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CESASC Board 留言于2019-02-22 00:29:34
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.4)
Dear CESASC Members and Friends:
We cordially invite you to the CESASC's 57th Anniversary Annual Convention to be held on Sunday, April 14, 2019 at San Gabriel Hilton. This year's theme is "Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow" (可持续的明天), featuring innovative technologies for better sustainability. The convention daytime program starting at 11 a.m. includes Technical Symposium, Career Development and Leadership Training, Business Innovation Forum, and STEM workshop.
The lunchtime keynote speakers are:
Mr. Erik Takayesu, Vice president of Transmission, Substations and Operations, Southern California Edison (SCE)
Ms. Iris Wu, Ms. Iris Wu, Founder of Ambidio, member of “Asia's Top 50 Rising Tech Stars” and “40 Under 40”, and “Young Entertainment Professional” by Hollywood Professional Association
The Business Innovation Forum speakers include:
Dr. Gary Gao, Chairman/Co-Founder of Singlera Genomics.
Dr. Yuan Gao is an innovator of translational technologies for next generation sequencing, non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), DNA methylation sequencing, and digital information storage in DNA.
Dr. Yongchun Tang, President of Power, Environmental and Energy Research (PEER) Institute.
Dr. Wendy Hua, Ph.D., Managing Partner of Cybernaut US venture capital funds, with over 40 portfolio companies.
Dr. Hua has more than 10 years of entrepreneurial and investment experiences with focus on finance, technology and healthcare.
The convention evening program starting at 6pm includes dinner gala and award ceremony. It features,
Evening Keynote Speaker:
Ms. Mimi Aung, Project Manager of Mars 2020 Helicopter Project, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Achievement Award Recipients:
Dr. Jason Cong (丛京生), Distinguished Chancellor's Professor of Computer Science, Director of VAST Laboratory and Center for Domain-Specific Computing, UC Los Angeles, Member of National Academy of Engineering
Mr. Erik Takayesu, Vice President of Transmission, Substations and Operations, Southern California Edison (SCE), member of the IEEE Advisory Board of the Power and Engineering Society, and executive planning committee member for Western Energy Institute.
Dr. Carter Tseng (曾憲章), Chairman & CEO of Little Dragon Foundation, Co-Founder of Microtek (IPO 1988), Recipient of the'2008 Friendship Award' by the Chinese Government, Director of C100, Give to Asia, Monte Jade and ECO, Economic Advisor to city of Tianjin, Chengdu and Shenzhen.
Dr. Yitang Zhang (张益唐), Professor of Mathematics, UC Santa Barbara, Fellow of Academy Sinica, 2014 MacArthur Fellow
CESASC scholarship recipients, STEM essay contest winners and Arts-Tech Poster Contest winners will be recognized.
The dinner gala and award ceremony will be hosted by famous TV and radio hosts, Ms. Theresa Lin and Mr. 范守文: Catering Director of Manhattan Hotel Groups ( Hotel Menage~ Tru grits restaurant), Chairman of Chinese Restaurant Foundation
TV, Radio host/ Food Critic
Early-bird individual ticket sale is open online at http://cesasc.org/2019-convention-ticket-catalog. Table purchases can be registered at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1diwwxIhevaIOTqy8dQaBrlQvoqbEu2dn90RYYgQYwyo/edit?ts=5c3fc9fc. Reserve your seat now for this daylong extravaganza. Convention program will be posted soon on CESASC website, http://www.cesasc.org.
Look forward to celebrating with you on April 14, 2019!

NECINA 留言于2019-02-22 00:23:49
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.4)
Dear :
NECINA is hosting a series of tech forums this year and we will focus on discussing the applications and practices of some trending technologies in different domains and industries. On March 4th, we''''re honored to have our first presenter Minghua Li, chief architect from Hengtian, joining us to share his insights and experience on microservices framework design and a suite of tools for refactoring a single application system into a microservices system in minutes.

Microservices - also known as the microservice architecture enables the continuous delivery/deployment of large, complex applications. It enables an organization to evolve its technology stack. Microservices is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that are:
- Highly maintainable and testable,
- Loosely coupled,
- Independently deployable
- Organized around business capabilities

Date & Time: Mar 4, 2019, 6:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Language: Chinese (中文)
Registration: http://bit.ly/2Ii9Cpi
Meetup Location:
Cambridge Innovation Center, 3rd Floor, Room Botaga
1 Broadway, Cambridge, 02142
(pizza will be provided, starting from 6:00 pm, both the CIO and the Director of Engineering from Hengtian will join the discussion, please bring your ID to enter the building)

Webinar Access: Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +19294362866, 369743715# or +16699006833, 369743715#
Or Telephone:
Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 929 436 2866 or +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 369 743 715
International numbers available: http://zoom.us/u/abnbkUD2sx

CESASC 留言于2019-02-22 00:19:10
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.4)
Dear CESASC members and friends,
This is a reminder that the application for the following programs organized by CESASC are approaching to the deadline. Please act quickly. The recipients are to be invited to the CESASC Annual Convention on April 14, 2019.
1. 2019 CESASC Scholarship
The scholarship amount is about $1,000 each. All scholarship recipients are invited to the CESASC Annual Convention and network with professionals in the fields. Graduate student recipients may also be invited to present their research work at the CESASC Annual Convention. Each scholarship recipient will be paired up with a mentor who is a CESASC member. In the past nine years, CESASC gave away more than $80,000 in scholarships awarded to more than ninety excellent students. The 2019 Scholarship application information and FAQ files are attached for your convenience. More information and updates about CESASC and the Scholarship can be found at http://www.cesasc.org. All applications should be submitted online at http://cesasc.org/content/cesasc-scholarship-application by Feb.28th, 2019. Please refer to theFAQ file below for all the necessary details. If you have any further questions, please send email to: scholarship@cesasc.org.
Important Dates:
Feb. 28th, 2019 Deadline for the Application Submission
Mar. 25th, 2019 Announcement for the Scholarship Awardees
Apr. 14th, 2019 Award Ceremony at the CESASC 2019 Annual Convention in San Gabriel Hilton
Online Application Form: http://cesasc.org/content/cesasc-scholarship-application
Contact Us: scholarship@cesasc.org
Please help us notify your fellow students about this opportunity. We look forward to hearing from all of you.

2. 2019 CESASC -CFZH Arts-Tech Poster Contest
CESASC and Cultural Foundations of Zhendai He USA (CFZH) jointly launch an Arts-Tech Poster Contest. The contest is open to all undergraduate and graduate students and post-graduates within 2 years’ highest degrees. Students who study arts, architecture, design or related subjects are especially encouraged to participate. Each contestant is required to create a poster of 18” (wide) x 24” (height) integrating innovative technologies for sustainability and cultural and arts elements related to the Palace Museum (北京故宫) or Mogao Caves (敦煌莫高窟). Digital image of original products no less than 300 dpi can be submitted for review. Original products will be showcased at the 57th CESASC Annual Convention on April 14, 2019 at San Gabriel Hilton. Three prizes will be given based on excellence in creativity and artistry: 1st place $500, $2nd place $300, $3rd place $200.

The winners will be recognized at the CESASC 57th Annual Convention Evening Gala on April 14, 2019 in San Gabriel Hilton. Attendance at the convention is required for all winners. The winners will become members of the CFZH artists and be invited to participate in a number of charitable cultural activities organized by CFZH. CESASC and CFZH reserve the rights of using the winning designs in promotional materials for CESASC and CFZH activities throughout the year, including but not limited to T-shirts, bags, stationary and flyers. Submissions are open now till March 15, 2019. Winners will be notified by March 31, 2019. Poster showcase and award presentation will be held on April 14, 2019 at San Gabriel Hilton during the 57th CESASC Annual Convention. Please submit the image or pdf file of your design along with a resume to the Arts-Tech Poster Contest Committee at ArtsTechFusion@gmail.com.

SIMIODE 留言于2019-02-22 00:10:46
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.4)
SCUDEM IV 2019 - Seeking Host Sites
We are currently seeking local site host coordinators for SCUDEM IV 2019. SCUDEM–SIMIODE Challenge Using Differential Equations Modeling is a chance for teams of three students (undergraduate and high school) to select one of three problems for modeling (physics/engineering, chemistry/life science, or social science). Teams work on their problem at home school for a week and then come together at a local site (your school perhaps?) to share their results for meaningful and immediate feedback and awards. SCUDEM IV 2019 takes place on Challenge Saturday, 9 November 2019, at sites around the world. We invite you to be one of these local sites.
Please consider hosting SCUDEM IV 2019. This is a chance to bring bright young people to your campus, to serve as a supportive and fun growth catalyst for student interest in mathematics, to engage students in the art and science of mathematical modeling, and to increase student self-efficacy for modeling. SIMIODE provides ALL the materials for a successful Challenge Saturday – extra issue for students to consider on their model of choice, Faculty Development program to support modeling, MathBowl fun event for student teams, faculty constructive judging and awards for teams, and professional and personal fellowship. Sign up to be a local site host coordinator and be part of something special, as well as receive a stipend based on visiting team registration fees.
Visit SCUDEM site and see results from previous events – all problems, all student submissions, all MathBowls (fun questions and answers you can use with your Math Club or classes), and all Faculty Development programs. Then join us in supporting student growth in modeling with differential equations. Be sure to enjoy videos of students and faculty sharing their enthusiasm for SCUDEM. Also see our local site host coordinator Guide with complete details on hosting and how we at SIMIODE will provide EVERYTHING you need for a successful event. Then contact us at Director@simiode.org and let us know your school will host SCUDEM IV 2019 for Challenge Saturday, 9 November 2019, and we will put you on the list and map of the growing number of host schools.
Registration for SCUDEM IV 2019 runs 1 September 2019 through 25 October 2019, but we are asking you to sign up to be local site host coordinator now and keep in mind registration opens for your school''''s teams on 1 September 2019. SCUDEM is a powerful experience which has been shown to improve student self-efficacy in modeling.
If you have questions concerning SCUDEM or wish to serve as a host site local coordinator please contact us at Director@simiode.org.

SIMIODE has a presence at national (US) mathematics meetings, Workshops, Minicourses, MAA Contributed Paper Sessions, Social Gatherings, and AMS Special Sessions. At JMM we also sponsor a Gathering for SCUDEM - past and future participants. Join us at the meetings. Check the meeting schedules for events.
We thank you for your consideration.

SIMIODE 留言于2019-02-22 00:08:51
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.4)
SIMIODE, NSF Workshops, SCUDEM Invites
We write to you as a colleague in mathematics to share several offers for your consideration.

We introduce you to SIMIODE – Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and Opportunities with Differential Equations, a community at simiode.org in support of using modeling to motivate and teach differential equations, a pivotal STEM course.
All is FREE in SIMIODE. SIMIODE is a Community of Practice, a collegial source of hundreds of ideas and rich activities for doing modeling, while offering opportunities to meet and collaborate with colleagues of like mind. SIMIODE is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization which is funded by the National Science Foundation.

Browse our resources available at simiode.org for students and faculty. Join us and gain access to all our materials for teachers. Participate in our supportive Community of Practice. SIMIODE is FREE – NO COST! All materials at SIMIODE are available for use and modification in accordance with the most generous Creative Commons license. You can also contribute your own projects in our double-blind, peer-reviewed online publication at SIMIODE, as well as comment on other SIMIODE resources. If you know of a colleague who might be interested in our work then please pass this along. Thank you.

NSF Sponsored Developer (DEMARC) and Practitioner (MINDE) Workshops
Summer 2019 at George Fox University, Newberg Oregon USA
18-21 July 2019 4-Day Intensive SIMIODE Developer’s Workshop
Those with experience and ideas for writing differential equations modeling scenarios for classroom use are encouraged to apply. DEMARC (Differential Equations Model and Resource Creators) Fellows who are selected for this workshop are fully funded, including travel up to $600, room & board, and a stipend up to $600. Applicants are asked to provide evidence of successful modeling scenario development. The workshop will provide training and support for creating new modeling scenarios.
21-26 July 2019 5-Day SIMIODE Practitioners Workshop
Ideal for those who would like to learn more about how to foster a modeling-first approach in the classroom. Workshop includes hands-on demonstrations, group discussions, and activities facilitated by experienced faculty. MINDE (Model INstructors in Differential Equations) Fellows selected for this workshop have a $300 registration fee and are provided all materials and room and board for 5 days.
Complete information and application process here: DEMARC and MINDE

广西科技大学人事处 留言于2019-02-22 00:06:59
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.4)

中北大学信息商务学院人事处 留言于2019-02-22 00:04:40
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.4)
The Teaching Professor Conference 留言于2019-02-21 03:26:45
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.4)
Professional Development for Higher Education
The Teaching Professor Conference: 6/7-9 New Orleans
Maybe you’ve attended a conference or two where you’ve struggled to find enough interesting sessions to fill a day, or even a morning. You’ve left feeling there might have been better ways to spend your time—and your money. That won’t be an issue at the Teaching Professor Conference! At this three-day exploration of good pedagogy, there are so many tracks, filled with so many sessions, on so many issues of direct interest to educators like you, that the question won’t be “How can I fill my day?” but “How can I fit everything in?”

First, consider that there are not two or three, but 11 separate tracks at the conference, each focused on a topic critical to your classroom performance:
Learner-centered course design
Student engagement
Teaching specific types of students
Instructional Vitality: keeping instruction fresh
For new faculty
Grading and feedback
Scholarship of teaching and learning
Teaching with technology
Faculty development
Teaching health sciences majors
Teaching professional majors

Each track is filled with sessions that go both broad and deep, exploring the topic from a diversity of perspectives. Presenters are among the most respected educators in the country, and their presentations are selected carefully from among hundreds submitted. You’ll be delighted at how easy it is to customize each day to best support your professional growth and learning. In addition to the wealth of concurrent sessions, you’ll also enjoy fascinating plenary sessions, poster presentations, preconference workshops (if you choose), and 20-Minute Mentor sessions—new this year and featuring fast, focused examinations of specific classroom challenges.

You’ll find ample networking opportunities, as well, as you exchange experiences and ideas with colleagues from around the country at receptions, luncheons, continental breakfasts, and on the exhibit floor. Honestly, you’ll feel a bit like a kid in a candy store.
Your conference days will be rewarding and full—but not so full that you can’t get out and explore our fantastic host city of New Orleans. Whether your interests are cultural, musical, historical, or gastronomic, you’ll hardly round a corner in New Orleans without finding something new to marvel at.

Bottom line: At the Teaching Professor Conference, you’ll never be at a loss for something to do, something to learn, or something to think about. It’s one of the best professional-development opportunities—and values—anywhere. Register today, and enjoy significant savings off the regular conference fee—plus discount rates at our host hotel, the Sheraton New Orleans. We’ll see you at the conference!

New This Year! We’re introducing a series of “20-Minute Mentor” sessions. These fast, focused, and fun sessions each tackle a specific classroom challenge or issue, and provide you with a wealth of practical, ready-to-implement solutions. And yes, each presentation will take only 20 minutes! Visit the conference website to learn more!

Magna Publications
2718 Dryden Dr
Madison, WI 53704-3006
广西科技大学人事处 留言于2019-02-21 03:06:39
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.4)



IJRDO JOURNAL 留言于2019-02-20 13:08:35
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.4)

International Journal for Research in Social Science and Humanities is an open access journal and provide 12 issues in a year. IJRDO JOURNAL is the publisher of this journal and provides many other journals in other fields of research like engineering and technology, medical and pharmaceutical, agricultural research etc.
Submit at the email – editor@ijrdo.org
Contact for Conference editor@ijrdo.org
Deadline of Submission – none
Publication time – at the end of every month
To join our editorial board, or submit CV with current designation and institution at editor@ijrdo.org

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