We will hire about 30 undergraduate math majors and math graduate students to work as Ross Counselors next summer. Please announce those job opportunities to students in your Department. The Ross Mathematics Program is a residential summer program for high school students who are deeply interested in mathematics. This Program has two sites, one for 6 weeks in Columbus, Ohio, the other for 5 weeks in Zhenjiang, China. (All classes are held in English.) At Ross, high school students take an intensive course in Number Theory, involving challenging daily problem sets. Those students are supervised and mentored by Counselors. Those Counselors grade papers, provide advice on problem solving and proof-writing, participate in more advanced math classes, and have opportunities to present their own informal math lectures. For further information about Ross Counselor jobs, visit https://rossprogram.org/counselors/. Learn about Ross Counselor jobs Please forward this message to others who might be interested. Sincerely,
Ross Mathematics Program.