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NECINA Career Seminar and Partner Events in March
2013/3/9 14:18:53 | 浏览:4902 | 评论:3
                                                                                                                            NECINA Career Seminar and Partner Events in March NECINA Career Seminar and Partner Events in March NECINA Career Seminar and Partner Events in March NECINA Career Seminar and Partner Events in March NECINA Career Seminar and Partner Events in March NECINA Career Seminar and Partner Events in March  
NECINA Career Seminar and Partner Events in March                                                                                      
NECINA Career Seminar and Partner Events in March Dear ,

The followings are the upcoming events from NECINA and its partners in the next few weeks. We hope you will enjoy these events.

Become a member to enjoy exclusive discount for NECINA's events.
NECINA Newsletter Menu
NECINA Career Seminar - How Effective Communication Leads to Competitive Success
[Partner Event] - IBM Systems and Software Engineering Symposium
[Partner Event] - Qingdao Government Talent Recruiting Info Session

[Partner Event] - 2013 China(Shanghai)International Technology Fair

[Partner Event] - 15th SAPA-NE Career Development Symposium


NECINA Career Seminar:
How Effective Communication Leads to Competitive Success

How Effective Communication Leads to Competitive Success


Date and time: March 21st, 6pm - 9pm
Venue: IBM Innovation Center, 404 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02454
Cost: Free to NECINA members and VIP guests, $15 non-members

Register here 

- Have you been searching for the secrets and tips on effective communication to achieve your career aspirations?
- How you gain a solid understanding of your audience when designing any communication?
- Have you tried the Entrepreneurial approach for effective negotiating in business and life?

We are honored to have organizational psychologist and educator Ken Kerber and expert for executive entrepreneurship training and consulting Michael Gordon to demystify effective communication and deliver powerful communication development tips for professionals in the corporate world.

NECINA Career Seminar and Partner Events in March
Ken Kerber
Founder and principal of Kerber & Associates and the cofounder and principal of Accelerating Career Transformations, LLC.  "Communicating and Leading Change:The Human Design Specification"
shows how specific characteristics of people, along with your purpose, should be the primary drivers when communicating and leading change. With respect to a product, a design specification provides detailed information about the requirements for the product and how the product is put together. By analogy, people have a design specification - universal characteristics that make us human. Understanding the action implications of the human design specification allows us to be more effective communicators and leaders of change.

NECINA Career Seminar and Partner Events in March  

Michael Gordon
Founder and CEO - AngelDeals.com and the Venture-Preneurs TM Network   
"The Entrepreneurial Approach to Negotiating from Weakness"

The ability to negotiate astutely is an essential personal power skill. Give and take exchanges go on constantly in our business relationships as well as in our social interactions - the bargaining process never ends. In this empowering one-hour session you will be exposed to an interactive discussion on Win - Win negotiation. In Win - Win negotiation there are no losers; both parties accomplish their primary goals, and thereby enhance the strength of their long-term relationship. By understanding what goes on in the bargaining process, and how to orchestrate that process, you will increase your chances of reaching a mutually beneficial outcome. However, as this real-life case study will demonstrate, the challenges can be enormous.


 Register here >>


[Partner Event] - IBM Systems and Software Engineering Symposium
Systems and Software Engineering Symposium


Please join the IBM Rational® Systems and Software Engineering Symposium to learn how IBM® Rational is helping to lead the innovation agenda while addressing the complexity challenge.

This event will focus on systems and software development - highlighting the IBM Rational Solution for Systems and Software Engineering. We will feature sessions around industry best practices and the core processes of requirements management, architecture and design, collaboration, change and configuration management, and test and quality management.

It will also give you an excellent opportunity to improve your skills, network and collaborate with other customers and industry experts. Register today!


Systems Thinking for Contemporary Challenges, Addressing Complexity & Innovation in Healthcare, Education, & Product Development

Julian Goldman, M.D., MGH. Staff Anesthesiologist, Medical Director for Biomedical
Engineering & Director of the Medical Device Interoperability Program at Partners Healthcare


Networking opportunities:
IBM Rational Business Partner networking Café
Engineering Communities Networking Reception

Register here >>  

[Partner Event] Qingdao Government Talent Recruiting Info Session




Salon 1, Boston Marriott Cambridge, Two Cambridge Center, 50 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 USA
2013年 3月10日(星期日) 3PM

4PM -5:30PM:洽谈对接会

电话:703-934-4620(美国)+86 10 65184233(中国)
地址:3900 Jermantown Road, Suite 300, Fairfax, VA, 22030, USA


[Partner Event] - 2013 China(Shanghai)International Technology Fair
2013 China(Shanghai)International Technology Fair      

2013 China(Shanghai)International Technology Fair(CSITF)is a state-level grand event jointly hosted by the China Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Science and Technology, State Intellectual Property Office and Shanghai Municipality. Organized by the Shanghai International Technology Exchange Centre(SITEC):this event will facilitate the exhibition, exchanges the trade in the worldwide latest innovation and technology. The first CSITF will be held between on May 8th-11th at Intex Shanghai and Shanghaimart expo, Shanghai, China.


For more information please visit http://www.csitf.com/ or read the brochure here

[Partner Event] - 15th SAPA-NE Career Development Symposium

15th SAPA-NE Career Development Symposium


MIT Tang Center, Building E51-335

2 Amherst Street, Cambridge, MA 02139

Saturday 1-5:30 PM, March 16, 2013


How to advance your personal growth and prepare yourself for the next career move?

How to not only survive but also thrive in the fast changing world with biotech/pharmaceutical globalization?

What are the job opportunities in Biotech/Pharma?


On behalf of the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association - New England(SAPA-NE), we welcome you attend 15th SAPA-NE Career Development Symposium which will be held on Satertuday March 16, 2012 at MIT. We will have outstanding professionals and senior leaders to share their career development experiences. Our outstanding speakers include


Dr. Mingxiu Hu, Sr. Director, Millennium:The Takeda Oncology Company

Mr. Daniel Stanton, AbbVie Bioresearch Center

Dr. William C. Ronco, Principal and Program Director of Gathering Pace Consulting

Dr. Jingsong Cao, Hengrui Medicine

Dr. Yuguo Tang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering Technology


In addition, there are job opportunities from Biotech/Pharma


Online registration:http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=235420 


This event is free for SAPA-NE members and MIT students; $20 for non members; $10 for students.


SAPA-NE Career Development Symposium Organizing Committee

Johnny Yang, Ph.D., Jiang Long, Ph.D., Mia Wang, Ph.D.



Please join SAPA-NE on LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2519808

Dear Friends,

As we promised we are committed to bridge our members with China, and help you all to build your own business in China. Below are couple of opportunities for you to take the first step. You can apply directly, or send email to us if you need our recommendation for better chance(we can be reached by liqiangtou@gmail.com, minchen6219@gmail.com and qlin03@yahoo.com). Please do not hesitate to let us know if you need more information.

A. 南京 321.

大赛报名:将于2013年1月8日北京时间10点整启动,3月8日北京时间10点整截止。参赛人员可登陆大赛网站:http://www.nj3000plan.org/  通过网上报名的方式,逐项提交大赛所需信息。


B. 诚邀您申报浙江舟山群岛新区5313计划(舟山市人才办)


C. 生物诊断试剂加速器项目-浙江加州纳米院






SAPA-NE Executive Committee


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