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来自美国会议员赵美心:Back to DC
2023/9/8 13:28:09 | 浏览:1912 | 评论:1

来自美国会议员赵美心:Back to DC

Dear Zhenying,

Next week, Congress heads back to Washington, DC, on a steadfast track to pass 12 appropriations bills to fully fund the government and avoid a government shutdown before the October 1st deadline.

Why are we working to pass 12 appropriations bills in 18 days?

In May, extreme MAGA Republicans in the House took the American economy hostage. They threatened to refuse to pay the nation's bills to extract vicious and draconian cuts on all future spending. While we averted disaster, these same extremists are once again threatening to make the American people pay by shutting down the entire federal government unless they get their way. Democrats are prepared to do everything we can to ensure our government remains open, providing the services our constituents rely on.

As long as Republicans are in charge of the House, the country will be subject to their antics and continue to live on the brink of disaster. They will hold our government hostage at every turn, putting millions of Americans at risk. We can’t continue to live like this.

While we are laser-focused on the work ahead of us, we are also laser-focused on November 5, 2024, when Democrats will take back the House Majority and again get to legislate for the American people.
I always arrive in DC prepared to fight for our community. This trip is no different, but with your help, Democrats can retake the House in 2024 and get back to delivering for the American people.


Judy Chu | AMB Consulting, 1531 Purdue Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025


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Judy Chu说:留言于2023-09-24 15:38:21(第1条)
We are nine days away from a government shutdown because House Republicans cannot govern. Instead of moving forward with an already agreed–upon budget, an extreme faction of MAGA Republicans is stalling the process with nonsensical proposals.
They are bringing back the wall.
In this week’s budget proposal, MAGA Republicans snuck in their extremist border security plan, including bringing back our former President’s plan to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico – but they can’t even fund it. The same budget proposal cuts the funding they would need to build it from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Tax cuts for corporations and the top 1%.
Republicans are working to protect the corporations and executives whose donations fund their campaigns with extreme tax cuts. They’re so extreme that if enacted, the cuts would balloon the deficit, putting the burden on middle-class families.
$16 billion cut to disaster relief agencies.
Florida, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Missouri are all Republican-controlled states that have relied on funding from FEMA and other agencies after natural disasters hit. While extreme weather events are only getting more extreme, House Republicans'' limate change denialism puts their extreme policies over their own constituents'''' safety.
MAGAnomics is a MEGA nightmare.
Democrats have proven time and again that we will get the job done and will always do what it takes to support the American people.
Let’s elect Democrats across the ballot in 2024 so we can wake up from this MEGA nightmare.

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