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NECINA Marketing Workshop & Entrepreneur Workshop
2013/10/8 14:17:49 | 浏览:2188 | 评论:1

                                                                                                                              NECINA Marketing Workshop & Entrepreneur Workshop NECINA Marketing Workshop & Entrepreneur Workshop NECINA Marketing Workshop & Entrepreneur Workshop NECINA Marketing Workshop & Entrepreneur Workshop NECINA Marketing Workshop & Entrepreneur Workshop NECINA Marketing Workshop & Entrepreneur Workshop  
NECINA Marketing Workshop & Entrepreneur Workshop                                                                      


 Dear ,


This October's newsletter brings you the on-going enrollment process for our NEW 2.0 program which will leverage NECINA's extensive network to provide resources, general mentorship, financial guidance, legal advice and investor pitch delivery to private and corporate audiences. For those interested in the NEW 2.0 program, come and join the kick-off session scheduled for October 24th at One Broadway, Cambridge, MA.

In this newsletter, you may also find more upcoming NECINA partner events.  We hope you will find them informative and interesting as well.


Best regards,



New England Chinese Information and Networking Association



Become a Member >> to enjoy exclusive discount for NECINA's events.



NECINA Newsletter Menu

2013 NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop(NEW)Accelerator 2.0

[Partner Event] Nanjing 321 Plan

[Partner Event] New England Venture Summit

[Partner Event] Babson Asia 2013 Entrepreneurship Forum(11/2/2013)

[Partner Event]中国留学人员广州科技交流会

Partner Job Posting


2013 NECINA NEW Accelerator 2.0 Registration and Kick-Off Session 10/24


  NECINA NEW Accelerator 2.0 Kick-Off Party   

"Hackers Wanted"  


NEW 2.0 Announcement / Co-Founder Speed Dating / Team Building 


Registration Ends on:October 20, 2013 

Kick Off Session Date & Time: October 24 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
One Broadway, 15th Floor, KPMG Cambridge Innovation Center 

Cambridge, MA 02142

Free Information and Networking Event - Grab your ticket now before they are all GONE! 



Who should attend?

  • Startup Founding Team - Early stage startup team that need help improving the business model, recruiting team members, building marketing strategy
  • Growth-Stage Company - Team that has launched its business and is interested in expanding the business impact with help from NECINA
  • Professional - Who is interested in participating in startup activities and joining or contributing to these early stage businesses
  • Individual - Who is looking to improve his/her business ideas or seek for teammates 
  • College or Graduate Student - Who is looking to obtain experience in startup environment
  • NO Age Limit
  • In one word - Hackers!

 It will be a fun evening at Cambridge Innovation Center. Networking with Enterpreneurs and professionals and hackers. 


About NEW 2.0 Accelerator  

The NEW Accelerator is a startup incubator organized by NECINA, a non-profit organization. This program helps entrepreneurs and entrepreneur-to-be turn their dreams of building start-ups into reality through mentorship, teamwork and hands-on experience. Projects accepted into NEW Accelerator will leverage the extensive resources and network of NECINA, benefit from mentorship, receive financial and legal advice, and pitch to investors and venture capitalists. NECINA does NOT take any equity from the accepted projects- we take pride in facilitating your success!



In addition to the skill sets utilized in the previous year, NEW 2.0 will:

  • Focus on Big data, medical, healthcare, mobile Apps, semiconductors, nano technology, wireless communications, and robotics
  • Offer participating teams the opportunity to join NECINA Marketing Workshop
  • Offer participating teams the opportunity to join NECINA LAB series
  • Offer participating teams big discount to the 2013 New England Venture Summit

The monthly workshop will cover:

  • Leadership
  • Corporate and Business Strategy
  • Legal
  • Startup Lab and Web design, stylish and yet converts
  • Presentation Skills
  • Marketing and Brand Strategy



6:00 - 6:30     Light Dinner and Networking

6:30 - 6:40     NEW Kick-Off Welcome and Greetings(Ping Dang, Director of NEW 2.0)

6:40 - 7:00     Your Way to success(Harry Gao, Chairman of NECINA entreprenur programs)

7:00 - 7:15     Concept to Fruition - NEW 1.0 Review(Tony Tian, VP of Technology, NECINA)

7:15 - 7:40     Startup Experience - NEW 1.0 Winning team(John Wang, CEO, myCarQ.com)

7:40 - 8:05     Lean Startup(Tina Weber, GearSay. InC)

8:05 - 8:30     Startup Experience - NEW 1.0 Winning team(Ethan Bagley, CEO, USpin)

8:30 - 9:00     Speed Dating and Networking(Be ready to pitch your ideas and network)



Register Now >>  

(Note:  You will get 10% discount for NECINA Partner event - New England Venture Summit if you have registered NEW 2.0. Please go to the event contacts for the discount code.) 


  NECINA Marketing Workshop & Entrepreneur Workshop 



Event Contacts 


Ping Dang:ping.dang@necina.org  

Tony Tian:tony.tian@necina.org  


[Partner Event] Nanjing 321 Plan



Are you thinking of starting up your business and need seed money funding and support from local governments?  Are you exploring your new venture's global footprint and considering a presence in China? 


If so, please read the information below and send an email to ru.zheng@necina.org ASAP.  Once selected, you will be invited to a face-to-face meeting with some of the decision makers from Nanjing Jianye District for Nanjing 321 Plan on Nov 18, 2013. Seats are limited, please act now!  


Special dinner invitation:Call for innovators and entrepreneurs that interested in launching their business in Nanjing, China!  


Nanjing 321 Plan

by Nanjing Jianye District


Nanjing Hexi Newtown lies to the east of Yangtze River and to the west of Qinhuai River. It is blueprinted as the landmark of modern Nanjing and new center of the City. Jianye focuses on implementing its "one region and five towns"objectives and become a finance center, an expo center, a culture and and sports center, a science and technology center and a commerce center.  

"Nanjing's old city is where to explore its historical interests while Hexi Newtown is where to see its latest development."Jianye is devoted to its efforts to make the District a modern riverbond eco-friendly area harmonious and prosperous that is fit for the clustering of headquarters,startups and tourists as well as the activities like innovation,inhabitation and recreation.


You are warmly welcomed to invest and prosper in Jianye, Nanjing! 


Jianye's Incentive Policy Concerning Nanjing 321 Plan

  1. RMB 1-3 million yuan to support project
  2. 100-150 square meters office, free of charge for 3 years
  3. An apartment( suite in 4-starred hotel)free of charge for 3 years
  4. Adjunct professor in associate universities
  5. 100% return of personal income tax retained by the District
  6. Spouse's employment in the public institution of the District


Qualifications for Applicants:

  1. Own a master degree or above, or have the title of professor or associate professor 
  2. Have registered or plans to register in the region of Nanjing Municipal Administration as the legal person of an innovative enterprise before you decide to apply for Nanjing 321 Plan. 
  3. Your application is very much likely to be approved if one of the following is met:

 - You have ever managed a major R&D or engineering project in any disciplinary or technological field home or abroad, or own scientific research results of high-tech significance which enjoy possibility of industrialization and prospect of economic reward;

- You own such independent intellectual properties as patents, Microsoft copyrights, IC layout design rights, exclusive technologies etc. which can be characterized by advancement home or abroad or the first of its kind in China with the prospect of industrialization and economic reward; 

- You have had entrepreneurial experience home or abroad which helps to start-up in Nanjing in terms of industry, technology, project or finance.



[Partner Event]  New England Venture Summit 2013




NECINA Partner Event: 

2013 New England Venture Summit   


December 11, 2013 | Hilton | Boston Dedham

   Where Innovation Meets Capital   


Meet, interact and network with more than 500 VCs, Corporate VCs, angel investors, investment bankers and CEOs of early stage and emerging growth companies at the prestigious New England Venture Summit™ being held on December 11th, 2013 at the Hilton in Boston Dedham. 


A highly productive full-day venture conference, the New England Venture Summit is dedicated to showcasing VCs, Corporate VCs and angel investors committed to funding early stage and emerging companies.  

This exclusive summit will feature a distinguished line up of more than 40 Investors on interactive panels; presentations by more than 50 companies seeking funding, and high-level networking opportunities.

In addition to providing access to leading Investors, the conference will feature more than 50 pre-screened early stage companies seeking capital, and hardcore networking. 


"Early bird" registration savings expire Wednesday. October 30th. NECINA has made special arrangement for our members and NEW startups and investors to receive a special discount of 10% off the "early bird" rates.      

Retrieve your code here



Become a member to receive exclusive benefits 




Entrepreneurs: Regular:$395 | At the Door:$790)

Investors:Regular:$495 | At the Door:$990)

Service Providers:Regular:$695 | At the Door:$1,390) 


Register now >> 


NECINA  & youngStartup Ventures    

To inquire about group rates, register by phone or for more information contact:

Avi Maderer of youngStartup Ventures at 212.202.1002 



[Partner Event]  Babson Asia 2013 Entrepreneurship Forum (11/2/2013)



NECINA Marketing Workshop & Entrepreneur Workshop  

For more information, please check our official website: www.babcef.org . 

Click here for registration:  baef2013.eventbrite.com .  



[Partner Event] 中国留学人员广州科技交流会














)   论坛活动

1    珠江创新峰会

2    投资与产业发展论坛

3    第六届广州国际干细胞与再生医学前沿论坛

)   对接交流

1    "千人计划"专家科技成果对接会

2    第八届"春晖杯"创新创业大赛项目洽谈对接会

3    独联体国家科技产业化项目推介会

4    广州"国际人才港"洽谈交流会

)   展览展示

1    广州创新主题展

2    欧美同学会百年历史回顾展

3    国内城市展





1    在海外著名高校、科研院所、企业担任副高或相当于副高以上专业职务的人士;

2    在海外创办高新技术企业的企业家;

3    具有专利技术准备回国创业的项目持有人。













Partner Job Posting  




Director of Marketing

Job Description:

Experience around the digital/web side including SEO, Web analytics, PPC, and even web site/Wordpress knowledge





Please send your resume to: 





NECINA is sponsored by NECINA Marketing Workshop & Entrepreneur Workshop

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