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“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14)
“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14)
2013/11/26 0:54:32 | 浏览:8070 | 评论:0

“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14)

“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14)

“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14)

Since its debut in 2009, "Cultures of China, Festival of Spring" has been an important annual cultural event to celebrate Chinese Spring Festival all around the world, featuring famous Chinese culture troupes and renowned Chinese artists. This event has received support and recognition from Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of China, Chinese Ministry of Culture, Chinese Consulate Generals in the U.S., China Overseas Exchange Association, local Chinese-American associations, famous American cultural institutions and elected officials at the federal and state level. The spectacular presentation of Chinese performing arts is applauded by thousands of audience in the U.S.

Rhythm Media Group Inc. and Sino US Performing Arts Organization are proud to present this event in Southern California in the year of 2014 and committed to introducing wonderful celebration events to the local audience. 2014 "Cultures of China, Festival of Spring" LA Spring Show features Qianxian Culture Troupe and other famous artists, such as Yang Hongji, Dong Wenhua, Cai Guoqing, Yu kuizhi and Li Shengsu. They will bring Chinese folk dance, Peking Opera, and Chinese folk music to the audience on February 7, 2014 at Pasadena Civic Auditorium.

“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14)

Booking Office
San Gabriel:World Bookstore 世界书局 | Evergreen Books 长青书局
Allhambra:The Reader's Home Bookstore侨报读者之家书店 | N.H.K. BOOKS 吴兴记
Rowland Heights:Kingstone Books 金石堂 | Evergreen Books 长青书局 | N.H.K. BOOKS 吴兴记
Monterey Park:World Bookstore 世界书局(香港超市内)| N.H.K. BOOKS 吴兴记 | Evergreen Books 长青书局
Rosemead:Evergreen Books 长青书局 City of Industry:Kingstone Books 金石堂 Arcadia:World Bookstore 世界书局

Battlefront Culture Troupe
the performing group from China's CCTV Spring Festival Gala

Battlefront Culture Troupe has produced and performed many music and dance programs that reflect the characteristics of Chinese folk culture, especially that in the Jiangnan area. Among them are Jasmine Flower, Beautiful Taihu Lake, Don't Be Depressed, Enter a New Era, The Red Glow of the Morning Clouds, The Heart of Fragrant Grass, The Song of a Bumper Harvest.

“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14) “文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14)

“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14) Yang Hongji
is a famous bariton in China. His representative songs include The Billowing Yangtze River Flows East(the theme song of TV series Romance of the Three Kingdoms), Moscow Suburban Night and Manjianghong.
“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14) Dong Wenhua
is a famous Chinese singer who is known for her amazing presentation of Moon of the Fifteenth, Story of Spring, etc. A recipient of Chinese Ministry of Culture special award, she has performed at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and Carnegie Hall in New York.
“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14) Cai Guoqing
member of All-China Youth Federation and Standing Director of China Pop Music Association, and also the national first level actor of The PLA General Political Department Chorus.
“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14) Yu Kuizhi
is one of the most famous Peking Opera actors specializing elderly male characters. He is the Vice President and Artistic Director of China National Peking Opera Company.
“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14) Li Shengsu,
the winner of the China's 13th Drama Plum Blossom Prize, is a bellwether of Chinese Opera and the most famous representative of Mei Style Opera as well.
“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14) Hou Yong(host)
is China's First-Class Artist who is famous for his rendition in Charging Out Amazon. He was rewarded Huabiao Film Awards, The Golden Eagle Award and Flying Goddess Award for many TV dramas and movies.
“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14) Yang Jiqiang
is the outstanding Er-hu player and art director of Battlefront Culture Troupe.

For more information, please call (626)872-1145.








  “文化中国·四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会由中国国务院侨务办公室、中国海外交流协会主办,美国SINOUS 中国风艺术协会以及美国格律文化传媒集团联合承办的。本次活动特别合作伙伴为美国华人社团联合会、美国华人联合总会、美国《侨报》和凤凰卫视美洲台。演出票目前在各大华人书局热卖中,票价:$188(VIP)、$80、$50、$40。咨询电话:626-281-8500,626-872-1145。电邮咨询:ccdcus@gmail.com


“文化中国 四海同春”2014洛杉矶新春晚会(2/7/14)







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