闽江学院 留言于2015-05-23 14:00:14 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2015 No.17) |
2015第四届机械、控制与电子信息国际会议(ICMCEI2015)于2015年6月27日至28日在闽江学院举办。会议文章将由ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers(美国机械工程师协会)出版并送Ei Compendex检索。优秀的文章将推荐发表在EI检索正刊上发表,部分优秀论文(扩展后)将选送到SCI杂志发表。ICMCEI会议历届文章均被EI检索,欢迎作者到EI检索数据库查询。 ICMCEI2015闽江学院承办信息 http://www.mju.edu.cn/html/dzx/xwdt/2014/12/31/c2f6ea54-7332-45e7-9531-e63a2688e78c.htm 大会主席: 狄俊安教授 闽江学院副校长 截稿时间:2015年5月31日 详情请登陆会议网站:http://www.icmcei.org/ 投稿邮箱:icmcei@163.com 联系电话:0591-83761627;13506983826 注:采用文章随到随审,先投稿先出版,7月份左右见刊 欢迎大家投稿。 相关主题:(建议主题但不限于如下方向) 机电一体化 机械设计 工程及自动化 制造工程 计算机科学与工程 电气工程 信息技术 电子工程 仪器仪表工程 工业工程学 机械工程 建筑工程 土木工程 化学工程 航空工程 生物医学工程 环境工程 纳米技术 遗传工程 材料与冶金工程及其应用 材料科学与工程 研究和分析的方法和建模 材料的制造和加工 材料性能的测量,方法和应用 CAD/CAM/CAE 计算机辅助工业设计 虚拟设计与可视化设计 智能化设计 先进制造技术 ICMCEI 组委会 |
社会科学与高等教育国际学术会议组委会 留言于2015-05-23 06:34:20 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2015 No.17) |
尊敬的老师:您好! 2015社会科学与高等教育国际学术会议将于2015年12月26-27日在美丽的三亚举办。会议旨在向国内外从事社会科学与教育的相关领域工作的专家学者、高校师生、科研人员等专业技术人员提供一个有深度、有广度的交流平台。会议文章需要全部英文撰写,会议收录的所有文章将全部保证ISTP-CPCI检索(因为学术道德问题不被检索的会务组不负责)。所有录用文章全部由Atlantis Press下期刊Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR) ISSN 2352-5398出版,刊物检索正常自己可查Web of Science 论文选题不限,鼓励选题方向:社会科学,经济,高等教育 宏观经济学;理论经济学;金融机构与市场;经济史;数量经济学;经济学理论;应用经济学;法律与经济学;经济学方法论;经济系统;国际经济学;金融经济学;公共经济学;自然资源经济学;货币经济学;企业管理和商务经济学;区域发展经济学;环境经济学;世界经济;文化与社会;社会与社会政策;城市化;农业现代化;国际事务;社会学;社会史;社会科学与创新;社会福利保障;成人教育;商业教育;教育发展的偶然因素;跨文化教育;跨学科教育;远程教育;教育政策与领导;教育管理;教育测量与评价;教育心理学;教育技术;平等的受教育机会;评估/绩效测量与评价;性别教育;全球教育体系;健康教育;高等教育;在全球背景下的国际教育;语言教育;自然科学教育;政策和教育;社会教育;特殊教育;教育和发展的相互关系;工程教育与培训;理论与工程教育实践;教育技术与管理;教育研究与发展;教育改革;教育质量保证;商业教学与教育;教育中的创新; 教育的其他领域 投稿截止时间:2015.6.10 详情请登陆会议网站:http://www.icsshe.org 投稿邮箱:icsshe@163.com Tel:+86-18689570865 投稿系统:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsshe2015 欢迎投稿! 2015社会科学与高等教育国际学术会议组委会
China Institute NY 留言于2015-05-23 06:31:13 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2015 No.17) |
JOIN US! - ESSENTIAL CHINESE FOR TRAVELERS Join us for a language workshop designed to introduce the essential Chinese for travelers (tourists, exchange students or business people, etc.) who are interested in learning to speak the basic Chinese for functional purposes. Participants will learn useful expressions for daily use such as greetings and proper terms of address, self-introduction, asking for directions, taking a taxi, shopping, and dining. They will also be introduced to Chinese culture to better understand and communicate in China. Saturday, June 6th 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM China Institute, 125 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065 Members: $75 Non-Members: $100 (Materials Included) For questions or to register by phone, please contact 212-744-8181 ext. 150 or by email at tfang@chinainstitute.org. |
Associated Student Government President 留言于2015-05-23 02:24:35 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2015 No.17) |
Good morning everyone, With the conclusion of this school year, I would like to thank all of you for the amazing support and guidance given to me this year. When I ran for ASG President last year, I never expected the level of respect and care this school has shown me. Through my position and mentorship by all who work here, I at twenty, have gained an exorbitant amount of work and social skills; knowledge I know will give me a competitive edge in my future endeavors. At times it was intimidating trying to keep up with those who had fancy degrees, years of knowledge, and a better understanding of “the good of the thing;” however, I soon realized their eagerness to share their knowledge with me, something I am extremely grateful for. It was difficult at times, and through the many ups and downs, I am proud to finish my term with majority of my personal goals met. As I leave BC for UC Irvine, I will never forget the memories I have made here. Thank you again for the wonderful year. I am so excited to watch you grow and flourish in the upcoming years.
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