SICC - Societa'''' Italiana Caos e Complessita'''' 留言于2018-12-12 10:11:55 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.32) |
Spring School COMPLEX NETWORKS: THEORY, METHODS, AND APPLICATIONS (5th edition) Lake Como School of Advanced Studies Villa del Grumello, Como, Italy May 13-17, 2019 http://ntme.lakecomoschool.org/ DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: February 17, 2019
Many real systems can be modeled as networks, where the elements of the system are nodes and interactions between elements are edges. An even larger set of systems can be modeled using dynamical processes on networks, which are in turn affected by the dynamics. Networks thus represent the backbone of many complex systems, and their theoretical and computational analysis makes it possible to gain insights into numerous applications. Networks permeate almost every conceivable discipline---including sociology, transportation, economics and finance, biology, and myriad others---and the study of "network science" has thus become a crucial component of modern scientific education. The school "Complex Networks: Theory, Methods, and Applications" offers a succinct education in network science. It is open to all aspiring scholars in any area of science or engineering who wish to study networks of any kind (whether theoretical or applied), and it is especially addressed to doctoral students and young postdoctoral scholars. The aim of the school is to deepen into both theoretical developments and applications in targeted fields. LECTURERS --- IAIN COUZIN, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, and University of Konstanz --- TINA ELIASSI-RAD, Northeastern University --- SONIA KEFI, CNRS-Université de Montpellier --- VITO LATORA, Queen Mary University of London --- GIOVANNI PETRI, ISI Foundation, Turin ORGANIZING COMMITTEE STEFANO BATTISTON, University of Zurich --- GINESTRA BIANCONI, Queen Mary University of London --- VITTORIA COLIZZA, Inserm & Université Pierre et Marie Curie and ISI Foundation --- JAMES GLEESON, University of Limerick --- PETTER HOLME, Tokio Institute of Technology --- YAMIR MORENO, University of Zaragoza --- CARLO PICCARDI, Politecnico di Milano --- MASON A. PORTER, UCLA PROGRAM Monday, 13 May, morning - Introduction to Complex Networks (Latora) Monday, 13 May, afternoon - Network Geometry (Petri) Tuesday, 14 May, morning - Complex Networks with Many Layers (Latora) Tuesday, 14 May, afternoon - no lectures Wednesday, 15 May, morning - Topological Data Analysis (Petri) Wednesday, 15 May, afternoon - short talks by students Thursday, 16 May, morning - Machine Learning and Networks (Eliassi-Rad) Thursday, 16 May, afternoon - no lectures Friday, 17 May, morning - Ecological Networks (Kéfi) Friday, 17 May, afternoon - Animal Collective Behavior (Couzin) For more information and application: http://ntme.lakecomoschool.org/ |
P.C. 留言于2018-12-11 12:27:12 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.32) |
1. 几点不解:一、中加关系近年顺畅,此事与加一点关系没有,为何加要冲在前面;二、孟开车由美进入加,美方为何不在自己境内解决;三、美申请拘留,首先需加外长批准,此时尚未进入司法程序,拦住是最佳时机,为何失去;四、加美近年经济摩擦不断,本国经济亦不景气,中国已经是加拿大第二大出口目的地和第二大的进口来源地。不怕两国关系严重受损吗?
2. 中国政府的强硬立场也有作用,如果加拿大经济受损,国民感到不当,舆论认为不对,法官的判断就不会固执己见。民主国家的"民主"是民意为基础。可是,孟晚舟被逮捕这个案件,主要还是政治操作。在美国制裁伊朗期间,日本和澳洲没有停过跟伊朗做生意,美国只是闭一只眼瞪一只眼,为什么?以为美国不怕这几个小鬼作乱。至于加拿大,政府内阁大多数是"嘴上无毛"的新鲜肉,经历见识有限,让美国玩弄利用了。孟晚舟在美国时美国不抓,等入境加拿大时要加拿大逮捕,实是高招,挑拨了原来相当友好的中加关系,又达到抓人的目的。照惯例,抓人的事美国必须先通知加拿大外交部,可惜加拿大外交部都是菜鸟,加上有讨好美国的心理因素,就不顾后果的衝冲锋在前了。 |
上海市欧美同学会 留言于2018-12-11 10:23:58 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.32) |
海归人才专场招聘会下周日举行! 12月16日(周日)9:30-11:30,在南昌路57号科学会堂一楼国际会议厅将召开2018海归人才专场招聘会。参展企业包括华为、思科、沃尔沃等。应聘者请于12月14日前,发送“姓名+手机 +邮箱+留学国家+毕业学校+所学专业+最高学历/学位”至career@china-sorsa.org报名。50余家国内外知名企业(高校)参会,行业覆盖面广泛,包括人工智能、生物医药、新能源新材料、银行金融、现代服务、航空航天、动漫娱乐等领域;提供约四百个各类职位,包括管培生、领域专家、部门经理、总监、副总裁和高校教师、教授、特聘研究员、拔尖人才、领军人才等。活动现场还设有职场指导、海外人才就业落户政策咨询等服务,感兴趣的海归英才们,请于12月14日前报名。
参展企业(排名不分先后,持续更新中) 华为 思科 沃尔沃 本特勒 台积电 普华永道 渣打银行 星展银行 安永华明会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙)上海分所 中国航发商发 锦江集团 长江联合集团 华谊集团 沪工集团 微创医疗 合全药物 寒武纪 上汽安吉物流 锦天城律师事务所 新日铁住金软件 AW汽车 红星美凯龙家居 东渡国际 晨光文具 高顿教育 英孚教育 51offer 平和学校 上海探骊 紫越网络科技 浦东科技金融服务联合会 华东理工大学 上海大学 上海理工大学 上海应用技术大学 …… |
CESASC 留言于2018-12-11 07:45:20 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.32) |
Dear CESASC members and friends, Once again, the 2019 CESASC Scholarship is now open for application. Please support us to forward the below information to eligible candidates, i.e., Sophomores and above or graduate students in a university or college are eligible. Students from non-Chinese descent and applicants from non- science/engineering majors are also welcome to apply. Important Dates: Feb. 28th, 2019 Deadline for the Application Submission Mar. 25th, 2019 Announcement for the Scholarship Awardees Apr. 14th, 2019 Award Ceremony at the CESASC 2019 Annual Convention in San Gabriel Hilton Online Application Form: http://cesasc.org/content/cesasc-scholarship-application Contact Us: scholarship@cesasc.org The 2019 Scholarship application information and FAQ files are attached for your convenience. More information and updates about CESASC and the Scholarship can be found at http://www.cesasc.org. All applications should be submitted online athttp://cesasc.org/content/cesasc-scholarship-application by Feb.28th, 2019. Please refer to theFAQ file below for all the necessary details. If you have any further questions, please send email to: scholarship@cesasc.org.
FAQ: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/696410acf31e284fff5f69fbb/files/40bf4cf9-ef69-406f-b4e1-04fdd9038a0c/2018_2019_Scholarship_Award_FAQ.pdf
The awardees will be announced on March 25th, 2019. The awardees must attend in person the 2019 CESASC Annual Convention on April 14th, 2019 at San Gabriel Hilton to receive the awards. The awardees are also required to join CESASC as a member, commit themselves as volunteers at the CESASC STEM program (e.g., mentoring middle/high school participants of STEM essay contest), and help organizing future CESASC events and annual conventions. Regardless of the final results, we encourage all applicants stay involved and participate in future CESASC activities and be part of CESASC family. Please help us notify your fellow students about this opportunity. We look forward to hearing from all of you. Thank you for your interest and best of luck in your educational endeavor. Sincerely,
Chair, 2018-2019 CESASC Scholarship Committee |
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