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UCLA Center for Chinese Studies - Upcoming Events
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies - Upcoming Events
作者:UCLA-CCS | 2013/11/15 15:19:45 | 浏览:2395 | 评论:0
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies - Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies - Upcoming Events

Repression Backfires:Tactical Radicalization and Protest Spectacle in Rural China
Thursday, November 21, 2013
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Bunche Hall 10383

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies - Upcoming Events

A Counterhistory of Chinese Money
Tuesday, December 03, 2013
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

10383 Bunche Hall


26th Sammy Yukuan Lee Lecture on Chinese Archaeology and Art

Yuan:Chinese Architecture, Mongol Patrons, Asian Archaeology
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UCLA Center for Chinese Studies - Upcoming Events

A Century of Chinese Cinema --- October 11 through December 13

Sunday, November 10, 2013

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Recent Podcasts

Late Imperial Chinese Official Handbooks and Working Aids:The Legal Dimension

From Political Theory to Administrative Reality:Researching Late Imperial Chinese Official Handbooks and Working Aids

26th Sammy Yukuan Lee Lecture on Chinese Archaeology and Art

Between the Eagle and the Dragon:Economics and Security in Australia in the new millennium

The Inner and Outer Aspects of Daoist Visual Culture

The China Fallacy :How the U.S. Can Benefit from China's Rise and Avoid Another Cold War

Music of Guqin

Flowers, Fragrance, and Porcelain Wares in the Cultural History of Song China 宋人與花與香與瓷器

A Public Lecture by Leading Scholar of Ancient Chinese Culture, Professor Li Ling

Unfolding the Principle of Color Decoration in Yingzao Fashi, a 12th Century’s Chinese Imperial Building Standard

Double Feature Lecture:Prof. Feng Shi and Prof. Miao Zhe

The Rights Movement and Civic Engagement in China Today:A Conversation with Teng Biao

Archaeological Landscapes of the Lu City:Memory and Landscape Transformation in Early China

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UCLA Center for Chinese Studies - Upcoming Events

Being a Good Samaritan in China can cost you
UCLA Professor of Anthropology Yunxiang Yan, Director of the Center for Chinese Studies, is quoted by The Economist on the pitfalls of being a Good Samaritan in China.

Heishuiguo:A Transit Hub on the Prehistoric Silk Road

Talk by Liangren Zhang, Northwest University at Xi’an, China

Monday, November 25, 2013
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Bunche Hall 10383

The Heishuiguo site is a Chalcolithic and Bronze Age settlement located near Zhangye, which was an important military outpost and commercial town in the middle of the Hexi Corridor, a crucial section of the Silk Road that has been channeling goods, religions, and technologies between East Asia and the Mediterranean World since the Han Dynasty(206BC-220AD). The four-season excavations at Heishuiguo up to 2013 have produced a great quantity of painted pottery, adobe architecture, metalworking remains, crop seeds, and animal bones. Dated to 2100-1600BC, the site provides ample evidence to manifest the vibrant transmission of adobe architecture construction technology, domesticated wheat, barley, and sheep and cow from Central Asia, copper metallurgy from the Eurasian steppe, painted pottery technology and domesticated millet from the Yellow River valley, and cowry shell from the south. As a venue of human and cultural traffic, the Silk Road began to function already in the prehistoric period.

Prof. Liangren Zhang earned his Bachelor degree in 1991 in Chinese archaeology from Peking University in Beijing, after which he joined the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and began his journey in excavation and research on Bronze Age archaeology in China, which resulted in several excavation reports and research articles published thereafter. Since 2000, he began to study Russian archaeology in the Department of Art History, University of California at Los Angeles. His PhD dissertation “Ancient Society and Metallurgy”, which was finished in 2007 and published in 2012, unites Bronze Age archaeological materials from Russian Eastern Europe(from Don River to Ural River)and northern China to tackle the issue of the development of social complexity, and the interaction between social complexity and metallurgy in both regions. Returning to China in 2009, he is now a professor at Northwest University at Xi’an. In recent years he has been focusing his research on prehistoric cultural movements across northern China, Russia, and Central Asia. He is currently directing an excavation project at a Bronze Age metalworking settlement of Heishuiguo in Gansu Province and a research project of prehistoric metallurgy of Xinjiang.

Light lunch will be served.

Cosponsored with the Cotsen Institute of ArchaeologyMore news from the center »

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies - Upcoming Events

Taiwan Studies Microsite

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies - Upcoming Events

Sammy Lee Microsite
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies - Upcoming Events

Peony Pavilion Microsite

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies - Upcoming Events

The Maurice William Archives

Center for Chinese Studies • 11381 Bunche Hall • Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487
Campus Mail Code:148703 • Tel:(310)825-8683 • Fax:(310)206-3555 • 


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