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来源:San Diego Chinese Press | 2010/10/18 5:41:48 | 浏览:2765 | 评论:3

  不久就要召开的圣地亚哥市议会备受本地亚太裔瞩目。圣市几十年来只有八个市议区和八个市议员加上市长。本市有西裔市议区, 有非裔市议区,但有着超过15%的亚裔人口却没有亚太裔代表性的市议区。圣地亚哥亚太裔联盟准备趁此次市议会召开之际,改变这一不合理现状。昨天亚太裔联盟举办的议事会议(Town Hall Meeting)上,到访的联邦女众议员赵美心上台作主讲发言,力挺亚太裔要求市议会建立代表亚太裔的第九选区的诉求,并用自己从政的经历和实例说明族裔代表积极参政的重要性和必要性,只有积极参政才能保障族裔公平权益。


  昨天(10月16日)赵美心来到了离她家乡最近,同是亚太裔集聚的圣地亚哥,她马不停蹄地走访了当地十几个亚太裔社团会所和学校,行程中赵美心与很多亚太裔代表交谈,倾听代表们的声音和建议。傍晚她来到了圣地亚哥亚太裔联盟发源地 –亚太裔联盟主要发起人华裔侨领陈运仁旗下的中餐馆新乐宫大酒楼和三百多名亚太裔代表一起参加了“庆祝多元文化之融合、迎接市政议会召开“ 晚会,赵美心所到之处受到民众热烈欢迎,人们来自各个族裔不同阶层,其中还有十几名身着戎装来自圣地亚哥警署的”声援”代表。赵美心在这次晚会上担任了主讲,她与大家分享了如何借蒙市Monterey Park 的市议区的重划成功地达上她的政治旅途,如何为华裔效力而获成功的事例,她希望大家能支持她连任, 帮她完成要联邦政府为19 世纪末, 20 世纪初的恶劣排华政策和法律向我们华裔致公开的道歉。赵美心讲话过程中赢得掌声连连,紧接着华,菲、韩、寮、泰、越、印等多个亚太裔社团代表纷纷上台发言、以及亚太裔艺术家们精彩的文艺表演生动表达了亚太裔民众的心声和对赵美心支持的程度。

  参加这次晚会的主要嘉宾除聯邦眾議員趙美心(Judy Chu)外、还有加州平稅局局長余淑婷(Betty Yee)、加州平稅局第三區委Michelle Steel(韓裔)、聖縣議員Ron Roberts、加州參議員Nathan Fletcher、聖市議員Carl DeMaio;华裔社团主要嘉宾有中国人协会会长金华伉俪、亚太裔联盟华裔代表陈运仁伉俪、孔子学院院长刘丽蓉教授、华夏中文学校校长邢彬、育才中文学校校长于红伉俪、圣地亚哥越棉寮华人协会会长、广东同乡会会长丁锦全、福建同乡会会长陈文雄、名誉会长黄丽水、副理事长白志雄、美中科商会会长张海明伉俪、大西南同乡会理事长、广西同乡会会长廖中强、华人联谊会会长刘明、联华文化中心会长凌玲、东南亚耆英会会长符开江等。

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ASIA MEDIA AMERICA说:留言于2010-10-20 07:59:51(第2条)
Fifteen days before election, politics is on mostly everyone’s mind. While some are campaigning for their candidate, others are working to get out the vote.
But the issue that seems to be resonating throughout the Asian Pacific Islander community the most is redistricting.
Good, bad or ugly, it is still an issue “equal rights,” and the past week it brought together some 300 members of the community to join in supporting redistricting efforts in San Diego. A gala in support of changing the face of some of our electoral districts was held at Jasmine restaurant in San Diego and brought out politicians such as U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu and Board of Equalization member Michelle Steel. Together with members of the Indian, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Laotian, Filipino, Thai and other communities, the push has begun – a push that should involve everyone in the API community.
What is redistricting and why is it important? It’s been almost 50 years since an Asian American has served on City Council or held political office. While areas such as Rancho Penasquitos and Mira Mesa have 37 percent of the population, they are divided among other districts, which dilutes that impact. Redistricting in the interest of the community will change that and make it possible to elect someone who will pay attention to Asian concerns.
In Judy Chu’s case it made a huge difference. The first time she ran for office in her city of Monterrey, she lost. After redistricting, in which the area was more in line with its ethnic makeup, she won election to City council and, later, the California Assembly. And last year she became the first Chinese American elected to Congress.
So, this is something that can make a difference and launch the future careers of Asian Americans in politics. Without involvement, as Judy pointed out, there is no seat at the table of power and decision-making.
This is just a beginning. If you want to know more about redistricting, go to Alliant University this Saturday, where the Coalition of Asian Pacific Americans for Fair Redistricting and the Southwest Center for Asian Pacific American Law (SCAPAL) are holding hearings and want your input. On behalf of SCAPAL, Pam Hooper urges everyone to get there early, before the 10 a.m. start. It will be lively.
Email: info@scapal.org. phooper@qhlawyers.com
Telephone: (858) 752-2220
Free Community Redistricting Workshop – Sat., Oct. 23rd – 9:30 a.m. – Alliant International University (Green Hall)
Chinese Hometown说:留言于2010-10-19 03:19:17(第1条)

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