NECINA 2018 Boston Digital Health Conference 留言于2018-12-04 07:47:31 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.32) |
Greetings! On Saturday, December 15th, NECINA will be hosting our 2018 Boston Digital Health Conference. This conference will bring together an illustrious group of healthcare practitioners, life science researchers, data scientists, technologists and entrepreneurs to share their in-depth knowledge, and how data science and AI technologies drive improving patients' health care quality, boosting system efficiency, reducing costs, and so on. We look forward to seeing you there!
During the past decades, there are lots of exciting artificial intelligence (AI) based innovations that drive healthcare revolution. U.S. health care spent about $3.5 trillion (19% of US GDP) in 2017 with a 25% increase within five years from $2.8 trillion in 2012. Plenty of efforts have been taken to reduce the costs in the healthcare systems, among which we have seen tremendous growth opportunities in AI application to healthcare. With increasingly available health and genomic data, AI-driven technologies are enabling innovations in advancing medical knowledge discovery and health care delivery. AI can effectively reduce healthcare labor cost as well as improve efficiency in image analysis, administrative workflow optimization, virtual nursing assistants and dosage error reduction.
However, AI healthcare practical implementation is still facing multiple challenges: Current regulation lacks of standards to assess AI system safety and efficacy; The continuation of the data exchange might become an obstacle for sustaining AI system as current healthcare infrastructure doesn't provide incentives for data sharing. Although many AI applications have been helping clinicians with productivity, clinical decision making is still rare. Overcoming those problems would require close collaboration between healthcare and technology community. Location: Ray and Maria Stata Center, MIT,32 Vassar St. Room 155, Cambridge, MA 02139 Date: Saturday, Dec 15th (1:30 pm - 5:00 pm) Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-boston-digital-health-conference free for members and students, $20 for non-member
Please contact Viona.Ouyang@necina.org if you are interested in participating in startup showcase.
信访通道 留言于2018-12-03 15:36:25 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.32) |
中共中央、国务院 地址:北京市西城区西府街右街2号 电话:010-63084868 邮编:100017 中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅人民来访接待室 地址:北京市永定门西街甲1号 电话:010-66180114 邮编:100050) 中共中央纪委 地址:北京西城区平安西里41号 举报电话:010-12388 邮编:100813 中华人民共和国监察部 地 址:北京市西城区广安门南街甲2号 邮 编:100053 网 址: http://www.ccdi.gov.cn 公安部 地址:北京市东长安街14号 邮编:100741 最高人民检察院 地址:北京市东城区北河沿大街147号 查号台:010-65209114 举报电话:010-12309 最高人民法院 地址:北京市东城区东交民巷27号 总机:67550114 举报电话:67556131 邮编:100745 司法部 地址:北京市朝阳区朝阳门南大街10号 电话:65205114 国家信访局 地址:北京市西城区月坛南路街8号 电话:国家信访局局长010-68015310 邮编:100045 公安部经济犯罪侦查局(北京市东长安街14号)收 邮编:100741 全国人大常委会(北京市宣武区永定门西大街甲一号)邮编:100806 全国人大常委会法制工作委员会(北京市宣武区永定门西大街甲一号 邮编:100806 国家商务部信访处东长安街2号) 电话:010-88652320 邮编:100731 国家工商总局 北京市西城区三星河东路8号 电话:010-88652320 中国证券监督管理委员会信访处(北京市西城区太平桥大街07号) 电话:010-66210182 邮编:100033 银监会(金融大街甲15号) 电话:010-66279113 国家公安部人民来访接待室(北京市东城区长安街14号) 电话:010-65251520 信访地址 中央纪委信访室监察部举报中心 邮政编码:100813 举报电话:(010)64014567 中央纪委监察部信访室 北京市东城区府学胡同甲2号 邮政编码:100035 投诉电话:010-64014567 中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅人民来访接待室 永定门西大街甲一号 邮政编码:100805 投诉电话:010-63035987 全国人大常务委员会信访局人民来访接待室 永定门西大街甲一号 邮政编码:100805 投诉电话:010-63036103 最高人民检察院接待室北京市东交民巷27号 邮政编码:100006 投诉电话:010-65124966 司法部信访处北京市新街口大杨家胡同20号 邮政编码:100035投诉电话:010-66185206 公安部人民来访接待处北京市东城区东堂子胡同49号 邮政编码:100005投诉电话:010-65251520 国家审计署信访室北京市展览路北露园1号 邮政编码:100830 投诉电话:010-68301241 信息产业部北京市西城区长安街13号 邮政编码:100804 电话:010-66021290 国家整顿和规范市场经济秩序领导小组(国家工商局)电话:(白天)010-68028231 (晚上)010-68022771
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies 留言于2018-11-30 07:16:00 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.32) |
Morality and Desire. Sexuality, Gender and Inequality in Contemporary China Thursday, December 06, 2018 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Bunche Hall 10383, UCLA
Talk by Jean-Baptiste Pettier The period of economic reforms which opened up in China since the 1980s has been regularly understood as one of sexual liberation and of reaffirmation of gender identities. Prostitution and pornography became widely publicly visible, in particular through the generalization of corruption practices for male decision-makers. In these circumstances, the Chinese public debate produced a strong critic concerning the unrealistic character of the Maoist era’s ideals. The most notable common point to these debates is the rejection of a constructionist perspective on human nature. This through the general acceptance of the notion that sexual desire, particularly men’s one, would be a "natural need." Two morals, one calling for the mastership of desire; the second one calling for its accomplishment, oppose themselves here. Desire is situated in between animality and civilisation, thus turning it into a matter of Chinese moral identity.
Jean-Baptiste Pettier obtained his PhD in social anthropology from the école des Hautes études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, with a broad interdisciplinary background in social sciences and a specialization in Chinese society. His main research thematics concern sentiments, affect, and morality, and their relationships with political and economic conditions. His PhD was dedicated to the phenomenon of marriage brokering in contemporary urban China, and to the moral debates concerning this practice. He is currently a Dahlem Research School Postdoctoral Fellow in the Affective Societies Collaborative Research Center of the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; and a visiting researcher at the Department of Anthropology of the UCLA.
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies 11381 Bunche Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095 Campus Mail Code: 148703 Tel: (310) 825-8683 Fax: (310) 206-3555 china@international.ucla.edu |
Linqiu 留言于2018-11-29 11:44:24 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.32) |
看视频《国家主权网络IPV9正式亮相》后,才知道为什么说网络安全就是国家安全,才知道为什么美国这么富有。我们每天打电话、微信、QQ和上网使用的都是美国的因特网IPV4母根服务器、主根服务器(即:互联网)。中国与美国签订了从2000年~2020年租用因特网20年的协议,每年向美国交租金,随着用量的增加每年租金都在上长,其中,2007年是5000亿,2017年是7800亿,到2020年最后一年是60000亿(六万亿),这只是中国的租金。全世界每个国家都租用美国的因特网,试想美国有多富?!举个美国的例子(用中国话来说),美国享受国家低保的人员包括在街上的乞讨人员在内,每天一日三餐的生活质量比中国普通的工薪阶层的生活质量还要好得多得多,不但衣食无忧,而且还可以到全球旅游,可见美国有多富。 2014年,中国自己研发成功了具有自主知识产权的IPV9母根服务器、主根服务器,就与美国谈判要回话语权,被美国一票否决了。2015年,中国专家代表团在联大会员国会员中做试范介绍后,IPV9的安全性和质量远远超过了美国的IPV4和IPV6,被全体会员所接受,美国交出了话语权,联合国把话语权交给了中国。又经过谈判,在2017年美国又交出了管理权,联合国又把管理权交给了中国,并给了中国100年的使用和管理权。也就是说,当2020年租期一到,中国就可以使用具有自主知识产权的IPV9母根服务器、主根服务器。到现在已经有25个国家与中国签订了租用协议。2018年中国在全国所有接收发送站已经全部建成,2019年中国全国试运行,到2020年租期一到,关闭因特网,接上我国自己的新一代互联网,即物联网IPV9。如果说因特网IPV4、IPV6造就了美国的辉煌,那么,物联网IPV9从2021年开始到2120年的100年中将造就中国的辉煌。这就是中国政府向全世界庄严宣布实现两个一百年宏伟目标的底气所在。 这才叫实力。 |
欧美同学会(中国留学人员联谊会) 留言于2018-11-29 02:42:18 |
评论:UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.32) |
欧美同学会(中国留学人员联谊会)第七届年会暨海归创新创业广州峰会人才科技项目对接预通知 尊敬的学长:您好!
如需洽谈项目和人才合作事宜,请咨询:广州市商务委员会周木亮(020-81098373),广州市委统战部周勇(020-83105349)。 如需联系报名参会事宜,请咨询:欧美同学会社会服务部韦佳伶(010-65276567)、刘煜杰(010-65271149)。 如有项目合作意向或有产业相关性的,请填写附件2《欧美同学会第七届年会人才科技项目合作信息表》,在项目合作信息表中详细介绍自身项目的行业定位、技术背景、资金需求、项目进展以及运营模式情况,提出落户合作模式要求,并发至欧美同学会年会组委会邮箱wrsa_2018@163.com。 Website:http://news.china.com.cn/node_8008864.htm?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0 提交合作信息表后,请继续推进项目洽谈,并添加“2018年会人才项目专家群”微信二维码(请注明专家姓名及产业),获组委会确认及发送正式邀请函后,可到会参加年会开幕式、广州考察及人才项目对接会。
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