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2013 NECINA/HUCEIC(哈佛中美经济交流协会)Global E-Commerce Conference(9/21)
2013/9/16 14:17:59 | 浏览:2879 | 评论:0
2013 NECINA/HUCEIC(哈佛中美经济交流协会)Global e-Commerce Conference 09/21

Global e-Commerce Conference 

-- Connecting Data, Services and People


  • Date / Time:8:15am - 1:30pm, Sept 21th, 2013
  • Venue:  Harvard University Science Center(Hall E)



In a very short ten years, E-Commerce has grown from a novice concept to now an essential part of people's life. It is also a borderless phenomenon spreading across many countries and continents. What are the challenges and new trends in e-Commerce, in particular in an international setting? What are the new opportunities for entrepreneurs, professionals? How to put yourselves and your business in the best position to win in this environment? Please join our incoming conference for a live discussion!

NECINA is proud to present "Global e-Commerce Conference:Connecting data, services and people". We have several successful entrepreneurs and professionals with strong e-Commerce background and international experience to share with their vision and stories, discuss challenges and risks associated with global e-commerce. Come listen to their stories first-hand, and ask questions!

Join us for a lively conversation on these interesting topics and meet with successful professionals that impact global e-Commerce from various angles(Policy, Technology, HR, Finance, Regulation, operation).


Key Notes and Panel


2013 NECINA/HUCEIC(哈佛中美经济交流协会)Global E-Commerce Conference(9/21)       


2013 NECINA/HUCEIC(哈佛中美经济交流协会)Global E-Commerce Conference(9/21) 


For more speaker and panelist bios, please visit this page .




8:15 - 9:00

Refreshment, registration and networking

9:00 - 9:10

Opening remark(Conference Chairs)

9:10 - 9:40

The Workplace in 2020, an international view, Todd Horton, Founder and CEO of KangoGift

9:40 - 10:10

Data and Global e-Commerce - Panjiva story, James Psota, CTO and cofounder, Panjiva

10:10 - 10:40 Panel Talk #1 "Connecting Data and People in e-Commerce"
  • Todd Horton(CEO, KangoGift)
  • James Psota(CTO, Panjiva)
  • Raj Aggarwal(CEO, Localytics)


Break and Networking

10:50 - 11:20

E-Commerce in China, practical guide to get things started, James Du, Head of Marketing, Dezan Shira & Associates

11:20 - 11:50

Lean startup and e-Commerce - Tina Weber, Chief Engagement Officer, GearSay Inc.

12:00 - 12:30

Panel Talk #2"e-Commerce:how to get things started and what are the legal and tax issues to watch out for?"
  • James Du - Head of Marketing, Dezan Shira & Associates
  • Tina Weber - CEO, GearSay Inc.
  • David Woronov - Partner, McCarter & English
  • Linda Ji - Partner, Nixon Peabody LLP

12:30 - 13:30

Post-event networking, Lunch



Register Now>> 



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