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2010/3/2 7:55:07 | 浏览:6380 | 评论:6


CONTACT: Len Novarro, 619-521-8008
EMAIL: editorial@asiamediainc.com
DATE: Monday, March 1, 2010


Asian Heritage Society and Community Honor Outstanding Asian-Americans

San Diego, CA – The Seventh Annual Asian Heritage Awards is accepting nominations in 14 categories to be celebrated July 10 aboard the USS Midway. The event will honor outstanding Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. The ceremony will also will pay special honor to Tom Hom, the first Asian American elected to City Council.

The call for nominations begins today, March 1, and will close on Wednesday, April 7, 2010, when the voting by the general public will begin. Nominations will be screened by a committee and the honor will go to the nominee with the most votes. The fourteen categories include Art and Literature, Business Enterprise, Community Service, Cultural Preservation, Education, Entrepreneurship, Government, Health and Medicine, Humanitarian Outreach, Innovation and Technology, Legal Affairs, Media, Military, and Performing Arts.

Nominations may be submitted by completing the form appearing in the newspaper ASIA, The Journal of Culture & Commerce, online, or by filling the attached nomination form. Winners will be announced at the Seventh Annual Asian Heritage Awards.

This will be the biggest year yet for the Asian Heritage Awards, as it brings together government officials, business owners, corporate executives, community leaders, military officers in what has become the premier Asian American event in Southern California.

Additionally, Tom Hom, one of San Diego’s most influential Asian Americans, has been chosen as this year’s Special Recognition Honoree. Special Recognition Honorees in the past have included Ret. Major General Antonio Taguba and State Senator Leland Yee.

For more information on nominating an individual or an organization, please follow this link; NOMINATION FORM, or please visit our websites at www.AsiaMediaInc.com and www.AsianHeritageAwards.com, or email editorial@AsiaMediainc.com.

The Asian Heritage Society is dedicated to developing the next generation of Asian American leaders through workshops, its mentorship and pilot projects linking U.S. schools with schools in Asia and in preserving the cultural legacy of San Diego and Southern California’s Asian and Pacific Islander communities through events such as the Asian Heritage Awards.

Mailing Address:

Asia Media
5857 B Mission Gorge Road
San Diego, CA 92120

Contact Name: Editorial Admin
Telephone Number: (619) 521-8008

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Robert Patterson说:留言于2010-04-11 04:21:59(第5条)
Dear Dr. Zhenying Jiang,

You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent your professional community in the 2010/2011 Edition of Distinguished Professionals Online.

We are please to inform you that your candidacy was formally approved March 15th, 2010. Congratulations.

The Publishing Committee selected you as a potential candidate based not only upon your current standing, but focusing as well on criteria from executive and professional directories, associations, and trade journals. Given your background, the Director believes your profile makes a fitting addition to our publication and our online network.

There is no fee nor obligation to be listed. As we are working off of secondary sources, we must receive verification from you that your profile is accurate. After receiving verification, we will validate your online listing within 7 business days.

Once finalized, your listing will share prominent registry space with thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical area.

To verify your profile and accept the candidacy, please visit here. Our registration deadline for this year''''s candidates is April 25th, 2010. To ensure you are included, we must receive your verification on or before this date. On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our association.


Robert Patterson
Vice President, Research Division

Distinguished Professionals Online
26 Bond Street
Westbury, NY 11542, USA

Thanks. We are not interested in the nominations.
Len Novarro说:留言于2010-04-10 14:37:05(第4条)


Midnight April 25 is the last chance to nominate individuals and organizations for an Asian Heritage Award. Nominations will be screened by the Asian Heritage Awards Committee and placed on a ballot to run in the May 7 digital edition and the May 14 print edition of ASIA, The Journal of Culture & Commerce.

An email version of the ballot will also go out to a data base of more than 30,000. Voting begins May 1. While the ballot will contain an abbreviated biography of each nominee, voters can view full profiles on the newspaper website at www.asiamediainc.com.

Honorees will be announced at the gala dinner event aboard the USS Midway on July 10, which will also include a Special Recognition Honor for Tom Hom, San Diego’s first Asian elected official, who served on the San Diego City Council and in the California State Assembly. Hom was also instrumental in reviving the Gaslamp District and in developing the professional football/baseball stadium in Mission Valley.

Nominations are open to individuals of Asian descent and organizations who have excelled in any of these categories: Business Enterprise, Community Service, Cultural Preservation, Education, Entrepreneurship, Government Affairs, Health and Medicine, Humanitarian Outreach, Law, Literature and Visual Arts, Media, Military, Performing Arts, and Science and Technology.

Please email nominations to editorial@asiamediainc.com or mail to ASIA, 5857B Mission Gorge Rd., San Diego, CA 92120.

The Asian Heritage Awards are presented by the Asian Heritage Society, a nonprofit organization focused on youth leadership and cultural preservation. For more details or information, visit www.asiamediainc.com or call 619.521.8008.

Higher Ed Hero说:留言于2010-04-08 23:50:01(第3条)
For those who are interested in the Healthcare Reform Updates that will affect
your University, there will be a live, 60- minute Webinar:

"Higher Ed Healthcare Reform-Obama's Plans for Your University"
Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET

On, March 23, 2010, Obama signed a landmark healthcare bill that will
dramatically change healthcare plans and regulations for your university. How
will your university employees be affected by changes to coverage options,
premiums, tax-free reimbursement programs-and how will you prepare for these new
changes? Please join us for a one-hour webinar, where you and your colleagues
will discover:

Healthcare Reform Update: What Higher Ed Needs to Know
How to get 35% Tax Credits for Employer Premium Costs in 2010
Long-term Changes that Impact Healthcare for University Employees
Avoid Crucial Fines: Keys to Comply with New Insurance Requirements
New Changes to Pell Grants & Student Financial Aid Regulations

Conference Presenter:

Landon Pirius is the Interim Dean of Students and Director of Enrollment &
Online Services for Inver Hills Community College.

Hosted by Higher Ed Hero, this audio conference gives you the opportunity to add
immediate, money-saving impact to your work environment that is:

FAST - No wasted time here. Get right to the heart of the matter with a 1-hour
block designed to easily fit into your busy schedule.

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handouts provided in advance.

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using as soon as you hang up the phone.

IDEAL FOR MULTIPLE LISTENERS - Use a speakerphone and as many people as you want
can listen in - at no extra cost to you. These sessions are a cost-effective,
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reinforcing key issues in a fresh, new manner that they will remember and act on.

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fees for a lengthy, high-priced conference or seminar.

* Higher Ed Healthcare Reform-Obama's Plans for Your University*
* Live, 60-Minute Webinar*
* Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET*

Register now for this exciting event by clicking the following link
Asia Society说:留言于2010-04-07 10:20:41(第2条)
Click on the link below for the full stories and let us know how you like this form of delivery.


Asia Society


Daphne.Ng说:留言于2010-04-05 07:46:00(第1条)
Dear Community Leaders,

We would like to invite you and your friends to join us celebrating the 5th Annual Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration.

Please share the event information with your business associates and members.

We look forward to seeing you on May 7!!
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