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NECINA Activities in Nov. & Dec.
2013/11/13 13:03:27 | 浏览:2677 | 评论:0

NECINA Activities in Nov. & Dec.                                                                     

NECINA Special Event with 北京市投资促进局
MIT-CHIEF Annual Conference
Medical Device and Diagnostics Symposium
[Partner Program] BEC Entrepreneurship Program
[Partner Event] Nanjing 321 Plan

NECINA Special Event with Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau











 四、会谈地点:Hyatt Regency Cambridge


 Please email ben.tao@necina.org immediately to schedule your spot. Limited timeslot avaialble, Act Fast!!!



Joint Session of NEW 2.0 and E-club

'Pitch to succeed' & 'Business Exit Strategy as Framework'

NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop and Entrepreneur Club Present
Pitch to Succeed
Business Exit Strategy as Framework 

Location:Cambridge Innovation Center, 15th Floor, KPMG. One Broadway, Cambridge, MA

Time: Thursday November 21, 2013 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm, 




Come join us on an exciting night of NECINA Entrepreneur Club(E-Club)together with NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop(NEW), and come to hear our key note speaker:Kerri Salls talking about business exit strategy. This is an important topic throughout of the process of building the business.



[18:00 - 18:30] Food and Networking

[18:30 - 18:45] Opening Intro(John Wang, Director of E-Club/CEO of Dreamach)

[18:45 - 19:15] Pitch to Succeed - What investors are looking for(Tony Tian, VP of NECINA)

[19:15 - 20:00] Business Exit Strategy as a Framework(Kerri Salls, Exit Strategist | Author |Speaker |Radio Host) 

[19:50 - 20:20] USpin story and StartupWeekend  (Ethan Bagley, CEO of USpin, now with Constant Contact)

[20:20 - 21:00] Breakout session to discuss your pitch and business plan 




NECINA Activities in Nov. & Dec.

Kerri is a business Exit Strategist with This Way Out Group, LLC, an author of books, articles and papers, an intentional speaker, and a radio host of the new daily radio show on URBusinessNetwork. She brings over 30 years of strategy, operations, hands-on sales and marketing experience to clients she partners with and mentors working with startups to multi-million dollar enterprises. She has conducted strategic planning assignments for business units up to $50M.  



Register for the Event Here!


Reminder:Submit applications to NEW 2.0    

We look for promising ideas, early stage startup teams, as well as growth stage businesses that want to take their operations to the next level.   

Submit your application for NEW 2.0 semi-Final.Win prizes, expand team, raise your business profile, connect with investors, take your business and ideas to next level! 



Submit Application Today



11/22 NECINA-TCFA Fall Reception
 NECINA-TCFA Fall Reception: 


NECINA Activities in Nov. & Dec. 


Venue: 2 Financial Center, 60 South St, Boston, MA KPMG office second floor conference room

Time:   November 22nd, 2013

Theme:Finding diamonds in the rough:insights from fund managers



You are cordially invited to 2013 TCFA Boston Fall Reception held jointly by TCFA Boston and NECINA. The reception features a panel discussion on "Finding diamonds in the rough:insights from fund managers". Three distinguished panelists will share with us their views and insights.


- Current market outlook, macroeconomic conditions

- Investment theme in 2014- Structural shift after the crisis

- Active vs. passive investment

- Methodologies and challenges in stock/company selection

- Career suggestions for alpha seekers/VC practitioners



Wei Li, Ph.D.(Fidelity Biosciences, Executive Partner)

Wesley S. Chan, Ph.D.(Acadian Asset Management, Senior Vice President, Director, Stock Selection Research)

Richard Tan(PanAgora Asset Management, Director of Equity)

Moderator:Gang Hu, Ph.D., CFA(Associate Professor of Finance, Babson College)


Language: English



6:20 - 6:45 pm Registration

6:45 - 8:30 pm Panel Discussion and Q&A Session

9:30 - 9:00 pm Refreshment and Networking


Registration >>




Ke Ning(ke.ning@neicna.org_

Jian Xu(jian.xu@necina.org)

Kun Yang(kyangvandy@gmail.com

Lucy Cheng(lucylcheng@gmail.com



11/16 MIT-CHIEF Annual Conference:Transform Ideas to Impact
MIT-CHIEF Annual Conference
Transform Ideas to Impact

Time: Saturday, November 16 to Sunday, November 17
Location: MIT Building 32 (Stata Center)
Address: 32 Vassar St., Cambridge, MA, USA

For two days you can network and explore how innovative technologies and leading academic research can help address the practical challenges faced in today's changing economy. Our well-designed Keynotes and Panel Discussions will present you unique opportunities and unparalleled access to top minds and ideas:
  • Innovation opportunities in high-impact technology areas for both China and the United States, what opportunities China is presenting with a continuously growing market of 1.3 billion population, and how different entrepreneurship plays to transform technology innovation to business application.
  • Exciting moment when the six finalists are competing for a cash prize of $20,000 at the "2013 MIT-CHIEF Business Plan Contest ".
  • Close touch with prototypes of innovative solutions and technologies at the Technology Exhibition.
  • Fun in a stimulating, engaging and thought-provoking entrepreneurs gathering to debate about the next disruptive technologies.

For more information about the keynotes, please visit the Keynotes
The detailed agenda of the conference can be found on the Program.
12/7 NECINA - Medical Device and Diagnostics Symposium
Medical Device Symposium  
Time:Dec 7, 2013
Make sure you keep your eyes on the upcoming Medical Device and Diagnostics Symposium, tentatively to be held on Dec 7, 2013 in the Cambridge Kendall Square area. The Symposium will provide an overview of the current trends in Medical Device & Diagnostics, give you a forum to interact with research physicians, connect with bio-medical professionals in both academia and industrial, meet the most innovative entrepreneur, and learn the current medical device & diagnostics industry. The Symposium will have content rich sessions on both business and technology, a panel discussion, and plenty of time to network before and after the sessions.
[Partner Program]
Boston Entrepreneurship Center: ENTREPRENEURSHIP 
BEC Entrepreneurship Program   
Transform your ideas into reality
Next Module Launch Date: December 3, 2013

BEC offers a three month "Entrepreneurship Program" designed to accelerate career growth, create an international business network and gain experience from Boston's most innovative entrepreneurs. 

The program helps participants understand how to set up a startup step-by-step and consists of 3 courses: LaunchBrand, and Pitch your startup. The goal of the program is to strengthen the key skills needed in the entrepreneurial and business world for starting a company, get the first clients pitch to investors and eventually apply to prestigious accelerators.
[Partner Event] Nanjing 321 Plan


Are you thinking of starting up your business and need seed money funding and support from local governments?  Are you exploring your new venture's global footprint and considering a presence in China? 



Nanjing 321 Plan

by Nanjing Jianye District


Nanjing Hexi Newtown lies to the east of Yangtze River and to the west of Qinhuai River. It is blueprinted as the landmark of modern Nanjing and new center of the City. Jianye focuses on implementing its "one region and five towns"objectives and become a finance center, an expo center, a culture and and sports center, a science and technology center and a commerce center.  

"Nanjing's old city is where to explore its historical interests while Hexi Newtown is where to see its latest development."Jianye is devoted to its efforts to make the District a modern riverbond eco-friendly area harmonious and prosperous that is fit for the clustering of headquarters,startups and tourists as well as the activities like innovation,inhabitation and recreation.


You are warmly welcomed to invest and prosper in Jianye, Nanjing! 


Jianye's Incentive Policy Concerning Nanjing 321 Plan

  1. RMB 1-3 million yuan to support project
  2. 100-150 square meters office, free of charge for 3 years
  3. An apartment( suite in 4-starred hotel)free of charge for 3 years
  4. Adjunct professor in associate universities
  5. 100% return of personal income tax retained by the District
  6. Spouse's employment in the public institution of the District

Qualifications for Applicants:

  1. Own a master degree or above, or have the title of professor or associate professor 
  2. Have registered or plans to register in the region of Nanjing Municipal Administration as the legal person of an innovative enterprise before you decide to apply for Nanjing 321 Plan. 
  3. Your application is very much likely to be approved if one of the following is met:

 - You have ever managed a major R&D or engineering project in any disciplinary or technological field home or abroad, or own scientific research results of high-tech significance which enjoy possibility of industrialization and prospect of economic reward;

- You own such independent intellectual properties as patents, Microsoft copyrights, IC layout design rights, exclusive technologies etc. which can be characterized by advancement home or abroad or the first of its kind in China with the prospect of industrialization and economic reward; 

- You have had entrepreneurial experience home or abroad which helps to start-up in Nanjing in terms of industry, technology, project or finance.


Please reply to ru.zheng@necina.org with your application ASAP.  Once selected, you will be invited to a face-to-face meeting with some of the decision makers from Nanjing Jianye District for Nanjing 321 Plan on Nov 18, 2013. Seats are limited, please act now!    

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