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2013年新英格兰地区华人职业人士春节年会(2/10)NEW Accelerator Session and Partner Events
2013年新英格兰地区华人职业人士春节年会(2/10)NEW Accelerator Session and Partner Events
2013/1/17 3:36:42 | 浏览:2420 | 评论:0
2013年新英格兰地区华人职业人士春节年会(2/10)NEW Accelerator Session and Partner Events
2013年新英格兰地区华人职业人士春节年会(2/10)NEW Accelerator Session and Partner Events Dear ,

The followings are the upcoming events from NECINA and its partners in the next few weeks. We hope you will enjoy these events.

Become a member to enjoy exclusive discount for NECINA's events.
NECINA Newsletter Menu
Feb 10 - 2013 New England Chinese Professionals Lunar New Year Gala
Jan 30 - NECINA NEW Accelerator Session - Early Stage Funding
[Sponsor Event] - China Outlook for 2013
[Partner Event] - 19th Annual International Business Forum & Networking Night
[Partner Event] - Nanjing 321 Startup Contest
[Partner Event] - SAPA-NE Chinese New Year Party
Feb 10 - 2013 New England Chinese Professionals Lunar New Year Gala

2013 New England Chinese Professionals Lunar New Year Gala

  • Date & Time: Sunday, February 10, 2013, 1:30pm - 11:00 pm
  • Venue: Boston Marriott Newton, 2345 Commonwealth Ave, Newton, MA 02466
  • Early Bird ticket: $60 before Feb 1st, 2013
  • Regular ticket:$75 after Feb 1st
  • Student ticket:$40 before Feb 1st, 2013
  • Attire: Formal, Business Casual or Chinese Traditional
  • Learn more or Register here
2013年新英格兰地区华人职业人士春节年会(2/10)NEW Accelerator Session and Partner Events

Chinese New Year Gala is co-organized by 14 New England Chinese-American professional associations.
Attend the diverse evening entertainment performance from local Boston professionals and semi-professionals. Network with leaders in the Boston business, politics and education communities.
新英格兰地区华人职业人士春节年会将于2月10日(周日,农历新年)晚在Boston Marriott Newton举行。此次活动由包括NECINA在内的新英格兰地区的14个华人职业协会共同举办。届时,还将会有一系列的活动与年会同日举行(详情见后)。

The 2013 Gala Spotlight and Forum Program

  • Community Enrichment Forum 社区论坛
  • Career Fair 招聘会
  • Voice of Boston 波士顿好声音
  • Meet Your Right One 新春有缘(波士顿版《非诚勿扰》)
  • Cocktail Social Networking Hour 鸡尾酒会及社交活动
  • Chinese New Year Banquet 晚宴
  • Cultural Performances & Shows 文化表演
  • Ballroom Dancing & Social Networking 舞会与联谊环节
2013年新英格兰地区华人职业人士春节年会(2/10)NEW Accelerator Session and Partner Events
2013年新英格兰地区华人职业人士春节年会(2/10)NEW Accelerator Session and Partner Events

Keynote Speakers

Steve Grossman, Treasurer and Receiver-General of Massachusetts

2013年新英格兰地区华人职业人士春节年会(2/10)NEW Accelerator Session and Partner Events
Steve Grossman is the Treasurer and Receiver-General of Massachusetts. From 1992 to 1997, Grossman was chair of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and from 1997 to 1999, Grossman was chair of the Democratic National Committee.
Steve Grossman先生于2011年开始担任麻州财政司长至今。此前他曾担任美国以色列公共事务委员会主席(1992-1997),以及民主党全国委员会主席(1997-1999)。

Joseph Kennedy III, United States Representative for Massachusetts's 4th Congressional District
2013年新英格兰地区华人职业人士春节年会(2/10)NEW Accelerator Session and Partner Events
Joseph "Joe" Patrick Kennedy III is the United States Representative for Massachusetts's 4th congressional district. He was a prosecutor in the Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office, as an assistant DA. He is also member of the Kennedy family. His grandfather Robert F. Kennedy was former U.S. Senator and U.S. Attorney General.
Joseph P. Kennedy III 是现任民主党众议院议员,曾于麻州担任助理地区检察官。Kennedy先生也是著名的肯尼迪家族的一员,他的祖父Robert F.Kennedy曾于前总统John F.Kennedy任内担任美国司法部长。
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Featured Activities

The Voice of Boston

Singing Contest to select the top singers among the Chinese Professional Community

The program accepts 18 contestants to compete for the top 3 spots to perform on the stage of the culture performance session at the Gala. If you like singing, don't miss this opportunity to showcase yourself. According to the capacity of the room, we reserved 30 seats for the audience. If you want to have the voting rights for the final winner, please buy the dinner tickets for the gala, which can be registered for the gala.


Time:2:00pm - 5:00pm(EDT), Febuary 10th, 2013
Venue:Marriott Newton, 2000 Commonwealth Ave, Newton, MA

Please RSVP online, and arrive at before 1:40pm for on-site registration.

Contestants please register here >>

Audience please register here >>

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Meet Your Right One
新春有缘 (波士顿版《非诚勿扰》)

This program is to provide a good venue and environment for singles to meet each other and increase the opportunity to meet the right one. If you are single and seriously want to start a long term relation with some one, you are welcome to join us.

There will be 18 seats for gentlemen and 18 for ladies open. First come first serve. Register today.


Time:2:00pm - 5:00pm(EDT), Febuary 10th, 2013

Venue:Marriott Newton, 2000 Commonwealth Ave, Newton, MA

Please RSVP online, and arrive at before 1:40pm for on-site registration.

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Participating Organizations
American Chinese Medical Association(ACMA北美中华医学会), Chinese-American BioMedical Association(CABA, 美中生物医药协会), Chinese-American IP Law Association(CAIPLA中美知识产权法律协会), Hong Kong Association of Massachusetts(HKA-MA 麻州香港协会), New England Chinese Information and Networking Association(NECINA新英格兰地区华人资讯交流协会), Overseas Chinese-American Entrepreneurs Association(OCEAN留美华人企业家协会), Pan-Asian Leaders in Finance and Accounting New England(ASCEND-NE 纽英伦金融及會計泛亞領袖會), Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America(SCBA 美洲华人生物科学学会), The Chinese Finance Association(TCFA 全美华人金融协会), Boston Chinese Alumni Associations Coalition(BCAAC, 波士顿中国校友会联合总会)

January 30 - NECINA NEW Accelerator Session - Early Stage Funding

NECINA Entrepreneurship Workshop Accelerator Session - Early Stage Funding

  • Date & Time:Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 6pm - 9pm
  • Venue:EnCandle, 332 Newbury Street(Floor 2), Boston, MA
  • Admission:Free to NECINA officers, VIPs and NEW Accelerator members, $10 to non-members.
  • Register here


Celebrate the New Year in grand style, at EnCandle Jan 30, 2013 on Newbury Street! This is a special session on Early Stage Funding for Startups. In this session you'll learn:

- What are the sources of funding for your startup.

- What should you be cautious about in your fund raising process

- The true stories of fund raising from seasoned entrepreneurs


David Zhou, Founder and CEO, ePowerhouse

Jay Sun, Conductor, EnCandle

Connie Dai, Special Legal Advisor, NECINA NEW Accelerator / Cutler P.C.

Register here >>

[Sponsor Event] - China Outlook for 2013

Nixon Peabody Event:China Outlook for 2013:
Evolving Landscape of Leadership, Regulations, and Economics

  • Date and Time: Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 4:00 p.m (followed by a Chinese New Year Celebration, and a cocktail and networking reception)
  • Location: Nixon Peabody LLP, 100 Summer Street, 25th Floor, Boston, MA 02110
  • RSVP: Register online.
  • Contact:For more information, please contact Amy Feinberg at 617-345-1151 or afeinberg@nixonpeabody.com.


With the Chinese Communist Party's 18th Congress having convened last November and the new leadership of the PRC taking their positions, 2013 should be one of change and opportunity for companies expanding into or operating in China. As the Chinese New Year approaches, Chase, KPMG, and Nixon Peabody will convene a panel of thought leaders, with extensive experience in doing business in and with China, to discuss the current business climate and trends to be mindful of over the next few months.


Linda Ji, Partner, Nixon Peabody LLP
Kok Chi Tsim, Managing Director, Commercial Banking International, J.P. Morgan
Penny Y.D. Chen, Senior Manager, International Corporate Services, KPMG LLP
Linda Zhang, Partner in charge, KPMG US China Practice, KPMG LLP
Regina M. Abrami, Ph.D., Director of the Global Program, Lauder Institute for Management and International Studies
Senior Fellow, Management Department, The Wharton School(University of Pennsylvania)

Register here >>

[Partner Event] 19th Annual International Business Forum & Networking Night

19th Annual International Business Forum & Networking Night
Implications for international business in the year ahead

  • Date and Time: February 19, 2013, 4:00 P.M. Registration, 6:30 - 8:00 P.M. Networking reception
  • Location: Bingham McCutchen LLC, One Federal Street, Boston, MA
  • RSVP: Register online.


Join the premier international event of the year! This event attracts New England companies involved in international business. The evening features a global trade and economic outlook forum and a resource center with many international trade associations and government agencies presenting informative exhibits. Meet corporate executives and other professionals interested in world trade-while learning about the resources available to help your company's international business!


Geoffrey Somes,
Senior Economist with State Street Global Advisors

Michael Goodman, Associate Professor and Chair, Dept. of Public Policy at UMASS Dartmouth

Register here >>

[Partner Event] - Nanjing 321 Startup Contest
Nanjing 321 Plan Startup Contest



大赛报名:将于2013年1月8日北京时间10点整启动,3月8日北京时间10点整截止。参赛人员可登陆大赛网站:http://www.nj3000plan.org/ 通过网上报名的方式,逐项提交大赛所需信息。
更多资讯:请点击进入: 创业起跑线--2013年度南京321计划创业大赛邀请函

Contact 联系人:Jiali Gong jialigong@yahoo.com

[Partner Event] - SAPA-NE Chinese New Year Party

Partner Event - SAPA-NE Chinese New Year Party

  • Date and Time: Saturday, February 9th, 5:00pm-9:00pm
  • Venue:Chinatown Empire Garden Restaurant
  • Ticket: $30/person and 10 people a table
  • Contact:Lan Yang(lanyang2006@gmail.com)

SAPA-NE Chinese New Year party is SAPA's traditional event to celebrate Chinese New Year with SAPA members, families and other
Sister-Brother associations. SAPA has successfully hosted three Chinese New Year parties. The party is a combination of banquet
dinner, stage show, networking and Kara OK.

If you are interested in joining the party, please contact Lan Yang at lanyang2006@gmail.com.

2013年新英格兰地区华人职业人士春节年会(2/10)NEW Accelerator Session and Partner Events

New England Chinese Information and Networking Association
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