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UCLA:国防大学李殿仁中将 - 《孙子兵法》的科学价值及为将之道(8/19)
作者:UCLA-CCS | 2013/8/13 13:41:31 | 浏览:2756 | 评论:0


UCLA:国防大学李殿仁中将 - 《孙子兵法》的科学价值及为将之道(8/19)

Scientific Value of The Art Of War by Sun Zi and the Art of Generalship

UCLA:国防大学李殿仁中将 - 《孙子兵法》的科学价值及为将之道(8/19)

Monday, August 19, 2013
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
10383 Bunche Hall

This talk will be presented in Chinese by Lieutenant General Li Dianren.

General Li Dianren will discuss Sun Zi’s Art of War in four parts.

I. Three queries about Sun Zi’s Art of War

II. Scientific value of the work

III. Basic method of understanding the scientific value

IV. Improving the capability and quality based on “5 virtues of generalship” proposed by Sun Zi




Lieutenant General Li Dianren was born in November, 1945 in Shandong Province. He joined the PLA in 1964and was a graduate of National Defence University. He was appointed the vice political commissar of National Defence University in July, 2001. He was awarded the rank of lieutenant general in July 2002. He was the member of the standing committee of the 11th National People’s Congress. Now he is the adjunct professor of the Beijing Jiaotong University and the Senior Advisor of the China Sunzi Research Association.


Cosponsored by the Center for Chinese Studies and Confucius Institute

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