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美中关系全国委员会:欢迎您出席2010美国外交政策讨论会(6/2-5 华盛顿特区)
美中关系全国委员会:欢迎您出席2010美国外交政策讨论会(6/2-5 华盛顿特区)
2010/4/13 7:03:20 | 浏览:3981 | 评论:5

美中关系全国委员会:欢迎您出席2010美国外交政策讨论会(6/2-5 华盛顿特区)


U.S. Foreign Policy Colloquium
6月2-5 2010年,华盛顿特区

  • June 2-5, 2010
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Open to PRC graduate students studying any academic discipline at a U.S. university
  • Food and lodging provided
  • Ambassador Zhang Yesui to offer opening remarks
  • $75 Registration fee

美中关系全国委员会:欢迎您出席2010美国外交政策讨论会(6/2-5 华盛顿特区)


美中关系全国委员会:欢迎您出席2010美国外交政策讨论会(6/2-5 华盛顿特区)

Ready to register? Click here:http://www.ncuscr.org/programs/fpc

Registration Deadline:May 7

Want to learn more about FPC 2010? Click hereStill have questions? Email fpc@ncuscr.org

The U.S. Foreign Policy Colloquium is an exciting program designed to help Chinese graduate students from any academic discipline better understand the complex forces that shape American foreign policy. Each year, 150 to 200 PRC graduate students from universities throughout the United States travel to Washington, D.C., for three days of interaction with current and former Administration officials and members of Congress, as well as representatives from academia, the military, think tanks, the media, business and lobbying groups.

The seventh session of the FPC will take place June 2-5, at George Washington University’s Elliot School of International Affairs -- the National Committee’s partner in this program since its inception.

Foreign Policy Colloquium participants are able to do the following:

  • Interact with decision-makers, opinion-shapers, academics, and specialists;
  • Attend lectures and panels on the history of foreign policy, the nuts and bolts of policy-making, the role of interest groups, the influence of public opinion and the media on policy-makers, the role of religion on foreign policy, and the influence of 9/11 on U.S. foreign policy;
  • Discuss current foreign policy issues with a senior Administration official;
  • Visit relevant institutions such as think tanks, government offices(including congressional committees), advocacy groups, and corporations in Washington, D.C.;
  • Forge new friendships with fellow PRC students studying at institutions across the United States.
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David Pan说:留言于2010-04-14 05:42:24(第2条)
Please see if you could add some comments to encourage our readers to distribute this info to Chinese graduate students nationwide and encourage them to participate.

Thanks a lot.

David W. Pan, Ph.D., J.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Northeastern State University
3100 E. New Orleans, Broken Arrow, OK 74014
Toll Free Number from China: 400-676-2088, then dial code: 8991202369
免费国际长途(从中国拨我美国号码)400-676-2088, 然后拨: 8991202369 (如您拨打当地普通市话)
Phone: (918)449-6547(Office) Fax: (918)449-6561
E-mail: pan@nsuok.edu
Work web: http://arapaho.nsuok.edu/~pan/
Study Abroad/China Program web:
Sara Gavryck-Ji说:留言于2010-04-14 05:38:23(第1条)
The National Committee is pleased to announce the seventh annual U.S. Foreign Policy Colloquium taking place June 2-5, in Washington, D.C. The Colloquium, which is open to PRC graduate students currently studying in the United States, seeks to inform participants about the American foreign policy process. The program is open to students of all academic disciplines.

Due to your relationship with the National Committee and your affiliation with Northeastern State University, please circulate the official program announcement (found below) to Chinese graduate students who might be interested and to appropriate listservs. We would like to be sure that as many students as possible are aware of the program and appreciate your help in getting the word out.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Thanks in advance for your support.


Jan Berris, Vice President
National Committee on U.S.-China Relations
71 West 23rd Street, Suite 1901, New York, NY 10010
Tel: 212-645-9677

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