teddy 留言于2019-02-11 22:33:54 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.4) |
工作地点:上海市浦东新区陆家嘴, 成都武侯区华商金融中心 工作内容: 1、 负责操作微投基金自动化交易系统进行测试交易;通过后,可负责实盘交易;2、 第一时间发现交易过程中的各种异常和风险隐患,调整参数控制风险; 3、 观察市场或者对手反应,提出改进和优化交易参数与逻辑的意见和建议; 4、 例行复盘每日交易,提出改进和优化交易参数与策略逻辑的意见和建议;
任职要求: 1、 积极主动,能够快速分析和解决问题 2、 思维敏捷,反应迅速,善于沟通 3、 具备良好的人际沟通能力,有团队意识 4、 喜欢快节奏、高强度、高回报的工作环境 5、 有高频交易经验者优先 6、 能够使用Python快速分析数据者优先
面试流程:Phone interview,on-site quant test,on-site programming test,group interview, partner interview 申请者简历请发:张莹匀(成都分公司) ,电邮:zhangyingyun@vtou.com
公司简介: 微投基金使用大数据和人工智能技术进行投资交易和风险管理,坚持不懈的提升公司的数据、系统和策略研发能力,追求规模性长期稳健绝对收益。 |
SICC 留言于2019-02-10 05:41:59 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.3) |
COMPLEX NETWORKS: THEORY, METHODS, AND APPLICATIONS (5th edition) Lake Como School of Advanced Studies Villa del Grumello, Como, Italy May 13-17, 2019 http://ntme.lakecomoschool.org/ *** DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: February 17, 2019 *** Many real systems can be modeled as networks, where the elements of the system are nodes and interactions between elements are edges. An even larger set of systems can be modeled using dynamical processes on networks, which are in turn affected by the dynamics. Networks thus represent the backbone of many complex systems, and their theoretical and computational analysis makes it possible to gain insights into numerous applications. Networks permeate almost every conceivable discipline---including sociology, transportation, economics and finance, biology, and myriad others---and the study of "network science" has thus become a crucial component of modern scientific education.
The school "Complex Networks: Theory, Methods, and Applications" offers a succinct education in network science. It is open to all aspiring scholars in any area of science or engineering who wish to study networks of any kind (whether theoretical or applied), and it is especially addressed to doctoral students and young postdoctoral scholars. The aim of the school is to deepen into both theoretical developments and applications in targeted fields.
LECTURERS --- IAIN COUZIN, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, and University of Konstanz --- TINA ELIASSI-RAD, Northeastern University --- SONIA KEFI, CNRS-Université de Montpellier --- VITO LATORA, Queen Mary University of London --- GIOVANNI PETRI, ISI Foundation, Turin
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE STEFANO BATTISTON, University of Zurich --- GINESTRA BIANCONI, Queen Mary University of London --- VITTORIA COLIZZA, INSERM and Sorbonne Université, Paris --- JAMES GLEESON, University of Limerick --- PETTER HOLME, Tokio Institute of Technology --- YAMIR MORENO, University of Zaragoza --- CARLO PICCARDI, Politecnico di Milano --- MASON A. PORTER, UCLA
PROGRAM Monday, 13 May, morning - The New Science of Networks (Latora) Monday, 13 May, afternoon - Network Geometry (Petri) Tuesday, 14 May, morning - Complex Networks with Many Layers (Latora) Tuesday, 14 May, afternoon - no lectures Wednesday, 15 May, morning - Topological Data Analysis (Petri) Wednesday, 15 May, afternoon - short talks by students Thursday, 16 May, morning - Machine Learning and Networks (Eliassi-Rad) Thursday, 16 May, afternoon - no lectures Friday, 17 May, morning - Ecological Networks (Kéfi) Friday, 17 May, afternoon - Animal Collective Behavior (Couzin) For more information and application: http://ntme.lakecomoschool.org/
Sponsored by CSS - Complex Systems Society https://cssociety.org SICC - Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity http://www.sicc-it.org
SICC - Societa'' Italiana Caos e Complessita'' e-mail info@sicc-it.org Web http://www.sicc-it.org |
China-U.S. Friendship Exchange 留言于2019-02-07 07:39:14 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.3) |
Dear Friend, Happy Chinese New Year! it is the Year of the Pig. Please click http://www.ChinaUSFriendship.com to read 1) 1) “America should worry about an existential threat, and it’s not China” by Vasilis Trigkas; 2) “US and China: From Co-Evolution to Decoupling - YALE GLOBAL ONLINE” by Vincent Ni. In the Music Section, we have “Mix - Chinese New Year Music - Full of Joy (Xi Yang Yang) 喜洋洋: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ojJsctMAqU&list=RD-ojJsctMAqU&start_radio=1&t=36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFRa-oI7NyU&list=RD-ojJsctMAqU&index=3 We thank you very much for your continued interest and support! If you do not wish to receive this monthly publication reminder, please feel free to contact us. 中文讀者請用鼠鍵點http://www.chinausfriendship.com/chinese/index.asp,即可阅讀此月的新論文:1) “ 美國也有東廠行為?” (作者 張一飛); 和2)“2019年外貿面臨三大挑戰” (作者 中評社) 。 我們歡迎您的意見和評論。如对此網站無興趣,請寫電郵告知。 謝謝! China-U.S. Friendship Exchange chinauslink3@yahoo.com
ijrdo.org 留言于2019-02-07 07:00:05 |
评论:《即时通讯》周电—2019年第2期(1/6-1/23) |
IJRDO Journal (https://ijrdo.org/)
IJRDO Journal announces its new platform OJS for submitting research paper for publication. OJS is an automated platform design by famous universities like Stanford, Oxford, Yale, Cambridge etc. to ensure the quality and standard of research. Herein we are inviting all researcher to submit their article at https://ijrdo.org/ online. If you face any difficulty in online submission you can also email us at: editor@ijrdo.org
Submission Last Date: 28th February Review Time: 7-8 Days Publication: 30th January
For any assistance feel free to contact us. Regards
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies 留言于2019-02-07 02:58:00 |
评论:《即时通讯》周电—2019年第2期(1/6-1/23) |
China's Belt and Road Initiative: Global Opportunity or Climate Disaster? Thursday, February 7, 2019 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM UCLA Law School Room 1357 Talk by Isabel Hilton, founder of the ChinaDialogue Please RSVP at bit.ly/UCLAChinaSeries_Hilton Lunch will be provided.
In 2013, President Xi Jinping launched the Belt and Road Initiative, an ambitious infrastructure project to create extensive transportation and energy links among China's neighbors in Asia and eventually Europe and South America. To date, more than 70 countries have formally signed on. The plan promises rapid industrial development in partner countries, but also risks unsustainable growth in greenhouse gas pollution and other negative impacts for public health and ecosystems.
Writer and Chine expert Isabel Hilton will discuss the implications of China's international development agenda for a range of environmental trends: global warming, air pollution, biodiversity loss, deep sea mining, overfishing, and more. Hilton addressed these issues in a recent article for Yale Environment 360.
Isabel Hilton is a London-based international journalist and broadcaster. She studied at the Beijing Foreign Language and Culture University and at Fudan University in Shanghai before taking up a career in written and broadcast journalism, working for The Sunday Times, The Independent, The Guardian, and the New Yorker. In 1992 she became a presenter of the BBC’s flagship news program, “The World Tonight,” then BBC Radio Three’s cultural program “Night Waves.” She is a columnist for The Guardian and her work has appeared in the Financial Times, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Granta, the New Statesman, El Pais, Index on Censorship, and many other publications. She is the author and co-auothor of several books and is founder and editor of chinadialogue.net, a non-profit, fully bilingual online publication based in London, Beijing, and Delhi that focuses on the environment and climate change. Hilton holds two honorary doctorates and was awarded the OBE for her work in raising environmental awareness in China.
Center for Chinese Studies, UCLA Law 11381 Bunche Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095 Campus Mail Code: 148703 Tel: (310) 825-8683 Fax: (310) 206-3555 china@international.ucla.edu |
EPH 留言于2019-02-07 02:45:19 |
评论:《即时通讯》周电—2019年第2期(1/6-1/23) |
Engineering Publication House https://ephjournal.com/ Call for paper: Call for Papers in Journals Upcoming Issue Paper Submission Last Date : 30 February 2019 Acceptance Notification : With in 1-2 days Manuscript Registration : Within 2-3 days after Review Feedback Manuscript Publication : With in 2-3 days after Receive Registration Fee and Copyright form Submit your paper to editor@ephjournal.com Ask your queries to info@ephjournal.com Conference organizers can mail to conference@ephjournal.com If any difficulty you can also submit to: editor@ephjournal.com Benefits • Very Easy paper publishing process. • Full Color soft Copy of full paper with Journal Cover Pages. • Open Access Journal Database for High visibility and promotion of your research work. • Inclusion in all Major Bibliographic open Journal Databases like Google Scholar , Thomson Reuters Researcher ID, Index Copernicus, Scribd , academia . An author can submit a paper for review for free. Only a small amount of fee is charged as Paper Processing Charges for publishing the paper in Green Publicaion journal. Any one of the submitting authors can pay this fee to get the paper published after the approval for acceptance. Following are certain guidelines which are to be followed before making the payment: Our Journal List EPH - International Journal of Applied Science ISSN: 2208-2182 EPH - International Journal of Educational Research ISSN: 2208-2205 EPH - International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics ISSN: 2208-221 EPH - International Journal of Science and Engineering: - ISSN: 2555 - 2016 EPH - International Journal of Medical and Health Science: - ISSN: 2556 - 6063 EPH - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science ISSN: 2208-2175 EPH - International Journal of Business & Management Science ISSN: 2208-2190 EPH - International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research: - ISSN: 2208-2158 EPH - International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Science: - ISSN: 2208-2166 To join our editorial board, or submit CV with current designation and institution at editor@ephjournal.com Regards EPH journal.
CSUN 留言于2019-02-07 01:58:05 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.3) |
Happy Chinese New Year! We have an excellent program to celebrate Chinese new year at our own Soraya! Here is the info on the February 20 Performance: https://www.csun.edu/mike-curb-arts-media-communication/music/events/csun-symphony-11
We wanted to invite you to the next CSUN Symphony Concert, which will feature, among other works, a World Premiere of "For the Chinese New Year" by the prize winning composer Pin Hsin Lin, as well as my performance of the Alexander Scriabin Piano Concerto, opus 20. The concert will take place on Wednesday, February 20, 7:30 PM at the Soraya (Valley) Performing Arts Center.
We would very much appreciate it if you could spread the news of this upcoming concert to the CSUN China Institute and the Chinese community at large. Thank you very much for your help in notifying your friends and colleagues of this performance! Yours,
Dmitry Rachmanov, DMA Professor, Chair of Keyboard Studies California State University, Northridge Artistic Director: American Liszt Society Festival 2016 Founding Member: Scriabin Society of America Steinway Artist |
LLJ 留言于2019-02-06 14:27:44 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.3) |
1.老头子给儿子买房子,去现场办理分期付款手续登记。 银行业务员说:“先生您是季付,还是月付”。 老头一听火了,说:“我他妈的不是继父,也不是岳父,我是……父亲”! 于是业务员就在申请表格上打钩了……一次付清。
2.医院走廊里一群人在等待尿检,每人手里都端着自己的尿样。 护士叫一个叫王尚举的患者,喊:王尚举!然后所有患者都把手里的尿样举高了一点。 护士又喊道:王尚举!.....然后患者们又把尿样举高了一点...... 护士还喊:王尚举!!! 然后所有患者都把尿样高高举起.. 这时王尚举意识到护士是在喊自己,便大声答:到! 然后所有的患者都把尿倒头上了。
3. 新来的护士妹妹打点滴技术差,护士长让她给一个熟睡的病人打针,她打了一针,偏了,看病人没醒,悄悄地拔出来重打,结果一针又一针,不知不觉从头打到脚... 就在妹妹香汗淋漓想再找位置打针时,病人一跃而起,咆哮着骂道:你特么真当我睡死了?从头扎到脚!” 妹妹落荒而逃。 第二天上班,被叫到院长室,院长激动地握着护士妹妹手说:“谢谢,太谢谢了,你真TM牛逼,8年的植物人被你扎醒了!
新的一年到了,祝大家开心快乐每一天! |
B.Z. Zhao 留言于2019-02-03 05:50:31 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.2) |
DDD: 昨日的東芝,今天的華為! 卅年前,日本東芝出口精密儀器到俄羅斯....... 美国对东芝集团做出了以下几个懲罰 一:着令日本警视厅逮捕日本东芝机械铸造部长林隆二和机床事业部部长谷村弘明,并处以10年有期徒刑 二:是关闭东芝在美工廠 三:是对打东芝销往美国的产品征收100%的關稅 四是:作为前一条的代替性惩罚措施,五年内禁止东芝对美国出口 五是:向东芝征收巨额1万亿日元巨额罚款,相当于今天的160亿美元 當年.......东芝是日本科技产业的希望,也是日本制造的希望和支柱,在遭遇美国沉重打击后,彻底走向了下坡路。 美国打击东芝当然不是因为其向苏联出售了设备,而是因为其影响了美国的利益 美国认为,以东芝集团为代表的日本半导体产业严重威胁到美国的经济利益,同时日本高端制造业计划威胁到美国,挑战美国的技术霸权。 回顧下30多年前,日本东芝的经历,再看看美国今天的做法,确实有很多相似之处。美国根本不允许其高端制造业遭遇挑战,更不允许技术霸权遭遇挑战,美国希望其他国家都是美国的打工仔,绝对不允许他国成为美国利益的分享者。 为了平息美国的怒火,日本对东芝集团做出了严厉处罚: 一是日本半导体产业将无条件的与美国公司共享技术; 二是东芝斥资1亿日元在全美所有主流报社上整版刊登谢罪广告; 三是由日本半导体协会出资900万美元,发动各种关系在美国国会进行游说,而这场游说也成为历史上代价最大的游说战; 四是东芝集团董事长与总经理双双引咎辞职; 五是由通产省下发行政命令,禁止东芝向14个国家出口任何产品,禁令期限为一年。 美国是日本的主子,日本只能切腹谢罪,从此导致日本东芝渐渐失去了往昔的光环。 美帝已经露出獠牙,丢掉幻想,准备战斗吧! 我们不好战,但也决不能怯战,战场说穿了就是以命相搏,狭路相逢,勇者胜。 居安思危,丛林法则,只有强者才能立于不败!强国先强军,强军方可富国,国富国强,才有民安! 我们必须团结起来,所有人抛弃偏见,共同努力,强大自己,只有这样才能确保平安,确保尊严。 人不犯我,我不犯人,人若犯我,我必犯人。 美国对中国打压越狠,中国的反弹也越强。相信中华民族的崛起是谁也遏制不了的。 |
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