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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网活动公告征文征稿
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2013/10/22 1:09:25 | 浏览:12139 | 评论:49

We petition the Obama administration to:Investigate Jimmy Kimmel Kid's Table Government Shutdown Show on ABC Network.

We were very disturbed by Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘Kids Table’ show. It was aired on ABC recently and talked about killing all the Chinese so that the states do not need to pay back their debts to China. The kids might not know anything better. However, Jimmy Kimmel and ABC’s management are adults. They had a choice not to air this racist program, which promotes racial hatred. The program is totally unacceptable and it must be cut. A sincere apology must be issued. It is extremely distasteful and this is the same rhetoric used in Nazi Germany against Jewish people. Please immediately cut the show and issue a formal apology.

Created:Oct 19, 2013
Issues:Human Rights

  最近在ABC播出Jimmy Kimmel节目提到“杀死所有的中国人以解决美国对中国的债务”。孩子们可能不懂事,然而,吉米・金梅尔和ABC的管理者都是成年人。他们可以选择不播出这个煽动促进种族仇恨的节目(http://www.scmp.com/news/china-insider/article/1337344/kill-everyone-china-outrage-over-comment-during-jimmy-kimmel-skit)。

  这出节目是非常令人反感,这是在纳粹德国对犹太人的人用同样的说辞。小孩子确实是无知和天真的,但是ABC和Jimmy Kimmel选择播放这个就是完全恶意的,这个如果换成杀光黑人,或者杀光任何其他一个种族的言论都是不能接受的。我们华人的懦弱造成了这样的事件层出不穷,今天你不说话,以为和你没有关系, 明天德国人屠杀犹太人的历史就在我们身上重演。这种成年人借小孩的口说出极端种族主义的言论是不能接受的。 ABC请立即停播吉米・金梅尔的节目,并做出一个正式的道歉。(https://sites.google.com/site/boycottjimmykimmelandabc/


  这个节目的播出连接如下,您可以通过FACEBOOK直接在这里表达不满, 请不要谩骂,不要威胁,只是说出您的不满。请写信给下面的部门投诉:



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  近日,FACEBOOK、人人网、北大未名BBS等社交网络或论坛出现大量请愿网页、号召帖等;白宫“我们人民”(We The People)请愿网页上也出现题为“调查美国广播公司吉米·坎摩尔的政府停摆儿童圆桌会议”(Investigate Jimmy Kimmel Kid's Table Government Shutdown Show on ABC Network)的签名请愿。发起请愿、号召的华人主要针对的是美国广播公司(ABC)节目中的“杀光中国人”的种族主义言论。

  在美国广播公司10月16日的深夜脱口秀节目“吉米鸡毛秀”(Jimmy Kimmel Live)中,主持人吉米·坎摩尔邀请了4位不同肤色的孩子组成“儿童圆桌会议”,吃着糖果讨论国家大事,以讽刺“国会议员像儿童一样爱闹脾气”。当坎摩尔问道“我们欠中国1.3万亿美元债务,怎样才能还完”,有孩子说“要建造大高墙,把中国人挡在外面”,被坎摩尔用“长城”(Great Wall)进行调侃,而随后一6岁白人儿童更是语出惊人,说“要绕到地球另一边去,杀光中国人”。






批ABC道歉無誠意 全美華人動員抗議(駱舒嫻)








ABC电视台的吉米鸡毛秀(Jimmy Kimmel Live)“杀光中国人”言论事件持续发酵。华人以各种形式发出声音,表示不满和愤怒,并敦促相应的处理。美国广播公司资深执行副总裁丽莎·贝格(Lisa Berger)和ABC副总裁蒂姆·麦克尼尔(Tim McNeal)日前联名发给“80-20促进会”的道歉信表示,他们“绝不会有意让华裔、亚裔群体感到难过”,因为节目的目的只是“娱乐”。他们还表示已经“尽量减低这一事件的影响”,意指ABC官网上已经撤下了节目视频。




再有,这一事件的要害是在下一代中播种仇恨。对此,不仅是华人,许多西方人士也站出来主持公道。他们指出,听任这种言论和节目泛滥,不仅华人,美国孩子也是受害者。如洛加大孔子学院院长简·苏珊(Susan P. Jain)认为,ABC主持人不但没有对孩子的幼稚言论加以纠正,反而还把这种客观上传递种族仇恨的画面公布于众,这是一种极不负责的表现,将一种不健康的观念灌输给了美国的下一代。洛加大教授卡妮(Perla Karney)表示,孩子们看好莱坞打打杀杀的片子太多了,张嘴闭嘴“杀杀杀”倒见怪不怪,但主持人应当在节目上加以引导,教育孩子们什么话是对的,什么观念是错的。但遗憾的是他没有这么做,而是轻描淡写地说了句“这个想法很有趣”,这就辜负了一个主流媒体对民众所肩负的社会责任。

所以,“杀光中国人” 事件的要害是播种仇恨。华人的抗议活动,不仅是为了自己的利益,也是为了我们下一代有一个更纯净的社会环境。正如一位华裔抗议者说的,过去发生的事情,我们无法改变,但是可以不忘记;未来发生的事情,我们也许看不到,但是可以预防;今天发生的事情,我们可以采取行动,改变轨辙。这就是华人对此事不依不饶的理由。




除派崔克外,还有一位华人Long Tian发起了11月9日的ABC抗议活动。据了解,28日旧金山、纽约、芝加哥等城市的华人已经举行了抗议ABC的示威活动,在未来的几天里,休斯敦、西雅图、达拉斯和波士顿的华人也将加入到抗议行列当中。ABC电视台抗议活动地址是:6840 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90028。

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Hohvdhmd说:留言于2014-01-17 07:49:04(第49条)
If the fat in the body and causes those using it since aeons ago to reduce hunger without affecting any bodily system.
juangcqwvr说:留言于2013-11-23 20:43:40(第48条)
NKAA-Boston说:留言于2013-11-02 02:34:02(第47条)
APAPA has been closely following the recent incident on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel show, where a young boy proposed "kill all the Chinese" as a solution to our national debt problem. While a child can sometimes say outrageous things, the show was not live and such inflammatory comment could have been edited out by the show or ABC. Instead, the show played on October 16th, to the disbelief of Chinese and Asian Americans in the US and throughout the world. A widespread community uproar all over the country and in cyberspace forced ABC to send an apology to 80-20 Initiative. However, the apology was insufficient, without sincerity and contained no action against those responsible.

While some may excuse the episode as "just entertainment", we know that hate speech leads to hate crime. Are we to teach our children that we can joke about genocide? Would this have been shown if it was about other minorities? "Kill all blacks"? "Kill all Jews"? Chinese/Asian Americans must stand up and demand action! How do you think others will look at us if we can't even get 100,000 signatures on a petition against making fun of killing an entire race?

APAPA strongly urge you to go to the link below and sign the petition. Registering is easy and takes less than 1 minute. For our children's future, we must stand up and be counted. . .NOW!!
Don't forget to ask your entire family to sign. . .then pass it onto your friends. We're counting on you to help us reach 100,000. . . 200,000. . .signatures.


APAPA National Headquarters
4000 Truxel Road, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 928-9988 P | (916) 678-7555 F
Email office@apapa.org

David P说:留言于2013-10-31 17:15:10(第46条)
Here is the ideal solution to ABC News and any other news media that would make the similar poor judgment:
Donate a reasonable amount of fund to the charity of a cause
Cheng说:留言于2013-10-28 12:53:27(第45条)
I encourage everybody read that PDF (the fax page from ABC) carefully, like I did - and make your own judgement. That fax actually tells more about the story than Mr. Woo's long announcement.
Lora说:留言于2013-10-28 12:41:47(第44条)
Mr. Cheng:
Please scroll all the way down at the bottom, where there is a link to a pdf letter from ABC, which clearly indicates an apology. Please know that I do not work for 80-20. I just heard about them and thought it would be a good organization to mobilize to address this issue. Please don’t be so quick to criticize. Think first about what you can and have done for the community.
CHENG说:留言于2013-10-28 12:38:43(第43条)
I do not see ABC publish/post any apology anywhere. An apology that 80-20 said ABC made to 80-20 and asked 80-20 to pass on to other Asian Americans... ? And if anybody care to read that so-called apology letter, you judge yourself. I do not see any apology - I only see how desperate 80-20 is to benefit from this incident.

Judging from the wording of 80-20''''s announcement letter and the wording of the ABC letter, it seems to me that 80-20 had desperately begged ABC for an apology, and pathetically attempted to claim credit from any meaningful back-stepping of ABC. After failed on both accounts, 80-20 shamelessly announced a non-existing victory and hastefully called for more membership and donation in name of its non-existing victory - hoping nobody would notice they are nothing but a bunch of clowns.

Please, 80-20, stop pretending you are some sort of representative of Asian Americans. It is distasteful because you represent nobody but your bosses in DNC. If ABC truly wants to apologize, they make public apology to Asian Americans directly. Waving a page of fax from ABC and claiming you fought for Asian Americans and won - it is beyond pathetic - it is actually an insult to Asian Americans'''' intelligence.

Sharp insight!
S. B. Woo说:留言于2013-10-28 12:20:54(第42条)
]ABC Apologizes to People of Chinese Descent Through 80-20 PAC. After 2.5 days of hard negotiations, 80-20 obtained an apology from ABC for airing the "kill every Chinese" segment on the "Jimmy Kimmel Live" which is actually not live. 80-20 took ABC executives to task for their grievous lack of judgment. On the other hand, we can shrug off those kids' statements, because "Kids say the darndest things."
Two high ABC executives asked 80-20 to convey ABC's "sincere apology" to all persons of Chinese descent. On 10.23, after S. B. Woo, President of 80-20 PAC contacted ABC, it immediately took down the offensive segment on the Youtube. However, 80-20 didn't announce that progress, because intense negotiation was continuing.
80-20 PAC is proud to have served the Chinese Am. component of the Asian Am community by being the ONLY organization to have obtained a verbal & written
apology from ABC. This incident is a teachable moment for our community -- the importance of an Asian Am organization that has the stature & ability to serve the rightful interests of our community. It illustrates the importance of SELF RELIANCE. Please DONATE to 80-20 EF's SELF project. Click on http://admin.80-20nj.info/cgi/80/e?l=8/au/1/f&w=no .
EF has already raised $635,000. Visit the Acknowledgement Page here.
For more details, see the press release of yesterday, shown below.

S. B. Woo, a volunteer
President, 80-20 National Asian Am Educational Foundation

PRESS RELEASE: ABC Apologizes to People of Chinese Descent Through 80-20 PAC

80-20 PAC, which is by far the largest Asian American political action committee with an email list of 350,000 e-addresses, announced today that ABC's top executives gave verbal and written apologies for permitting an offensive segment in "Jimmy
Kimmel Live" to air. It requested S. B. Woo, President of 80-20 National Asian American Political Action Committee, to be a conduit to convey "our sincere
apology" to the "Chinese community, Asian Community, anyone of Chinese descent or any community at large."

ABC also apologized for letting the offensive segment to get on Youtube linkage. ABC stressed that upon being contacted by 80-20 PAC, it has since "taken swift action" to remove it and promised to âœedi 5f92 t(ing) it out of any future airing of the show.

The written apology was signed by ABC's Executive Vice President, Alernative Series, Specials and Late Night, Lisa Berger, and Vice President, Talent Development and Diversity, Tim McNeal. Mr. McNeal also verbally requested S. B. Woo to convey ABC's eagerness to have Asian American writers, actors and producers apply for jobs with ABC. It is one way to avoid such unfortunate incident in the future -- through diversity in its organization. McNeal said, "ABC takes achieving diversity very seriously." Interested parties may reach his office at Tim.McNeal@ABC.com.

Mr. McNeal has also offered to ask the producer of the "Jimmy Kimmel Live' to "personally apologize." Woo preferred a written apology from the top executives
which was sent subsequently.

S. B. Woo said, "Many worked to achieve this success. 80-20 is very much aware that many different individuals and organizations in the Chinese, Asian and other communities have made great efforts asking ABC to apologize. They organized a petition at the White House, and planned demonstrations in NY & SF. The Chinese media, in particular, did an outstanding job in calling our community's at…
Lora说:留言于2013-10-28 11:57:56(第41条)
Hi, All: Good news! ABC has apologized to us through 80-20 PAC. This is a small victory. It further confirms this is an important issue that needs to be addressed. It shows we do matter, and have the rights and power to get heard. Congratulations to our first victory, which I hope is one of many to come.
David P说:留言于2013-10-27 18:40:46(第40条)
The aired program is for sure NOT within the protection of freedom of speech pertinent to commercial messages. The bottom line is to file a suit against ABC and the host for monetary damages and/or injunction. It could be a class action suit one as many people are similarly situated. The best the U.S. goverment could do is to cite ABC and its subsidary stations with a fine under the certain federal laws that prohibits the promotion of violence or racially hatred conduct, similarly to the Janet Jackson incident for exposure at the Super Bowl years ago, evey affiliated TV stations got fined individually by the U.S. government.
YJ Liang说:留言于2013-10-26 14:24:14(第39条)
I don't want to talk about this any more. I don't have an American dream. I am a temporary worker here. I enjoy living in US but I decided to move to UK after couple of years.
Lora说:留言于2013-10-26 14:19:01(第38条)
Fighting for our children is exactly why so many of us feel the need to speak up. Ideally, we should be at peace with everyone in the society. Fighting for our rights sometimes does have the risk of alienating us from other groups of people. However, the reality in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society is that everyone needs to speak up or even push the envelope to get understanding and respect. Plus, the culture in the U.S. is that if you don’t speak up and let others know your boundary, you are invisible, or marginalized. There is a saying in America “squeaky wheel gets the grease”. If you are working in a corporate situation surrounded by the majority Americans, you will know what this means.
11 years in the U.S. is not long. It takes about 20 years to really get to know the U.S., how things work, how to survive here. Sometimes that is not even long enough. Many Chinese don’t socialize with the local Americans all their lives here. So they don’t know how Americans think, don’t even know when they are being insulted, or treated unfairly. Chinese have a very high tolerance for mistreatment, and discrimination. Many tend to suffer silently, or take the high road thinking the fight is too petty, beneath them. Remember 阿Q? So little by little, over time, anyone can step on our toes, insult us, or even threaten to kill us.
That’s what’s at stake here. I suggest you read the history book “People’s History of United States”. You will understand how American Indians lost their land, lost their lives, and got to where they are today. They were not united. They didn’t have sophisticated organization. They didn’t have leadership. They didn’t fight smartly. Now they are pushed to little patches of land called Indian Reservations.
Now that may have dampened your American dream a bit. But that’s the reality you have to deal with. The sooner you wake up to it, the better prepared you are. I was like you over 20 years ago, full of idealism, full of worship for the “American Way”. Waking up has been painful. But I think it is called growth and maturity.
Na P.说:留言于2013-10-25 07:58:32(第37条)
QJZ说:留言于2013-10-25 07:50:30(第36条)

看看德国人是怎么看待中国的 - 德国军事专家对中国军事的评论:

我父亲直到去世那天还戴着当兵时的手表,而且时间指针永远停在当年进攻苏联的那一刻,这种情结让德国与美国和俄国都保持着某种距离。德国人承认二战罪行,但不承认自己比苏联人或美国人差,而日本人表面不肯承认罪行,但内心对美国、俄国乃至中国有深刻恐惧感。中国年轻军事学者不但与西方军事教育脱节,而且也与中国老一辈军事家思想脱节,其中明显一点就是缺少必胜精神,顾忌太多,自己吓唬自己。如今中国学者们在思考国际力量对比时常犯一个错误,那就是没有学会从对手的角度看问题,一味强调自身的弱点而畏惧对抗,这本身就是中了对手的讹诈之策。 就保卫钓鱼岛战略而言,中国人并没有看清美日对中国的恐惧,处处强调韬晦,这导致丧失战略主动权” 。

那小兵:“ 您很理解这种状况。您研究克劳塞维茨军事思想非常有成就,他的军事战略思想是整个西方军事思想的基础,请您从战略与战术层面给中国读者谈谈如何运用西方军事思想保卫钓鱼岛与南海吧。"

伯格教授:“首先,应当了解中国的对手战略意图,然后评估对方的战斗意志与方式,再然后评估敌我实力对比,之后才能制定战略战术。我们明白战争是政治的继续。在任何情况下,都不应把战争看成独立的东西,而要看作是政治的工具,是为政治服务的。战争爆发之后,并未脱离政治,仍是政治交往的继续,是政治交往通过另一种手段的实现,是打仗的政治,是以剑代笔的政治。美英两国在二战中就建立了所谓“ 围堵欧亚大陆” 的战略同盟,那时对手是德国,德国与苏联交火让英美趁机攻入,最终德国失败。



中国对于保卫钓鱼岛不必担心美国真正介入,但可以适当选择时机给美国面子出来调停。从经济学角度讲,战争恢复能力比打赢战争本身更重要,看看德国与日本就是这样崛起的,再看看那些没有参战的南美洲国家,一个都没崛起,因为他们被既得利益集团拖住了” 。



菲律宾也在试图用同样的方式从中国得到好处。其实,我预料今后在钓鱼岛和南海更多出现的武器是“ 冷兵器” ,也就是装甲舰艇相互冲撞,这属于心理战范畴。日本人也在试图对中国实施心理战,他们正通过媒体与巡逻强化一个假象,那就是“ 日本对于钓鱼岛掌握实际控制权” ,我到想问问日本人在那茫茫大海上凭什么实际控制了钓鱼岛?难道中国船去和日本船去有不同吗?难道日本建立的岛上海防吗?日本人使用这个心理战术的原因是他们认定中国人是农耕民族,农耕民族往往误用陆地划分的思维划分海洋,让中国人心理上接受日本的战略主动权。


美国越是打压中国就越造成中国冷战思维加剧,这对于美国非常可怕。中国最可怕的就是畏惧本身,没有听说一个13亿人的国家整体怕失去朋友的,中国人民与中国人民就是最牢靠的盟友,比北约加上华沙国家人口更多。只要有“ 以战止战” 的决心,没有那个国家敢得罪中国,谁也不敢与永远无法消灭的中华民族战斗到底。

Sophia说:留言于2013-10-25 07:46:13(第35条)
"Kill all Chinese" is not acceptable. "Kill one Chinese" is not acceptable. "Kill any Chinese" is not acceptable. Move Chinese government, Chinese people would say:" Keep the money, we wave you". NO WAY! Period.
Go vote. No more......
Na P.说:留言于2013-10-25 07:42:05(第34条)
It is not hard to understand in as a COUNTRY, China did not gain much respect from most well developed countries because of the Chinese Government's uncharismatic leadership, destruction of Chinese culture and negative influences to its society as your idea of money brings respect was clearly from one of those just mentioned.
Lora说:留言于2013-10-25 07:38:43(第33条)
YJ: You misunderstood what it means to live in the U.S. We are exercising our rights by protesting and we are not suffering. On the contrary, we are quite happy as we can do things like this. This is the only one of the two countries where an individual can sue the country. If you live here long enough, You will come to appreciate that and participate in things like this, hopefully.

It's ok to be critical of Chinese government. There are many things they
could improve on. But when the whole people of China, including us are
attacked, we need to be united, unless you don't consider yourself Chinese
anymore. If we don't, we as a people get NO respect, no matter how good the
Chinese government is.

I thought we set up this group separate from NJCCPS so that people can debate political issues thoroughly. But let’s not get back to attacking each other personally if there is disagreement. If you disagree, say what you disagree on, and why, but don’t do personal attacks. Let’s make this a rule so that we can all be elevated to be adults, and professional. Watch American politician debate. How they keep cool, no matter how each candidate disagrees with each other. But no one would attack personally. That’s called professional debate. Let’s learn to improve our style and manner.

Thank you.
北美崔哥说:留言于2013-10-25 07:29:38(第32条)
北美崔哥的我是搞脱口秀的,这档节目我经常看。当时虽然听着不大舒服,但是毕竟是小孩子狂言,童心无邪,童言无忌,也就没往深里想。第二天,我的一个美国朋友把这段视频发给我,写了句“This is too much. He should be fired.” ( 这太过份了,他应该被解雇。)
jian gang说:留言于2013-10-25 07:26:20(第31条)
YJ Liang说:留言于2013-10-25 07:19:44(第30条)
I think you both misunderstood my statement. I am not saying you should leave. I mean more on since you decided to stay part of the statement. Sorry if that statement offended you. What I really mean is if somebody suffers by living here, why not find a better place.
I really didn't mean to kick anybody out, it is suggestive, please read it again.
By the way, in couple of years, I am going to kick me out of this country. :)

我有两个孩子,我希望我的后代生活在一个种族和谐的社会,不希望华人和其他种族格格不入,自立门户成一个国中国。本来这件事情是一个娱乐节目,大家笑笑就算了。而且我看过视频,主持人也许出乎意料,不知道该如何应付,只好,用你太有才了敷衍一下。我觉得很多人火冒三丈,可能是对interesting idea 望文生义了。所以像大家解释一下。这暴露了一些问题,


大家去看看视频吧,把interesting idea 用你太有才了替换一下,有什么感受?

Min W.说:留言于2013-10-25 07:17:33(第29条)
While we are debating here, don't forget to call Jimmy Kimmel office to register a protest. Here is the phone number in case you don't have it:
Jackhole Industries
(Production Company)
6834 Hollywood Blvd. LA, CA 90028 USA
Phone: (323) 860-5900
Fax: (323) 817-1462

S. Lou说:留言于2013-10-25 07:13:56(第28条)
That’s from old China!
Lora说:留言于2013-10-25 07:11:14(第27条)
when we protest something, it means we want to improve the situation and live better. To kick anyone out of the country every time he or she protests reflects a dictator’s mentality. Guess where that mentality comes from?
Sophia说:留言于2013-10-25 07:08:58(第26条)
YJ: I don't mean to kick you out of Chinese American group. Please also do not kick Chinese American out of U.S. You intend to tell Chinese American go back to China when they have to protest something. If that's the logic, many Jews, Indians, Arabs, Blacks, etc, etc... should be kicked back to their mother land already. But NO. They live here well. Every races are making their best to survive, to live well, to raise their level. So do us --- Chinese Americans. We speak up because we want to live better and it can make us live better...
Lora说:留言于2013-10-24 19:14:31(第25条)
Please don’t tell me where I want to stay. This is a country for immigrants. We live here because there are many good things it offers. But that doesn’t mean it is perfect. We are here to educate ourselves and others to improve it. To think because we live here, we have to like everything here is naïve and not objective. Just because we don’t’ like certain things here, it doesn’t mean we have to leave. In fact, I find that comment very offensive.

YJ Liang说:留言于2013-10-24 19:10:00(第24条)
What you referred are incidents. People choose to live in US. Nobody forces nobody to stay. If people think it is hostile here, the solution is to move to a better place.
Once people decide to stay, the expectation is to treat themselves as part of the society and contribute to it.
Think about it, why do you want to stay US? Do you know you are an American? Or you still think you are a Chinese living in US?
Lora说:留言于2013-10-24 18:59:46(第23条)
I don't know about your experience in the U.S. Maybe you are lucky enough that you have never experienced any disrespectful or sarcastic comments or unfair treatment here, or haven't noticed any. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It has happened to earlier immigrants, and is still happening today. One of my good friends is from Taiwan and has been here for over 40 years since he was 2. But about 15 years ago he got beat up by three big white men in Queens at a gas station with a baseball bat, only because the three men shouted "Chinks, go back to your home country", and my friend retorted that America was his country. The baseball bat hit one of his eyes and shattered everything. He lost his eye. What's more upsetting, When the three men were hauled in front of a judge in a NYC court, the judge didn't sentence the three men, except charging them a small fine.
A few years ago, a Chinese man was pushed into the subway tracks in NYC and was killed instantly by a coming train because the attacker shouted some insults to him for being Chinese and the Chinese guy wrestled with the attacker.
Recently, there was an article about a Chinese student studying at a university in the mid-west. Her English wasn't good. The professor kept insulting her in front of the class, telling her she was stupid and she should go back home, and he would kill her if he had a gun with him.
On and on.
Even if you think you are an individual immigrant, ignorant people here will still link you to Chinese Americans, and most likely to China, and may treat you that way. There is nothing wrong with that, except that ignorant people may typecast and stereotype you negatively, instead of trying to get to know you as an individual. On the other hand, if you are part of the Chinese community and have its support, you can be stronger when facing challenges or misunderstanding. Why is that bad?
Sophia说:留言于2013-10-24 18:53:21(第22条)
Also, in the troubled program, kids didn't say: "Let's go kill Chinese Government". They said:" Let's kill all Chinese". So you should understand what China means, what Chinese means.
S. Lou说:留言于2013-10-24 18:50:09(第21条)
I think that you are right in these debate, I support you. For the others, please think about the America Japanese in second world war. If US think China as enemy whoever is the governor in china, all of America Chinese will be treated unfairly even you are in the war with China. From the interest of us, all America Chinese, what we should do are making the US nice to China.
Sophia说:留言于2013-10-24 18:41:28(第20条)
Sorry for my typo. Don't urgue with me "nationality", I mean "nation". Etc... Not matter it's "Deng Xiaoping" or "Hu Jintao", or "Jiang Zemin", etc... I wish a friendly relationship between U.S and China. That's the core I'd like to express.
Sophia说:留言于2013-10-24 18:37:19(第19条)
"China" is not "Chinese Government". It just include Chinese Government, but it's not only Chinese Government. Mostly it means a county, it means the people in the country, it means a nationality, etc... Always use Chinese Government to against China is not smart. I don't like to discuss "big picture" based on "partial picture". I like to make American people to be friendly with China regardless who is the government. It's funny always use "Chinese Government" to describe everything related to China. Plus don't you think "Mao Zedong", "Zhou Enlai", "Hu Jintao", 'Xi Jinping" etc... are from Chinese people? What are they? Are they Janpanese were dropped to China to rule Chinese people?! History are moving in the way of itself, not in the way of IT theory, not in the way of engineering. You can not engineer society, people, culture, etc... Social science are different from technical science. How's "国富“ can not benefit Chinese people? Have you seen China are building more advanced industries which belonged to the rights of advanced countries before? That benefit Chinese people in many ways. Of course, they also relize that they need to make people more rich. Well, it's on the way. Your reasons of why Chinese people are more respected than before are not comprehensive. I believe many Chinese Americans understsand what I'm saying here.

Don't use "partial picture" mentality to debate with my "big picture" issue. If Muslem not a perfect example for you, then use Iran. I believe that Iranese in this country feel a breath release when Iran and US start to soothe their relationships. I talked to an Iranese before, he said Iran is not what Americans said. Well, I get it. Check history, Iran had great civilization history. Watch CNN, look at the pictures and people in Iran, they don't look "evil" to me. I have a friend who traveled all over the world, he told me to use different angle to look at the world.
Sophia说:留言于2013-10-24 18:17:45(第18条)
"most of us are individual immigrants but not "immigrant groups"" are so naive than anything else. We are individuals, but also we are group too. It''s "辩证法“。Do you think Muslim in this country feel happy where they are standing? Do you think they are getting enough respect as they should? No. Because they have a miserable background so called "evil" by Americans. Do you think Chinese would feel the same way if China were 200 years ago? They felt like rats on the street, always have to look people''s face, out of everybody''s way. Now we feel proud to be a Chinese, because we have a strong background behind us. There is a "国富民强“ China standing behind us. When you have strong/rich relatives, you got more respect, that''s natural.
The only thing I want from American people are changing their "China Threat" attitude, be friendly with China. We are the most beneficial group could be for that result. Imagine you are the only Chinese in this country, you have no way to recuite Chinese professionals, all resources you have is your weak, poor relatives in China. Well, how do you feel? We need to be strong as a race, help China to be strongger as our background.

Na P.说:留言于2013-10-24 18:09:43(第17条)
Again, people gained respect from what they have done! Strength and money will show people that you may have success in the past but it doesn't mean people will like your impolite behaviors. More Chinese people are getting more respect because they have more international exposure and nothing to do with our rich government. As a good government should keep spending money on its people and your "国富" will
never be the case.
Muslim is a religion and could be any ethics as long as they follow its God's instructions! Please make sure that if you are referring ethical groups.
lastly, I just don''t understand the intention of the last part of your email that mentioned about my profession please advise.
Na P.说:留言于2013-10-24 15:27:42(第16条)
I don't think Chinese people are culturally disrespected or discriminated in general and people are disrespected because of their behaviors or habits. It is more like
QJZ说:留言于2013-10-24 15:23:35(第15条)
When you live in China, you need to fight for your right.
Unfortunately, you live in US now. You have to hold your right to try to protect yourself. Do not think that some one will give you right automaticly.
If you do not know how to use your right, that means that you are not qualified to get the right. It is pretty sure that ''no right'' is ''no interest and benefit'' in this country.
Respected black people keep going to fight for any kind of right with loud voice. That is why they can get more and more interests continually, no matter in politics, ecomomics or social security.
Max M.说:留言于2013-10-24 15:19:36(第14条)
120% agree with what Lora wrote.
QJZ说:留言于2013-10-24 15:08:50(第13条)
Why does Yujun like to fool himself always? If a boy told Yunjun's daughtor, I will kill you because I can not pay back the debt which you borrowed to me. Do you think that Police and FBI will concern it is an ''interesting idea '' only ?
Listen! This is a threat, nothing interesting.

YJ Liang说:留言于2013-10-24 15:01:20(第12条)
"This is an interesting idea", 翻译成中文,就是,你太有才了。基本表示不同意

I don't agree it is a bias against Chinese people since white people who created it also are on the disadvantage side. Please be fair.
Lora说:留言于2013-10-24 14:55:59(第11条)
You won’t survive in this country if you don’t even have the basic understanding of how things work here.
Lora说:留言于2013-10-24 14:31:56(第10条)
Why isn’t the case here? It may be related to the biased system against Chinese. There were talks of legislation by some politicians to set up a higher threshold for Asian kids to enter college, which is purely discriminatory, and unconstitutional. There was a protest and that legislation died. So we need to fight on everything major so that we are not hurt. This show should be the case to fight on.
YJ Liang说:留言于2013-10-24 14:29:59(第9条)
There are more important things. In Australia, selectiveness is only based on merits. So in the selective school, 90% of students are from Chinese background. I believe this is not case here. I think this is something worth more effort and attention than that TV program.
Sophia S.说:留言于2013-10-24 14:26:39(第8条)

Lora说:留言于2013-10-24 14:23:50(第7条)
We live in this country so do as the Romans do. Let's not keep comparing what can be done here to what can be done in China. One of the best things about this country is constitutional rights of any individual, or human rights. We the people are more powerful than the government, the media, or any institution. But use it or lose it. If you read history of the U.S., every new immigrant group has fought their way to the present to gain their rights. The Irish, Italians, Jews, blacks, Hispanics, and so on. The Chinese group is the weakest and there doesn't seem any voice here. That's why there is a general disrespect, or outright hostility towards China and Chinese in general in the media and politics, and among Americans. It is our responsibility to band together, to speak up, to educate others.
Lora说:留言于2013-10-24 14:20:04(第6条)
“Interesting Idea” may be a polite way to disagree, but also can mean something the listener hasn’t thought of. The host is the only adult at the table and has choices. He could have corrected the kid right on the spot if the comment is out of line. What the kid said was wrong and he could have said “no, you can’t do that, this is wrong”. But he didn’t and he didn’t have to be polite to the kids. This is where it is offensive. What’s more, ABC decided to air it, which implies their endorsement. That’s what’s wrong and outrageous. They would never dare to do that to the Jews and blacks or any other ethnic groups. ABC or Disney’s chief would have resigned or fired immediately. That’s why we need to protest.
One of the key skills to develop to survive and thrive in this country as a minority is to be tuned in, and hone our awareness and sensitivity towards bias, prejudice, and hostility, so that we can protect ourselves and our children, and defend ourselves when attacked. America is multi-cultural, but American public can be very ignorant, biased. I am sure you might have experienced this at work, or outside work, to some degree. We have a responsibility to educate others about our culture, and establish boundaries, just like any other ethnic group has done. This comes with experience, and time spent here, and more importantly, being tuned in. It’s never too late to start opening your eyes and ears and be aware.

YJ Liang说:留言于2013-10-24 14:16:08(第5条)
You can express your ideas but please don't call me Mr. Wise Guy. I am not your friend. Please be polite.
Na P.说:留言于2013-10-24 14:11:40(第4条)
OMG, I think he is trying to explain what
Max M.说:留言于2013-10-24 14:02:31(第3条)
Mr. Wise Guy, You just don't get it. Nobody is protesting against the kids. ABC is responsible for airing it. Max M.
YJ Liang说:留言于2013-10-24 13:56:46(第2条)
If you live in a country and don't social with the majority people you won''t understand what they are saying. When an American say "interesting idea" means he doesn't agree with you but doesn''t know how to or just doesn''t want to present a different idea.

I viewed a video and and think whoever started the petition were over sensitive. Do you really think those kids mean or understand what they were saying? Or a petition is another kind of humor I didn't get :)

LL Feng说:留言于2013-10-24 13:54:10(第1条)
The host not only did not correct the kid but said it was an “interesting idea”. What’s more outrageous ABC aired this despite the fact it was pre-recorded. It is a brazen act of terror against Chinese people, and an egregious hate crime. Imagine this is done to other ethnic groups, like the Jewish and blacks. The host would have been fired right away and ABC would have issued an apology already. We as a group need to band together to have our voices heard. Otherwise, this is going to no end.
I was very disturbed by Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘Kids Table’ show. It was aired on ABC recently and talked about killing all the Chinese so that the states do not need to pay back their debts to China. The kids might not know anything better. However, Jimmy Kimmel and ABC’s management are adults. They had a choice not to air this racist program, which promotes racial hatred. The program is totally unacceptable and it must be cut. A sincere apology must be issued. It is extremely distasteful and this is the same rhetoric used in Nazi Germany against Jewish people. Please immediately cut the show and issue a formal apology.
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