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UCLA Center for Chinese Studies: Forums in Feb.
作者:UCLA-CCS | 2014/2/19 7:21:36 | 浏览:2512 | 评论:0
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies: Forums in Feb.
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies: Forums in Feb.

Warriors of the Rainbow:Seediq Bale(Part II)賽德克•巴萊 [Film Screening]
Saturday, February 22, 2014
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Billy Wilder Theater, Hammer Museum

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies: Forums in Feb.

Our Neighbors 街頭巷尾 [Film Screening]
Sunday, February 23, 2014
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Billy Wilder Theater, Hammer Museum

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies: Forums in Feb.

Home Sweet Home 家在台北 [Film Screening]
Sunday, February 23, 2014
8:30 PM - 10:15 PM

Billy Wilder Theater, Hammer Museum

Economic Transition and Popular Resistance in China
Monday, February 24, 2014
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

History Conference Room, 6275 Bunche


UCLA Center for Chinese Studies: Forums in Feb.

What Time Is It There? Taiwan As Crossroads

Taiwan Film Series presented by UCLA Center for Chinese Studies and UCLA Film & Television Archive in association with Taiwan Academy
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26th Sammy Yukuan Lee Lecture on Chinese Archaeology and Art

Yuan:Chinese Architecture, Mongol Patrons, Asian Archaeology
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Modern legal profession in China is only 35 years old
The rapidly growing legal profession in China is exerting a profound influence on the country’s economy, society and politics, says Peng Xuefeng, chairman of the Beijing-based Dacheng Law Offices.

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