotC, Microduino and/or Arduino, and inform them about the format of the workshops, what to expect etc. Liaise with the USAITA workshop teachers on class requirements. Keep them up to date with progress and inform them of any issues. Maintain regular communication with USAITA workshop staff members regarding daily workshop sessions and schedules for EV3 RobotC, Miduino and Arduino. Keep in touch with the applicants via email and Facebook to inform them about upcoming workshops and project activities. Be in regular contact with USAITA Leaders and Organizers Group.Create spreadsheets to track workshop attendance, homework status, volunteer hours, training attendance, workshop availability and groupings. Match volunteers into different applicant groups depending on availability. Organize a handover meeting for new USAITA volunteers. Actively uphold USAITA volunteers policies and procedures.
All volunteers will receive certified volunteering hours proof. They will receive ongoing support and guidance from USAITA staff. Volunteers will learn project management and technology by working alongside a designated USAITA staff member. If interested, please contact us at info@usaita.org with a brief bio of yourself attached. For our 2016 summer camp program details, please check our website at http://english.usaita.org/smart-technology-summer-camp/ |
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