BarstowCollege 留言于2019-01-31 08:15:29 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.2) |
Hello, Please review the link below and forward to anyone interested in applying. The current job vacancies with Barstow Community College are: CLASSIFIED Secretary - EOPS
CERTIFICATED Chemistry Instructor – Tenure Track Math Instructor – Tenure Track Welding Instructor – Tenure Track
SHORT-TERM PROJECT Driver - Athletics
Visit https://www.schooljobs.com/careers/barstowcc to apply. Sincerely,
Human Resources BarstowCollege rpalakiko@barstow.edu 760-252-2411 EXT. 7231
class=green>FDA > 留言于2019-01-31 07:08:42 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.2) |
Recently Approved Devices The FDA has recently approved the following devices to be marketed.
Valiant Navion Thoracic Stent Graft System - P100040/S036 The Valiant Navion Thoracic Stent Graft System is an implantable stent graft (a fabric tube supported by a metal framework) intended to repair lesions in the descending thoracic aorta (large artery in the chest) through a small cut in the groin (area between the abdomen and thigh on either side of the body) without the need for a big cut in the chest. Some of these lesions include aneurysms, transections, and dissections.
GORE® Carotid Stent – P180010 The GORE® Carotid Stent is used to re-open narrowed regions of the carotid arteries in the neck which supply blood to the brain. The implant consists of a self-expanding stent mounted on a delivery catheter system. The stent is made of a nickel-titanium alloy (nitinol) tubing, laser-cut into a mesh shape, with an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) lattice attached to its outer surface. The delivery catheter is a long, thin, tube-like device used to deliver the stent into the artery.
INCRAFT® AAA Stent Graft System - P150002 The INCRAFT® AAA Stent Graft System is a multi-component system that consists of permanent implantable flexible fabric tubes each supported by a metal framework (stent graft), and a long thin tube used to place the stent graft (delivery catheter). The device is used to repair a weakened and bulging section (aneurysm) of the aorta (largest artery in the abdomen) below the renal arteries (infrarenal abdominal aorta).
VASCADE® MVP Venous Vascular Closure System (VVCS) - P120016/S024 The VASCADE MVP VVCS is a system designed to close puncture sites in large vessels in the leg (femoral vein) following catheterization procedures. Catheterization procedures are commonly used to observe a disease or treat a disease/condition in blood vessels or in the heart. The system is comprised of a collagen patch and a long thin tube used to place the patch (delivery catheter).
Pipeline Flex Embolization Device - P100018/S015 The Pipeline Flex Embolization Device is a permanent mesh cylinder (stent) braided from platinum and tungsten and cobalt-chromium-nickel alloy wires intended for the treatment of brain aneurysms that bulge or balloon out the sides of the blood vessel (wide-neck and fusiform). The Pipeline Flex also includes a guidewire-based delivery system used to place the implant inside the patient.
Resolute Onyx Zotarolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System - P160043/S012 The Resolute Onyx Zotarolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System is a drug-coated device that contains two components: the stent and the catheter delivery system with a balloon that will inflate to deploy the stent. The stent is placed into a blood vessel (coronary artery) supplying blood to the heart and helps to keep the coronary artery open. The current approval expands the indications for use to include treatment of a blocked coronary artery (chronic total occlusion).
LIFEPAK® CR2 Defibrillator - P170018 Physio-Control''''s LIFEPAK® CR2 Defibrillator (including the QUICK-STEP Pacing/ECG Defibrillation Electrodes, the LIFEPAK CR2 Lithium Battery, and cprCOACH Feedback™ Technology) is a portable, battery operated, public access automatic external defibrillator (AED). The defibrillator is used to treat people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) a medical condition in which the heart suddently and… |
BZS 留言于2019-01-31 01:45:34 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.2) |
至少在可以预见的未来,华为面临的不会是飓风,可以把问题丢给律师,检查官去和陪审团去处理。这象是虽然置身于暴风眼之中,却有了平静。 |
Iceland 留言于2019-01-30 14:45:57 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.2) |
昨天,美国三部一局召开联合新闻发布会,引渡、起诉、法院传票同时下达,这在美国司法史上实属罕见,这在中美关系史上也是前所未有。至于是什么原因走到了今天这个地步暂且不提,就刘鹤访美下飞机前演了这场大戏而言就足以证明;“经贸谈判“就是一场大戏,真应了红楼梦里的那句“你方唱罢我登场” 。去年底今年初,中美之间发生了很多事件,全部事件沙盘推演回放可以看出;美国的每一步棋都是精准到位,误差甚小,前一个原因与后一个结果紧密伴随,滴水不漏地把谈判对手一步步带进沟里。不能不承认,美国了解中国比中国了解美国更深透,美国对中国的灵魂深处摸得透彻见底。反观中国,没有一个黄头毛蓝眼睛的人是中国高层智囊团的成员,也就是说;华人在美国的“汉奸”成堆成山,帮着出“馊主意“的门庭若市。恰恰相反,帮着北京出主意的就只有一个“中国人民的老朋友基辛格“,而且他老人家还在关键时刻撩挑子,并且阴阳怪气地说出了“中美关系再也回不到从前了”,阁下一句狠话后扬长而去。更令人悲痛欲绝的是;加拿大老夫麦家廉还没给中国出昏招,只是说了一句心里话就立马被拉出去给“毙了”。可见这个世界多么如此之叫人伤心💔绝情,不公平的棋局如同夜空凡星,不明事理的行为如同豪赌狂欢。劝告一小部分美国人:美国不是你的,美国是美国人民的!劝告川普:不要在国际社会撒野放粗!中美关系不能由华尔街利益集团说了算!两国人民的利益高于华尔街的利益¥! |
Pacific Northwest Cultural Exchange Council 留言于2019-01-29 07:49:55 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.2) |
Pacific NW Cultural Exchange Council & Bayshore Symphony Orchestra 2019 Spring Concert Skagit Valley College Student Choir Conductor Chip Bergeron
February 23, 2019@ 7:30 pm St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 415 S. 18th St., Mount Vernon
February 24, 2019 @ 3:00 pm Central Lutheran Church 925 N. Forest St., Bellingham First Half 上半场 – Mozart •Marriage of Figaro Overture – Carl Maria von Weber (orch. by Berlioz) •Invitation to the Dance from der Freischutz – Dukas •The Sorcerer’s Apprentice – Bach •Brandenburg Concerto #1
Second Half 下半场 – Austin Huang •“My Motherland” for Soprano, Choir and Orchestra 花腔女高音与合唱《祖国,我亲亲的母亲》- Pei Wang 王佩 •“Qinyuanchun Snow” for Tenor, Choir & Orchestra 男高音与合唱《沁园春-雪》- Frank Li 李越 •”Joy & Prosper“ Overture for tenor and soprano with Choir 序曲《龙腾虎跃》- 交响二人转 - Yi Qu & John Zhang 曲艺和张学滨 •“Huamei” Suona Solo (re-arr. by Austin Huang) 唢呐与乐队《画媚》- Zhongxi Wu 吴忠喜 Pacific Northwest Cultural Exchange Council 10129 Main St 201, Bellevue, Washington 98004 info@pnwcec.org |
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies 留言于2019-01-29 07:36:51 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.2) |
The Story of the Stone and the visual culture of the Manchu Court 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM, Thursday, January 31, 2019 Bunche Hall 10383, UCLA Talk by Wei Shang, Columbia University This talk addresses The Story of the Stone (otherwise known as Dream of the Red Chamber, Honglou meng 紅樓夢), authored by Cao Xueqin (ca. 1715--ca. 1763). In this talk, Shang will focus on the novel’s explicit and implicit references to paintings, including an illusionistic painting and an ambitious project undertaken by Xichun to capture a panorama of the garden in one gigantic painting. More specifically, he emphasizes the impulse of the novel to incorporate into its narrative the popular motifs of the contemporaneous paintings, including the paintings executed by the Jesuit painters employed by the imperial court. Reading the novel from this perspective highlights issues of enormous importance for the comprehension of the cultural dynamics of the time that in return participate in shaping the novel itself: the dialectics of reality and illusion, the mutual fertilization of media and technology, and the constant negotiations between the written and graphic media and between the Chinese and European cultures.
A Front-Row Seat: Perspectives of an American Academic in Beijing 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM, Friday, February 01, 2019 Entrepreneurs Hall, UCLA Anderson School Room C315 China and Beyond Forum with Michael Powers RSVP: china@international.ucla.edu Michael R. Powers is the Zurich Insurance Group Professor of Finance at Tsinghua University’s School of Economics and Management, and holds a joint appointment as Professor of Economics and Business at Tsinghua’s Schwarzman College. Prof. Powers will talk about his experience as a guest business/economics commentator for China Radio International. In addition to giving his thoughts on the current "trade war," he will offer some broader perspectives on China's emergence as a world power, and the U.S. reaction.
Imperial Chinese Literature and Culture Workshop 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Saturday, February 02, 2019 Bunche Hall 10383, UCLA-NTNU Taiwan Studies Initiative Conference RSVP: china@international.ucla.edu *Limited to only faculty and students The UCLA Center for Chinese Studies will be hosting one-day workshop on imperial Chinese literature and culture on Saturday, February 2, 2019. The workshop will feature presentations by graduate students engaged in a variety of projects on imperial Chinese literature and culture. The students selected for participation in the workshop will present their works-in-progress, which will receive comments by three guest scholars and workshop participants. We have invited three eminent scholars to comment on papers in the workshop: Maram Epstein, who is engaged in research on Ming-Qing novels, gender, and most recently ritual, the body, and representation of self; Martin W. Huang, a specialist in the cultural and literary histories of late imperial China, gender, and memory; and Wei Shang, known for his pioneering work in the fields of pre-modern Chinese literature, print culture, and intellectual history. Every presentation will be 10 minutes. Presentations will be followed by 30 minutes of commentary and 20 minutes of general discussion.
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies 11381 Bunche Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095 Tel: (310) 825-8683 Fax: (310) 206-3555 china@international.ucla.edu |
Barstow College 留言于2019-01-29 07:22:21 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.2) |
Hello, Please review the link below and forward to anyone interested in applying. The current job vacancies with Barstow College are:
CERTIFICATED Chemistry Instructor – Tenure Track Math Instructor – Tenure Track Welding Instructor – Tenure Track Visit https://www.schooljobs.com/careers/barstowcc to apply. Sincerely,
Human Resources Barstow College rpalakiko@barstow.edu 760-252-2411 EXT. 7231
CESASC 留言于2019-01-29 07:10:15 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.2) |
Dear CESASC members and friends, To promote the fusion of arts and science/technology, the Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC) and Cultural Foundations of Zhendai He USA (CFZH) jointly launch an Arts-Tech Poster Contest. The contest is open to all undergraduate and graduate students and post-graduates within 2 years’ highest degrees. Students who study arts, architecture, design or related subjects are especially encouraged to participate. Each contestant is required to create a poster of 18” (wide) x 24” (height) integrating innovative technologies for sustainability and cultural and arts elements related to the Palace Museum (北京故宫) or Mogao Caves (敦煌莫高窟). Digital image of original products no less than 300 dpi can be submitted for review. Original products will be showcased at the 57th CESASC Annual Convention on April 14, 2019 at San Gabriel Hilton. Three prizes will be given based on excellence in creativity and artistry: 1st place $500, $2nd place $300, $3rd place $200. The winners will be recognized at the CESASC 57th Annual Convention Evening Gala on April 14, 2019 in San Gabriel Hilton. Attendance at the convention is required for all winners. The winners will become members of the CFZH artists and be invited to participate in a number of charitable cultural activities organized by CFZH. CESASC and CFZH reserve the rights of using the winning designs in promotional materials for CESASC and CFZH activities throughout the year, including but not limited to T-shirts, bags, stationary and flyers. Submissions are open now till March 15, 2019. Winners will be notified by March 31, 2019. Poster showcase and award presentation will be held on April 14, 2019 at San Gabriel Hilton during the 57th CESASC Annual Convention. Please submit the image or pdf file of your design along with a resume to the Arts-Tech Poster Contest Committee at ArtsTechFusion@gmail.com.
硅谷燃点 留言于2019-01-25 22:48:36 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.2) |
《燃点》观影活动暨《硅谷燃点》主角招募启动仪式 浏览 1561 收藏 102 1月30日 Wed 15:30-18:00 上海虹口西江湾路388号凯德龙之梦F6金逸影城(上海龙之梦IMAX店) ¥0-¥500 元 跨境天使 跨境天使
跨境天使(AngelsGlobal,简称AG)于2014年8月在美国诞生,拥有硅谷和上海办公室,已覆盖全球各地,致力于国际科创项目在中国一站式引进落地、产业对接、投资孵化。旗下拥有硅航资本(与戈壁创投联合管理硅航戈壁基金)。跨境天使还拥有“创直播”,与英翼传媒签约战略合作,创业实战,上“创直播”! 粉丝 3828 活动 74 +关注 主办方小站 收藏 立即报名 活动 创业,为了什么? 是为了燃烧自己获得精神的满足?还是有朝一日成为独角兽? 你是否也有一个“改变世界”的IDEA,见过凌晨四点的街头,是否也曾怀疑过自己,不堪一击想要重新回到舒适圈?
你过往的努力和辛苦,《燃点》没有机会见证, 但是,你未来的艰辛与荣耀,创直播必将生死相随!
你就是我们在找的《硅谷燃点》主角! 微信图片_20190124203555.jpg
连接硅谷——创投圈年末盛事 100+分钟电影观看 60+分钟零距离投资人、知名企业家互动 10+分钟创直播X PPTV大动作官宣仪式 20+媒体倾力支持
创直播将在现场和PPTV联手推出跨年度54集《硅谷燃点》系列纪录片,活动得到MBA club、云享客、活动行等伙伴现场协办,同时邀请你一起见证,而且可能入选我们的纪录片主角!多位圈内知名投资人及创业先锋也已确认作为首批主角,将到现场见证这一历史性时刻,与大家零距离交流创业心得!
会议议程: 15:00-15:30 签到 欢迎辞 15:30-17:07 观看电影 17:15 互动 17:15-17:20 主持人登场,开场语后开始介绍今天到场的嘉宾 17:20-17:40 圆桌沙龙1:主题:《燃点》观后 17:40-18:00 圆桌沙龙2:主题:硅谷创新创业及其对中国的借鉴 18:00-18:05 介绍《硅谷燃点》系列纪录片,播放宣传片 18:05-18:10 创直播及协办方代表与所有VIP一起上台,启动第二批主演招募 18:10 活动结束,全场合影
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