希林亚裔中心是这次全民健康保险杜培郡 EnrollDuPage 项目的13个项目合作者之一。如果你想了解更多的健保信息,需要语言上的帮助,请联系希林,希林导航员将会提供专业服务和信息,有助于你在指定的时间内挑选到适合自身情况的健康保险。希林将提供电话信息服务,也可以预约时间指导申请。 希林项目导航员都具有伊州保险部颁发的执照。
Xilin Center: 1163 E. Ogden Ave, Suite 301
Naperville, IL 60563
Telephone: 630-355-4322 Ext. 104
Assister: Carla Zhang 张茵
Sarah Ro
June Yang 杨鸿君
Language: 英文
1. 要求所有人都加入
- 按照健保法要求,所有符合条件者-18岁以上的美国公民及合法居民,都必须拥有医疗保险,籍此将3,3000万没有保险的美国人都纳入了健保系统,以此减轻社会负担。
- 留学生和没有合法居留文件的成人不能购买健保,但可以享有紧急保险 (Emergency Medicaid)。
- 没有合法居留文件的儿童可以买平价健保。
2. 保证人人都卖得到保险
- 保险公司不问病史
- 保险计划必须包括10项基本核心福利
3. 给予投保人税务补助
风风雨雨送孩子去中文学校学习, 挤不出时间的家庭作业...效果如何?
简洁. 明了
2013年11 月23日星期六
10:00 - 10:50 5-8岁年龄组, 华语家庭学生 夏萍老师
11:00 - 11:50 5-8岁年龄组, 非华语家庭学生 张捷老师
带你的孩子一起来观摩课吧, 会后我们会有课堂互动,问题解答,及有奖活动!
地点: 希林中心
1163 E. Ogden Avenue Suite 301
Naperville, IL 60563
咨询电话: 630-355-4322
Chinese language education in the United States has always been a difficult task for both children and adults. For long, educators have been experimenting to search an effective yet fun way to teach Chinese. Xilin Chinese School has been working with teachers and parents collaboratively in seeking a path to reach this goal ever since 2005. Now Xilin School is offering this great opportunity to demonstrate the result of this new teaching method. If you would like for your child to learn Chinese in an effective way and have fun at the same time, please come and join us on November 23, Saturday to observe this new teaching method.
Xilin Chinese Academy is going to offer two teaching sessions:
Chinese Open Class Schedule:November 23, Saturday
10:00 - 10:50am 5-8 years group Ms. Ping Xia
Chinese speaking family students
11:00 - 11:50 5-8 years group Ms. Jie Zhang
Non Chinese speaking family students
A question and answer session will be held after the class. Also the interactive activity with award will be conducted.
Location:Xilin Center
1163 E. Ogden Ave. Suite 301.
Naperville, IL. 60563
Contact: Ping Xia