San Diego Chinese Press 留言于2015-03-22 01:11:48 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2015 No.11) |
UCSD一研究生公寓凌晨发生枪案(图频) http://www.sandiegochinesepress.com/press/?p=149982 服务狗犬被杀 引起激烈反应(图频) http://www.sandiegochinesepress.com/press/?p=150081 洛杉矶中国城举办“海外华人看两会 http://www.sandiegochinesepress.com/press/?p=149935 十年老警当蛇头 失手败给X光(图频) http://www.sandiegochinesepress.com/press/?p=149927 列车与一女驾驶小轿车相撞(图频) http://www.sandiegochinesepress.com/press/?p=149871 为什么最近吃到违章停车罚单的人士纷纷获退款? http://www.sandiegochinesepress.com/press/?p=149637 兩大侨团邀请水墨繪畫艺术家吴毅 http://www.sandiegochinesepress.com/press/?p=149641 老人开车踩错板 一头撞进美容店(图) http://www.sandiegochinesepress.com/press/?p=149576
facpsu 留言于2015-03-20 14:04:56 |
评论:《即时通讯》周电—2015年第10期(3/6-3/11) |
2015中国行活动通知 项目:涵及生物医药,节能环保,新材料,先进装备制造,电子信息及现代服务业 时间:2015年4月21日-28日 地点:考察南京,嘉兴等地 报名截止期:2015年3月30日 (北京时间) 海外高层次人才项目代表团考察访问南京,嘉兴。代表团将组织安排涵及生物医药,节能环保,新材料,先进装备制造业,电子信息及现代服务业等领域 的一百多个高科技项目参加这次活动,希望能和国内的相关高新区,开发区,高科技园区,当地企业合作洽谈,找到合作共赢的机会。 这次活动将由各协会在各地统一收集报名申请表。报名截止期:3月30日。请报名人在截至日期前把填好的报名表后直接发送到 info@facpsu.org 如果申请人的项目被南京或者嘉兴选上并得到邀请,申请人将得到邀请城市组委会的部分国际/国内旅费补助,最后补助标准及实施细节以确认函为准。具体活动时间:嘉兴4月21-23日,南京4月23-25日。下载报名表(网站:http://www.facpsu.org/info.php?method=event&id=23
Sophie C Wong 留言于2015-03-20 11:21:20 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2015 No.10) |
TWO years ago Chick-fil-A made national headlines when company president Dan Cathy spoke out in support of traditional marriage. Liberals and gays came unglued and launched massive protests against the restaurant chain. Several mayors spoke out saying they would not allow any more Chick-fil-As to be built in their cities. They tried boycotting the Christian owned company, but that backfired. Instead, Chick-fil-A had a world record day with many locations selling out of food to the hundreds of thousands of supporters. Is it any surprise that the only news the liberal mainstream media has reported concerning Chick-fil-A has only been the negative? Remember last week when the ice storm hit the south? The mainstream media showed footage of miles of cars stranded on the frozen interstates. Several national news broadcasts that I saw reported about school kids trapped on busses for almost 24 hours because of all of the ice and parents going frantic wondering where their kids were. In all of the icy gloom and doom, I bet you didn’t hear about the heroic and generous actions of a Chick-fil-A along Highway 280 in Birmingham, Alabama, did you? Mark Meadows, owner of the Chick-fil-A closed early the day of the storm and sent all of his employees home. However, the employees and Meadows soon discovered that they were not going to be able to get home with all of the stranded motorists stuck on the roads. Some of the cars near the restaurant had been stranded for up to 7 hours. Audrey Pitt, manager of the Chick-fil-A described the conditions: “Our store is about a mile and a half from the interstate and it took me two hours to get there. It was a parking lot as far as I could see. At one point there were more people walking than driving.” Meadows and his employees fired up the kitchen and began preparing chicken sandwiches as fast as they could. They prepared several hundred sandwiches and then Meadows and his staff headed out and began distributing the hot meals to the stranded motorists on both sides of Highway 280. Some of the drivers tried to pay them for the sandwiches, but Meadows and his employees refused to take a single penny. Pitt explained why: “This company is based on taking care of people and loving people before you’re worried about money or profit. We were just trying to follow the model that we’ve all worked under for so long and the model that we’ve come to love. There was really nothing else we could have done but try to help people any way we could.” However, Meadows and Pitt were not through with their Good Samaritan efforts. They helped push cars off the roads, up inclines and whatever else they could do to help. Then they kept the restaurant open overnight so that stranded motorists could have a warm place to be. A number of motorists slept in booths or on the benches. Then in the morning, they again fired up the kitchen and prepared chicken biscuits for their overnight guests and once again they refused to accept any payment. During that 24 hour period, this Chick-fil-A restaurant opened their kitchen, their doors and their hearts to hundreds of stranded motorists and they did so refusing to accept any payment. As one source put it, Meadows and his staff lived up to the words Jesus spoke in Matthew 25:35 which states: “For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in…” Their actions were truly generous and heroic as they also braved the frigid temperatures to hand out hundreds of hot meals to complete strangers. An… |
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