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来源:人民日报 | 作者:陈一鸣 | 2013/3/18 14:52:11 | 浏览:1874 | 评论:0




Chinese newspaper Global Times launches U.S. edition

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 22(Xinhua)-- Popular Chinese daily newspaper Global Times launched its bilingual U.S. edition this week, becoming the first newspaper form China's mainland that launches U.S. edition of both Chinese and English daily at the same time.

The Global Times said the U.S. edition would provide readers with sharp reporting and perceptive analysis. It seeks to cover world events from a Chinese perspective, and introduce a dynamic, complex and changing China to the world in vivid, accurate reporting.

As China now stands under the glare of the global spotlight, the newspaper aims to showcase for a global audience real voices from across a transforming China, guiding it through China's fast-growing economy and ever-changing society, the newspaper said Friday in a briefing.

The U.S. edition also seeks to increase its coverage of the local communities in the United States to cater to the needs of American readers.

The English version of U.S. edition of the daily has 24 pages while the Chinese one has 16 pages.

Founded in 1993, the Chinese version of Global Times has a daily circulation of over 2 million. It launched the English version in 2009 and quickly became one of China's most influential English-language media.

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