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NECINA Annual Converence(6/8)
2013/5/17 14:18:28 | 浏览:4227 | 评论:0

NECINA Annual Converence(6/8)                   

June 8 - NECINA Annual Conference


NECINA 2013 Annual Meeting

The Impact of Technology Innovations


Date: June 8, 2013

 Time: 8:30am-1:00pm 

        Location: Radisson Hotel Chelmsford,
            10 Independence Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824 


Registration: Please register 




Focused on promoting technology trends and fostering entrepreneurship, NECINA is committed to helping its members explore the intersection between technology innovations and business impact in the past 17 years.


Please join us at the 2013 Annual Meeting, to learn about how technology innovations can help take your career and business to the next level. Ray Stata, Co-founder and Chairman of the Board of Analog Devices, will deliver a keynote on how to identify and create business opportunities in need of technology innovations. You will also learn about the resources NECINA has to offer and its track record in helping incubate startups, and have the opportunity to review a wide range of innovative startup projects associated with NECINA, network with the co-founders, VIP guests and fellow attendees, and explore opportunities to work together.





Long Term Trends in the Semiconductor Industry and the Impact on the Structure and Process of Innovation
by Ray Stata, Cofounder and Chairman of the Board at Analog Devices


NECINA Annual Converence(6/8)

Ray Stata was cofounder of Analog Devices, Inc.(ADI), in 1965.  ADI initially focused on operational amplifiers but later expanded into other linear IC's including data converters and subsequently in digital signal processors(DSP), forging the integration of analog and digital circuits for signal processing applications.  

Mr. Stata served as CEO of the company from 1971 to 1996. He has been Chairman of the Board since 1973 and continues to serve in this capacity.

A graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT), Mr. Stata holds a BSEE and MSEE from MIT, and was until 2010 the Chairman of the Visiting Committee of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. In 1984 he was elected to MIT's Corporation and served as a member of its Executive Committee until 2010. In 1987-1988 he served as President of the MIT Alumni Association.
NECINA Annual Converence(6/8)E-Commerce and opportunities in China 
by Dr. Jun Chang, A long-time member of NECINA,  and the Founder and CEO of EventDove
With the encouragement and support of NECINA, EventDove has become one of the leading providers of event management systems in China in just three years. 
With locations in both the United States and China, EventDove has helped many clients create and realize thousands of events. EventDove provides the necessary tools that can transform anyone into an event organizer. 


8:30 - 9:00am         Breakfast & Registration

9:00 - 9:15am         Opening Remarks

9:15 - 10:00am       Keynote Speech by Ray Stata, Co-founder / Chairman of Analog Devices

10:00 - 10:15am     Sponsor Message(candidates:EMC, HP Vertica, KPMG)

10:15 - 10:45am     Break and NECINA Startup and Business Showcase

10:45 - 11:00am     2012-2013 President Report

11:00 - 11:15am     2012-2013 Officer Awards

11:15 - 11:30am     2013-2014 President Elect Speech

11:30 - 11:50am     YES 7.0 and NEW Award Ceremony

11:50 - 12:00am     Board member election

12:00 - 1:00pm       Lunch, Business Showcase and Networking  


Register Now 


Event Contact

Mingsheng Hongmingsheng.hong@necina.org

Ru Zhengru.zheng@necina.org




[Partner Event] @IBMmobile May Events

IBM DeveloperWorks Live
Thursday May 23, 2013

Two Opportunities, One great day!
9:00 am - 1:00 pm MobileFirst Portfolio Overview
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Hands-on #Worklight Workshop

IBM Innovation Center Waltham
 404 Wyman Street 4th Floor Waltham, Massachusetts 02454 

Building and Connecting Cross -Platform #Mobile Apps 

IBM MobileFirst -Put your Business in Motion  

9:00 am - 1:00 pm    

* Use Mobile to create or enhance new revenues streams
* Learn about the platform, analytics, security, device management ,app development in the portfolio
* Build mobile apps to transform client, partner & employee value chain

Who should attend?
Anyone interested in learning how to leverage and use IBM's MobileFirst porfolio
* Independent Solutions Vendors(ISV)
* IBM Business Partners
IBM Global Entrepreneurs
* Developers

Register Here

Hands-on Workshop on IBM Worklight

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Why you want to attend this Workshop:

* Meet IBM Worklight Subject Matter Experts(SME)
* Understand and learn products better through Workshops!
* Leave with IBM Worklight Developer Edition installed and running on your laptop!

NOTE:BYOL(bring your own laptop)for this workshop!*

Familiarity or Knowledge of:
* HTML5, Apache Cordova, JavaScript, and popular JavaScript frameworks such as Dojo, jQuery, and Sencha Touch.
* Building apps for web, hybrid, and native applications across multiple mobile platforms, including iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows® Phone.

Download IBM Worklight Developer Edition V5.0.6 before attending.

Note:(Windows or Intel based Mac)with a dual core processor, at least 1Gb of RAM and 10Gb of free hard drive space should suffice.

Register Here >>

[Partner Event] 15th SAPA-NE Annual Conference
15th Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals 
 Association New England(SAPA-NE)Annual Conference

NECINA partner SAPA-NE is very pleased to announce that the 15th Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association New England(SAPA-NE)Annual Conference will take place in MIT Sloan School of Management and Walker Memorial Morss Hall at MIT on May 25th, 2013(8:00 am - 5:30 pm). Dr. Bruce Beutler, the 2011 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine will join the annual conference as one of the keynote speakers.  


The theme of the conference is "Scientific Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Drug R&D". The conference will have four plenary sections with outstanding speakers and panelists, including Nobel Laureate, Biopharma industry senior executives, Chinese returnee entrepreneurs, professors, and other experts, who will share their visions on scientific innovation, high-tech entrepreneurship, and business development in US and emerging markets.


Our Confirmed Speakers:
Dr. Bruce Beutler, UT Southwestern Medical Center, the 2011 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine
Dr. Steven Projan, SVP, AstraZeneca
Dr. Will Somers, VP of Global Biotherapeutic Technologies, Pfizer
Dr. Brigitta Tadmor, VP, Novartis
Dr. Philip J. Vickers, Head of R&D, Shire
Dr. Michael Vincent, VP, Pfizer
And More....


What makes our annual meeting even more special is that this year is also the 15th anniversary of SAPA-NE. The conference will be followed by one of biggest celebration parties in SAPA-NE history at Morss Hall at MIT, offering an excellent networking opportunity. The dinner banquet will feature keynote speakers from NY Counselor and Cambridge Councilor, dinner buffet, cultural performance and show, music and ballroom dance.


We look forward to seeing you all on May 25th, 2013 at MIT.


Sincerely yours,
SAPA-NE Executive Committee


For our full event we highly recommend you register online at:http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=236027 . The event is free for active SAPA members or MIT students. You can pay $30 to become SAPA-NE member(student $10)to enjoy our full year events free. For dinner Banquet, the ticket is $30 if you pay online, and will be $50 onsite. Part of the dinner revenue will be donated to Boston One Fund and Sichuan Earthquake Relief Fund.


In addition, free breakfast(before 8 am)and free lunch will be provided. For any questions, please contact

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