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2013/9/5 14:18:06 | 浏览:5506 | 评论:2
Dear ,

Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend. We are having several NECINA and our Partner Events to come in a row in September. One of the major NECINA events-Global e-Commerce Tech Conference will be help on September 21 at Harvard University Science Center. More partner and community events will be arranged in early September or in the next week.      

Hope you will find all the upcoming events interesting and informative. Thanks. 
Become a member to enjoy exclusive discount for NECINA's events.
NECINA Newsletter Menu
2013 NECINA Global e-Commerce Conference(9/21)
Entrepreneurship@Suzhou.China Info Session(9/21)
2013 NECINA NEW Accelerator 2.0
NECINA Youth Entrepreneurship Service(YES)8.0
2013 NECINA Marketing Workshop
Partner Event:SAPA-NE - China Nanjing Biotechnology and Creative Pharmaceutical Industry Promotion Seminar(9/4)
Partner Event:中国南京(波士顿)科技创业人才恳谈会暨"321计划"推介会(9/5)
(Partner Event)NAAAP-Boston WIN Pod Program Launch Event(9/5)
2013 NECINA Global e-Commerce Conference 09/21

Global e-Commerce Conference 

-- Connecting Data, Services and People


  • Date / Time:8:15am - 1:30pm, Sept 21th, 2013
  • Venue:  Harvard University Science Center(Hall B-10)



In a very short ten years, E-Commerce has grown from a novice concept to now an essential part of people's life. It is also a borderless phenomenon spreading across many countries and continents. What are the challenges and new trends in e-Commerce, in particular in an international setting? What are the new opportunities for entrepreneurs, professionals? How to put yourselves and your business in the best position to win in this environment? Please join our incoming conference for a live discussion!

NECINA is proud to present "Global e-Commerce Conference:Connecting data, services and people". We have several successful entrepreneurs and professionals with strong e-Commerce background and international experience to share with their vision and stories, discuss challenges and risks associated with global e-commerce. Come listen to their stories first-hand, and ask questions!

Join us for a lively conversation on these interesting topics and meet with successful professionals that impact global e-Commerce from various angles(Policy, Technology, HR, Finance, Regulation, operation).


Key Notes and Panel



For more speaker and panelist bios, please visit this page .



8:15 - 9:00

Refreshment, registration and networking

9:00 - 9:10

Opening remark(Conference Chairs)

9:10 - 9:50

Key Note #1:E-Commerce in China, practical guide to get things started, James Du, Head of Marketing, Dezan Shira & Associates

9:50 - 10:30

Key Note #2:The Workplace in 2020, an international view, Todd Horton, Founder and CEO of KangoGift.


Break and Networking

10:40 - 11:20

Key Note #3:Data and Global e-Commerce - Panjiva story, James Psota, CTO and cofounder, Panjiva

11:20 - 12:00

Key Note #4:Lean startup and e-Commerce - Tina Weber, Chief Engagement Officer, GearSay Inc.

12:00 - 12:30

Panel discussions "Data, People, Services - the future of global e-Commerce"

12:30 - 13:30

Post-event networking

















Register Now>> 


Join NECINA Membership First for Discounted Tickets >>

For the benefits of becoming a NECINA member, please visit http://necina.org/membership/



Entrepreneurship@Suzhou.China Info Session



  • 49支管理基金,总资产管理规模超430亿
  • 5 家担保及小额贷款公司和36个股权投资管理团队
  • 已为 2000 多家企业提供了贷款担保或贷款资金支持
  • 已为近 650 家企业提供了股权投资服务
  • 累计受理海归创业项目 279个,其中千人计划创业项目 135




时间: 2013921日 下午12:30-4:00

地点: Harvard University Science Center(Hall B-10)(map

语言: 中文

注册: 免费点击注册


12:30 - 1:30



1:30 - 1:40



1:40 - 2:10


张娟 苏州市人才办主任

2:10 - 2:40


夏蕾 苏州市科技局人才开发处处长

2:40 - 3:10


吴海滨 沙湖金融副总经理

3:10 - 4:00




东沙湖股权投资中心 - 千人计划创投中心

国内唯一服务于"千人计划"的综合性投融资服务平台,2011 7 月经中央批准在苏州工业园区挂牌成立。中心致力于汇聚国内外优秀的创投资源,为海外高层次人才归国(来华)创业提供资本、人才、产业资源等全方位的支持,助推创业企业成长。了解更多www.sandlake.com。有关苏州人才优惠政策,请登录官方网站:www.rcsz.gov.cn  


千人计划创业大赛赢取 大赛奖金 + 创业导师 + 千万天使投资

大赛面向所有有志于在中国创业的海外人才。只需要提供一份商业计划书;已在中国创业的海外人才,企业成立需不满1年;参赛的创业项目应符合国家战略性新兴产业规划;如果是团队创业,至少有一名成员具备海外学习或工作经验。详情请参阅官方网站:http://contest.1000plan.org,及新浪微博: @千人计划创业大赛




2013 NECINA NEW Accelerator 2.0

NECINA NEW Accelerator 2.0


Date & Time: 2013-08-28 09:00 - 2013-09-30 12:00
Address:Two Financial Center, 60 South Street, Boston, MA 02111 


NECINA NEW Accelerator 2.0 registration is now open! Need resources and network for your startup? Want to form a team? Need an experienced mentor in your field? Need financial or legal advices for your startup? We have it all. Come to join us....


The NEW Accelerator is a startup incubator organized by NECINA, a non-profit organization. This program helps entrepreneurs and entrepreneur-to-be turn their dreams of building start-ups into reality through mentorship, teamwork and hands-on experience. Projects accepted into NEW Accelerator will leverage the extensive resources and network of NECINA, benefit from mentorship, receive financial and legal advice, and pitch to investors and venture capitalists.


NECINA does NOT take any equity from the accepted projects- we take pride in facilitating your success!NEW 2.0(2013-2014)will expand both the range of accepted projects types and the types of investors, plus, you'll get professional services from our strong program committee with professionals from IT, legal, marketing and healthcare, etc.



Monthly Workshop

Each month, you will be provided with a team of experts giving you input for your project and more importantly, a series of training courses that will boost and grow your venture! The course will cover:

  • Leadership
  • Corporate and Business Strategy
  • Legal
  • Startup Lab and Web design, stylish and yet converts
  • Presentation Skills
  • Marketing and Brand Strategy

 Register now >>



Event Contacts

Ping Dang:ping.dang@necina.org  

Tony Tian:tony.tian@necina.org  

NECINA Youth Entrepreneurship Service(YES)8.0 Registration Opens 

NECINA Youth Entrepreneurship Service(YES)8.0 Registration Opens

9am-12pm on Saturday Mornings, Location TBD


View Course Schedule

Founded in 2005, YES(Youth Entrepreneurship Service)Program is a FREE program for high school students to develop entrepreneurship and leadership skills. From the 10-class program, students learn to work in teams, develop business ideas and participate in a business plan contest. The program will cover Business Plans, Product Conceptualization, Company Structure, Finance, Sales and Marketing, Public Speaking and Presentation skills. Each class will feature a distinguished speaker and an exciting instructor to show students how skills learned can be applied in the real world. Winners will have cash scholarship and possible internship opportunities in big firms or corporate.


Quick facts about YES:

10 classes on alternating Saturdays commencing September 22nd.
5 learning points: Business Plans, Product Conceptualization, Company Structure, Finance, Sales and Marketing.
1 soft-skill training session: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills.
1 Competition to win the YES Awards.

Many opportunities to meet face-to-face with amazing entrepreneurs and other industry leaders who will help advise and mentor YES participants.


Why YES?

  • Think Different-Learn to listen, think, and act as a founder, creator, and team member.
  • Business Knowledge-Gain business knowledge not included in high school curricula.
  • Solve Real Problems-Apply your current understanding to help solve real problems.
  • Team Building-Build and manage strong teams with your peers.
  • Internship-Be considered for internships at our sponsor companies. 

Register Now>> for the free YES 8.0 online registration.


NECINA YES(Youth Entrepreneurship Service)Program Overview


Event Contact 

Event Sponsor 

We thank IBM for sponsoring NECINA YES 8.0. 


2013 NECINA Marketing Workshop

NECINA Marketing Workshop  


1 Kickoff Bootcamp
6 Meetups
1 Final Presentation
Real Projects for a non-profit organization
Hands-on experience
Lectured by marketing professor from the top-notch Business School 
Guest Speeches from industrial marketing professionals
Job/Internship referral from NECINA network!


Registration Closes:Sunday October 13, 2013
Kickoff Bootcamp Date:Saturday, October, 19, 2013 

Program Span:October 19, 2013 - May 10, 2014



You've heard enough of marketing, but what is it really about? Why is it important? How to design, execute and measure a marketing campaign? What are the trendiest and most popular marketing techniques nowadays?

We will try to answer these questions in our NECINA Marketing Workshop Program, through real projects and hands-on workshops. You will learn from the marketing professor from the top-notch Business School and the industrial marketing professionals, and get yourself prepared to enter the marketing professional world with internship or job opportunities.  

In this program, you will: 

-   Learn the most essential marketing concepts from the marketing gurus.  

-   Work with NECINA program teams to design, execute and measure a marketing campaign.  

-   Work in a team to design your own marketing campaigns and projects to solve the real business problems.  

-   Share your ideas and practices with the class and get critiques from your peers and the industrial marketing professionals.  

-   Receive the NECINA Marketing Workshop Certificate upon completion and have job/internship referral from NECINA network.




Kickoff Bootcamp Lecturer 
Jennifer Lawrence, Founder of Cambridge Corporate Training



JENNIFER F. LAWRENCE, founder of Cambridge Corporate Training, provides advanced management training and coaching to business professionals in the United States and China. She previously served as Managing Director of Executive Education at Harvard Business School. Prior to HBS, Jennifer was a marketing professor at Boston University for nine years after she served as a marketing executive at Reebok International.


Learn more >>



 Register Now >>


Join NECINA Membership First for Discount  


For the benefits of becoming a NECINA member, please visit here. 


(Partner Event)SAPA-NE: China Nanjing Biotechnology and Creative Pharmaceutical Industry Promotion Seminar(9/4)

China Nanjing Biotechnology and Creative Pharmaceutical Industry  

Promotion Seminar   


Dear Members and Friends,

We would like to bring your attention to "China Nanjing Biotechnology and Creative Pharmaceutical Industry(Boston Promotion Seminar".

As the major city for developing  biotechnology and creative pharmaceutical industries in China, Nanjing has abundant resources in science, technology and education. Many preferential policies have been put in place to promote the construction of science & technology innovation and entrepreneurship system by Nanjing Municipal People's Government. Aiming at advertising the incentives to more domestic and oversea talents, as well as promoting the development of Nanjing biotechnology and creative pharmaceutical industries, Nanjing Municipal People's Government will host:


"China Nanjing Biotechnology and Creative Pharmaceutical Industry Promotion Seminar"


17:30-20:00 on September 4th, 2013(Wednesday),

President's Ballroom, Hyatt Regency Cambridge Overlooking Boston Hotel,

575 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02139




Mr. YANG Weize, Standing Committee Member of CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and Secretary of CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee, will lead the responsible officials of related departments and representatives of biopharmaceutical entrepreneurs of Nanjing to attend this seminar. 


Tentative meeting agenda:

17:30-18:00     Registration

18:00-18:05     Introduction of special guests

18:05-18:15     Speech by the co-organizer                                        

18:15-18:45     Key-note speech by Mr. YANG Weize(Secretary of CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee)- 

"Nanjing Biotechnology and Creative  Pharmaceutical Industries"

18:45-19:00     Speeches by representatives from the Life Science Parks of Nanjing

19:00-19:10     Speeches by representatives from foreign-funded life science enterprises in Nanjing

19:10-20:00     Dinner and social networking


We cordially invite you and your colleagues to attend this event. This event is free for our members and general public. Parking at the hotel is free as well. Dinner will be provided after keynote speeches. 




Nanjing Municipal People's Government


王威 Mr. WANG Wei 电话/Tel:+86-25-68787016 手机/Mobile:+86-13951878528
张爱阳 Mr. ZHANG Aiyang 电话/Tel:+86-25-68787019 手机/Mobile:+86-18951779698

(Partner Event)-



You are invited for the dinner reception. Please make your choice of dinner if you want to stay with us for dinner. You will be assigned to a table. Please RSVP before Friday, August 30. If you do not make dinner selection, we assume that you will not stay for dinner.



Boston Marriott Cambridge, 2nd Floor
(Two Cambridge Center, 50 Broadway Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142)地铁:红线Kendall Square/ MIT

承办方:南京大学波士顿校友会、东南大学波士顿校友会, 哈佛大学中国学生学者联合会,波士顿中国校友会联合总会、波士顿清华校友会


Please sent your name and email contact information to either of the following email.

Contact Info:


(Partner Event)NAAAP-Boston WIN Pod Program Launch Event(9/5)


NAAAP Boston's Professional Development Committee is proud to present

2013 Women in NAAAP! Boston's Pod Program Launch Event


"Pod(s)are usually recognized in the animal kingdom as social groups.  Members of the group protect and support each other so the collective will thrive."


Please join the WIN! Boston community for an evening of inspirational learning and meaningful networking at NAPA private event space at Moksa in Cambridge.  We are excited to introduce and open registration for the 2013 WIN! Boston Pod Program to our members.  


 The WIN! Pod is an 8-session program designed to address professional and personal challenges Asian women face in the  workplace through guidance from an experienced facilitator and peer-to-peer learning.  The Pod consists of monthly 2-hour evening sessions and Pod size is limited to 10 members to promote an intimate setting for discussions.


WIN! Boston completed the alpha-testing of the pilot Pod in 2011, and launched two Pods in July 2012, concluded in February 2013 with great success. The Pod members will be in attendance to share their experience and key takeaways.  


In addition to the WIN! Pod launch, attendees will enjoy a nice selection of complimentary hors d'oeuvres and drinks, and networking opportunities with fellow WIN! members.




New England Chinese Information and Networking Association
『学术论坛』 NECINA Spotlights of NECINA 2013-2014 Programs 2014-01-02 [2424]
『社区动态』 NECINA Activities in Nov. & Dec. 2013-11-13 [2704]
『社区动态』 NECINA Marketing Workshop & Entrepreneur Workshop 2013-10-08 [2214]
『社区动态』 2013 NECINA/HUCEIC(哈佛中美经济交流协会)Global E-Commerce Conference(9/21) 2013-09-16 [2910]
『社区动态』 2013 NECINA Global e-Commerce Conference(9/21 Harvard) 2013-08-21 [1998]
『社区动态』 NECINA Annual Converence(6/8) 2013-05-17 [4260]
『社区动态』 NECINA - Suzhou Industrial Park Info Session & Partner Events 2013-04-24 [7001]
『学术论坛』 NECINA Health & IT Innovation Technology Conference(4/6) 2013-03-27 [2986]
『社区动态』 NECINA Career Seminar and Partner Events in March 2013-03-09 [4945]
『社区动态』 NECINA Entrepreneurship Workshop Accelerator Session - Early Stage Funding(1/30) 2013-01-17 [2033]
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