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国际华人体育与健康协会(ICSPAH)2010年年会(Indianapolis 3/19)
国际华人体育与健康协会(ICSPAH)2010年年会(Indianapolis 3/19)
作者:ICSPAH | 2010/3/12 7:39:52 | 浏览:3363 | 评论:4

国际华人体育与健康协会(ICSPAH)2010年年会(Indianapolis 3/19)


International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health(ICSPAH)

2010 Annual Meeting(Indianapolis

国际华人体育与健康协会(ICSPAH)2010年年会(Indianapolis 3/19)

Time:Friday, March 19, 2010:5:30 – 7:00 PM
Location:Marriot Hotel Lincoln Room
Dinner:7:30 pm – 9:00 pm P.F.Chang’s


1. Call to Order(5 minutes)

Welcome and Introduction(Dr. Ping Xiang)

2. Annual Report from(10 minutes)

  • President, Dr. Ping Xiang
  • Treasure, Dr. John Liu, and other ICSPAH Executive Committee Members
  • Standing Committee Chairs

3. Introduction of the Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness(SCSEPF)

(Dr. Frank Fu)(10 minutes)

4. Renewal of Membership(10 minutes)

5. Vote to Approve(10 minutes)

  • Annual Report by the President
  • Revisions of the By-Law(Dr. Guoyuan Huang)

6. Election of President-Elect and Treasurer(Dr. Zan Gao)(15 minutes)

7. Awards(5 minutes)

  • Outstanding Service Awards(Dr. Ping Xiang)
  • Mini Research Grant Award(Dr. Xiaofeng Keating)

8. Open Discussion(25 minutes)

  • Two things that you would like ICSPAH to accomplish most from April 2010 to April 2011
  • Assistance to the Scientific Congress affiliated with the 2010 Asian Games(starting from 11/12/2010)
  • Issues critical to the growth and development of ICSPAH
  • Discussion of ICSPAH Logo

Dinner:7:30 pm – 9 pm.((ICSPAH members – Free; Others - $10)

Tentative Place:P.F.Chang’s
49 West Maryland Street Suite 226
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Everyone is welcome to the meeting!

『学人动向』 国际华人体育与健康协会(ICSPAH)通讯 - 2013年12月 2013-12-25 [1886]
『社区动态』 Reviewers for 2014 ICSPAH International Forum‏ 2013-11-23 [2129]
『征文征稿』 ICSPAH Call for Paper 2013-08-14 [1764]
『学人动向』 ICSPAH UPDATE 2013-07-03 [1885]
『学人动向』 Message from ICSPAH 2012-04-06 [2778]
『社区动态』 ICSPAH General Assembly During Boston AAHPERD Convention(3/16) 2012-03-08 [6677]
『学人动向』 国际华人体育与健康协会(ICSPAH)通讯 2012-01-31 [4782]
『社区报道』 国际华人体育与健康协会(ICSPAH)2011年会报道 2011-05-01 [6933]
『聚会联欢』 ICSPAH:全美华裔体育科技与健康教授专家聚会(3/29-4/2 San Diego) 2011-02-15 [4063]
『社区报道』 ICSPAH七月通信 2010-07-29 [4192]
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Shen Xunzhang说:留言于2010-04-21 11:09:42(第4条)
my colleagues and i are always benefit for the newsletter till know you. we will coorperate with ICSPAH.

Dir & Prof. SHEN Xun-zhang

The Research Centre of Telant Selection
Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science

沈勋章 上海体育科学研究所 选材研究中心
Guibao Yang, Ph.D.说:留言于2010-04-21 02:40:18(第3条)
Dear All,

Most of you probably already know I am nominated by the Chair of ICSPAH Dr. Ping Xiang to be the Editor-in- Chief of the Newsletter and approved the board of the ICSPAH. I would like to thank Dr. Xiang’s for her trust and thank each one of the board members for your support. Working together with Dr. Zan Gao, we are in the process to develop the next newsletter. If any of you have any news, please send them to us, they would be very appreciated. We plan to deliver the newsletter before May to you. Please send the news to Dr. Gao or me before April ends.

Thanks very much for your support.


Guibao Yang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Chair, Division of Physical Education and Dance
Oxford College of Emory University
Office Phone: 770-784-8371
E-mail: gyang2@emory.edu
Liu, Wenhao说:留言于2010-04-20 05:05:32(第2条)
Dear all,

We have 9 new members in 2010 and most members in 2009 have renewed or will renew their membership soon for 2010. In addition, the number of life members increases to 14. Thank all of you who support ICSPAH by joining the organization!

Meanwhile, we are making the last call for joining ICSPAH or renewing your ICSPAH membership. Your participation is important and will be greatly appreciated! To join or renew, please make your check payable to ICSPAH and send it to our Treasurer, Dr. Tao Zhang, at the address below. The postmark deadline for becoming an ICSPAH member for 2010 is May 1, 2010.

Tao Zhang, Ph.D.
Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion, and Recreation
University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #310769
Denton, Texas 76203-5017

(Professional member, $25; student member, $10; life member, $200)

Thank you very much!

Wenhao Liu, PhD

ICSPAH Membership Committee Chair
Li Li说:留言于2010-03-23 06:22:05(第1条)
Dear Dr. Jiang,

I am the president-elect of ICSPAH as of 7PM last Friday.

Since you are one of the founding members of the group and great leader in the overseas Chinese community, I will be depend upon your continuous support and guidance for the group.

I would really appreciate if you can help me better serve the society and its mission.


Li Li, Ph.D.
Louisiana State University
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