紫金文创园 留言于2019-03-06 13:29:56 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.6) |
办公地点在公园 文化名人在身边 艺术大咖经常见 听起来是不是很诱人?
招聘: 有品位,文艺范 热爱艺术,喜欢看展 只要你满足以下条件 紫金文创园就能给你一个能学习,能实践,满足一切艺术、文学幻想的机会 园区介绍 紫金文创园公司成立于2016年3月,园区位于长江之畔,绿树环绕的滨江绿博园南门,建筑面积约4万平方米。园区主要承担服务入驻园区企业、承办重大赛事文化活动,致力于打造精品型文化创意产业园的功能定位。园区先后成功举办"紫金奖"文创大赛、中国江苏·扬子江作家周、"笔墨当随时代"——重走万里路·弘扬新金陵画派精神江苏美术采风系列活动、江苏省广场舞大赛、南京印社30周年篆刻展、"非标艺术"文创集市、江苏省部属企业职工书画摄影大赛、第七届九城艺术联展(南京站)等文化活动。 实习福利 给予适当补贴并提供午餐。 简历投递方式 zjwcyhr@163.com 简历投递网址 www.dawennet.com 文创艺术 与您相伴
地址:建邺区扬子江大道230号紫金文创园 电话:025-83125304 文创艺术 与您相伴
CTA/NEA 留言于2019-03-06 08:46:41 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.5) |
The 2019 CCA Spring Conference and WHO Awards onsite registration begins on Friday, April 26 at 3:00pm and concludes on Sunday, April 28 at 12:00pm.
As a part of the registration process, you will be required to make your own hotel reservations at the Hilton Irvine, Orange County Airport Hotel at the end of the process. The deadline to receive the special CCA rate of $125.00 (plus tax) per night for single or double occupancy is April 11, 2019.
Please note: there will be a full Council Session on Sunday. Delegates and Building Strong Locals (BSL) Academy participants must attend ALL sessions and sign in and out at Sunday's Council Session to be eligible for expense reimbursement. Please plan travel accordingly. CTA/NEA Phone: 916-288-4921 Email: ccaconference@cta.org Website: www.cca4us.org Learn more about conferences at www.CTAGo.org. |
CCC Confer 留言于2019-03-06 03:28:32 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.5) |
Welcome to Spring 2019!
As of January 1, 2019, CCC Confer has fully transitioned to ConferZoom for online meetings and classes, CCC Confer is no longer maintaining the former CCC Confer Blackboard system. This means that older CCC Confer archives and recordings will no longer be available after June 15, 2019.
Please review this important information about your past CCC Confer recordings and take appropriate action based on your needs: • Any archives or recordings remaining in your CCC Confer account will need to be converted using the ‘Publish!’ program if you would like to preserve them or use them in future classes. • Recordings that are not converted by June 15, 2019 will no longer be available. You can access the "Publsh!" program and instructions by visiting Blackboard Collaborate: https://help.blackboard.com/Collaborate/v12/Moderator/Blackboard_Collaborate_Publish
What this means if you have a 3CMedia account: • Please review your 3CMedia account recording files and compare it to the recordings that appear in your MyConfer account. • Recordings that appear in your MyConfer account but do not appear in your 3CMedia account can manually be converted by you using the ''Publish!'' program, you can upload the converted files to your 3CMedia account if you wish to preserve those recordings. What this means if you do not have a 3CMedia account: • Recordings in your MyConfer account that you wish to preserve can be manually converted by you using the ''Publish!'' program and stored in a location of your choice, including your own computer, YouTube, or other file storage. • You can create a 3CMedia account to upload and store these recordings by visiting www.3cmediasolutions.org . 3C Media Solutions accounts are available at no cost to CCC faculty and staff. Please let us know if you have questions.
CCC TechConnect Email: support@ccctechconnect.org Tel: 760-744-1150 ext. 1537 or 1554 |
常州大学人事处 留言于2019-03-06 02:49:15 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.5) |
希望本次人才引进工作得到您的帮助。 论坛链接:知否知否,常州大学诚邀您参加此论坛@海内外青年才俊
常州大学人事处 +86-519-86330618 cczu_rsc@126.com |
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies 留言于2019-03-05 07:52:34 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.5) |
END OF AN ERA: HOW CHINA’S AUTHORITARIAN REVIVAL IS UNDERMINING ITS RISE Thursday, March 7, 2019 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM UCLA Law Room 1357 Talk by Carl Minzner, Fordham University Please rsvp at bit.ly/UCLAChinaSeries_Minzner. Since the 1990s, Beijing''s leaders have firmly rejected any fundamental reform of their authoritarian one-party political system, even as a decades-long boom has reshaped China''s economy and society. On the surface, their efforts have been a success. Political turmoil has toppled former Communist East bloc regimes, internal unrest overtaken Middle East nations, and populist movements risen to challenge established Western democracies. China, in contrast, has appeared a relative haven of stability and growth. But as Carl Minzner shows, a closer look at China''s reform era reveals a different truth. Economic cleavages have widened; ideological polarization deepened. And China’s leaders are now progressively cannibalizing institutional norms and practices that have formed the bedrock of the regime’s stability since 1978. Technocratic rule is giving way to black-box purges; collective governance sliding back towards single-man rule. The post-1978 era of "reform and opening up" is ending. China is closing down. Uncertainty hangs in the air as a new future slouches towards Beijing to be born. End of an Era explains how China arrived at this dangerous turning point, and outlines the potential outcomes that could result. Carl Minzner is Professor of Law at Fordham University, and author of End of an Era (Oxford University Press, 2018) . He has written extensively on Chinese law and governance in both academic journals and the popular press, including op-eds appearing in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, and Christian Science Monitor. Prior to joining Fordham, he was an Associate Professor of Law at Washington University in St. Louis. In addition, he has served as Senior Counsel for the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, International Affairs Fellow for the Council on Foreign Relations, and Yale-China Legal Education Fellow at the Xibei Institute of Politics and Law in Xi'an, China. Carl Minzner''s book, End of an Era: How China''s Authoritarian Revival is Undermining Its Rise, is available to purchase here: https://www.amazon.com/End-Era-Authoritarian-Revival-Undermining/dp/0190672080.
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies 11381 Bunche Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095 Campus Mail Code: 148703 Tel: (310) 825-8683 Fax: (310) 206-3555 china@international.ucla.edu |
MR.L 留言于2019-03-04 09:17:38 |
评论:佛罗里达大学科学家大卫.威斯利:心脏可分泌救命荷尔蒙,启动自愈机制 |
佛罗里达大学科学家大卫.威斯利:心脏可分泌救命荷尔蒙,启动自愈机制 这篇文章有具体处处吗?谢谢
[答复] From Editor:
Cardiac hormones for the treatment of cancer. Four cardiac hormones, namely atrial natriuretic peptide, vessel dilator, kaliuretic peptide, and long-acting natriuretic peptide, reduce up to 97% of all cancer cells in vitro.
Cardiac hormones for the treatment of cancer. - NCBI https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23533248 by DL Vesely - 2013 - Cited by 12 - Related articles
Cardiac hormones for the treatment of cancer. Four cardiac hormones, namely atrial natriuretic peptide, vessel dilator, kaliuretic peptide, and long-acting natriuretic peptide, reduce up to 97% of all cancer cells in vitro.
Heart Peptide Hormones: Adjunct and Primary Treatments of Cancer. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27793890 by DL Vesely - 2016 - Cited by 5 - Related articles Heart Peptide Hormones: Adjunct and Primary Treatments of Cancer. Vesely DL(1). Author information: (1)Departments of Medicine, Molecular Pharmacology ...
Cardiac hormones for the treatment of cancer in: Endocrine-Related ... https://erc.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/erc/20/3/R113.xml by M Bullock - 2016 - Cited by 14 - Related articles Cardiac hormones for the treatment of cancer. Four cardiac hormones, namely atrial natriuretic peptide, vessel dilator, kaliuretic peptide, and long-acting natriuretic peptide, reduce up to 97% of all cancer cells in vitro.
Cardiac Hormones for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer | OMICS ... https://www.omicsonline.org/cardiac-hormones-for-the-treatment-of-prostate-cancer-1... Cardiac Hormones for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer. David L Vesely. Departments of Medicine, Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology
Scholars-Net |
JIAATS 留言于2019-03-03 22:39:37 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.5) |
JIAATS Journals is an initiative of JIAATS Publication. We are happy to introduce you the upgraded website for JIAATS Journal at www.jiaats.com.
Dear Conference Organizers, The JIAATS Journal welcome Conference papers to be published in our journals as special issues with nominal charges. Conference proceeding articles must be submitted at conference@jiaats.com For any query related to conference proceedings please contact us at conference@jiaats.com
We invite you to visit our updated website for find your article published and indexed in major indexing services. We provide online publication service of research papers, review articles, short notes, thesis and much more. Our journals follows the double-blind peer-review process for publication of high quality research. We offer to publish articles in different domains of engineering, science, agriculture, social science, medical science, humanities and much more. You can submit article online at https://www.jiaats.com/ Or you can mail your manuscript us at editor@jiaats.com
There is no last date for submission of articles as we publishes one issue every month, now you can send your article at any time. The review notification will be sent within 7 days after the successful submission of the article. If you face any difficulty in accessing our new portal or submission you can contact us at support@jiaats.com
Our Journal List Journal of Advance Research in Applied Science (ISSN: 2208-2352) Journal of Advance Research in Mathematics and Statistics (ISSN: 2208-2409) Journal of Advanced Research in Medical and Health science (ISSN :2208-2425) Journal of Advance Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN: 2208-2387) Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science & Engineering (ISSN: 2456-35 52) Journal of Advance Research in Pharmacy & Biological Science (ISSN: 2208-23602) Journal of Advance Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ISSN: 2208-2379) Journal of Advance Research in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (ISSN: 2208-2395) International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Literature (ISSN: 2208-2441) Journal of Advance Research in Business, Management and Accounting (ISSN : 2456-3544) Journal of Advance Research in Food, Agriculture and Environmental science (ISSN: 2208-2417 Regards
JIAATS Journal www.jiaats.com |
Teddy 留言于2019-03-03 01:01:47 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.5) |
微投基金-CTA策略研究员-招聘 工作地点:上海市浦东新区陆家嘴, 成都高新区华商金融中心 工作内容: 1、 开发股指期货、商品期货、期权CTA交易策略(趋势跟踪或者反转,日内高频均可) 2、 与资深大宗商品基本面专家协作增强商品期货交易策略 3、 参与股票高频策略研究 任职要求: 1、 积极主动、思维敏捷,能够熟练使用Python快速分析数据,构建策略模型 2、 熟悉基于Python的机器学习、人工智能模型 3、 具备良好的人际沟通能力,有团队意识 4、 喜欢快节奏、高强度、高回报的工作环境 5、 有高频交易经验者优先 公司福利(perks)举例: 1、 对标美国一流对冲基金的可观业绩提成比例(明确写进劳动合同) 2、 公积金7%,补充公积金5% 3、 多项投研补助:打车、洗衣、健身、通讯等 面试流程: Phone interview,on-site quant test,on-site programming test,group interview, partner interview 申请者简历请发:张莹匀(成都分公司) ,电邮:zhangyingyun@vtou.com
公司简介: 微投基金使用大数据和人工智能技术进行投资交易和风险管理,坚持不懈的提升公司的数据、系统和策略研发能力,追求规模性长期稳健绝对收益。 |
lljay 留言于2019-03-01 06:02:46 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.5) |
FYI: 美政府问责办公室发布关于孔子学院的调查报告
应新泽西州共和党众议员克里斯·史密斯(Chris Smith)和俄亥俄州共和党参议员罗伯·波特曼(Rob Portman)的要求,美国政府问责办公室(GAO)周三发布了一份有关中国政府资助的美国大学孔子学院的新报告。美国政府问责办公室采访了美国10所孔子学院的官员,公布了一些学校官员和研究人员对中国对孔子学院的影响表示严重关切的报告。这些关切包括: 中国政府资助的孔子学院可能会导致学术审查, 国家汉办影响着孔子学院的招聘程序, 有孔子学院的学校可能不愿举办一些旨在批判中国的主题活动,比如涉及西藏、台湾或天安门的活动。
报告说,截至2018年12月,美国共有96所高校开设了孔子学院,这些孔子学院部分由中国国家汉办资助和监管。国家汉办是中国教育部的一个项目,旨在与外国学校合作“推广中国语言和文化”。美国众议院全球人权小组委员会高级成员史密斯说:“美国政府问责公室证实,中国对例如台湾、西藏和天安门等敏感话题的审查,已经延伸到开办了孔子学院的美国学校。我们没有能够使中国更加尊重言论自由和学术自由,倒是中国正在将我们的大学推向自我审查和知识默许(self-censorship and intellectual acquiescence)。”
史密斯还说:“在中国政府的授意下,这些高校的孔子学院项目就相当于试图影响年轻人思想的学术恶意软件。令人遗憾的是,这是中国长期威权主义的一部分,试图乔装打扮影响毫无戒心的学生。正如报告所显示的,这些高校对学术审查存在着严肃、有理有据的关切。”史密斯曾主持过68场有关中国在包括美国在内的其它国家侵犯、影响人权的听证会。 他曾在上届国会起草法案,要求就“中国政府和共产党对美国的政治影响行动以及其他方面提交一份非保密的跨部门报告”。他将在本届国会重新提出该法案。 |
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