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NECINA Spotlights of NECINA 2013-2014 Programs
2014/1/2 13:33:02 | 浏览:2392 | 评论:0

NECINA Spotlights of NECINA 2013-2014 Programs  

NECINA Spotlights of NECINA 2013-2014 Programs    

Dear , 


Thank you for your ongoing support for NECINA in the past year. We have successfully organized about 40 events including technology conferences, career seminars, entrepreneur programs, and marketing workshop.


Before we bring you more events and program informations for the coming year, let's take a glimpse of the spotlights of some of our programs which will extend to the New Year to reveal and present us the fruitful results from tons of excellent team work done in 2013.

Hope the New Year brings you a lot of good cheers. May all your dreams come true.


Spotlights of NECINA 2013-2014 Programs
 NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop(NEW )2.0
In May 2013, NECINA awarded top prizes to NEW 1.0 businesses Dreamech, USpin and GroupXi.
NEW 2.0 program, sponsored by KPMG, attracted solid teams in New England region including SkyBlue, Tap & Learn, Curio, Zap Watch, Destroyer, iOvulation, Friendly Info etc.
In the first a few events in 2013, NECINA has helped NEW2.0 businesses improve their business presentation, understand exit strategies as part of business plans, connect with seasoned business and technical experts.
Multiple teams are actively discussing with investors as we speak and we are happy to share that one NEW 2.0 team has got VC support for their proposal. 
NECINA has helped these teams improve their business, build their teams and extend their network. A few selected NEW 2.0 businesses will be showcasing their products at incoming NEW YEAR 2014 Gala and NECINA annual meeting. Come join NEW 2.0, to build your business and take it to next level. Details please visit http://www.necina.org.
 NECINA Spotlights of NECINA 2013-2014 Programs    
NECINA Entrepeneurship Worshop(NEW)2.0 Kick Off Session at KPMG, Cambridge, MA.


NECINA Youth Entreprenurship Service(YES)8.0
NECINA Youth Entrepreneurship Service(YES)8.0 has attracted 50 students to sign up this year, out of which 32 students have formed 8 teams and are working on their business projects. YES 8.0 is sponsored by both Cambridge Innovation Center(CIC)and IBM. Thanks for CIC, students are able to sit in a cozy yet vibrant startup environment to learn about starting a business and creating business plans(an image of Venture Cafe). This year, we have invited three key organizers from Startup Weekend Boston, who helped us create an interactive learning environment where students could not only learn but also have fun at the same time. The concepts ofLean Startup and Business Model Generation Canvas were introduced, so that students are able to stay up to date with what is happening in the current startup movements nationwide. Among the eight teams, Zap Watch is eager to take the business idea to another level and has even joined NECINA NEW program to compete with adult part-time entrepreneurs.

Both Semi-final(which takes place on February 1st, 2014)and final competitions(which takes place on February 15th, 2014)will be held at Havana Room, Cambridge Innovation Center. If you are interested in joining us in the semi-final or in the final competition, please feel free to let us know by sending us an email at necina.yes@necina.org.

NECINA Spotlights of NECINA 2013-2014 Programs
C Todd Lombardo, Principal Innovation Catalyst at Constant Contact and one of the key organizers at
Startup Weekend Boston, teaching students about Market Validation and Customer Segmentation at
Venture Cafe, Cambridge Innovation Center     
NECINA Marketing Workshop(NMW)
We had our kickoff session on Oct 29th in which we invited Prof. Jennifer Lawrence. who was the managing director of Executive Education at HBS, to teach some basic concepts of Marketing. It was an interesting session where she applied the very basic 4P and 3C concepts into an HBS case study of "Habitats of Humanity" and had some in-depth discussion with the class.

Our first meetup session was about Strategic Planning. The guest speaker was Robert Yung, Chief Strategic Officer of Analogue Devices(ADI). He shared with the class some frameworks as how strategic planning should flow as well as some innovative trends in the next 5-10 years.

Our second meetup session was about marketing analytics. Guest speaker Su Shen, director of advanced research at Liberty Mutual shared with the class the basic concept, application, process, and tools of analysis.

Besides the meetup sessions, attendees were divided into groups to work on NECINA programs and projects to learn about hands on marketing skills such as email marketing, event marketing, data analysis and more.  For more information please visit http://necina.org/programs/necina-marketing-workshop/

NECINA Spotlights of NECINA 2013-2014 Programs
 NMW  Kickoff Bootcamp Lecturer, Jennifer Lawrence, on a real marketing project analysis. 

Newsletter Menu
2014 New England Chinese Professionals Lunar New Year Gala
NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop NEW 2.0
2014 Nanjing 321 Plan Business Contest
2014 Lunar New Year Gala - 新英格兰华人专业人士春节联欢晚会及社区论坛

NECINA Spotlights of NECINA 2013-2014 Programs     

2014 New England Chinese Professionals Lunar New Year Gala
& Community Enrichment Forum

Date: Feb 1, 2014, Sunday, 1:00 PM-11:00 PM

Venue: Marriott Boston-Newton, 2345 Commonwealth Avenue, Newton, MA 02466

Tickets: Early Bird ticket:$60.00 before Jan 15, 2014; Regular ticket:$75.00 after Jan 15, 2014; Student ticket:$40.00, limited quantity of discounted ticket available for current student. Ticket is non-refundable once purchased.


Order Online


The New England Chinese Professionals 2014 Lunar New Year Gala is co-organized by 16 New England Chinese-American professional associations. These are non-profit, non-political professional organizations with members in diverse industries and professional fields, such as high-tech, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, healthcare, law, business management, higher education, finance, accounting, entrepreneurship and many other areas. These professional associations collectively have over 4,000 members, many of whom are leaders in their respective fields or industries.


The 2014 Gala and Forum is part of the overall objective of the organizations in joining forces to enrich one another, to build bonds within our communities, and to celebrate our common cultural and historic heritage. We anticipate a number of government and business leaders, as well as dignitaries to attend this event. Additionally, a number of medical, legal and business professionals and entrepreneurs have already accepted our invitation to provide professional or educational consultation. Similar to last year, we expect that over 500 people will attend the event this year.


The 2014 Gala Features

  • Community Enrichment Forum(1:00pm - 5:30pm)
    • Healthcare, Education, and Entrepreneurship
    • Career Fair, Professional Consultation, and Business Exhibition
  • Chinese New Year Celebration(5:30 - 11:00pm)
    • Cocktail and Social Networking Hour
    • Gala Presentation, Keynote Speeches
    • Chinese New Year Banquet(3-course dinner)
    • Professional Cultural Performances & Shows
    • Ballroom Dancing, Karaoke and Entertainment

Dress code: Business Formal, Semi-formal or traditional Chinese


 Please clicke here to register your ticket(s)>>>


NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop(NEW)2.0 Series
NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop(NEW)2.0 Series


Startup Legal Issues & Business Plan Workshop


When: Thursday January 9, 2013, 6:00 PM -9:00 PM
Venue: KPMG, Cambridge Innovation Center, 15th Floor, One Broadway, Cambridge MA
Come join NECINA NEW 2.0 teams and guest speakers on important subjects that must be addressed as you launch your business! Learn the common legal issues and problems startups tend to struggle with. Learn the essence of a killer business plan, and, more importantly, teams can bring their business plans to discuss with our special guests.
Teams are also bringing their product demos and products over to work on. They are hiring! Come talk to the teams for opportunities!
Advisor & Guest Speakers:

Connie Dai
Attorney, Cutler Willensky LLP   
Connie's practice focuses on business, employment, and business and civil litigation. She has a rare blend of legal and business experience both nationally and internationally.
After obtaining an M.B.A. in Canada, she has advised business start-ups in connection with formation issues, business planning and financing.
John Cushing
Partner, K & L Gates  
John counsels entrepreneurs and emerging growth and mature private and public companies on a wide spectrum of strategic and tactical matters at every stage of the business life cycle.

His practice focuses on corporate and securities law, including business planning, entity selection and formation, private equity and venture capital financing, and more.
2014 Nanjing 321 Plan Business Contest

详情请访问 >>




参赛咨询 Emailnj321contest@naiep.org 
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