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马科悦教授夫妇所率团队研发的单周期控制仪 荣获美国陆军部成就奖
马科悦教授夫妇所率团队研发的单周期控制仪 荣获美国陆军部成就奖
2010/2/25 10:33:08 | 浏览:4552 | 评论:0

One-Cycle Control, Inc. won Department of Army Achievement Award

One-Cycle Control, Inc. is elected for the 2009 Achievement Award from the US Department of the Army. The OCC team has demonstrated its breakthrough technology, outstanding performance, and extraordinary capability to advance power electronics to an unprecedented level. This technology is originated from The California Institute of Technology and UCI Power Electronics Laboratory. Both the One-Cycle Control, Inc. and UCI Power Electronics Laboratory are very honored for this distinction.

马科悦教授夫妇所率团队研发的单周期控制仪 荣获美国陆军部成就奖
马科悦教授(Prof. Keyue Ma Smedley)


2009 Army Achievement Award

One-Cycle Controlled Power Electronics Controls & Conditioning(OCC-PECC)
for Load-Following Variable-Speed 2-15kW Gen Sets

The Department of the Army, SBIR Program Office announced today that it has selected One-Cycle Control, Inc.(OCC), from an eligible pool of 471 projects, to receive the 2009 SBIR Achievement Award. The selection is based on four criteria:

  1. originality and innovation of research
  2. relevance of the research to the Army mission
  3. immediate commercialization potential of the research, reflecting the primary goal of bringing technology and products to the marketplace
  4. overall quality performance of the project

The Army emphasizes that the award is “extremely competitive”; it is a distinct honor for OCC.

This award recognizes OCC’s development of OCC-PECC for Load-Following Variable-Speed 2-15kW Gensets under the Army SBIR Phase I/II Program. The OCC team has demonstrated its breakthrough technology, outstanding performance, and extraordinary capability to advance power electronics to an unprecedented level.

The power electronics developed under this project has direct application to high performance, high-density power conversion for:aircraft power, hybrid wind-diesel, wind, micro-hydro, hybrid energy storage, self-balancing multi-source micro-grids, etc. OCC plans to commercialize this technology to enhance national security, energy security, and international technology competitiveness.

Award-Winning Project Abstract:

马科悦教授夫妇所率团队研发的单周期控制仪 荣获美国陆军部成就奖

OCC-PECC enables efficient, power dense, hybrid, load-following power systems that deliver high-quality switch-selectable 50/60/400Hz output. OCC-PECC achieves high-efficiency active conversion of variable frequency 3-phase AC power, over a wide AC voltage range, thereby enabling integration with a variety of prime-mover/generator sources to create scalable Electric Power Generating Building Blocks that are load-following and power dense. Increased need for electric power on the battlefield for tactical C4ISR and for commercial C2 necessitates that fielded generators provide high-quality electric power more efficiently.

The OCC-PECC(see photo)is based on breakthrough OCC technology(invented at Caltech and developed at UC Irvine:Power Electronics Lab)that delivers a new paradigm:active conversion of 3-phase power without software. OCC’s hardware solution enables the robust, rapid, and stable dynamic response demanded for power dense, hybrid, load-following power systems.

C4ISR = Command, Control, Computers, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance C2 = Computers and Communications

12 Mauchly, Building P • Irvine, CA 92618 • Ph:949.727.0107 • Fax:949.727.0108
Approved for public release, Greg Smedley, Ph.D. CEO

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