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加州州立大学北岭分校:Study-in-China program
2022/9/23 6:31:16 | 浏览:1091 | 评论:1

Hi, all friends of China Institute,

Hope you all have had a fun summer and a great start of the semester. I like to report to you a new study-in-China program we have just learned about this summer. We used to have CSC(China Scholarship Council)program that offers a one-year long free study and living in China for our students. Now we have a short-term study-in-China program, ranging from 4-6 weeks, to be covered with the same scholarship. The program will cover everything after the students landed in China, including room and board, a small stipend of about $350 a month, and health insurance. The Chinese partner university will offer the students credit for their study and a transcript showing the course. I have attached a flyer for this program, and more information can be found here: American Short-Term Study in China Initiative(aascu.org)

There are two application deadlines for this program, one is for Oct. and the other is for May. I understand there are still some hurdles for travelling to China, though things will get better in the near future. The airfare has started to drop recently, and I hope the pandemic restrictions will continue to loosen. But it is not too early to plan for the next summer. I If you are interested, China Institute will help you with any questions you may have and will facilitate your application process.

CSUN Chinese Students and Scholars Association and China Institute will host a welcome party for newcoming Chinese students on Oct. 1st, from 1:30 to 4:30, at Altadena room of USU East Conference center(Room 105). You are all welcome to join us, and if you have any Chinese students in your class, please let them know about the information.


Dr. Weimin Sun

Professor of Philosophy and Director of CSUN China Institute

American Short-Term Study in China Initiative

加州州立大学北岭分校:Study-in-China programThe American Short-Term Study in China Initiative(ASSCI)is a scholarship program offered by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United States of America and administered by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities(AASCU). The scholarship will fund institutional-based, faculty-led study abroad programs in China. Faculty members with existing China study abroad programs, or institutions interested in developing a program for studying in China, are encouraged to apply by submitting a funding proposal.

Funding proposals should be submitted by the leading faculty on U.S. campuses, with support from the provost, along with accompanying approval and signatures from the individual responsible for study abroad programs on each campus.



The ASSCI program focuses on joint efforts between U.S. and Chinese partner institutions. Chinese partners must be recognized by the China Scholarship Council(CSC). Please visit their website for a list of CSC institutions. AASCU can also provide recommendations for Chinese institutional partners.

If you need help with identifying a partner to apply for the scholarship, please indicate this when completing your application form. 


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