Renwen Society 留言于2015-09-26 07:51:42 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2015 No.31) |
Guānhuà and Mandarin: Views of China's Informal Language - Standard in the Late Qīng Saturday, October 3, 2015 Time: 3:00 - 4:45 PM Come experience Prof. Richard VanNess Simmons, Chair of the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at Rutgers University. During Prof. Simmons anticipated lecture, he''''ll discuss Guānhuà and Mandarin in the late Qing period. His talk will look at various versions of Mandarin that were prevalent in the Qīng dynasty. He will describe how northern and southern forms of Mandarin were widely accepted in China in the 18th and 19th centuries, with both considered to be equally valid and both widely spoken (Lecture will be in English). This lecture will be held at Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038 (CIVIC W612). |
Ivan 留言于2015-09-25 14:41:55 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2015 No.30) |
你好, 我有幾個關於美國公民海外資產申報的問題,希望你們能夠幫忙夠答: 我父母從2008年移民到美國,但從08年開始到現在他們都沒有申報過在香港的資產, 包括股票,股息收入, 租金收入, 物業 etc. 他們現在想把香港的股票全部套現然後匯過來美國買樓. 但因此他們從沒申報過香港持有股票,所以他們想將香港賣股票套現的現金用來買現金支票,再給香港親戚cash out,然後由親戚的香港銀行帳戶匯去他們的美國帳戶. 想問如果這樣做會遇到FATCA / 洗錢問題嗎? 美國稅局又會調查嗎 ? 還有其他方法可以把香港賣股套現的錢匯到美國而不被美國稅局查嗎 ? 謝謝解答
yibo 留言于2015-09-25 06:35:16 |
评论:关于海外华人华侨退休权益的两会提案 |
90年前后出国时,你们还有用,政府有法有律,可以讲政府那时婉约也可以讲不作为,明知大家不回来不处理。如今,你们没用了,到了讲法的时候,小鞋正合适。政府可以没法,可以不守法,你不可以。工龄是劳动积累,这种处分合不合理没人和你讨论,这就是现政。勿说是一小部分,户籍政策坑害亿万人近60年,还不是知错不改。工龄为零的处理肯定不对,不知要到那一天。留学人员有此类问题,早期国内企业改革也出现大量此类问题,要论理,要有合理方式,现政问题多,改起来也不容易,大政府老赖行为颇重。 |
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